WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1038: Flesh tower nest

First completely comprised of the red flesh of unceasing creeping motion, is tight with the ground, the tower footing finds out the one after another person wealthy blood vessel, hundreds, digs in Earth. 第一层完全由不断蠕动的红色血肉组成,与地面紧紧相连,塔基探出一条条人腰粗的血管,数以百计,扎入大地 Blood vessel Rapid Speed wriggles, from Earth does not know that absorbed anything, forms thing one after another to swim against the stream, enters the flesh tower nest. 血管急速蠕动,从大地中不知吸取了什么,形成一团一团的东西逆流而上,进入血肉塔巢。 Before long, furry dark green weeds to spread from the flesh tower nest layer upon layer in all directions. 不一会儿,一层层毛茸茸的墨绿色野草自血肉塔巢向四面八方扩散。 Carefully looks, that at all is not the black green weeds, but is the one after another flesh silk thread. 仔细一看,那根本不是黑绿色野草,而是一根根血肉丝线。 Innumerable flesh silk thread composition flesh rug, slowly expansion. 无数的血肉丝线组成血肉地毯,徐徐扩张。 two layers of flesh tower nest, by eight pale column support, completely hollow, column by the skeleton entanglement mixes of various dense and numerous lifeform. 血肉塔巢的二层,由八根惨白的立柱支撑,完全中空,立柱由密密麻麻的各种生物的骨骼纠缠混合而成。 The two layers height ten meters, above the two layers floor, slowly appears ten blood ponds, in each blood pond, is lending the evil looking aura, as if in fermentation terrifying demon. 二层高十米,二层地板之上,慢慢浮现十个血池,每个血池之中,都散发着邪异的气息,仿佛在酝酿恐怖的魔物。 second layer of flesh tower nest extends eight white bone ladders slowly outward. 血肉塔巢的第二层缓缓向外延伸八条白色骨梯。 The bone ladder from top to bottom, falls on the ground finally. 骨梯自上而下,最终落在地面。 three layers is like first, similarly comprised of the flesh, but, the flesh creeping motion of three layers is extremely stated differently quick. 三层与第一层一样,同样由血肉组成,但不同的是,三层的血肉蠕动极快。 „It is not good!” The god of oak tree first induces the threat. “不好!”橡树之神第一时间感应到威胁。 Finishes speaking, bang a loud sound. 话音刚落,嘭地一声巨响。 three layers the tower of flesh blasts open, the even cracks in the earth become eight blood red meat petals, to blooms just like the flesh flower petal in all directions. 三层的血肉之塔炸裂,均匀地裂成八个血红色肉瓣,宛如血肉花瓣向四面八方绽放。 The tower top of flower of center flesh, emits a pale big eyeball suddenly, the diameter enough three meters, have small Giant is so high fully. 血肉之花中心的塔顶,突然冒出一个惨白惨白的大眼球,直径足足三米,足有小巨人那么高。 The white eyeball surface covers entirely the dense and numerous blood vessels. 白色眼球表面布满密密麻麻的血管。 Blood vessel Rapid Speed expands, changes to the blood-color eyeball instantaneously. 血管急速扩张,瞬间化作血色眼球。 Suddenly, the blood-color eyeball cracks to about, forms the vertical eye. 突然,血色眼球从中向左右开裂,形成竖眼。 In the vertical eye, the jet black pupil spreads slowly, revolving, changes to an eddy-shaped pupil. 竖眼之中,漆黑的瞳孔徐徐扩散,旋转,化作一个漩涡状的瞳孔。 Deep if abyss, evil such as evil god. 深若深渊,邪如邪神。 Gods is seeing the flash of black vortex pupil, in the heart one cool. 众神在看到黑色漩涡瞳孔的一瞬间,心中一凉。 The word of tower nest is looking at the Saint Domain Red Dragon, winked gently a eye, the blood light departs from the eye in together. 塔巢之言望着圣域红龙,轻轻眨了一下眼,一道血光自眼中飞出。 „......” “嗷……” The Saint Domain Red Dragon called out pitifully, the body loses the balance, pounded layer on layer/heavily on the ground. 圣域红龙惨叫一声,身体失去平衡,重重砸在地上。 In the tower nest two layers white bones level, a blood pond suddenly rumble the ebullition, a three meters black red alligator crawled. 