KOMI :: Volume #13

#1299: Spirit Treasure goes into storage

Chapter 1299 第1299章 Spirit Treasure goes into storage 灵宝入库 When Li Luo in high spirits returns to the Dragon Tooth Guard station from the Heavenly Dragon pavilion, is astonished discovery here is completely empty, developing the martial stage is also the person's shadow few, appears extremely spacious. 李洛兴高采烈的从天龙阁回到龙牙卫驻地时,却是惊愕的发现此处空空如也,演武场也是人影寥寥,显得极为的空旷。 He held a sentry post health/guard of guarding to inquire hastily. 他连忙抓住一个驻守的哨卫询问了一番。 „Was today the day of Spirit Treasure warehousing?” “今天是灵宝入库之日?” Li Luo hears this reply, this understands, 5 guards every three months, will hold one so-called Spirit Treasure warehousing the ceremony, simply speaking, these three months, foundation building Spirit Treasure that 5 guards searches, puts to the Heavenly Dragon treasure house. 李洛听到这回答,这才明白过来,五卫每隔三个月的时间,就会举行一场所谓的“灵宝入库”的仪式,简单来说,就是将这三个月内,五卫搜寻到的筑基灵宝,放入到天龙宝库内。 This also represents the merit that various health/guard are obtaining these days. 这也代表着各卫在这段时间中所取得的功绩。 These foundation building Spirit Treasure after the warehousing, can exchange by various health/guard members, whenever this date and time, 5 guards almost gets together in the Heavenly Dragon treasure house all, wants to have a look whether to meet appropriate own foundation building Spirit Treasure. 这些筑基灵宝在入库后,就能够由各卫成员来兑换,所以每当这个时日,五卫几乎尽数齐聚天龙宝库,想要看看能否遇见合适自身的筑基灵宝 Naturally, generally speaking, these foundation building Spirit Treasure are low grade or the middle grade level, but high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure is extremely rare, sometimes a half year is not necessarily able to present one. 当然,一般来说,这些筑基灵宝都是下品或者中品的层次,而上品筑基灵宝则是极为少见,有时候半年都未必能出现一个。 sister Qing'e, Hongyou senior sister they also went to that side the treasure house.” 青娥姐,红柚学姐她们也都去了宝库那边。” Li Luo knows, Li Hongyou has been starting preparing to attack Duke Realm, then at present to her most important, is foundation building Spirit Treasure, without the appropriate foundation building Spirit Treasure assistance, even if she breaks through successfully, perhaps will still affect duke platform rank. 李洛知道,李红柚已经在着手准备冲击封侯境,那么眼下对她最重要的,便是筑基灵宝,如果没有合适的筑基灵宝协助,即便她突破成功,恐怕也会影响封侯台品阶 Evidently, Li Hongyou is to seek for foundation building Spirit Treasure here. 看样子,李红柚是想要在这里寻找筑基灵宝 Therefore Li Luo turns around immediately, is going to the position of Heavenly Dragon treasure house air-splitting. 于是李洛立即转身,对着天龙宝库的位置破空而去。 The Heavenly Dragon treasure house, square outside front door, dense head/number of people cannot see the end, the disturbance of boiling to shoot up to the sky. 天龙宝库,大门外的广场处,黑压压的人头一眼都看不见尽头,沸腾的吵杂声冲天而起。 This 5 guards several tens of thousands of people of getting together weaponry, is true is a little magnificent. 五卫数万人齐聚的阵仗,也属实有点壮观。 In the crowd, Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou also has Li Fengyi, Li Fuling wait/etc. did the Dragon Tooth Guard pretty female to walk in the same place, their place visited, brings in sizing up of secretly surrounding many vision. 人群中,姜青娥,李红柚还有李凤仪,李茯苓等一干龙牙卫的貌美女子走在一起,她们所过之处,引来周围许多目光的偷偷打量。 