KOMI :: Volume #16

#1528: Exposition of primordial seed

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The sword sounded together, passed through the Shen Jinxiao broken body, it nail stubbornly on that reaching to the sky ancient altar altar/jar wall, the strong winds howled, seems moving one piece the tattered cloth, made the sound. 刀剑齐鸣,贯穿了沈金霄残破的身躯,将其死死的钉在了那座高耸入云的古老祭坛坛壁上,狂风呼啸,仿佛是在吹动着一块破烂的布帛,发出了刺啦的声响。 The fluctuation of energy of between Heaven and Earth terrifying, had previously vanished at this time thoroughly. 先前天地间恐怖的能量波动,此时已是彻底消失。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e figure is situated in the horizon, their complexions have the obvious paleness, can say that this is the first time that two people life displayed true Unparalleled Technique. 李洛姜青娥身影立于天际,他们的脸色有着明显的苍白,可以说这是两人人生第一次施展出真正的无双术 After all Li Luo „when Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation must achieve five swords, can true comparing favorably Unparalleled Technique, but previously he also only displayed four swords high. 毕竟李洛的“众相龙牙剑阵”必须要达到“五剑”时,才能真正的媲美无双术,而此前他最高也就只施展出了“四剑”。 Li Luo forehead Saint crystal core in the rapid dissipation, he feels the weak feeling that within the body is welling up like surging tides, fearful say/way: „Is this Unparalleled Technique? The consumption of good terrifying.” 李洛眉心的“圣相晶核”在迅速的消散,他感受着体内如潮水般涌出来的虚弱感,心有余悸的道:“这就是无双术吗?好恐怖的消耗。” Even if he has higher ninth grade light resonance, but was still nearly drained. 就算他拥有着上九品光明相,但也险些被抽干。 Moreover this is in the tacit understanding situation of jointly in Jiang Qing'e having mutual affinity, is inconceivable, if displays alone, that will be what kind of difficulty. 而且这还是在与姜青娥心心相印的默契联手的情况下,难以想象,如果是独自施展,那将会是何等的艰难。 Jiang Qing'e also nods slightly, said in a soft voice: Unparalleled Technique is in world strongest technique, although your my two people cast ten pillars golden platform, but rank still lowered, displaying naturally was too reluctant.” 姜青娥也是微微颔首,轻声道:“无双术乃是世间最强之术,你我二人虽然铸就十柱金台,但品阶尚低,施展起来自然还是太勉强了。” But faces is stepping into ninth grade Duke Realm, threat that also in fighting tooth and nail Shen Jinxiao, their other methods has no directly, only has this light Unparalleled Technique, can reverse the war. 但面对着踏入九品封侯境,又直接在搏命的沈金霄,他们其他的手段都没有任何的威胁,唯有这道光明无双术,才能够逆转战局。 Two people are full of deeply ingrained killing intent to Shen Jinxiao, initially the strength was small and weak, was forced into the hopeless situation by it repeatedly, finally even compelled Jiang Qing'e to burn bright heart, causing two people to separate. 两人对沈金霄都充满着刻骨的杀意,当初实力弱小,屡屡被其逼入绝境,最终甚至逼得姜青娥燃烧了光明心,导致两人不得不分离。 But now meets again, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e do not want the initial matter again, therefore, uses to display Unparalleled Technique to come its end directly full power, settles grievances, is the most decisive choice. 而如今再次相遇,李洛姜青娥都不想再发生当初的事情,所以,直接倾尽全力施展出无双术来将其终结,了结恩怨,是最为果断的选择。 „Did he die?” Li Luo asked. “他死了没?”李洛问道。 Jiang Qing'e is staring at Shen Jinxiao that by the broken body that the sword passes through, said: aura remains.” 姜青娥盯着沈金霄那被刀剑贯穿的残破身躯,道:“还有一丝气息残留。” „, But also please settle him.” Li Luo hears word, to Diwu Mingxuan, Saint bird and the others were shouting to clear the way immediately. “诸位,还请了结他。”