BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14214: Magnetic field ( 6 )

although Zhao Hai not void magnet to Wen Yuming they, but he actually began to conduct minute/share to pity to the void magnet, actually said that was he himself begins is not right, was Space moving hand, Space can the minute/share pity the void magnet, Zhao Hai made the Space minute/share pity a void magnet, having a look at this void magnet to have what ability. 虽然赵海并没有将虚空磁石给闻于名他们,但是他却自己动手对虚空磁石进行了分惜,其实说是他自己动手也不对,是空间动的手,空间是可以自己分惜虚空磁石的,赵海就让空间自己分惜了一下虚空磁石,看看这虚空磁石有什么能力。 The minute/share of quick void magnet pitied the result to come out, heard the Space sound to transmit said: void magnet, one type of is born in the Void World unique stone material, had the void strength, the strength of magnetic field, Strength of Space, this stone after passing through refining, can in the between Real and Void free transformation, this stone have the strength of magnet, can form the defense magnetic field to protect itself, after refining, can form one type of by the person control magnetic field, this stone also had Strength of Space, can produce internal space, meanwhile can conduct Space attack, but this stone feared Earth element energy, this stone in earth is burying, all strengths not. Means use, but one but leave in earth, all strength immediately can come in handy.” Speaking of here, the Space sound stopped, obviously was says, although his introduction very simple, but disclosed the information that was actually many, Zhao Hai also complete understand doing of this type of void magnet used. 很快的虚空磁石的分惜结果就出来了,就听到空间的声音传来道:“虚空磁石,一种诞生于虚界的特有石材,有虚空之力,磁场之力,空间之力,此石在经过炼制之后,可以在虚实之间自由转换,此石有磁石之力,可以形成防御磁场保护自己,经过炼制之后,可以形成一种由人控制的磁场,此石还有空间之力,可以生成内空间,同时还可以进行空间攻击,但此石怕土系能量,此石在土里埋着的时候,所有力量都没有办法使用,但是一但离开了土里,所有力量马上就可以合用。”说到了这里,空间的声音就停了下来,显然是说完了,虽然他的介绍十分的简单,但是透露出来的信息却是不少,赵海也完全的明白了这种虚空磁石的做用。 The void magnet is one type of fears the earth very Stonehead/stone, if he is burying in earth, then this type of magnet, is a piece ordinary Stonehead/stone, does not have any special place, but one but leave earth, then his immediately/on horseback will change will fly, meanwhile will produce the defense magnetic field to protect itself, what most important will be, this Stonehead/stone after passing through refining, the use will be very big, not only can in the between Real and Void free transformation, but can also produce one type of to be able the control magnetic field, most important will be, can produce internal space, even can also conduct Space attack, so-called Space attack, that on will be Space Cutting and so on attack, such attack, in all attack, is strongest, because he is using the Space strength, deals with the enemy, such attack Might is very enormous. 虚空磁石是一种十分怕土的石头,如果他是在土里埋着,那么这种磁石,就是一块普通的石头,没有任何特别的地方,但是一但离开了土,那么他马上变会飞起来,同时还会生成防御磁场来保护自己,最主要的是,这种石头在经过炼制之后,用处还很大,不但可以在虚实之间自由的转换,还可以生成一种可以控制的磁场,最主要的是,还可以生成内空间,甚至还能进行空间攻击,所谓的空间攻击,那就是空间切割之类的攻击,这样的攻击,在所有攻击里,都是最强的,因为他是在用空间的力量,对付敌人,这样的攻击威力十分巨大的。 This void magnet truly is very correct/pretty good, later arrives can use, this type of Space magnet, melts combined together with their spirit silk or Blood Gold, what effect will have a look to have, but to this step, Zhao Hai did not prepare to pity at the minute/share, he cannot use in any case now, the remaining things looked at Wen Yuming their good, what having a look at Wen Yuming they to have result. 这个虚空磁石确实是很不错,以后到是可以用一下,将这种空间磁石,与他们的灵丝或是血金合在一起,看看会有什么样的效果,不过到了这一步,赵海也就不准备在分惜了,反正他现在也用不上,剩下的事情就看闻于名他们的好了,看看闻于名他们会有什么样的结果。 But other aspect Wen Yuming they are also conducting minute/share to pity to the void magnet, their is impossible like Space, within that short time, pities certainly to the minute/share the void magnet, but must conduct all kinds of experiments slowly, how has a look at the result, is adding on the void magnet that they obtain very few, therefore each experimental very careful. 