“什么?”WhenLi LuohearsJiang Qing'ethiswords, stares, some have not responded, the thing in thatblackcoffin, will makeJiang Qing'ehavesomeinductionsunexpectedly?
当李洛听见姜青娥此话时,也是一愣,有些的没反应过来,那黑棺内的东西,竟然会让得姜青娥生出一些感应?„Thatblackcoffin, is the thing of Sacred Void Resonance Sect?”Li Luosaidsurprisedly.
The Jiang Qing'eeyebrowis tight, shakes the headslightly, previously when the blackcoffinappeared, herstate of mindobviouslyfluctuateduncontrolled, thatfeelingas if came from bodymostdeep place, as if the bloodlinesare common.姜青娥眉尖紧蹙,微微摇头,先前黑棺出现时,她的心境明显不受控制的波动了起来,那种感觉仿佛源自身体最深处,仿佛血脉一般。Thing that in the blackcoffinhas, withherfeared that has a bigconnection.
黑棺内存在的东西,与她怕是有着不小的关联。Whentheyhereare surprised the indefinite tense, blackcoffin that emptyHeavenly Kingoffers a sacrifice, is the directpenetrationis void, appearedinday of boundarytowermostdeep place.
而当他们两人在这里惊疑不定时,那虚天王祭出的黑棺,已是直接穿透虚空,出现在了天境塔最深处。Itsstaticfloat, on the blackcoffinhas the darkglosscirculation, the dim lightheavyfalls, changes intotwo, absorbedto„godfruitcrystalling phase”, anotherwascoversto gotoLi LuoandJiang Qing'e.
它静静的悬浮,黑棺上有幽暗光泽流转,幽光沉沉落下,化为两股,一股摄向了“神果晶相”,另外一股则是对着李洛与姜青娥笼罩而去。„primordial seed is also myOrigin Reversion Institute the thing, just rightoneandseizesyou.”
“原始种也是我归一会所需之物,正好一并将你擒走。”„As forthiswildMyriad Resonances Seed, the potentialis very strong, thereforedestroyedwell!”EmptyHeavenly Kingfigureappearedabove the blackcoffin, the coldsoundgot up, fills the murderous intention.
“至于这野生的万相种,潜力很强,所以还是毁了最好!”虚天王的身影出现在了黑棺之上,冷冽之声响起,弥漫杀机。clouds that Heavenly Kingalso appear here timeinLi Luo, the Jiang Qing'eabove, hislooksinks, onesends the silkto fall gentlycontinuously, in the contamination the auspicious sign, changed intosevenfinallywithhisexactly the sameclone.
云天王同样是在此时出现于李洛,姜青娥的上方,他眼神一沉,一缕缕发丝飘落,沾染上紫气,最终化为了七道与他一模一样的分身。Sevenclone, the main body, actstogether.
七道分身,连带本体,共同出手。Enormous and powerfulZiyunwas torn, a auspicious signgreatsword, above the greatsword, inscribesair-splitting the bright moonlight and stars, is sending out the endlessprofoundlight, theseprofoundlightcongealancientrune/symbolZhuan, passes above.
“八王紫篆剑。”Facesthistimeto offer a sacrifice tostrangeandemptyHeavenly King of terrifyingblackcoffinsuddenly, cloudsHeavenly Kingdoes not dareto haveobviouslyslightlykeeps the hand, offers a sacrifice toownmurderingmethoddirectly.
The auspicious signgreatswordgoesair-splitting, as if the vault of heavenwas cut the crack.
紫气巨剑破空而去,仿佛天穹都被斩裂。But when thatwisp of dim lightfalls, the auspicious signgreatswordactuallystagnatesinvoidsuddenly, the dim lightshuttles back and forth, sees only the bright moonlight and stars above auspicious signgreatswordstartsto appearunexpectedlydimly, ancientrune/symbolZhuan also burst.
The Heavenly Kingheartshakesgreatly, thisdim lightiswhat kind ofstrength, soeasilyroutedhimunexpectedly?
