WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1226: Godking falls again

The Zeus right hand holds the lance of thunder, a spear/gun holds to put on the heart of Marduk, the left hand grasps to Fate Restraining Board. 宙斯右手持雷霆之矛,一枪捅穿马尔杜克的心脏,左手抓向命运泥板 The corners of the mouth of Marduk, appear the light happy expression. 马尔杜克的嘴角,浮现淡淡的笑意。 He yearned for looked at infinite plane. 他留恋地看了一眼无限位面 If next life, I certainly am better Godking......” “如果还有来生,我一定是更好的神王……” The god body of Marduk vanishes does not see. 马尔杜克的神体消失不见。 Gods stares, sees Fate Restraining Board all writing simultaneously to emerge, the golden light shines, interweaves translucent Marduk. 众神一愣,就见命运泥板所有的文字齐齐浮出,金光照耀,交织成半透明马尔杜克 I live, this lives ; I extinguish, this extinguishes!” “我生,此界生;我灭,此界灭!” Bang...... 轰…… Fate Restraining Board from exploding, Zeus left arm instantaneously collapse to extinguish, then, whole person by Fate Restraining Board from exploding rays of light package. 命运泥板自炸,宙斯的左臂瞬间崩灭,而后,整个人被命运泥板自炸的光芒包裹。 Instantly later, Fate Restraining Board from exploding the strength sweeps across the entire Dusk battlefield, and rolls in the Dusk battlefield just like the strong grey cloud. 刹那之后,命运泥板自炸的力量席卷整个黄昏战场,并宛如浓烈的灰云在黄昏战场之中滚动。 The complementary waves surge, the dissipation has the Dusk battlefield, the entire Persia God Star department collapses unceasingly extinguishes involution, by Dusk battlefield inspiration. 余波激荡,散逸出黄昏战场,整个波斯神星系不断崩灭内卷,被黄昏战场吸入。 Dusk battlefield, surface cracking. 黄昏战场,表面开裂。 12 Dusk angels appeared under the Dusk big day, sounded the Dusk bugle. 十二个黄昏天使出现在黄昏大日之下,吹响黄昏号角。 ...... 呜…… Gods sighed lightly, Dusk ended. 众神轻叹,黄昏落幕。 Suddenly, two broken Giant Dragon shadows depart the Dusk battlefield respectively, runs away to two directions, but the Zeus form is also one of them. 突然,两头残破的巨龙影子分别飞出黄昏战场,向两个方向逃窜,但宙斯的身影还在其中。 Gods spirit shakes, that is entire Pantheon, in the Dusk battlefield, certainly has the treasure that Godking even covets. 众神精神一震,那可是一整个神系,黄昏战场之中,一定有连神王都觊觎的宝物。 The innumerable gods read close to the Dusk battlefield. 无数的神念靠近黄昏战场。 Suddenly, aura that made everyone despair appeared suddenly, duplicate pressure entire God Realm. 突然,一股令所有人绝望的气息自天而降,覆压整座神界 Suye body one stiff, discovered that god of oneself outside Dusk battlefield read, was unexpectedly motionless. 苏业身体一僵,发现自己黄昏战场外的神念,竟然一动不动。 Zeus prestige energy, terrifying to this degree? 宙斯的威能,恐怖到了这种程度了吗? However, an unexpected appearance. 但是,让人意想不到的一幕出现。 Above the upper air, in that big being shattered abyss, finds out a giant dragon's head suddenly. 高空之上,那大破灭深渊之中,突然探出一个巨大的龙头。 , That dragon's head opens big mouth, swallowed the Dusk big day and frightens the Dusk angel dumb as a wooden chicken. 啊呜一声,那龙头张开大嘴,一口吞掉黄昏大日和吓得呆若木鸡的黄昏天使。 Finally, an unbelievable colossus lowers from the big being shattered abyss slowly. 最后,一头难以置信的庞然大物从大破灭深渊徐徐降下。 Gods remembers the war of World Creation once to initiate powerful evil Divine Descent to be near immediately in the past, such as falling ice cave. 众神立刻想起当年创世之战曾引发强大的邪神降临,如坠冰窟。 However, as the monster falls unceasingly, the most body enters God Realm, Gods relaxes suddenly. 