KOMI :: Volume #14

#1320: The excessively ghost legendary creature does not enter

With the lapse of time, evil thoughts aura that the boundary river treasure territory surrounding fills in gradual retrogression, the space of these distortion also in the little restoration, restored the original environment and appearance. 随着时间的推移,界河宝域外围弥漫的恶念之气在逐渐的消退,那些原本扭曲的空间也是在一点点的复原,恢复原本的环境与模样。 That is because many ghost legendary creatures of surrounding, wipe out by all influence and powerhouse gradually. 那是因为外围的许多鬼魊,在被各方势力以及强者逐步的拔除。 In this process, had the team to obtain the satisfactory harvest overjoyed, there is a team cloud of gloom to be dreary, they not only did not have many harvest, even also presented the serious casualties. 在这个过程中,有队伍欢天喜地的获得了满意的收获,也有队伍愁云惨淡,他们不仅没有多少的收获,甚至还出现了严重的伤亡。 It may be said that some people like some people sad. 可谓是有人欢喜有人悲。 But does not have the means that the boundary river treasure territory is not the friendly experience, wants to gain the treasure here, naturally must prepare for the time discarding poor life, because of here, not only need guard against these strange Other , is more vigilant greedily treasure hunt. 但没办法,界河宝域可不是什么友好的历练,想要在这里获取宝物,自然也得做好时刻丢掉小命的准备,因为这里,不仅要防备那些诡异的异类,也要警惕一些贪婪的寻宝者。 In order to rob foundation building Spirit Treasure, even if Heavenly King lineage team, once leaves behind to reveal the weak trend, may still bring in cultivates to encircle and hunt like the wolf sinister ruthless spicy powder. 为了抢夺筑基灵宝,就算是天王脉的队伍,一旦落单显露弱势,也有可能引来一些如豺狼般阴险狠辣的散修围猎。 Especially to the appearance of medium ghost legendary creature, these enough is inspiring will of the people greedy high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, starts one after another was detected, treasure of this rank, makes one take risk sufficiently. 特别是对着中型鬼魊的出现,那些足够引动人心贪婪的上品筑基灵宝,也开始陆续的被人所发觉,这种级别的宝贝,足以让人为之冒险。 But Li Luo their teams, naturally also in diligent exploration. 李洛他们的队伍,自然也是在勤奋的探索。 But unlike other teams, they in the time of half day, discovered four medium ghost legendary creatures, but has not actually chosen to attack and capture, but detours directly. 只不过与其他的队伍不同,他们在半日的时间中,发现了四座中型鬼魊,但却都没有选择攻克,而是直接绕行。 Because in the Li Hongyou sensation, in that four medium ghost legendary creature, does not have high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure. 因为在李红柚的感知中,那四座中型鬼魊内,并不存在着上品筑基灵宝 Since without existence of high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, they naturally would have no this necessity, goes to waste the time entanglement with Other of inside, might as well leaves this opportunity presents other teams. 既然没有上品筑基灵宝的存在,那他们自然也就没有这个必要,去与里面的异类浪费时间纠缠,还不如将这个机会留给在场其他的队伍。 Right, when Li Luo they arrive in these medium ghost legendary creatures, there has other teams to eye covetously, they show the extremely strong alert regarding Li Luo one group of arrival, after all are many some teams to enter, when the time comes when foundation building Spirit Treasure appears, were more some competitors. 没错,当李洛他们抵达那些中型鬼魊的时候,那里已经有着其他的队伍虎视眈眈,他们对于李洛一行人的到来展现出极强的戒备,毕竟多一些队伍进入其中,到时候筑基灵宝出现时,也就更多了一些竞争者。 However when they alert, Li Luo one group of actually sized up a present medium ghost legendary creature, then turns around to depart suddenly. 不过就在他们戒备的时候,李洛一行人却只是打量了一下眼前的中型鬼魊,便是突然转身离去。 Just before leaving, Li Luo also very magnanimous was indicating to other teams, since everyone first comes, that this medium ghost legendary creature they do not bribe, wishing everyone seizes the treasure to be smooth. 临走时,李洛还很大度的对着其他队伍表示,既然各位先来,那这座中型鬼魊他们就不染指了,祝各位夺宝顺利。 Other teams saw that they give up, is extremely astonished, at once the great happiness, to Li Luo one group of expresses hastily thanks and praised, therefore came, Li Luo harvest of their unexpectedly also accident a wave of good sensitivity. 