The dim lighthas delimitedvoid, seems likedivides into two world, butcloudsHeavenly Kingsituated inother half ofvoid, simultaneouslyherebydim lightsealed, was changed into a sealedspacevoid, cloudsHeavenly Kingbytemporaryexile.
幽光划过虚空,似乎是将天地一分为二,而云天王则是处于另外一半的虚空,同时这里的虚空被幽光封闭,化为了一座封闭的空间,云天王就被暂时的放逐其中。Butotherdim light, stillincoverstoLi LuoandJiang Qing'eunder.
但另外的幽光,依然在对着李洛与姜青娥笼罩而下。Butfaceswas even sayingstrength that togetherHeavenly Kingdoes not beat, Li LuoandJiang Qing'e are also the complexion that cannot bearturn whiteslightly, in the face ofsuchstrength, they are tinyjust like the ants.
The Li Luocomplexionis suddenly fierce, althoughdoes not know perfectly well the enemy, buthehas not actually given up, top of the headMyriad Resonances Wheelthunders the vibration, the sword formationrapidforming of ancient.李洛脸色骤然狰狞,虽然明知不可敌,但他却并未放弃,头顶万相轮轰鸣震动,古老的剑阵迅速的成形。Jiang Qing'eis the lookis also imposing, bites the silvertooth, boundlesslightshoots up to the sky.姜青娥也是神色凛然,一咬银牙,磅礴光明冲天而起。Althoughis the flywaspshakes the tree, buttheyare not willingto sit waiting for death, even if the opposite partyisexistence that theyare unable to contend with.
虽然是蚍蜉撼树,可他们并不愿坐以待毙,即便对方是他们根本无法抗衡的存在。Aftertwopeople, the appearanceindifferentLu Qing’erforehead„Saintcrystal core” is also blooms the freezevoidcold air, thatdim light is also included in the attackrangeher, thereforeshefelt the threat , the choiceacted.
在两人身后,容颜冷漠的吕清儿眉心“圣相晶核”也是绽放出冻结虚空的寒气,那幽光将她也是纳入到了攻击范围,所以她感受到了威胁,也选择出手。Theirattackshave not taken shape, thendisintegrationquietlyafterseveral breaths.
只是,他们的攻击尚未成型,便是在数息后悄然的瓦解。Thatisbecause ofdim lightterrifyingextremely, itsstrengthalsohas the inconceivablemighty force, strength that beforethistypeis unable to understand, evenMyriad Resonances Wheel of Li Luotop of the head, israpiddimgetting down, finallychanges into the gloomylightto fallitswithin the body.
那是因为幽光太过的恐怖,其力量也具备着不可思议的伟力,在这种无法理解的力量前,就算是李洛头顶的万相轮,都是迅速的黯淡下去,最终化为黯光落回其体内。Li Luois clenching teethtightly, the innermost feelingsarenot to actually be able to bear the feeling of raisingbeing incapable, in the face ofthisstrength, theyactuallydoes not have the qualifications of resistance.李洛紧咬着牙,内心却是忍不住的升起无力之感,在这种力量面前,他们竟然连反抗的资格都没有。As ifthatis the trial of Spiritual God, all living thingsdo not have the qualifications of resistance, onlyhaswithstanding of being willing.
The dim lightfalls, is seemingly common, butinLi Luoand the othersin the eye, actually seems in worldmost terrifyingthing.
Will all, endinthis time?
一切,就将在此时终结?Jiang Qing'ethatbrightgolden colordoublepupil, as if there is golden lightto emergeinthis timesuddenly, shecannot bearmuststopbefore the Li Luobody.姜青娥那粲然的金色双瞳,仿佛是在此时骤然间有着金光涌现,她忍不住的就要阻拦在李洛身前。Butinthis moment, inspace orb in Li Luowrist/skill, hasrays of lighttogetherto departsuddenly, in the rays of light, isancienttoken, aboveinscribes a “Li”character that is sending out the inexplicablepressure.
但就在这一刻,李洛手腕上的空间球中,突然有着一道毫光飞出,毫光之内,是一枚古老的令牌,其上铭刻着一个散发着莫名威压的“李”字。Thatis... Heavenly King Li's lineageHeavenly King Order!
