AAMD :: Volume #22

#2148: Space domain and source! Immortal material again

In this war, several immortal levels existed truly give Wang Teng to provide many precious attribute air bubbles. 这场大战之中,几位不朽级存在确实给王腾提供了不少珍贵的属性气泡。 Did not say several species that just collected, is the domain that before obtained, source and other attributes, to Wang Teng, was one type harvests enormously. 不说刚刚拾取到的几种属性,就是之前得到的领域,本源等属性,对王腾来说,便是一种极大的收获了。 But unfortunately, he weeded out these attributes before, now collects less than the least bit related attribute value obstinately. 但可惜的是,他之前把这些属性都薅了一遍,现在愣是拾取不到半点相关的属性值。 This makes Wang Teng a little not know whether to laugh or cry. 这让王腾有点哭笑不得。 Weeds out too thoroughly, did not have finally continually pleasantly surprised. 薅得太彻底,以至于最后连惊喜都没有了。 Wang Teng is a little unwilling, the spirit read the strength to continue in void to sweep away, collects the attribute air bubble. 王腾有点不甘心,精神念力继续在虚空中横扫,拾取属性气泡。 Except that just several immortal levels had the fight the region, other starry sky regions also have many attribute air bubbles, naturally cannot easily let off. 除了刚刚几位不朽级存在战斗的区域,其他星空区域也同样存在不少属性气泡,当然不能就这么轻易放过。 The result has not thought that this weeded out, pours really to make him weed out some useful attributes. 结果没想到这一薅,倒真是让他薅到了一些有用的属性。 【The domain of wood: 5000 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【木之领域】:5000/6000(融境六阶); 【The domain of earth: 4500 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【土之领域】:4500/6000(融境六阶); Space domain: 2800 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【空间领域】:2800/5000(融境五阶); In five lines of domains, 【The domain of wood With 【The domain of earth This time has also promoted unexpectedly. 五行领域之中,【木之领域】和【土之领域】此次竟然也有所提升。 Two domains had previously been six step levels, but wants to break through, obviously without is so easy. 两种领域先前都已经达到了六阶层次,但想要突破,显然没有那么容易。 Was good because of this time increased many attribute values, making two domains attribute values start to approach the friendly boundary six step peak, only needed a turning point to break through. 好在这次提升了不少属性值,让两种领域的属性值开始逼近融境六阶顶峰,只需一点契机就可以突破了。 But these two species promotion, Wang Teng has not felt the too big surprise actually. 而这两种属性的提升,王腾倒是没有感到太大的意外。 After all in this war exists besides several immortal levels, many World Lord Level Martial Artist, their domain attributes will decide later however will not be low. 毕竟这场大战中除了几位不朽级存在以外,还有不少界主级后期武者,他们的领域属性定然不会太低。 Naturally, melting the boundary six steps and melts between the boundary seven steps is a ridge, common World Lord Level Martial Artist is not easy to achieve, why this is seven step following domain such scarces. 当然,融境六阶和融境七阶之间是一道坎,寻常界主级武者并没那么容易达到,这就是为什么七阶后面的领域如此的希少。 At this time, two domain sensibility integrate in the Wang Teng mind, making his sensibility to these two domains even more profound, grasps the degree also to promote much. 此时,两种领域感悟融入王腾的脑海中,让他对这两种领域的感悟越发深刻,掌握程度也提升了不少。 Afterward another extremely special domain sensibility integrates in the Wang Teng mind. 随后另一种极为特殊的领域感悟融入王腾的脑海中。 Space domain! 空间领域! Unexpectedly is the space domain! 竟然是空间领域! Emergence of this attribute sensibility big comes as a surprise to Wang Teng. 这个属性感悟的出现大大的出乎王腾的意料。 In his very definite this war besides him, no one has the space talent. 他很确定这场大战之中除了他以外,没有人拥有空间天赋。 Then this space domain does come? 那么这空间领域是怎么来的? Damn!” Wang Teng is filled with the doubt, could not bear whisper. “见鬼了!”王腾满心狐疑,忍不住嘀咕了一句。 The space talent is too rare, the corresponding space is the sensibility naturally also very rare, therefore he will be surprised. 空间天赋太稀有,相应的空间系感悟自然也十分的罕见,因此他才会如此惊讶。 