BCA :: Volume #15

#1470: Busy

Master Chen and that delicate-looking young men, are sitting in a square shape hut. 陈夫子和那位面容清秀的青年男子,正坐在一个方形小屋中。 Outside the room defends two to wear sturdy clothing, the seemingly powerful and brave guy, in their eyes the fine glow flashes, even if this building not others, they still discrete incomparable, to guard any situation to happen. 屋外守着两名身穿劲装,看上去孔武有力的大汉,他们眼中精芒闪动,纵然这层楼没有其它人,他们依然谨慎无比,以防什么突发情况发生。 The room gate opposite side, is the exposed stone window, outside has a giant square of 20 to 30 zhang (3.33 m) length and breadth, inside is bustling and filled with people, some are cleaning the ground, some take the words, writes anything on the stone wall, some knitting the red decorative lighting link, is very lively. 屋子门对侧,是个裸露的石窗,外面有一座二三十丈长宽的巨大广场,里面人头攒动,有的在打扫地面,有的拿着笔墨,在石墙上写着什么,有的编织着红灯彩环,好不热闹。 Chen Zheng sincere say/way: Young City Lord, anything, needed to say alone here.” 陈正正色道:“少城主,到底什么事情,需要单独在这里说。” The delicate-looking young men looked at the lively common people outside courtyard, said slowly: 面容清秀的青年男子看了看外面院子里的热闹百姓,缓缓道: Does not know that Master Chen whether in the school yard in school, opens Martial Practice Hall again, the urging young people cultivates Vajra Mudra.” “不知陈夫子可否在学塾的学堂大院内,再开设一个练武堂,督促年轻人修炼金刚诀。” Master Chen first stares, when may remember later in the porridge house, others to the discussion of Vajra Mudra, non- closed road: Young City Lord feels many youth to Vajra Mudra and caring.” 陈夫子先是一愣,可随后想起了在粥铺时,其他人对金刚诀的谈论,不禁道:“少城主是觉得不少青年对金刚诀并不在意。” Wang Yuan sighed one lightly, continued saying: Falling Star City several martial artist factions, after evil spirit invades, was designed by Wang massacres mutually, perishes together, now martial artist also on Wang protected.” 王渊轻叹一声,继续道:“坠星城的几个武者帮派,在邪灵入侵后,被王某设计相互残杀,同归于尽,如今武者也就王某的一些护卫了。” „The remaining youth have not practiced martial arts, crossing is the peaceful life, and because of the evil spirit invasion, frame of mind many comes under some influences, the cultivation of Vajra Mudra is quite perhaps slow.” “剩下的青年都未练过武学,过得都是安稳日子,而且因为邪灵入侵,心气多少受到些影响,金刚诀的修炼恐怕极为缓慢。” What is more important, they to this cultivation method, as if do not care......” “更重要的是,他们对这门功法,似乎并不在意……” The Master Chen slight nod, this month, all the people of literacy have Vajra Mudra first layer cultivation method. 陈夫子微微点头,这一个月来,所有识字的人都有一本金刚诀第一层功法 Regarding cultivation method that the immortal so easily bestows, many people have not cared specially, only regards ordinary cultivation method to cultivate at will, after all in the people concept, the precious immortal ancient book, where will issue the mortal at will. 对于仙人如此轻易赐下的功法,很多人并没有特别在意,只当成一个普通功法随意修炼,毕竟在众人概念中,珍贵的仙人典籍,哪会随意发给凡人。 Wang Yuan silent a meeting, deeply inspires saying: Senior Chen Yang and my Wang Family somewhat origin, will inform Wang of some matters.” 王渊沉默了一会,深深吸了一口气道:“晨阳前辈和我王家有几分渊源,将一些事情告知了王某。” Perhaps my Wang Family immortal cultivation elder, all died in the foreign clan hand.” “我王家修仙长辈,恐怕全都死在了异族手中。” What!” “什么!” Chen Zheng immediately one startled, others are not clear, he knows, the Wang Family elder of City Lord mansion is not only an immortal, but also its school is ranks among the best in the immortal, how possibly to fall from the sky. 