WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1225: The war of Godking

Marduk grasps World Creation divine artifact, a clay tablet writing is equivalent to Godking to strike, ten clay tablet writing, divine rays blasting open. 马尔杜克手持创世神器,一个泥板文字相当于神王一击,十个泥板文字一出,神光炸裂。 Ten clay tablet writing vanish suddenly. 十个泥板文字骤然消失。 Suddenly, group star storm raises, sweeps across two Tiamat. 突然,一片群星风暴升起,席卷两个提亚玛特 In the storm, the galaxy strangles to death, the stars clash, chaotic star splash, gloomy. 风暴之中,星河绞杀,星辰对撞,乱星飞溅,天昏地暗。 The state of mind of Tiamat whole body died unceasingly, comes back to life unceasingly, sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 提亚玛特周身的神魂不断死亡,又不断复生,发出凄厉的惨叫。 Disobedient son...... the disobedient son...... I want your blood, when you offer ; I want your meat, when you offer ; I want your soul, when you offer!” Old Godking Abzu cursed Marduk crazily. “逆子……逆子……我要你的血,你当奉上;我要你的肉,你当奉上;我要你的魂,你当奉上!”旧神王阿普苏疯狂咒骂马尔杜克 Suddenly, ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon is separated from the star cluster storm, appears in the Marduk body side, the opens the mouth bites. 突然,万灭邪龙脱离星群风暴,出现在马尔杜克身侧,张口咬下。 In the Marduk hand falls a ten thousand king Zhuixing axe, axe surface carving innumerable God, the shaft ten thousand star windings, waves to divide. 马尔杜克手中滑落一把万王坠星斧,斧面雕刻无数神灵,斧柄万星缠绕,挥手劈过去。 The void two points, ten thousand king Zhuixing axe falling place, ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon jet black neck explodes a long wound. 虚空两分,万王坠星斧落处,万灭邪龙漆黑颈部炸出一条长长的伤口。 Without the blood of crimson, only then galaxy splattering. 没有赤红的鲜血,只有星河喷溅。 Numerous stars flow just like the mercury blood drop, to scatters in all directions, flies to various infinite plane places, gathers the new stars. 众多星辰宛如水银血滴流淌,向四面八方散落,飞向无限位面各处,汇聚成新的星辰。 Gods vibrates, invisible big hands from appear in all directions, fish to splash outside the drop blood stars to Dusk battlefield. 众神震动,一个个无形大手从四面八方出现,捞走飞溅到黄昏战场外的滴血星辰。 Suye also acts again and again. 苏业也连连出手。 Tiamat extinguishes the world god, is the World Creation god, even if her marvelous sight doppelgänger, in the body is also flowing the strength of massive World Creation. 提亚玛特是灭世神,也是创世神,哪怕是她的奇景分身,身体内也流淌着大量创世之力。 Each drop of blood, will form stars that is full of vitality. 每一滴血,都会形成一颗饱含生命力的星辰。 This is the mighty force that ordinary Godking is unable to have. 这是普通神王无法具备的伟力。 „......” “嗷……” Cut and bruised Tiamat runs out of the star cluster storm, her body galaxy flows, some were ground by the battlefield strength, some drop the Dusk battlefield, was collected by Gods. 遍体鳞伤的提亚玛特冲出星群风暴,她的身体星河流淌,有的被战场的力量碾碎,有的滴落出黄昏战场,被众神拾取。 Your opponent is I!” “你的对手是我!” With Tiamat almost and other long monsters suddenly from slanting prominent, bites in the Tiamat chests and bellies, shakes fiercely, tears the flesh, everywhere star light sprinks. 一头与提亚玛特几乎等长的巨物突然从斜下方突出,一口咬在提亚玛特胸腹间,猛地一甩头,撕裂血肉,漫天星光撒落。 That is build somewhat strange Giant Dragon, all over the body platinum sparkle, although lives dragon Linlong the corner/horn, but the body plump, is a bit like the great whale, even the both sides dragon wings seem like the fish fin. 那是一头体形有些奇怪的巨龙,通体白金闪耀,虽然生有龙鳞龙角,但身体圆滚滚的,有点像巨鲸,连两侧的龙翼都像是鱼鳍。 Ancient times the father of cetiosaurus, platinum dragon and the good dragon, Godking, Bahamut. 