DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#345: Steel and iron?

The daytime of Gobi Desert is hot, but to late at night, the metal land of thermal clearing started becomes cold exceptionally. The piercing cold wind has blown from desert, pours into to by a giant irregular metal wind erosion forest that in the years corrodes, sends out to shriek and howl wildly the general annoying sound. May listen for a long time to distinguish here, the ghost in forest cries is only the sharp wind sound/rumor, but the crowded wolf howlingly is the real wolf is howling. Here is the piston tribe, a wolf shape punishment day descendant tribe of life Gobi Desert deep place. As the cold wind of howling wreaks havoc in the wind erosion forest, can see one only then greatly the shoulder height eight chi (0.33 m), the metal wolf of small kitten size, runs, play and rest...... a magma river to flow in giant wind erosion columns from the wind erosion forest deep place, erects in the riverside energy workshop after extracting the magma, will keep the blazing lava separating, processing to cause the energy block that the body will use simply, is for the wolf monsters of tribe at will......, although will shortly after move, but this wind erosion forest has become the paradise that they lived. In the central area of tribe new territory, was cleaned up in an open area of smooth region specially, wolf Wang Zhengzai of piston tribe receives a special guest. The wolf king has one shoulder height one zhang (3.33 m), the height two zhang (3.33 m) streamline silver sexual harasser shape body. The whole body by armor shape metal coating that the size varies, conducts the back to shoulder pair of a granule ejector that is similar to the wing, the end is the silver long blade that a can move freely, on the sharp metal lackey the cold light twinkle, the prominent wolf kisses the section to be installed with several laser sights, in dielectron wolf eye full looks through all sharpness. The wolf king loaded the whole body weapon, seeming like the military might is powerful. The wolf king stands at this time in a safe distance, was saying to the guest. A moment ago you said real? The punishment day city really plans the resurrecting ancestor, and dominates the entire dwelling place of Buddhist immortals at the great power of ancestor?” Its guest is a figure is skinny, beard old long, hand leans on the hempen garments old man of walking stick, sees only him to stand in another end of open area by far, the whole face said seriously. I do not need to deceive you, the rulers in punishment day city all are the outcomers, with you completely different life bodies. They thought of every means to instigate various tribe civil wars in the past, after weakening punishment day descendant's overall strength, finally obtained the superior force of leading dwelling place of Buddhist immortals by the schemes and tricks. They spend such long time, devotes such big energy, not only but to rule the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals purely, resurrects and controls your ancestors is a more important goal. Although I with their same outcomers, but has the completely different standpoints with them. I fully realized that their approaches are not correct, without knowing foundation, resurrects to exist rashly powerful is the extremely dangerous behavior. This possibly to punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, even is bring the disaster that is inconceivable, therefore I must prevent their running amuck.” Regarding these words of old man, the first half wolf king is half believing and half doubting, but a lattern half character does not have the letter/believes. By the wolf king Manchang life story, he and many outcomers has had to do, the strength and punishment day that descendant although the outcomer has is completely different, person but who these enter the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, all powerful, deceitful, the generation of being concerned only about profit. In perhaps this world really exists, from afar runs up to others home, is good person who others safety worries about. But wolf king dares asserted by own experience, in the good person will not include the outcomer who these enter the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals absolutely, they have one are, is the generation of being blinded by greed. Has such mood, the wolf king coldly smiles, said to the old man. Therefore? You want me and you prevent the plan of punishment day city together, at crucial moments is your cannon fodder? If such goal, but also please leave, our piston tribe is not willing to mix in such event!” After hearing the word, the old man looked that then brought to pity to the vision of wolf king, his sincere saying. How can there be under compound nest to end the egg, in this event, the entire punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals no one can stay out. Accepts my invitation, even if for pack of wolves consideration in your tribe......” do not try again to convince me, the piston tribe......” winter, winter and winter......” the metal land of under foot will not vibrate towering, a series of heavy sounds interrupted the words of wolf king, instantaneously, a person of wolf turns head to look simultaneously to the direction that the sound conveys. Is the slit between columns by wind erosion Lin Jin, can see the boundary of distant place, one elevates the big three heads and six arms body, walks toward the piston tribe stride. The place of both feet stepping on, the metal column breaks directly, the wolf monster of piston tribe was stamped innumerably. Lu Sheng day demons demon god? Are you person in punishment day city?” Among two people the atmosphere was quite tight, in seeing the demons demon god raids after the tribe, the wolf king assumed that is the old man collaborates from outside with the inside to be up to mischief. Otherwise in the world where has that skillful matter, after the wolf king rejects old man's proposition, immediately some people launch the attack to the piston tribe. Invited wolf king Hear my word, I led...... old man who the sincerity is coming to explain this misunderstanding, but wolf king responded his, over a hundred missiles that fired from various body places. Bright silver armor opens wide densely and numerously, ice crystal balls depart from the small-scale launch warehouse, change to a piece of barrage to bomb to go to the old man. Rumble- continuous explosive sound resounds sky over the old man, in these shells sways the big piece the cold air, the moisture content in air congeals the rich ice fog, covers the trim region in the extremely cold hell. big chill prison bombs Ice air/Qi that covers facing the top of the head , the old man is unhurriedly, only