而另一面闻于名他们也正在对虚空磁石进行分惜,他们当然不可能空间那样,在那么短的时间之内,就将虚空磁石给分惜出来,而是要慢慢的进行各种各样的试验,看看结果如何,在加上他们得到的虚空磁石十分的少,所以他们每一步试验都十分的小心 But white eyes they in an attack of preparation to Shadow Clansman, before the attack, white eyes have also issued an order to Azure Dragon now, making Azure Dragon then collect these stone blocks, can collect many collects many, but paid attention, do not let Shadow Clansman discover, they can collect stone blocks, but do not have the too big movement, cannot make Shadow Clansman see that they are collecting Stonehead/stone. 白眼他们现在也已经在一次的准备对影族人的进攻了,不过在进攻之前,白眼青龙下了一道命令,让青龙接着收集那些石块,能收集多少收集多少,但是注意了,一定不要让影族人发现,他们可以收集石块,但是不要有太大的动作,不能让影族人看到他们是在收集石头 Azure Dragon also complied directly, because this type of void magnet, they, even if falls from big Stonehead/stone, they will not fall the ground directly, but will float in in midair, because his automatic magnetic field, can float by oneself in in midair, therefore Azure Dragon must collect these small stone blocks, must make Reaching Sky Vine upwardly long, long to certain altitude, can collect these small stone blocks, but if they are not careful, they on have is possible to be able very much by Shadow Clansman discover. 青龙也是直接就答应了,因为这种虚空磁石,他们就算是从大的石头上掉落下来,他们也不会直接就掉到地上,而是会浮在半空中,因为他自动磁场,让自己可以浮在半空中,所以青龙要收集这些小石块,就必须要让通天藤向上长,只有长到一定的高度,才能收集到这些小石块,但是如果他们不小心一点,他们就很有可能会被影族人发现 Azure Dragon after complying with white eyes, he ordered, enabling these Reaching Sky Vine toward high long, although these Reaching Sky Vine directly to fly, but they, if toward tall Chang, were actually no problem, although is possible will encounter some resistance, but actually can still long was very high, is adding on these Reaching Sky Vine, was the entanglement in together, slowly toward was high long, finally turned into giant vine columns. 青龙在答应了白眼之后,他就直接下令,让那些通天藤往高了长,虽然这些通天藤不能飞,但是他们如果是往高长,却是没有问题的,虽然可能会受到一些阻力,但是却依然可以长的很高,在加上这些通天藤,是纠缠在一起,慢慢的往高长的,最后变成了一棵棵巨大的藤蔓柱。 white eyes they see Azure Dragon such approach, knows why Azure Dragon must do that Azure Dragon makes very simple, for later collects these small stone blocks the time, will not be suspected by Shadow Clansman. 白眼他们看到青龙这样的做法,也知道青龙为什么要这么做,青龙这么做十分的简单,就是为了以后收集那些小石块的时候,不会被影族人怀疑。 Shadow Clansman is possible felt, in any case Reaching Sky Vine also steadily their bottommost shipyard fort there, therefore simply without paying attention to Reaching Sky Vine, Reaching Sky Vine long to certain altitude, would have no means to grow upwardly, Shadow Clansman also on complete feel relieved. 影族人可能是觉得,反正通天藤也长不到他们最下面的坞堡那里,所以根本就没有理会通天藤,通天藤长到一定的高度,也就没有办法在向上长了,影族人也就完全的放心了。 Next morning, Blood Slaughter Sect then conducts attack to the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, what they still use is the steam artillery, shell that these steam artillery use, is actually another one type of attribute, but today's attack, effect also correct/pretty good, some shells, projected on the two li (0.5 km) range of Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, but has not actually entered to one li (0.5 km) range of shipyard fort, Shadow Clansman still does not have the sound. 第二天一早,血杀宗接着对影族人的坞堡进行攻击,他们依然用的是蒸汽炮,这些蒸汽炮用的炮弹,却是另一种属性的了,而今天的攻击,效果也不错,有一些炮弹,打到了影族人坞堡的两里范围之内了,但是却并没有进入到坞堡的一里范围之内,影族人依然没有动静。 But Blood Slaughter Sect these was still time attack two double-hour, then called a halt, but Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, truly actually not by what wound, even a small stone blocks stone has not fallen, this disappointed has been staring at white eyes they somewhat, they also wanted to collect some stone blocks, has not actually thought, today has not fallen the a piece stone blocks stone unexpectedly, after all disciple drew back, white eyes look at these Shadow Clansman shipyard forts, then open the mouth and said: Skyful Fire attack strength formidable some, did you say evidently?” Said that white eyes looked at people one eyes, the people all nod, that's true, at least with Skyful Fire attack time, the shipyard fort will also fall some small Stonehead/stone, but now, is a piece small Stonehead/stone has not actually fallen, from this perspective, Skyful Fire attack is truly stronger. 