KOMI :: Volume #13

#1284: Two thousand health/guard, fourth grade!

Chapter 1284 第1284章 Two thousand health/guard, fourth grade! 两支千卫,四品 The Shuanglu sudden appearance, causes that Zhao Zhuoyan actually, the Zhao pillar two people of complexions changed, the Gold Dragon emblem mark from opposite party women's clothing, they can recognize the identity of opposite party. 吕霜露的突然出现,倒是引得那赵灼炎,赵柱二人脸色微变了一下,从对方衣裙上的金龙徽纹,他们能够认出对方的身份。 Golden Dragon Treasure Shop person. 金龙宝行的人。 Moreover can instruct so many subordinates, wants to come is not low in the Golden Dragon Treasure Shop position. 而且能够指示这么多手下,想来在金龙宝行地位不低。 This Golden Dragon Treasure Shop friend, are you plan to help Heavenly King Li's lineage?” Zhao Zhuoyan asked slowly. “这位金龙宝行的朋友,你这是打算帮李天王一脉?”赵灼炎缓缓问道。 Shuanglu chuckled, said: You good to label, I have not meddled among you matter, but the following these powder cultivate/repair, many people owe me the Golden Dragon Treasure Shop account, I made one to block them to criticize, what was this helps Heavenly King Li's lineage?” 吕霜露轻笑一声,道:“你这人好会扣帽子,我又没插手你们之间的事情,只是后面那些散修,好些人都欠我金龙宝行的账,我叫人拦下他们清算一下而已,这算什么帮李天王一脉?” Zhao Zhuoyan deeply frowned, the opposite party obviously is only the optional pretence under pretext, but from this Shuanglu, he feels a vague constriction, obviously its strength is extremely strong, moreover leads so many subordinates, at this time provokes, extremely non- wisdom. 赵灼炎眉头紧锁,对方明显只是随意托词,但从这吕霜露身上,他感受到一股若有若无的压迫感,显然其实力极强,而且又带着这么多手下,此时招惹,极为不智。 Moreover Shuanglu has not stopped them to act to Li Luo, obviously did not plan really provokes their Heavenly King Zhao's lineage. 而且吕霜露也并未阻拦他二人对李洛出手,显然是不打算真的招惹他们赵天王一脉 Without these powder cultivates, depending on him and Zhao pillar, should take Li Luo sufficiently, after all that summer language was sneak attacked to injure by him, but also his hundred inflammations were poisonous, the battle efficiency was weakened. 也罢,没有那些散修,凭他与赵柱,应该足以拿下李洛,毕竟那个夏语被他偷袭打伤,还中了他的百炎毒,战斗力受到了削弱。 But Li Luo great heavenly resonance realm, even his natural talents are still uncommon, but in the face of absolute suppression, but can also overturn the heavens inadequately? 李洛一个大天相境,即便其自身天资也是不凡,但在绝对的压制面前,还能翻天不成? Therefore, Shuanglu who Zhao Zhuoyan no longer pays attention to the onlooking, but the sharp vision will go to Li Luo, said: Li Luo, the aspect is clear at present, you cannot pass through the black soul range, comes out king Zhujiao honestly, we can also the peace end, does not need to be completely out of control the aspect, otherwise the sword does not have the eye, at the appointed time really by severe wound, suffering loss yourself.” 于是,赵灼炎不再理会旁观的吕霜露,而是将锐利的目光投向李洛,道:“李洛,眼下局面已经明朗,你走不过黑魂岭,老老实实把王珠交出来,我们还能和平收场,没必要把局面搞得不可收拾,否则刀剑无眼,到时真被重伤了,吃苦头的还是你自己。” Li Luo has not paid attention, but cares about summer language the injury. 李洛未曾理会,而是关心夏语的伤势。 summer language clenches teeth saying: I block Zhao Zhuoyan, can you cope with that Zhao pillar?” 