CS :: Volume #13 破天荒共

#1091 Part 2: The family/home has the good neighbor

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High mountain ridge, the habitation, did not hand down antiquity Immortal imperial order five Ding to clear the way, meandered, the group peak in that mountain range such as the important place of sword, opened one to say. Latter has the emperor to plant the copal by the say/way, the tree shade is rich, road such as Cuiyun corridor. The long two thousand years, have on the plank road to rely on the dangerous mountain peak, get down near the turbulent current, the predecessor in this wall perforation wood, construct a narrow plank road, have the ancient appearance youngster, walk in, grasp a seven orifices bone flute, by old crane ulna grinding, the waist hang together exempting from punishment gold/metal Jane/simple. Plans leaving uncultivated Guyi of pen in that ancient name/reputation, historically once made the obtaining enlightenment youngster who five Spiritual God clear the way settle down to pause, changing from one dynasty to another outside mountain, the bustling place in world is billowing, made him look was deficient, chose far away from this mortal world, from the record, he was the people of Divine Ability general obtaining enlightenment, he knows certainly that this was not normal, but since 2000, can only try to find out alone the traces of the world, searched some truth with hardship, is unable to compare broken. The youngster sighed, walked into damaged the ancient relay station, was good at him of geomancy technique knowing this place quite to have the mystery beforehand, resembling was another symbol ferry crossing that in a person of same belief the person established, the one person alone travels for a long time, he has discovered the world, probably remains everywhere this without owner construction, if under the mountain had line of pavilions, had a rest for the common people the rest, then in mountain had this ferry crossing, probably was used to help Qi Refiner span mountains and rivers specially. Sure enough, the next quarter, the ripples are intermittent, the side scene fluctuates instantaneously, when the wait until youngster footsteps fall to the ground, this has not known oneself were surnamed really famous antiquity Immortal, arrived at another great distance not to know several ten million/countless in the mountains, a Daoist temple, five old men, the manner varied, is watching a spreading out large-scale work scroll, in the picture the blank was extremely numerous, only drew the Yin-Yang fish. Five old men are seeing youngster True Being of unexpected visitor, then must fight the poem with him, the youngster couldn't help laughing, shot a look at Yin-Yang fish on the picture scroll, was disinclined in demon rubbish half a word with that several affected mountain, his figure congealed is smog, leapt forward in the picture scroll, later arrived at lively town, the youngster placed oneself in a region of rivers and lakes prefectural city probably, both banks crowded around many are being a dwelling of seal construction, according to the local custom, the time of marrying the daughter, must take the color ship that was decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, at least walked the simultaneous/uniform three bridges, Fulu Qiao, Wan'anqiao and Changshou Qiao. The youngster passed by one to sell ten thousand li (0.5 km) old shop sauce-and-pickled vegetable shop, occupies a land area of