BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14221: Heavenly Spirit thirty six ( 1 )

Shadow Sovereign one hear of Great Minister of War said, he cannot help but stares, later his colored cannot help but changes, his immediately open the mouth and said: Said carefully why you do think?” although he made Great Minister of War say carefully, but listened to his tone to hear, he has actually believed the Great Minister of War words, he wants to know, how Great Minister of War knew this matter. 影皇一听大司马这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他的有色不由得一变,他马上就开口道:“仔细说说,你为什么会这么想?”虽然他是让大司马仔细的说说,但是听他的语气就可以听得出来,他其实已经相信了大司马的话了,他只是想知道,大司马是如何知道这件事情的。 Great Minister of War complied with one, then open the mouth and said: Feudal official was recalling the Blood Slaughter Sect person before, attacks our processes, afterward feudal official discover an issue, before Blood Slaughter Sect these vines, and had no special response, but suddenly one day, their vines, started to be upwardly long afterward, moreover long was very high, grew in that vine didn't have long time, they started large-scale attack to us, the shipyard fort fell the crushed stone, but after the shipyard fort falling crushed stone, our immediately conducted attack to these vines, these vines on direct on retreating, moreover is not long to, from this all sorts of performance, these. Vine, continuously long to our Imperial City, certainly has the goal, but the feudal official thinks now, their goals, is possible is the collection void magnet, so long as they collected enough void magnet, they can conduct research to the void magnet, so long as their enough understanding void magnets, they can not need to be worried about our magnetic field, but the void magnet should not be that good research, therefore they then used such long time, but if their in attacked next time, we on must be careful, because our magnetic field, on had not used to their is possible, this. Is the idea of feudal official.” Said that Great Minister of War to Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, is waiting for the decision of Shadow Sovereign. 大司马应了一声,接着开口道:“臣之前在回忆血杀宗的人,进攻我们的过程,后来臣发现了一个问题,之前血杀宗的那些藤蔓,并没有什么特别的反应,但是后来突然有一天,他们的藤蔓,就开始向上长,而且长的很高,就在那藤蔓长高起来没有多长时间,他们就对我们发动了大规模攻击,坞堡就掉落了碎石,而在坞堡掉落碎石之后,我们马上就对那些藤蔓进行了攻击,那些藤蔓就直接就退走了,而且在没有向里面长,从这种种表现来看,那些藤蔓,一直长到我们皇城下面,一定是有目地的,而臣现在想起来,他们的目地,可能就是收集虚空磁石,只要他们收集到了足够的虚空磁石,他们就可以对虚空磁石进行研究,只要他们足够的了解虚空磁石,那他们就可以不用担心我们的磁场了,但是虚空磁石应该也不是那么好研究的,所以他们这才用了这么长时间,但是如果他们下一次在来进攻,我们就必须要小心了,因为我们的磁场,对他们可能就没有用了,这是臣的想法。”说完大司马就冲着影皇行了一礼,等着影皇的决定。 After Shadow Sovereign listened to the Great Minister of War words, is complexion gloomy nod, then open the mouth and said: Great Minister of War said is reasonable, is possible is really this, to be honest, except for this situation, I really thinks don't understand, the Blood Slaughter Sect person, why must do that, if this is really the case, that next Blood Slaughter Sect in attack, but was really one struggled hard, we can change the magnetic field, if they really obtained the void magnet words, they were also certain can cause, can change thing of magnetic field, that magnetic field to them, is possible on was really useless, we must have the preparation in this aspect the line.” 影皇听了大司马的话之后,也是脸色阴沉的点了点头,接着开口道:“大司马说的有道理,可能真的是这样,说实话,除了这种情况,我是真的想不明白,血杀宗的人,为什么还要这么做,罢了,如果真的是这样的话,那下一次血杀宗在进攻的时候,可就真的是一场苦战了,我们可以改变磁场,他们要是真的得到了虚空磁石的话,他们也一定可以弄出,可以改变磁场的东西,那磁场对于他们来说,可能就真的没用了,我们要有这方面的心理准备才行。” The people complied with one, their complexion also very difficult look, Shadow Sovereign look at their appearances, said solemnly: "All right, we also go back, we have completed in any case, prepared with the Blood Slaughter Sect person desperately , goes back nothing more to be said. ” 众人都应了一声,他们的脸色也都十分的难看,影皇看着他们的样子,沉声道:“好了,我们也回去吧,反正我们早就做好了,与血杀宗的人拼命的准备了,也没有什么好说的,回去吧。” The people all complied with one, later walks toward Imperial City in Shadow Sovereign, their, all are very sad, thinks their magnetic field, immediately had not used, their is very at heart heavy, especially Mao Xuanying, Mao Xuanying is using the void magnet to raise refine metal , is good to change the magnetic field to cope with Blood Slaughter Sect, but suddenly is actually informed now, Blood Slaughter Sect is possible had found the method of to break this ability, how this lets him is not surprised, how he real don’t know should handle at once. 