BCA :: Volume #15

#1487: Deep pool bottom vestige

Hun Kai they follow two gold/metal blades, arrived at bottom of Myriad Poisons Pool. 魂铠他们跟着两把金刀,来到了万毒潭底部。 Here by piece of restriction that is sending out the milky-white ray covers, but many restriction have become is badly-damaged, revealed the every large or small slit, some slits also present the outline of blade axe, seems like by some rare treasure puncture. 这里被一片散发着乳白色光芒的禁制笼罩,不过许多禁制已经变得残破不堪,露出了大大小小的缝隙,有的缝隙还呈现出刀斧的轮廓,看上去是被某种异宝击穿。 The rapid bottom water current passes in these slits, interweaves with milky-white spirit light, forms the innumerable close blisters, as if in the water the thick fog is common. 湍急的底部水流在这些缝隙中流转,与乳白色灵光交织,形成无数细密水泡,就仿佛水中浓雾一般。 Except for broken restriction, the surrounding ground is scattering all kinds of crushed stones, in many stones also portrays strange rune and plain writing. 除了残破的禁制,周围的地面散落着各种各样的碎石,不少石块上还刻画着怪异符文和古朴文字。 Xiao Linsheng and the others were following two gold/metal blades, shuttles back and forth in the broken restriction slit, their facial expression ten segregate heavily, not only outside the body is covering thick protective barrier, but also took out defensive magic treasure. 萧林生等人跟随着两把金刀,在残破的禁制缝隙中穿梭,他们神情十分凝重,不但体外笼罩着一层厚实的护罩,而且还取出了防御性法宝 Although here restriction lost the effect, but in broken spirit light, is lending the fearsome aura as before, many places make them feel the palpitation. 虽然这里的禁制都失去了效果,但残破的灵光中,依旧散发着可怖的气息,不少地方都让他们感到心悸不已。 Explained that here once restriction no small matter, can make Soul Transformation Peak feel fearful and apprehensive, absolutely is Void Refining level restriction. 说明这里曾经的禁制非同小可,能让化神巅峰感到心惊胆战,绝对是炼虚级别禁制 No wonder the deep pool bottom has no poison to exist, has this oppression fluctuation, the Void Refining following poisonous insect and poisonous beast, perhaps does not dare to approach. 难怪潭底没有什么毒物存在,有这种威压波动,炼虚以下的毒虫和毒兽,恐怕都不敢靠近。 Periphery Xiao Linsheng looks at the completely empty vestige, in the heart sighs silently, Myriad Poisons Pool the antiquity vestige, he has not listened to the master saying that obviously Human Clan does not know this place. 萧林生看着周围空空如也的遗迹,心中默默叹息一声,万毒潭的这个上古遗迹,他从没听师父说过,显然人族不知道这个地方。 Thus it can be seen, vestige mystical land in five races territories, had been explored by these foreign clan, afterward Human Clan wanted to seek for the chance, only then went to the Land of Blood Wastes and other danger of the places. 由此可见,五族领地内的遗迹秘境,都被这些异族探索过了,后来的人族想要寻找机缘,也只有前往血荒之地等危险的地方。 The surrounding of that place fortunately, if thorough, even Void Refining existence, has the risk of falling from the sky, in recent years, dies in Land of Blood Wastes Human Clan is countless. 那种地方的外围还好一点,如果深入的话,就算是炼虚存在,都有陨落的风险,这些年来,死在血荒之地人族不计其数。 Therefore Xiao Linsheng snorts contemptuously to Chen Shiyu that set of excuse, even if no Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method, Human Clan high rank cultivator to look for the opportunity of breakthrough, will still enter Land of Blood Wastes continuously. 