WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1178: Dusk bone river

This time, because does not limit God to begin, Suye not polite, continually opening state of mind corridor. 这一次,由于不限制神灵动手,苏业也没客气,持续开启神魂长廊。 Supplies the state of mind to the battlefield continuously. 向战场源源不断供应神魂。 Suye these years killed many God, the false god and Demi-God state of mind tens of thousands. 苏业这些年杀了不少神灵,伪神和半神神魂成千上万。 After these states of mind enter the war, the Suye state of mind more hits. 这些神魂参战后,苏业的神魂越打越多。 Every month almost can 1 million states of mind. 几乎每个月都能多出百万神魂。 The war of offense and defense continued a all year, Dusk Legion Gods realized finally, under the magic Legion god the first name was impregnable. 攻守之战持续了一整年,黄昏军团众神终于意识到,魔法军团的神下第一之名牢不可破。 Transfers God motionless, will never possibly attack and occupy Asijiade. 不动调动神灵,永远不可能攻占阿斯加德。 Therefore, a number of low-rank Divine Descent before arriving at Nordic Countries low-rank God Star, in the Main God guard rolls under the help that even the Godking guard rolls, launches the storm. 于是,一批下位神降临到北欧下位神星,在主神近卫团甚至神王近卫团的帮助下,展开强攻。 Dusk Legion God quantity, far ultra Nordic Countries Legion. 黄昏军团神灵数量,远超北欧军团 After tens of thousands of low-rank gods fall to the ground, makes a move then to initiate Dusk to shake, marvelous sight twinkle. 数以万计的下位神落地后,一出手便引发黄昏摇动,奇景闪烁。 Nordic Countries Gods God Star is unable to withstand ten thousand God to attack, was hit the disintegration one after another. 北欧众神神星无法承受万神进攻,陆续被打得崩碎。 Dusk Legion looks effectively, acts full power. 黄昏军团一看有效,全力出手。 More low-rank gods, the god and high-rank god break in Nordic Countries to unite on God Star, large-scale attack. 更多的下位神、中位神与上位神冲入北欧联合神星上,大规模进攻。 Nordic Countries Gods retreats in defeat again and again, suddenly, the Valhalla god moon/month and Valkyrie god moonlight light rises from all directions, god splendor sparkle. 北欧众神节节败退,突然,英灵殿神月与女武神神月华光四起,神辉闪耀。 Two Rainbow Bridge departs from two god months above, spans trillion li (0.5 km) starry sky, falls above the battlefield. 两道彩虹桥自两座神月之上飞出,跨越亿万里星空,落在战场之上。 Sees the figure translucent hero soul gods to lead the innumerable hero souls to turn out in full strength, wears the silver armor to ride Valkyrie valiant and heroic in bearing of white wing white horse, lines up in formation the charge. 就见一尊尊身形半透明的英灵神率领无数英灵倾巢而出,一个个身穿银甲骑着白翼白马的女武神英姿飒爽,列队冲锋。 A Nordic Countries Pantheon several hundred thousand years of accumulation, shows before the world. 北欧神系几十万年的积累,展现在世人面前。 Innumerable God hide in the distant place observes. 无数神灵隐藏在远处观战。 Shocks Gods one to locate the God Star battlefield performance respectively. 震撼众神的一幕在各处神星战场上演。 The hero soul god and Valkyrie just like the divine rays mighty current, shatter Dusk Legion Gods Legion, launches slaughters wantonly. 英灵神与女武神宛如神光洪流,冲垮黄昏军团众神军团,展开大肆杀戮。 Some strongest hero soul gods and Valkyrie meet no resistance, with realm, invincible. 最强的一些英灵神与女武神如入无人之境,同境界之中,所向无敌。 For several minutes, tens of thousands of God Incarnation death, thousands of main body fell from the sky. 短短几分钟,数以万计的神灵化身死亡,数以千计的本体陨落。 Asijiade above Dusk big day rays of light was fiercer, all of entire Godking galaxy, as if were spread thick butter. 