WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1034: Unknown disaster

However, the place of World Creation a little digs out, the Divine Right light ball is unable to use, can only transform as the resources light ball. 不过,创世之地有点抠,神权光球无法使用,只能转化为资源光球。 Suye a blink, Divine Right light ball slowly transforms as the resources light ball. 苏业一眨眼,神权光球慢慢转化为资源光球。 Only has one? The level of it seems like that dark god is very low. However, regarding the initial period, a complete resources light ball significance is huge.” “只有一个?看来那个幽暗之神的位阶很低。不过,对于初期来说,一个完整的资源光球意义巨大。” Comes the person, delivers to the city of berserk this light ball.” “来人,把这个光球送到狂暴之城。” A few days later, the expedition army returns one after another. 几天后,远征大军陆续返回。 Through the resources light ball, the bloody beast god and berserk king makes split Idol, God's Temple situated by Suye, serves the god one on the left and other on the right. 通过资源光球,血腥兽神与狂暴君王制造分体神像,位于苏业神殿两侧,一左一右侍奉神主。 The remaining resources light balls, with strengthen the strength of abyss worm completely. 剩下的资源光球,全部用以增强深渊蠕虫的力量。 In the five abyss worms of berserk king, four transform as the mind shadow demon worm, can the birth mind shadow demon, after being directly grown , to promote golden directly. 狂暴君王的五头深渊蠕虫中,四头转化为心灵影魔蠕虫,能够直接诞生心灵影魔,成年后直接晋升黄金 At present, each mind shadow demon worm, can produce a mind shadow demon every ten days. 目前,每头心灵影魔蠕虫,每十天能生产一头心灵影魔。 Suye starts to act according to memory and knowledge, studies how uses the mind shadow demon to conduct the beyond line of sight information connection, guaranteed oneself, even if in God's Temple, can see distant all, and can spread and receive the information fast. 苏业则开始根据记忆和知识,研究如何利用心灵影魔进行超视距的信息连接,保证自己哪怕在神殿,也能看到远方发生的一切,并能快速传出和接收信息。 The mind shadow demon is continuously very strange life. 心灵影魔是一直非常奇异的生灵。 Although they seem like one group of black fog, but is covers their ears and eyes, their main body, is a pure spirit kind of energy, is unable to be touched, can only by the powerful energy sensation or destroying. 他们虽然看上去像一团黑雾,但不过是掩人耳目而已,他们的本体,是一种纯粹的精神类能量,无法被碰触,只能被强大的能量感知或摧毁。 It looks like gust. 就像是一阵风。 The characteristics of this ethnic group are, so long as is approved, all mind shadow demons can share the consanguineous the field of vision and sensation, the most intimate mind shadow demon will even share memory and all strengths. 这个族群的特点是,只要获得认可,所有的心灵影魔都可以共享同族的视野和感知,最亲密的心灵影魔甚至会共享记忆和一切力量。 In some infinite plane special places, as a result is unable the transmit information, the mind shadow demon then to become there control, builds the huge communication network. 在无限位面一些特别的地方,由于无法传递信息,心灵影魔便成为那里的主宰,建立庞大的信息交流网络。 The place of World Creation does not want to make God omniscient and omnipotent, then, God can only solve with the own method. 创世之地并不想让神灵全知全能,那么,神灵们只能用自己的方法解决。 The mind shadow demon system, will certainly become all God's first choice. 心灵影魔体系,必将成为所有神灵的首选。 However, to Suye, the mind shadow demon is just the initial substitute commodity, once massive Legendary appear, constructs Magic Tower and Magic Book system, the function of mind shadow demon will be minimal. 不过,对苏业来说,心灵影魔只不过是初期的代替品,一旦大量传奇出现,构建出魔法塔魔法书体系,心灵影魔的作用将微乎其微。 The berserk king was only half right, Suye mind shadow demon magic tool that when magic tool, the transition uses. 狂暴君王只说对了一半,苏业是把心灵影魔当魔法器,过渡用的魔法器 However, Legendary Grandmaster cannot be so good to train. 不过,传奇大师不能那么好培养的。 Let alone, cannot to train Legendary Grandmaster spoils things by excessive enthusiasm, causing some talent successors to be incapable. 更何况,不能为了培养传奇大师而揠苗助长,导致一些天才后继无力。 Unsurprisingly, in 30 years human will not present Legendary Grandmaster. 不出意外,三十年内人类不会出现传奇大师 It is not because small Thales is not very intelligent , is not not good, but is the resources and innate factor that oneself teaches is insufficient. 