CSG :: Volume #40

#3922: Card in a hand divulging

Listens words that all around these Immortal Venerable are talking at once, Jian Chen cannot help but smiled, said: Among you, after some people wanted me to hand over the Sword Dao seed, put me, may have the person, even if I handed over the Sword Dao seed still to cope with me as before, this to me, was regardless of I did hand over the Sword Dao seed, finally was the same?” 听着四周那些仙尊们七嘴八舌的话语,剑尘不由得笑了起来,道:“你们当中,有人要我交出剑道种子后就放了我,可也有人,即便是我交出了剑道种子也依旧会对付我,这对我来说,是不是无论我交不交出剑道种子,结果都是一样?” Collects is silent in formation surrounding Immortal Venerable. 汇集在阵法周围的仙尊都沉默。 The Jian Chen vision observes the situation for a week , to continue saying: Since delivers does not hand over the result is the same, why I do want to hand over the Sword Dao seed?” 剑尘目光环视一周,继续道:“既然交与不交结果的都一样,那我为何要将剑道种子交出去?” Is it possible that in presenting in eye, I really such as the dead pigeon like that can now, whatever you do butcher?” “莫非于在场诸位的眼中,我现在就真的如瓮中之鳖那般,可以任由你们宰割?” When hears behind Jian Chen those words, immediately some numerous Immortal Venerable pupil simultaneously shrink. 当听到剑尘后面那句话时,顿时有众多仙尊瞳孔齐齐一缩。 „It is not good, perhaps this person also has the card in a hand, reinforces formation quickly......” “不好,此人恐怕还有底牌,快加固阵法......” Everyone encircles, this time seized him with great difficulty, but cannot make him escape......” “大家围起来,这次好不容易才逮住了他,可千万不能让他逃掉了......” Suddenly, many Immortal Venerable start to go into action, some people throw the going forth to battle plate one after another, starts to arrange various great formation fast, some people first seal off the way, is ready in full battle array. 一时间,许多仙尊纷纷开始行动起来,有人接连扔出阵盘,开始快速布置各种大阵,也有人第一时间封堵去路,严阵以待。 Does not have Vice Cult Lord that the ghost immortal teaches to assist, Yang Yutian, my Huan Zhen (really) does not believe you to escape.” The Profound Spirit Monarch vision is indifferent, he opens a big net cover to live in a region, in rushing the strength of continuous flooding into big net of cultivation level, immediately made this netted high-grade Divine Item erupt burning the eyes rays of light. “没有鬼仙教的副教主相助,羊羽天,我还真不信你能逃出去。”玄灵上人目光冷漠,他张开一张大网罩住一片区域,澎湃的修为之力源源不断的涌入大网之中,顿时令这网状的上品神器爆发出炽目光芒 Meanwhile, in sieging Jian Chen's formation, space twists suddenly fiercely, at once sees the several tens of thousands famous immortal to emerge out of thin air, cultivation level is weakest is the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal boundary. 与此同时,在围困剑尘的阵法中,空间突然剧烈扭曲,旋即就见数万名仙人凭空出现,修为最弱都是九天玄仙境。 Surrounding Jian Chen's formation interior space is not big, may work as this several tens of thousands famous immortal to appear when the formation space interior, actually does not seem crowded. 困住剑尘的阵法内部空间并不大,可当这数万名仙人出现在阵法空间内部时,却是一点也不显得拥挤。 These immortal appearances, have then formed All Heavens Divine Formation, fills a terrifying pressure that made the person palpitation. 这些仙人一出现,便已经结成了诸天神阵,弥漫出一股令人心悸的恐怖威压。 This instant, entire world suddenly one static, collects all Immortal Venerable near formation is dumbfounded looks at this to emerge out of thin air the several tens of thousands famous immortal, all fell into the absent-minded condition. 这一霎,整个天地都戛然一静,汇集在阵法附近的所有仙尊皆是目瞪口呆的望着这凭空出现的数万名仙人,全部都陷入了失神的状态。 After all but here Skyscraping World, outside arranged the single layer the single layer to stem from Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer powerhouse top great formation, since Skyscraping World was born, but also no one can evade that the examination of top great formation, leading the person to submerge secretly. 