李洛闻言,立即对着第五明煊,圣雀儿等人喝道。 At this time he and Jiang Qing'e are the loss are all enormous, can only make Diwu Mingxuan they make a move. 此时他与姜青娥皆是损耗极大,只能让第五明煊他们出手了。 Hears the Li Luo drinking sound, was also in shocks Diwu Mingxuan, Saint bird and the others are also fierce awakening, immediately stimulation of movement boundless resonance power without hesitation, changes into the swift and fierce offensive, such as the rainstorm is going to the Shen Jinxiao broken body bang. 听到李洛的喝声,原本还处于震撼中的第五明煊,圣雀儿等人也是猛的惊醒,当即毫不犹豫的催动磅礴相力,化为凌厉攻势,如暴雨般对着沈金霄残破身躯轰去。 However when these offensive soon in bang Shen Jinxiao, its within the body gushes out strong dark gray resonance power suddenly, in dark gray resonance power, nine duke platform that is covering entirely the fissure ups and downs erratically. 不过当这些攻势即将轰中沈金霄时,其体内突然涌出浓烈的灰黑相力,灰黑相力中,有九座布满着裂痕的封侯台沉浮不定。 Nine duke platform these offensive resistance all, but above this also causes the crack even more crowded, obviously to soon brink of collapse. 九座封侯台将这些攻势尽数的抵御下来,但这也引得其上的裂纹愈发的密集,显然是到了即将崩溃的边缘。 No matter what who can look, ate Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e Unparalleled Technique Shen Jinxiao, had been in the oil completely lamp dry situation. 任谁都看得出来,吃了李洛姜青娥一记无双术沈金霄,已经到了油尽灯枯的地步。 Do not stop, destroys his duke platform thoroughly, cuts to kill it!” Li Luo shouted. “不要停,把他的封侯台彻底打碎,将其斩杀!”李洛喝道。 Diwu Mingxuan, Saint bird, Ning Meng and the others all nod, then stimulates to movement resonance power strongly, changed into the one after another fierce offensive, the bang on that nine broken duke platform. 第五明煊,圣雀儿,宁檬等人皆是点头,而后竭力催动相力,化为一道道猛烈的攻势,轰在了那九座残破的封侯台上。 Immediately nine duke platform start becomes creakies. 顿时九座封侯台开始变得摇摇欲坠。 Hissing.” “嘶嘶。” But at this time, was sewn Shen Jinxiao on altar/jar wall stubbornly exuded the grating laughter, his raising the head slowly, in both eyes has the gray-black bloodstain to flow, making him seem like extremely fearsome. 而此时,那被死死钉在坛壁上的沈金霄发出了刺耳的笑声,他缓缓的抬起头,双目中有着灰黑色的血迹流淌出来,令得他看上去极为的可怖。 He is staring at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e two people, said: By the Duke Realm strength, displays true Unparalleled Technique, Sacred Profound Star Academy, but also really went out of two evildoer/monstrous talent.” 他盯着李洛姜青娥二人,道:“以封侯境的实力,施展出真正的无双术,圣玄星学府,还真是走出了两个妖孽啊。” „After this war, your two people really wanted to shake major Divine Province.” “此战之后,你二人就真要名震各大神州了。” Qing'e, as your once teacher, I also was really very gratified.” Shen Jinxiao hehe is smiling. 青娥,作为你曾经的导师,我还真是很欣慰啊。”沈金霄呵呵地笑着。 Jiang Qing'e indifferently said: Do not say possibility that these revolting words, you have not escaped from today.” 姜青娥淡淡的道:“不要说这些令人作呕的话语了,今日你没有逃脱的可能。” Diwu Mingxuan and the others are launching the vicious offensive as before, that nine broken duke platform gradual forcing into breakages edge. 第五明煊等人依旧是在发动凶狠的攻势,将那九座残破的封侯台逐渐的逼入破裂的边缘。 Shen Jinxiao puts out the black blood , to continue saying: I may not have to confess, after all, who lets your bright heart is such delicacy, initially first saw you time, I nearly cannot bear begin directly, must dig the heart to swallow you in the presence of everyone.” 