DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#336: In addition selects its road, the undercurrent surges

Can come to select the engine oil?” “要来点机油吗?” In 500 takes pot peaceful yellow fat liquor, he when fills toward oneself body joint place, does not lift said to Du Kang. 伍佰手里拿着一壶澹黄色的油液,他在往自己机体关节处灌的时候,头也不抬地对杜康说道。 Does not need, I not to like pouring into the thing of this sticking lake toward the body.” “不必了,我不喜欢往身体里注入这种黏湖湖的东西。” Du Kang rejected 500 good intentions directly. 杜康直接拒绝了伍佰的好意。 You are really did not understand that maintenance body, this is highest -grade goods engine oil that the punishment day city produces, I am also walk the black market the path to buy. “你真是太不懂得保养机体了,这可是刑天城出产的最上品机油,我也是走黑市的路子才能买到一些。 Your present body is young, how the high-intensity use can bear, after waiting for the body to start to get older, you know that what was did not treasure the body long ago the pain. ” 你现在的机体还年轻,怎么高强度使用都受得了,等机体开始老化之后,你就知道什么叫早年不爱惜机体的痛苦了。” 500 the used oil that turns green within the body discharges from the oil drainage port very happily, fills cautiously the new engine oil, was realizing the fat liquor moistens the Shun slippery feeling of joint, sends out a satisfied sigh. 伍佰美滋滋地把体内发青的废油从排油口排出,小心翼翼地将新的机油灌进去,体会着油液滋润关节的顺滑感,发出一声满足的叹息。 Two people are sitting in one by the fire bang even small hump on. 两人正坐在一处被炮火轰平的小山岗上。 In an open area beyond less than one li (0.5 km), can see that the big demons demon god stands erect in the bright light, just like the people of gear tribe the same only industrious ant, climb up in its body surface, services body that it is damaged. 在不到一里之外一块空地上,能看到高大的罗刹魔神屹立在明亮的灯光中,齿轮部落的人正如同一只只辛勤的蚂蚁,攀爬在它的体表,维修着它受损的机体。 Although the punishment day city is my enemy, but said that real soul talk, this body is really a extraordinary masterpiece. “虽然刑天城是我的敌人,但说句真心话,这具机体真是个了不起的杰作。 If were not worried that the retaliation of punishment day city, really wants to make you sell to me it. ” 如果不是担心刑天城的报复,真想让你将它卖给我啊。” Said seems you to buy, I will sell to be the same.” “说得好像你想买,我就会卖一样。” To 500 daydream ideas, Du Kang does not make the appraisal, he first looked at a distant place with the long time that the acquaintance greeted hundred, later lowered the sound to 500 to say. 对伍佰的白日梦想法,杜康不做评价,他先是看了一眼远处正在和熟人打招呼的久佰,之后才压低了声音对伍佰说道。 Although the demons demon god will not sell, but we can discuss another business, I think that you will certainly be interested.” “虽然罗刹魔神不会卖,但我们可以谈一下另一笔生意吧,我想你一定会感兴趣的。” This proposition made 500 be vigilant immediately, he built the hand on the hilt of waist. 这个提议让伍佰马上警惕了起来,他将手搭在了腰间的刀柄上。 Fixes the body for you free, is a gear clan to with the punishment day city for the friendship subsidization of enemy, is our well-meaning performance. “为你免费修好机体,是齿轮一族对与刑天城为敌者的友谊资助,是我们善意的表现。 But you must know, a gear clan is not a place that makes one put the bite on, we are capable of protecting itself. ” 但你要知道,齿轮一族可不是个让人敲竹杠的地方,我们有能力保护自己。” Du Kang does not know 500 to experience any matter of bad putting the bite on, will hear business word to have such big response, it seems like that the day of gear tribe will not feel better. 杜康也不知伍佰经历过什么糟糕的敲竹杠之事,一听到生意这个词会有这么大的反应,看来齿轮部落的日子并不好过。 