塔巢二层的白骨层中,一个血池突然咕噜噜沸腾,一头不过三米长的黑红色鳄鱼爬了出来。 What is different from the ordinary alligator, behind this alligator lives the sharp dorsal fin, the whole body skin seems like the tortoise shell of alligator turtle, hard prominent, the forehead position covers entirely the dense and numerous eyes, has 18. 普通鳄鱼不同的是,这条鳄鱼背后生有锋利的背鳍,全身皮肤像是鳄龟的龟壳,坚硬突出,额头位置布满密密麻麻的眼睛,足足有十八颗。 18 eyes also rotate, making the person whole body be scared. 十八颗眼睛同时转动,令人全身发毛。 Many alligators just like the blood-color lightning, jump down the flesh tower nest together, dashes to the Saint Domain Red Dragon. 多眼鳄鱼宛若一道血色闪电,跳下血肉塔巢,直扑圣域红龙。 The Saint Domain Red Dragon body is injured, goes all out to run away, but moves about with difficulty, immediately is caught up by many alligators. 圣域红龙身体受伤,拼命逃窜,但行动不便,立刻被多眼鳄鱼追上。 Saint Domain Red Dragon resists, while retreats. 圣域红龙一边抵挡,一边撤退。 If that many alligator shapes the insanity, obviously is only Golden Rank, actually tears and bites the Red Dragon unceasingly the flesh. 那多眼鳄鱼状若疯魔,明明只是黄金位阶,却不断撕咬红龙的血肉。 The Saint Domain Red Dragon seizes the opportunity, suddenly turns around fiercely, being sideways that bites many alligators. 圣域红龙抓住机会,突然猛地转身,一口咬住多眼鳄鱼的侧身。 The Saint Domain Red Dragon length of body exceeds ten meters, the tooth linking strength is astonishing, three meters alligator should break accordingly. 圣域红龙体长超过十米,牙齿咬合力惊人,三米长的鳄鱼本应该应声而断。 However, the dragon tooth bites through the chest and belly covers of many alligators merely, is unable to cut by biting the bone. 但是,龙牙仅仅咬穿多眼鳄鱼的胸腹外皮,无法咬断骨头。 Many alligators turn the body fiercely, on mouth that bites in the Saint Domain Red Dragon, tears down a bulk meat. 多眼鳄鱼猛地扭身,一口咬在圣域红龙的嘴上,撕下一大块肉。 The Saint Domain Red Dragon called out pitifully, opened mouth to cast off many alligators, started running away at once. 圣域红龙惨叫一声,张嘴甩开多眼鳄鱼,拔腿就跑。 Many alligators pursue full power. 多眼鳄鱼全力追赶。 Loses the fighting spirit the Saint Domain Red Dragon to run like crazy, finally flees. 失去斗志的圣域红龙一路疯跑,终于逃离。 Waste!” The dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein shouted abuse, frightened the Saint Domain Red Dragon to tremble. “废物!”苍红山脉破口大骂,吓得圣域红龙瑟瑟发抖。 Cannot blame him, is the famous many ancient demon branches, since inborn golden, perhaps is the Legendary even Demi-God type.” “不能怪他,可是著名的多眼古魔分支,既然天生黄金,恐怕是传奇种甚至半神种。” Suye asked suddenly: „Have you heard arm many ancient demon?” 苏业突然问:“你们有没有听说过手臂很多的古魔?” A Gods slightly ponder, said the story. 众神略一思考,纷纷说出见闻。 Some actually multi- arm ancient demon, 20-30 arms, are well below hundred Titan.” “倒是有多臂古魔,也不过20-30条手臂,远远不如百身泰坦。” Good, are many by the arm, is hundred Titan, entire 200 arms.” “不错,论手臂多,还是百身泰坦,整整两百条手臂。” Has ten thousand foot ancient demon actually.” “倒是有万足古魔。” Suye said with a smile: I for the multiple Hand of Magic schools, let alone ten thousand feet, even if 100,000 fully also useless. We first discussed the important matter, how to cope with ancient demon.” 苏业笑道:“我是为了多重魔法之手流派,别说万足,哪怕十万足也无用。我们先讨论要事,如何对付古魔。” The god of oak tree worries: Ancient demon clan and tribe is diverse, is troublesome. If nearby us is many ancient demon, after understanding the habit, can eradicate decisively, feared that nearby territory is the different ancient demon clans and tribes.” 