陈正顿时一惊,别人不清楚,他可是知道,城主府的王家长辈不但是仙人,而且其门派在仙人中都是数一数二的,怎么可能全部陨落。 The Wang Yuan facial expression incomparably said dignifiedly: Master Chen, the Human Clan current condition, is more dangerous, from Senior Chen Yang that you imagine disclosed that looked to my information, the Human Clan immortal senior hundred do not save one, or less......” 王渊神情无比凝重道:“陈夫子,人族当前的状况,比你想象的还要危险,从晨阳前辈透露给我的信息看,人族的仙人前辈百不存一,或者更少……” „If not the secret secluded cultivation body cultivator senior acts, perhaps the Sword Sect senior is unable to escape by luck, but I and others also most supports for several years, will be invaded by evil spirit completely, becomes puppet who was controlled the mood.” “如果不是秘密潜修体修前辈出手,恐怕剑宗前辈也无法幸免,而我等也最多支撑几年,就会被邪灵全部入侵,成为被人操控情绪的傀儡。” Arrived that situation, Human Clan can say that the person dispersed the extermination of entire extended family......” “到了那种情况,人族可以说人散族灭了……” Chen Zheng dumbfounded immediately, in the eye is flashing the inconceivable color, never expected that Human Clan already in extermination of the clan edge. 陈正顿时呆住了,眼中闪动着不可思议之色,没想到人族已经在灭族的边缘。 He and other mortals are the same, only knows that the immortals must transform the city in ground, the magic technique earth-shattering that displays, feared that affects the mortal, needs to lead into the underground survival them. 他和其他凡人一样,只知道仙人们要改造地面上的城池,所施展的法术天崩地裂,怕波及到凡人,才需要将他们带入地底生存。 Wang Yuan patted the shoulder of Master Chen , to continue to reduce the sound to say with internal strength: 王渊拍了拍陈夫子的肩膀,继续用内力缩小声音道: If told everyone directly Human Clan situated in the extermination of the clan edge, the person in this city will be perhaps scared, you also know, the technique of foreign clan evil spirit was good at drilling spatial of will of the people, when the time comes does not know will have what kind of confusion.” “如果直接告诉大家人族处于灭族的边缘,这一城的人恐怕都会恐慌起来,你也知道,异族邪灵之术善于钻人心之空,到时候不知道又会生出何等混乱。” Chen Zheng has experienced the technique of External Dao evil spirit after all . Moreover the long time read Sage’s Book that Chen Family spread, spiritual platform quickly restored the pure brightness, he deeply inspires, pondered that the moment said: 陈正毕竟经历过外道邪魔之术,而且久读陈家流传的圣贤书,灵台很快恢复清明,他深深吸了一口气,思考片刻道: „The strength of immortal cultivator senior is seriously battered, needs to supplement the new strength, but has spirit root in ten thousand not to have one, the strength of mortal is unable to contend with foreign clan.” 修仙者前辈的实力遭受重创,需要补充新的力量,但拥有灵根者万中无一,凡人之力根本无法与异族抗衡。” However Vajra Mudra that the body cultivator senior brings, is powerful cultivation method that lets mortal immortal cultivation, at the number of mortal, so long as the cultivation, decides wholeheartedly however can strengthen the Human Clan strength, thus resists the invasion of foreign clan.” “而体修前辈带来的金刚诀,是一门让凡人修仙的强大功法,以凡人的数量,只要一心修炼,定然能增强人族的实力,从而抵御异族的入侵。” Wang Yuan has several points of headache saying: Yes, but these person of easy and comfortable days were too much, are not everyone can work hard for the prosperity of the country, moreover to guard to cause trouble, the truth cannot leak out.” 