AAMD :: Volume #22

#2133: Acts slightly, is the limit of this partition! Murders blood Demon Venerable Demon Transformation! Pierce!

Being defeated that two Demon Venerable levels have, how long has not in fact been separated. 两头魔尊级存在的落败,实际上并没有间隔多长时间。 In bystander opinion, but was the front leg just saw that Ursula Demon Venerable was defeated, the back leg then saw scene that bone hui Demon Venerable was defeated. 在外人看来,不过是前脚刚看到厄休拉魔尊落败,后脚便又看到了骨翙魔尊落败的景象。 Therefore the people are all startled, looks to the iron wing marquis and ram Yu. 因此众人皆是大吃一惊,纷纷看向铁翼侯与公羊裕。 Do these two immortal levels exist are so strong? 这两位不朽级存在真的这么强吗? Even the Demon Transformation later Demon Venerable level exists can defeat. 魔变之后的魔尊级存在都能够击败。 This result a little subverts their cognition. 这个结果有点颠覆他们的认知。 During the past fight, the Demon Venerable level existed is extremely difficult to defeat, to cause heavy losses to blood remnant Demon Venerable, the day bold marquis of bright universe even fell from the sky for this reason. 以往的战斗之中,魔尊级存在都是极难击败的,为了重创一位血残魔尊,光明宇宙的天骁侯甚至为此陨落。 But now iron wing marquis and ram Yu, not only not by what wound, but also has two Demon Transformation later Demon Venerable levels defeats thoroughly, is likely to strike to kill them. 而如今铁翼侯与公羊裕不但没有受什么伤,还将两头魔变之后的魔尊级存在彻底击败,有望击杀它们。 No wonder the people are so unbelievable. 难怪众人如此难以置信。 Waste! Is the waste!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable complexion to change again and again. “废物!都是废物!”弑血魔尊的面色一变再变。 Even if by its disposition, is unable again to stay quiet at this time, in heart dignified to the extreme. 哪怕是以它的心性,此时也都无法再保持平静,心中凝重到了极点。 This situation went beyond its expectation completely. 这种情况完全超出了它的预料。 Two Demon Venerable levels exist, moreover after Demon Transformation, was defeated unexpectedly like this, even its some are unable to accept this result. 两头魔尊级存在,而且还是魔变之后,竟然就这样落败了,连它都有些无法接受这个结果。 The star meteor revering vision is astonished. 星陨尊者目光惊异。 He really achieved. 他真的做到了。 First even/including defeats two Demon Transformation later Demon Venerable levels to exist, is really some evildoer/monstrous talent. 一连击败两头魔变之后的魔尊级存在,真是有些妖孽。 His very clear iron wing Hou and ram abundant strength, if to be honest does not have meddling of Wang Teng, they are unable to defeat two Demon Transformation later Demon Venerable level Dark Species absolutely. 他很清楚铁翼侯和公羊裕的实力,说实话如果没有王腾的插手,他们绝对无法击败两头魔变之后的魔尊黑暗种 This does not look down upon them, but is the fact so. 这不是看不起他们,而是事实如此。 Dark Species was too powerful, Demon Venerable level Dark Species especially so. 黑暗种太强大了,魔尊黑暗种尤其如此。 Each can grow to Dark Species of Demon Venerable level, has the inconceivable mighty force, within the body contains indescribable that the bystander is not knowing. 每一尊能够成长到魔尊级的黑暗种,都有着不可思议的伟力,体内更是蕴藏着外人所不知的不可名状。 Before the war starts, they have never thought can strike to kill Demon Venerable level Dark Species, can block them to be good. 在大战开启之前,他们从未想过能够击杀魔尊黑暗种,能够挡住它们就不错了。 But currently as if has struck to kill the Demon Venerable level the opportunity. 但现在似乎有了击杀魔尊级的机会。 Wang Teng does not know their complex emotions. 王腾并不知道他们的复杂心情。 In his eyes, the Demon Venerable level is also Dark Species, similarly can kill, no at the worst. 在他眼中,魔尊级也是黑暗种,同样可以杀死,没什么大不了的。 At this time he noticed that bone hui Demon Venerable was routed, immediately the big hand wields, the bright ceremonial fire sweeps across the starry sky, wrapped the body that bone hui Demon Venerable scatters completely. 此时他看到骨翙魔尊被击溃,当即大手一挥,光明圣火席卷星空,将骨翙魔尊散落的身躯完全包裹了起来。