那是...李天王一脉的天王令!WhenthisHeavenly King Orderappears, the clear and brightlaughter, resemblestogethertransmitsfromthatremotespace, thunders the reverberationinthisbetween Heaven and Earth.
而当这枚天王令出现的时候,一道清朗的笑声,似是从那遥远的空间传来,于这天地间轰鸣回荡。„EmptyHeavenly King, yoursolemnHeavenly King, bullies the weak, whenreallymyHeavenly King Li's lineageno one?”
“虚天王,你堂堂天王,以大欺小,真当我李天王一脉无人吗?”Heavenly King Ordervibrates, sends out the darkgold/metalray, the rayinterweavingfront, separatesunexpectedlyvoid, formed the spacefissure, butin the fissure, there isfiguregoing outslowlytogether.天王令震动,散发出暗金光芒,光芒交织前方,竟是将虚空割裂开来,形成了空间裂痕,而裂痕中,有一道身影缓缓的走出。Li Luois looking atthatsay/wayfromfigure that in the spacefissuregoes out, thatis an appearancedelicate and prettyyoungster, the youngsteris hanging loose the long hair, seemssomewhatuninhibited, but heis seemingly young, butthatpair of pupil is actually pastingprofoundlywith the color of wisdom, seems through a lot.李洛怔怔的望着那道自空间裂痕中走出的身影,那是一名模样俊美的少年,少年披散着长发,显得有些不羁,而他虽然看似年轻,可那双瞳却是流转着深邃与睿智之色,仿佛历经沧桑。Meanwhilein the hand of thisyoungster, but also is graspingGolden Coiled Dragon Stick.
同时在这名少年的手中,还握着一根蟠龙金棍。Thisappearance, is not strangeregardingLi Luo, because before for several years, inthatfiend demons cavefinalchallenge, hehas seen the presentperson.
他是...Heavenly King Li, Li Jun!李天王,李钧!TheirHeavenly King Li's lineageoldancestor!
他们李天王一脉的老祖!Just, onceLi Luosawthat, is onlyittogether thought that but the presentperson, is actually the Heavenly King Litrue body!
The moodwhen the Li Luoheartis overwhelming, Heavenly King Li that comes tohas graspedGolden Coiled Dragon Stickto wield, thatflickers, resemblingis the vault of heavencracks, wantsto comeif not forat this timesituated inHeavenly Mirror Tower, perhapsthisstickgets down, the surrounding areaseveral tens of thousands ofli (0.5 km)will change into the bottomlesssinkhole.
在李洛心中情绪翻江倒海时,那现身的李天王已是握着蟠龙金棍挥出,那一瞬,似是天穹都为之崩裂,想来此时若不是处于天镜塔内,恐怕这一棍下去,方圆数万里都将会化为无底天坑。golden stickfloodedeveryone'sfield of vision, aboveis coercing the vastmighty force, with an overbearingstance, bumps intowiththatdim light.金棍充斥了所有人的视野,其上裹挟着浩瀚伟力,以一种霸道至极的姿态,与那道幽光相撞。Bang!
It is not ableto describe that impact, the peopleonlythought that as if the worldbelonged to the chaos, eveneverywhereworld's energy, inthistypetobumping, was obliterated the attribute, changed into the most primitiveenergygranule.
无法形容那种冲击,众人只觉得仿佛天地归于了混沌,就算是无处不在的天地能量,都在这种对碰下,被磨灭了属性,化为了最为原始的能量粒子。Withpeoplegradualgetting back one's composure, thatterrifyingdim light, is the radicaldissipation.
随着众人逐渐的回神,那道恐怖至极的幽光,已是彻底的消散。InLi Luo, Jiang Qing'etheirfront, onlyhave the thatdelicate and prettyyoungster, graspsGolden Coiled Dragon Stick, is fearlessandvertical.
在李洛,姜青娥他们的前方,唯有那一道俊美的少年,手持蟠龙金棍,昂然而立。Then the terrifyingstormfromoutside world, bythisfigure, stopall, had not all been affectedbehind the juniorslightly.