王渊带着几分头痛道:“是啊,不过这些人安逸日子过多了,不是所有人都能奋发图强的,而且以防生变,真相也不能都泄露出去。” Wang in Falling Star City, slightly somewhat the prestige, in addition the Master prestige, can make everyone take seriously Vajra Mudra.” “王某在坠星城中,也略有几分威名,再加上夫子的名望,才能让大家重视金刚诀。” At this point, he puts in the sleeves the hand, took out books, he placed on the palm of Chen Zheng, said seriously: Master Chen, this is the copy clerk who my Wang Family immortal leaves behind, told Human Clan in the situation in this world.” 说到这里,他又把手伸进衣袖,取出了一本书册,他放在了陈正的手掌上,郑重道:“陈夫子,这是我王家仙人留下的文书,讲述了人族在这片世界的处境。” All was depends upon the immortal cultivator seniors to make three regions and nine territories, I and other mortals avoid slaughtering of foreign clan.” “全是依靠修仙者前辈们制造了三域九境,我等凡人才免于异族的屠戮。” Master Chen grips this books, opens, rapid reader took a fast look around several pages, the facial expression keep changing, was spitting foul air finally, muttered: „The Human Clan living environment is never so expected that bad, we were protected too well by the immortal senior......” 陈夫子握住这本书册,不禁打开,一目十行地扫视了几页,神情不停变化着,最后吐了一口浊气,喃喃道:“没想到人族的生存环境如此恶劣,我们被仙人前辈保护得太好了……” I understand that the meaning of Young City Lord, Chen will open a Human Clan history in the school, gradually disclosed that the Human Clan difficult survival condition, stimulates the frame of mind of this first-generation person, accelerates the cultivation of Vajra Mudra.” “我明白少城主的意思了,陈某会在学塾开设一门人族史学,逐渐披露出人族的艰难生存状况,激发这一代人的心气,加速金刚诀的修炼。” Wang Yuan showed a smile: So good, this apologized to Master Chen, the time was up, Wang must leave in advance.” 王渊露出了一丝笑容:“如此甚好,这就谢过陈夫子,时间差不多了,王某要先行离开了。” Master Chen one said: „Doesn't Young City Lord participate in school the ritual of beginning school?” 陈夫子一愣道:“少城主不参加学塾的开学之礼吗?” Wang Yuan shakes the head saying: „A underground space, but also needs us to inspect, body cultivator and immortal senior half of spaces, transformed the bush jungle, laid aside many powerful wild beast.” 王渊摇头道:“地底一层的空间,还需要我们去巡视,体修和仙人前辈将一半的空间,改造成了灌木丛林,放置了不少强大的野兽。” Now the martial artist quantity are extremely small, needs to go to observe in turn, if these wild beast do not have the means to survive in underground, the cultivation of Vajra Mudra will also be affected, according to the body cultivator senior said that request of Vajra Mudra to qi and blood was extremely high, must supplement a lot of meat.” “如今武者的数量极少,需要去轮流观察,如果这些野兽没办法在地底生存,金刚诀的修炼也会受到影响,按照体修前辈所言,金刚诀气血的要求极高,要补充大量肉食。” A Chen Zheng face sincere, said submissively: Young City Lord took the trouble.” 陈正一脸正色,拱手道:“少城主费心了。” School has work Master Chen.” “学塾就有劳陈夫子。” Wang Yuan returned to a ritual, sets out to walk outward, that two sturdy clothing guy follows. 王渊回了一礼,起身向外走去,那两名劲装大汉紧随其后。 Chen Zheng takes the books in hand, looks to out of the window garden, these bustle about the youth who happily the school is beginning school, muttered: „The back of mortal easy and comfortable life, is carrying a heavy load of immortals leads the way......” 陈正拿着手中的书册,又看向窗外庭院中,那些开心忙碌着学塾开学的青年,喃喃道:“凡人安逸生活的背后,是仙人们的负重前行……” Now, our mortals must walk side-by-side with the immortal......” “如今,我们凡人也要与仙人并肩而行了……” ...... …… ...... …… In Nine Spirits Underground Palace, the mortal is bustling about, the same was also true for the immortal cultivators, sword cultivator school occupied passage village, locates the restriction disciple except for the inspection respectively, they are all closing up cultivation Vajra Mudra, every seconds, enhances own strength with a sense of urgency every minute. 