KOMI :: Volume #13

#1273: Lü Shuanglu

Chapter 1273 Shuanglu 第1273章吕霜露 Jinshishui deep pool long eight thousand li (500 km), but truly valuable, is the upstream three thousand li (500 km), here can deliver high gradeinscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit pearl, can refine high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure. ” “金石水渊长八千里,不过真正有价值的,是上游三千里,这里才能产出上品的“金石灵蚌珠”,能够炼制上品筑基灵宝。” We had come for five days, calculates the time, this water tide eruption should be also quick.” “我们已经来了五天了,算算时间,此次的水潮爆发应该也快了。” On the cliff of Jinshishui deep pool edge, Dragon Tooth Guard stationed in this, but at this time in that tent, Li Rouyun is explaining the information related to Jinshishui deep pool with the present people, Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e and the others all in the row. 金石水渊边缘的一处断崖上,龙牙卫驻扎于此,而此时在那一座营帐内,李柔韵正在与眼前的众人讲解着有关金石水渊的情报,李洛,姜青娥等人皆是在列。 Water tide erupts, the inscription on stone tablet and bronze abyss will change into the Jinshishui deep pool truly, at the appointed time the water immersion banket, draws out inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel that hides „”. ” “水潮爆发,金石深渊才会真正的化为金石水渊,到时水浸金岩,引出藏匿的“金石灵蚌”。” Actually the strict sense, the inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel is not the freshwater mussel, but is the inscription on stone tablet and bronze one strange thing, its hard exceptionally, even ordinary Duke is still hard to cut strongly it, after it appears, but must wait for it to open the freshwater mussel shell automatically, when absorbs the liquid gold, just now is begins to take the bead the best time.” “其实严格意义来说,金石灵蚌并非是蚌,而是金石所化的一种奇物,其坚硬异常,即便是普通封侯也难以将其强硬斩开,所以当其出现后,还得等它自动打开蚌壳,汲取金水时,方才是动手取珠的最好时机。” It is said thisinscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel in group, will also give birth to a king from time to time, named inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel king, may produce king bead, refines principal of best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, priceless, but inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel king is quite rare, simultaneously is discrete, is exceptionally indiscoverable, the person who therefore these years later, obtains king bead is few. ” “据说这“金石灵蚌”群中,时而还会生出一王,名为“金石灵蚌王”,可产王珠,是炼制极品筑基灵宝的主材,价值连城,但“金石灵蚌王”颇为罕见,同时谨慎异常,根本难以发现,所以这些年下来,获得王珠的人屈指可数。” Inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel king? king bead?” “金石灵蚌王?王珠?” Li Luo hears here heart to move actually, quality higher inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit pearl, is also bigger regarding the boost of his evolution heavenly dragon resonance, if really can do this so-called king did bead, grasp is bigger? 李洛听到此处心头倒是一动,品质越高的“金石灵蚌珠”,对于他此次进化天龙相的助力也就越大,如果真能搞到这所谓的“王珠”,岂不是把握就更大了? However at once he self-ridicules smiles, oneself were too rather greedy, for these years, king bead the appearance number of times is few, where can turn to obtain him. 不过旋即他就自嘲一笑,自己未免太贪心了一些,这么多年来,王珠的出现次数都是屈指可数,哪能轮得到他来。 His time, so long as can obtain some high grade inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit pearl, successfully completes the task. 他此次,只要能获得一些上品的“金石灵蚌珠”,就已算是成功完成任务。 