CSG :: Volume #40

#3937: Bai Yu (white jade) lamp

Xing Caijian has closed the eye, has unique aura to fill the air on her, as if has fused together with this stars great formation. 星彩间已经闭上了眼睛,在她身上有一层独特的气息弥漫,似乎已经与这幅星辰大阵融为一体。 This moment Xing Caijian, although as before is only the Immortal Emperor Realm strength, but all Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in field, no one has dared to belittle her again. 这一刻的星彩间,尽管依旧只是仙帝境的实力,可场中的所有仙尊境老祖,已经再无一人敢小觑她了。 Can control the Skyscraping World top great formation character, even if its boundary is not high, rises to the situation that making one does not dare to provoke sufficiently. 一个能掌控摩天界顶级大阵的人物,哪怕是本身境界并不高,也足以上升到令人不敢招惹的地步。 Naturally, these Immortal Venerable have not known in the Xing Caijian bosom fierce of that ancient sword, does not know that ancient sword, is the Xing Caijian strongest method, is Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor felt relieved that the Xing Caijian one person alone enters the Skyscraping World biggest energy. 当然,这些仙尊还不知道星彩间怀中那柄古剑的厉害,更不知道那柄古剑,才是星彩间的最强手段,也是乱星天帝放心星彩间孤身进入摩天界的最大底气。 At this moment, Xing Caijian and Skyscraping World great formation fused together, made her temporary got rid of Skyscraping World all restraint, belonged to Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer Primordial Spirit happily to show completely, almost then covered entire Skyscraping World in an instant. 这一刻,星彩间摩天界大阵融为一体,使得她暂时性的摆脱了摩天界的一切束缚,属于仙帝境九重天元神得意全部展现,几乎是刹那间便覆盖了整个摩天界 At this moment, in this vast Skyscraping World, does not have the least bit to be covert in the Xing Caijian eye again, even is because blends with stars great formation in the same place, can draw support from the stars great formation mysterious ability to a certain extent, is enables Xing Caijian to see some originally by her strength, is absolutely unfathomed hiding. 这一刻,在这浩瀚的摩天界内,在星彩间眼中再无半点隐蔽,甚至是因为与星辰大阵交融在一起,能够在一定程度上借助星辰大阵的玄妙能力,更是使得星彩间能够看到一些原本以她的实力,是绝对无法窥探的隐蔽。 Found you, so long as in Skyscraping World, looked where you can hide to go!” Suddenly, Xing Caijian drinks lightly, the pupil light becomes ices coldly incomparable, she Sword Dao seed imprisonment in the jade palms, plunders to go to toward the distant place anxiously. “找到你了,只要是在摩天界内,看你能躲到哪里去!”突然,星彩间一声轻喝,眸光变得冰寒无比,她一把将剑道种子禁锢在玉掌之间,朝着远方急掠而去。 After Xing Caijian walks, stars great formation also hidden, the Skyscraping World sky restored to touch the type again normally, by rich spirit fog covering. 星彩间走后,星辰大阵也随之隐去,摩天界的天空再次恢复了正常摸样,被浓郁的灵雾给遮盖。 Walks, we with have a look, I do not believe 7-layer this grade of level top powerhouse to enter here in any case......” “走,我们跟上去看看,反正我是不信有七重天这等层次的顶尖强者进入这里......” If is really 7-layer, all of us do not need to struggle, because a hope does not have, is completely not opponent in a level......” “若真是七重天,那我们所有人都没必要去争了,因为一点希望都没有,完全不是一个层次上的对手......” Heavenly Star Palace Xing Caijian Princess should be able to cope with this powerhouse she to control here great formation after all, although great formation, but the might could not imagine......” 天星宫星彩间公主应该能对付这种强者吧毕竟她能控制这里的大阵,尽管只是其中一种大阵,但威力也不可想象了......” Difficult, difficult, difficult. You had not discovered that Xing Caijian has not attacked others with the great formation strength in my opinion, Xing Caijian also can only obtain other abilities with the aid of great formation, for example searches for somebody and so on, as, if wants completely to control here great formation, by her strength perhaps also insufficient......” “难,难,难。