DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#275: Pirate killer

Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Half year time, we only took more than 6000 li (0.5 km) sea route in Ocean Wave Sea, you all killed none the monster who this met on the way. “这半年的时间,我们只在碧波海走了六千多里海路,你将这一路遇到的妖怪全都杀了个精光。 Three months ago you first time pirate who encountered Ocean Wave Sea, later then takes chasing down these pirates as happily, even if their fleets disperse in this boundless sea area scatter in all directions to grab, will still be spent the strength to find to kill by you with all one's heart. 三个月前你第一次遭遇了碧波海的海盗,之后便以追杀这些海盗为乐,即便他们的船队分散在这片茫茫海域中四散劫掠,也会被你费尽心力地找到杀死。 Now, the Ocean Wave Sea northeastern well-known pirate had been killed by you 7788, the pirate of surviving is also heard that your name trembles with fear, Du Langke has attained? ” 如今,碧波海东北部知名的海盗已经被你杀了个七七八八,残存的海盗也是闻你之名而丧胆,杜郎可有所获?” vermilion Meiniang looked that worried to the Du Kang vision deep place completely. 朱媚娘看向杜康的目光深处满是担忧。 Because in her eyes, this time Du Kang by the rich hate curse winding, the top of the head had to present black red color murderous aura to soar to the heavens like the rocket, looks at it to seem one to indulge in the demon who in murdering is unable to sober. 因为在她的眼中,此时的杜康被浓郁的怨恨诅咒缠绕,头顶更是有呈现黑红之色的杀气如同狼烟冲霄而起,望之好似一个沉溺于杀伐中无法清醒的魔头。 „The promotion of ya zi law, needs the volume to kill the heart, to kill the action of technique and taking a life together, at this time after a half year of uninterrupted killing monster murder, my killing technique tempered finally skillfully. Then, so long as whets the killing heart that in world no one cannot be killed again, can start preparing to murder the taking a life ceremonies of 100,000 lives.” “睚眦法的晋升,需要集齐杀心、杀技、杀生之举,此时经过半年不间断的杀妖杀人,我的杀技终于磨炼纯熟了。接下来,只要再磨砺出一颗世间无人不可杀的杀心,就可以着手准备杀伐十万生灵的杀生仪式了。” The skin of Du Kang whole body by the naked eye not obvious slight amplitude jitter, will stick to stick after the blood of body surface exposes completely, the whole face said to vermilion Meiniang self-confidently. 杜康全身的皮肤以肉眼不可见的轻微幅度抖动了起来,将粘黏在体表的血液全部抖落后,才满脸自信地对朱媚娘说道。 You do not need to worry, these die the small and weak life under my claw, living time can be killed, after dying, these weak hates and curses by me the ability my what, to me is the cool breeze blows.” “你不需要担心,那些死在我爪下的弱小生灵,活着的时候都能被我杀死,死后这些无力的怨恨和诅咒又能耐我何,对我而言不过是清风拂面而已。” Du Kang said with ease, but vermilion Meiniang actually least bit does not believe his words. 杜康说得轻松,但朱媚娘却半点不信他的话。 Kills the person of life, will be killed the curse and hate of life instinct, but the weak one living time is frail, after dying the curse also to be similarly is incapable, generally is hard to have the influence on the murderer, after some time, will dissipate slowly. 杀死生灵之人,会被所杀生灵本能的诅咒与怨恨,可弱者活着的时候是脆弱的,死后的诅咒同样也会是无力的,一般难以对凶手造成影响,一段时间之后就会慢慢消散。 But Du Kang curse forms in six months, he used the claw blade and weapon hacked to death hundreds of thousands monsters and over a thousand member personally, this intense murdering behavior, making his curse also dissipate without enough time, was covered by the new curse. 杜康身上的诅咒是在短短半年时间内形成的,他用爪刃和兵器亲手砍死了十几万只妖怪和上千个修士,这种密集的杀伐行为,使得他身上的诅咒还来不及消散,就被新的诅咒覆盖。 The weak curse superimposes layer upon layer, ultimately forms the present to attach on Du Kang, the scale was huge, the stubborn illness that was hard to eliminate. 微弱的诅咒层层叠加,最终形成了现在附着在杜康身上,规模庞大,难以清除的顽疾。 