夏语咬牙道:“我来拦住赵灼炎,你能对付得了那个赵柱吗?” In her eye flashes through wipes the ruthless color, said: In is not if really good, you also give me your thousand health/guard, I fight tooth and nail to constrain them, you seized the chance to cross the black soul range alone!” 她的眼中闪过一抹狠色,道:“若实在不行,你将你那一支千卫也交给我,我搏命拖住他们,你独自趁机渡过黑魂岭!” At present the situation is critical, only then she can stop Zhao Zhuoyan, is only her strength originally weak in Zhao Zhuoyan, now adds on the injury again the reason, perhaps is unable to insist in Zhao Zhuoyan hand too for a long time. 眼下局势危急,只有她才能够阻拦赵灼炎,只是她的实力本就弱于赵灼炎,如今再加上伤势的缘故,恐怕也是无法在赵灼炎手中坚持太久。 The Li Luo eye glow flashes, said: Did not have thousand health/guard in the hand, perhaps my great heavenly resonance realm strength, the black soul range could not have gotten away too far.” 李洛眼芒微闪,道:“没了千卫在手,我这大天相境的实力,恐怕过了黑魂岭也走不了太远。” summer language is silent, bitter and astringent say/way: Cannot give up like this.” 夏语沉默,苦涩的道:“总不能就这样放弃。” Li Luo thought deeply about several breaths, said in a soft voice: Summer language commands, wants not to give me your thousand health/guard, I come to fight one fight with them.” 李洛思索了数息,轻声道:“夏语统领,要不把你那一支千卫交给我,我来与他们斗一斗。” summer Yuwen said immediately one startled, said: „Do you want to control two thousand health/guard? This strength, your great heavenly resonance realm... this may follow on hele stage different, enters the fight shape a knot strength, fiercer more and brutal! Revolving is also more difficult!” 夏语闻言顿时一惊,道:“你要掌控两支千卫?这种力量,你一个大天相境...这可跟在界河落星台上面不一样,进入战斗形态的结阵之力,更为凶暴!运转起来也更为艰难!” The strength of two thousand health/guard Jiezhen, will enter into the fourth grade Duke level, so rushes the vast strength, regarding great heavenly resonance realm, is the young boy tries to control the ravine fierce tiger without doubt, this, will bring in even the slightest misstep backlashes fatally. 两支千卫结阵之力,将会迈入四品封侯的层次,如此澎湃浩瀚的力量,对于大天相境而言,无疑是幼童试图驾驭山间猛虎,这稍有不慎,就会引来致命反噬。 Li Luo earnestly said: Must try.” 李洛认真的道:“总得试试吧。” The strength of fourth grade Duke, indeed is he until now the strongest strength that tries to control, perhaps if common great heavenly resonance realm, really never have such thoughts, but Li Luo, he thought that oneself somewhat grasps. 四品封侯之力,的确是他迄今为止试图掌控的最强力量,若是寻常大天相境,恐怕真是想都不敢想,但李洛么,他觉得自己还是有几分把握的。 After all he in Earthly Fiend General Level, has been controlling the three-tailed heavenly wolf strength, regarding bad risk with backlash, has had a familiar task and handled it with ease, the experience is many. 毕竟他在地煞将阶的时候,就已经在掌控三尾天狼的力量,对于其中的凶险与反噬,早就驾轻就熟,经验颇丰。 Moreover the present situation, the indeed not suitable two thousand health/guard to be scattered, if summer language the condition insists to fight with Zhao Zhuoyan, not only she can the severe wound, will also make that thousand health/guard cause heavy losses, when the time comes wants the joint effort again, must appear weak. 而且眼下的情况,的确不适合两支千卫分散,夏语的状态如果硬要和赵灼炎相斗的话,不仅她会重伤,还会令得那一支千卫也受到重创,到时候再想要合力,就要显得弱许多了。 