沈金霄吐出黑色的血液,继续说道:“我可没有在忏悔,毕竟,谁让你的光明心是如此的美味,当初第一眼见到你的时候,我险些就忍不住直接动手,要将你当众挖心吞食。” You may know that I spent the big will, suppresses this impulsion.” “你可知道我花费了多大的毅力,才将这种冲动压制下去。” Shen Jinxiao eye of is only staring at Jiang Qing'e, the smile of corners of the mouth becomes strange, said: Knows until me afterward why you will so make people be hard to resist, originally...” 沈金霄目露奇光的盯着姜青娥,嘴角的笑容变得诡异起来,道:“直到后来我才知道,为何你会如此的让人难以抗拒,原来...” You are in the legendprimordial seed. ” “你是传说中的“原始种”。” Such remarks, Diwu Mingxuan, Saint bird, Lu Qing’er, is being is casting the shocking vision to Jiang Qing'e, been able to bear has to lose one's voice to resound. 此言一出,第五明煊,圣雀儿,连带着吕清儿,都是对着姜青娥投去了震惊的目光,忍不住的有失声响起。 primordial seed?!” 原始种?!” Sky over Heavenly Mirror City, Wang Xuanjin dean, gold/metal Xi, white jade elder pupil also shrinks suddenly, they are drawing support from these student signalling jade, naturally can the sensation to having in 34th layer all, therefore naturally also heard the Shen Jinxiao words. 天镜城上空,王玄瑾院长,金玺、白玉长老瞳孔也是陡然一缩,他们借助着这些学员身上的传信玉,自然能够感知到发生在第三十四层中的一切,所以自然也就听见了沈金霄的话语。 „Is Jiang Qing'e unexpectedly primordial seed?” At this time, even existence of Wang Xuanjin this Triple Crown King peak, inhales cold air lightly, then the look becomes scalding hot. 姜青娥竟然是原始种?”此时,就算是王玄瑾这位三冠王巅峰的存在,都是轻吸一口凉气,而后眼神变得灼热起来。 Because in their Academic Federation this long years, have been searching for the primordial seed information! 因为他们学府联盟这漫长的岁月中,一直都是在搜寻原始种的信息! primordial seed is this world most mystical life, since the ancient times, the body has the primordial seed life, all becomes the peak powerhouse of present age . Moreover the most important thing is, that spread from the high antiquity, including the generations of Heavenly King powerhouses was the believing in firmly admonitions. 原始种是这世间最为神秘的生灵,自古以来,身具原始种的生灵,无一不是成为了当代的巅峰强者,而且最重要的是,那句从远古时代流传而下,连一代代天王强者都是深信不疑的箴言。 The confusion is finally primitive. 混乱终于原始。 Even the Heavenly King powerhouses believe, this as if disaster of the Other without limits, will end in the hand of primordial seed forever finally. 天王强者都相信,这场仿佛永无止境的异类之灾,最终会在原始种的手中终结。 Therefore, seeks for primordial seed , since Academic Federation establishes one of the important missions. 故而,找寻原始种,也是学府联盟创立以来的重要任务之一。 But primordial seed extremely rare, ten thousand thousand years years later, the appeared number of times is also few, therefore all Heavenly King, will want to put in other road. 原始种太过的罕见,万千载岁月下来,出现的次数也是屈指可数,故而各方天王,都将希望置于另外的一条路。 That is acquired primordial seed that is evolved by holy seed. 那就是由圣种所进化的后天原始种 Their Academic Federation successful training acquired primordial seed, but that existed became the Academic Federation giant leader afterward, leading Academic Federation to rush to many calamitous tribulation. 他们学府联盟曾经成功的培养出过后天原始种,而那位存在后来成为了学府联盟的巨头领袖,带领学府联盟闯过了许多次灾劫 However what pitifully is, Other had not been ended as before. 不过可惜的是,异类依旧未曾被终结。 Perhaps, acquired primordial seed and innate primordial seed, has the difference. 或许,后天原始种先天原始种,还是有着区别。 It is precisely for this reason, when at this time Wang Xuanjin, gold/metal Xi, the white jade three people hears this information, why such shock and loss of self-control. 也正因如此,此时当王玄瑾,金玺,白玉三人听见这道信息时,为何会如此的震撼与失态。 „Is this real?” After the gold/metal imperial seal elder is shocked, been able to bear saying. “这是真的吗?”金玺长老震惊过后,忍不住的说道。 primordial seed before thorough awakening, the indication that and has no, therefore he cannot determine that Shen Jinxiao said is true. 原始种在彻底觉醒前,并没有任何的征兆,所以他也不敢确定沈金霄所说就是属实。 „After must treat the Heavenly Mirror Tower situation falls, well surveys.” The white jade elders also said. “还需待得天镜塔局势落定后,好好探测一番。”白玉长老也是说道。 Wang Xuanjin nods slowly, if can seek primordial seed for Academic Federation, this is the true great merit, in Academic Federation that five Heavenly King giants also meet the great happiness. 王玄瑾缓缓点头,若是能够为学府联盟寻得原始种,这可是真正的大功,想必学府联盟中那五位天王巨头也会大喜。 In 34th layer. 三十四层中。 Li Luo look somewhat ice-cold is looking at Shen Jinxiao, Jiang Qing'e is primordial seed the secret, he does not dare to publicize, after all this matter involves too in a big way, is not he and Jiang Qing'e can grasp. 李洛眼神有些冰冷的望着沈金霄,姜青娥原始种的这个隐秘,他一直不敢宣扬,毕竟此事牵扯太大,根本就不是他与姜青娥能够把握的。 But now Shen Jinxiao does not know why knew this secret, moreover released it, then from now henceforth, the Jiang Qing'e primordial seed matter could not cover up. 而如今沈金霄不知为何知晓了这个隐秘,而且还将其释放了出来,那么从今以后,姜青娥原始种的事情就遮掩不住了。 However was good because of Tantai Lan came back, moreover behind them also has Heavenly King Li's lineage, if some people therefore coveted Jiang Qing'e, must think over. 不过好在澹台岚回来了,而且他们背后还有着李天王一脉,若是有人因此觊觎姜青娥,也得掂量一下。 Bang!” “轰!” But in the meantime, nine broken duke platform of Shen Jinxiao front burst suddenly, the energy storm that changes into the terrifying wreaks havoc in between Heaven and Earth. 而就在此时,沈金霄前方的九座残破封侯台骤然间破裂开来,化为恐怖的能量风暴于天地间肆虐。 But duke platform bursts, that Shen Jinxiao actually exuded the strange laughter. 封侯台破裂,那沈金霄却是发出了怪异的笑声。 His chest front tattered clothing was shaken flies, revealed the ripped open chest, then Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are pupil micro sights, in that such as on the burl disgusting black heart, is inserting black fragrance unexpectedly. 他胸前破烂的衣衫被震飞,露出了被撕开的胸膛,然后李洛姜青娥便是瞳孔微缩的见到,在那如树瘤子般恶心的黑色心脏上,竟然插着一根黑色的香。 That fragrance, with inserting black fragrance in week honored corpse forehead, exactly the same. 那根香,与插在周钧尸体眉心上的黑香,一模一样。 But at this time, the black fragrance was lit, the heart and fleshly body of Shen Jinxiao, started to present the dissolution. 而此时,黑香被点燃,沈金霄的心脏与肉身,都开始出现了溶解。 But Shen Jinxiao actually not frightened, instead on the face appeared the devout and frantic facial expression, simultaneously his big laughter, in this between Heaven and Earth reverberation. 沈金霄却并未恐惧,反而脸庞上浮现出了虔诚与狂热的神情,同时他的大笑声,也在这天地间回荡而起。 By my flesh, by my remnant body!” “以吾血肉,以吾残躯!” Welcomed the Sir!” “恭迎大人!” His body in this time radical being reduced to ashes, the rich viscous black fog shoots up to the sky, atomizes to black be too deep to see the bottom black hole, as if a gateway. 他的身躯在此时彻底的化为灰烬,浓郁粘稠的黑雾冲天而起,黑雾化为了深不见底的黑洞,仿佛一座门户。 Then, sight that everyone heart stops suddenly, a fair palm, stretches out from that black hole, holds the black hole edge, finally together be with smile on the face white clothing person's shadow, slowly from walked. 接着,所有人都心脏骤然一停的见到,一只白皙的手掌,从那黑洞中伸出,抓住黑洞边缘,最终一道面带笑容的白衣人影,缓缓的从其中走了出来。
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