the enormous open-air drying yard, is arranging an only giant pickle jar vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the rough estimate, at least has 2000. The strong sauce greets the nostrils to come fragrant, youngster look around, the line of sight puts on the wall to cross the room at will, sees a pair of properly matched couple, matrimonial harmony after marriage, marries the woman to spread the paper to grind ink on this day newly, the man is drawing up a three chi (0.33 m) small picture, the preface and postscript writing has 500-600 characters. Neighbor wealthy and prominent family miscellaneous vegetation Man Residence, in the institute has crape myrtle one, the countrymen aborigine does not know its expensively, looks like in youngster Immortal, it soon became a ghost probably. But in this old dwelling, on the study room table folds in a big way puts one to pile the memorandum receipt written agreement, has old man that view its destiny will soon die in bed of old age, is throwing into the brazier these memorandum receipts. Unfilial descendants, look at this helplessly, is clenching teeth, stares the big eye, the eye socket covers entirely the red string, filled did not abandon and resentment, does not dare to reveal. Youngster Immortal sees this to sigh to sigh one, walks into an alley, there are young man who sets up a stall cheats out of money, squats in the roadside, both hands inserts the sleeve, is having the yawn. 崇山峻岭,人烟不至,相传有上古仙人敕令五丁开道,在那山脉逶迤、群峰如剑的险要之地,开辟出一条直道。后有帝王在道旁种植古柏,树荫浓郁,路如翠云长廊。悠悠两千载,有栈道上倚险峰,下临激流,前人在此壁凿孔架木,修建出一条狭窄栈道,有位古貌少年,行走其中,手持一根七孔骨笛,以老鹤尺骨磨制而成,腰悬一块除罪金简。在那古名筹笔的荒废古驿,历史上曾经让五尊神灵开道的得道少年驻足停步,山外的改朝换代,世间的红尘滚滚,都让他看得乏了,选择远离尘世,从记事起,他就是一位神通广大的得道之人了,他当然知道这是不正常的,但是两千年来,只能是独自摸索人间的蛛丝马迹,苦苦寻觅某个真相,始终无法勘破。少年叹息一声,步入破败不堪的古老驿站,擅长堪舆术的他事先就已知晓此地颇有玄机,似是一处同道中人设置的又一座符阵渡口,孤身游历已久,他早就发现此间天地,好像处处都残留着这种无主建筑,如果说山下有行亭,是供百姓歇脚休息,那么“山中”有此渡口,好像就是专程用来帮助炼气士跨越山河。果不其然,下一刻,涟漪阵阵,身边景象瞬间变幻,等到少年脚步落地时,这位至今还不知自己姓甚名甚的上古仙人,就来到了另外一处相隔不知几个千万里的山中,一座道观,有五位老者,神态各异,正在观看一幅摊开的巨制长卷,画中空白极多,只绘阴阳鱼。五位老者见着了不速之客的少年真人,便要与他斗诗,少年哑然失笑,瞥了眼画卷上的阴阳鱼,也懒得与那几个附庸风雅的山中精怪废话半句,他身形凝为一阵烟雾,跃入画卷中,随后就来到了一处繁华市井,少年好像置身于一处水乡府城,两岸拥簇着多是一颗印形制的宅院,按照当地习俗,嫁女儿的时候,必须乘坐张灯结彩的彩船,至少走齐三座桥,福禄桥,万安桥和长寿桥。少年路过一个行销万里的老字号酱园,占地极大的露天晒场,纵横排列着一只只巨大酱缸,粗略估算,至少有两千之多。浓重酱香扑鼻而来,少年随意环顾四周,视线穿墙过屋,见一双门当户对的夫妇,婚后琴瑟和鸣,这天新嫁妇人铺纸磨墨,男人正在绘制一幅三尺小画,题跋文字却有500-600字之多。邻居高门杂花满宅,院内有紫薇一株,乡民土人不知其贵,在少年仙人看来,它好像就快要成精了。而这栋老宅内,书房桌上叠放着一大摞借条字据,有个观其气数即将寿终正寝的老人,正在将那些借条丢入火盆。门外的不肖子孙们,眼睁睁看着这一幕,一个个咬着牙,瞪大眼睛,眼眶布满红丝,充满了不舍和怨气,又不敢表露出来。少年仙人见此喟叹一声,走入一条小巷中,有个摆摊骗钱的青壮男子,蹲在路边,双手插袖,打着哈欠。 The youngster were not careful, in years past the time and time again travelling human world stepped in the bustling place, has seen this inferior way, comes according to the Chinese chess remnant spectrum, gains the business that does not compensate steadily, but the youngster look is dignified today, only because of this booth, what swayed is encircles Go game record, the youngster sits facing each other with the man who that spunks up to greet with a smile, finally both sides on Go board, next drew game rarer three tribulations to circulate compared with the Chinese chess, the man said with a smile to be a pity that the chess missed one, cannot under four tribulations circulate, that on having the work fellow daoist walked one slightly many step. The men lift only one hand, aims at alley port, the youngster arrives at the lane entrance place suspension of movement to turn the head, inquired that I do name? The men seem hit the riddle, put out a hand to refer to itself, seeing the youngster was