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Not the slightest difference from that bone hui Demon Venerable, the grating sharp shouting sound spreads immediately, has the meaning of pain. 与那骨翙魔尊一般无二,刺耳尖锐的嘶吼声顿时传出,带着痛苦之意。 The strength of light restrains Dark Species, has the world different fire of strength of light is strange thing between world, is especially intense to the restraint of Dark Species. 光明之力克制黑暗种,拥有光明之力的天地异火更是天地间的奇物,对黑暗种的克制尤为强烈。 Even if therefore is the Demon Venerable level exists, at this time also burnt down said. 所以哪怕是魔尊级存在,此时也是被焚烧的嗷嗷直叫。 Naturally, what is main is iron wing Hou and ram Yu has caused heavy losses them thoroughly, the immortal material almost consumes continually. 当然,最主要的是铁翼侯和公羊裕已经将它们彻底重创,连不朽物质都几近消耗一空。 Otherwise solely depends on the bright ceremonial fire, is unable to surround them. 否则单单靠光明圣火,是无法困住它们的。 The Wang Teng strength is too in the final analysis weak, must draw support from the external force to be good. 说到底还是王腾的实力太弱,必须借助外力才行。 Does not have the dark life to resist the bright ceremonial fire, if present, that is only the flame is not very blazing. 没有黑暗生灵能够抵挡光明圣火,如果有,那也只是火焰不够炽烈。 This is also Wang Teng before two Demon Venerable level Demon Transformation, without the reason of use bright ceremonial fire. 这也是王腾在两头魔尊黑暗种未曾魔变之前,没有动用光明圣火的原因。 At that time used the bright ceremonial fire, without the least bit function, will only consume his bright Source Power, the gain does not equal the loss. 那个时候动用光明圣火,没有半点作用,只会消耗他的光明原力,得不偿失。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… At this time, two Demon Venerable level Dark Species in crazy struggling, they transferred the final dark strength as before vigorously, and even was finally the immortal material, wanted to work loose from the bright ceremonial fire. 这时,两头魔尊黑暗种依旧在疯狂的挣扎,它们极力调动自身最后的黑暗之力,乃至是最后一点不朽物质,想要从光明圣火当中挣脱出来。 The black light sparkle, the bright ceremonial fire really has the scattered trend unexpectedly. 黑光闪耀,光明圣火竟真的有被驱散的趋势。 Ram Yu, iron wing marquis and the others heart one tight, the vision is staring at the present bright ceremonial fire stubbornly, as well as Demon Venerable level Dark Species. 公羊裕,铁翼侯等人心头一紧,目光死死盯着眼前的光明圣火,以及其中的魔尊黑暗种 Do not look that they have defeated two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, in fact they are also very clear, wanting complete striking to kill these two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, is not easy. 别看他们已经击败了两头魔尊黑暗种,实际上他们自己也很清楚,想要完完全全的击杀这两头魔尊黑暗种,并没有那么容易。 If cannot the body complete consumption of Dark Species completely, they also resume, is unable to kill. 若不能将黑暗种的身躯完完全全的消耗殆尽,它们还会重新恢复过来,根本无法杀死。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, broke open the bright ceremonial fire together black light finally, from pillages, speeds away to go toward the void deep place. 突然,一道黑光终于破开了光明圣火,从其中暴掠而出,朝着虚空深处疾驰而去。 „To walk!” The iron wing marquis vision concentrates, cold snort/hum, toward front void one finger/refers. “想走!”铁翼侯目光微凝,冷哼一声,朝着前方虚空一指。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! The golden flowing light speeds away, the speed to the pinnacle, catches up with that say/way to be black light quickly immediately. 金色流光疾驰而出,速度快到极致,立刻追上那道黑光。 Bang! 轰! Black light instantaneous blasting open, in a sad and shrill angry roaring sound, radical dissipation. 黑光瞬间炸裂,在一阵凄厉的怒吼声中,彻底消散。 Morning sun!” A Wang Teng brow wrinkle, but, can only summon the morning sun slug again. “曦光!”王腾眉头一皱,无奈之下,只能再次召唤出曦光蛞蝓。 Come.” The morning sun slug is a little speechless, this several time was, Wang Teng this fellow it, when fuel depot when became addicted. “又来。”曦光蛞蝓有点无语,这都是第几次了,王腾这家伙把它当“燃料库”当上瘾了是吧。 