BTFTLIAW :: Volume #142

#14194: Monster ( 15 )

When Ding Chunming their here base, all the prepare Buddha Force crystal, Zhen Lao against cover filled Buddha Force in directly, when Buddha Force fills, these monsters really did not dare to approach, Ding Chunming saw this situation, cannot help but let out a long breath, he turned the head later to Zhen Lao said: HaHaHa, Zhen Lao, these wanted thanks a lot time you, you arranged this formation, these monsters feared will be continuously is tired of us, everyone did not have means rest well.” 等到丁春明他们这里的基地,也全都布置好了佛力水晶,阵老就直接将防罩里充满了佛力,等到佛力一充满,那些怪物果然也就不敢在靠近了,丁春明一看到这种情况,也不由得长出了口气,随后他转头对阵老道:哈哈哈哈,阵老,这一次可是要多谢你了,要不是你布置了这个法阵,那些怪物怕是会一直的烦着我们,大家也都没有办法休息好了。” Zhen Lao is smiling said: this is not anything, originally is I should do, formation has improved now, you did not need to be worried, from the formation situation, Magical Artifact that Hongliang made, should also be able to form the injury to Shadow Clansman.” 阵老笑着道:“这不算什么,本来就是我应该做的,法阵现在已经改好了,你就不用担心了,从法阵的情况来看,宏良弄出来的法器,应该也是可以对影族人形成伤害的。” One hear of Zhen Lao said, Ding Chunming nods, later Zhen Lao on returned to base there, Ding Chunming looked at outside these monsters, left behind disciple look at of squad, made others rest. 一听阵老这么说,丁春明就点了点头,随后阵老回到了基地那里,丁春明看了一眼外面的那些怪物,留下了一小队的弟子看着,就让其它人去休息去了。 Next day they then fight, they are still refusing to budge, with these monsters did not have the means that although they also to kill many monsters, but the quantities of these monsters, inexhaustibly were probably same, white eyes and Ding Chunming also noticed this little, the white eyes look at battlefield, is frowning said: Old Ding, situation some were not right, we neglected an issue, the quantity issues of that these monsters, if these monsters, were really Shadow Clansman with that flesh and blood, made with these insect unions, was they can make, wants to cause many to cause many, if really like this, that. But really troubled.” 第二天他们接着战斗,他们依然是僵持着,拿那些怪物没有办法,虽然他们也杀了不少怪物,但是那些怪物的数量,好像是无穷无尽一样,白眼丁春明也注意到了这一点儿,白眼看着战场,皱着眉头道:老丁,情况有些不对啊,我们是不是忽略了一个问题,那就那些怪物的数量问题,如果那些怪物,真的是影族人用那种血肉,与那些虫子结合弄出来的,那么是不是他们就可以一直制造,想弄出多少就弄出多少,要是真的这样的话,那可就真的麻烦了。” Ding Chunming listened to the white eyes words, he thinks, then nods said: „to have this is possible, if really this, that also is really enough troublesome, even if when the time comes Hongliang, really Magical Artifact making, us feared that can't kill these monsters? Looks at the present appearance, these Shadow Clansman, should make this monster, that trouble.” 丁春明听了白眼的话,他想了想,接着点了点头道:“到是有这种可能,如果真的这样的话,那还真的是够麻烦的,到时候就算是宏良,真的将法器给弄出来了,我们怕是也杀不完那些怪物吧?看现在的样子,那些影族人,应该是正在制造这种怪物,那就更加的麻烦了。” white eyes nods, later his said solemnly: So seems like, we must use Buddha Force to curse, this, we look for Old Wen, said to Old Wen this matter, was saying that with not the matter that uses Buddha Force to curse.” 白眼点了点头,随后他沉声道:“如此看起来,我们就必须要用到佛力诅咒了,这样吧,我们去找一个老温,将这件事情跟老温说一下,然后在说用不用佛力诅咒的事情。” Ding Chunming nods, he looked at a battlefield, then open the mouth and said: When fires off today, we in look for Old Wen in the evening.” white eyes also nods, had not opposed, later two people will focus on the battlefield, actually now in battlefield also nothing attractive, nothing but was the one type of consumption finished, moreover Alien Race is consuming these monsters. 丁春明点了点头,他看了一眼战场,接着开口道:“等到今天打完的吧,晚上我们在去找老温。”白眼也点了点头,并没有反对,随后两人就将注意力放到了战场上,其实现在战场上也没有什么好看的,无非就是一种消耗战罢了,而且还是异形一族在消耗那些怪物。 The fight in continued five double-hour one time, later both sides withdraw troops, white eyes and Ding Chunming they, went to Wen Wenhai there directly, Wen Wenhai have several people to arrive in the small conference room, Wen Yuming and Hu Wei also all , after several people all sat down, Wen Wenhai then to white eyes said: old white, said that what matter asked us to come is?” 