阿斯加德上空的黄昏大日光芒更烈,整个神王星系的一切,都仿佛被涂上一层厚厚的黄油。 Presses in the shoulder of Gods, presses in the Gods heart. 压在众神的肩膀,也压在众神的心头。 As God fall from the sky unceasingly, various types of marvelous sights flash in abundance. 随着神灵们不断陨落,各种奇景纷纷闪现。 Ten thousand spirit yowls, blood rain everywhere, the evil god gazes, Death God smiles sharp...... 万灵恸哭,血雨漫天,邪神注视,死神尖笑…… After 10,000 th God main body died, the world shakes. 当第一万尊神灵本体死亡后,天地一震。 An muddy river appears above the battlefield, the long cross several tens of thousands hundred million li (0.5 km), fly across 30,000 li (0.5 km), passes through sky over the entire Godking galaxy. 一条浑浊的长河出现在战场之上,长跨数万亿里,横越三万里,贯穿整个神王星系上空。 Not the well-known place flows out, flows in not the well-known place. 自不知名之地流出,流入不知名之地。 Gods carefully looks where sees that pollution Dusk color rivers to have what water, composes this rivers, radically is the innumerable yellow bleached bones. 众神仔细看去,就见那浑浊的黄昏色河流哪有什么水,组成这条河流的,根本是无数的黄色枯骨。 Dusk bone river. 黄昏骨河。 Big marvelous sight. 大奇景。 Sky over the numerous War of the Gods field, the silk threads blood-color mist ascends, enters the Dusk bone river, condensation becomes the one after another new yellow bleached bone. 神战场上空,丝丝缕缕的血色雾气升腾,进入黄昏骨河,凝聚一根根新的黄色枯骨。 The despair aura Spread battlefield, the dense fog of death proliferated slowly. 绝望的气息蔓延战场,死亡的迷雾徐徐扩散。 Gods is looking at the Dusk bone river, looks the greedy color, later sighed in a soft voice. 众神望着黄昏骨河,面露贪婪之色,随后轻声叹息。 The Dusk bleached bone is priceless, if meets the Godking bleached bone, that is equivalent to lord divine artifact. 黄昏枯骨价值连城,如果遇到神王枯骨,那就相当于一件主神器 In the ancient legend, the bleached bone of entire Dusk bone river adds, can refine paramount divine artifact that exceeds World Creation divine artifact. 在古老的传说中,整条黄昏骨河的枯骨加起来,能炼制一件超越创世神器至高神器 Gods even suspected, the Dusk bone river is paramount divine artifact. 众神甚至怀疑,黄昏骨河本来就是一件至高神器 Everyone wants to put out a hand to fish . Moreover the Dusk bone river allows anybody to fish. 人人都想伸手去捞,而且黄昏骨河允许任何人捞。 But wants the defray expenses. 但要支付费用。 Fishes bone, must offer the strength of Dusk. 捞骨者,要献上黄昏之力。 This condition, keeps off almost all God in out of the door merely. 仅仅这一个条件,就把几乎所有神灵挡在门外。 Suye is looking at the Dusk bone river, looks the strange color. 苏业望着黄昏骨河,面露怪异之色。 Because own main body sees this through doppelgänger secretly, the eye of Dusk is ready to make trouble. 因为自己的本体通过分身看到这一幕后,黄昏之眼蠢蠢欲动。 The eye of Dusk, longs for the Dusk bone. 黄昏之眼,非常渴望黄昏骨。 If swallows enough Dusk bone, the strength of eye of that Dusk will promote unceasingly. 如果吞噬足够的黄昏骨,那黄昏之眼的力量会不断晋升。 Suye for a long time, decides to wait hesitant again. 苏业犹豫许久,决定再等等。 oneself main body comes, could not go out. 自己本体进来,就出不去了。 Let alone, the Dusk bone river just appears now, the strength of absorption is insufficient, as falling from the sky God are getting more and more, the strength of Dusk bone river is getting stronger and stronger. 更何况,现在黄昏骨河刚刚浮现,吸收的力量还不足,随着陨落的神灵越来越多,黄昏骨河的力量越来越强。 By that time, likely the condensation Godking Dusk bone, that fishes the good time of bone. 到那时,很可能凝聚神王黄昏骨,那才是捞骨的好时机。 The Dusk bone river sends out the light of light Dusk, even was big day to be richer than Dusk. 