The complaint turns over to the complaint, its movement is not slow, did not need Wang Teng saying that then erupts the strength of light directly, flooded into the bright ceremonial fire. 抱怨归抱怨,它的动作却丝毫不慢,都不需要王腾多说,直接便是爆发出光明之力,涌入光明圣火之中。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the bright ceremonial fire is even more flaming, burning down is void, was purified to go including all around dark strength. 刹那间,光明圣火越发炽盛,焚烧虚空,连四周的黑暗之力都被净化而去。 Some strength weak Dark Species are away from although is very far, the body ignited the white flame as before baseless. 一些实力较弱的黑暗种尽管距离很远,身上依旧是凭空燃起了白色火焰。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… The roar that the startled anger happened simultaneously resounds through immediately void. 惊怒交加的吼声顿时响彻虚空。 The city gate catches fire, brings disaster to the mackerel shad. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。 Whom asks to reason things out. 找谁说理去。 In their hearts panic-stricken, tries to put off flame, while toward distant place suddenly/violently to retreat. 它们心中惊骇,一边试图扑灭身上的火焰,一边朝着远处暴退。 From is so far, will also be affected by this bright ceremonial fire unexpectedly, this type of flame is so unexpectedly fearful. 距离这么远,竟然还会被这光明圣火波及,这种火焰竟然如此可怕。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! However all around bright universe Martial Artist where will let up such good opportunity, immediately erupts the attack, kills their town/subdues at the scene. 不过四周的光明宇宙武者哪里会放过这么好的机会,当即爆发攻击,将它们当场镇杀。 But under assisting of morning sun slug, the temperature of bright ceremonial fire also even more surges upward, burns down the dark strength that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species erupt completely completely, making them again also inescapable. 而在曦光蛞蝓的相助之下,光明圣火的温度也是越发高涨,将两头魔尊黑暗种爆发的黑暗之力完全焚烧殆尽,让它们再也无法逃脱。 Iron wing Hou and ram Yu looks toward the morning sun slug, the vision is astonished. 铁翼侯和公羊裕朝着曦光蛞蝓看去,目光惊异。 A starry sky giant beast of bright department! 一头光明系的星空巨兽! Wang Teng really also has such card in a hand, is really surprising. 王腾竟然还有这样的底牌,真是令人惊讶。 However two people felt relieved finally thoroughly, that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species cannot run away evidently. 不过两人终于彻底放心了下来,看样子那两头魔尊黑暗种是逃不了了。 Even if they, feels this moment that bright ceremonial fire the terrifying, if their deep place in, perhaps is also no better. 哪怕是他们,都感觉到此刻那光明圣火的恐怖,如果是他们深处其中,恐怕也好不到哪里去。 Under burning down of bright ceremonial fire, two Demon Venerable level Dark Species sounds were gradually weak, their roars cannot withstand weakly, such as in wind remaining years of life. 在光明圣火的焚烧之下,两头魔尊黑暗种的声音逐渐微弱了下去,它们的吼声虚弱不堪,如风中残烛。 It is difficult to imagine, this is the Demon Venerable level exists. 很难想象,这是魔尊级存在。 All Dark Species feel panic-strickenly, in the heart is unable to be tranquil, even the Demon Venerable level exists reduces to so the position, do they have the odds of success? 所有黑暗种都感觉惊骇不已,心中无法平静,连魔尊级存在都沦落到这般境地,它们还有胜算吗? Murders the blood!” “弑血!” Whooshes the sound to fill in the void bright ceremonial fire to spread from that together suddenly, does not know that is came from bone hui Demon Venerable or Ursula Demon Venerable. 一道嘶吼声骤然从那弥漫虚空的光明圣火之中传出,也不知是来自骨翙魔尊还是厄休拉魔尊 Their sounds have twisted, the complete differentiation does not come out. 它们的声音已经扭曲,完全区分不出来了。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable brow tight wrinkle, the complexion is gloomy, if Ok, it naturally wants to rescue Ursula and bone hui, but it tied down by star meteor revering at this time, cannot withdraw the body. 弑血魔尊眉头紧皱,面色阴沉至极,若是可以,它自然想要救下厄休拉和骨翙,但此时它被星陨尊者缠住,根本脱不开身。 „Do you want to rescue them?” Star meteor revering sees to murder the blood Demon Venerable expression, cannot help but the undulating smiles. “你想救它们?”星陨尊者看到弑血魔尊的表情,不由得澹澹一笑。 Snort!” “哼!” Murders blood Demon Venerable cold snort/hum one, without the speech, the strength and the blood within the body darkness is the strength erupts unceasingly, goes toward the star meteor Demon Venerable bombardment. 弑血魔尊冷哼一声,没有说话,体内黑暗之力与血系之力不断爆发,朝着星陨魔尊轰击而去。 You were really anxious!” In the star meteor revering eye shows a happy expression, in the hand the long spear/gun moves forward to meet somebody. “你果然急了!”星陨尊者眼中露出一丝笑意,手中长枪迎了上去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Attack of both sides collides unceasingly, blasts out in void. 双方的攻击不断碰撞,在虚空中炸开。 How what a pity regardless of murders blood Demon Venerable to erupt, is unable to get rid of star meteor revering. 可惜不论弑血魔尊如何爆发,都无法摆脱星陨尊者。 Murders the blood!” “弑血!” Murders the blood!” “弑血!” In the bright ceremonial fire, the sad and shrill roar spreads unceasingly, is black light sparkles, but quick was submerged. 光明圣火之中,凄厉的吼声不断传出,黑光在其中闪耀,但很快又被淹没。 Roar! You gave up any idea of that kills us.” “吼!你们休想杀死我们。” Finally two Demon Venerable level Dark Species as if cannot support finally, exudes one to angrily roar courageous, two groups black light explode suddenly in the bright ceremonial fire. 最终两头魔尊黑暗种似乎终于支撑不住,勐地发出一声怒吼,两团黑光骤然在光明圣火之中爆开。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Deafening bellow from spreads, even that covers the void bright ceremonial fire to blast out. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声从其中传出,连那笼罩虚空的光明圣火都被炸开。 The people are startled immediately. 众人顿时一惊。 Iron wing Hou and ram Yu Geng is ready in full battle array, preventing two Dark Species Demon Venerable to run away. 铁翼侯和公羊裕更是严阵以待,防止两头黑暗种魔尊逃走。 However after that explodes black light, then vanishes without the trace, as if exhausted the final strength, the radical dissipation in this void, only has some scattered dark strength, was swept across the bright ceremonial fire that comes to embezzle. 但是那黑光爆炸之后,便消失无踪,仿佛耗尽了最后的力量,彻彻底底的消散于这片虚空,只剩下些许零散的黑暗之力,被席卷而来的光明圣火吞没。 Un?” “嗯?” A Wang Teng brow wrinkle, opens Really the child of regarding Went toward that void glance, wants to find two Demon Venerable level Dark Species trails. 王腾眉头一皱,打开【真视之童】朝着那片虚空扫视而去,想要找到两头魔尊黑暗种的踪迹。 Vanished?” “消失了?” Their life sources and soul sources dissipated thoroughly, the immortal material was worn down continually completely completely.” “它们的生命本源与灵魂本源彻底消散了,连不朽物质都被完全消磨殆尽。” His vision twinkle, in the heart relaxes finally slightly. 他目光闪烁,心中总算是微微松了口气。 No matter how said, two Demon Venerable level Dark Species cannot turn what spray again. 不管怎么说,两头魔尊黑暗种是再也翻不起什么浪花了。 Wang Teng, did they die?” 王腾,它们死了吗?” The ram abundant voice resounds in the Wang Teng ear suddenly. 公羊裕的声音突然在王腾耳中响起。 Should die.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, has not said anything, but the undulating said. “应该死了。”王腾目光一闪,没有多说什么,只是澹澹说道。 Although thinks previous time deep god clan Demon Venerable level Dark Species, some of his then anxieties, guessed secretly just that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species not necessarily really died. 尽管一想到上次的冥神族魔尊黑暗种,他便不禁有些疑虑,暗自猜测刚刚那两头魔尊黑暗种未必真的死亡。 Perhaps they have what means to recover, but also is only the guess. 它们没准还有什么办法能够复苏,但也只是猜测。 After all is not all Dark Species likely deep god clan Dark Species like that is abnormal, the life source and soul source have dissipated, even the immortal material was worn down completely, but can also live. 