远古鲸龙、白金之龙、善龙之父,神王,巴哈姆特。 In flash that Bahamut main body presents, many low-rank gods hurry to avoid, these see clearly the low-rank god of Bahamut, without exception, main body and all Incarnation complete stupors. 在巴哈姆特本体出现的一刹那,众多下位神慌忙避开,那些看清巴哈姆特的下位神,无一例外,本体与所有化身全部昏迷。 The body of Hao great, cannot look straight ahead. 浩伟之躯,不可直视。 The flesh that Bahamut swallows Tiamat, the belly following space ripples, a jet black star sea expansion. 巴哈姆特一口咽下提亚玛特的血肉,肚皮下面空间荡漾,一片漆黑星海扩张。 The innumerable dark stars surge from bottom to top, interweave the dark star waterfall. 无数黑暗星辰自下而上涌动,交织成暗星瀑布。 The dense and numerous dark stars or change to the armor to cover in Bahamut body, or changes to the sawshark to loaf to attack to Tiamat. 密密麻麻的暗星或化作铠甲覆盖在巴哈姆特身上,或化作剑鱼游荡攻向提亚玛特 In the Gods panic-stricken vision, Tiamat and Bahamut two Dragon Race Godking, launch close-combat in the starry sky. 众神惊骇的目光中,提亚玛特与巴哈姆特两头龙族神王,在星空之中展开肉搏 Tiamat five dragon mouth, five colored galaxy gush out, the washout results in Bahamut to retrocede successively. 提亚玛特五个龙口一张,五条彩色星河喷薄而出,冲刷得巴哈姆特节节后退。 A Bahamut roar, the sky sparkle, ten thousand dragon Xianri, blasted open fiercely on the ten thousand th, ten thousand light beam simultaneously hit in Tiamat body. 巴哈姆特猛地一吼,天空闪耀,万龙衔日,万日炸裂,万道光柱齐齐打在提亚玛特身上 Tiamat sweeps the great tail fiercely, Bahamut welcomes by Dragon's Tail similarly. 提亚玛特猛扫巨尾,巴哈姆特同样以龙尾相迎。 Bang! ” 轰!” divine rays explodes flashes, Dragon's Tail clashes the Godking prestige that explodes to be able four sides to proliferate, the purple ripple proliferates the entire Dusk battlefield instantaneously, crushes all lord God Star. 神光爆闪,龙尾对撞炸出的神王威能四面扩散,紫色的波纹瞬间遍布整座黄昏战场,粉碎所有主神星 Rescues......” “救……” Surplus Persia Gods have not even shouted to save a life with enough time, then falls from the sky thoroughly. 剩余的波斯众神甚至没来得及喊出救命,便彻底陨落。 Only has Godking Marduk ten thousand king Xing still to exist. 唯有神王马尔杜克的万王星还存在。 Above God Star does not have a living creature. 只是,神星之上无一活物。 The Tiamat red dragon's head bites on the dragon wing of Bahamut, the jet black destruction magma flows to the Bahamut whole body following the dragon wing. 提亚玛特红龙头咬在巴哈姆特的龙翼上,漆黑的毁灭岩浆顺着龙翼流向巴哈姆特全身。 During Baham Theron claw in the dragon back of Tiamat spends the long opening, everywhere galaxy to fall in torrents, the platinum mighty force mixes myriad dark stars to crash in the body of Tiamat, wreaks havoc rupturing. 巴哈姆特龙爪在提亚玛特的龙背花开长长的口子,漫天星河倾泻之中,白金伟力混合万千暗星冲进提亚玛特的身体,肆虐爆裂。 Two Dragon Race Godking games make one group, filling to be barbaric and bloody, hair-raising. 两头龙族神王作一团,充满野蛮与血腥,惊心动魄 Another side, ten thousand to extinguish evil dragon Zhuangru beast, the tooth tear and bite, the dragon wing fans, Dragon's Tail sweeps away, the dragon claw strikes, is nondistinctive with Tiamat and Bahamut, but Marduk is completely different. 另一边,万灭邪龙状如野兽,牙齿撕咬,龙翼扇动,龙尾横扫,龙爪拍击,与提亚玛特和巴哈姆特毫无区别,但马尔杜克则完全不同。 Marduk transfers the avoidance unceasingly, then uses Fate Restraining Board in the distant place, uses the clay tablet writing attack, once ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon approaches, then brandishes ten thousand king Zhuixing axe to divide to cut. 马尔杜克不断挪移躲避,在远处便使用命运泥板,使用泥板文字攻击,一旦万灭邪龙靠近,便挥舞万王坠星斧劈砍。 