regresses backward slightly, his form disappeared in same place. These step spanned the space directly, the old man presents again the time, transferred the wolf king directly behind, he looks at the nervous wolf king, helpless sighed. This matter , there is nothing to do with me seriously.” The back sound made the wolf king four limbs rotate rapidly, has turned the body, to this mysteriously appearing and disappearing old man. The old man had the opportunity to launch the attack a moment ago obviously, has not actually chosen to begin, this made the wolf king have to him that a wee bit trusted, exploringly asked. Naturally should not better, but, the present is to let me has a look at your sincerity the time, so long as you can repel outside that giant body with me jointly, I comply with your invitation.” The old men looked out a demons demon god three heads and six arms posture, finally the nod said. In the time that this punishment day will soon reactivate, I and others naturally need to work as one, if outside attacks truly is the punishment day city, is willing to help obsolete.” Two people after reaching a frail agreement, turns toward battlefield whereabouts to hurry....... The demons demon god but who pushes onward in the distant place, is going against the intensive fire steadfast advance. These superficial attacks, hit, in the electromagnetism of its body surface protects on the shield, can only exude the weak ripples, is unable to cause the substantive damage. Reviews the demons demon god, without the use equips weapon, these steel great wolves, steps on a casualty piece. Du Kang stands in the lonesome indignation the top of the head, looks at the under foot combustion the flames of war, in the heart the ancient well without ripples, as if because to the desire of magic arts promotion, did not cause the casualties of these lives. From the beginning is this, to achieve the goal, what method Du Kang never cared about itself to use. As but the strength is getting stronger and stronger, his influence became more and more broad, before were most is kills several, dozens individuals, now he has been able to launch a war at will, easily influence in his opinion common frail life. Notices the peripheral accumulation the body to be getting more and more, the flesh of Du Kang whole body then wriggled, in physique moistens in the tearing sound that sticks, a whole body was covered with the monster of azure hair to drill from his body. Was realizing this body flesh activeness, Du Kang controls the ya zi Daoist to stretch out the arms, jumped down the demons demon god directly, drops to the turbulent mechanical tide. Acting is the blade of several feet blade air/Qi, in the golden blade glittering, nearby more than ten wolf shape body, became cross section smooth several by the truncation instantaneously, falls down in the metal land. Looked for body most directions, the ya zi Daoist changed to together the remnant shadow, has passed through the chaotic battlefield, it place visited, the body like shearing the wheat dropped down. These steel lives fell into the unilaterally slaughtered condition directly. Whiz- a volume large missile, at the speed like lightning, the extremely cunning angle arrived at behind the ya zi Daoist, was backhanded one stroke by sense keen him, explodes under the destruction of blade of blade air/Qi. Peng- cold gaseous substance releases