Very is a little important, the water in Jinshishui deep pool, is not the ordinary water, but is the water of boundary river, in recent years, when Black Rain Ghost Tribulation approaches, will fall the water of innumerable boundary river to Boundary River Territory, water of not divergences easily these boundary river, but will move along the land features, forms many marvelous places, the Jinshishui deep pool is one type.” “不过有一点很重要,金石水渊中的水,并非是普通之水,而是界河之水,这些年来,每当黑雨鬼劫来临时,都会将无数界河之水倾洒到界河域中,这些界河之水并不会轻易的散去,而是会沿着地脉而动,形成诸多奇妙之地,金石水渊便是其中一种。” However although the water of boundary river is mysterious, what contains, should you be also clear?” Li Rouyun to Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, the summer language they shows the smile. “而界河之水虽说玄妙,但其中蕴含着什么,你们应该也清楚吧?”李柔韵冲着李洛,姜青娥,夏语他们露出微笑。 The Li Luo look concentrates: evil thoughts aura?” 李洛眼神微凝:“恶念之气?” They in that hele star stage, in the water of boundary river directs, then contains evil thoughts aura, needs after to purify layer on layer/heavily, just now can change into the star bead. 他们在那“界河落星台”中,引下来的界河之水中,便是蕴含着恶念之气,需要经过重重净化,方才能够化为星珠。 Li Rouyun nods, solemnly said: „The water in this Jinshishui deep pool, is hiding evil thoughts aura, butinscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel year to year absorbs this water, the nature is easy to gather evil thoughts aura, thus... Changes into Other. ” 李柔韵颔首,郑重的道:“这金石水渊中的水,也潜藏着恶念之气,而“金石灵蚌”常年汲取此水,自然容易汇聚恶念之气,从而。。。化为异类。” Therefore you when searching for pearls, need to maintain when the time comes some discrete, after all someinscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel spits, possibly is not gold/metal bead, rather... Other. ” “所以你们到时候在采珠时,都需要保持一些谨慎,毕竟有些“金石灵蚌”吐出来的,可能不是金珠,而是。。。异类。” Every year the Jinshishui deep pool water tide erupts, will have many people to search for pearls inadequately, instead was swallowed by spirit freshwater mussel Other.” “每年金石水渊水潮爆发,都会有不少人采珠不成,反而被灵蚌异类所吞食。” „When you search for pearls, must take two hundred health/guard as one group, Jiang Qing'e is governed three thousand health/guard, summer language, Li Luo governs thousand health/guard respectively, in the event of powerful Other or other fight, then ties to kill the enemy immediately.” “你们采珠时,需以两支百卫为一组,姜青娥辖三支千卫,夏语,李洛各辖一支千卫,一旦出现强大异类或者其他的争抢者,便立即结阵杀敌。” Under Dragon Tooth Guard two hundred health/guard Jiezhen, may contend with first grade Duke, but this rank, foundation guarantee that also searches for pearls in the Jinshishui deep pool. 龙牙卫两支百卫结阵,可抗衡下一品封侯,而这个等级,也是在金石水渊中采珠的基础保证。 Regarding the warning of Li Rouyun, the people all should, this Jinshishui deep pool search for pearls extremely the bad risk, not only need guard against some bad powder to cultivate/repair the powerhouse, but must be vigilant that these hide in in Lingbang Yin crafty Other. 对于李柔韵的告诫,众人皆是应下,这金石水渊采珠极为凶险,不仅要防备一些心怀不轨的散修强者,还要警惕那些潜藏于灵蚌内的阴诡异类 That Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, must pay attention to some, our times strong pushed a foot in the Jinshishui deep pool, they are not necessarily able to be willing, when the time comes fights, they will not keep the hand surely.” “还有那赵天王一脉,也得注意一些,我们此次强硬在金石水渊挤了一脚,他们未必会心甘情愿,到时候争抢起来,他们必定不会留手。” This time guards the Jinshishui deep pool, is half god tiger health/guard in ten thousand beast health/guard, is made Zhao Jiyun command by the god tiger, this person is on third grade Duke, if commands the complete five thousand health/guard, compares favorably with fifth grade Duke sufficiently.” Li Rouyun to Jiang Qing'e chuckled, said: This person if at the appointed time the unseemly behavior, gave Qing'e you.” “此次驻守金石水渊的,是万兽卫中的半支神虎卫,由神虎使赵吉云统率,此人是上三品封侯,若是统率完整的五支千卫,足以媲美五品封侯。”