但是,随着巨物不断落下,大半个身体进入神界,众神突然松了口气。 That is not the evil god, does not have the evil god aura. 那不是邪神,也没有邪神气息。 That was a strange lifeform, the dragon's head, the turtle back, Dragon's Tail, the body big to subverted the imagination of Gods completely. 那是一头奇异的生物,龙头,龟背,龙尾,身体大到完全颠覆了众神的想象。 When it appears, tows ten thousand stars, the entire Godking galaxy is revolving it to revolve. 当它出现的时候,牵引万星,整座神王星系都在围绕它旋转。 The Solar System are so big. 足足有一座太阳系那么大。 His that bluish white eyes, just like the chilly big day, did not have a sentiment. 他那青白色的双眼,宛若清冷大日,毫无一丝感情。 His head is desolate, the scale of azure black like the mail-armor and helmet, the body seemed corroded by the years every inchs, is rusty, drying out deathly stillness. 他的头颅苍凉古旧,青黑色的鳞片如甲胄,身体每一寸都仿佛被岁月侵蚀,锈迹斑驳,枯干死寂。 The dragon corner/horn of his top of the head, is the unusual crown shape, the one who composes crown is 18 countenances varies the great sword that. 他头顶的龙角,是奇特的王冠形,组成王冠的是十八把形色各异的巨剑。 Carefully looks, in each great sword, some innumerable weapon entanglements twist, the sword, lance, hammer, shield, blade and halberd...... even also some classifications said Gods, even Suye has not seen wonderful shape weapon. 仔细看去,每一把巨剑之中,都有无数兵器纠缠扭曲,剑、矛、锤、盾、刀、戟……甚至还有各种别说众神,连苏业都没见过的奇形武器 After crown dragon corner/horn, above that huge turtle back, is one after another mountain range, is Ruins. 王冠龙角之后,那庞大的龟背之上,是一座又一座山脉,也是一片又一片废墟 The entire Dusk battlefield is reducing, flows to its turtle back slowly. 整座黄昏战场都在缩小,徐徐向它的龟背上流动。 A deep sigh raises from the Dusk battlefield, then, the light of thunder flies suddenly to Zeus Pantheon. 一声长叹从黄昏战场中升起,而后,雷霆之光骤然飞向宙斯神系 Gods gawked a while to realize, Zeus gave up snatching the Dusk battlefield with this monster. 众神愣了一会儿才意识到,宙斯放弃与这巨物抢黄昏战场。 The Gods god read is unable to move, can only dully look this mysterious dragon Gui the back absorbed the Dusk battlefield strength unceasingly. 众神的神念还是无法动,只能呆呆地看着这神奇龙龟的的后背不断吸收黄昏战场的力量。 Suye carefully observes the enormous dragon Gui back, its tortoise shell, seems piled up one on top of another hills that becomes by Ruins, above the Ruins hills, was filled with all kinds of lifeform remains and broken treasures. 苏业仔细观察巨型龙龟的背后,它的龟壳,仿佛由废墟堆叠而成的群山,废墟群山之上,挤满了各式各样的生物遗骸与残破的宝物。 The model of treasure are many and varied, even sees the familiar writing and item, the kilometer breaking pen, is sending out the rust sword of scary aura, ominous flame dreadful broken corner/horn, half science and technology feeling spaceship, broken books, crooked entrance, stars of breakage, branch of drying out, withered filthy candy figure, rune/symbol Lu of disruption...... 宝物的式样多种多样,甚至看到许多熟悉的文字和物品,千米长的断笔,散发着骇人气息的锈剑,凶焰滔天的破角,半截科技感的飞船,残破的书卷,歪斜的山门,破损的星辰,枯干的树枝,干瘪污浊的糖人,碎裂的符箓…… item of as if innumerable space and time, gather above its turtle back. 仿佛无数时空的物品,汇聚于它的龟背之上。 The Gods god read is deadlocked like this in the starry sky. 众神的神念就这样被锁死在星空之中。 The unusual dragon turtle like drinking water, swallows the surrounding Dusk aura in gulps, the turtle back absorbs the residual strength unceasingly, condensation becomes Ruins. 