from the missile, spreads to the air , the ice flowers of ice needles shapes bloom on numerous body, close to makes the material the movement be close to stagnate in the low temperature of zero absolute temperature, makes the intensity of material is vulnerable. All things in surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m) in the coldness of pinnacle were frozen, is unable to move again, being hard movement. With build giant wolf king Jiangluo on a nearby metal column, the vibration that the landing triggers, lets these directly by the body of freezing to death, the ice piece becomes pile of iron slag fragments shatter. Situated in the explosion dead center ya zi Daoist, braves the body of cold air only not shatter, but in terrifying face that in cracking as a result of freezing and healing interweaves mutually, is saying with a smile to the wolf king. Your opponent here, not bullying my weak one is not the powerhouse behavior.” You have not died unexpectedly.” Can live in the low temperature of cold ice ball regarding the ya zi Daoist, the wolf king is very accidental/surprised, once is hit to project the sharp metal sharp claws from the hand claw, throws directly to him. The material becomes under the low temperature extremely frail, although does not know why the ya zi Daoist has not died, but according to the experience of wolf king, so long as makes up a claw again, the opposite party died. I said, the attack of that steel great wolf can deflect......” behind a moderate sound to pass to wolf king Erduo, its body then did not turn voluntarily, hits on a nearby metal column, the sharp hand claw also jabbed into the pillar. Waits for wolf king to turn head, restored the ability to act ya zi Daoist to flee from here, laughed to kill to the piston tribe pack of wolves of distant place. Your appearance makes me have the favorable impression very much, if you can be without a fight, I can not kill your.” What speech is stands a silent Daoist on pillar, stands in his steel Daoist, grasps the high frequency blade long blade to aim below wolf king, the look ice-cold. The silent Daoist thinks the knowledge to sweep the body of wolf king, really saw some interesting attributes. Name: Piston winter / punishment day blood silver rank: Giant body skill: The heart of machinery body of steam punishment day fire seed silver changes the body human form shape: The long long-handled crescent-shaped sword and ice crescent moon, freeze the domain and shooter to arm the wolf shape shape: Freezes the air/Qi, the guidance laser, the cold ice ball, big chill prison bombing and plasma flap and silver military equipment to transform the condition absolutely: Collects body components that the lower transformation level needs, conducts the fire seed transformation ceremony. I am without a fight, then looks on you to kill off my clansman? Actually must how arrogant person, after be able to say such words......” in winter wolf mouth a colder cold air/Qi fermentation is completed, then raises the head toward front two people sprays to go....... While here battle like a raging fire, on the demons demon god in distant place, raised suddenly a dazzling blue electric light, toward high air-launched goes. The electric light after is achieving the apex highly, direct courageous however explodes, slowly changes to a huge hemispheroid electromagnetism barrier, covers the region in a