九灵地宫之中,凡人在忙碌着,修仙者们也同样如此,剑修门占据了一处通道小镇,除了巡视各处禁制的弟子,他们全都在闭关修炼金刚诀,抓紧每一分每一秒,提升自己的实力。 Liu Jinyuan and Zhi Yuán sit in an empty channel, is arranging exquisiter space formation, the side is scattering one pile of jade slip, spirit talisman wind around in the whole body. 刘晋元智缘坐在一处空荡荡的通道中,正布置着一座更加精妙的空间法阵,身边散落着一堆玉简,还有一道道灵符在周身缭绕。 Two people are outlining rune in void once for a while, or takes out Black Demon Banner to compare, but also non-stop recording anything in jade slip. 两人时不时在虚空中勾勒着符文,或取出黑魔幡进行对照,还不停在玉简内记录着什么。 Shi Yin'er treated in the cave mansion is studying that star source corpse beast, Pan Yan and Huang Xiaoyun left Nine Spirits Underground Palace, went to subterranean depths to loaf, except for seeking for resources, but also entered the underground shallow layer and surface, grasped some wild beast and low level monster beast. 诗银儿待在洞府研究着那头星原尸兽,潘岩黄小云则离开了九灵地宫,去地底深处游荡,除了寻找资源,还进入地底浅层和地表,抓一些野兽低级妖兽 Although this underground mystical land established, but except for spirit qi and some essence stone, other resources is completely empty, the Sword Sect resources were ransacked by Star Soul Clan, these sword cultivator only then long sword follows. 虽然这处地底秘境建立了起来,但除了灵气和一些元石,其他资源空空如也,剑宗资源被星魂族洗劫一空,那些剑修只有一把长剑伴随。 This mystical land Human Clan capital stock, was gobbled up most likely by Star Soul Clan. 这处秘境人族重要资源,十有八九被星魂族抢夺走了。 If were not Liu Jinyuan they brought many Lower Realm basic materials, did not discuss village that the immortal cultivator cave mansion, the mortal survived has not managed magic cultivator to construct. 如果不是刘晋元他们带了不少下界的基础材料,不谈修仙者洞府了,就连凡人生存的小镇都没办法修建起来。 After Star Soul Clan Void Refining leaves, Pan Yan their two can in body cultivator that underground wanders, then holds the post to collect the resources the heavy responsibility. 所以在星魂族炼虚离开后,潘岩他们两个能在地底游荡的体修,便担任起收集资源的重任。 But in the Nine Spirits Underground Palace central hall, Lu Kun has fused in Little Jin together, changed to the two heads and four arms shape. 而在九灵地宫的中央大厅中,陆坤已和小金融合在一起,化作了双头四臂的形态。 Four items of two head shut tightly, pale golden force field outside huge fleshly body non-stop rising to shrink, seems trying some special cultivation method. 两个头颅的四目紧闭,庞大肉身外的淡金色力场不停涨缩,似乎在尝试某种特殊的修炼方式 ...... …… ...... …… Falling Star Mystical Land deep place, that float in spatial rift floats the spatial summit, Xing Feng sits cross-legged to sit, before body hits star source beast of snoring to say slowly: Senior, I decided that takes risk to try!” 坠星秘境深处,那座悬浮在空间裂缝的浮空山顶,星峰盘膝而坐,对着身前打着呼噜的星原兽缓缓说道:“前辈,我决定冒险一试!” Although Little Feng in lethargic sleep, but its abdomen is shivering strangely, the old sound conveys together: „Did you determine? Must know that Xing Nan and Xing Ting star source beast accident, the bloodline phenomenon that before is the old man regains consciousness, has.” 小峰虽然处于昏睡中,但其腹部诡异地颤动着,一道苍老的声音传来:“你确定了?