The person beast faces of distortions, in being similar to the curse of black mud tumbling are calling out, composes one set just like attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone armor, fetters in which Du Kang firmly. 一张张扭曲的人兽面孔,在如同黑泥般翻滚的诅咒中嚎叫着,组成一套犹如附骨之疽的铠甲,将杜康牢牢束缚其中。 The instinct of hatred urges them to attempt to corrode Du Kang unceasingly, black mud tentacle that but extends from the curse armor each time, so long as touches his murderous aura, such as violent will be retracted by the electricity rapidly, restores to the condition of being ready. 仇恨的本能驱使着它们不断尝试侵蚀杜康,但每次从诅咒铠甲中伸出的黑泥触手,只要触碰到他身上的杀气,就会如受电激般迅速缩回,重新恢复到蓄势待发的状态。 If not these cuts to kill murderous aura huge the suppression that hundreds of thousands monsters saved, the curses of these activation have invaded in the Du Kang Yin god, making its Yin god failure perish. 如果不是这些斩杀了十几万妖怪积攒出的庞大杀气压制,这些活化的诅咒早已侵入了杜康的阴神之中,使其阴神衰竭而亡。 But powerful murderous aura, protected Du Kang, brought the new harm. 但过于强大的杀气,既保护了杜康,也带来了新的危害。 These slaughter the strength that slaughtering the life obtains, in use will want, to twist his intelligence even the slightest misstep, will destroy his spirit, making Du Kang degenerate the demon who to become knowledge will an. 这些屠戮生灵获得的杀戮性力量,使用时只要稍有不慎,将会扭曲他的神智,摧毁他的精神,使杜康堕落成为一个只知杀戮的魔头。 vermilion Meiniang is worried is not always dead's curse, but is these murderous aura the effect on Du Kang, makes him kill again like this, Du Kang will be fascinated sooner or later. 朱媚娘担心的从来都不是亡者的诅咒,而是这些杀气对杜康的影响,再让他这样杀下去,杜康迟早会入魔的。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Magic arts break through high rank, to you is so important? You led me to escape from the Sheng workshop, by our strengths can on the free and unfettered merry day, why probably take such big risk, trades an extremely uncertain hope?” “法术突破到高阶,对你来说真的有那么重要吗?你带我逃出了盛家作坊,以我们的实力本可以过上逍遥快活的日子,何必要冒这么大的风险,去换一个极为渺茫的希望呢?” Under recommendation, trades source app to pursue the book really easily-to-use, here downloads .huanyuanapp everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载.huanyuanapp大家去快可以试试吧。】 Although vermilion Meiniang lived in distress after the birth in the almighty troops workshop, 朱媚娘虽然从出生后就困居在神兵作坊中, But has also heard the scarcity of high rank member number, knows that breaks through to the high rank difficulty, does not know that the ya zi Daoist is she who some not good high rank member clone, does not favor Du Kang now the biased choice. Entire member Ocean Wave Sea 20 million, in nearly several hundred years how many high rank member is born? 但也听闻过高阶修士数量之稀少,更知道突破到高阶的艰难,不知道睚眦道人是某个无良高阶修士分身的她,并不看好杜康如今偏执的选择。整个碧波海修士千千万,在近几百年的时间里才诞生出几个高阶修士? As all can see, even the dragon female in ocean waves dragon palace wants to transform to become Dragon King, must hold to gain a son-in-law the ceremony on a grand scale, chooses a pleasant my dear from several country outstanding, wrestles gain a son-in-law the ceremony less than 1/4 success probabilities. 君不见,连碧波龙宫的龙女想要蜕变成为龙王,都要大张旗鼓举行招婿仪式,从几国俊杰中挑选一个如意郎君,搏一搏招婿仪式不到四分之一的成功几率。 The powder why your does not have the big influence support cultivates, dares the illusion to complete the promotion high rank difficult ceremony by oneself alone, this radically is dream of a fool. 凭什么你一个没有大势力支持的散修,就敢幻象独自靠自己完成晋升高阶的艰难仪式,这根本就是痴人做梦。 Holds in in addition that the red mythical bird star moves, vermilion Meiniang is filled with eyeful is Du Kang, she only wants to pass the happy day of living together affectionately with Du Kang, does not think that own companion immerses in the fond dream that is unable to realize, let alone Du Kang is put into action the dream still to have very big danger. 