毕竟不是所有黑暗种都像冥神族黑暗种那般变态,生命本源和灵魂本源都已消散,甚至连不朽物质都被消磨殆尽了,还能够活下来。 That is good!” Ram Yu relaxes slightly. “那就好!”公羊裕微微松了口气。 After this series of things, in his heart to Wang Teng inexplicable had a trust. 经过这一系列的事情,他心中对王腾莫名的有了一种信任。 The opposite party said that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species died, he then believes that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species truly died. 对方说那两头魔尊黑暗种死了,他便相信那两头魔尊黑暗种确实是死了。 Died?” “死了吗?” Should die, that two Demon Venerable level Dark Species may dissipate.” “应该死了吧,那两头魔尊黑暗种可都已经消散了啊。” Two immortal levels have its heavy losses, there is a Wang Teng bright ceremonial fire, perhaps really the success struck to kill them.” “两位不朽级存在将其重创,又有王腾的光明圣火,也许真的成功将它们击杀了。” Good, struck to kill two Demon Venerable level Dark Species finally, this is the greatest victory.” “太好了,终于击杀了两头魔尊黑暗种,这是莫大的战果啊。” Demon Venerable level! Two Demon Venerable levels! Falls from the sky in our iron weapon fort defense line, if such score passes on, definitely will trigger the big vibration.” 魔尊级!两头魔尊级!就这么陨落在我们铁械堡防线,此等战绩若是传出去,必定会引发大震动。” Ha haha...... we victory is in sight!” “哈哈哈……我们胜利在望了!” ...... …… All around bright universe Martial Artist recovers from the god at this time finally, is pleasantly surprised, even some people of falls about. 四周的光明宇宙武者此时终于从愣神中回过神来,又惊又喜,甚至有人忍不住大笑了起来。 Abundant marquis is invincible!” “裕侯无敌!” Iron wing marquis is invincible!” “铁翼侯无敌!” The next quarter, heartening bellowing spread from the bright universe Martial Artist mouth, they cannot suppress again, want to vent constraining in heart with aggrieved. 下一刻,一声声振奋人心的大吼从光明宇宙武者的口中传出,他们再也抑制不住,想要借此发泄心中的压抑与憋屈。 Before they were suppressed too ruthlessly. 之前他们被压制得太狠了。 Some many bright universe Martial Artist by the sound invasion of Demon Venerable level Dark Species, fell into the confusion, this thinks that is hopeless to restore. 有许多光明宇宙武者魔尊黑暗种的声音侵染,陷入混乱,本以为无望恢复。 Now with two Demon Venerable levels had the death, their consciousness restored, that being survivor of disaster joy, the bystander is unable to realize. 如今随着两头魔尊级存在死亡,他们的意识重新恢复了过来,那种劫后余生的欣喜,外人根本无法体会。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis hears all around shout, stares. 公羊裕和铁翼侯听到四周的呼喊声,不由的一愣。 Afterward the ram abundant corners of the mouth exuded a curve, this feeling...... really crisp! 随后公羊裕的嘴角不禁泛起了一丝弧度,这种感觉……真爽啊! Person who although his not that love shows off, who can reject the respect of people. 虽然他并不是那种爱出风头的人,但是谁又能拒绝众人的尊敬呢。 All these, should thank Wang Teng. 这一切,都应该感谢王腾 He looks toward Wang Teng of distant place, actually sees his to look pale as before, the appearance that cannot withstand weakly, corners of the mouth pull out. 他不由朝着远处的王腾看去,却见他依旧那副面色苍白,虚弱不堪的模样,不由的嘴角一抽。 This fellow also in attire. 这个家伙还在装呢。 Actually let alone is ram Yu, is the iron wing marquis, at this time in the eye was also revealed a joyful meaning, in the heart inexplicable had a sense of achievement. 其实别说是公羊裕,就是铁翼侯,此时眼中亦是露出一丝喜悦之意,心中莫名的生出了一种成就感。 Strikes to kill the Demon Venerable level to exist! 击杀魔尊级存在! This is many immortal levels exists cannot achieve, now he achieved. 这是许多不朽级存在都没能做到的,现在他做到了。 Naturally, the help of Wang Teng plays the important role, he had not forgotten. 当然,这其中王腾的帮助起到了至关重要的作用,他没有忘记。 If not Wang Teng reminded them temporarily this matter do not say, he already already Wang Teng in back paid to make a clean breast of silently. 若非王腾提醒他们暂时不要将此事说出,他早就已经将王腾在背后的默默付出全盘托出了。 This merit, should have Wang Teng one. 这个功劳,该有王腾的一份。 Another side, the blood god clone to be flabbergasted secretly, the main body so lives courageous. 另一边,血神分身暗自咂舌,本尊还是如此生勐啊。 