circumference of several miles. Guards itself unlike the beforehand demons demon god, this time electromagnetism barrier is the internal protection, this is to prevent the group wolves of piston tribe flees, does not sufficiently collect ya zi law promotion request 10,000 numbers the action of necessity. But on the head of demons demon god, the Du Kang main body, was looking interestingly to suddenly appears in the present old man. Name: Book mountain tiger Cloudy day prayer chaos magic arts book stacks: Of chaos four ominous beasts, are in world ignorant crazy simple-minded and ignorant strength representative, crazy simple-minded this is not true foolish dull simple-minded, but is I lives also has the border, but knows also boundlessly, by having border along with boundlessly meaning. The life of person is limited, but the knowledge is infinite, not only before a person is born existing knowledge, this world has the new knowledge birth every time, truly what the chaos represent: With limited life to infinite knowledge forever the crazy non- wisdom without limits will pursue. Magic arts book stacks Takes to knowledge as the magic arts idea, strictly adheres to the conscience, found to suit own magic arts knowledge in the magic arts sea of chaos creation, grasps the powerful strength step by step, takes the road of seeking knowledge. But the say/way of chaos is the say/way of seeking knowledge will never halt, presents facing chaos Kang Kai, the magic arts follower mostly will lose the conscience gradually, falls into crazily in the endless taboo knowledge. Rank: Class G skill: High Rank: It is not oneself to raise the line puppet space to turn over heart of prison paradise blood long life diving deep pool Dragon King to shrink high rank below: Passes quiet, resists the disaster, to drive the god and solution E, the false shape and symbol water...... to enter the step condition: Submits her not to include magic arts sea to the chaos the high rank knowledge, can continue to promote under chaos leading by the hand. Note: As a last of the ten Heavenly Stems step life that survived the long years, is extremely not been difficult to obtain by the knowledge of chaos including, in the process of collection knowledge, the follower must have the consciousness of paying the life price. Reading mountain tiger magic arts information, a Du Kang brow wrinkle, in heart secretly thought/passage. Cloudy day prayer? Is the person of Yin heavenly palace, present punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, but also is really the good and bad people mixed up anything people have!” 大戈壁的白日酷热难耐,但到了后半夜,热量散尽的金属大地又开始变得寒冷异常。刺骨的冷风从戈壁上刮过,灌入到被岁月侵蚀出的一片巨大不规则金属风蚀林中,发出鬼哭狼嚎一般的烦人声音。可在这里听久了就能分辨出,林中的鬼哭只是尖锐的风声,但密集的狼嚎却是真的狼嚎。这里是活塞部落,一个生活大戈壁深处的狼形刑天后裔部落。随着呼啸的冷风在风蚀林中肆虐,能看到一只只大则肩高八尺,小则小猫大小的金属狼,在一根根巨大的风蚀柱中奔跑、嬉戏、休憩……一条岩浆河从风蚀林深处流淌出来,架设在河边的能源作坊在抽取岩浆后,不停地将炽热的熔岩简单分离、加工出可使机体用的能量块,供部落的狼妖们随意取用着……虽然才迁居不久,但这片风蚀林已经成了它们生活的乐园。在部落新领地的中心区域,被特意清理出了一片平整区域的空地中,活塞部落的狼王正在接待一位特殊的客人。狼王拥有一具肩高一丈,身长两丈的流线型银色狼形机体。全身被大小不一的铠甲状金属覆盖,背上背负一对如同翅膀的粒子喷射器,尾部则是一柄可以自由活动的银色长刀,锋利的金属爪牙上寒光闪烁,突出的狼吻部安装有数个激光瞄准器,一双电子狼眼中满是看破一切的锐利。狼王装载了满身的武器,看起来威武而强大。狼王此时站立在一个安全距离,对着来客说道。“你刚才说的都是真的吗?刑天城真的打算复活先祖,并以先祖的强大力量称霸整个洞天?”它的客人是一个身形干瘦、胡须老长、手拄拐杖的麻衣老者,只见他远远站在空地的另一端,满脸郑重地说道。“我没有必要骗你,刑天城的统治者全都是外来者,是与你们完全不同的生命体。他们当年费尽心思挑拨各部落内战,在削弱刑天后裔的总体力量后,最终以阴谋诡计获得了主导洞天的优势力量。他们花费这么长的时间,付出这么大的精力,可不只是为了单纯统治刑天洞天的,复活并控制你们的先祖才是更重要的目的。我虽然是和他们一样的外来者,但却和他们拥有完全不同的立场。