在红鸾星动的加持下,朱媚娘满心满眼都是杜康,她只想和杜康在一起过双宿双飞的快乐日子,并不想自己的伴侣沉浸在无法实现的美梦中,更别说杜康付诸行动的梦想还存在着很大的危险。 Flatters mother, you arrive at outside time too to be short, has not understood a truth. In this way of the world, is powerful enough can achieve the true free and unfettered to be merry, can have the day of deity volume companion, so long as I can condense to kill the heart, on this day is not far.” “媚娘,你来到外面的时间还太短,还不明白一个道理。在这个世道上,只有足够强大才能做到真正的逍遥快活,才能有神仙卷侣的日子,只要我能凝聚出杀心,这一天就不远了。” Two sentiments when long ago, how in morning and evening, this time labor, for the later auspicious day.” “两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮,此时的辛苦,都是为了以后的好日子。” Du Kang turns over/stands up from the cabin window jumps out, shows neither approval nor disapproval to vermilion Meiniang worry. 杜康翻身从船舱的窗口跳出,对朱媚娘的担忧不置可否。 Deeply inspires, determined that absolutely does not have the smell of blood, must hug the woman well to be intimate, was actually shoved open to say by pair of element. 深吸一口气,确定身上已经完全没了血腥味,就要搂着女人好好亲热一下,却被一双素手一把推开说道。 Do not bump me, kills carelessly like you, even if not crash into the demonic path, still one day will bump into the hard stubble that cannot be victorious sooner or later, will have with such a does not have the tomorrow's man today, I should look for under the family/home to be right earlier.” “别碰我,像你这样胡乱杀下去,就算不会坠入魔道,也迟早有一天会碰到打不过的硬茬子,跟着这样一个有今天没明天的男人,我应该早点找个下家才对。” A red light sparkles in two people top of the head, the affection ripples in the hearts suddenly, the Du Kang some anti- mood will not be nothing left shortly, then said temperately. 一层红光在两人头顶闪耀,浓浓的情意突然在心间荡漾,杜康原本有些不耐的情绪顷刻间荡然无存,转而温和地说道。 „Do you look for below family/home to have me to be good? Sympathizes, the strong volunteers courageous, powerful handsome and intimately on the look, who can compare favorably with I?” “你找的下家能有我好吗?论相貌英俊、知心体贴、强壮勇勐、实力强大,谁又能比得上我呢?” That also compares, when the widow stronger, my only wants to look for a lifetime to my wholehearted man, even is long you is not unattractive, without you are intimate, strength you, on the bed have not had you to be courageous, so long as is a sincerity to my, I can accept reluctantly.” “那也比当个寡妇要强,我这一辈子只想找个对我一心一意的男人,即便长得没你好看,没你知心,实力没你强,床上没你勐,只要是个真心对我的,我就能勉强接受。” Obviously best, why must look for reluctantly, you may probably treasure at present the person.” “明明有最好的,干嘛要去找个勉强的呢,你可要珍惜好眼前人。” ...... …… The thoughts of woman always become quick, even decision of heart deep place discontented Du Kang, but at his argument laborious, vermilion Meiniang complexion relaxed finally. 女人的心思总是变得很快,即便内心深处还是不满杜康的决定,但在他的一番口舌辛苦之下,朱媚娘的脸色最终还是缓和了下来。 After all things all decide, Du Kang then opens the gate of thoroughfare, asking the azure red wild soldier to start the battlefield cleanup. 诸事皆定后,杜康便开启通衢之门,叫来青红猖兵开始打扫战场。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Green lake forms from silver front door one after another, simple set after ship, then divides several groups of ships that jump to several pirates. 一个个青红色的身影从银色的大门中鱼贯而出,在船上简单的集合之后,便分几路跳向几艘海盗的船只。 Sees only these wild soldier some skilled takes up various types of tools, starts to divide sea boat comprised of the iron star wood ; Various almighty troops Buddhist musical instruments that after some tidy up the pirates die, falls ; Some dig up the light the body of pirate directly, throws into the remnant corpse on ship the sea ; Some are enters the goods warehouse to start to apply mechanically the cargo, a busy scene systematic. 只见这些猖兵有的熟练的拿起各种工具,开始分割由铁星木组成的海船;有的收拾海盗们死后掉落的各种神兵法器;有的直接将海盗的尸体扒光,将船上的残尸丢进海中;有的则是进入货仓开始搬用货物,一副井然有序的忙碌景象。 