战斗在一次的持续了五个时辰,随后双方收兵,白眼丁春明他们,直接就去温文海那里,温文海带着几人到了小会议室里,闻于名胡微也全都在,等到几人全都坐下之后,温文海这才对白眼道:“老白,说说吧找我们来是什么事儿?” white eyes said solemnly: Today in the fight, our discover the one type of situation, these monsters that Shadow Clansman made newly, their quantities seemed like too a little, probably was inexhaustibly same, our suddenly thought that Shadow Clansman truly can achieve, making these monsters inexhaustible, moreover method also not only one type of, for example, these new monsters, unified to make with that flesh and blood and these insects, but these insects some of their also many, who don’t know, if these insects can reproduce, they can make that monster, this was the one type of method, but in addition the one type of method on was., If they are divided into several these monsters, then in letting them grows up, after they grow up, is divided into several, this continuously divides, then the quantities of these monsters are almost inexhaustible, even if we found out too many methods, does not have the means to give to annihilate them.” 白眼沉声道:“今天在战斗的时候,我们发现一种情况,影族人新弄出来的这些怪物,他们的数量好像是太多了一点儿,好像是无穷无尽一样,我们就突然想到了,影族人确实是可以做到,让这些怪物无穷无尽,而且方法还不只一种,就比如说,这些新的怪物,是用那种血肉和那些虫子相结合弄出来的,而那些虫子他们还有多少,谁也不知道,要是那些虫子可以一直繁殖,那他们就可以一直制造那种怪物了,这是一种方法,而另一种方法就是,如果他们将那些怪物分成几段,然后在让他们长大,等到他们长大之后,在分成几段,这样一直的分下去,那么那些怪物的数量就几乎是无穷无尽的,我们就算是想出了太多的方法,也没有办法将他们给消灭掉。” One hear of white eyes said, looks for book park ww.zhoshuyuan.o Wen Wenhai their complexion all changes, later they looked at one mutually, later Wen Wenhai open the mouth and said: „Is your meaning? Do we want to use Strength of Curse?” Several other people of also all look at white eyes. 一听白眼这么说,找书苑ww.zhoshuyuan.o温文海他们的脸色全都是一变,随后他们互望了一眼,随后温文海开口道:“那你的意思是?我们要用动诅咒之力?”其它几人也全都看着白眼 white eyes nods said: correct/pretty good, I am this meaning, we must use Strength of Curse, otherwise, without the means copes their, I know that this will have certain risk, but if we do not do that we would have no means to cope with Shadow Clansman, must therefore use this method.” Said that white eyes on look at several people, his these sets firm resolve time, must use this method to be good, because of his very clear, facing this inexhaustible enemy, the ordinary method, is useless. 白眼点了点头道:不错,我就是这个意思,我们必须要动用诅咒之力了,不然的话,是没有办法对付他们的,我知道这会有一定的风险,但是如果我们不这么做,那我们就没有办法对付影族人了,所以必须要用到这种方法。”说完白眼看着几人,他这一次是下定了决心的,一定要用这种方法才行,因为他十分的清楚,面对这种无穷无尽的敌人,普通的方法,是没有用的。 Wen Wenhai hesitated, then his open the mouth and said: Ok, that uses this method to cope with them, but cursed must experiment, can look completely is possible control, be, if really lost control, had the injury to us, Old Wen, the experiment in this aspect you came, remembered, must have the test result as soon as possible.” Wen Yuming complied with one, without is saying anything, he also knows, if to absolutely can not, white eyes will not want to cope with Shadow Clansman with Strength of Curse, Strength of Curse did not receive control, but this they must cope time, is these monsters, these monsters can form most root reason, is actually these strange flesh and blood, but these flesh and blood they do not have research understand now, if these two thing tie combined together, has is possible to be able very much occur variation, one, but occur variation, that Strength of Curse may on become was not completely controllable, that on really trouble.. 温文海沉吟了一下,接着他开口道:“可以,那就用这种方法来对付他们,不过诅咒还是要试验一下的,看看能不能尽可能控制住,还有就是,如果真的失控了,对我们有没有伤害,老闻,这方面的试验你们来吧,记住了,要尽快的有试验结果。”闻于名应了一声,没有在说什么,他也知道,如果不是到了万不得以,白眼也不会想要用诅咒之力来对付影族人的,诅咒之力本来就不太受控制,而这一次他们要对付的,还是那些怪物,那些怪物能形成最根本的原因,其实是那些怪异的血肉,而那些血肉现在他们还没有研究明白,这两种东西要是结合在一起,是很有可能发生变异的,一但发生变异,那诅咒之力可就完全的变得不可控了,那就真的麻烦了。
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