Is because the fight collision formed massive space cracks, thus is evolving the space field territory imperceptibly?” In the Wang Teng mind the miraculous glow flashes, looking pensive. “难道是因为战斗碰撞形成了大量的空间裂缝,从而在无形中演化成了空间场域?”王腾脑海中灵光一闪,若有所思。 This situation is not implausible. 这种情况并非没可能。 In the universe has the field territory that numerous naturally forms, has the things in common with the domain, said that is the domain is not overrated. 宇宙之中存在众多自然形成的场域,与领域有着共通之处,说是领域也不为过。 Now this starry skies decided however also formed similar field territory, but this field territory was not any species field territory, but extremely special space field territory. 如今这片星空定然也是形成了类似的场域,只不过这个场域不是任何一种属性的场域,而是极为特殊的空间场域。 From melting the boundary third-order promoted directly fifth-order!” Wang Teng looked at a property panel, the eye slightly bright. “从融境三阶直接提升到了五阶!”王腾看了一眼属性面板,眼睛微亮。 Space domain Upgraded two levels all of a sudden, this after him plays the might of strength of space to have the greatest help. 【空间领域】一下子提升了两个层次,这对他以后发挥空间之力的威力有着莫大的帮助。 The strength of space is always one of the he most important cards in a hand, can be promoted, to him without doubt is a big pleasant surprise. 空间之力一直以来都是他最重要的底牌之一,能够得到提升,对他来说无疑是一个不小的惊喜。 Bright universe here domain attribute promoted at the same time, the Dark World respective domain also obtained many promotion. 光明宇宙这边的领域属性得到提升的同时,黑暗世界所属的领域也得到了不少的提升。 Demon rock domain: 5200 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【魔岩领域】:5200/6000(融境六阶); Imaginary clam domain: 5000 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【幻蜃领域】:5000/6000(融境六阶); Idle fog domain: 4500 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【惰雾领域】:4500/6000(融境六阶); Great demon domain: 3600 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【巨魔领域】:3600/6000(融境六阶); Several domain sensibility appear in the Wang Teng mind, making him be the sensibility of domain promoted to these darkness instantaneously. 几种领域感悟出现在王腾的脑海中,让他对这几种黑暗系领域的感悟瞬间提升了起来。 And Demon rock domain, Imaginary clam domain, Idle fog domain Three domains melt the boundary six step levels as before, not separation of husband and wife, but the dependency value, is not far from the breakthrough. 其中【魔岩领域】,【幻蜃领域】,【惰雾领域】三种领域依旧是融境六阶层次,并未破镜,但从属性值上来看,距离突破不远了。 This situation and just now promoted two domain of bright universe is very similar, was the card in six step levels. 这种情况和方才得到提升的两种光明宇宙的领域十分相似,都是卡在了六阶层次。 As for finally Great demon domain, Actually from melting the boundary fourth-order promoted to melt the boundary six step levels, including breaking two big levels, the promotion was big. 至于最后的【巨魔领域】,却是从融境四阶提升到了融境六阶层次,连破两大层次,提升不小。 After absorbing these sensibility, is several domain sensibility swamps into the Wang Teng mind. 吸收完这些感悟之后,又是几种领域感悟涌入王腾的脑海中。 This time, is the blood is the domain sensibility. 这一次,乃是血系领域感悟。 Blood bat domain: 3500 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【血蝠领域】:3500/5000(融境五阶); Blood poison domain: 4200 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【血毒领域】:4200/5000(融境五阶); Blood wind domain: 3200 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【血风领域】:3200/5000(融境五阶); Blood wolf domain: 4600 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【血狼领域】:4600/5000(融境五阶); Blood beast domain: 3600 / 5000( melts boundary fifth-order) ; 【血兽领域】:3600/5000(融境五阶); A total of five blood are the domains, before is Wang Teng, has obtained domain. 总共五种血系领域,都是王腾之前得到过的领域。 But this these blood were the domain obtained a big promotion, basically from the second-order, third-order level promoted to the fifth-order level. 而此次这几种血系领域都得到了不小的提升,基本都是从二阶,三阶层次提升到五阶层次。 Uniform is melts the boundary fifth-order! 清一色全是融境五阶! Murdered blood Demon Venerable also to bring many blood group powerhouses actually.