Du Kang chases down the Ocean Wave Sea pirate, naturally is not because in heart that weak sense of justice. 杜康追杀碧波海的海盗,自然不是因为心中那点微弱的正义感。 These pirate named pirates, but the Lord duty is the pirate are really not many, mostly is actually the merchant ship concurrent jobs, usually in peddler, running into the strength weak one is the robber, is accomplished by the Ocean Wave Sea environment, kills not. 这些海盗名为海盗,但主职做海盗的还真的不多,大多其实都是商船兼职而已,平日里行商,遇到实力弱者为盗,是由碧波海的环境造就而出,是杀之不尽的。 The Du Kang choice kills them, because kills the pirate to take action with just reasons, this act is naturally just, so as to avoid being fastened a homicidal maniac demon the hat. 杜康选择杀他们,只是因为杀海盗师出有名,这种行径天然就是正义的,免得被人扣上一个杀人狂魔的帽子。 The murder mainly to temper own murder technique, in addition, kills the rich harvest of pirate is also an important reason that Du Kang does this. 杀人主要是为了磨炼自己的杀人技艺,除此之外,杀海盗的丰厚收获也是杜康这样做的一个重要的原因。 These days, the complete pirate who Du Kang exterminates, the cargo and removes the ships of deck, all shipped back in Taohua Island, caused to kill the robber to become Taohua Island to start an undertaking the initial important source of wealth. 这段时间,杜康剿灭的全部海盗,连带货物和拆成船板的船只,全都运回到了桃花岛中,使得杀强盗已经成了桃花岛创业初期一条重要的财源。 The transportation of spoils of war, through the road of thoroughfare has a non- cotton wool is being conducted, vermilion Meiniang looks that the busy wild soldier asked. 战利品的运输,正在通过通衢之路有条不絮的进行着,朱媚娘看着忙碌的猖兵问道。 You have said the place of base industry own is called Arcadia, these days harvest was sent back by you. “你一直说自己有一处叫做桃花源的基业之地,这些天的收获都被你送回去了。 But some people led me to live outdoors outside over six months, is not willing to make me go to Taohua Island to have a look, does not know that was because in some others still had the main wife, had the problem that this does not dare to bring home me? ” 但有些人带着我在外面风餐露宿半年多了,也不愿意让我去桃花岛看看,也不知道是不是因为某人家中尚有正室,才有了这个不敢带我回家的毛病?” vermilion Meiniang spoke thoughtlessly guesses, but the Du Kang body was actually the instinct one stiff, he led vermilion Meiniang to come out some truly such considerations, the opens the mouth wants to acknowledge, but had words on the tip of the tongue actually changes. 朱媚娘只是随口一猜,但杜康身体却是本能地一僵,他带朱媚娘出来确实有这样的考虑,张口就想承认,但话到嘴边却变了样。 Is willing to result in a will of the people, the elderly does not leave, my this lifetime had you to be enough.” “愿得一人心,白首不相离,我这辈子有你就足够了。” vermilion Meiniang white this man, satisfaction smiled, turns the willow waist to walk toward the cabin, must according to the convention, select in the spoils of war have about her eye reason jewelry. 朱媚娘白了一眼这个男人,满意一笑,就扭着柳腰向船舱里走去,显然是要按惯例,去挑一挑战利品中有没有合她眼缘的首饰。 Properly speaking, was moved both sides that hold by the red mythical bird star, is unable to lie to the opposite party, this was also vermilion Meiniang easily believed the Du Kang reason. 按理说,被红鸾星动加持的双方,是无法向对方撒谎的,这也是朱媚娘轻易相信了杜康的原因。 But Du Kang is actually an unusual lifeform. 杜康却是个与众不同的生物。 Since having clone, the Du Kang life form had the fundamental change, from the beforehand single nucleus lifeform, turned into a special life body that has the multi-core. 自从拥有分身之后,杜康的生命形态就发生了根本性的改变,从以前的单核生物,变成了一个拥有多核处理器的特异生命体。 Du Kang this status and clone together comprised of the Du Kang main body, each body is Du Kang part, actually is also only his part, only then clone to regard as a body the main bodies and four is complete Du Kang. 杜康’这个身份是由杜康的本体和分身共同组成的,每一个身体都是‘杜康’的一部分,却也只是他一部分,只有将本体和四个分身看做一体才是一个完整的‘杜康’。 Also is, the ya zi Daoist is Du Kang, but Du Kang is actually not the ya zi Daoist. 