其他队伍见到他们就这么放弃,皆是极为惊愕,旋即大喜,连忙对李洛一行人表示感谢与夸赞,所以一路过来,李洛他们竟然还意外的收获了一波好感度。 But regarding situation extremely clear Li Foluo and the others, then regarding this somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, this Li Luo, but also really does not give up any opportunity of fishing for the value. 而对于其中情况极为明白的李佛罗等人,对此则是有些哭笑不得,这李洛,还真是不放弃任何一个捞取价值的机会。 With the lapse of time, medium ghost legendary creatures they got married not to enter by Li Luo, although this act waste time quite, but Li Luo they are actually maintaining the patience, after all the high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure value, is far from middle grade can compare. 随着时间的推移,一座座中型鬼魊被李洛他们过门而不入,虽说此举颇为的浪费时间,但李洛他们却都保持着耐心,毕竟上品筑基灵宝的价值,远非中品能比。 Two high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure can exchange one bottle of false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light in Lu Shuanglu there, but if trades to make middle grade, perhaps pulls out 20, will only bring in the look that shuts out. 两道上品筑基灵宝能在吕霜露那里兑换一瓶虚九品灵水奇光,可若是换作中品,恐怕掏出二十道,都只会引来嫌弃的眼神。 However this plants the situation that the ghost legendary creature has not entered, when arrives at ninth, finally had the change. 不过这种过鬼魊而不入的情况,当来到第九座时,终于是出现了变化。 Li Luo can the clear feeling, before Li Hongyou arrives at this medium ghost legendary creature, her eye pupil instantaneously became bright, on elegantly beautiful cheeks , the first time had the pleasantly surprised mood. 李洛能够清晰的感觉到,当李红柚来到这座中型鬼魊前时,她的眼眸瞬间变得明亮了起来,冷艳的脸颊上,也是第一次出现了惊喜的情绪。 This lets look at her expression Jiang Qing'e, Li Foluo they are also relaxing of feeling relieved, finally waited till? 这让得一直看着她表情的姜青娥,李佛罗他们也是如释重负的松了一口气,终于是等到了吗? Li Luo is looking at the front that medium ghost legendary creature, there space is twisting fiercely, boundless strong evil thoughts aura sends out, even affects outside region, causing here to have some low level Other births. 李洛望着前方的那座中型鬼魊,那里的空间剧烈的扭曲着,磅礴浓烈的恶念之气从中散发出来,甚至是影响到了外面的区域,导致这里有着一些低级的异类诞生。 Looks faintly, there seemed like presented a ancient city gate, after the city gate, some innumerable fuzzy shadows appeared. 隐隐看去,那里似乎是出现了一座古老的城门,城门之后,有无数模糊的影子浮现。 In this medium ghost legendary creature, sends out to make Li Luo feel that the fluctuation of constriction, obviously has many rank not low real demon Other surely. 这座中型鬼魊内,散发着让李洛都感觉到压迫感的波动,可见其中必定存在着不少品阶不低的真魔异类 However, outside this ghost legendary creature, has other teams to take the lead to rush as before. 不过,这座鬼魊外,依旧有着其他的队伍率先赶到。 Moreover, the one who lets Li Luo accident is, in which team, actually also has acquaintance much. 而且,让得李洛意外的是,其中的一支队伍,其中竟然还有着不少“熟人”。 Zhao Jiyun, Zhao Zhuoyan, Zhao pillar! 赵吉云,赵灼炎,赵柱! Previously competed for king bead in the Jinshishui deep pool, both sides fought life and death. 此前在金石水渊争夺王珠,双方可是斗得你死我活。 Obviously, this is Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, the team of god tiger health/guard. 很显然,这是赵天王一脉,神虎卫的队伍。 Before the Li Luo vision goes to Zhao Jiyun and others, there has a body majestic man to cross the hands behind the back to stand, has rushes powerful resonance power pressure from its within the body to proliferate, causes vision that nearby other teams cast to dread. 李洛的目光投向赵吉云等人身前,那里有一名身躯雄壮的男子负手而立,有澎湃强悍的相力威压一波波的从其体内扩散出来,引得附近其他的一些队伍投来忌惮的目光。 Li Luo is looking at that body majestic man, in the heart flashes through the related information. 李洛望着那名身躯雄壮的男子,心中则是闪过有关情报。 The god tiger protects Guardian Honorable, Zhao thousand honored, on fourth grade Duke Realm. 