bewildered, the man has to say with a smile, only knows that you were surnamed Yu. Youngster surnamed Yu, goes out of the lane entrance, arrives at imperial civil service examination prosperous small county town instantaneously, has to receive late in life old man of worn out paper specially, in this literary style rich place, almost each and every family has woven bamboo utensils small basket that is used to install the paper, no matter joyful practices calligraphy from a model to practice calligraphy, or rushes to the thorough study hall pavilion body that the preliminary examination is going, so long as is the paper of writing, will not discard casually, collects, loads this bamboo to belittle the small basket of embryo, outside sticks a white paper, the vertical stroke is pasting a palm of the hand wide red paper, writes four dark ink regular script characters, respects to pity writing. 少年本来并不上心,昔年一次次游历人间涉足红尘,早就见惯了这种蹩脚路数,都是依据象棋残谱而来,稳赚不赔的买卖,但是今天少年却神色凝重起来,只因为这个摊子,摆的是围棋谱,少年与那打起精神笑脸相迎的男人相对而坐,最终双方在棋局上,下出了一个比围棋和棋更罕见的三劫循环,男人笑道可惜棋差一着,未能下出四劫循环,那就有劳道友稍稍多走一步了。男人抬起一只手,指向小巷一端口子,少年走到巷口处停步转头,询问我叫什么名字?男人好似打哑谜,伸手指了指自己,见少年一脸茫然,男人只好笑道,只知道你姓余。姓余的少年,走出巷口,瞬间来到一个科举鼎盛的小县城,有个专门收废旧纸张的迟暮老人,在这文风浓郁之地,几乎家家户户都有个用来装纸的竹编小篓,不管是怡情的临帖练字,或是奔着科考去的研习馆阁体,只要是写过字的纸张,都不会随便丢弃,归拢归拢,装入这种竹蔑胎的小篓,外边糊着一圈白纸,竖贴着一条巴掌宽的红纸,写四个浓墨楷字,“敬惜文字”。 The rich people will put this bamboo basket by the ancestral temple incense table, the small family families do not dare to neglect, many places the pure corner of main room. Basket one full, is received the paper old man to receive specially by that. old man often carries a big bamboo basket, from house to house visited, received these wastepapers, installed in the basket, will carry this them to one is situated in the remote small temple, finally was responsible for burning down these paper by him. In the temple has not consecrated the clay sculpture idol, when except for burning paper resembling money the curling cigarette that ignites, does not have other burning incense all year round, is only on the north side wall, hung a vertical shaft of writing, submits a written statement to god position of the god of literature. 大户人家会将这只竹篓搁放在祠堂香案旁边,小户人家也不敢怠慢,多是放在堂屋的洁净角落。纸篓一满,就由那个专门收纸的老人收去。老人时常背着一只大竹筐,挨家挨户登门,收了那些字纸,装在筐内,会将这它们背到一座地处偏远的小庙,最终由他负责把这些纸张烧掉。庙内没有供奉泥塑神像,除了烧纸时燃起的袅袅香烟,一年到头也无其余香火,只是在北边墙上,挂了一幅只有文字的立轴,上书“文昌帝君之神位”。 The youngster follow old man of back wicker basket to arrive at the small temple, old man that squats in Miaokou combustion paper comes straight to the point to say with a smile: At present this status, can fellow daoist be also familiar with?” 少年一路跟随背箩筐的老人来到小庙,那位蹲在庙口燃烧纸张的老人笑着开门见山道:“目前这个身份,余道友可还习惯?” odd/surplus current affairs liked saying own descending the mountain number of times were not many, can this time the guaranteeing all one wants to eat manages enough? 余时务喜欢说自己下山次数不多,这次总该管饱管够了? odd/surplus current affairs direct and plainspoken asked: How do you achieve to erase me to remember?” 余时务直截了当问道:“你是怎么做到能够抹掉我记忆的?” old man sprinkles however says with a smile: Since we can the writing drawing on the paper, naturally be able to wipe off the writing on the paper and cancel the picture.” 老人洒然笑道:“既然我们能够在纸上写字绘画,自然就可以在纸上擦掉文字和抹去画面。” odd/surplus current affairs sinking sound asked: So deliberately plans, fortifies at every step, asks what matter?” 余时务沉声问道:“如此处心积虑,步步为营,所求何事?” Chen Ping'an said with a smile: Secondhand book stress multi- after-tastes, I said that energetically puts into practice the side to be active.” 