要知道星南星婷星原兽变故,就是老夫苏醒前产生的血脉异象。” Therefore the secret technique of old man, although can accelerate the cultivation of source body significantly, but bloodline will also extract blood power in source body non-periodically.” “所以老夫的秘术虽然能大幅度加速原体的修炼,但血脉也会不定期抽取原体内的血力。” Xing Feng said in a sinking voice: But the senior you have also said that so long as bloodline aptitude is enough, swallowing blood power only then 3 to 4 becomes, cultivation speed that dramatically increases, can definitely make up for with ease it.” 星峰沉声道:“可前辈你也说过,只要血脉资质足够,一次吞噬的血力只有三四成,大幅度增加的修炼速度,完全可以将其轻松弥补过来。” Old man has said that but bloodline aptitude of your boy can only calculate that was still good......” “老夫是这么说过,可你小子的血脉资质只能算尚佳……” Xing Feng said resolutely: Although bloodline aptitude of younger generation cannot enter the discernment of senior, but also is present Star Tribe best words that did not attempt, Star Tribe also only then perishes a way.” 星峰语气坚定道:“虽然晚辈的血脉资质入不了前辈的法眼,但也是如今星部最好的了,不尝试的话,星部也只有灭亡一途。” Old sound upon hearing this silent one can say: Old man can regain consciousness in your bloodline, explained that better bloodline aptitude, we had not started to attempt.” 苍老的声音闻言沉默了一会道:“老夫能在你的血脉中苏醒,说明没有更好的血脉资质了,那我们就开始尝试吧。” Remember, the amount of blood power the bloodline swallows the first time is the largest, later gradually will reduce, so long as you can support, we succeeded!” “记住,第一次血脉吞噬的血力量最大,以后就会逐渐减少,只要你能支撑住,那我们就成功了!” Xing Feng nods, both hands mudra flashes, star light clouds appear before the body, surroundings rich essence qi of heaven and earth to its gathering, falls in this clouds, converges sleeping soundly star source beast within the body. 星峰点点头,双手法决闪动,一朵星光云朵出现在身前,周围浓郁的天地元气向其汇聚,落在这朵云朵上,汇入正在酣睡的星原兽体内。 Just completed all these, he felt Little Feng star core depths fiercely, presented a fearsome suction, as if a bottomless pit was ordinary, is swallowing inside blood power crazily. 刚做完这一切,他就猛地感受到小峰星核深处,出现了一股可怖的吸力,仿佛一个无底洞一般,疯狂吞噬着里面的血力 The situation that this blood power divulges, making him uncomfortable exceptionally, may for extension of Star Tribe, Xing Feng clench teeth, in the hand mudra displays is more rapid, massive essence qi of heaven and earth were condensed to come by it, injects into star source beast within the body continuously, attempts nutritious its fleshly body, preventing fleshly body to overdraw. 这种血力宣泄的情况,让他难受异常,可为了星部的延续,星峰咬了咬牙,手中法决施展的更加迅速,大量天地元气被其凝聚而来,源源不断注入星原兽体内,试图滋补其肉身,防止肉身透支。 Such situation approximately passed the quarter of an hour, to star power of star source beast within the body remains many times, slowly stopped , star core outside fleshly body nerves, twists suddenly spontaneously. 这样的情况大约过了一刻钟,一直到星原兽体内的星力所剩不多的时候,才缓缓停了下来,紧接着,星核外面的肉身神经,忽然自发地扭曲起来。 These gather in rich essence qi of star source beast outside the body, was inhaled rapidly, after soul heart and star core, and transformation of star source beast qi and blood strength, changed to rich blood power, is nutritious that withered star core. 那些汇聚在星原兽体外的浓郁元气,迅速被吸入其中,经过魂心星核,以及星原兽气血之力的转化,化作了浓郁的血力,滋补着那干枯的星核 Xing Feng obviously feels very much, this cultivation speed, cultivated quickly about three times compared with Little Feng, the facial expression became excited. 星峰很明显感觉到,这种修炼速度,比小峰自己修炼快了近三倍,神情不禁变得激动起来。 I...... succeeded......” “我……成功了……” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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