血杀宗这一次依然是攻击了两个时辰,然后就停手了,而影族人的坞堡,也确实却没有受什么伤,甚至连一个小石块石没有掉落,这让一直盯着的白眼他们有些失望,他们还想要多收集一些石块呢,却没有想到,今天竟然连一块石块石没有掉落,等到所有弟子都退回来之后,白眼看着那些影族人的坞堡,接着开口道:“看样子还是满天火攻击力更加的强悍一些啊,你们说呢?”说完白眼就看了众人一眼,众人全都点了点头,确实如此,最起码用满天火攻击的时候,坞堡还会掉一些小石头呢,而现在,却是一块石头都没有掉,从这方面来讲,满天火攻击确实更强。 Ding Chunming open the mouth and said: Tries several types of attack shells, Skyful Fire can also try several types, we can slowly comes, does not worry.” white eyes also nods, later open the mouth and said: Hopes Old Wen there, can earlier have the result, everyone goes back to rest.” The people complied with one, later they all mutual gave a salute, on turn around leave. 丁春明开口道:“多试几种进攻炮弹吧,满天火也可以多试几种,我们可以慢慢的来,不着急。”白眼也点了点头,随后开口道:“希望老闻那里,能早一点儿有结果吧,大家都回去休息吧。”众人应了一声,随后他们全都相互的行了一礼,就转身离开了。 Next day Blood Slaughter Sect also has Skyful Fire to conduct attack, their attack are very fierce is still fierce, but Shadow Clansman these shipyard fort there, fell some small stone blocks, but these small stone blocks , by Azure Dragon collecting, Azure Dragon approach very simple, they can a release spirit silk, then investigate that small stone blocks one time, that small stone blocks drawing to ground, then collects. 第二天血杀宗又有满天火进行攻击,他们的攻击依然是十分的猛烈,而影族人的那些坞堡那里,也掉落了一些小石块,不过那些小石块,也在一次的被青龙给收集走了,青龙的做法十分的简单,他们会放出一根灵丝,然后纠住那小石块,将那小石块给拉到地面上,然后收集起来。 Shadow Clansman will not pay attention to these small stone blocks, because of too small, they will not even pay attention to Reaching Sky Vine, because of Reaching Sky Vine enough their shipyard forts, therefore they also not in manages type without threat thing, therefore would have no discover, Azure Dragon in collection these small stone blocks quietly, today's fight, they in a collection to dozens small stone blocks, Wen Yuming these small stone blocks, will give Wen Yuming them, Wen Yuming they still in conduct minute/share to pity to these small stone blocks. 影族人是不会注意那些小石块的,因为太小了,他们甚至都不会去注意通天藤,因为通天藤够不到他们的坞堡,所以他们也就不会在去管这种没有威胁的东西了,所以也就没有发现,青龙在悄悄的收集那些小石块,今天的战斗,他们在一次的收集到了几十块小石块,闻于名将这些小石块,给了闻于名他们,闻于名他们依然在对这些小石块进行分惜。 When Blood Slaughter Sect third time conducts attack with the shell to the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, their discover, this their shell, attack effect specially good, some shells, have infiltrated in shipyard fort one li (0.5 km) range, white eyes their very happy, after the war, white eyes they gathered together, acquired about hundred small stone blocks, will send to Wen Yuming, simultaneously gave back to Wen Yuming to send a letter/believes, told Wen Yuming, Shadow Clansman these shipyard forts, compared with fearing Earth element energy, paid attention to research in this aspect by them, after completing these, white eyes on. look at Ding Chunming their said: „the present is certain, Shadow Clansman that magnetic field, is quite sensitive to Earth element Magic, I thought that we can strengthen the attack in this aspect? If reinforces the Earth element attack, can give to break through the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort directly, that isn't it better? white eyes said that he wants to listen to the people on the look at people are what opinion, after all wants to break through the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, is not an easy matter, can succeed has not really said that if therefore alerted the enemy, that instead to was the gain does not equal the loss, therefore some white eyes being in doubt ideas, he will then also ask the people now. 