奇特的龙龟像饮水一样,大口大口吞噬周围的黄昏气息,龟背不断吸附残留的力量,凝聚废墟 Finally, the entire Dusk battlefield suction by the dragon turtle. 最后,整个黄昏战场被龙龟吸走。 dragon Gui turns the head slowly, takes a fast look around Gods, finally was seeing flash that unexpectedly the Suye god read, the vision exuded the mighty waves, later was light snort/hum, four hoof strokes, the body rose, flies back to the big being shattered abyss, vanished does not see. 龙龟缓缓转头,扫视众神,最后竟然在看到苏业神念的一刹那,目光泛起波澜,随后轻哼一声,四蹄一划,身体上升,飞回大破灭深渊,消失不见。 Pressure dissipation of Gods body. 众神身上的压力消散。 The starry sky ebullition, the innumerable gods read the inquiry. 星空沸腾,无数神念询问。 What is that? How to feel as good Godking?” “那是什么?怎么感觉毫不逊于神王?” But I felt that has the power and influence compared with Godking, that body was too huge.” “可我感觉比神王更有威势,那身体太庞大了。” The Gods much discussion, later, Main God said for a long time: I inquired the lord of unsurpassed Hell, he gave the answer.” 众神纷纷议论,许久之后,一位主神道:“我询问了无上的地狱之主,他给出了答案。” Gods simultaneously looks to the lord of deep fire. 众神齐齐望向深火之主。 Battlefield dragon, had appeared after the World Creation war, to swallow battlefield, even compels to repel evil influences the god. Naturally, this name is only our naming, his true name is anything, we are unable to know.” “战场龙,曾经在创世大战后出现过,为了吞噬战场,甚至逼退邪神。当然,这个名字只是我们的命名,他的真名是什么,我们无从知晓。” Battlefield dragon......” “战场龙……” Gods talked over silently. 众神默默念叨。 Strange, how couldn't I remember the appearance of battlefield dragon?” “奇怪,我怎么记不住战场龙的样子了?” „Couldn't I remember?” “我也记不住了?” My energy remembered actually, actually suddenly discovered, I could not feel his huge aura at that time unexpectedly, is only the instinct fear.” “我倒是能记住,却突然发现,我当时竟然感受不到他庞大的气息,只是本能恐惧。” Possibly is we and he differs too, without the means feels his strength.” “可能是我们与他相差太多,没办法感受到他的力量吧。” In the discussion of Gods, the war of Persia Dusk ends. 众神的议论中,波斯黄昏之战落幕。 During entire infinite plane falls into again is silent. 整个无限位面再次陷入寂静之中。 All seem recovered to be normal, only then Zeus Pantheon was covered by Dusk as before. 一切好像恢复了正常,只有宙斯神系依旧被黄昏笼罩。 In the past was stranded in inside Persia and Egypt Gods, but also was stranded in inside. 当年被困在里面的波斯埃及众神,还被困在里面。 Their Pantheon vanish, God Star is defeated and dispersed, strength failure. 他们的神系消失,神星溃散,力量衰竭。 They do not dare to attack, Zeus Pantheon has not attacked. 他们不敢进攻,宙斯神系又没有出击。 To them, every day, is awkward new day. 对他们来说,每一天,都是尴尬的新一天。 When infinite plane most dazzling rays of light extinguishes, Suye and magician start to attract the attention of people. 当无限位面最耀眼的光芒熄灭,苏业魔法师开始吸引众人的眼球。 Because Suye has sneak attacked Zeus. 因为苏业偷袭过宙斯 Almost all God and magician realized, then, is Zeus and Suye battle. 几乎所有神灵魔法师都意识到,接下来,将是宙斯苏业战斗 Gods polarization. 众神两极分化。 Many God far away from Suye, not stick one's neck out, not only no longer magic tool of purchase demon prison city, even cancels the original order, rather compensation penalty. 许许多多神灵远离苏业,明哲保身,不仅不再购买魔狱城的魔法器,甚至取消原本的订单,宁可赔偿违约金。 Also some minority God instead approach Suye, is Suye provides the large amounts of resources unceasingly, and vigorously trains magician. 