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, thought of anything. “弑血魔尊倒是也带来了不少血族强者。”王腾目光微闪,想到了什么。 In the beforehand fight, he had discovered the form of many blood group powerhouse, was struck blood Orzyc who kills by him is. 之前的战斗中,他早就发现了不少血族强者的身影,被他击杀的血欧斯不过是其中一个而已。 Does not know that these blood group powerhouses, fell from the sky finally many. 只是不知道那些血族强者,最终陨落了多少。 This fights Dark Species to lose seriously, but some powerful Dark Species ran away. 这一战黑暗种损失惨重,不过一些强大的黑暗种还是逃走了。 After all their escape methods are very strange, want to intercept completely them, to common Martial Artist, the solid difficulty is too big. 毕竟它们的逃命手段十分诡异,想要完全将它们拦截下来,对寻常武者来说,实在难度太大。 But at that time ram Yu Tieyi marquis, star meteor revering, and even is Wang Teng, was murdered blood Demon Venerable to hobble, has no time to attend to other things radically, therefore also can only , whatever they run away. 而当时公羊裕铁翼侯,星陨尊者,乃至是王腾,都被弑血魔尊牵绊住了,根本无暇他顾,所以也只能任由它们逃走。 But said no matter how, these Dark Species provided many valuable attribute values to Wang Teng. 但不管怎么说,这些黑暗种都是给王腾提供了不少有价值的属性值。 Runs away as for them, is not important. 至于他们有没有逃走,已经没那么重要了。 Regarding the final outcome of this war, these Dark Species could not have turned what rough seas. 对于这场大战的最终结果来说,那些黑暗种已是翻不起什么大浪。 Now these blood are the domain are promoted, my Bloodshed domain The might can also continue to grow stronger in the original foundation . Moreover the method is richer.” Wang Teng eye slightly bright. “如今这些血系领域得到提升,我的【血海领域】的威力也能够在原有基础上继续变强,而且手段更为丰富。”王腾眼睛微亮。 Generally blood group Dark Species grasps Bloodshed domain, Not so many changes, at most 1-2 types. 一般血族黑暗种所掌握的【血海领域】,并没有这么多的变化,顶多1-2。 Naturally, Bloodshed domain It is very powerful, if one-on-one, sufficiently the steamroll common blood is the domain. 当然,【血海领域】本身就很强大,若是单对单,足以碾压寻常的血系领域。 But Wang Teng integrated so many blood is the domain, his Bloodshed domain Without doubt powerful, achieves level that a bystander is unable to achieve. 王腾融入了这么多的血系领域,他的【血海领域】无疑会更加的强大,达到一种外人无法达到的层面。 Therefore Wang Teng regarding is the domain integrates various blood Bloodshed domain Continuously craving. 所以王腾对于将各种血系领域融入【血海领域】中,一直都十分的热衷。 Hence the domain attribute was absorbs, then several other mysterious strength sensibility integrated in his mind one after another. 至此领域属性便算是吸收完了,而后另外几种更为玄奥的力量感悟陆续融入他的脑海之中。 The origin of wood: 36500 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 木之本源】:36500/50000(五阶); 【The source of earth: 38000 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【土之本源】:38000/50000(五阶); Space source: 3500 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【空间本源】:3500/50000(五阶); Good, unexpectedly increased many attribute values.” Wang Teng absorbs the sensibility, looks at change above the property panel, in the heart slightly happy. “不错啊,居然提升了不少属性值。”王腾吸收完感悟,看着属性面板之上的变化,心中微喜。 The origin of wood With 【The source of earth The attribute value achieved more than 30,000 point, although was unable to break through temporarily, but the good and evil was to help him promoted much the attribute value, the might was stronger. 木之本源】和【土之本源】的属性值都是达到了三万多点,虽然暂时还无法突破,但好歹是帮他将属性值提升了不少,威力更强。 Moreover makes Wang Teng be what is surprised, this time Space source Actually was also promoted, moreover promotes from the third-order level to the fifth-order level. 另外让王腾感到意外的是,这次【空间本源】竟然也得到了提升,而且是从三阶层次提升到五阶层次。 „The war of it seems like immortal level level, has certain probability birth space attribute.” “看来不朽级层次的大战,有一定的概率会诞生空间属性。” Wang Teng touches the chin, wants to say secretly. 王腾摸了摸下巴,暗暗想道。 „It is not right, there is a possibility to be related with the special condition of this place.” “不对,也有可能与此地的特殊环境有关。” His vision goes toward all around void turbulent flow belt/bring glance immediately, the space attribute that the careful recollection, just now collects, seems to be located in close to the region of void turbulent flow belt/bring. 他的目光顿时朝着四周的虚空乱流带扫视而去,仔细回想,方才拾取到的空间属性,似乎都是位于靠近虚空乱流带的区域。 The Wang Teng vision flashed several, then no longer thinks. 王腾目光闪动了几下,便不再多想。 Pitifully this darkness is aspect the strength of source has no promotion.” Wang Teng shakes the head. “可惜这次黑暗系方面的本源之力没有什么提升。”王腾又摇了摇头。 Several dark departments the strength of source principle now he grasps was the quite high level, Dark Species of common high-rank demon sovereign level level is not naturally able to provide the corresponding attribute value to him again. 如今他掌握的几种黑暗系的本源法则之力都达到了颇高的层次,寻常上位魔皇级层次的黑暗种自然无法再给他提供相应的属性值。 However, although does not have the strength of source principle, has a more powerful strength. 不过,虽然没有本源法则之力,却有着一种更为强大的力量。 Immortal material! 不朽物质! Now Wang Teng Immortal material Has reached the fourth-order level, can make him promote again, at least must fourth-order Immortal material. 如今王腾的【不朽物质】已经达到了四阶层次,能够让他再提升,最起码也必须是四阶的【不朽物质】。 But the immortal material of this level, only has to murder blood Demon Venerable and star meteor revering can fall. 而这个层次的不朽物质,唯有弑血魔尊和星陨尊者能够掉落。 The corresponding sensibility integrates in the Wang Teng body, making him right Immortal material The sensibility promoted instantaneously much. 相应的感悟融入王腾的身躯之中,令他对【不朽物质】的感悟瞬间提升了不少。 Originally his Immortal material Is the fourth-order level merely, the sensibility is not very profound, now collects these attributes, his sensibility was profound immediately. 原本他的【不朽物质】仅仅是堪堪达到四阶层次,感悟还不够深刻,如今拾取到这些属性,他的感悟顿时深刻了起来。 The rays of innumerable twinkle star swamp into his body, impressively Immortal material. 无数星星点点的光芒涌入他的身体之中,赫然正是【不朽物质】。 These Immortal material Make immortal characteristics in his body more powerful, has integrates much his Chaos star territory Within, melts with his soul source. 这些【不朽物质】让他身躯之中的不朽特性更加强大,同时更有不少融入他的【混沌星域】之内,与他的灵魂本源相融。 By the present, Wang Teng, no matter the body, is the soul body, has not the weak immortal characteristics. 到了如今,王腾不管是身躯,还是灵魂体,都拥有不弱的不朽特性。 This means that his vitality is becomes very powerful, almost can exist to compare favorably with the conferring nobility upon immortal level, World Lord Level Martial Artist cannot compare. 这意味着他的生命力已是变得十分强大,几乎可以与封侯不朽级存在媲美,连界主级武者都不能相比。 Immortal material: 8500 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【不朽物质】:8500/40000(四阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, in the heart is quite actually satisfied, this time fourth-order Immortal material Increased several thousand points all of a sudden, can be very good harvest. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,心中倒是颇为满意,这次四阶的【不朽物质】一下子提升了数千点,可以算是非常不错的收获了。 The promotion of immortal material is not easy, particularly the fourth-order level, common immortal level Martial Artist is very difficult to be this degree. 不朽物质的提升并不容易,尤其是四阶层次,寻常不朽级武者很难达到这种程度。 If not this time star meteor revering with murdering blood Demon Venerable, Wang Teng also collects less than so many fourth-order levels Immortal material. 这次若非星陨尊者与弑血魔尊,王腾也拾取不到这么多四阶层次的【不朽物质】。 After collecting these attributes, Wang Teng has almost not collected what specially valuable attribute again. 拾取完这些属性之后,王腾几乎没有再拾取到什么特别有价值的属性。 These World Lord Level following Martial Artist, and even are high-rank demon sovereign level following Dark Species, in the middle of attribute that falls, Fighting technique, Cultivation technique and other attributes basically have no function to Wang Teng. 那些界主级以下的武者,乃至是上位魔皇级以下的黑暗种,所掉落的属性当中,战技,功法等属性基本对王腾没什么作用。 