李柔韵冲着姜青娥轻笑一声,道:“此人到时若要作怪,就交给青娥伱了。” Jiang Qing'e nods, in the golden pupil has the brilliance circulation, her slender white hands are caressing the sword hilt, asked in a soft voice: If cut, what issue has?” 姜青娥颔首,金色眸子中有光彩流转,她纤细玉手抚着剑柄,轻声问道:“若是斩了,有什么问题吗?” Such remarks, Li Rouyun actually helpless smiles, such attractive little miss, murderous aura actually big. 此言一出,李柔韵倒是无奈的一笑,这么漂亮的小姑娘,杀气倒是不小。 Cut cut, that Heavenly King Zhao's lineage did not lack this grievances with us, moreover previously in that Spirit Resonance Celestial Grotto, their Heavenly King Zhao's lineage Heaven's Chosen also wants to kill Li Luo, finally was instead killed by him, at that time may be mad unbearably them.” Saying of Li Jinpan sonorous voice. “斩就斩了,那赵天王一脉与我们不缺这点恩怨,而且此前那灵相洞天中,他们赵天王一脉的天骄也想杀李洛,结果反而被他所杀,当时可把他们气得够呛。”李金磐声如洪钟的说道。 „The Jinpan brother said right, begins when the time comes, Qing'e you cannot keep the hand, killed kills.” Niu Biaobiao approves of very much, Li Jinpan temperament very to his appetite. “金磐兄说得对,到时候动手,青娥你千万不能留手,杀就杀了。”牛彪彪很是赞同,李金磐的脾气很对他的胃口。 Jiang Qing'e touches the white hands of sword hilt to stop, the cold air in golden pupil seemed becomes stronger, then she nodded gently , indicating that knew. 姜青娥抚摸着剑柄的玉手一停,金色眸子中的寒气仿佛是变得更浓烈了一些,然后她轻轻点头,表示知晓了。 Li Rouyun hacked Niu Biaobiao one ill-humoredly, these two really can aggravate the situation, here leaves the Heavenly King Zhao's lineage territory to be close after all, really did to have an accident, added several points of uncertain factor. 李柔韵没好气的剐了牛彪彪一眼,这两人真是能火上浇油,这里毕竟离赵天王一脉的领地更接近,真搞出事了,也平添几分不确定的因素。 She shakes the head secretly, then a voice revolution: Under Zhao Jiyun, is leader Zhao Zhuoyan of god tiger health/guard with two commands Zhao pillar, the former is under second grade Duke, the latter is on first grade Duke.” 她暗自摇头,而后话音一转:“赵吉云之下,乃是神虎卫的大统领赵灼炎与二统领赵柱,前者是下二品封侯,后者是上一品封侯。” The leader summer language slight nod, said: I know that Zhao Zhuoyan, the strength is not weak, but he, if must come, I do not fear him.” 大统领夏语微微点头,道:“我知道那赵灼炎,实力不弱,不过他若是要来,我也不惧他。” Although summer language is a female, but character actually quite fierce, fills is fighting intent and fearless. 夏语虽是女子,但性格却是颇为的勇猛,充满着战意与无惧。 Li Luo is stroking gently the chin, if the two sides really must encounter when the time comes, he must stare at against that two to command Zhao pillar mostly, on the first grade Duke strength, is similar to Li Qingbai actually, but this time fights to be possible with that to ascend the step competition to be different. 李洛摩挲着下巴,如果到时候两边真要交锋,他多半是要盯防那个二统领赵柱,上一品封侯的实力,倒是与李青柏相仿,但此次交手可与那登阶比试不同。 If both sides can rely on the strength of respective guard, then Li Luo will instead have some advantages, because this can pull closer the resonance power rank disparity that he and opposite party had. 如果双方都能借助各自卫队的力量,那么李洛反而会有一些优势,因为这可以拉近他自身与对方原本存在的相力等级差距。 Jinshishui deep pool here situation is especially complex, besides Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, many powder cultivates the organization, inscription on stone tablet and bronze pledge biggest that moreover Golden Dragon Treasure Shop person also, but will not participate to compete in them well, they are filthy rich, waited for others to snatch finally, purchased directly.” “金石水渊这里局势格外复杂,除了赵天王一脉外,还有许多的散修组织,金石盟只是其中最大的那一个,而且金龙宝行的人也会在,但好在他们并不会参与争夺,他们财大气粗,都等着最后别人抢好了,直接去收购。” Golden Dragon Treasure Shop...” Li Luo heard that the word vision flashed. 