难道你们没发现星彩间没有用大阵的力量去攻击他人吗依我看,星彩间也只能借助大阵获得一些别的能力,比如搜寻某个人之类的,至于要想完全控制这里的大阵,以她的实力恐怕还不够......” This may really say that does not permit, after all she is the Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor beloved daughter......” “这可真说不准了,毕竟她可是乱星天帝的掌上明珠......” ...... ...... Collected follows Xing Caijian aura in this's dozens Immortal Venerable with the past. 汇集于此的数十名仙尊纷纷循着星彩间气息跟了过去。 At this moment, in the region of somewhere Skyscraping World summit, clear muddy Old Ancestor to reach to 7-layer Grand Dao Principle suppresses Jian Chen completely, terrifying power that may be called destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth in continuous destroys Jian Chen's flesh body, attempts to exhaust Source of Life recovery ability in this means. 此刻,在摩天界山顶的某处区域,清浊老祖以臻至七重天大道法则剑尘完全镇压,一股股堪称毁天灭地的恐怖力量在源源不断的摧毁剑尘的肉身,妄图以这种办法去耗尽生命之源恢复能力 That great formation that just presented that is arranges by Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor personally, but in this Skyscraping World, can control this great formation person only, only had female of Xing Caijian Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor!” The clear muddy Old Ancestor vision takes a fast look around this side to be void, a brow slightly wrinkle. “刚刚出现的那座大阵,是由乱星天帝亲手布置而成,而在这摩天界内,唯一能掌控这座大阵的人,也只有乱星天帝之女星彩间了!”清浊老祖目光扫视这方虚空,眉头微微一皱。 Just that great formation appeared suddenly, he unexpectedly peeped at feelings, even if he had deliberately hidden the own trail and aura, feeling that but a nowhere hid as before. 刚刚那座大阵浮现的一刹那间,他竟然有一种被窥视的感觉,哪怕他已经刻意隐藏了自己的踪迹与气息,但依旧有一种无处遁形的感觉。 Was discovered clear muddy Old Ancestor twittering, his vision optional glance this stretch of the world, among expression brings a helplessness in a low voice. “被发现了吗”清浊老祖低声呢喃,他目光随意的扫视这片天地,神色间带着一丝无奈。 In the outside world , he if deliberately hidden, even if some Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer powerhouse personally, not necessarily can seek his trail. 在外界,他若是刻意隐藏起来,纵然是一些仙尊境九重天强者亲自,都不一定能寻到他的踪迹。 May in Skyscraping World, in this unique environment, he also be timid and hesitant. 可在摩天界内,处于这片独特的环境之下,他也是束手束脚。 The next quarter, the clear muddy Old Ancestor form disappears suddenly, he brings Jian Chen to be far away by extremely quick speed, speeds away to graze, while reorganizes in the brain defends the memory fragment that soul Old Ancestor leaves behind , complete road map about Skyscraping World appears gradually in the clear muddy Old Ancestor brain. 下一刻,清浊老祖的身影骤然消失,他带着剑尘以极快的速度远离,一边疾驰飞掠,一边在脑中整理守魂老祖留下的记忆碎片,渐渐的,一个关于摩天界的完整路线图出现在清浊老祖脑中。 Had the clear road map, clear muddy Old Ancestor in Skyscraping World is like a fish in water, he appears under directly leading to the mountain the steps place of region, brings the Jian Chen front mountainside and foot region. 有了清晰的路线图,清浊老祖摩天界内更是如鱼得水,他直接出现在通往山下区域的阶梯处,带着剑尘前方山腰及山脚区域。 The mountainside and foot region connect mutually, the landform is broad, does not know that wants on big many times compared with the summit region, once went to the mountainside and foot region, to seek a person really with looking for a needle in a haystack not different. 山腰和山脚区域是相互连通,地貌广阔,不知比山顶区域要大上多少倍,一旦前往了山腰和山脚区域,那要想寻一个人就真的与大海捞针没什么两样了。 Shortly after clear muddy Old Ancestor just walked, the position that he stayed before is the person's shadow is then ample, Xing Caijian as well as Immortal Venerable appear one after another here. 清浊老祖刚走不久,他之前停留的位置便是人影绰绰,星彩间以及一名名仙尊纷纷出现在这里。 Is looking at this empty region, the Xing Caijian brow tight wrinkle in the same place. 只是望着这空荡荡的区域,星彩间眉头紧紧皱在一起。 