陈平安笑道:“旧书重读多余味,吾道力行方有功。” Out the ancestral temple, sees Chen Ping'an is not willing by the sword cultivator status to oppose the enemy, Ma Kuxuan seems regretted, said: In secular significance Fist Technique, I studied the point, but compares you with Cao Ci, unpromising, I put aside.” 祠堂门外,见陈平安不愿以剑修身份对敌,马苦玄似有遗憾,说道:“世俗意义上的的拳法,我是学了点的,只是相较你跟曹慈而言,不成气候,我就搁置了。” Thought back on the past years, a hometown daoist immortal grave service, two youngster with fists and feet to fists and feet. 遥想当年,家乡神仙坟一役,两个少年就是以拳脚对拳脚。 Every so often, will truly envy your sword cultivator, therefore I in these years, spent many energy, seeks for to become proper way the sword cultivator way, without the means that could not find could not find, even if backs off, covertly looked over was listed as the old book treasured copy of taboo, attempts the cultivating Dao shortcut that looked for a similar government shade to seal, finally inadequate. Must say that lets me and Northern Reeds Continent Regret Sword Mountain buys several to imitate the sword, pretends sword cultivator, cannot do, without the face makes this deal.” “很多时候,确实会羡慕你这种剑修,所以我在这些年里,花了不少精力,寻找成为‘正途’剑修的路径,没办法,找不到就是找不到,哪怕退而求其次,偷摸翻检了许多被列为禁忌的古籍秘本,试图找一条类似官场荫封的修道捷径,结果还是不成。要说让我与北俱芦洲恨剑山买几把仿剑,假冒剑修,做不来,没脸做这种勾当。” After all in the world only then Uncut Jade Boundary sword cultivator, dares to say oneself to previous Immortal Boundary cultivator, may fight greatly, does not have stage fright. 毕竟天底下只有玉璞境剑修,敢说自己对上一位仙人境修士,大可一战,毫不怯场。 Actually sword cultivator it???????????????? Therefore is regarded as the mountain top four big hard to deal with ghost's heads, because during Five Lower Boundaries, the sword cultivator strength takes shape quickly, most is mindless, only said a flying sword just like given by heaven the assigns/life Divine Ability, is to make Qi Refiner have a headache, Five Lower Boundaries Qi Refiner after all body and spirit emaciated, many magecraft of approaching body have not been skilled, sword cultivator with it opposing the enemy, once has the dead enmity, gives the heck, offers a sacrifice to Life Source Flying Sword, whiz, high under stands sentences, the life and death the minute/share, where has what truth to say? 其实剑修之????????????????所以被视为山上四大难缠鬼之首,还是因为在下五境期间,剑修的战力成型最快,最不讲理,只说一把飞剑宛如天授的本命神通,更是让练气士头疼不已,下五境练气士毕竟体魄孱弱,傍身的诸多术法尚未精熟,剑修与之对敌,一旦结下死仇,不管三七二十一,祭出本命飞剑,嗖一下,高下立判,生死已分,哪有什么道理可讲? As fellow villager and contemporaries, since both sides know, Ma Kuxuan has such odd probably, fights on the chatterbox. After liquor of drunkard spits the true words? 作为同乡和同龄人,自打双方认识起,马苦玄好像就有这么个怪癖,一打架就话痨。就像一个酒鬼的酒后吐真言? Twice previously fought, Ma Kuxuan thought to be sure of success, therefore old god, but was this time what's the matter? The last words, confess the things to do after death, has to speak out? 先前两次交手,马苦玄是自认为稳操胜券,所以老神在在,可这次算是怎么回事?临终遗言,交代后事,不吐不快? The Ma Kuxuan look is complex, does not know that self-ridicules or ridicules, said: A lot of truth, difficult and common people word. Why does not know, sees you each time, I cannot bear want to pull several vernacular idle days.” 马苦玄神色复杂,不知是自嘲还是讥讽,道:“一肚子真话,难与俗人言。不知道为什么,每次见到你,我就忍不住想多扯几白话闲天。” Sees Ma Kuxuan not to stop the verbose meaning, Chen Ping'an is not in any case anxious, removed fist arts simply, paces slowly, stretches the physique. 马苦玄还是没有停下絮叨的意思,陈平安反正不急,就干脆撤了拳架,缓缓踱步,舒展筋骨。 