我深知他们的作法是不正确的,在不知根底的情况下,贸然复活一个强大存在是极为危险的行为。这可能会给刑天洞天,甚至是外界带来难以想象的灾祸,所以我一定要阻止他们的胡作非为。”对于老者的这番话,前半部分狼王将信将疑,但后半部分则一个字都没有信。以狼王漫长的人生阅历,他和不少的外来者打过交道,虽然外来者拥有的力量与刑天后裔完全不同,但这些进入刑天洞天的人,全都实力强大、狡诈、唯利是图之辈。这世上也许真的存在,千里迢迢跑到别人家里,为别人安危担忧的好人。但狼王敢以自己的经历断言,好人里绝对不会包括这些进入洞天的外来者,他们有一个算一个,全都是利欲熏心之辈。带着这样的情绪,狼王冷冷一笑,对老者说道。“所以呢?你想要我和你一起阻止刑天城的计划,在关键时刻做你的炮灰吗?如果是这样的目的,还请离开吧,我们活塞部落不愿意掺和到这样的事件里!”闻言后,老者看向狼王的目光中便带了些怜悯,他语重心长的说道。“覆巢之下岂有完卵,在这场事件里,整个刑天洞天都无人能置身事外的。接受我的邀请吧,就算是为了你部落里的狼群考虑……”“不要再试图说服我了,活塞部落是不会……”“冬、冬、冬……”脚下的金属大地突兀震动了起来,一连串的沉重响声打断了狼王的话,瞬间,一人一狼同时扭头向声音传来的方向看去。透过风蚀林金属柱间的缝隙,能看到远处的地界,正有一架高大的三头六臂机体,向着活塞部落大步走来。其双脚踩踏之处,根根金属柱直接断裂,活塞部落的狼妖被踩死无数。“路胜天的罗刹魔神?你是刑天城的人?”两人之间的气氛原本就极为紧张,在见到罗刹魔神向部落袭来后,狼王想当然地以为是老者里应外合在搞鬼。要不然世界上哪有那么巧的事,在狼王拒绝老者的提议后,立刻就有人向活塞部落发动了攻击。“请狼王听我一言,我是带着诚意来的……”老者想要解释这个误会,但狼王回应他的,是从身体各处发射出的上百枚飞弹。身上的亮银色装甲密密麻麻洞开,一枚枚冰晶弹从小型发射仓中飞出,化作一片弹幕向老者轰炸而去。轰隆隆-连绵的爆炸声在老者上空响起,这些炮弹内挥洒出大片的寒气,空气中的水分凝结成浓郁的冰雾,将整片区域笼罩在极寒的地狱中。【大寒狱轰炸】面对头顶上覆盖下来的冰气,老者不慌不忙,只向后微微一退步,他的身影就消失在了原地。这一步直接跨越了空间,老者再次出现的时候,直接挪移到了狼王的身后,他看着神经质的狼王,无奈叹道。“此事,当真与我无关。”背后的声音让狼王四肢急速转动,扭过了身体,正对这个神出鬼没的老者。刚才老者明明有机会发动攻击,却没有选择动手,这让狼王对他有了那么一丁点信任,试探性地问道。“不是自然最好不过,现在是让我看看你诚意的时候了,只要你能和我联手击退外面那个巨型机体,我就答应你的邀请。”老者遥望了一眼罗刹魔神三头六臂的之姿,最终还是点头道。“在这个刑天即将复活的时刻,我等自然需要同心协力,如果外面进攻的确实是刑天城的话,老朽愿意帮你这个忙。”两人在达成一个脆弱的协议后,就一齐向着战场所在之处赶去。……而在远处一路挺进的罗刹魔神,正顶着密集的炮火坚定不移前进。这些不疼不痒的攻击,打在它体表的电磁护盾上,只能泛起微弱的涟漪,无法造成实质性的伤害。反观罗刹魔神,在没有动用装备武器的情况下,就将这些钢铁巨狼,踩踏得死伤一片。杜康站在寂忿相的头顶,看着脚下燃烧的战火,心中古井无波,仿佛不是因为自己对法术晋升的欲望,才造成了这些生灵的死伤。从一开始就是这样的,为了达成目标,杜康从不在乎自己使用了什么样的手段。只不过随着实力越来越强,他的影响力变得越来越广了而已,以前最多不过是杀死几个、几十个人,现在他已经可以随意发动一场战争,轻易影响在他看来毫不起眼的脆弱生命了。注意到周边聚集的机体越来越多,杜康全身的血肉便蠕动了起来,在一阵筋骨沾粘的撕裂声中,一个全身长满青色毛发的怪物从他身体中钻了出来。体会着这具身体久违的血肉活性,杜康控制着睚眦道人张开双臂,直接跳下了罗刹魔神,落进到汹涌的机械潮水中。出手就是数丈长的刀气之刃,在金色的刀光闪烁中,附近的十几具狼形机体,瞬间被截成了断面平滑的数段,栽倒在金属大地上。找了个机体最多的方向,睚眦道人化作一道残影,贯穿过混乱的战场,其一路所过之处,机体像割麦子一样倒下。这些钢铁生灵直接陷入了单方面被屠戮的状态。嗖-一枚体积颇大的飞弹,以闪电般的速度,极其刁钻的角度来到了睚眦道人背后,被感官敏锐的他反手一划,就在刀气之刃的破坏下爆裂开来。彭-寒冷的气态物质从飞弹中释放,扩散到空气中,一朵朵冰针状的冰花在中众多机体上绽放,接近于绝对零度的低温让物质的运动接近停滞,也使得物质的强度变得脆弱不堪。方圆百丈内的一切事物在极致的寒冷中被冻结,再也无法动弹,难以运动。随着体型巨大的狼王降落在附近的一根金属柱上,降落引发的震动,直接让这些被冻毙的机体,冰块般破碎成一堆铁渣碎屑。唯独位于爆炸正中心的睚眦道人,冒着寒气的身体没有破碎,而是在冻裂和愈合相互交织的恐怖面孔中,对着狼王一笑道。“你的对手并不在这里,欺负我一个弱者可不是强者所为。”“你竟然没有死。”对于睚眦道人能在寒冰弹的低温中活下来,狼王很是意外,“曾”的一声从手爪中弹射出锋利的金属利爪,径直就向他扑去。物质在低温下会变得极为脆弱,虽然不知道睚眦道人为什么没有死,但按照狼王的经验,只要再补上一爪,对方就死定了。“我说,那只钢铁巨狼的攻击会偏转……”身后一个温和的声音传到狼王耳朵中,它的身体便不自觉地一扭,撞在了旁边的一根金属柱上,锋利的手爪也刺进了柱子中。等狼王重新扭头的时候,恢复了行动能力睚眦道人已经逃离了这里,大笑着向远处的活塞部落狼群杀去。“你的样子让我很有好感,如果你能束手就擒的话,我可以不杀你的。”说话的是站在一根柱子上的寂静道人,站在他身边的钢铁道人,手持着高周波刃长刀指向下方的狼王,眼神冰冷。寂静道人用神识扫过狼王的身体,果然看到了一些有趣的属性。【姓名】:活塞・冰月/刑天血裔・白银等级:巨型机体技能:刑天火种白银之躯蒸汽之心机械变身人形形态:长柄偃月刀、冰月牙、冰冻领域、射手武装狼形形态:绝对冷冻气、引导激光器、寒冰弹、大寒狱轰炸、等离子折翼、白银武装蜕变条件:凑齐下一级蜕变级所需的机体零件,进行火种蜕变仪式。“我束手就擒,然后坐视你们杀光我的族人吗?究竟要多么傲慢的人,才能说出这样的话……”冰月狼口中一股更加寒冷的冷气酝酿完成后,便仰首朝着面前的两人喷射而去。……在这边战斗如火如荼的同时,远处的罗刹魔神上,突然升起了一道耀眼的蓝色电光,向着高空射去。电光在高度达到顶点后,直接勐然爆炸开来,慢慢化作一顶巨大的半球形电磁屏障,笼罩方圆数里的区域。与之前罗刹魔神守卫自己不同,这次的电磁屏障是对内防护的,这是为了防止活塞部落的群狼们逃离,凑不够睚眦法晋升要求的一万之数的必要之举。而在罗刹魔神的头颅上,杜康的本体,正饶有兴趣的看向突然出现在自己眼前的老者。【姓名】:书山虎【阴天祷文・混沌・法术书库】:四凶兽之一的混沌,乃世间愚昧痴愚、蒙昧无知的力量代表,痴愚此并非真正的痴傻呆愚,而是“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯,以有涯随无涯”之意。人的一生是有限的,但知识却是无限的,不只是在一个人诞生前就已经存在的知识,这个世界每时每刻都有新的知识诞生,混沌真正代表的是:用有限人生对无限知识的永无止境疯狂不智追求。【法术书库】以“至知”为法术理念,谨守本心,在混沌创造的法术海洋中找到适合自身的法术知识,一步步掌握强大的力量,走上求知之路。但混沌之道乃永不止步的求知之道,面对混沌的康慨馈赠,法术修炼者大多会渐渐迷失本心,在无尽的禁忌知识中陷入疯狂。等级:庚级技能:高阶:神魂颠倒提线木偶空间翻转龙王之心牢狱福地鲜血延寿潜渊缩地高阶以下:通幽、攘灾、驱神、解厄、假形、符水……进阶条件:向混沌提交她没有收录到“法术海洋”中的高阶知识,可以在混沌的提携下继续晋升。注:作为一名存活了漫长岁月的癸阶生灵,没有被混沌收录的知识是极难获得的,在收集知识的过程中,修炼者要有付出生命代价的觉悟。看着书山虎的法术信息,杜康眉头一皱,心中暗道。“阴天祷文?是阴天宫的人啊,现在的刑天洞天,还真是鱼龙混杂什么人都有啊!”
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