血杀宗第三次用炮弹对影族人的坞堡进行攻击的时候,他们发现,这一次他们的炮弹,攻击的效果特别的好,有一些炮弹,已经打入到了坞堡一里的范围之内了,白眼他们很高兴,等到战后,白眼他们就聚集到了一起,将收集到的近百块小石块,给闻于名发了过去,同时还给闻于名发去了一封信,告诉闻于名,影族人的那些坞堡,比较怕土系能量,让他们注意这方面的研究,等到做完这些之后,白眼看着丁春明他们道:“现在可以肯定了,影族人的那种磁场,就是对土系术法比较敏感,我看我们是不是可以加强一下这方面的进攻?如果加强土系进攻,能直接就将影族人的坞堡给攻破,那不是更好吗?白眼说完就看着众人他想要听听众人都是什么意见,毕竟想要攻破影族人的坞堡,可不是一件容易的事情,能不能成功还真的不好说,要是因此而打草惊蛇了,那反到是得不偿失了,所以现在白眼也有些拿不准主意,他这才会问众人。 Ding Chunming said solemnly: Ok, the Earth element energy attack effect is better, we naturally must use Earth element energy attack, there is nothing to think that we are to break their shipyard fort now, if can break through, that naturally was best, if could not break through, that is thinking that other means that this was actually not an easy matter, if Shadow Clansman discover this weakness, then recovered, that did not have the means that when the time comes we in want the means and that's the end, I to feel able to try, our Skyful Fire, the firing distance was very far, our steam artillery firing distance was also very far, we can. Puts out many Skyful Fire and more steam artillery, attacks the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort, how has a look at the effect, even if cannot break through their shipyard forts, we can still collect some Stonehead/stone, perhaps this can also help Old Wen they, earlier research has the result to come out.” The people all nod, felt he said is reasonable, truly should so. 丁春明沉声道:“可以,土系能量攻击效果更好,那我们当然就要用土系能量攻击了,这没有什么好想的,我们现在就是要破去他们的坞堡,要是能攻破,那当然是最好了,要是攻不破,那就在想别的办法,这其实并不是一件容易的事情,如果影族人发现了这一弱点,然后加以补救,那也没有办法,到时候我们在想办法就是了,我觉得可以试一试,我们的满天火,射程是很远的,我们的蒸汽炮射程也很远,我们可以拿出更多的满天火和更多的蒸汽炮,对影族人的坞堡进行攻,看看效果如何,就算是攻不破他们的坞堡,我们也可以多收集一些石头,这样说不定还能帮着老闻他们,早一点研究出结果出来呢。”众人全都点了点头,觉得他说的有道理,确实应该如此。 Zhang Hongliang at this time open the mouth and said: Our these days, has been collecting the energy fluctuation of Shadow Clansman that magnetic field, our discover, the energy fluctuation of this magnetic field, very strange, the energy fluctuation of this magnetic field, toward the center, the magnetic field is strong, we are attack he, the fluctuation of magnetic field will also be stronger, when we use Earth element energy attack they, their magnetic field, meets the appears very violent fluctuation, this fluctuation, when energy attack of other departments, are not appears , therefore they regarding Earth element energy, truly are sensitivity , but why can like this, we. Now don’t know, moreover how to use Earth element energy, gives to break open their magnetic field, we return don’t know now, is trying to find the solution, after if us, really must the attack they, we to try full power, region that they are, turns into Earth element energy incomparably rich region, perhaps will have the unexpected harvest, but specific will have many harvests, this on don’t know, had not experimented after all.” 张宏良这时开口道:“我们这些天,也一直在收集影族人那种磁场的能量波动,我们发现,这种磁场的能量波动,十分的古怪,这种磁场的能量波动,越是往中心,磁场就越是强,我们越是攻击他,磁场的波动也会越强,而在我们用土系能量攻击他们的时候,他们的磁场,会出现十分剧烈的波动,这种波动,在其它系的能量攻击的时候,是没有出现过的,所以说他们对于土系能量,确实是十分的敏感,但是为什么会这样,我们现在不知道,而且如何用土系能量,将他们的磁场给破开,我们现在还不知道,正在想办法,不过如果我们以后真的要全力的进攻他们的话,我们到是可以试一试,将他们所在的区域,变成一个土系能量无比浓郁的区域,也许会有意想不到的收获,但是具体会有多少收获,这个就不知道了,毕竟没有试验过。” white eyes thinks, then open the mouth and said: That tries, after do not wait, tomorrow we attacked normally, you start to arrange formation, makes there turn into Earth element energy rich region directly, how has a look at the effect.” Zhang Hongliang complied with one, this to them is not the who matter, therefore his complied, but they if now wants is, what formation must use, this enters a little very importantly, they must choose appropriate formation to be good, otherwise, feared that is the effect. 白眼想了想,接着开口道:“那就试一试,不要等以后了,明天我们正常的进攻,你们就开始布置法阵,直接就让那里变成一个土系能量浓郁的区域,看看效果如何。”张宏良应了一声,这对于他们来说并不是什么人事儿,所以他一口就答应了,不过他们现在要想的就是,要使用什么样的法阵,这一点儿进十分重要的,他们必须要选一个合适的法阵才行,不然的话,怕是起不到效果。
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