Fighting technique and Cultivation technique that he grasps now, is extremely high rank, moreover grasps the degree is not low, the attribute value that these Martial Artist and Dark Species fall naturally did not have the value to him. 他现在所掌握的战技功法,都是极为高阶的,而且掌握程度不低,那些武者黑暗种掉落的属性值对他自然没有了价值。 Regarding this Wang Teng somewhat is also helpless. 对此王腾也有些无奈。 Grasped Cultivation technique and Fighting technique too high rank, is too high, unexpectedly also has the fault that his upper limit raises, seriously yes damn. 掌握的功法战技太高阶,把他的上限提的太高,居然也有坏处,当真是见鬼了。 However in this numerous attribute, has two especially different attributes. 不过在这众多的属性当中,却有两种格外不同的属性。 And one type, is the Dark Species Demon Transformation attribute. 其中一种,正是黑暗种魔变属性。 Really Demon Transformation: 12000 / 60000( six steps) ; 【真・魔变】:12000/60000(六阶); Real Demon Transformation of six step levels.” Wang Teng is startled, has not thought to be able this attribute . Moreover the level is not quite low. “六阶层次的真魔变。”王腾大吃一惊,没想到能够得到这个属性,而且层次相当不低。 However thinks that beforehand Ursula Demon Venerable and that bone hui Demon Venerable Demon Transformation, he felt relaxed. 不过想想之前厄休拉魔尊和那骨翙魔尊魔变,他就释然了。 The good and evil is Demon Transformation that two Demon Venerable levels have, they grasp Really Demon Transformation The attribute is not naturally low. 好歹是两头魔尊级存在的魔变,它们所掌握的【真・魔变】属性自然不低。 At this time with the attribute sensibility integrates in the Wang Teng mind, his consciousness falls into an extremely dark evil atmosphere instantaneously. 此时随着属性感悟融入王腾的脑海中,他的意识瞬间陷入一种极度黑暗邪恶的氛围之中。 All were covered by dark, the evil, dark, chaotic, indescribable aura fills all around. 一切都被黑暗所笼罩,邪恶,黑暗,混乱,不可名状的气息弥漫四周。 This feeling, before Wang Teng Dark source Is eight step levels, was not dragged into that voluntarily „the place of darkness the situation is very similar. 这种感觉,与王腾之前【黑暗本源】达到八阶层次,不自觉被拉入那“黑暗之地”的情形十分相似。 But also somewhat seems to be different. 但似乎又有些不同。 When Wang Teng was somewhat unpredictable, the strange change suddenly appeared. 正当王腾有些捉摸不定时,诡异的变化突然出现了。 All darkness toward him gathering come, to integrate in his body, then he then felt that oneself body changed. 所有的黑暗朝“他”汇聚而来,融入他的身躯之中,而后他便感觉到自己的身躯发生了变化。 That feeling, looks like...... the assimilation! 那种感觉,就像是……同化! Right, that feeling is similar his body to be assimilated by dark, the collection is evil, dark, chaotic, in one, the entire life form as if changed indescribably. 没错,那种感觉就仿佛他的身躯被黑暗所同化,集邪恶,黑暗,混乱,不可名状于一身,整个生命形态似乎都发生了变化。 This change is...... Demon Transformation!!! 这种变化是……魔变!!! It is not the life form toward a higher level, the transformation of more superior direction, but is Demon Transformation, one type forces, the extremely unstable abnormal change, is entirely different from own life form. 它不是生命形式往更高层次,更优方向的蜕变,而是魔变,一种强行的,极不稳定的畸形变化,与自身的生命形式已经截然不同。 The only same place is, can become by oneself stronger. 唯一相同的地方就是,可以让自身变得更强。 When Wang Teng absorbs this Really Demon Transformation When sensibility, that dark, the evil, chaotic, indescribable aura is nibbling the consciousness of Wang Teng, as to probably him assimilate completely. 王腾吸收这【真・魔变】感悟时,那种黑暗,邪恶,混乱,不可名状的气息正在蚕食王腾的意识,仿佛欲要将他完全同化。 Hiss!” Wang Teng awakens suddenly, held breath cold air, the look somewhat is surprised uncertain. “嘶!”王腾猛然惊醒,不由倒吸了一口凉气,眼神有些惊疑不定。 This Really Demon Transformation Was known as that can control perfectly, will not fall into that confusion crazy condition. 这【真・魔变】号称能够完美的控制,不会陷入那种混乱疯狂的状态。 MMP he almost on letter/believes. MMP他差点就信了。 Now he is clear, basic on does not have any perfect control Demon Transformation. 如今他才明白,根本就没有什么完美控制的魔变 So long as Demon Transformation, definitely will come under the influence of source of darkness, if cannot be separated promptly, definitely will be assimilated, the consequence is very terrifying. 