不是因为小泰勒斯不够聪明,也不是自己教的不好,而是资源和先天因素不够。 Small Thales this talent puts the demon prison city, 15 years must become Legendary, but are not here good, he must consider for the entire country, spends the extra time. 泰勒斯这种天才放到魔狱城,十五年必成传奇,但在这里不行,他总要为整个国家考虑,花费额外的时间。 However, this is beneficial to him, in the short-term is the waste time, but is training various abilities in the long run as before. 不过,这对他本人有益无害,短期来说是浪费时间,但长期来看依旧是在培养多方面能力。 „......” “不过……” Suye remembers the change of magician. 苏业想起魔法师的变化。 After breaking the statue of that undead false god, at that time all combat obtained a strange ability. 在砸碎那个亡灵伪神的雕像后,当时所有的参战者都得到一种奇异的能力。 After this causes that fights, short more than ten days , the magic apprentice quantity rises dramatically, grows from more than 1000 people to more than 1500 people, looks for this trend to get down, this year's magic apprentice total can over 2000. 这就导致那一战之后,短短十几天的时间,魔法学徒的数量暴增,由一千余人成长到一千五百余人,找这个趋势下去,今年的魔法学徒总数能超过两千。 It is not the words of new student/life child, human altogether is also less than 10,000 people. 不算新生孩童的话,人类一共还不到一万人。 In other words , kills God's to lose concentration every time, combat has been rewarded. This seems like that is the reward of place of World Creation, but in fact, after should be lost concentration the death , the residual strength. I discovered anything probably......” “换言之,每杀死一个神灵的分神,参战者都会得到奖励。这看似是创世之地的奖励,但实际上,应该是分神死亡后残留的力量。我好像发现了什么……” „From the beginning, the place of World Creation granted the Gods fixed strength.” “在一开始,创世之地赐予了众神固定的力量。” But all light balls, essentially are part of place of World Creation, once finished, all strengths definitely will return to the place of World Creation.” “但所有光球,本质上都是创世之地的一部分,一旦结束,所有力量必然会回归创世之地。” Each lost concentration the death, part of strength feedbacks to the victor, another part of feedbacks gave the place of World Creation. But the place of World Creation each outside world time ten years, apportions Gods main body part of strengths.” “每一个分神死亡,一部分力量回馈给胜利者,另一部分回馈给创世之地。而创世之地每过外界时间十年,又分给众神本体一部分力量。” How this is a bit like the infinite plane will collection offering, winner presents, then carves up the donation of defeated?” “这怎么有点像无限位面意志筹集善款,胜者的如数奉还,而后瓜分败者的捐款?” „, Is kills the strength that God obtains to be many, wins over that God jointly benefits to be many?” “那么,到底是杀神灵得到的力量多,还是拉拢神灵联合得到的好处多?” Suye realized suddenly, the situation of place of World Creation, seems close to the infinite plane actual situation more and more. 苏业突然意识到,创世之地的形势,似乎越来越接近无限位面的实际情况。 Suye raised the head, looks to the front. 苏业抬起头,望向前方。 The minute/share of statue of berserk king and bloody beast god in main hall, but the split statue of god and dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein oak tree outside God's Temple, as the ally, facilitates the exchange. 狂暴君王与血腥兽神的分雕像就在大殿内,而橡树之神与苍红山脉的分体雕像在神殿外,身为盟友,方便交流。 Four statue surface dusky pieces. 四座雕像表面灰蒙蒙一片。 Suddenly, both eyes of god of statue oak tree send out the bright. 突然,橡树之神雕像的双目散发出亮光。 Suye nods gently, losing concentration of god of oak tree appears in the statue. 苏业轻轻点头,橡树之神的分神出现在雕像之中。 Respectable Su God, this time comes, for discussion forthcoming disaster.” The contour of god of oak tree is a white light big tree. “尊敬的苏神,此次前来,是为商谈即将到来的灾难。”橡树之神的外形是一棵白光大树。 Another three statue surface illumination, quick, the eyes of three statues shine, three God appeared one of them. 另外三座雕像表面发光,很快,三座雕像的眼睛亮起,三个神灵出现在其中。 Has seen your majesty!” The berserk king and bloody beast god simultaneously salutes. “见过陛下!”狂暴君王与血腥兽神齐齐行礼。 Su God.” The high-rank dragon Shencang Red Mountain lineage/vein politeness sent regards, then the plate in the statue, sits in repose with eyes closed. “苏神。”上位龙神苍红山脉礼貌问候,便盘在雕像之中,闭目养神。 