毕竟这里可是摩天界啊,外面布置了一重又一重出自仙尊境九重天强者的顶级大阵,自摩天界诞生以来,还从来没有人能避过顶级大阵的检测,带着人偷偷潜入进来。 But sees at present, Jian Chen not only led the person to submerge Skyscraping World secretly, and also led the several tens of thousands person to come in one time. 可眼前所见,剑尘不仅带着人偷偷潜入了摩天界,并且还一次性带了数万人进来。 This scene, gives to be startled immediately dumbfoundedly them. 这一景象,顿时将他们所有人都给惊得目瞪口呆。 Profound Spirit Monarch is reveals the color of delay, the vision is also looking at that several tens of thousands famous immortal, for a very long time is unable to get back one's composure. 就连玄灵上人也是露出呆滞之色,目光怔怔的望着那数万名仙人,久久都无法回神。 However when Jian Chen has not given them the response time, All Heavens Divine Formation just appeared, then immediately launches the attack, sees only a destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth strength to erupt loudly, a giant light beam brings to make all Immortal Venerable eject for the dreadful prestige that it startled palpitates instantaneously. 不过剑尘可没有给他们反应的时间,诸天神阵刚一出现时,便立刻发动了攻击,只见一股毁天灭地的力量轰然爆发,一股巨大的光柱带着令所有仙尊都为之惊悸的滔天之威瞬间击出。 When facing this fearful attack, even if in the field these has reached to Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer powerhouse, at this moment is scalp tingles, small and weakly like ants feeling. 在面对这道可怕的攻击时,纵然是场中那些已经臻至仙尊境四重天强者,此刻都是一阵头皮发麻,有一种自身弱小如蝼蚁般的感觉。 At this moment, the shadow of death, covered! all Immortal Venerable 这一刻,死亡的阴影,笼罩了场中所有仙尊 They run away without enough time, can only driven by instinct, eruption own the strength of cultivation level or does utmost, the reluctant sacrifice various Divine Item keep off before the body. 他们已经来不及逃窜,只能在一种本能的驱使下,或是竭尽全力的爆发自己修为之力,或是勉强的祭出各种神器挡在身前。 Bang! 轰! Only hears a startled day crack, All Heavens Divine Formation this might peerless struck then crushed all formation of this region instantaneously, then remaining power did not reduce hitting of in the slightest on the people. 只听得一声惊天炸响,诸天神阵这威力绝伦的一击瞬间便粉碎了这片区域的所有阵法,而后余势不减分毫的打在众人身上。 The energy light beam range that this time, All Heavens Divine Formation erupts is too big, formed the undifferentiated range attack to nearby region, therefore collects all Immortal Venerable here to suffer the injury that the weight varied. 这一次,诸天神阵爆发的能量光柱范围太大,对附近这片区域形成了无差别的范围攻击,因此汇集在这里的所有仙尊纷纷遭受了轻重不一的伤势。 Some cultivation level weak Immortal Venerable mouths spit the blood, the body fluttered like the fallen leaf, pounding ruthlessly on nearby rock. 一些修为较弱的仙尊纷纷口吐鲜血,身躯如落叶般飘飞了出去,狠狠的砸在附近的山石上。 Even if was cultivation level reaches also is also struck to fly to Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer Profound Spirit Monarch, complexion was pale, the within the body vitality surged fiercely, nearly must unable to bear spurt. 纵然是修为臻至仙尊境四重天玄灵上人同样也被击飞了出去,面色苍白无比,体内气血剧烈涌动,险些就要忍不住喷出来。 All Heavens Divine Formation the strikes, although covered here everyone, but a strength stronger person, the withstood injury will be bigger. 诸天神阵的这一击虽然覆盖了这里的所有人,但实力越强的人,承受的伤害会越大。 This strikes, not only crushed here all formation and traps, wounded. about 40 Immortal Venerable 这一击,不仅粉碎了这里的所有阵法与陷阱,同时也击伤了场中将近四十名仙尊 „When this might, compared with previous time is used to cope with the ghost immortal to teach the Vice Cult Lord blue colorful butterfly time grew much.” Looks merit that All Heavens Divine Formation is creating, in the Jian Chen heart is also one secretly rejoices. “这一次的威力,比上次用来对付鬼仙教副教主蓝彩蝶时又增长了不少。”