Is looking at Li Luo that earnest look, summer language hesitant several breaths, finally clenches teeth saying: That tries!” 望着李洛那认真的神色,夏语犹豫了数息,最终咬牙道:“那就试试吧!” Then she drinks one lightly, said: Two thousand health/guard, all listen to Li Luo to command to dispatch!” 而后她轻喝一声,道:“两支千卫,皆听李洛统领调遣!” In the rear two thousand health/guard all members look at each other one, although is somewhat astonished, but coordination for a long time, first made them obey the order, the next flash, 2000 people of direct agreements combined, immediately had extremely huge energy gathering same place, caused the vault of heaven to shake. 后方两支千卫中所有成员对视一眼,虽然有些惊愕,但长久以来的配合,还是令得他们第一时间就听从了命令,下一瞬间,两千人直接契合结阵,顿时有极为庞大的能量汇聚一起,引得天穹都是在震荡。 even/including Xiayu mobilize own strength in this time, converge greatly Jinnouchi. 连夏语都是在此时将自身的力量调动,汇入大阵之内。 Li Luo is grasps to command token, whatever that huge energy blessing comes, immediately a serious pressure blots out the sky covers, making his fleshly body instantaneously crack the one after another bloodstain. 李洛则是手持统领令牌,任由那股庞大的能量加持而来,顿时一股沉重的压力铺天盖地的笼罩下来,令得他的肉身瞬间崩裂出了一道道的血痕。 Really, this compared in the strength of two thousand health/guard on the hele star stage feels, overbearing. 果然,这比在界河落星台上感受到的两支千卫之力,更为的霸道。 But their here actions, falls into Zhao Zhuoyan, in Zhao pillar eyes, two people first stare, then cannot bear showed the smile of ridicule. 而他们这边的举动,也是落入赵灼炎,赵柱的眼中,两人先是一愣,然后就忍不住的露出了讥讽的笑容。 Good conceited fellow, dares by the body of great heavenly resonance realm, to withstand two thousand health/guard unexpectedly the blessing strengths, doesn't fear the direct fleshly body collapse?” “好个狂妄自大的家伙,竟然敢以大天相境之躯,去承受两支千卫的加持力量,也不怕直接肉身崩溃?” They pour really have not thought, Li Luo dares to do that unexpectedly, this is really compelled the dead end, prepared life-and-death to wrestle? 他们倒真是没想到,李洛竟然敢这么做,这是真的被逼到了绝路,准备殊死一搏了吗? Shuanglu on that summit sees that is also the willow eyebrows slightly pressed, Li Luo does, if initiates to backlash, perhaps does not need Zhao Zhuoyan they to act, Li Luo oneself collapsed. 那山巅上的吕霜露见状,也是柳眉微蹙,李洛这么搞,万一引发反噬,恐怕都不用赵灼炎他们出手,李洛这边就自己崩溃了。 Not only at the appointed time Li Luo will backlash causes heavy losses, including two thousand health/guard, will be greatly affected. 到时不仅李洛会被反噬得重创,连两支千卫,都会受到极大的影响。 But in numerous surprised vision, Li Luo deeply inspires, stimulated to movement True Dragon Seed Pill in within the body without hesitation. 而在众多惊疑的目光中,李洛深吸一口气,毫不犹豫的催动了体内的龙种真丹 True Dragon Seed Pill, melts the dragon! 龙种真丹,化龙! The next quarter, his fleshly body erupts the bellow immediately, sees only his body directly to increase, the physique is also becomes majestic, above the skin has dragon scale to reappear, the hands and feet is changes into the sharp dragon palm, dragon Jiao. 下一刻,他的肉身顿时爆发出轰鸣声,只见得他的身躯直接攀升,体格也是变得更为的雄壮,皮肤之上有龙鳞浮现出来,手脚皆是化为锋利的龙掌,龙脚。 The grayish white hair unceasing growth, changes into the long hair, hangs loose after behind, with the wind however dances. 灰白的头发不断的生长,化为长发,披散在身后,随风而舞。 