所以萧林生陈诗语的那一套说辞嗤之以鼻,就算没有噬婴生灵大法,人族高阶修士为了寻找突破的机会,也会源源不断进入血荒之地 What is more important, is unable to break through, will die under stronger and stronger heavenly tribulation in vain, although Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method swallows kindred Primordial Infant, but the clansman was not sacrificed in vain. 更重要的是,无法突破,就会白白死在越来越强的天劫之下,噬婴生灵大法虽然吞噬同族元婴,但族人并不是白白牺牲的。 , Xiao Linsheng this group of people under the leadership of gold/metal blade, arrived at the antiquity vestige deep place gradually, a altar of collapse appears in them at present. 渐渐的,萧林生这伙人在金刀的带领下,来到了上古遗迹深处,一座倒塌的祭坛出现在他们眼前。 This is a stage of dozens zhang (3.33 m) length and breadth, above manifestation some fragmentary rune, as for the superficial writing, were being blotted by some divine ability forcefully, does not seem to want other to see. 这是一座数十丈长宽的高台,上面显化着一些零碎的符文,至于表面的文字,都被某种神通强行涂掉,似乎不想让其他人看见。 Some stage surface also remaining restriction fluctuations, the crushed stone and restriction are linked to each other, is sending out the misty white light. 高台表面还有一些残余的禁制波动,碎石与禁制连在一起,散发着蒙蒙的白光。 But a break stone column edge in altar edge, section sword tip inverts in the ground, its surface is interweaving purple-gold and blue ray, one contains the fluctuation of destruction aura layer upon layer, to spreads to go continuously in all directions. 而在祭坛边缘的一个断裂石柱边缘,一小节剑尖倒插在地面上,其表面交织着紫金色和蓝色光芒,一层层蕴含着毁灭气息的波动,源源不断向四面八方扩散而去。 Jian Chen not here?” 剑尘不在这里?” The people look at the present scene, immediately was shocked, but by Chen Shiyu of Xiao Linsheng control, as if came under the influence of Destructive Sword Intent, the view trembled slightly, opens the eye, rune of body surface also shone slightly, presented the red light, as if must explode momentarily general. 众人看着眼前的场景,顿时愣住了,而被萧林生控制的陈诗语,仿佛受到了毁灭剑意的影响,眼帘微微一颤,睁开了眼睛,体表的符文也微微亮起,出现了红光,仿佛随时都要爆炸一般。 Xiao Linsheng sees this, in the hand presented jade talisman, pinched under mudra, rune of Chen Shiyu body surface was dim, but this female sword cultivator also therefore sobered. 萧林生见此,手中出现了一道玉符,掐动了下法决,陈诗语体表的符文重新黯淡下去,不过这名女剑修也因此清醒了过来。 She stares the big eye to look at the surrounding all, first saw front that scrap sword tip, after discovering own Senior Brother not here, immediately relaxes. 她瞪大眼睛看着周围的一切,第一眼就见到了前方那一小块剑尖,当发现自己师兄不在这里后,顿时松了一口气。 Here blue spirit light......” “这里的蓝色灵光……” In the Hun Feng big eyeball first is flashes through several points of doubts saying: In this blue spirit light, as if contained this clan Elder wisp of soul thought.” 魂凤大眼珠子中先是闪过几分疑惑道:“这道蓝色灵光中,似乎蕴含了本族长老的一缕魂念。” soul thought?” 魂念?” Nearby Hun Kai upon hearing this, stares slightly, later in the one-eyed shone the gray-blue ray, together fist thick star light fiercely shoots, but this ray close to that section sword tip, its surroundings has not reappeared gray-blue curtain of light. 一旁的魂铠闻言,微微一愣,随后独眼中亮起了灰蓝色光芒,一道拳头粗的星光激射而出,可这道光芒还没有靠近那一小节剑尖,其周围就浮现出一层灰蓝色的光幕 On this curtain of light, is densely covered the gray silk thread, these silk threads constituted mysterious spirit mark, is lending inexplicable aura, the people feel a direct impact divine soul powerful constriction all of a sudden, retroceded two steps. 这层光幕上,密布着灰色丝线,这些丝线构成了玄奥的灵纹,散发着一股莫名的气息,众人一下子就感受到一股直冲神魂的强大压迫感,不禁后退了两步。 