Is good has something else planned because of the Du Kang counter gear tribe actually, and does not care about the wealth of opposite party, he answered patiently. 好在杜康对齿轮部落实则另有所图,并不在意对方的财富,他只是耐心地解释道。 I think that you misunderstood, what I want to do with you are the true transaction. “我想你误会了,我想和你做的是真正的交易。 Saw that red black snake-shaped body that demons demon god stops? It called the black armor fire dragon, was a strength also calculates that the good giant body, I want to give the gear tribe it. ” 看到罗刹魔神脚下停的那台红黑色蛇形机体了吗?它叫黑铠火龙,是一台实力还算不错的巨型机体,我想将它送给齿轮部落。” 500 natures noticed the black armor fire dragon very early in the morning, as one of the fraternity friends, he to this giant body was quite familiar. 伍佰自然一早就注意到了黑铠火龙,作为兄弟会的朋友之一,他对这台巨型机体还是比较熟悉的。 „The people of fraternity also folded in your hand! Then, what you do want to take it to trade?” “兄弟会的人也折在了你手里吗!说吧,你想要拿它换什么?” Du Kang was a tactful shy person, matter really arrived at the mouth, how instead for a while did not know to open the mouth, after he organized a while language, said. 杜康是个委婉羞涩的人,事情真到了嘴边,反而一时不知如何开口,他组织了一会儿语言后才说道。 Punishment day descendant divides the gold, silver, bronze and black iron four branches, while strength attribute different, the appearance semblance is also various. “刑天后裔分黄金、白银、青铜、黑铁四条分支,在力量属性不同的同时,模样外表也各不相同。 And only then a bronze clan takes the liquid metal as the external skin, such outward appearance quite conforms to my aesthetic appreciation, my heart has also admired a bronze clan...... ” 其中只有青铜一族以液态金属为表皮,这样的外观颇为符合我的审美,我也一直心慕青铜一族的……” Your meaning I see.” “你的意思我已经明白了。” Du Kang has not said, 500 interrupted his words, on the face of his liquid metal covered entirely the happy expression, laughs was saying. 杜康还没有说完,伍佰就打断了他的话,他液态金属的面孔上就布满了笑意,大笑着说道。 You want with long hundred forever in the same place! “你是想和久佰永远在一起吧! As a current head of the clan of gear clan, I have no objection to your unions. 作为齿轮一族的现任族长,我对你们的结合没有任何异议。 You are not only powerful, being generous so, is the long hundred best companion choices, this gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family I accepted, you two union ceremonies might as well in the tonight's office. ” 你不仅实力强大,出手还如此大方,正是久佰最好的伴侣选择,这件聘礼我收下了,你们两个的结合仪式不如就在今晚办吧。” 500 sound are somewhat loud, this made Du Kang look at a long time of distant place subconsciously hundred, confirmed after she has not heard, said low voice. 伍佰的声音有些大,这让杜康下意识地看了一眼远处的久佰,确认她没有听到后才小声说道。 500 head of the clan, this time you misunderstood me, I was a prodigal son of loafing world, no one can make me stop the footsteps truly. “伍佰族长,这次你又误会我了,我是一个游荡世间的浪子,没有人能让我真正停下脚步。 What I like in your clan all pretty younger sisters, solely is not the long 110 people, you can help in me and a gear clan all do women who do not have the companion, bring both sides together? ” 我喜欢的是你们族中所有的漂亮妹子,可不单单是久佰一人,你能帮我和齿轮一族里所有没有伴侣的女人,牵线搭桥一下吗?” What......?” The high-grade engine oil in hand fell the ground, flowed out a big beach. “什么……?”手中的上品机油掉到了地上,流出不小的一滩。 500 stood instantaneously, according to the hand in hilt turned into gripping tightly, seems cuts to kill the idea of this making impertinent remarks disciple. 伍佰瞬间站了起来,原本按在刀柄上的手变成了紧握,似有斩杀这个出言不逊之徒的想法。 