只要魔变,必然会受到黑暗之源的影响,如果不能及时脱离,必然会被同化,后果十分恐怖。 Moreover high rank Really Demon Transformation, This influence is bigger. 而且越是高阶的【真・魔变】,这种影响越大。 Although with ordinary Demon Transformation Compared with, this Really Demon Transformation Truly can make Dark Species maintain the intelligence, but once achieves some critical point, similarly will lose the intelligence, and falling to the enemy speed will be quick. 虽然与普通【魔变】相比,这【真・魔变】确实能够让黑暗种保持神智,可一旦达到某个临界点,同样会失去神智,且沦陷速度会很快。 Really is the fearful strength!” Wang Teng cannot bear be flabbergasted. “真是可怕的力量!”王腾忍不住咋舌。 Although this strength is truly strong, but the consequence was also too serious. 尽管这种力量确实非常强大,但后果也太严重了一些。 In his sudden heart moves, seems somewhat clear, why that murdered blood Demon Venerable not to choose Demon Transformation finally. 他突然心中一动,似乎有些明白,为何最终那弑血魔尊没有选择魔变了。 The price is too big! 代价太大! Is powerful Dark Species, perhaps more is easily cannot Demon Transformation. 越是强大的黑暗种,恐怕越是轻易不会魔变 This strength, can not need not to use.” Wang Teng shakes the head. “这种力量,还是能不用就不用吧。”王腾摇了摇头。 However he uses even, still makes the blood god clone to use, the main body will not use absolutely this so-called Really Demon Transformation. 不过他就算使用,也是让血神分身使用,本尊绝对不会去使用这所谓的【真・魔变】。 Strength that cannot control perfectly, is not considered as that his true strength. 不能完美控制的力量,便不算是他真正的力量。 Regarding this, Wang Teng sees very clearly. 对此,王腾看得非常清楚。 Besides the Demon Transformation attribute, the second extremely special attribute, is the time attribute. 除了魔变属性之外,第二种极为特殊的属性,便是时间属性。 This attribute, before Wang Teng, has collected much, now collects again. 这个属性,王腾之前已经拾取到不少,如今再次拾取到。 【The body of time: 195000 / 200000 ;( Second-order) ; 【时间之体】:195000/200000;(二阶); Misses 5000 attribute values!” Wang Teng a little does not know whether to laugh or cry. “就差5000点属性值!”王腾有点哭笑不得。 He has not thought that 【The body of time The attribute has reached the second-order marginal value unexpectedly, but misses 5000 attribute values exactly, was caught. 他万万没想到,【时间之体】属性居然已经达到了二阶的临界值,但恰恰就差5000点属性值,被卡住了。 This feeling, many makes people a little depressed. 这种感觉,多少让人有点郁闷。 If can be the third-order level, when I facing murdering blood Demon Venerable, the energy will be surely bigger.” In the Wang Teng heart talked to oneself. “如果能达到三阶层次,我面对弑血魔尊时,底气定会更大一些。”王腾心中自语。 The beforehand fight, the time attribute plays the important role, this made his strength attaching great importance to of time achieve the apex. 之前的战斗,时间属性起到了至关重要的作用,这让他对时间之力的重视达到了顶点。 Although strength of the period of revolution, will lose his life source and soul source, but he in the fight can actually supplement that the strength of these two sources, do not need to be worried to consume actually. 虽然使用时间之力,会损耗他的生命本源和灵魂本源,但他在战斗中却可以补充这两种本源之力,倒是不用担心消耗。 Compared with other Martial Artist, the Wang Teng advantage was too big. 与其他武者相比,王腾的优势太大了。 This is also he dares at will the reason of strength of period of revolution, if otherwise changes a person, after this war, his life source and soul source feared that must dry up. 这也是他敢随意使用时间之力的原因,不然若是换一个人,经过这场大战,他的生命本源和灵魂本源怕是都要枯竭了。 After all he by one's effort pit Dark Species of three Demon Venerable levels, the strength of time consumes did not need to know that surely is very terrifying. 毕竟他可是以一己之力坑了三头魔尊级的黑暗种,所耗费的时间之力不用想都知道定是十分恐怖。 On the difference 5000 points, should be able to achieve next time third-order.” “就差5000点,下次应该就可以达到三阶了。” Wang Teng no longer thinks, finally he looks to all around void, nods secretly. 王腾不再多想,最后他又看向四周的虚空,暗自点了点头。 Very good! 很好! All attribute air bubbles absorbed, no left out, this conformed to his conduct principle. 所有属性气泡都吸收完了,没有一个漏掉,这才符合他的行事原则嘛。
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