Chen Ping'an, no matter you do believe that in hometown that little while, I still in Almond Blossom Lane, you still in Mud Vase Lane, my already treats as in you person of same belief the person, un, in person of same belief person, this was a view of comparison written language, making a long story short, we were a passer-by, looked like very much, can boil can bear hardships, in the eye live, could keep the matter at heart, regarded this world, liked racing to the source, is not willing to be organized by others, even if this ‚others’ were so-called Heavens, same was not good. Do not deny, to a great extent, I be many person to understand you compared with Abjection Mountain, stands person who enjoys the cool air in the tree shade, cannot see clearly the big tree complete picture forever, your my respective follower, no matter the quantity how much, they live eventually in our shadows, how to clearly recognize your my true feature?” 陈平安,不管你信不信,在家乡那会儿,我还在杏花巷,你还在泥瓶巷,我就已经把你当作同道中人,嗯,同道中人,这是一种比较书面语的说法了,简单说来,我们是一路人,很像,能熬能吃苦,眼睛里有活,心里藏得住事,看待这个世界,喜欢追本溯源,都不愿被他人摆布,哪怕这个‘他人’是所谓的老天爷,也一样不行。你别否认,很大程度上,我要比落魄山很多人都要更了解你,站在树荫里乘凉的人,是永远看不清大树全貌的,你我各自的追随者,不管数量多寡,他们终究都生活在我们的影子里,如何认清你我的真实面目?” Therefore I am very even early have made a tentative plan, when I gained fame and fortune, leads you in the side, I will give you sincerely most advantage, with a Mud Vase Lane youngster unthinkable glory, splendor, riches and honor, the solid advantage, bit by bit abrasions your revenge thoughts, becomes that true friend, then some day, I founded a mountain top school, you help me overcome the hand, I can all things, no matter, hands over by you are responsible for managing all business of school, I believe that you can do very well, is better than whom. Therefore in front of me will say, a small town young generation, having our two was enough. A school, can have two ten fourth boundary to assume the mountain top at the appointed time, but also insufficiently? Otherwise you think that what I did go to the small stream to pick the snake bluestone to make initially? Remained to you, the preparation takes you to climb mountains in the future cultivating Dao the capital of start, I have not only expected pitifully, you will meet Ning Yao from Sword Qi Great Wall unexpectedly, and can have so many involving with her, but can also under inciting of Ruan blacksmith, run up to the western mountain, uses that three bag Auric Essence Copper Coin to buy a numerous mountain top, when had the wealthy villager, from that moment on, I know, is similar the result of today meeting, is unavoidable, who the difference in the date and time, will only kill sooner or later.” “所以我甚至很早就做过一种设想,等我发迹了,就把你带在身边,我会诚心诚意给予你最多的好处,用一个泥瓶巷少年想都不敢想的荣华富贵,实实在在的好处,一点一点磨掉你的复仇心思,成为那种真正的朋友,然后有朝一日,我创建了一个山上门派,你就帮我打下手,我可以万事不管,交由你来负责管理门派的一切事务,我相信你可以做得很好,比谁都好。所以我前面才会说,小镇年轻一辈,有我们两个就足够了。一个门派,届时可以拥有两位十四境坐镇山头,还不够?不然你以为我当初去小溪捡蛇胆石做什么?原本都是给你留的,准备作为你未来上山修道的起步之资,只可惜我没有料到,你竟然会遇到来自剑气长城宁姚,并且可以与她发生那么多的牵扯,还可以在阮铁匠的授意之下,会跑到西边大山中,利用那三袋子金精铜钱买下一众山头,当起了土财主,从那一刻起,我就知道,类似今天相见的结局,在所难免,差别只在时日早晚、谁来杀谁而已。” At this point, Ma Kuxuan slightly makes the stop, the exploratory nature asks: „This time of being you selects, is that selected place by me?” 说到这里,马苦玄略作停顿,试探性问道:“这次是你挑的时间,那就由我挑个地儿?” The Chen Ping'an nod said: Ok.” 陈平安点头道:“可以。” Ma Kuxuan said: Since you are good at arranging the picture, to build the geography, I was impolite with you, might as well choose to choose Sword Qi Great Wall the battlefield? Has not gone to that side, indeed is the neither too big nor too small regret.” 马苦玄说道:“既然你这么擅长布置画面、营造地理,那我就不跟你客气了,不如就将战场选在选剑气长城?还不曾去过那边,的确是个不大不小的遗憾。” In a flash, Ma Kuxuan must recompense to hope , the both sides position turned into a top, Ma Kuxuan looked up, heavens above was three rounds of bright moonlight altogether floating marvelous sights, but traded the season, probably after heavy snow, the ground could not distinguish clearly is the moonlight or the snow color. 