橡树之神愁道:“古魔部族多样,最是麻烦。如果我们附近都是多眼古魔,了解习性后,可以果断铲除,就怕附近领地都是不同的古魔部族。” Flesh tower nest perhaps, if birth ancient demon, our territories must meet with a disaster continuously.” “血肉塔巢如果源源不断诞生古魔,我们的领地恐怕要遭殃。” ancient demon the powerful far ultra imagination, more than half God cannot stand off, in the near future should not the active offense we. Feared that feared these ancient Magic Source source continuous growths, swallow all finally, by that time, we counter-attack already without enough time.” “古魔的强大远超想象,过半的神灵敌不过,近期应该不会主动攻击我们。怕就怕这些古魔源源不断壮大,最终吞噬一切,到那时,我们反击已经来不及。” Gods discusses spiritedly, finally draws a helpless conclusion. 众神议论纷纷,最终得出一个无奈的结论。 Must gather the superior force, has not stood firm while ancient demon, destroys the flesh tower nest. 必须要集中优势兵力,趁古魔还未站稳脚跟,破坏血肉塔巢。 „The present issue is, whether we do have the strength to kill golden ancient demon?” The bloody beast god asked. “现在的问题是,我们是否有力量杀死黄金古魔?”血腥兽神问。 So long as we make a move fast, completely Ok! My also eight Saint Domain Red Dragon as well as four golden Red Dragon, destroy completely a flesh tower nest is not a problem, so long as far away from tower top Giant Eye then.” “只要我们快速出手,完全可以!我还有八头圣域红龙以及四头黄金红龙,灭掉一个血肉塔巢不成问题,只要远离塔顶巨眼即可。” What to do if the ancient demon quantity does increase?” The Shintoism of demon bear. “万一古魔数量大增怎么办?”魔熊之神道。 The dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein are silent. 红山脉沉默不语。 Suye said: Our any sole ethnic group facing the ancient demon, will lose seriously, even if the Red Dragon acts, will at least lose half. However, if joins up, different.” 苏业道:“我们任何单一族群面对古魔,都会损失惨重,哪怕红龙出手,也至少会损失一半。但是,如果联合起来,大不一样。” How do you do?” “您怎么做?” Suye said: Only if our human presents massive Saint Domain magician, otherwise does not have the means with this seed shell coarse meat thick ancient demon, but, our human proficiency War instrument. The high-level magic crossbow car(riage) has developed, only needs enough high-grade magic metal, then can the lot manufacturing. The manufacture of magic crossbow bolt is not difficult, what is difficult is the rare magic material.” 苏业道:“除非我们人类出现大量圣域魔法师,否则拿这种皮糙肉厚的古魔毫无办法,但是,我们人类精通战争器械。高级魔法弩车已经研制完毕,只需要足够的高等魔法金属,便可以批量制造。魔法弩箭的制作并不难,难的是稀有魔法材料。” I can provide the highest-quality lumber.” The Shintoism of oak tree. “我可以提供最优质的木材。”橡树之神道。 I am willing to send out all need magic metal.” The Shintoism of dust. “我愿意送出所有所需魔法金属。”灰土之神道。 The god of demon bear sighed, said: Our Demon Beast is willing to let blood massively, strengthens the might of magic crossbow bolt.” 魔熊之神叹了口气,道:“我们魔兽愿意大量放血,增强魔法弩箭的威力。” The dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein said with a smile happily: What needs my Red Dragon letter/believes people? Is the blood is the meat? So long as is not the permanent damage, takes casually.” 红山脉愉快地笑道:“需要我的红龙信民什么?是血是肉?只要不是永久性损伤,随便取。” Our Shaman can conduct totem enchanted.” Bloody beast Shintoism. “我们萨满可以进行图腾附魔。”血腥兽神道。 The people were discussing, the Suye mind moves, said: My person arrives in the flesh tower nest, had found the suitable position detection.” 众人正讨论,苏业心神一动,道:“我的人抵达血肉塔巢,已经找到适合的位置侦查。” Gods knows that Suye establishes the security point in various country territories, but had not played the too major role before. 