As for following dozens Immortal Venerable, then unfolds divine ability respectively, the god melts the world, the investigation is void, finally has no discovery. 至于尾随而来的数十名仙尊,则是纷纷各展神通,神融天地,探查虚空,结果却没有任何发现。 Clear muddy Old Ancestor when departure, has then cancelled all traces and aura that own has left, by his 7-layer strength, hasty permits Wufa has concealed the truth once in a while with the boundary opponent, but dealt with these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage is completely enough. 清浊老祖在离去时,便已经抹去了自己留下的所有痕迹与气息,以他七重天的实力,仓促间或许无法瞒过同境界对手,但应付这些仙尊境初期是完全够了。 Quick, Skyscraping World Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) changed the color again, the vast and boundless starry sky arrived again, covered the Skyscraping World land every inchs. 很快,摩天界苍穹再次变了颜色,浩瀚而磅礴的星空再次降临,涵盖了摩天界的每一寸土地。 Xing Caijian controlled this for the second time in the past under huge formation by her father arrange/cloth. 星彩间第二次操控这座当年由她父亲布下的庞大阵法 In Skyscraping World, exists in the zones of different, the immortal eye of reveal startled colors of different position, raise one's head stares to withstand/top Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) that piece of vast sea of stars. 摩天界内,存在于不同区域,不同位置的仙人纷纷目露惊色,抬头凝望顶上苍穹那片浩瀚星海 The mountainside region, clear muddy Old Ancestor stopped subconsciously, complexion fluctuates, Yin clear uncertain. 山腰区域,清浊老祖下意识的停了下来,脸色一阵变幻,阴晴不定。 When this stars great formation appears, that peeped at feeling appears in his heart again, but he has no alternative. 当这座星辰大阵出现时,那种被窥视的感觉再次出现在他心头,可偏偏他无可奈何。 Enters Skyscraping World, was equal to entering in various top great formation coverage scopes, wants to hide does not hide. 进入摩天界,就等于是进入了各种顶级大阵的覆盖范围内,想藏也藏不了。 The summit region, Xing Caijian detected again clear muddy Old Ancestor position, she is holding ancient sword, imprisons the Sword Dao seed to directly soar the mountainside region. 山顶区域,星彩间再次察觉到清浊老祖的位置,她抱着古剑,禁锢着剑道种子直奔山腰区域。 However when Xing Caijian appears when the mountainside region, clear muddy Old Ancestor has left, he brings Jian Chen to span a farther region, arrived at the foot place. 不过当星彩间出现在山腰区域时,清浊老祖早已离开,他已经带着剑尘跨越了更远的区域,来到了山脚处。 Jian Chen, my rapidness of more and more strength loss, this way is not the means that you must break out of the difficult position as soon as possible.” In the Jian Chen brain broadcast the Source of Life sound, passes several to segregate heavily. 剑尘,我的力量损耗的越来越快,这样下去不是办法,你要尽快摆脱困境。”剑尘脑中传来了生命之源的声音,透着几分凝重。 Because in the clear muddy Old Ancestor hand, it had lost too many too many strengths, it is not the heyday, the losses of some strengths make Source of Life love dearly. 因为在清浊老祖手中,它已经损耗了太多太多力量了,它本来就不是全盛时期,这部分力量的损耗让生命之源都心疼不已。 A Grand Dao Principle resistance with Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer, but face dozens Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage more difficult than simultaneously. 与一名仙尊境七重天大道法则对抗,可要比同时面对数十名仙尊境初期还要困难。 Because of some nature the change, is not quantity can conduct to make up. 因为有些“质”的改变,不是“量”可以进行弥补的。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, how long All Heavens Divine Formation also wants to display Jian Chen wisp of Spiritual Consciousness to enter Highest Beginning Temple. 千魂魔尊,诸天神阵还要多久才能施展”剑尘一缕神识进入太初神殿 In piece of independent space in Highest Beginning Temple, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable sits cross-legged above several tens of thousands disciple, the vision one sweeps toward below, sinking sound said: Sect Master, all disciple in have not counted the cost the strength of restoration cultivation level, but this, still at least also requires three days of time even.” 