也有少数神灵反而靠近苏业,不断为苏业提供大量的资源,并大力培养魔法师 Silent infinite plane, the undercurrent surges. 沉默的无限位面,暗流涌动。 Until, the place of World Creation opens 100 years of last day. 直到,创世之地开启一百年的最后一天。 All God put down the matter in hand, static waiting. 所有神灵都放下手中的事,静静等待。 Many God even gather, waits for the final result. 许多神灵甚至聚集在一起,等待最后的结果。 That unknown does God lose concentration does have to fall from the sky? 那个未知的神灵分神到底有没有陨落? After the place of this World Creation, infinite can plane have the new change? 此次创世之地之后,无限位面会不会出现新变化? Zeus is only person clan Godking, then, how will the infinite plane situation develop? 宙斯已经是唯一的人族神王,接下来,无限位面的局势会如何发展? Regional Gods meetings, from warm to silence. 各地的众神聚会,从热烈到沉默。 In the reception room in demon prison city, relates the intimate numerous divinization body with Suye, similarly gathers together, discussed in a low voice. 魔狱城的会客厅中,与苏业关系亲密的众神化身,同样聚在一起,低声讨论。 Suye Incarnation, has not appeared. 苏业化身,却始终没有出现。 Time one minute/share one second passes by. 时间一分一秒过去。 The place of World Creation. 创世之地。 The god who Suye loses concentration read hangs the daytime, looked all around the world. 苏业分神的神念高悬长天,环顾天下。 In the 990 th year of place of opening World Creation, in each mainland, arrived at high-rank ancient Moshen. 就在创世之地开启的第990年,每一座大陆上,都降临了一尊上位古魔神。 But at the same time, ancient demon the total quantity of place of World Creation has achieved the astronomical figures, calculates at the trillion. 而与此同时,创世之地的古魔总数量已经达到天文数字,以兆来计算。 However, has studied thorough Magicians ancient Moshen, based on giant beast Mage Tower, goes a step further again, fuses together million Mage Tower, forms demon nest Mage Tower. 但是,已经把中位古魔神研究透彻的魔法师们,在巨兽法师塔的基础上,再进一步,将百万法师塔融为一体,形成魔巢法师塔 Each demon nest Mage Tower, stimulates to movement by million Demi-God magician with joint forces. 每一座魔巢法师塔,都由百万半神魔法师合力催动。 Each demon nest Mage Tower, can breed in the continuous low-rank god tower beasts and three position god tower beast. 每一座魔巢法师塔,都能孕育源源不断的下位神塔兽和三头中位神塔兽。 Slightly insect magic defeats the enemy by a surprise attack, but unifies demon nest Mage Tower that all strengths are born finally, by steamroll. 微虫魔法出奇制胜,但最终结合所有力量诞生的魔巢法师塔,以正碾压。 High-rank ancient Moshen of magic mainland just bred the lost nest, encounters besieging of ten demon nest Mage Tower, degenerates into the test piece. 魔法大陆的上位古魔神刚刚孕育出神巢,就遭遇十头魔巢法师塔的围攻,沦为试验品。 In the ten years, demon nest Mage Tower arrested all positions and high-rank ancient Moshen, arrested most low-rank ancient Moshen, the slaughter extinguished 90% ancient demon. 这十年,魔巢法师塔抓捕了所有的中位和上位古魔神,抓捕了大部分下位古魔神,屠灭了90%的古魔。 However, still left behind 10% ancient demon, whatever they grow. 但是,仍然留下10%古魔,任由他们成长。 It is not Magicians feels self-important, is not Magicians raises the tiger to create disaster. 不是魔法师们骄傲自大,也不是魔法师们养虎为患。 Significance that they have, is the new strength of providing possibly has, making Magicians absorb the research. 它们存在的意义,便是提供可能存在的新力量,让魔法师们吸收研究。 Place of most places World Creation degenerate into the ancient demon breeding farm, the innumerable ancient demon god nest by the slightly insect control, became the Mage Tower nourishment. 