Suye records all information excitedly, crazy deduction. 苏业兴奋地记录所有的信息,疯狂推演。 Now is equivalent to four Godking to the war, several hundred thousand years are rare. 现在相当于四尊神王对战,几十万年难得一见。 The attack of Bahamut and Tiamat is seemingly barbaric cruelly, but has actually achieved to plain Zhichun realm, gave up all gaudy things, pierces Sur Turle to have the wonder of equally good results from different methods with beforehand Odin one after another. 巴哈姆特与提亚玛特的进攻看似野蛮残暴,但却已经达到至朴至纯的境界,放弃了所有花里胡哨的东西,跟之前奥丁一枪一枪刺穿苏尔特尔有异曲同工之妙。 Both Godking realm strengths are close, once uses this way battle, inevitably as sincere as the meat. 两尊神王境界实力都很接近,一旦使用这种方式战斗,必然拳拳到肉。 Reviewed Marduk level obviously to be lower than past Odin, but he has Fate Restraining Board that Odin did not have, by World Creation divine artifact, suppressed ten thousand Miexie the dragon with ease. 反观马尔杜克层次明显低于当年的奥丁,但他却有着奥丁不具备的命运泥板,凭借创世神器,轻松压制住万灭邪龙。 ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon has the powerful instinct, but is actually not able to injure to Marduk. 万灭邪龙有着强大的本能,但却始终无法伤到马尔杜克 In the eye of Gods under Main God, can only see four groups of rays of light crazy clashing crazy twinkles, the innumerable mighty force surge vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, cannot see the Godking concrete movement. 主神之下众神的眼中,只能看到四团光芒疯狂对撞疯狂闪烁,无数伟力激荡纵横,根本看不到神王们的具体动作。 Before long, even the Marduk Godking star was also destroyed, space Chaotic of entire Dusk battlefield cannot withstand, the spatialization makes the dust particle. 不一会儿,连马尔杜克神王星也被打碎,整座黄昏战场的空间混沌不堪,空间化作微尘。 The Suye exciting record, observes, reconsiders and studies, endlessly repeats, the endless information and data swamp into the knowledge universe and demon can the wisdom brain, Suye feel the own strength slow, but is growing continually. 苏业兴奋的记录、观察、反思、学习,不断重复,无尽的信息与数据涌入知识宇宙和魔能智脑,苏业感到自己的力量在缓慢但持续地成长着。 Suddenly, the Dusk battlefield sky to split open, appears a jet black abyss, in the abyss, occasionally has the glimmer to flash past. 突然,黄昏战场上空开裂,浮现一条漆黑的深渊,深渊之中,偶尔有微光一闪而过。 Gods sees this, the retreat, the god read with amazement scatters in all directions crazily. 众神看到这一幕,骇然后退,神念疯狂四散。 Dusk big marvelous sight, the deep pool of big being shattered. 黄昏大奇景,大破灭之渊。 Gods complained of hardship secretly, must have an accident. 众神暗暗叫苦,要出事了。 The war of past World Creation, had drawn out deep pool of the big being shattered, was near to strong evil Divine Descent, revered the World Creation god and Godking act together, expelled it. 当年的创世之战,曾经引出过一次大破灭之渊,一头至强邪神降临,多尊创世神和神王联手,才将其逼走。 That war, less than half infinite plane was polluted by the evil god, nearly 1 million years passed by, place of evil looking pollution grows thickly as before. 那一战,小半个无限位面被邪神污染,近百万年过去了,污染之地依旧邪异丛生。 The Suye heart is also layer on layer/heavily one suddenly, normal four Godking make a move, cannot direct to be shattered absolutely greatly, perhaps connects Dusk to be related with Egypt Pantheon with beforehand Nordic Countries Pantheon. 苏业心脏也是重重一突,正常四尊神王出手,绝对引不出大破灭,恐怕是跟之前的北欧神系埃及神系接连黄昏有关。 Three Great Pantheon fall into various god Dusk, initiates to be shattered sufficiently greatly. 大神系堕入诸神黄昏,足以引发大破灭。 The deep pool of big being shattered lowers the silk threads the black fog, these black fog carry to the evil mighty force, sneaks in the heads of four Godking. 