众神知道苏业在各国度领地中建立警戒点,但之前都没有发挥太大的作用。 Three enter God's Temple just like mind shadow demon of one group of black fog. 三个宛如一团黑雾的心灵影魔进入神殿 Three mind shadow demon figure wriggle, main body has no change, but in the sensation of people, changes to three three meters high mirrors, everyone feels the mirror to oneself. 三个心灵影魔身形蠕动,本体没有任何变化,但在众人的感知中,化作三面三米高的镜子,每个人都感觉镜子面向自己 Each mirror, has the different angles of view. 每一面镜子,都有不同的视角。 The first mirror situated in the upper air, an demon eagle circles probably the detection. 第一面镜子位于高空,像是一头魔鹰盘旋侦查。 The angle of view of second mirror situated in the southeastern position, the angle of view of third mirror is located in the northeast position. 第二面镜子的视角位于偏东南的位置,第三面镜子的视角位于偏东北的位置。 The tertiary angle of view, Suye territory all details of the flesh tower nest shows in front of Gods. 三重视角,把苏业领地内的这座血肉塔巢的一切细节展现在众神面前。 Gods only looked at one, then looked mutually. 众神只看了一眼,便相互看了看。 The dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein curl the lip, compared with the detection of Suye, own detection simply and Beastman hunting nothing difference. 红山脉撇撇嘴,和苏业的侦查相比,自己的侦查简直和兽人狩猎没什么区别。 This time, Gods can the clearly observation flesh tower nest. 这一次,众神可以更清晰地观察血肉塔巢。 The flesh tower nest with Red Dragon territory is similar, a bloody flesh creeping motion, the flesh blood vessel takes root in Earth, and expands the dark green flesh rug outward. 和红龙领地的血肉塔巢相似,一层血腥的血肉蠕动,血肉血管扎根大地,并向外扩充墨绿色血肉地毯。 Two white bones column support, are hollow, in the blood pond breeds the life. 二次白骨立柱支撑,内部中空,血池内孕育生命。 The three layers giant eight blood-color meat flowers open, the tower withstand/top blood-color Giant Eye to revolve slowly, the vertical pupil supervises all parties. 三层巨大的八朵血色肉花朵张开,塔顶一颗血色巨眼徐徐旋转,竖瞳监察各方。 In this flesh tower nest, was born ancient demon, five meters, probably a great tiger, the skin surface is dark, probably spreads the full petroleum. 这座血肉塔巢之中,已经诞生了一头古魔,五米长,像是一头巨虎,皮肤表面黝黑油腻,像是涂满石油。 Its back, forehead, face, thigh and abdomen, rear wait/etc various places, puncture the dense and numerous sharp spurs from inside to outside, like the hybrid of hedgehog and tiger. 它的后背、额头、面部、腿部、腹部、尾部等等各处,由内向外刺出密密麻麻的尖锐骨刺,如同刺猬与老虎的杂交。 The white bones black skin, making one be awed at the sight. 白骨黑皮,令人望而生畏。 Is multi- bone ancient demon, the battle ability compares many ancient demons to be stronger.” The god of oak tree knits the brows to say. “是多骨古魔,战斗能力比多眼古魔更强。”橡树之神皱眉道。 The Gods sympathy looks at Suye. 众神同情地看着苏业 „It is not good, the multi- bone demon tiger moved! Can attack Su God the city?” The Shintoism of demon bear. “不好,多骨魔虎动了!会不会攻击苏神的城市?”魔熊之神道。 Afterward, the mirror picture rotation, Suye said: No, it does not have the direct impact my city, objective is the deer group of not far away.” 随后,镜子画面转动,苏业道:“不,它没有直冲我的城市,目标是不远处的鹿群。” Gods calmly looks , that multi- bone demon tiger flies to rush to the deer group vicinity generally, face upwards to bellow. 众神静静地看着,果然,那多骨魔虎飞一般地冲到鹿群近处,仰天大吼。 The visible black ripple scatters in all directions. 肉眼可见的黑色波纹四散。 Dozens deer whole bodies twitch, falling to the ground stupor. 数十头鹿全身抽搐,倒地昏迷。 The multi- bone demon tiger raised the head suddenly, looking of provocation to the sky demon eagle, the corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly. 