500 lived over 3000 years old, has never seen the so impudent and shameless person in the life. 伍佰活了三千多岁,在一生中就从未见过如此厚颜无耻之人。 The punishment day descendant because of the life long reason, possibly the analysis and synthesis experience in the life lets the companion, but can only establish the intimate relation with one person at the same time, is still the punishment day descendant's universal moral, offtracking is despised. 刑天后裔因为生命漫长的缘故,在一生中可能会分分合合经历多任伴侣,但同一时间只能与一人建立亲密关系,依然是刑天后裔普世的道德准则,出轨是会被人所不齿的。 Du Kang words, directly by 500 understanding of insult, vacillation moment of his vision demon god on Du Kang and demons, good long while angry say/way in strong center of pressure. 杜康刚才的话,直接被伍佰理解为了侮辱,他目光在杜康和罗刹魔神身上游移片刻,好半天才强压心中的愤怒道。 Words that you spoke, I can treat as have not listened, after waiting for the body to fix tomorrow, you will leave as soon as possible.” “你说的话,我可以当做没有听过,等明天机体修好之后,你就尽快离开吧。” 500 have not chosen to begin eventually, the propeller ignition wants to fly away, does not seem to be willing with this shameless one to treat in the same place. 伍佰终究没有选择动手,推进器点火就想要飞走,似乎不愿意和这个无耻之徒待在一起。 Takes a black armor flame dragon as the reward, aren't you willing to help?” Du Kang is not willing to give up, once again raised own chip. “以一台黑铠炎龙为报酬,你也不愿意帮忙吗?”杜康不愿意放弃,又一次提起了自己的筹码。 500 looked at black armor flame dragon one of the distant place, in the eye seems intent to move, but quick transfers the firm say/way. 伍佰又看了远处的黑铠炎龙一眼,眼中似有意动,但很快又转为坚定道。 I am the head of the clan of gear tribe, is their protectors, I will not make the matter that betrays the clansman absolutely.” “我是齿轮部落的族长,是它们的守护者,我绝对不会做出出卖族人的事情。” Saw that 500 have soared, Du Kang pursues directly asks. 见到伍佰已经腾空而起,杜康直接追问道。 If your clansman are willing with me in the same place, you also to prevent?” “如果你的族人自己愿意跟我在一起的话,你也要阻止吗?” Do not let me catch you to play tricks to my clansman, otherwise I will make you taste the sharpness of molecule cutting-off tool.” “别让我抓到你对我的族人耍手段,否则我会让你尝尝单分子切割刀的锋利。” After leaving behind a threat the words, 500 flew away. 留下一句威胁的话后,伍佰就飞走了。 Looks out the warrior contour body that is going far away gradually, Du Kang says after a sigh. 遥望着渐渐远去的武士外形机体,杜康感叹道。 Punishment day descendants do not know the adjustment, what to do my Yin God Law should.” “刑天后裔都这么不知变通的吗,我的阴神法该怎么办啊。” The gear tribe hides under the land, but 500 choices receive Du Kang in the ground, clearly is deeply has the protection to him, without leading him enters the plan of tribe. 齿轮部落藏身在大地之下,而伍佰选择在地面接待杜康,分明是对他深有防备,没有带他进入部落的打算。 Tempts with the promise of gain the plan that 500 procure to be defeated, even the younger sisters of gear tribe could not see, how also makes Du Kang display own charm to entice others! 利诱伍佰拉皮条的计划又失败了,连齿轮部落的妹子都见不到,又让杜康如何发挥自己的魅力去勾引人家呢! Du Kang sinks to sea ​​of ​​consciousness the mind, sees only own Yin god such as gold/metal Siyu, bright, if colored glaze, 69 fundamental rune/symbol Lu glitter in the miraculous glow. 杜康将心神沉入识海,只见自己的阴神如金似玉、璨若琉璃,其中共有六十九枚根本符箓在灵光闪烁。 