However acts slightly, is the limit of this partition. 不过是略微出手,就已是这个分段的极限了。 The trivial low-rank Demon Venerable level, is a cinch radically. 区区下位魔尊级,根本不在话下。 Two can meddle star meteor revering to murder the fight of blood Demon Venerable with that?” The Wang Teng sound suddenly appears in the ear of ram Yu Hetie wing marquis, making them stare slightly. “两位可以插手星陨尊者与那弑血魔尊的战斗吗?”王腾的声音突然出现在公羊裕和铁翼侯的耳中,令他们微微一愣。 Can yes, but estimated that does little.” Ram Yu hesitated, said. “可以是可以,不过估计作用不大。”公羊裕沉吟了一下,说道。 The conferring nobility upon immortal level and between immortal level revering has the vast gap, if were not star meteor revering constrains murdered blood Demon Venerable, they came up to bring death. 封侯不朽级和不朽级尊者之间还是存在巨大差距的,如果不是星陨尊者拖住了弑血魔尊,他们上去就是送死。 You can disturb in side, we have a look to deliver this blood group Demon Venerable level to exist to see its companion.” Wang Teng said. “你们可以在旁边干扰,我们看看能不能送这头血族魔尊级存在去见它的同伴。”王腾道。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis vision flashes, in the heart cannot help but raises unexpectedly a excitement, the Wang Teng method can affect the high-rank Demon Venerable level unexpectedly exists? 公羊裕和铁翼侯目光一闪,心中竟是不由得升起一丝激动,王腾的手段居然可以影响到上位魔尊级存在吗? Two people looked at each other one, has not hesitated, immediately void flushing away toward distant place. 两人对视了一眼,也没有迟疑,当即朝着远处的虚空冲去。 Their figure just dodge slightly, then had arrived at star meteor revering with the void battlefield that murdering blood Demon Venerable is, then displays Fighting technique respectively, courageous however toward murdering the blood Demon Venerable attack goes. 他们的身形只不过是微微一闪,便已经来到了星陨尊者与弑血魔尊所在的虚空战场,而后各自施展战技,勐然朝着弑血魔尊攻击而去。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The blue sword light is vertically and horizontally void, can reach thousand ten feets, is carrying the potential of desert, as if must submerge void, the innumerable sword light erupt, forms the mighty current. 蓝色剑光纵横虚空,可达千丈,携带着瀚海之势,仿佛要淹没一片虚空,无数的剑光爆发而出,形成洪流。 The golden flowing light shuttle is void, gathers instantaneously, condenses the giant golden cone, tore the space. 金色流光穿梭虚空,瞬间聚拢,凝聚成巨大的金色锥体,撕裂了空间。 Bright universe Martial Artist is the heart shakes, immediately shifts the attention, the vision went to abundance murders blood Demon Venerable. 光明宇宙武者皆是心头一震,立刻转移了注意力,目光纷纷投向弑血魔尊 Three immortal levels exist to besiege that blood group Demon Venerable level to exist! 三位不朽级存在围攻那血族魔尊级存在! The odds of success is without doubt big! 胜算无疑非常大! Murders the blood Demon Venerable complexion changes, in the heart is angry, dares to meddle its fight with the mechanical clan immortal level revering including both conferring nobility upon immortal levels, acts recklessly seriously. 弑血魔尊面色微变,心中大怒不已,连两个封侯不朽级都敢来插手它与机械族不朽级尊者的战斗,当真是不知死活。 Go away!” “滚!” In the mouth that shouted angrily courageous however from murdering blood Demon Venerable spread. 一声怒喝勐然从弑血魔尊的口中传出。 The sickle in its hand erupts the dark-red ray instantaneously, cuts loudly, changes to two incomparable dark-red sickle edges. 它手中的镰刀瞬间爆发出暗红色光芒,轰然斩出,化作两道无匹的暗红色镰刃。 The space was also torn to open, reveals two dark-red long and narrow cracks. 空间同样被撕裂而开,露出两道暗红色的狭长裂缝。 The space crack itself/Ben is dark, but murdered the blood Demon Venerable strength actually to invade the space, making him change to the dark red color. 空间裂缝本是漆黑一片,但弑血魔尊的力量却侵染了空间,让其化作暗红之色。 Clang! Clang! 铛!铛! However is the flash, two sickle edges with that blue sword light, the golden cone collide in together, erupt the sound of metal collision trembling cry immediately, during reverberates to be void. 不过是一瞬间,两道镰刃与那蓝色剑光,金色锥体碰撞在一起,顿时爆发出金属碰撞般的颤鸣之音,回荡虚空之中。 