DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1533: In the garbage heap has the treasure

Headmaster office. 校长办公室。 Harry is standing near the window, looks out on the nighttime sky that continuous explosion, has turned head to ask: Fight had started probably, do I continue to stay here really not to have the issue?” 哈利正站在窗户边,遥望夜空上那片连绵不绝的爆炸,扭过头问:“战斗好像已经开始了,我继续留在这里真的没问题吗?” Doesn't matter, the lead arrives generally at crucial moments.” “没关系,主角一般都在关键时刻才登场。” Albert carried the cup to sip black tea leisurely and carefree, the matter that as if in the castle is having are not related with him. 艾伯特悠闲地端起杯子抿了一口红茶,仿佛城堡里正发生的事情都跟他没有关系。 I am not a lead!” “我不是主角!” Harry is staring at 哈利盯着艾 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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