Fundamental rune/symbol Lu altogether has 3000, is predecessor's induction summary to the Heavenly Dao highest good, after comprehending them , although the wonder of not direct opposing the enemy, but can actually clearly become aware the fundamental operational mystery in world magic arts, is an exceedingly high say/way that goes straight to the practicing end. 根本符箓共有三千枚,是前人对天道至理的归纳总结,参悟它们后虽无直接对敌之妙,但却能明悟世间法术的根本运行奥秘,是一条直抵修行尽头的通天之道。 Yin God Law enters ten thousand Buddhist law bodies that the step high rank needs to congeal, then takes 81 fundamental rune/symbol Luwei as the foundation, refining up one powerful Dharmakaya that the Yin god the god returns to empty builds thoroughly. 阴神法进阶高阶需要凝结的万法道体,便是以八十一枚根本符箓为根基,将阴神彻底炼神返虚而修成的一种强大法身。 rune/symbol Lu who in the body condenses chooses on, in Yin God Law does not have the rule, so long as sufficiently collects 81 to attempt, after succeeding , the type and effect of body are also different from person to person. 而在道体凝聚的符箓选择上,阴神法中并没有定则,只要凑够八十一枚就可以尝试,成功后道体的种类和效果也是因人而异。 Since Yin God Law was founded, even if some people teach a twin to study the same magic arts, to inscribe same fundamental rune/symbol Lu, the say/way body that they practice successfully finally is also different. 阴神法被开创以来,哪怕有人教一对双胞胎修习相同的法术、铭刻相同的根本符箓,他们最终修成的道体也是不尽相同的。 All innate heredities and day after tomorrow experience, will of the people missing and magic arts to study with symbol lu inscribe are only a material of say/way body achievement, the promotion mechanism that is difficult to be bright after the Yin God Law chaos operates, everyone will form is individual unique say/way body alone. 一切的先天遗传、后天经历、人心思念、法术修习与符箓铭刻都只是一种道体成就的材料,在经过阴神法混沌难明的晋升机制运作后,每个人都会形成独属于个人的独特道体。 Therefore Du Kang has not demanded fundamental rune/symbol Lu to form the so-called system, on rune/symbol Ludao practicing, all allow nature to take its course. 所以杜康并没有强求根本符箓形成所谓的体系,在符箓道的修行上,一切都只是顺其自然。 Only remained 12 to collect, 500 this roads walked do not pass, could not make to seize the daughter with my moral behavior underhanded matter to come like this, that can only begin using the alternative plan.” “只剩十二枚就能凑齐了,伍佰这条路走不通,以我的人品又做不出强抢民女这样的下作之事来,那就只能启用备用计划了。” Originally joyful double cultivates the plan fail, Du Kang sighs disappointedly, stands up, must go toward black armor flame dragon flying, suddenly felt that some people are spying on themselves in secret. 原本快乐的双修计划失败,杜康失望地叹了口气,站起身来,就要朝黑铠炎龙飞去,却突然感到有人在暗中窥探自己。 Measures darkly not, if lives if dies, oneself aura only has among life and death one, this spying on technique clearly is not magic arts of punishment day department. 冥冥莫测,若生若死,自身气息只存在生死一线之间,这种窥探的手法明显并不属于刑天一系的法术。 Because of the difference of magic arts system, in the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the ordinary giant body is very difficult to detect this method, but regarding building pure colored glaze arhat Dharmakaya, sense extremely keen Du Kang, this spying on was extremely dissolute. 因为法术体系的差异,刑天洞天内普通的巨型机体恐怕很难察觉到这种手段,但对于修成清净琉璃罗汉法身,感官极为敏锐的杜康来说,这种窥探就太过放肆了。 Cannot turn the head, he can see in himself behind beyond several li (0.5 km), appearances are, but more looks is in the woman of charm, is laughing heartily the conversation with men of gear tribe. 不需转头,他就能看到在自己身后数里之外,有一个乍一看容貌普通但越看越是内魅的女人,在与一个齿轮部落的男人欢笑交谈。 