一瞬间,马苦玄果真得偿所愿,双方脚下位置就变成了一处城头,马苦玄抬头望去,天上是三轮明月共悬的奇景,只是换了时节,好像是一场大雪过后,地上分不清是月色还是雪色。 How many steps Ma Kuxuan moved, the boots stepped on the thick snowy area, creak made noise, he grasped snow that side the embattlement conveniently, put in the mouth to chew carefully, nods, also really very looked like that a matter, how did you achieve? Generally speaking, if the camouflage wants to deceive the Five Upper Boundaries vision, is not quite easy on already, even the sense of touch and can the sense of taste one and have concealed the truth? How to achieve? Must support the authenticity of this illusion, can consume many Spirit Qi? Copes the Ma juniors who these do not become a useful adult, why you so drag in lots of people, can a little killing a chicken with an ox cleaver?” 马苦玄挪了几步,靴子踩在厚厚的雪地里,咯吱作响,他在城垛那边随手抓起一把积雪,放入嘴中细细嚼着,点点头,“还真挺像那么一回事,你到底是怎么做到的?一般来说,障眼法要想骗过上五境的眼界,就已经相当不容易了,连触觉和味觉都能一并瞒过?怎么做到的?要支撑这种幻境的真实性,要消耗不少灵气吧?对付那些不成材的马氏子弟,你何必如此兴师动众,会不会有点杀鸡用牛刀了?” Chen Ping'an stands in the top other that side, always keeps silent. 陈平安站在城头另外那边,始终默不作声。 A striking bright red law robe, with the snow white color world, slightly is incompatible obviously. 一袭醒目的鲜红法袍,与雪白一色的天地,略显格格不入。 Ma Kuxuan sighed, was, you since childhood were such temper, be careful, discrete, experienced, steady, including oneself, was regarded as the potential enemy by you. This is also I most admires your place. Often scolded not startled, often hit did not fear. In this is or isn't book so-called has the static air/Qi on the important matter?” 马苦玄叹了口气,“是了,你从小就是这么个性子,小心,谨慎,老成,稳重,连同自己在内,都被你视为潜在的敌人。这也是我最佩服你的地方。常骂不惊,常打不怕。这是不是书上所谓的每逢大事有静气?” Ma Kuxuan turned the head to look at the city indoor scene shape, soon discovered that Bi Shu temporary palace in the position, outside paper discussed the soldier, the tooth cheek was completely incorruptible.” 马苦玄转头看了眼城内景象,很快找出那座避暑行宫所在位置,“纸外论兵,齿颊满冰霜。” Chen Ping'an said with a smile: Erroneous to praise.” 陈平安笑道:“谬赞。” Remembered the childhood, always listened to the paternal grandmother to talk over a few words repeatedly, she said that everyone had own life, the life good with is not good, was the day decides, ancestors of person decided the fate of this whole life. What embryo throws, what person is, said that anything's words, have the arrangement early, near perfect. The outside world said that you are the luck are good, good, otherwise radically unable to explain, a mean alley orphan, why can have such spell of good or bad fortune.” “记得小时候,总听奶奶反复念叨一句话,她说每个人都有自己的命,命好与不好,都是天定的,一个人的上辈子就决定了这辈子的定数。投什么样的胎,做什么样的人,说什么的话,早有安排,八九不离十。外界都说你是运气好,太好了,要不然就根本无法解释,一个陋巷孤儿,为何能够有如此际遇。” After all is not simple poor family, the carp jumps Dragon Gate, tested the foremost person in the field. An utterly destitute poverty-stricken person gained fame and fortune suddenly, turned into the rich rich man. Even if Lin Shouyi is also good, Dong Shuijing, the bystanders are reluctantly understandable, only then you, the common sense explained does not pass, probably except for great fortune simultaneous/uniform heaven, did not have the second explanation. Chen Ping'an, how do you see?” “毕竟不是什么简简单单的贫家子,鲤鱼跳龙门,考中了状元。一个家徒四壁的穷苦之人突然发迹,变成了富甲一方的有钱人。哪怕是林守一也好,董水井也罢,外人都是勉强可以理解的,只有你这边,常理解释不通,好像除了洪福齐天,就没有第二个解释了。陈平安,你对此怎么看?” The Chen Ping'an smile said: I follow the crowd.” 陈平安微笑道:“吾从众。”
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