In arriving at Dragon Tooth Guard this about six months, Jiang Qing'e in has captured Heavenly Dragon's five guards was most beautiful the title quietly, but Jiang Qing'e has, not only appearance makings, simultaneously she also has the unparalleled natural talent. 在来到龙牙卫这将近半年的时间中,姜青娥已经在悄然间斩获了“天龙五卫最美”的称号,但偏偏姜青娥拥有的不只是容貌气质,同时她还具备着无双天资。 Looks over this generation of Heavenly Dragon's five guards, she is only one Heaven's Chosen that cast ten pillars golden platform. 纵观这一代的天龙五卫,她是唯一一个铸就了十柱金台的天骄。 Is so beautiful and strong person supposes, the nature won many faithful fans for her. 如此又美又强的人设,自然为她赢得了许多的忠实拥趸。 It can be said that perhaps now Heavenly Dragon's five guards, the most popular person, belongs to her. 可以说,如今天龙五卫,人气最高的人,恐怕非她莫属。 What somewhat is slightly regrettable, Jiang Qing'e unexpectedly is the Li Luo fiancee. 只是稍微有些遗憾的是,姜青娥竟然是李洛的未婚妻。 This command many people sigh with regret secretly. 这令得许多人暗地里扼腕叹息。 Hongyou, do you have to pick appropriate foundation building Spirit Treasure?” Jiang Qing'e puts on the Dragon Tooth Guard standard to fight the clothes, fights the clothes to outline the slender graceful curve, making her seem like more several points of valiant makings, that beautiful jade face was more common just like the gem of no flaw, is pasting the soul-stirring brilliance. 红柚,你有相中合适的筑基灵宝吗?”姜青娥穿着龙牙卫的制式战衣,战衣勾勒着纤细曼妙的曲线,令得她看上去更是多了几分飒爽的气质,那张绝美的玉颜更是宛如无瑕的宝石一般,流转着惊心动魄的光彩。 Jiang Qing'e turns a blind eye regarding surroundings these shocking vision, but is asking to Li Hongyou in a soft voice. 姜青娥对于周围那些惊艳目光视若无睹,而是对着身旁的李红柚轻声问道。 The Li Hongyou appearance is also especially attractive, moreover she is that elegantly beautiful, has the flavor very much, just because of Jiang Qing'e losing face/showing off extremely, this caused her brilliance obviously to be slightly dim. 李红柚的容颜也是格外漂亮,而且她是属于那种冷艳型,很有韵味,只不过因为姜青娥太过的出彩,这才导致她光彩稍显黯淡了一些。 At this time she hears the Jiang Qing'e words, hesitates slightly, said: Our Dragon Tooth Guard this turning insmall keenly intelligent fruit is very suitable I. ” 此时她听得姜青娥的话,微微沉吟,道:“我们龙牙卫此次上缴的“小灵慧果”还挺适合我。” Nearby Li Fengyi hears word said: „The Hongyou elder sister, „ small keenly intelligent fruit is only middle grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, lowered a point you, I thought that best or seeks for one be appropriate your high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, when can let you break through to Duke, casts rank higher duke platform. ” 一旁的李凤仪闻言则是说道:“红柚姐,“小灵慧果”只是中品筑基灵宝,于你而言还是低了一点,我觉得最好还是找寻一个合适你的上品筑基灵宝,才能让你突破到封侯时,铸就出品阶更高的封侯台。” Jiang Qing'e also nods gently , indicating that Li Fengyi said is reasonable. 姜青娥也是轻轻颔首,表示李凤仪说得很有道理。 Li Hongyou helpless smiles, she also knows certainly that the high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure effect is better, but that rank foundation building Spirit Treasure price has not been lower than three ten thousand dragon essence, but this six months carries out many tasks , an odd change. 李红柚无奈的一笑,她当然也知道上品筑基灵宝效果更好,但那种品阶筑基灵宝价格就没有低于过三万龙精,而她这近半年来执行诸多任务,也就才一个零头而已。 You do not need the breakthrough, to wait for some time anxiously again.” Jiang Qing'e said. “你没必要这么急着突破,可以再等一些时间的。”姜青娥说道。 