黄昏骨河散发出淡淡的黄昏之光,甚至比黄昏大日还浓郁一些。 The God's both eyes in all battle cover a yellow light membrane suddenly, the whole body are emitting the faint yellow gloss. 所有战斗中的神灵的双目突然笼罩一层黄色光膜,全身散发着淡黄色的光泽。 ...... 嗷…… God go crazy suddenly, disintegration Divine Right, inhales the body, stimulates the source strength, slaughters crazily. 一个又一个神灵突然发狂,崩碎神权,吸入身体,激发本源力量,疯狂杀戮。 Gods of distant place long sighed. 远方的众神长长一叹。 Matter that Gods most is not willing to see, happened finally. 众神最不愿意看到的事情,终于发生了。 This, is the true Dusk battlefield. 这,才是真正的黄昏战场。 Every time increases a Dusk big marvelous sight, the corrosion of Dusk battlefield to Gods can deepen one. 每增加一个黄昏大奇景,黄昏战场对众神的侵蚀会加深一层。 The legend to finally, will lose rational including Main God. 传说到了最后,连主神都会失去理智 When the largest marvelous sight appears, the situation will no longer receive any God to control. 当第一个大奇景出现的时候,局势将不再受任何神灵控制。 Even if Godking. 哪怕是神王 Silk threads the strength of Dusk is centered on Asijiade Godking galaxy, to exterior spreads. 丝丝缕缕的黄昏之力以阿斯加德神王星系为中心,向外部扩散。 Dusk battlefield, expansion! 黄昏战场,扩张! However instantly, Dusk Legion all lord divine artifact and all God, was covered by the Dusk battlefield. 不过刹那,黄昏军团的所有主神器和所有神灵,被黄昏战场笼罩。 Has not waited for Lokey's Incarnation to order, on War divine artifact crazy God then called to depart the starry sky, fell above Nordic Countries God Star, launched War of the Gods. 未等洛基的化身下令,战争神器上疯狂的神灵便嗷嗷叫着飞出星空,落在北欧神星之上,展开神战 The world cracks, the space monstrous waves move rolling, under Divine-Level all withdraws either, either was ground by the endless Divine-Level strength for the dust. 天地开裂,空间巨浪滚滚而动,神级之下要么全都撤走,要么被无尽的神级力量碾为尘埃。 Divine-Level world, the bunch of divine might light balls blast out brilliance vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered unceasingly, entire battlefield such as great mirror of disruption. 一道道神级光辉纵横天地,一团团神威光球不断炸开,整个战场如碎裂的巨镜。 Suye of distant place shakes the head gently , compared with the war of Dusk, under these gods of oneself experience the war, is only each family. 远方的苏业轻轻摇头,跟黄昏之战比起来,自己经历的那些神下之战,只是过家家。 Time slowly in the past, had thousands of God dead every hour. 时间慢慢过去,每个小时都有数以千计的神灵死去。 Even if these most excels at the battle Divine-Level hero soul god and Valkyrie, falls from the sky one after another. 哪怕是那些最擅长战斗神级英灵神与女武神,也陆续陨落。 Next day, when 100,000 th God falls from the sky, the world again shakes. 第二天,当第十万个神灵陨落的时候,天地再震。 Blood red great tree appears suddenly an all over the body, it wins the star, high does not know many hundred million kilometers. 一棵通体血红的巨树自天而降,其大胜星,高不知多少亿公里。 That is not a wooden great tree. 那不是一棵木质巨树。 But strange evil tree comprised of the skeleton and flesh. 而是由骨骼与血肉组成的诡异邪树。 The bright blood red crown drags gently, the flesh leaf wriggles slowly, dense white bones branch by superficial flesh bark package. 鲜艳的血红树冠轻轻摇曳,血肉树叶徐徐蠕动,森森的白骨树枝被表面的血肉树皮包裹。 Myriad tree roots change to the silk threads blood threads, instantly , the blood threads vanishes does not see. 万千树根化作丝丝缕缕的血丝,刹那后,血丝消失不见。 Then, absolutely terrified appeared. 而后,毛骨悚然的一幕出现了。 