众人全都应了一声,随后就跟着影皇皇城里走去,不过他们的心情,却全都很是沉重,一想到他们的磁场,马上就没有用了,他们的心里就很是沉重,特别是茅玄应,茅玄应正在利用虚空磁石提炼金属,好改变磁场来对付血杀宗,但是现在却突然被告知,血杀宗可能已经找到了破解这种能力的方法了,这让他如何能不吃惊,他一时之间真的不知道该怎么办好了。 Mao Xuanying soon on returned to in own courtyard, he in Imperial City, there is own courtyard, moreover very big, in here his has plenty under the hand/subordinate, these people is he trains, has helped him conduct all kinds of research, Mao Xuan should in returned to own courtyard, all convened together his under the hand/subordinate directly, later the guess of Great Minister of War, told these people, finally open the mouth and said: Situation you had known, can say, the matter that we handle now, has been little significance, regarding this matter, how you to see? How should we then do?” Said that Mao Xuan should look at these person of one, he really no means that can only ask the opinions of these people, but as soon as these people listened to him saying that also all was look at each other in dismay, they also really does not have any means that therefore all was at once silent, don’t know should say what good. 茅玄应很快就回到了自己的院子里,他在皇城里,有自己的一个院子,而且十分的大,在这里有很多手下,这些人全都是他培养起来的,一直帮着他进行各种各样的研究,茅玄应在回到自己的院子,就直接将他的手下全都召集到了一起,随后就将大司马的猜测,跟这些人说了,最后开口道:“情况你们已经知道了,可以说,我们现在做的事情,已经没有太大的意义了,对于这件事情,你们怎么看?我们接下来该如何做?”说完茅玄应就看了那些人一眼,他是真的没有什么好办法了,只能去问这些人的意见了,而这些人一听他这么说,也全都是面面相觑,他们还真的没有什么好办法,所以一时之间全都沉默了,不知道该说什么好。 Mao Xuanying looks at their appearances, knows that they have no means that he cannot help but sighed lightly, is preparing these to draw back, saw a person suddenly stand to get up said: view lord, we had an idea, does not know , said does not work as to say.” 茅玄应一看他们的样子,就知道他们也没有什么办法,他不由得轻叹了口气,正准备让这些人退下,就见一个人突然站了起来道:“观主,我们有一个想法,不知当讲不当讲。” Mao Xuanying has an own Daoist temple, but he also has oneself duty in Royal Palace, but he status in Shadow Clan , some aloof, therefore he still lives in the own Dao view, but his these under the hand/subordinate, still called him for the view lord. 茅玄应是有自己的一个道观的,不过他在皇宫里也是有自己的职务的,只不过他在影族里的身份,也是有一些超然的,所以他依然住在自己的道观里,而他的这些手下,依然称呼他为观主。 Mao Xuanying open the mouth and said: Mentioned listens.” Mao Xuan deals with under the hand/subordinate is very good, this is related with his beforehand status, he was to teach Shadow Clansman before arranges formation, was teacher, therefore he regarding oneself under the hand/subordinate, always has one type of to treat the student same feeling. 茅玄应开口道:“说来听听。”茅玄应对手下还是很好的,这跟他以前的身份有关,他以前是教影族人布置法阵的,算是一个老师,所以他对于自己的手下,总是有一种对待学生一样的感觉。 That under the hand/subordinate complied with one, later he to Mao Xuanying open the mouth and said: Observes the lord, my idea is, whether we magnetic field, regarding are not being weapon, but regards them is one type of energy, one type of is very powerful, very stable energy.” 那个手下应了一声,随后他冲着茅玄应开口道:“观主,我的想法是,我们是不是可以不在将磁场,当成是一件武器,而是将他们当成是一种能量,一种十分强大,又十分稳定的能量。” His words make Mao Xuanying cannot help but stare, later his two eyes cannot help but one bright, his immediately open the mouth and said: Then said.” 