Although the eyes of woman have not looked to Du Kang, but Du Kang knows, she is paying close attention to oneself every action and every movement. 虽然女人的眼睛没有看向杜康,但杜康知道,她在密切关注着自己的一举一动。 This is the woman of individual clan. 这是个人族的女人。 The flesh and blood and steel body have the extremely significant difference, the woman stands in one group of punishment day descendants, like liking a crane among chickens equally conspicuously. 血肉之躯和钢铁之躯有着极为明显的区别,女人站立在一堆刑天后裔之中,如同鹤立鸡群一样显眼。 „Does such conspicuous woman, how I notice now?” “这样显眼的女人,我怎么现在才留意到呢?” This made Du Kang be interested, the transformation direction flew in front of the woman directly, the hand built on gear tribe clansman shoulder that in talked with the woman. 这让杜康提起了兴趣,转换方向直接飞到了女人面前,将手搭在了与女人交谈的齿轮部落族人肩上。 Disturbed, this woman said that she wants to know me, please avoid temporarily.” “打扰了,这个女人说她想要认识我,请你暂时回避一下吧。” Clearly is I first comes, what you cannot understand are first come first served.” “分明是我先来的,你懂不懂什么叫先来后到。” Was built the punishment day descendant instantaneous anger of shoulder to soar to the heavens by Du Kang, has not then brandished the fist to pound backward, oneself must teach well this participation, making him know that later do not provoke should not the person annoying. 杜康搭肩膀的刑天后裔瞬间怒火冲天,还未回头就抡起了拳头向后砸去,自己一定要好好教训一下这个插足者,让他知道以后别招惹不该惹的人。 Clang- 铛- Also wants the big mechanical fist compared with the Du Kang head, kept off by the electromagnetism barrier together with ease. 杜康脑袋还要大一圈的机械拳头,被一道电磁屏障轻松挡了下来。 The punishment day descendant is turning around to see the instance of Du Kang face, recognized this is that dares to provoke the evil star of punishment day city, thinks after Du Kang score, instigated directly, he half step retreated backward, while the sound tonality track of sound transmitter. 刑天后裔在转身看到杜康面孔的瞬间,就认出了这是那个敢招惹刑天城的煞星,想到杜康的战绩后直接就怂了,他一边小步向后退去,一边将播音器的声音调小道。 I walk now, wish your excellency to have a happy night.” “我现在就走,祝阁下能有个美好的夜晚。” After the punishment day descendant leaves, the woman is eyeful the worship to look to Du Kang, the red lips opens lightly. 等刑天后裔离开后,女人便满眼崇拜地看向杜康,朱唇轻启。 It seems like, I ran into a extraordinary great person.” “看来,我遇到了一个了不起的大人物。” This does not meet by chance, you have paid attention to me to be very long secretly, what matter asks me to have?” “这可不是偶遇,你已经暗地里关注我很久了,找我有什么事情吗?” With the strength is related with the attitude that the person associates, Du Kang after becoming high rank member, by the main body acts time does not like with others beating around the bush, comes straight to the point then speaks frankly own goal. 与人交往的态度是与实力有关的,杜康在成为高阶修士之后,以本体行动的时候不太喜欢和别人绕弯子,开门见山便直言自己的目的。 Changes in the woman complexion, how obviously when wants to deal with Du Kang, he has used the panel easily to obtain the information of opposite party. 在女人脸色微变,明显在想要怎么应对杜康的时候,他已经用面板轻易获得了对方的信息。 Name: If secure shadow 【姓名】:安若影 Rubber technique: 【橡胶术】: Rank: Oneself level 等级:己级 Skill: Rubber shell body( six heavy) 技能:橡胶弹体(六重) Rubber regeneration( six heavy) 橡胶再生(六重) Rubber proliferation( six heavy) 橡胶增生(六重) Rubber weapon( six heavy) 橡胶兵器(六重) Rubber assimilation( five heavy) 橡胶同化(五重) The rubber clone( four heavy) 橡胶分身(四重) promote step condition: Holds the monster body infinite multiplication ceremony, if can keep sober in such as the monster body instinct desire of mountain, breaks through the rubber physical body the elastic limit, and fuses the Yin god and monster body, may grasp the say/way of elasticity, builds the rubber tension not bad Dharmakaya. 