Hun Kai muttered: Also is really Void Refining soul thought, the aura of this destruction sword spirit sending out, is not because Jian Chen is building up, but is the intense fluctuation that inside sword spirit and Void Refining Elder soul thought battle has.” 魂铠喃喃道:“还真是炼虚魂念,这股毁灭剑灵散发的气息,并不是因为剑尘在炼化,而是里面的剑灵炼虚长老魂念争斗所产生的强烈波动。” It is said Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit wisp, was past Void Refining Elder and Human Clan Void Refining fight time escaped, when was it ran away, by our Elder secret technique is hit?” “据说灭灵剑一缕剑灵,是当年炼虚长老人族炼虚战斗的时候逃出的,难道是其逃窜之际,被我们长老的秘术打中?” Xiao Linsheng cannot bear say: This sword spirit wisp is not ten years ago runs away? Why now and does soul thought have the conflict?” 萧林生忍不住道:“这一缕剑灵不是十年前逃走的吗?为什么现在才与魂念产生冲突?” Hun Feng is staring at the front that continuously with purple-gold sword light that blue spirit light interweaves, narrows the one-eyed saying: destruction sword spirit is building up soul thought, explained before inside sword spirit, is hibernation state, now regained consciousness, can therefore active countermeasures soul thought.” 魂凤盯着前方那一缕缕与蓝色灵光交织的紫金色剑光,眯着独眼道:“毁灭剑灵是在炼化魂念,说明里面的剑灵之前是沉睡状态,现在苏醒了,所以才能主动对抗魂念。” Xiao Linsheng upon hearing this, looks the surprised color: Since this is your Void Refining Elder divine ability, that can definitely induce to the sword spirit condition, and......” 萧林生闻言,面露惊疑之色道:“既然这是你们炼虚长老神通,那肯定能感应到剑灵的状况,而且……” The Hun Feng vision flashes, hits to block the way: Is Soul Tribe Elder sends us to come, but Elder thinks that is Jian Chen is controlling sword spirit, only Soul Transformation Late Stage, is not worth Void Refining existence beginning personally.” 魂凤目光微闪,打断道:“就是魂部长老派我们来的,不过长老认为是剑尘在操控剑灵,区区一名化神后期,不值得炼虚存在亲自动手。” Xiao Linsheng also prepared to say anything, before their bodies, that one big and one small two gold/metal blades shivered suddenly fiercely, its surface besides golden flowing light, but also appeared the invisible ripple to surge faintly, is lending unusual aura. 萧林生还准备说什么,他们身前那一大一小两把金刀忽然剧烈颤抖起来,其表面除了金色流光外,还隐隐浮现出无形的波纹涌动,散发着一股奇特的气息。 These two gold/metal blade magic treasure?” “这两把金刀法宝?” They want to attack this sword spirit!” “它们想要攻击这道剑灵!” Hun Kai and Xiao Linsheng make together mudra to two gold/metal blades simultaneously, the knife that shivers fiercely returned to normal slightly, as if they can only control two magic treasure reluctantly. 魂铠萧林生同时向两把金刀打出一道法决,那剧烈颤抖的刀身稍微平复了一些,似乎他们只能勉强控制两件法宝 Hun Kai expression moves suddenly said: Hun Feng, this after all is the secret technique that Elder uses, but sword spirit is Human Clan Void Refining remaining magic treasure spirit, perhaps also remains several points of prestige energy, do we might as well first try with these two gold/metal blade magic treasure?” 魂铠忽然神色一动道:“魂凤,这毕竟是长老施展的秘术,而剑灵人族炼虚的残余法宝之灵,说不定还残留几分威能,我们不如先用这两把金刀法宝试试?” Hun Feng upon hearing this, remembered the hearsay in clan, said that is Human Clan that Void Refining sword cultivator, at the point of death first hits their Soul Tribe two Void Refining Elder dies a severe wound, in her eye flashes through the panic-stricken color, then the nod said: Good.” 