也即是,睚眦道人是杜康,但杜康却不是睚眦道人。 One as many clone, ya zi Daoist's lose the will faithful affections to vermilion Meiniang that is unmatchable Du Kang overall will. 身为诸多分身之一,睚眦道人对朱媚娘的那点失志不渝的爱意,根本无法对抗‘杜康’整体的意志。 Time this passes slowly, the cargo in cabin evacuates quickly completely, the pirate ship was also dismantled by the wild soldiers most probably, decomposes wooden components, returns to Taohua Island through the land transport of thoroughfare. 时间就这样缓缓地流逝,船舱内的货物很快全部搬空,就连海盗船也被猖兵们拆解了大半,分解成一块块木制构件,通过通衢之路运送回桃花岛。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Thinks when Du Kang, today's spoils of war harvest as before will also be smooth, the sea day interface point of distant place, presented a piece of continuous ship's sail. 就在杜康以为,今天的战利品收获也会和以前一样顺利之时,远处的海天交接处,出现了一片连绵的船帆。 With the vanguard of fleet, the fleet first has the little mast to reveal slowly, later starts to reveal the hull gradually. 随着船队的前行,船队先是有一点点桅杆慢慢露出,之后开始渐渐显露出船身。 Finally when the fleet all appears when the Du Kang line of sight, is really one has the huge fleets of 30 steamships fully. 最终当船队全部出现在杜康视线中之时,竟然是一支足有三十艘大船的庞大船队。 On each sea boat, has eight claw octopus flags to flutter in the breeze, the both sides of broad side stand the holding the blade cross spears/guns and back bows to lift the member of crossbow, is serious, goes by boat to the remnant ship that Du Kang is. 每艘海船上,都有八爪章鱼旗帜迎风招展,船舷的两侧站立着一个个持刀跨枪、背弓举弩的修士,皆是面色凝重,直直地乘船冲着杜康所在的残船而来。 „The future is bad!” “来者不善啊!” This eight claw octopus flag Du Kang are quite familiar, in the recent turning over in full pirate, most brings the ship of this type of flag Du Kang kills, now their turning out in full strength stance, only feared that is comes prepared. 这面八爪章鱼旗杜康极为熟悉,在最近的清缴海盗中,杜康杀的最多的就是带着这种旗的船,如今他们这副倾巢而出的架势,只怕是有备而来啊。 Ships of both sides are getting more and more near, have rumble the drumbeat to resound in the sea level, and is getting more and more rapid. 双方的船越来越近,有隆隆的鼓声在海面响起,并越来越急促。 The pirate on ship bends the bow the nocking in the drumbeat, is pre-war does not plan to shout propaganda unexpectedly, must extinguish like this directly kills the Du Kang this their life and death archenemy. 船上的海贼在鼓声中弯弓搭箭,竟是战前也不打算喊话,就要这样直接灭杀杜康这个他们的生死大敌。 Since is this, you first go back.” “既然是这样,你们就先回去吧。” Du Kang taps the mast, the received an order wild soldiers remove the gate of thoroughfare immediately. 杜康轻敲桅杆,领命的猖兵们立刻撤进了通衢之门。 These make one to spend not the poor precious as gold monster soldier, although each is the middle rank strength not poor, is actually not the body of not dying, definitely does not need to consume in vain in this insignificant low-end fight. 这些可是制造一个都花费不菲的金贵妖兵,虽然每一个都位列中阶战力不菲,却也不是不死之身,完全没必要白白消耗在这种无意义的低端战斗中。 Makes them benefit murderous aura of Du Kang, his claw blade has been unable to tolerate thirst and hunger. 还是让他们来补益一下杜康的杀气吧,他的爪刃早就已经饥渴难耐了。 Like the rocket soars to the heavens, but the black red murderous aura, at this moment seethes fiercely under the Du Kang will, murderous aura to congeal wolf head dragon corner/horn ya zi, the fierce roaring filial piety gets up threateningly. 如同狼烟冲霄而起的黑红色杀气,此刻在杜康的意志下剧烈地翻腾起来,在杀气中凝结出一只狼头龙角的睚眦,张牙舞爪地剧烈咆孝起来。 Looked one still in vermilion Meiniang who the cabin experimental wore various types of jewelry, Du Kang turned head to jump down the ship, steps on water surface that the mighty waves are fluctuating, to flushed away still at the fleet several li (0.5 km) away. 回望了一眼还在船舱中试戴各种首饰的朱媚娘,杜康扭头跳下船来,踩着波涛起伏的水面,向尚在数里外的船队冲去。 