大破灭之渊降下丝丝缕缕的黑雾,那些黑雾携带至邪的伟力,钻进四尊神王的头颅之中。 „......” “嗷……” In the Tiamat whole body scale slit, the destruction magma erupts, whole body just like volcano Giant Dragon, crazy tear and bite. 提亚玛特全身鳞片缝隙之中,毁灭岩浆喷发,全身宛如一座火山巨龙,疯狂撕咬。 The Bahamut body inflates, appears golden God Mark, in God Mark ten thousand dragons flow, stimulate the endless strength. 巴哈姆特身体膨胀一圈,浮现一道道金色神纹,神纹之中万龙流淌,激发无尽的力量。 ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon whole body to split open, silver galaxy proliferate the wound, is even more fierce. 万灭邪龙全身开裂,一道道银色星河遍布伤口,愈发凶猛。 The storm god body of Marduk instead reduces condensation, the whole body thunder, the strong winds rolls up and pushes along, launches the attack at a quicker speed. 马尔杜克的风暴神体反而缩小凝聚,全身电闪雷鸣,狂风卷动,以更快的速度发起攻击。 Suye took a deep breath, main body is ready. 苏业深吸一口气,本体做好准备。 100,000 Divine-Level Magic Incarnation, appear after behind, just like human wall. 十万个神级魔法化身,浮现在身后,宛若人墙。 Under the corrosion of deep pool of big being shattered, rationality of both sides are getting fewer and fewer, killing is getting bigger and bigger. 在大破灭之渊的侵蚀下,双方的理性越来越少,杀性越来越大。 slowly, the both sides body wound are getting more and more, the aura of sending out by winning the revolutions is faded, but, intending to be getting more and more heavy. 慢慢地,双方身上的伤口越来越多,散发的气息由胜转衰,但是,出手却越来越重。 Main God that the distant place observes sighed one lightly, battle, will soon reach the last act. 远方观战的主神们轻叹一声,战斗,即将进入尾声。 Persia's various god Dusk, will soon end. 波斯的诸神黄昏,即将落幕。 Does not know that this time is the Tiamat victory, is the Marduk victory. 只是不知道这一次是提亚玛特胜利,还是马尔杜克胜利。 Suddenly, together thunder, from the distant place flies, charges into the Dusk battlefield. 突然,一道雷霆自远方飞来,冲向黄昏战场。 Gods cannot even see clearly in that thunder is anything. 众神甚至看不清那道雷霆中到底是什么。 Only can see indistinctly, the myriad things are silent, the world disrupts. 只能隐隐约约看到,万物寂静,天地碎裂。 That is can be disillusioned together ten thousand world the strength. 那是一道能破灭万世的力量。 Enters the battlefield beforehand flash at that thunder, the Suye main body innumerable strengths surges crazily, all strengths open all, are away from the endless starry sky, aims at that thunder. 在那道雷霆进入战场之前的一瞬间,苏业本体无数力量疯狂涌动,所有力量尽数开启,隔着无尽星空,指向那道雷霆。 „The tenth divine spell sequence: The heart of disorder.” “第十一神术序列:紊乱之心。” Meanwhile, various mysterious strengths appear, the ultra foresight, future body, former days and mana will offer sacrifices...... 与此同时,各种神奇的力量出现,超预见、未来之身、旧日、魔力献祭…… Suye body mana, empties instantaneously. 苏业身上魔力,瞬间清空。 Massive ultra demons and divine spell sequences, making the quantity of heart of disorder rise dramatically unceasingly. 大量的超魔和神术序列,让紊乱之心的数量不断暴增。 Finally, the total of heart of disorder surpasses 10 million, entire tribe in that thunder body. 最终,紊乱之心的总数超过一千万,全部落在那道雷霆身上 The mind hallucination, whale and the mind shake and pain the disassociation of personality and memory appeared, the former days shadow and evil looking touching...... 心灵迷幻、人格分裂、记忆之鲸、心灵震荡、痛苦浮现、旧日阴影、邪异触摸…… In the hearts of 10 million disorder, contains magic spell of 10 billion mind departments, erupts instantaneously. 一千万道紊乱之心中,蕴含百亿道心灵系的法术,瞬间爆发。 