魂凤闻言,不禁想起了族中的传闻,说是人族那名炼虚剑修,临死前将他们魂部两名炼虚长老打得一死一重伤,她眼中不禁闪过惊恐之色,便点头道:“好。” Xiao also approved, I and others acted rashly, there is a big risk.” “萧某也赞成,我等贸然出手,还是有不小风险的。” Spirit Extermination Sword is bigger in the Human Clan prestige, Xiao Linsheng does not dare easily to attempt similarly, if inside has the broken will of Spirit Extermination Sword original master, his Five Spirits School cultivator is most dangerous, might as well try with the rare treasure that just obtained. 灭灵剑人族威名更大,萧林生同样不敢轻易尝试,万一里面有灭灵剑原主人的残破意志,他这位五灵门修士是最危险的,不如用刚得到的异宝试试。 After all tool spirit of these two gold/metal blades, care to Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit extremely, probably the personal enemy is common. 毕竟这两把金刀的器灵,对灭灵剑剑灵极其在意,像是仇人一般。 Fellow Daoist Hun, these two magic treasure, although has independent spirituality, some of our also bolstering true essence, making its might bigger several points.” 魂道友,这两件法宝虽然有自主灵性,我们也加持一些真元,使其威力更大几分。” Good!” “好!” We prepare!” “那我们准备!” Three...... two...... one......” “三……二……一……” Begins!” “动手!” Hun Kai and Xiao Linsheng pinch mudra simultaneously, let loose to two gold/metal blades control, the next quarter gold/metal blade surface experiences an invisible fluctuation simultaneously, surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth wells up in abundance to here, forms a consolidate incomparable golden color halo. 魂铠萧林生同时一捏法决,放开了对两把金刀“控制”,下一刻金刀表面就同时出现一股无形的波动,周围的天地元气纷纷向这里涌来,形成一层凝实无比的金色光晕。 Simultaneously in the knife spread intermittent wild incomparable ape to shout the sound, flushed away suddenly forward. 同时刀身内传出了阵阵狂暴无比的猿猴嘶吼声,猛然向前冲去。 “Boom……” “轰……” The golden blade puts brilliantly, besides enduring compared with Soul Transformation Peak essence qi oppression, but also the implication fearsome impulse, an invisible ripple to surges in all directions, the surrounding pond water was evaporated directly. 金色刀光大放,除了堪比化神巅峰元气威压之外,还蕴含可怖的冲击力,一股无形的波纹向四面八方涌动,周围的潭水直接被蒸发掉。 That section sword tip surrounding cold color curtain of light, was inserted by two gold/metal blades forcefully, appears the faint trace crack, later two gold/metal blades continue to shiver, vibrating strength ripples, breaks this gray-blue curtain of light thoroughly. 那一小节剑尖周围的灰蓝色光幕,被两把金刀硬生生插了上去,浮现出丝丝裂纹,随后两把金刀继续颤动,一股震荡之力荡漾开来,将这层灰蓝色光幕彻底震碎。 Facing that wild incomparable air wave, Hun Kai they have to retrocede dozens zhang (3.33 m), has fallen back on outside the altar, in the eye is flashing the surprised color. 面对那狂暴无比的气浪,魂铠他们不得不后退了数十丈,一直退到祭坛之外,眼中闪动着惊奇之色。 This striking power to the golden treasured sword is not as they expected, solely depends upon the attack that independent spirituality launches, actually endures compared with the Soul Transformation Late Stage full power strikes. 这对金色宝刀的攻击力出乎他们的意料,仅仅依靠自主灵性发动的攻击,竟然堪比化神后期的全力一击。 Just as if two Soul Transformation Great Accomplishment cultivator simultaneously launched the attack to be the same, Xiao Linsheng and Hun Kai saw so the scene, wild with joy. 刚刚就仿佛两名化神大成修士同时发动攻击一般,萧林生魂铠见到如此场景,都狂喜不已。 divine ability of spontaneous revolution is so fierce, if will find control method in the future, can display how fearful prestige energy, they also really obtained a rare treasure. 