The entire Dusk battlefield, on arrives at Godking Odin, below arrives at the ordinary letter/believes people, on the skin of everyone, appears one after another hair silk thick tree roots, dense and numerous, interweaves vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, its color crimson. 整座黄昏战场,上到神王奥丁,下到普通信民,每个人的皮肤上,都浮现一片片头发丝粗的树根,密密麻麻,交织纵横,其色赤红 Is nearer to the numerous War of the Gods field, these crimson tree roots are thicker, is more crowded. 离众神战场越近,那些赤红树根就越粗,也越密集。 In the Valhalla god moon/month, Suye doppelgänger lifts the hand slowly, the wrinkle of own lines on the hand, lines on the hand and skin vanishes, displaces, is crimson color sending silk tree roots. 英灵殿神月上,苏业分身缓缓抬起手,自己的掌纹、手纹和皮肤的皱纹消失,取而代之的,是赤红色的发丝树根 The Suye whole body is scared, no wonder Gods often discussed the Dusk battlefield for it look changes, before oneself, did not understand, the personal experience understood despair in Gods heart. 苏业全身发毛,怪不得众神每每谈论黄昏战场为之色变,自己以前不懂,亲身经历才明白众神心中的绝望 oneself solemn God , unexpectedly is so at this moment weak. 自己堂堂神灵,在此时此刻,竟然如此无力。 Dusk blood tree. 黄昏血树。 Dusk big marvelous sight. 黄昏大奇景。 Gods vision berserk, seeing the Dusk bone river is greedier. 众神目光狂热,比看到黄昏骨河都更贪婪。 Gods didn't expect, the so rare Dusk big marvelous sight, comes in Nordic Countries Pantheon unexpectedly. 众神没想到,如此稀有的黄昏大奇景,竟然在北欧神系现身。 Has the record historical, the Dusk blood tree only has appeared one time, this is the second time. 自有记载的历史上,黄昏血树只出现过一次,这是第二次。 The Dusk blood tree, is rarer than and powerful the Dusk bone river. 黄昏血树,远比黄昏骨河稀有且强大。 Suye is also staring at that small flower bud of Dusk blood tree crown center. 苏业同样盯着黄昏血树树冠中心的那一个个小花苞。 If the Dusk bone river absorbs the dissipation the War of the Gods strength, that Dusk blood tree is much more virulent, trillion times continue. 如果说黄昏骨河只是吸收散逸的神战力量,那黄昏血树就恶毒得多,亿万倍不止。 Once were erected into tree roots by the Dusk blood, the own life span, life, divine power wait/etc all will drain continuously. 一旦被黄昏血树植入树根,自己的寿命、生命、神力等等一切都会源源不断流失。 However, the Dusk blood tree will not absorb these strengths, but these strengths, presents to these successfully murders God of god. 但是,黄昏血树不会吸收这些力量,而是把这些力量,馈赠给那些成功弑神的神灵 Killed God are more, then self-absorption the strength are more, then red tree roots of whole body are more is thicker. 杀的神灵越多,则自身吸收到的力量越多,进而周身的赤色树根越多越粗。 The God strengths of these deaths, will press out to do by the Dusk blood tree absorption, nourish the Dusk blood fleshy fruit, once is mature, Gods then can take off to eat, strengthens the source strength. 那些死亡的神灵力量,会被黄昏血树吸收榨干,滋养黄昏血肉果,一旦成熟,众神便可以摘下吃掉,增强本源力量。 The Dusk blood fleshy fruit is the pure wonder drug, there is no side effect, so long as eats, can go straight up the Main God type, the strength increases. 黄昏血肉果是纯正的神药,没有任何副作用,只要吃掉,便可直升主神种,力量大增。 Even if Main God, one tenth is the Main God type. 哪怕是主神,也只有不到十分之一主神种。 Now, Gods in battlefield still is Pantheon slaughters, but once the Dusk blood fleshy fruit is mature, the strange fragrant proliferation, then, various god Dusk will then enter the high point, both sides all God to compete for the Dusk blood fleshy fruit will spare nothing. 现在,战场上的众神还在为神系厮杀,可一旦黄昏血肉果成熟,奇异的芬芳扩散,那么,诸神黄昏便会进入最高峰,双方所有神灵都会为了争夺黄昏血肉果而不惜一切代价。 The situation, has lost control gradually. 局势,已经渐渐失控。 