With the Li Luo stimulation of movement dragon-shaped condition, the increase fleshly body intensity, the feeling that previously that fleshly body collapsed immediately starts the rapid retrogression, although this blessing heavy pressure withstood, but Li Luo felt somewhat hard to incite it. 随着李洛催动化龙形态,增幅肉身强度,顿时先前那种肉身崩溃的感觉就开始迅速的消退,不过虽然这股加持的重压承受了下来,但李洛还是感觉到有些难以将其指使。 That strength, is extremely serious, by his great heavenly resonance realm strength, is somewhat hard to skid. 那种力量,太过沉重,以他这大天相境的实力,有些难以撬动。 However he is also prepared early, immediately the intention moves, Mysterious Golden Wheel in within the body most deep place exuded buzz the whining noise in this time suddenly, then golden wheel at an extremely slow speed, rotates. 不过他对此也是早有准备,当即心念一动,体内最深处的神秘金轮突然在此时发出了嗡鸣声,而后金轮以一种极为缓慢的速度,转动起来。 An inexplicable suction gushes out, boundless energy of that blessing outside Li Luo body floods into his within the body immediately, was inhaled in golden wheel. 一股莫名的吸力涌出,那加持李洛身外的磅礴能量顿时涌入他的体内,然后被吸入金轮之内。 The short twinkling, that energy spat. 短短瞬息,那股能量又被吐了出来。 Energy that but these spat again, was actually as if by some special strength taming generally, docile welled up, with the Li Luo intention, circulation slowly. 只不过这些再次被吐出来的能量,却是仿佛被某种特殊的力量给驯服了一般,温顺的涌出来,随着李洛的心意,缓缓的流转。 Li Luo look gradual is bright. 李洛的眼神逐渐的明亮起来。 Has Mysterious Golden Wheel to assume personal command, no matter as if the unruly strength, finally will become docile. 神秘金轮坐镇,似乎不管何等桀骜的力量,最终都会变得服服帖帖。 According to his estimate, the strengths of these two thousand health/guard are only the pediatrics, if Ok, he will even want to experience to put in order Dragon Tooth Guard strength blessing to come, whether to tame by golden wheel? 按照他的估计,这两支千卫的力量都只是小儿科,如果可以,他甚至想要体验一把将整支龙牙卫的力量加持而来,能否以金轮驯服? If can also achieve, he even can be competent the Guardian Honorable position ahead of time? 若是也能做到的话,那他岂不是甚至都可以提前胜任卫尊的位置了? Li Foluo, you can come off sentry duty ahead of time! 李佛罗,你可以提前下岗了啊! Li Luo corners of the mouth smile even more rich, then he grasps Dragon Elephant Blade, blade edge wielding slowly, immediately a huge astonishing energy also shakes, during the void breakages, the extremely powerful pressure, from the body of Li Luo, released. 李洛嘴角笑容愈发的浓郁,然后他手持龙象刀,刀锋缓缓的挥动,顿时一股庞大惊人的能量随之震荡,虚空破裂间,有一股极为强大的威压,从李洛的身上,释放了出来。 That pressure, enormous and powerful, floods the thousand li (500 km). 那股威压,浩浩荡荡,充斥千里。 That strength, but enemy fourth grade Duke! 那股力量,可敌四品封侯 But Zhao Zhuoyan, the ridicule smile on Zhao pillar face, in this time little solidification. 而那赵灼炎,赵柱脸庞上的讥讽笑容,也是在此时一点点的凝固下来。 Shuanglu was the bright eyes becomes bright, surprised that in the eye could not conceal. 吕霜露更是明眸变得明亮了一些,眼中掩饰不住的惊讶。 This Li Luo, is also really relying on great heavenly resonance realm unexpectedly, the strengths of these two thousand health/guard controlling? 李洛,竟然还真的凭借着大天相境,将这两支千卫的力量给掌控住了? This fellow, some abilities. 这家伙,有些能耐呢。
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