望着诸天神阵造成的功绩,剑尘心中也是一阵暗喜。 These years, Purple Night Sword Sect Nine Heavens Profound Immortal boundary disciple is increasing every time, therefore was short of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and his participation even if, the All Heavens Divine Formation might does not reduce instead increases. 这些年,紫霄剑宗九天玄仙弟子每时每刻都在增加,因此哪怕是少了噬仙妖花和他的参与,诸天神阵的威力也是不减反增。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, murder!” Jian Chen shouted in a low voice, he made Highest Beginning Temple receive all disciple completely, only left behind Thousand Souls Demon Venerable one person outside. 千魂魔尊,杀人!”剑尘一声低喝,他让太初神殿将所有弟子全部收了回去,只留下千魂魔尊一人在外面。 Jie Jie Jie, thousand souls are compliant, deciding does not disappoint Sect Master!” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable exudes the happy laughter, just like hungry wild animal, exudes the ominous light to look to surroundings that crowd of severe wounds Immortal Venerable. “桀桀桀,千魂遵命,定不让宗主失望!”千魂魔尊发出痛快的笑声,就犹如一只饥肠辘辘的野兽似的,泛着凶光看向周围那一群重伤的仙尊 The next quarter, the powerful Demon Qi eruption, he changed to one group of black fog then to drill into Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer Primordial Spirit in an instant forcefully. 下一刻,强大的魔气爆发,他化作一团黑雾刹那间便强行钻入了一名仙尊境二重天元神之中。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has not started to Immortal Venerable of these high boundaries, because the strength is stronger, copes the time that requires to cost is also longer, on the contrary is these boundaries in Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer 2-layer powerhouse, will cope with ease free, can guarantee that in the shortest time will eliminate the opposite party. 千魂魔尊没有对那些高境界的仙尊下手,因为实力越强,对付起来所需要耗费的时间也就越久,反倒是那些境界在仙尊境一重天二重天强者,对付起来才会轻松自如,可以确保在最短的时间内将对方消灭。 Jian Chen has not been idling, his left hand grasped not the law-abiding Sword Dao seed, the right hand is raising Upright Heaven Sword to clash instantaneously, as Upright Heaven Sword brandished, radiant sword glow changed to five remnant shades, cut toward wound heaviest Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer. 剑尘也没有闲着,他左手握着一点也不安分的剑道种子,右手提着立天剑瞬间冲了出去,随着立天剑挥舞,璀璨的剑芒化作五道残影,朝着伤的最重的一名仙尊境一重天斩去。 Five overlapped swords! 五重叠剑! „Before I was surrounded, must drive me to commit suicide, then has you.” Jian Chen shouted in a low voice, has not restored from the attack of All Heavens Divine Formation while that Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer Old Ancestor, Upright Heaven Sword direct thorn to latter's head. “之前我被困住时,要置我于死地者,其中便有你。”剑尘一声低喝,趁着那名仙尊境一重天老祖还未从诸天神阵的攻击中恢复过来,立天剑直接刺向后者的脑袋。 At this moment, in that Immortal Venerable mouth the blood spits to keep, within the body five main internal organs almost crushes completely, in a short time was unable to stimulate to movement the strength of cultivation level to resist Jian Chen this to endure to compare the attack of Immortal Venerable Realm. 此刻,那名仙尊口中鲜血吐个不停,体内五脏六腑几乎全部粉碎,短时间内已经无法催动修为之力去抵挡剑尘这堪比仙尊境的攻击。 !” The penetration of Upright Heaven Sword no hindrance his Primordial Spirit, made its body and soul completely eliminated at the scene. “噗!”立天剑毫无阻碍的穿透了他的元神,当场令其形神俱灭 In this time, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable hand, that Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer that he chose is also injured exactly heavily, has not gotten strength back from the attack of All Heavens Divine Formation, finally was killed by Thousand Souls Demon Venerable effortless cutting. 