That say/way dominates the thunder form above Gods trembles gently, crashes in the Dusk battlefield, seemed the Greece most outstanding sprinter is stumbled by the stone in the sprint, threw into the goal line, successfully won the championship, but the whole face was the blood. 那道凌驾于众神之上的雷霆身影轻轻一颤,冲进黄昏战场,就仿佛是希腊最优秀的短跑运动员在冲刺的时候被石头绊了一下,一头扎进终点线,成功夺冠,但满脸是血。 Marduk flashes calmly, appears in the thunder great shadow body side, waves a axe. 马尔杜克从容一闪,出现在雷霆巨影身侧,挥手一斧。 The thunder form appears, is red upper body hair half black half white tall and strong old man. 雷霆身影显现,一个赤着上身头发半黑半白的魁梧老人 Godking Zeus. 神王宙斯 Ten thousand king Zhuixing axe breaks out the rib of Zeus from one side, the god axe blasts open suddenly, the innumerable fragment mix endless stars, crash in the body of Zeus. 万王坠星斧从侧面劈开宙斯的肋骨,神斧骤然炸裂,无数碎片混合无尽星辰,冲进宙斯的身体之中。 Marduk most Godking divine artifact, all might, fall in torrents in the Zeus body all. 马尔杜克神王神器,所有威力,尽数倾泻进宙斯身体之中。 Zeus stuffy snort/hum, waves to sweep the lance of thunder, the Marduk figure vanishes. 宙斯闷哼一声,挥手一扫雷霆之矛,马尔杜克身形消失。 Zeus turns head fiercely, looks to starry sky depths, the Suye god reads whereabouts. 宙斯猛地一扭头,望向星空深处,苏业神念所在之处。 Suye shows a faint smile, the nod expressed best wishes. 苏业微微一笑,点头致意。 Gods looks at the Suye god to read panic-strickenly, dares to sneak attack Godking Zeus unexpectedly. 众神惊骇地望着苏业的神念,竟然敢偷袭神王宙斯 Simply is not a person! 简直不是人! Zeus took a deep breath, the entire Dusk battlefield was covered by the dark cloud suddenly, diameter several hundred li (0.5 km) thunder power line poles fall, blue white Shenmang interweaves, thunders intermittently, or flows in his body enhancement strength, either shells enemy , is continuously getting stronger and stronger. 宙斯深吸一口气,整座黄昏战场骤然被乌云笼罩,一道道直径数百里的雷霆电柱落下,蓝白神芒交织,阵阵轰鸣,或流入他的身体增强力量,或轰击敌人,源源不断,越来越强。 Godking big marvelous sight: Thunder heaven. 神王大奇景:雷霆天国。 God under Main God does not dare to watch the battlefield, because the god read, so long as close to be defeated and dispersed. 主神之下的神灵已经不敢观看战场,因为神念只要靠近就会溃散。 They can only use the light screens of various divine artifact records to watch indirectly, but these light screens are slurred. 他们只能利用各种神器记录的光幕间接观看,但那些光幕模糊不清。 At least wants Main God to think to read observes. 至少要主神才能用神念观战。 In the pale yellow egg-shaped battlefield, the phenomenon flutters about, the marvelous sight flashes randomly, five Godking games in the same place. 昏黄的蛋形战场之中,异象纷飞,奇景乱闪,五尊神王在一起。 And ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon and Zeus act together attacks Marduk, Marduk loses the Godking battle axe, is gradually weak. 其中万灭邪龙与宙斯联手进攻马尔杜克,马尔杜克失去神王战斧,渐渐不支。 And finally, the entire Dusk battlefield suddenly becomes incomparably muddy, forms the strange willow catkin shape strength, that is the Godking prestige can interweave densely has had the phenomenon that. 到了最后,整个黄昏战场突然变得无比浑浊,形成奇异的柳絮状力量,那是神王威能交织过密才有的现象。 Hence, under Godking, can see clearly the battlefield soulless. 至此,神王之下,无神可以看清战场。 Suye by the eye of Dusk, clear obvious. 苏业凭借黄昏之眼,清晰可见。 In the flash of Dusk battlefield pollution, ten thousand to extinguish the evil dragon acts suddenly, changes to one group of shadows, covers Marduk, even isolates the relation of Marduk and Fate Restraining Board suddenly. 黄昏战场浑浊的一刹那,万灭邪龙骤然出手,化作一团阴影,覆盖马尔杜克,甚至突然隔绝马尔杜克命运泥板的联系。
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