Even, including originally unrelated God, extremely possibly crashes in the Dusk battlefield, captures the Dusk blood fleshy fruit. 甚至于,连原本不相干的神灵,也极可能冲进黄昏战场,夺取黄昏血肉果。 However, most powerful Main God, are entirely still. 但是,最强大的主神们,纹丝不动。 The Dusk blood fleshy fruit, is not worth them meddling the war of Dusk. 黄昏血肉果,不值得他们插手黄昏之战。 They in the third type of big marvelous sight. 他们在等第三种大奇景。 Thump thump thump...... 咚咚咚…… Suye opens in the Valhalla dwelling front door, several people walked. 苏业英灵殿的宅院大门打开,几个人走了进来。 Three hot people, four dragon people, a Mummy person, a sand person, no normal person. 三个火人,四个龙人,一个木乃伊人,一个沙人,没一个正常人。 Even if they contain the aura of whole body strongly, the rock ground in Suye dwelling is also cracking unceasingly, the wall sways fiercely, dust splash. 哪怕他们竭力遏制周身的气息,苏业宅院的岩石地面也在不断开裂,墙壁剧烈摇晃,尘土飞溅。 Suye sets out, is looking at the opposite party. 苏业起身,望着对方。 Lord of Fire Elementals and Dragon Race Godking Bahamut leads other to advocate the divinization body to come. 火元素之主龙族神王巴哈姆特带领其余主神化身前来。 Suye, your main body, needs to come.” The Lord of Fire Elementals complexion is tranquil. 苏业,你的本体,需要进来了。”火元素之主面色平静。 „Did you prepare to end?” “你们准备完了?” Prepares completely safely.” Bahamut said. “全部准备稳妥。”巴哈姆特道。 Suffices?” Suye takes a fast look around Godking to add eight Main God Incarnation. “够么?”苏业扫视一尊神王加八个主神化身 Stared Suye one with Suye not ripe Main God ill-humoredly. 苏业不熟的主神没好气地瞪了苏业一眼。 This is only part, some God, in Dusk battlefield going out hand several times.” Lord of Fire Elementals said. “这只是一部分而已,还有一些神灵,会在黄昏战场外出手几次。”火元素之主道。 As far as I know, the Dusk battlefield will contain outside strength.” Suye said. “据我所知,黄昏战场会遏制外面的力量。”苏业道。 They take Incarnation as to direct, can guarantee the main body 90% strengths, but Incarnation must fall from the sky afterward this place, belongs to Dusk.” “他们以化身为引,可以保证本体90%的力量,只是事后化身要陨落此地,归于黄昏。” Suye nods, said: My main body is preparing, immediately comes. What do you need?” 苏业点点头,道:“我的本体正在准备,马上前来。你们需要什么?” „Are your ten thousand Fattaz groups, what level probably?” “你的万法塔群,大概是什么层次?” Suye thinks, said: Without me directs, ten thousand Fattaz groups are only equivalent to high-rank god level at present, many high-rank god level. If my personally management, ten thousand Fattaz groups are equivalent to War to advocate divine artifact completely, resisting two Main God is easy.” 苏业想了想,道:“如果没有我指挥,万法塔群目前只相当于上位神层次,多个上位神层次。如果我亲自主持,万法塔群完全相当于一件战争神器,对抗两尊主神轻而易举。” Lord of Fire Elementals and Bahamut nod gently, other lord the divinization body to look the surprised color. 火元素之主与巴哈姆特轻轻点头,其余主神化身面露惊讶之色。 You have said that you established four groups of ten thousand Fattaz groups is right?” “你说过,你建立了四组万法塔群对吧?” Right.” “对。” „Can you transfer several groups?” “你能调动几组?” Only can transfer one group. Other three groups are used to protect.” “只能调动一组。其余三组用来守护。” When do ten thousand law group cities construct?” Lord of Fire Elementals asked. “万法群城什么时候建好?”火元素之主问。 Had the experiences of four groups of ten thousand Fattaz groups, then wants the resources to be enough, ten years construct ten thousand law group cities sufficiently.” Suye said. “有了四组万法塔群的经验,接下来只要资源足够,十年足以建造万法群城。”苏业道。
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