恰在此时,千魂魔尊也的手了,他挑选的那名仙尊境二重天同样受伤极重,尚未从诸天神阵的攻击中缓过劲来,最终被千魂魔尊不费吹灰之力的斩杀。 Walks!” The Jian Chen not corrupt merit, after cutting kills one person, then immediately received flesh body of opposite party, greeted Thousand Souls Demon Venerable then to escape rapidly. “走!”剑尘也不贪功,斩杀一人后,便立即收了对方的肉身,招呼千魂魔尊便飞速远遁。 All Heavens Divine Formation can only launch an attack in a short time, if other Immortal Venerable get strength back, he will fall into the disadvantageous place again. 诸天神阵短时间内只能发动一次攻击,若是等附近的仙尊缓过劲来,他将再次陷入不利之地。 Jie Jie Jie, walks!” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable exudes the well satisfied big laughter, in the hand is raising the spoils of war that belongs to own, caught up with the Jian Chen's step immediately. “桀桀桀,走咯!”千魂魔尊发出心满意足的大笑声,手中提着属于自己的战利品,立即跟上了剑尘的步伐。 Suddenly, Jian Chen and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable have vanished in the line of sight of people. 眨眼间,剑尘千魂魔尊已经消失在众人的视线中。 At this moment, these Immortal Venerable also successively adjusted, the people collect in together, in vision reveals to have a lingering fear the color. 此刻,那些仙尊也纷纷调整了过来,众人汇集在一起,一个个目光中都露出心有余悸之色。 That is what great formation, the might unexpectedly is so actually terrorist, we are everyone resist fortunately together, if he copes in us with this great formation alone anyone, whom that may really want to make die, who must die......” “那究竟是什么大阵,威力竟然如此恐怖,还好我们是所有人一起对抗,他若是用这种大阵来单独对付我们中的任何一人,那可真是想让谁死,谁就得死啊......” That might, is not perhaps weak in the Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer full power strikes......” “那种威力,恐怕已经不弱于仙尊境七重天的全力一击了吧......” Has the 7-layer full power to strike me not to know, but teaches that Vice Cult Lord strength of even more powerful ghost immortal remains compared with the ghost immortal absolutely......” “有没有七重天的全力一击我不知道,但绝对比鬼仙教那位副教主的鬼仙遗骸之力还要强大......” Was missing no wonder few days ago many Immortal Venerable, originally they by the violent treachery, never expected that on Yang Yutian were also all hidden unexpectedly have such supreme treasure......” “怪不得前些日子失踪了不少仙尊,原来他们全部遭了毒手,没想到羊羽天身上竟然还隐藏有如此至宝......” Can hide the truth from Skyscraping World top great formation, only then that thing in legend......” “能瞒过摩天界的顶级大阵,也只有传说中的那种东西了......” ...... ...... After short silence, all Immortal Venerable that these are survivor of disaster, in the vision erupt unprecedented burning hot rays of light in abundance, strength of that greed and saliva, does not know when compared with the Sword Dao seed appears stronger on many times. 短暂的沉默后,这些劫后余生的所有仙尊,目光中纷纷爆发出前所未有的炙热光芒,那种贪欲和垂涎之浓烈,已经不知比剑道种子出现时要强上多少倍。 Supreme Divine Item, so terrifying great formation , if obtains, that may really be the even step ascends to heaven, leaps becomes stands in the pyramid peak exists......” at this moment, all Immortal Venerable palpitate with excitement completely, Supreme Divine Item, is that might terrifying great formation, any takes to cause crazy of countless person. “一件至尊神器,还有如此恐怖的大阵,谁若是得到,那可真是平步升天,一跃而成为站在金字塔顶端的存在......”这一刻,所有仙尊全部都怦然心动,无论是至尊神器,还是那种威力恐怖的大阵,任何一件拿出去都能引起无数人的疯狂。 Even if some unparalleled powerhouse that reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage are hard to resist its seduction, idle talk these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage. 纵然是一些臻至仙尊境后期的盖世强者都难以抵挡其诱惑,更遑论这些仙尊境初期了。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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