自发运转的神通都如此厉害,如果将来找到操控之法后,又能发挥出多么可怕的威能,他们还真得到了一件异宝。 “Clang……” “铮……” Suddenly, in the golden halo in altar spreads a sword cry, the purple-gold flowing light from inside fiercely shoots, the one big and one small two gold/metal blades follows together, in the knife also spreads the angry ape howling. 忽然间,祭坛内的金色光晕中传出一声剑鸣,一道紫金色的流光从里面激射而出,一大一小两把金刀紧随其后,刀身中还传出愤怒的猿猴吼叫声。 Meanwhile, these two knives reduce unexpectedly at the visible speed, instantaneously becomes minimum, the speed increased several points. 与此同时,这两把刀身竟然以肉眼可见的速度缩小起来,瞬间就变得极小,速度增加了几分。 Broke open the secret technique unexpectedly directly, we pursue quickly!” “竟然直接破开了秘术,我们快追!” Xiao Linsheng they one happy, later fiercely shoots goes outward, but because sword spirit and gold/metal blade are quite small, can burst in the slit that to shuttle back and forth from restriction, but they can only the old route return, quick lost the trace of that several weapon. 萧林生他们一喜,随后都向外激射而去,可由于剑灵和金刀比较小,能从禁制破裂的缝隙中穿梭,而他们只能原路返回,很快就失去了那几把武器的踪影。 However the people are not flustered, Myriad Poisons Pool had been blocked by Essence Unites Five Extremes Great Formation, even that sword spirit wisp speed is not slow, the short time is unable to escape from this Myriad Poisons Pool. 不过众人并不慌张,万毒潭已被元合五极大阵封锁,就算那一缕剑灵的速度不慢,短时间也无法逃出这个万毒潭 They left the underground antiquity vestige quickly, at present was a piece of jet black deep pool bottom, sword spirit and gold/metal blade has vanished does not see, Xiao Linsheng saw this, patted storage pouch of waist, two clairvoyant golden eyes beast manifestation. 他们很快就离开了地底的上古遗迹,眼前是一片漆黑的潭底,剑灵和金刀早已消失不见,萧林生见此,一拍腰间的储物袋,两头三眼金睛兽显化而出。 Da Jin, Er Jin, induces gold/metal blade bloodline aura.” 大金,二金,感应金刀的血脉气息。” “Wuwu……” “呜呜……” Two vicious beast noses shrugged slightly, look to the sky, later Hun Feng took out myriad poisons plate, under the direction of clairvoyant golden eyes beast, fiercely shoots to the puddle went. 两头凶兽鼻子微微耸动,看向了上空,随后魂凤取出了万毒盘,在三眼金睛兽的指引下,向水潭上方激射而去。 Over time, the facial expression of people gradually becomes dignified, they induce to fearsome destruction aura from above gradually manifestation, that sword spirit wisp as if in breeding what fearful divine ability. 随着时间的流逝,众人的神情渐渐变得凝重起来,他们感应到一股可怖的毁灭气息从上方渐渐显化,那一缕剑灵似乎在孕育什么可怕的神通 Also after a period of time, Xiao Linsheng they arrive close to the Myriad Poisons Pool water surface place, there, a middle-aged man with dashing eyebrows and bright eyes floated in the middle of the water, one big and one small two gold/metal blade magic treasure, why do not know, back in his back. 又过了一段时间,萧林生他们来到靠近万毒潭水面的地方,在那里,一名剑眉星目的中年男子悬浮在水中,一大一小两把金刀法宝,不知为何,背在了其后背。 But in its chest front, that pale golden sword tip static float, absorbs sword mudra that Jian Chen is making, terrifying destruction aura rushes. 而在其胸前,那一节淡金色剑尖静静悬浮着,吸收着剑尘打出的一道道剑诀,恐怖的毁灭气息澎湃不已。 Jian Chen!” 剑尘!” Xiao Linsheng sees the appearance of this man, reveals the color of great happiness, it behind controlled Chen Shiyu, in the facial expression filled worried...... 萧林生见到这名男子的样貌,露出大喜之色,其身后被控制的陈诗语,神情中充满了担忧…… …… ……
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