神虎卫卫尊,赵千钧,上四品封侯境 The Li Luo brow wrinkled, obviously has not thought the medium ghost legendary creature that their careful choice, will bump into this group of people unexpectedly, this may really be enemies often cross each other's path. 李洛眉头微皱了一下,显然没想到他们精心挑选的这座中型鬼魊,竟然会撞见这群人,这可真是冤家路窄。 When Li Luo when discovering the team of that god tiger health/guard, the latter and the others also discovered their these unexpected visitors, Zhao Jiyun, Zhao Zhuoyan complexion all slightly changes. 而当李洛在发现那神虎卫的队伍时,后者等人同样是发现了他们这些不速之客,那赵吉云,赵灼炎脸色皆是微微一变。 Especially Zhao Zhuoyan, the vision dense gaze Li Luo, in the eye full bites the anger of person. 特别是那赵灼炎,目光森然的注视着李洛,眼中满是噬人的怒火。 Previously king bead competed, he missed the opportunity, was defeated by Li Luo accident unexpectedly, this caused him almost unable to gain ground in ten thousand beast health/guard this period of time, solemn god tiger Leader health/guard, got down the second grade top strength, lost to great heavenly resonance realm Li Luo unexpectedly, not only this was the issue that he himself lost face, even is also implicating the god tiger health/guard also by several other health/guard ridicules. 此前“王珠”争夺,他错失机会,竟然被李洛意外击败,这导致这段时间他在万兽卫中几乎抬不起头,堂堂神虎卫大统领,下二品顶尖的实力,竟然输给了一个大天相境李洛,这不仅是他自己丢脸的问题,甚至还连累着神虎卫也被其他几卫嘲笑。 His time enters the boundary river treasure territory, the strongest wish meets Li Luo again, asks for personally this humiliation. 他此次进入界河宝域,最大的心愿就是再次遇见李洛,亲手将这份屈辱讨回来。 After all this time is unable to lead the guard to enter the boundary river treasure territory, everyone must by own skill, but did not have Dragon Tooth Guard blessing, Zhao Zhuoyan has the absolute confidence, kills Li Luo while still alive. 毕竟此次无法带卫队进入界河宝域,所有人都得凭借自身的本事,而没有了龙牙卫加持,赵灼炎有绝对的信心,活活打死李洛 Li Foluo, this ghost legendary creature is our god tiger health/guard first comes, I the signalling have given us other Heavenly King Zhao's lineage teams, they will catch up immediately, therefore, if you do not want the conflict here, leads the person to look for other medium ghost legendary creature.” But at this time, the god tiger protects Guardian Honorable Zhao thousand honored is also the look light looks like, then tone light saying. 李佛罗,这座鬼魊是我们神虎卫先来的,我已经传信给我们赵天王一脉其他的队伍了,他们马上就会赶来,所以,如果你不想在这里就起冲突的话,就带人去找另外的中型鬼魊吧。”而此时,那神虎卫卫尊赵千钧也是神色淡淡的看来,然后语气平淡的说道。 The Li Foluo brow wrinkled the wrinkle, the Zhao thousand honored teams, the overall strength is not weak in them, the opposite party is also on the fourth grade Duke strength, if he with its fight, is one uses the full power war surely. 李佛罗眉头皱了皱,赵千钧的队伍,整体实力不弱于他们,对方也是上四品封侯的实力,如果他与其斗起来,必定是一场倾尽全力的大战。 Generally speaking, under without enough advantage, with such strong team fierce confrontation, is not too cost-effective matter. 一般而言,在没有足够的好处下,与这样的强队激烈对抗,还是不太划算的事情。 After all the tour of valuable territory, this just started. 毕竟宝域之行,这才刚开始。 Li Foluo turns the head to look to Li Hongyou, but the latter winked the slender eyelash, said in a soft voice: Cannot let.” 李佛罗转头看向李红柚,而后者则是眨了眨修长的睫毛,轻声道:“不能让。” This medium ghost legendary creature, possibly has two high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure.” “这座中型鬼魊,可能存在两道上品筑基灵宝。” Such remarks, the one side people heart all shakes. 此言一出,一旁众人心头皆是一震。 I understood.” Li Foluo saying slowly. “我明白了。”李佛罗缓缓的说道。 Li Luo deep expiration, two high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, that is one bottle of false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light. 李洛深深的吐了一口气,两道上品筑基灵宝,那就是一瓶虚九品灵水奇光 Under this seduction, let alone was Zhao thousand honored here, even if their ten thousand beast health/guard strongest Guardian Honorable Zhao Xiuyuan here, today this war, were still Ganding. 在这种诱惑下,别说是赵千钧在这里了,就算是他们万兽卫最强的卫尊赵修渊在这里,今天这一战,也是干定了。
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