那来自外界的恐怖风暴,皆是被这道身影,尽数的阻拦,未曾波及到身后小辈丝毫。Above the blackcoffin, emptyHeavenly Kingcomplexion gloomylooks atthatsay/wayto graspGolden Coiled Dragon Stickfigure, said: „Heavenly King Li? Does yourdaringtrue bodyleaveHeavenly Abyss? Alsodid not fear that „ daymonsterGreat Demon King”does break throughHeavenly Abysswhilethis, the destructionwall? ”
黑棺之上,虚天王脸色阴沉的望着那道手持蟠龙金棍的身影,道:“李天王?你竟敢真身离开天渊?也不怕那“天妖大魔王”趁此突破天渊,破坏界壁?”But when itssoundfalls, spacecrackmostdeep place that previouslyLi Junwent out, spreaddeafeningsuddenly, andis filling the dragon's roarsound of vastpressure.
而就当其声落时,那先前李钧走出的空间裂缝最深处,突然传出了一道震耳欲聋,并且充满着浩瀚威压的龙吟声。Thatsaiddragon's roar, pressureterrifyingextremely, evencaused the worldto tremble with fear.
那道龙吟,威压太过的恐怖,甚至引得天地都在惊颤。Li Luohearsthisdragon's roar, heavenly dragon resonance in within the bodyinfiercethunderingnot being able to bear, some that immediately the heartcannot bearwith amazement, cancauseheavenly dragon resonanceto respond, obviously, previouslythatsaid the dragon's roarmaster...李洛听到这道龙吟,体内的天龙相则是在忍不住的剧烈轰鸣,当即心头忍不住的有些骇然,能够引得天龙相如此反应,显然,先前那道龙吟的主人...IstrueHeavenly Dragon!
是一条真正的天龙!Inspacecrackdeep place that Li Juncomes, at this timestillhasHeavenly Dragon!
在李钧前来的空间裂缝深处,此时还存在着一条天龙!Moreoverwhydoes not know, regardingthisHeavenly Dragondragon's roarsound, Li Luoheart deep placefaintraisesinexplicablewarm feelings.
而且不知为何,对于这道天龙龙吟声,李洛内心深处隐隐的升起一丝莫名的亲切感。That is Heavenly Dragon, actuallywho?
那天龙,究竟是谁?ButemptyHeavenly Kinghearsthisdragon's roar, the facial skinpulls outslightly, sneers saying: „Originallyinvitedyourold friendhelp, thiscanhave free timeto withdraw.”
而虚天王听到这道龙吟,脸皮则是微微一抽,冷笑道:“原来是请来了你的老相好帮忙,这才能有空脱身。”Grasps the Golden Coiled Dragon Stickdelicate and prettyyoungsterto say with a smilelightly: „YourOrigin Reversion Institutethesemouseexcrement, aredisgustingas always, ourtheseHeavenly KingresistOtherHeavenly Kingin the wallplace, your things, insteadin the rear areabulliesotherjunior, is trueto makeonedespise.”
手持蟠龙金棍的俊美少年淡淡笑道:“你们归一会这些老鼠屎,还是一如既往的令人厌恶,我们这些天王在界壁处抵御异类天王,你们这些东西,反而在后方欺负别家小辈,属实令人不齿。”Heshakes the head, is disinclinedto talk too muchwithit, buthas turned the head, lookedtobehindLi Luo, on the delicate and prettyfaceappearedto wipe the temperatesmile.
他摇了摇头,也懒得与其多言,而是转过头,看向了身后的李洛,俊美的脸庞上浮现出一抹温和的笑容。„Little fellow, wemetfinally.”
( 10 : 00 am, trillcontinueslive broadcast, knocksdried fishto increase pressure on writepair, everyonehastimepoints a to praise, knocksdried fish, onpressure.)
" 10 : 00 am, the trillcontinues the live broadcast, knocks the dried fishto increase the pressure on write the pair, everyonehas the timepoints a to praise, knocks the dried fish, onpressure. "
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