太初神殿内一片独立空间中,千魂魔尊盘坐在数万弟子上方,目光朝着下面一扫,沉声道:“宗主,所有弟子都已经在不计成本的恢复修为之力了,可即使这样,也至少还需要三天时间。” Master, All Heavens Divine Formation of present stage, not necessarily can threaten that 7-layer, because from the Grand Dao Principle intensity, he is not common 7-layer, but is close to the 8-layer level infinitely.” Highest Beginning Temple Item Spirit said. “主人,现阶段的诸天神阵,不一定能威胁到那位七重天,因为从大道法则的强度来看,他已经不是寻常的七重天了,而是无限接近八重天层次。”太初神殿器灵说道。 hearing that, the Jian Chen's heart sinks slightly, in his hand the biggest card in a hand respectively is Profound Sword Qi, All Heavens Divine Formation as well as Dual Sword Combination, facing 7-layer powerhouse, his All Heavens Divine Formation lost the deterrent force directly, Profound Sword Qi was naturally needless saying that coped with Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage also a little to use, facing Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage, that and titillation itchy no difference. 闻言,剑尘的心微微一沉,他手中最大的底牌分别是玄剑气,诸天神阵以及双剑合璧,面对一位七重天强者,他的诸天神阵直接就失去了威慑力,玄剑气自然也不用说,对付仙尊境初期还有点用,面对仙尊境后期,那和搔痒痒没什么区别。 Dual Sword Combination was also removed by him directly, opposite party how could silly standing makes him cut there. 双剑合璧也直接被他排除了,对方又岂能傻愣愣的站在那里让他去砍。 Reaches facing cultivation level to powerhouse of 7-layer this level, the balance method that I have somewhat is insufficient, but is not... anything does not have.” Suddenly, in the Jian Chen eye reveals wipes color decidedly, the next quarter, a Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp quietly appears. “面对修为臻至七重天这种层次的强者,我掌握的制衡手段还是有些不足,但也不是...什么都没有。”突然,剑尘眼中露出一抹决然之色,下一刻,一盏白玉油灯悄然出现。 This oil lamp, after was he initially the destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, spoils of war that obtained, was one can Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer threated kill greatly, its concrete application method grasped in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect hand, even if were these year of Jian Chen makes one study it, had not found the complete application method. 这盏油灯,是他当初覆灭了巨象仙宗后得到的战利品,是一个能对仙尊境七重天构成威胁的大杀器,不过它的具体使用方法掌握在巨象仙宗手中,哪怕是这些年剑尘令人对其进行研究,也并没有找到完整的使用方法。 However complete does not have, but incomplete by divination, biggest difference between both is one belongs controllably, does not belong controllably. 不过完整的没有,但残缺的已经被推衍了出来,两者间的最大区别便是一个属于可控,一个属于不可控。 Detonates the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp in front of 7-layer, Jian Chen also knows is a very difficult matter, does not do well, even own did not have to be controlled the time of detonation. 在一名七重天面前引爆白玉灯,剑尘也知晓是一件非常艰难的事,一个弄不好,甚至自己连引爆的时间都没有就被控制住了。 Therefore, before putting out the Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp, Jian Chen has been ready, this lamp just a appearance, then immediately by Jian Chen by the quickest speed activation. 因此,在拿出白玉油灯之前,剑尘就已经做好了准备,此灯刚一出现,便立即被剑尘以最快的速度激活。 Immediately, various marks that on the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp proliferates become the disorder to get up all of a sudden, making the balance in lamp instantaneously be disrupted, a wild strength erupts loudly, along with an earth-shaking loud sound sound, Jian Chen and clear muddy Old Ancestor two people was embezzled instantaneously. 顿时,白玉灯上遍布的各种阵纹一下子变得紊乱起来,使得灯内的平衡被瞬间扰乱,一股狂暴之力轰然爆发开来,伴随着一股惊天动地的巨响声,剑尘和清浊老祖二人瞬间被吞没。 Jian Chen almost detonated this lamp in the way of perishing together! 剑尘几乎是以同归于尽的方式引爆了这盏灯!
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