他的话让茅玄应不由得一愣,随后他的两眼不由得一亮,他马上就开口道:“接着说。” That person complied with one, later his immediately open the mouth and said: Observes the lord, is this, we until now, regard the magnetic field are one type of weapon, but the magnetic field he besides is one type of weapon, he actually is also one type of energy, moreover one type of is very stable, very powerful energy, if we can this energy using, no matter that the shipyard fort or Imperial City here, all does not need to be worried that energy issue, this can let our formation, becomes Might even bigger, wants our prepare formation, our formation, can certainly display huge Might, perhaps really can stall the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect.” 那人应了一声,随后他马上就开口道:“观主,是这样的,我们一直以来,都将磁场当成是一种武器,但是磁场他除了是一种武器之外,他其实也是一种能量,而且还是一种十分稳定,十分强大的能量,如果我们能将这股能量给利用起来,那么不管是坞堡还是皇城这里,全都不用在担心能量的问题了,这样就可以让我们的法阵,变得威力更大,那只要我们布置好法阵,那我们的法阵,也一定可以发挥出巨大的威力,说不定真的可以挡住血杀宗的进攻呢。” Mao Xuan should listen to that person of words, is actually two eyes shines, they in formation on together, compared with Blood Slaughter Sect, but this did not represent their formation not to use, their formation were useful, but a little, that was the energy source issue, formation also needs energy, their energy from there? Directly absorbs Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi from Heaven and Earth? In that case, energy may too be few, therefore the common situation, the formation energy source, is Crystal Stone kind of thing, in these thing includes massive energy, can regard the energy source to use directly . Moreover the use returns very enormous. 茅玄应听了那人的话,却是两眼放光,他们在法阵一道上,是比不过血杀宗的,但是这并不代表他们的法阵就没有用了,他们的法阵还是有用的,但是有一点儿,那就是能量源的问题,法阵也是需要能量的,他们能量是从那里来?直接从天地之间吸收天地灵气吗?那样的话,能量可就太少了,所以一般的情况,法阵能量源,全都是晶石一类的东西,这些东西里含有大量的能量,就可以直接当成能量源来使用,而且用处还十分的巨大 brilliant of ten points Blood Slaughter Sect formation uses, however their formation, needs the energy source, their energy sources, actually very simple, is Yin Yang Thunder Pond, their Yin Yang Thunder Pond, were just manufactured the each and every one energy bead, this type of energy bead is not very big, puts the formation formation core place these energy beads, can provide continuous energy to formation, was adding on formation also to have some special designs, can some self-absorption energy, there are some law in the formation, was direct on fusing the Yin Yang Thunder Pond ability, therefore Blood Slaughter Sect formation, always did not lack the energy source. 血杀宗法阵用的十分的高明,但是他们的法阵,也是需要能量源的,他们的能量源,其实十分的简单,就是阴阳雷池,只不过他们的阴阳雷池,是被制做成了一个个能量珠罢了,这种能量珠并不是很大,将这些能量珠放到法阵阵眼处,就可以给法阵提供源源不断的能量了,在加上法阵还有一些特别的设计,可以自己吸收一些能量,有一些法阵里,更是直接就融合了阴阳雷池的能力,所以血杀宗法阵,从来都不缺少能量源。 However Shadow Clansman formation, may not have develop(ment) to that situation, they do not have Yin Yang Thunder Pond this type to provide energy formation, therefore their formation energy source is an issue, your formation arrangement in exquisite, without enough energy supports him to revolve, that is also a waste, your formation arrangement in difference, so long as there is enough energy, in having a person who understands formation control, that this formation, can display incomparably gigantic Might, this and in martial arts, does not fear thousand moves to be able, on fearing one move ripe is the same., With most common Eight Trigrams Formation, what formation Eight Trigrams Formation is, so long as understands a little formation person, all understand, why Eight Trigrams Formation some people are also using now, hadn't been eliminated? A most important reason is, the change of Eight Trigrams Formation are many, you want to be able Eight Trigrams Formation enough energy, in can command(er) well he, that Eight Trigrams Formation Might, actually be very enormous, how even if you understand Eight Trigrams Formation, the change that he can keep, the Eight Trigrams Formation 8864 most common changes, these changes enough let the head pain, you broke one type of to change, but the second type changed immediately to come, in you cannot under one on ruining in Eight Trigrams Formation the situation, he was can display incomparably powerful energy, therefore he had not been eliminated to fall to the present. 