金龙宝行么。。。”李洛闻言目光微闪了一下。 Besides Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, the people as well as other powder of these inscription on stone tablet and bronze pledges cultivates, these people are the cutting edge lick the generation of blood, is vicious, is not the good kind, therefore must keep a mind.” “除了赵天王一脉,还有那些金石盟的人以及其他散修,这些人都是刀口舔血之辈,性格凶狠,不是善类,所以也得留个心眼。” These then all information related to Jinshishui deep pool, everyone first were ready, the water tide should approach in the following several days.” “这些便是有关金石水渊的所有情报了,大家都先去做好准备,水潮应该就会在接下来的几天内来临。” Information announcement that all after Li Rouyun will obtain for several days, this time conference just now ended. 而当李柔韵将这些天获得的情报尽数的公布后,此次的会议方才结束。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e had/left the tent shoulder to shoulder, two people tacit has not returned to the respective tent, but arrived at the cliff, the vision looks into that to past the golden light abyss, looks from afar, as if a golden big dragon winds the line in the land. 李洛姜青娥并肩出了营帐,两人默契的没有回各自的营帐,而是来到了山崖边,目光眺望着那流转着金光的深渊,远远看去,仿佛一条金色巨龙于大地上蜿蜒而行。 Two people said in a soft voice a conversation, Jiang Qing'e then sits cross-legged in the banket, plans to continue the daily cultivation. 两人轻声说了一会话,姜青娥便是盘坐在金岩上,打算继续着每日的修炼。 But Li Luo is the grinning post when the side, but also does intentionally helps her pat the dust that on the trousers did not have at will, the palm falls lightly, can feel the both legs that that tyrant said were what kind of compact. 李洛则是笑嘻嘻的贴在身边,还故作随意的帮她拍了拍长裤上面不存在的灰尘,手掌轻落时,能够感觉到那霸道的双腿是何等的紧致。 Regarding Li Luo this line of lifting, Jiang Qing'e ill-humoredly said: I must cultivation.” 对于李洛这行举,姜青娥没好气的道:“我要修炼了。” The implied meaning Li Luo to leave the distant point slightly, do not harass her. 言下之意是要李洛稍微离远点,不要骚扰她。 I help you defend!” However Li Luo as if cannot listen general, instead is warm saying. “我帮你守着!”然而李洛仿佛是听不出来一般,反而是热情的说道。 Jiang Qing'e is helpless, just wanted to pay no attention to him, its look cold, fierce turning the head looks suddenly to the right side distant place, sees only there, does not know when presented one to wear the apricot yellow women's clothing, the flesh like the hoar frost, the appearance elegant female. 姜青娥无奈,刚欲不理他,其眼神突然一冷,猛的转头看向右侧的远处,只见得那里,不知何时出现了一名身穿杏黄衣裙,肌肤如白霜,容颜秀美的女子。 The females smilingly are looking at two people. 女子笑眯眯的望着两人。 Who is your excellency?” Li Luo is also detected that being close of this strange female, is vigilant immediately. “阁下是谁?”李洛也是察觉到这陌生女子的接近,当即警惕起来。 Here is our Dragon Tooth Guard station, your excellency leaves the distant point to be good, so as to avoid brings in troublesome.” “这里是我们龙牙卫的驻地,阁下还是离远点好,免得引来麻烦。” Hears Li Luo this saying, the covering lip chuckle that the female cannot bear gets up. 听得李洛这话,那女子忍不住的掩唇轻笑起来。 Quite brutal boy, my younger sister Qing’er, before to help you, but changed into the ice sculpture to lie down for a long time time, but your actually here your Nong my Nong, this man, really few were the good things.” “好生无情的小子,我那清儿妹妹,之前为了帮你,可是化为冰雕躺了好久的时间,而你却在这里你侬我侬,这男人呐,果然没几个是好东西呢。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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