Sees the Du Kang jetty, the rhythm of pirate drumbeat immediately changes, stands in the member of well decker along, aimed at the sky the bow crossbow in hand uniform, the elevation angle ejection. 见到杜康跳船,海盗鼓声的节奏立刻一变,站在甲板船沿上的修士,整齐划一地将手中的弓弩对准了天空,仰角抛射而出。 At first can also hear incisively whiz whiz sound, flying that but various more and more species arrows lose shot, making in the sky resound rumble the continuous loud sound quickly. 起初还能听到尖锐的嗖嗖声,但越来越多各种属性箭失的飞射,使得天空中很快响起了轰隆隆的连绵巨响。 The minute/share shadow arrow, each under instilling into of monster strength by a fission is over a hundred, crashes to under fully ; 分影箭,每一只都在妖力的灌输下由一分裂为上百,铺天盖地地向下方坠落; The hot snake arrow, changes to a winding hot snake in the midair, the automatic pathfinding, dragging the long tail flame to go to the Du Kang tear and bite ; 火蛇箭,在半空中化作一道蜿蜒的火蛇,自动寻找目标,拖着长长的尾焰向杜康撕咬而去; Freezes the arrow, the place visited air can freeze moisture content in the superior air completely to freeze continually to change to the snowflake, flutters to fall, finally the arrow loses goes into to the sea , the sea water within dozens zhang (3.33 m) the surrounding area changes into the giant ice piece completely ; 冰冻箭,所过之处连空气都会冻结高空空气中的水分尽皆冰冻化作雪花,飘飘扬扬落下,最终箭失扎进到大海中,将方圆几十丈内的海水全部化为巨型的冰块; gold/metal Yujian, brings broken evil gold/metal Qi, breaks to protect the body monster strength specially, after flying sky highest place, finally under delimits a clear angle to drop down: 金羽箭,自带破邪金气,专破一切护体妖力,在飞到天空最高处后,最终划过一个圆润的角度直直落下: The plum blossom arrow, the crescent moon arrow, ten thousand poisonous arrows, the pigeon called the whistling arrow...... all sorts of monster technique arrows to lose, did not ask for money to project same, has the respective magic arts effect, fell like the run all over the place raindrop under. 梅花箭,月牙箭,万毒针箭,鸽鸣哨箭……种种妖术箭失,不要钱一样射出,带着各自的法术效果,如同满天飞雨滴落而下。 Working as the pirate also is really rich, this round of salvo, is the expenses of hundreds of thousands money, it seems like I really offended to suppress this pirate, this was the iron calms down must kill me.” “当海盗还真是有钱啊,就这一轮齐射,就是十几万银子的花销,看来我真的将这家海盗得罪狠了,这是铁定了心要杀死我啊。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Extreme speed of Du Kang in the fluctuating uncertain sea level is running, has let arrow that falls in the sea loses, non-stop exploding ice pieces that in the sea level, the flame of dropping from the clouds, and arrow of automatic tracking loses pulls closer rapidly with the distance of enemy ship. 杜康在起伏不定的海面上极速奔跑着,让过一道道落海的箭失,在海面不停爆起的一块块冰块,从天而降的火焰,以及自动追踪的箭失中迅速拉近与敌船的距离。 The ejection itself/Ben is emphatically the attack method of spreadability attack, most arrows lost failed, few parts fell on the arrow to Du Kang road which must be taken lose, is cut by the blade of giant blade air/Qi his claw blade sent out to the sky, flew high with ease the detonation. 抛射本就是着重覆盖性打击的攻击方式,大多数箭失都落空了,只有少部分落到杜康必经之路上的箭失,被他爪刃发出的巨大刀气之刃斩向天空,轻松地凌空引爆。 Until Du Kang to opposite party ships less than one li (0.5 km) time, the pirates change to the flat-trajectory fire, inscribed the arrow of monster technique to lose like a shell of all trades launching system, rubbed to shoot to Du Kang crowded. 直到杜康离对方船只不到一里的时候,海盗们才改为平射,铭刻了妖术的箭失如同一门门火炮发射的炮弹,密集地向杜康搓射而来。 This Du Kang is unable to dodge depending on the movement again, easily was lost by such as the arrow of rain submerges, various species attacks blast open the fierce spray in the sea water, explodes like the fireworks lustrous color...... 这次杜康再也无法凭身法闪躲,轻易的被如雨的箭失淹没其中,各种属性的攻击在海水中炸裂出剧烈的浪花,爆裂出如同烟花的绚丽色彩……
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