但是影族人法阵,可没有发展到那种地步,他们也没有阴阳雷池这种可以一直提供能量法阵,所以他们的法阵能量源就一直是一个问题,你的法阵布置的在精妙,没有足够的能量支持他运转,那也是一个废物,你的法阵布置的在差,只要有足够的能量,在有一个懂法阵的人来控制,那这个法阵,也可以发挥出无比巨大威力,这与武功之中的,不怕千招会,就怕一招熟是一样的,就拿最普通的八卦阵来说吧,八卦阵是什么样的法阵,只要是懂一点儿法阵的人,全都明白,那为什么八卦阵现在还有人在用,还没有被淘汰呢?最主要的一个原因就是,八卦阵的变化很多,你只要能八卦阵足够的能量,在能好好的指挥他,那八卦阵威力,其实是十分巨大的,就算是你懂八卦阵又怎么样,他是可以不停的变化的,八卦阵八八六十四种最普通的变化,这些变化就够让人头痛的了,你破去一种变化,但是第二种变化马上就来了,在你不能一下就毁掉八卦阵的情况下,他是可以发挥出强大无比能量的,所以到现在他也没有被淘汰掉。 But all these with the source, lie in the energy sources, if formation does not have the energy source, is absolutely incorrect, but meaning also very obvious that just Mao Xuanying that under the hand/subordinate, said that now their magnetic field cannot use, perhaps said, is not useful, but can actually be regarded as the one type of energy source this magnetic field, this magnetic field is one type of is very stable, moreover energy also very big energy source, if this energy source with, in adding on appropriate formation, that their formation, can definitely display huge Might, one thinks of here, the cogon grass. Profound should unable to take a seat, his suddenly one stood, your means to that under the hand/subordinate said: is very later good, my immediately reported this matter to Your Majesty, so long as Your Majesty agreed, our immediately can arrange formation.” That under the hand/subordinate complied with one, Mao Xuan should walk outward, walks out while your immediately to his these under the hand/subordinate said: starts to prepare to arrange the formation matter, now our around Imperial City, there is a thirty six place shipyard fort, can arrange Heavenly Spirit thirty six, your immediately prepares, I believe that Your Majesty will certainly support our.” The people in complied with one one time, Mao Xuan should beckon with the hand, made them prepare, but he was actually the half step walked in the Royal Palace direction, sought an interview Shadow Sovereign directly. 而这一切跟源,就在于能量源上,要是法阵没有能量源,是绝对不行的,而刚刚茅玄应的那个手下,所说的意思也十分的明显,现在他们的磁场不能在用了,或许说,没有什么用了,但是却可以将这种磁场看做是一种能量源,这磁场是一种十分稳定的,而且能量还十分大的能量源,要是将这种能量源给用好了,在加上合适的法阵,那么他们这个法阵,完全可以发挥出巨大的威力,一想到这里,茅玄应就坐不住了,他忽的一下就站了起来,随后对那个手下道:“你的这个办法很好,我马上就将这件事情上报给陛下,只要陛下同意,我们马上就可以布置法阵。”那个手下应了一声,茅玄应就往外走去,一边往外走一边对他的那些手下道:“你们马上就开始着手准备布置法阵的事情,现在我们的皇城四周,有三十六座坞堡,可以布置天罡三十六阵,你们马上就准备一下,我相信陛下一定会支持我们的。”众人在一次的应了一声,茅玄应摆了摆手,就让他们去准备去了,而他却是快步的向着皇宫的方向走去,直接就求见了影皇 Shadow Sovereign is sitting in own study room, he has been having for the matter of magnetic field, this they can block Blood Slaughter Sect such long time time, mainly because of the magnetic field, the magnetic field actually must by Blood Slaughter Sect breaking now, if the magnetic field were broken, they lost biggest taking advantage, that may be more difficult to hit, goes all out he not to fear, what he fears, without the means conducts own plan. 影皇正坐在自己的书房里,他一直在为磁场的事情感到头痛,这一次他们能挡住血杀宗这么长时间,主要就是因为磁场,现在磁场却是要被血杀宗给破了,如果磁场被破了,他们就失去了最大的依仗,那可就更难打了,拼命他不怕,他怕的是,没有办法进行自己的计划。 In this time, suddenly is having the court eunuch incoming telegram, Mao Xuanying seeks an interview, Shadow Sovereign gawked, later he thought that before Mao Xuanying, at the matter that the research magnetic field changes, now their suddenly on discover, Blood Slaughter Sect seems like magnetic field that can broken go to their, their magnetic field changes also without useful, in this case Mao Xuanying research would have no to use, he sought an interview at this time, is possible also to say this matter, thought of here, Shadow Sovereign cannot help but sighs lightly, later proclaims to court eunuch said: that notified.” 正在这个时候,突然有太监来报,茅玄应求见,影皇愣了一下,随后他就想到了,茅玄应之前就在研究磁场变化的事情,现在他们突然发现,血杀宗好像是可以破去他们的磁场,他们的磁场变化也没有什么用了,在这种情况下茅玄应的研究也就没有用了,他在这个时候来求见,可能也是为了说这件事情,一想到这里,影皇不由得轻叹了口气,随后对那个来报信的太监道:“宣。”
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