晋阶条件:举行妖躯无限增殖仪式,若能在如山的妖躯本能欲望中保持清醒,突破橡胶肉体的弹性极限,并将阴神与妖躯融合,可掌握弹性之道,修成橡胶弹力不坏法身。 Blessing: 祝福: 【The shadow of assassination: Through after alone the bloody ceremony that in the darkness assassinates ten same step experts, the acquired nightwalking god blessed. 【暗杀之影】:通过在黑暗中独自暗杀十名同阶高手的血腥仪式后,获得的夜游神祝福。 The shadow member may to not live the condition of not dying the assassination oneself aura restraining, and action in the shadow is free, in short distance at will shuttle space 得到暗杀之影的修士可将自身气息收敛至非生非死的状态,并在阴影中行动自如,短距离内随意穿梭空间 secure Ruoying, the rubber technique, is left person.” “安若影,橡胶术,原来是左相的人啊。” In the neighboring deep pool city dreamland, Du Kang had run into a woman named secure Ruoxue, she belongs left to send the scout in Haizhou, according to its, the scout who comes together has one team fully. 在邻渊城梦境里,杜康就曾经遇到过一个叫安若雪的女人,她属于左相派到海州的探子,据其所说,一起来的探子足有一队之多。 This named secure Ruoying, looks at the name is one of them, now looks like, they also smoothly entered the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 这个叫做安若影的,一看名字就是其中之一,现在看来,她们也顺利地进入了刑天洞天。 Thinks of this, in the Du Kang heart smiles secretly. 想到这个,杜康心中暗自一笑。 I will not enter the position of punishment day crevice to inform widely in vain, at that time may be many in the influence that the neighboring deep pool city dreamland bumped blindly, after they came, should be able to bring much to the punishment day city troublesome.” “不枉我将进入刑天裂隙的位置广而告之,当时在邻渊城梦境瞎碰的势力可不少,他们进来之后,应该能给刑天城带来不少麻烦吧。” In view of the fact that inquired a moment ago Du Kang strength that as well as he with the punishment day city for the score of enemy, secure Ruoying also thinks that quickly the excuse, only listened to her gentle voice to say. 鉴于刚才打听到的杜康实力,以及他与刑天城为敌的战绩,安若影也很快想好了说辞,只听她柔声说道。 If you see, I am the foreign visitor in punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, with your entirely different lives. “如你所见,我是刑天洞天中的外来客,是与你们截然不同的生命。 I and punishment day city present hierarchs come from the same place, but I and they are hostility. 我和刑天城如今的掌权者来自同一个地方,但我和他们却属于敌对者。 We at the war of another world continuous for a long time, and will spread to this world. 我们在另一个世界的战争已经连绵了许久,并将蔓延到这个世界。 I fully realized that your rule to punishment day city discontentedly for a long time, I am help your, if has certainly been overturned the commitment of punishment day city, when our main force falls just before execution the day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, are you willing to help our helping hand? ” 我深知你对刑天城的统治不满已久,我是来帮助你们的,如果得到一定推翻刑天城的承诺,在我方主力降临刑天洞天的时候,你愿意助我们一臂之力吗?” If secure shadow flickering time also good appearance, if Du Kang is really the punishment day descendant, under difference of information, but also really may be flickered by her. 安若影的忽悠功夫还不错的样子,如果杜康真的是刑天后裔的话,在信息差之下,还真有可能被她忽悠住。 Du Kang thinks the appearance that secure Ruoying a moment ago and a gear clan clansman talked and laughed merrily, understands she had opened up certain perspective here, then asked. 