Li Hongyou had not replied, it is said that boundary river treasure territory will open in the following these days momentarily, if she can break through Duke Realm before then, then can also provide a bigger boost for Li Luo, therefore she will start to get ready to break through this period of time. 李红柚没有回答,据说那界河宝域在接下来这段时间中随时都会开启,如果她能够在此之前突破到封侯境的话,那么也就能够为李洛提供更大的助力,所以她这段时间才会开始准备突破。 Li Hongyou is actually an innermost feelings very negative person, that moment when or her mother passed away, her innermost feelings also died, if not meet Li Luo in Heavenly Origin Ancient Academy, gave her a hope of revenge, she felt that she may when leaving Heavenly Origin Ancient Academy, seeks a peaceful place to bury itself. 李红柚其实是一个内心很消极的人,或者说,当她母亲去世的那一刻,她的内心也就随之死去,如果不是在天元古学府中遇见李洛,给了她一个复仇的希望,她感觉自己或许会在离开天元古学府时,寻个安静的地方埋葬自己。 Now came Dragon Tooth Guard, is Li Luo is sheltering her, therefore she also hopes that can return Li Luo some. 如今来了龙牙卫,也是李洛在庇护着她,所以她也希望能够回报李洛一些。 The Jiang Qing'e pupil light shot a look at Li Hongyou one, although the latter has not spoken, but she is the keen sensation to some ideas of Li Hongyou, immediately in heart also some complex mood, Li Luo this fellow, probably on gaining elder sister favorable impression this point, talent was full? 姜青娥眸光瞥了李红柚一眼,虽然后者没说话,但她还是敏锐的感知到李红柚的一些想法,当即心中也不免有些复杂情绪,李洛这个家伙,好像在获取姐姐好感这一点上面,天赋点满了? This point also is really very fierce. 呵,这一点还真是挺厉害的。 Actually Dragon Blood Guard that side turning invictoria regia real ichor is very suitable you. ” Jiang Qing'e changes the topic, said. “其实龙血卫那边此次上缴的“玉莲真灵液”很适合你。”姜青娥岔开话题,说道。 In previously, everyone saw Dragon Blood Guard took out high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure that causes a stir in the audience, its named victoria regia real ichor, this thing is in this Spirit Treasure warehousing, one of the only two high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure. 在先前的时候,所有人都见到龙血卫取出了一道轰动全场的上品筑基灵宝,其名为“玉莲真灵液”,此物算是此次灵宝入库中,仅有的两道上品筑基灵宝之一。 Moreover this thing is very suitable to have the auxiliary resonance's nature person, therefore is extremely high with Li Hongyou agreeing with. 而且此物很适合拥有辅助型相性的人,所以与李红柚契合度极高。 high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure value three ten thousand dragon essence, moreover this thing is Dragon Blood Guard attains, they have three months of first exchange power, other people of health/guard want to exchange ahead of time, needs to pay double dragon essence, otherwise can only wait for this first deadline in the past.” Li Hongyou helplessly said. 上品筑基灵宝价值三万龙精,而且此物是龙血卫所获,他们拥有三个月的优先兑换权,其他卫的人想要提前兑换,需要付出双倍的龙精,否则就只能等待这个优先期限过去。”李红柚无奈的道 I may be unable to trade.” “我可换不起。” I help you collect together.” Jiang Qing'e said. “我帮你一起凑凑。”姜青娥道。 Li Hongyou shakes the head, said: You and Li Luo because of king Zhu's matter, but also the buy on credit that big dragon essence, these two months of Qing'e you were too busy carries out the task everywhere, was only also a small part.” 李红柚摇摇头,道:“你和李洛因为王珠的事情,还赊欠了那么大一笔龙精呢,这两个月青娥你忙不迭的到处执行任务,也只是还了一小部分。” dragon essence regarding Heavenly Dragon's five guards anybody, is the most precious thing, everyone in rushes about all year round for this reason, because this can exchange the cultivation to the obligato many materials and equipment. 