The card observes! The card observes! The card observes! 卡察!卡察!卡察! Next quarter, clear crashes to spread, above the ram abundant blue color sword light quick then presents the fissure, the sword light mighty current collapse. 下一刻,清脆的碎裂声传出,公羊裕的蓝色剑光之上很快便出现裂痕,剑光洪流崩溃。 Bang! 轰! The lining sword light has then disrupted loudly. 紧接着,整道剑光便已是轰然碎裂。 Another side, that golden cone under the bombardment of dark-red sickle blade, is cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrates, golden flowing light from flies upside down, contaminated the dark red color. 另一边,那金色锥体在暗红色镰刃的轰击之下,亦是寸寸瓦解,一道道金色流光从其中倒飞而出,沾染了暗红之色。 Bang! 轰! How long the golden cone has not supported similarly, quick then disrupted to open loudly, changes to golden flowing light to shoot. 金色锥体同样并未支撑多久,很快便轰然碎裂而开,化作一道道金色流光倒射了出去。 This! “这! ! ” !” Ram Yu Hetie wing Hou Jie was the heart shocks, murders the blood Demon Venerable strength is too powerful, their attacks struck the opposite party unexpectedly cannot block. 公羊裕和铁翼侯皆是心头震撼,弑血魔尊的实力太强大了,他们的攻击竟然连对方一击都挡不住。 However two people are prepared early, immediately avoids, had not been hit by that dark-red sickle blade. 不过两人早有准备,立刻避开,并未被那暗红色镰刃击中。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates similarly slightly, a Secondary Profession Alliance headquarters war, the powerhouse were too initially many, even the True God level existed appeared, therefore he saw to murder blood Demon Venerable and immortal level revering of Secondary Profession Alliance headquarters fights, has not felt the opposite party powerful. 王腾目光同样微微一凝,当初副职业联盟总部一战,强者太多,连真神级存在都出现了,所以他见弑血魔尊副职业联盟总部的不朽级尊者交手,并未感觉对方有多强大。 Until knows now, the high-rank Demon Venerable level eventually is the high-rank Demon Venerable level, endures compared with existence of immortal level revering this level, is not the common conferring nobility upon immortal level may compare. 直到如今才知道,上位魔尊级终究是上位魔尊级,堪比不朽级尊者这个层次的存在,根本就不是寻常的封侯不朽级可比的。 Bang! 轰! Star meteor revering acted in the meantime luckily, the long spear/gun in his hand punctures loudly, changes to myriad spear/gun glow, directly across void. 幸好就在此时星陨尊者出手了,他手中的长枪轰然刺出,化作万千枪芒,径直穿过虚空。 Murders blood Demon Venerable, although has the protection early, but underestimated star meteor revering acts resolute and ruthless spicy, the complexion immediately changes, moved sideways to avoid most spear/gun glow, actually by several spear/gun glow bombardments on body. 弑血魔尊虽然早有防备,但还是低估了星陨尊者出手的果决与狠辣,面色顿时一变,闪身避开了大多数的枪芒,却还是被几道枪芒轰击在身上。 ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! Beautiful blood splashes are murdering the body of blood Demon Venerable to blast out, a lot of blood splashes. 一朵朵妖艳的血花在弑血魔尊的身上炸开,大量鲜血飞溅而出。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable pain to roar, the look scarlet piece, its body was rumbled unexpectedly several giant blood holes, frigid. 弑血魔尊痛吼一声,眼神赤红一片,它的身上竟被轰出了几个巨大的血洞,惨烈至极。 But it has not paid attention, vision ice-cold, from star meteor revering, ram Yu, iron wing marquis and the others sweeps. 但它并未理会,目光冰冷,从星陨尊者,公羊裕,铁翼侯等人身上一扫而过。 Since you court death, that main body then helps you.” “既然你们找死,那本尊便成全你们。” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, a rich blood light suddenly from its within the body eruption, dazzling incomparable, just like huge dark-red to be fierce. 话音刚落,一股浓郁至极的血光突然从它的体内爆发而出,耀眼无比,犹如一颗巨大的暗红色烈阳。 Winter! Winter! Winter...... 冬!冬!冬…… Beats the general serious sound just like the heart from spreads. 宛如心脏跳动一般的沉重声响从其中传出。 That dark-red light group inflates unceasingly, the contraction, the inflation, the contraction...... indescribable darkness, the bloody meaning fills the air, sweeps across the starry sky. 