杜康想到安若影刚才和齿轮一族族人谈笑风生的样子,明白她已经在这里打开了一定局面,便反问道。 These words, did you have to 500 have said?” “这些话,你有对伍佰说过吗?” 500 head of the clan carry to lift the clan heavy responsibility, such important matter is naturally impossible easily to decide, but I think, he will certainly make the correct choice.” “伍佰族长身负举族重任,这样的大事自然不可能轻易决定,但我想,他一定会做出正确的选择。” If secure in the shadow look full is sincere and firm, has a convincing strength. 安若影的眼神中满是真诚和坚定,有种让人信服的力量。 It seems like left person ready dead , is not only good at killing people, even stirs up rebellion and instigates the intensified original influence contradictory, to submerge the hostile camp also is a expert. 看来左相手下的死士,不仅善于杀人,连策反、挑拨激化原有势力矛盾、潜入敌营也全是一把好手啊。 After Du Kang roughly clarifies the situation, then somewhat said intentionally awkwardly. 杜康将情况大致摸清后,便故意有些为难地说道。 I believe you, and matter that you said I am also interested very much. “我相信你,并且你说的事情我也很感兴趣。 But I will temporarily leave gear tribe tomorrow, waits for several days to come back, was inferior I returned again how spoke in detail? ” 但我明天将会暂时离开齿轮部落一趟,等过几天才能回来,不如等我归来的时候再详谈如何?” Speaks thoughtlessly was perfunctory one left person ready dead, after two people also talked several, Du Kang in secure, if in the vision of shadow worship, flew again toward the black armor fire dragon. 随口敷衍了一下左相的死士,两人又交谈几句后,杜康才在安若影崇拜的目光中,重新朝着黑铠火龙飞去。 „ The situation undercurrent in punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals surges, it seems like I must pick up the entering step speed of magic arts. “刑天洞天内的局势暗流涌动,看来我要加快法术的进阶速度了。 This world ultimate by strength speech, even when the undercurrent is dreadful, I must strive to become biggest that by myself. Du Kang descends to the top of the head of black armor fire dragon, the mouth of body opens to swallow into him automatically, after walking into a narrow channel, he arrived at this body most deep place. 这个世界终极是靠实力说话的,就算是暗流滔天之时,我也要争取让自己成为最大的那一股。杜康降落到黑铠火龙的头顶,机体的嘴巴就自动开启将他吞入其中,在走入一段狭窄的通道后,他来到了这具机体的最深处。 Inserts the steel to send in the body external tapping, after conducting a series of complex confirmations, four close lock catches start like the lotus flower same layer upon layer to open. 在机体外接口插入钢发,进行一系列复杂的验证后,四个封闭的锁扣开始如同莲花一样层层打开。 After waiting for all conclusions, can see four groups of black iron color fire seed, burnt in the crystal bright light brain peacefully. 等一切结束之后,能看到其中有四团黑铁之色的火种,在水晶般剔透的光脑中安静地燃烧。 Brothers, I came to see you. “兄弟们,我来看你们了。 The trouble of punishment day city one after another, hit slightly came old, until now has the opportunity that put you to come out, you had not been harbored evil thoughts. ” 刑天城的麻烦一层接一层,打了小的来了老的,直到现在才有了放你们出来的机会,你们没有被憋坏吧。” Four groups of black iron fire seeds vibrate slightly, seems trying and Du Kang communicates, he inclined the head and listened attentively a while, said with a sigh regrettably. 四团黑铁火种轻微地抖动起来,似乎在尝试与杜康沟通,他侧耳倾听了一会儿,就遗憾地叹息道。 Now, I have not needed taking advantage of your fire seeds to use, after to waiting all finished, I will put your freely......” “现在还不可以,我还需要借你们的火种一用,等一切都结束之后,我会放你们自由的……”
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