DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#321: Metal land

Examines to have the black iron person of great strength weak artificial intelligence auxiliary body operation program, has obtained the black iron person of great strength( iron fine steel production machines body) complete set manufacture end product.】 【检测到已拥有黑铁力士弱人工智能辅助机体运行程序,已获得黑铁力士(铁精钢机体)的全套制造成品。】 Satisfies the magic arts promotion condition, spends 3 years of life span to assist the body and weapon duplication of this set of black iron person of great strength to the body of steel, and completes the perfect conformity of body and auxiliary program, sends the technique to be promoted the lion to oneself step.】 【满足法术晋升条件,花费三年寿命可辅助将此套黑铁力士的机体与武器复制至钢铁之躯,并完成机体和辅助程序的完美整合,将狮发术晋升为己阶。】 Starts to promote?】 【是否开始晋升?】 No 【否】 On behalf of the epidemic disease of corrupting 代表着腐烂之疫 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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