那暗红色的光团不断膨胀,收缩,膨胀,收缩……一股无法形容的黑暗,血腥之意弥漫而出,席卷星空。 It wanted Demon Transformation, careful.” Star meteor revering is serious, to iron wing marquis and ram abundant biography sound said. “它要魔变了,小心点。”星陨尊者面色凝重,对铁翼侯与公羊裕传音道。 The iron wing marquis and ram Yu are ready in full battle array immediately, the complexion enforced the extreme, in the heart even had an intense meaning. 铁翼侯与公羊裕顿时严阵以待,面色严肃到了极点,心中甚至生出了一丝紧张之意。 Regarding Demon Transformation of high-rank Demon Venerable level, they naturally do not dare to neglect. 对于上位魔尊级的魔变,他们自然不敢怠慢。 If makes him make a move spatially, perhaps the opposite party only need strike, then strikes to kill them sufficiently. 若是让其空出手来,对方恐怕只需一击,便足以击杀他们。 Finally Demon Transformation.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, toward murdering blood Demon Venerable looks, no one knows he is thinking anything. “终于魔变了。”王腾目光微闪,朝着弑血魔尊看去,没有人知道他在想什么。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable Demon Transformation to complete quickly. 弑血魔尊魔变很快就完成了。 Blood-color ray restraining goes, the form treads together from void. 血色光芒收敛而去,一道身影从虚空中踏出。 Ram Yu, iron wing marquis and the others child Kong shrinks immediately. 公羊裕,铁翼侯等人童孔顿时一缩。 Murders the appearance change of blood Demon Venerable too to be not big, the body has not looked like bone hui Demon Venerable and Ursula Demon Venerable general huge. 弑血魔尊的模样变化不算太大,身躯也并没有像骨翙魔尊和厄休拉魔尊一般巨大化。 Above the face had/left strange dark-red traces, on the forehead had a pair of dark-red sharp corner/horn. 只是脸庞之上多出了一道道诡异的暗红色纹路,额头上生出一对暗红色尖角。 Simultaneously by the cheeks is also has eyes to open, the eyeball bone common rotation of, is seeming very strange. 同时脸颊两侧亦是有着一颗颗眼睛睁开,其中的眼球骨碌碌的转动着,显得十分诡异。 Moreover, in its behind, has a pair of dark-red meat wing broken body. 另外,在它的身后,有着一对暗红色的肉翼破体而出。 Compared with bone hui Demon Venerable and Ursula Demon Venerable, such change without doubt is very slight, almost can ignore. 与骨翙魔尊和厄休拉魔尊相比,这样的变化无疑是非常细微,几乎可以忽略不计。 However actually no one can neglect its change. 但是却没有人能够忽略它的变化。 At this moment, murders blood Demon Venerable within the body to send out impressively, but terrifying aura, dark, evil, bloody, and even indescribable...... 此时此刻,弑血魔尊体内赫然正散发而出一股恐怖至极的气息,黑暗,邪恶,血腥,乃至不可名状…… That type of aura, wanted terrifying several times to continue compared with before. 那种气息,比之前要恐怖数倍不止。 You must die!” “你们都要死!” Murders blood Demon Venerable that only strange eyeball to gaze at the people, the sound is being ice-cold, is passing a chill in the air. 弑血魔尊那一只只诡异的眼球注视着众人,声音冰冷无比,透着一股寒意。 ! 唰! It behind meat wing opens suddenly. 其身后的肉翼突然张开。 The strong winds howl, the bloody aura sweeps across, its form disappears in instantaneously same place, even/including Canying are unable to see clearly unexpectedly. 狂风呼啸,血腥气息席卷而出,它的身影瞬间消失在原地,竟连残影都无法看清。 „It is not good, the dodge opens!” The star meteor revering vision concentrates, loudly shouted hastily. “不好,快闪开!”星陨尊者目光微凝,连忙大喝道。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis complexion changes, almost wants not to think, immediately moves sideways to avoid. 公羊裕和铁翼侯面色一变,几乎想也不想,立刻闪身躲避。 In the meantime, void suddenly presents two to murder blood Demon Venerable, appears in ram Yu behind, appears in the iron wing marquis behind. 就在此时,虚空中突然出现两个弑血魔尊,一个出现在公羊裕身后,一个出现在铁翼侯身后。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two murder blood Demon Venerable also to act, both hands like the sharp claws, pierce two people bodies instantaneously. 两个弑血魔尊同时出手,双手如利爪,瞬间洞穿两人的身躯。
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