龙精对于天龙五卫任何人来说,都是最为宝贵的东西,所有人整年都是在为此而奔波,因为这可以兑换修炼必不可缺的诸多资材。 If Li Hongyou wants to obtain that at this time victoria regia real ichor, must pay six ten thousand dragon essence, this is a even/including protects the number that the Guardian Honorable short time is not necessarily able to take respectively. 如果李红柚此时想要获得那“玉莲真灵液”,就得付出六万龙精,这是一个连各卫卫尊短时间都未必能够拿出来的数目。 Jiang Qing'e hears word, was not good to say anything again, because to two king bead debt, in her hand not have many to remain dragon essence. 姜青娥闻言,也就不好再多说什么,因为为了还两颗王珠的债,她手中也没有多少余留龙精了。 But when them spoke, the front crowd suddenly separates, then Jiang Qing'e and Li Hongyou their footsteps were. 而在她们这边说话时,前方的人群突然分开,然后姜青娥李红柚她们的脚步便是一顿。 Because that comes, unexpectedly is Dragon Blood Guard Guardian Honorable, Li Zhihuo, in its side, but also is following Yuan Tianzhao, Li Hongque, Li Hongli and the others. 因为那迎面而来的,竟然是龙血卫卫尊,李知火,在其身旁,还跟随着袁天照,李红雀,李红鲤等人。 Li Hongyou willow eyebrows slightly pressed, does not want what dispute with Dragon Blood Guard at this time, therefore is plans to turn around. 李红柚柳眉微蹙,不想与龙血卫此时有什么纠葛,于是便是打算转身。 However Li Zhihuo is actually smiling the half step to come, said with a smile: „Can't Hongyou, give the opportunity of conversation?” 不过李知火却是笑着快步而来,同时笑道:“红柚,就不能给个交谈的机会吗?” Li Hongyou can only stop the footsteps, light asking: What Li Zhihuo does Guardian Honorable want to discuss?” 李红柚只能停下脚步,淡淡的问道:“李知火卫尊想要谈什么?” Li Zhihuo shows a faint smile, has not covered up, but puts out a hand, in his palm, the roughly rulers about sapphire lotus throne flashes before, in lotus throne, is condensing light cyan ichor, has refreshing delicate fragrance sending out. 李知火微微一笑,也没有遮掩,而是伸出手,在其掌心,有一座约莫尺许左右的青玉莲座闪现而出,莲座之内,凝聚着一层淡青色的灵液,有沁人心脾的幽香散发而出。 The surroundings spread the tumult immediately, the one after another blazing vision projection. 周围顿时传出骚动,一道道炽热的目光投射而来。 That is, high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, victoria regia real ichor?!” “那是,上品筑基灵宝,玉莲真灵液?!” In that screams, Li Zhihuo vision sincere looks to Li Hongyou, the sound gentle say/way: Hongyou, I know that you they have deep grievances with the linnet, but no matter how, on you are flowing the blood of dragon blood lineage, this is the mark that is unable to strip.” 那一道道惊呼声中,李知火目光诚恳的看向李红柚,声音柔和的道:“红柚,我知道你与红雀她们有很深的恩怨,但不管如何,你身上都流淌着龙血脉的血,这是无法剥离的印记。” If you are willing to return to Dragon Blood Guard, I can take responsibility, first victoria regia real ichor gives you to use this „, helping you break through Duke Realm, but in the future you will only need to compensate its dragon essence slowly are.” “如果你愿意回到龙血卫,我可以做主,先将这道“玉莲真灵液”给你使用,助你突破到封侯境,而往后你只需要慢慢补偿其龙精便是。” As for you with the linnet grievances of their family/home, Dragon Blood Guard will not disturb, is solved by you.” “至于你与红雀她们家的恩怨,龙血卫也不会干扰,由你们自行解决。” What's wrong?” “如何?” Li Zhihuo such remarks, the surroundings many 5 guards members are secretly astonished. 李知火此言一出,周围不少五卫成员都是暗自惊愕。 This Li Zhihuo, actually wants by high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, tempts Li Hongyou, is separated from Dragon Tooth Guard? 李知火,竟然是想要以上品筑基灵宝,来引诱李红柚,脱离龙牙卫
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