创世之地绝大多数地方沦为古魔养殖场,无数的古魔神巢被微虫控制,成为法师塔的养料。 Suye places oneself in the God statue, calmly waits for the final time. 苏业置身于神灵雕像中,静静等待最后的时刻。 When the time comes, will arrive at ancient demon Main God? 到时候,会降临古魔主神吗? Time slowly passes, the indicator of place of clock World Creation, points at the final scale division. 时间慢慢流逝,创世之地时钟的指针,指向最终的刻度。 The place of entire World Creation suddenly static. 整个创世之地骤然静止。 Losing concentration of Suye by the invisible strength hauling, was departed the statue slowly, flies slowly to the upper air. 苏业的分神被无形的力量牵引,缓缓飞出雕像,缓缓向高空飞去。 All of place of entire World Creation, clearly appears at present. 整个创世之地的一切,清晰地浮现在眼前。 Then, place of scenery big change below World Creation, all vanish, the myriad things return to the initial condition. 接着,下方的创世之地景色大变,一切消失,万物回归最初的状态。 Stars arrive from sky. 一颗颗星辰从天空降临。 Suye sees, stars were past oneself. 苏业看到,其中一颗星辰是当年的自己 All return at first, universal time acceleration. 一切回到最初,整个世界时间加速 The place of World Creation changes to continuous rays of light, Rapid Speed repeats, millennium time. 创世之地化作川流不息的光芒,急速重演,千年时光。 Suye calmly watches the millenniums of place of World Creation to change, not only reviews the duplicate/restores plate own experience, but can also clear see that each God's experiences. 苏业静静地观看创世之地的千年变化,不仅回顾复盘自己的经历,还能清晰看到每一个神灵的经历。 10 years, 20 years...... 100 years...... 200 years...... 十年,20年……100年……200年…… Finally, time acceleration stops. 最终,时光加速停止。 Suye loses concentration to hang sky, the place of below World Creation again static. 苏业分神高悬天空,下方的创世之地再度静止。 Afterward, the dim thought transmits together, that strength is so obviously huge, actually very carefully, as if sea branches out a brook, seems one to obstruct handles gently hugely caresses the rose leaf. 随后,一道朦朦胧胧的意念传来,那力量明明那么庞大,却又小心翼翼,仿佛一座海洋分出一条溪流,又好似一只遮天大手轻抚玫瑰花瓣。 Suye lost concentration just contacted this thought that just like liking a sudden thunderclap, seemed by ten thousand mountain hits, thorough stupor. 苏业分神刚一接触这意念,宛若五雷轰顶,又好似被万山撞击,彻底昏迷。 Crossed for a long time, Suye sobers, and feels that thought transmit information. 过了好久,苏业才清醒过来,并感受到那意念传递的信息。 That thought only said two matters. 那意念只说了两件事。 First, the place of World Creation had finished. 一是创世之地已经结束。 Second , the place of last time World Creation presents, is chosen by Suye oneself. 二是,创世之地最后一次馈赠,由苏业自己选择。 The first option is to accept tenth presenting, has very big opportunity to promote Godking, but the promotion time is not determined. 第一个选项是接受第十次馈赠,有很大机会晋升神王,但晋升时间不确定。 The second option is, losing concentration brings memory to leave, in the meantime, allows to carry off place of World Creation item, but can only carry off one. 第二个选项是,分神带着记忆离开,同时,允许带走创世之地的一件物品,但只能带走一件。 Suye takes a fast look around float in one after another huge demon nest Mage Tower of city of Gods. 苏业扫视悬浮在众神之城的一头头庞大的魔巢法师塔 That is the place of World Creation at present the most powerful strength, if main body control, even possibly contends with Godking some time. 那是创世之地目前最强大的力量,如果本体控制,甚至可能抗衡神王一段时间。 Demon nest Mage Tower is more like the trap. 魔巢法师塔更像是陷阱。
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