多骨魔虎突然抬头,挑衅似的望向天空的魔鹰,嘴角微微翘起。 The jet black eyes of user-friendly, happen to appear in Gods front mirror. 人性化的漆黑双眼,正好出现在众神面前的镜子中。 Was too wild!” Dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein coldly snorted. “太猖狂了!”苍红山冷哼一声 In the mirror, a multi- bone demon tiger opens the mouth, in the throat emits a black vortex, then throws to body of deer, the mouth touches the deer, the entire deer twists suddenly involution, exudes one. 镜子中,多骨魔虎一张口,喉咙里冒出一个黑色漩涡,然后扑到一头鹿的身上,嘴一碰触鹿,整头鹿突然扭曲内卷,发出噗的一声。 In the blood splash, deer body changes to the flesh group to reduce, enters the vortex in multi- bone demon fingers/tiger mouth. 在鲜血飞溅中,鹿身化作血肉团缩小,进入多骨魔虎口中的漩涡。 „......” “嗷……” Reading benefits The attention public number reads to pull out cash every day / a coin! 【看书福利】关注公众号每天看书抽现金/点币! The multi- bone demon tiger howled excitedly, jumped in deer body unceasingly , was completed to swallow. 多骨魔虎兴奋地吼叫一声,不断在鹿身上跳跃,一口一个,完成吞噬。 Multi- bone demon tiger Rapid Speed returns to the flesh tower nest, crawls near the tower. 多骨魔虎急速返回血肉塔巢,匍匐在塔边。 Astonishing appears, the blood vessel that the state-of-art belt/bring of tower nest punctures extracts from the ground, goes into the back of multi- bone demon tiger. 惊人的一幕显现,塔巢的一根尖端带刺的血管从地面抽出,扎进多骨魔虎的脊背。 The multi- bone demon tiger exudes the joyful moan unexpectedly, sees adverse current of bunch of flesh from the blood vessel to be upward, enters the flesh tower nest. 多骨魔虎竟然发出愉悦的呻吟声,就见一团团血肉从血管中逆流向上,进入血肉塔巢。 After absorbing half of flesh, the flesh tower nest draws out the blood vessel, deeply grips Earth again. 吸收了一半的血肉后,血肉塔巢拔出血管,再次深扎大地 The multi- bone demon tiger lies on the ground, goes off obscurely. 多骨魔虎趴在地上,昏昏睡去。 Its body spur slowly is separated from the body, falls everywhere. 身上的骨刺慢慢脱离身体,掉落满地。 Then, the new white spur is the same just like mushroom growth, at the visible speed, slowly drills the greasy black skin, grows into slowly greatly is thicker a whiter spur. 而后,新的白色骨刺宛如雨后春笋一样,以肉眼可见的速度,慢慢钻出油腻的黑色皮肤,徐徐长成更大更粗更白的骨刺。 His body, big little. 他的身体,也大了一点点。 You look at the spur that these fall!” “你们看那些掉落的骨刺!” Gods carefully looks, the spur of ground is unexpectedly same like the earthworm, slowly creeping motion, mutual entanglement fusion. 众神仔细看去,地面的骨刺竟然如同蚯蚓一样,缓缓蠕动,相互纠缠融合。 Before long, thousands of spurs, fuse 100 white bones groups. 不一会儿,数以千计的骨刺,融合成一百个白骨团。 The flesh silk thread of flesh rug separates, climbs up the white bones group just like the earthworm group, slowly changes, is greasy with multi- bone demon tiger external skin same black. 血肉地毯的血肉丝线断开,宛如蚯蚓群爬上白骨团,慢慢变化,与多骨魔虎表皮一样黑色油腻。 Grew by the white bones group of black greasy package slowly. 黑色油腻包裹的白骨团徐徐成长。 Merely after a half hour, 100 length of body one meter small multi- bone demon tiger births. 仅仅半个小时后,一百头体长一米的小多骨魔虎诞生。 golden multi- bone demon tiger, ate some flesh, can be born 100 small black iron multi- bone demon tigers, this growth, is really astonishing.” 黄金多骨魔虎,吃了一些血肉,就能诞生一百头小的黑铁多骨魔虎,这种成长速度,实在惊人。” Since the multi- bone demon tiger can so, it seems like many alligator other ancient demon, can expand the ethnic group in this manner.” “既然多骨魔虎能够如此,看来无论是多眼鳄鱼还是其他的古魔,都能以这种方式扩展族群。” Suye said: That is great.” 苏业道:“这是好消息。”
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