The berserk king and bloody beast god very carefully looked at dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein, this dragon god tyrannical and powerful well-known. 狂暴君王与血腥兽神小心翼翼看了一眼苍红山脉,这位龙神的暴虐与强大人尽皆知。 „The god of oak tree calls everyone, some important matters discussed, the god of oak tree, please say.” Suye said. “橡树之神召集大家,有要事商量,橡树之神,请说。”苏业道。 The god of oak tree sways the crown gently, said: „After place of opening second World Creation, outside world every ten years, will have massively loses concentration to be defeated and dispersed, therefore, therefore, we guessed that the place of World Creation each after a period of time, will have a test. However, some extremely few people notice, the outside world time every 56 months, will have few God to fall from the sky, Su God has paid attention to this matter.” 橡树之神轻轻摇晃树冠,道:“第二次创世之地开启后,外界每隔十年,会有大量的分神溃散,所以,所以,我们猜测创世之地每过一段时间,会有一种考验。不过,极少有人注意到,外界时间每隔56个月,都会有少量神灵陨落,想必苏神注意过这件事。” Indeed.” Suye said. “的确。”苏业道。 According to my speculation, probably in the place of time's fifth year World Creation to the sixth year, we will perhaps also face a test of place of World Creation.” The Shintoism of oak tree. “根据我的推测,大概在创世之地时间第五年到第六年的时间,我们恐怕也会面临一场创世之地的考验。”橡树之神道。 Possibility is very big.” The Blue Dragon mountain range said. “可能性很大。”苍龙山脉道。 The berserk king and bloody beast god look is dignified, their two hear this matter for the first time. 狂暴君王与血腥兽神神色凝重,他们两个第一次听说这件事。 Suye said: „The infinite plane will not make us grow with ease. The meaning of god of oak tree is, then, can we be ready for the unknown test?” 苏业道:“无限位面意志不会让我们轻松成长。橡树之神的意思是,接下来,我们要为未知的考验做好准备?” Yes, I felt, all our parties need further closely cooperate, establish the comprehensive cooperation on business, life, technical and military, the conformity resources, will form one to resist the strength of any test or disaster in the future.” The Shintoism of oak tree. “是的,我觉得,我们各方有必要进一步密切合作,建立商贸、生活、技术和军事上的全面合作,整合资源,形成一股在未来能对抗任何考验或灾难的力量。”橡树之神道。 I obey Su God.” berserk king hurried say/way. “我听从苏神的。”狂暴君王急忙道。 I am also.” Bloody beast god hurried say/way. “我也是。”血腥兽神急忙道。 Two gods look at each other, looks to Suye. 两神相视一眼,望向苏业 The god of oak tree is smiling the explanation: Su God does not need to consider thoroughly, I absolutely not the meaning of the Su gods fighting for power and profit, I always defend good attack bad, if we must establish allied armies, naturally and you are led by human. In fact, we know, the devil, Beastman, fairy or Giant Dragon, are inferior to human in the direction.” 橡树之神微笑着解释:“苏神不必多虑,我绝对没有与苏神争权夺利的意思,我向来善守不善攻,如果我们要建立一支联军,自然是由人类和您率领。实际上,我们都知道,无论是恶魔、兽人精灵还是巨龙,在指挥上都不如人类。” Dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein disgruntledly coldly snorted, but also can only cold snort/hum, Dragon Race independent combat the fearless any same ethnic group, but speaking of commanding army, the best way is obediently and honestly hear of orders. 红山脉不悦地冷哼一声,但也只能冷哼,龙族单打独斗无惧任何同等族群,但说到统领大军,最好的方式就是老老实实听命令。 What do you have to suggest?” Suye asked. “你有什么建议?”苏业问。 We establish the allied armies, not only for one time, for after that multiple tests. After all, the outside world ten years, this place hundred years, in the next 100 years, we will come across small disasters more than ten times and hundred years of catastrophe. Therefore, I believe, we in the initial display special skill, conform with all strength, waits to grow later, can develop the respective ethnic group.” “我们建立联军,不只为了一次,也为了其后的多次考验。毕竟,外界十年,此地百年,未来100年内,我们会遇到十几次小灾难和百年大灾难。所以,我认为,我们在初期发挥特长,整合各方力量,等后期成长起来,可以发展各自族群。” Suye nods to say gently: I approve.” 苏业轻轻点头道:“我赞同。” Looking at it like this, is quite good.” Dark green Red Mountain stringer. “这样看来,比较不错。”苍红山脉道。 But, this may be suffering God.” The god of oak tree said the most essential hindrance finally. “不过,这可能会委屈一些神灵。”橡树之神终于说出最关键的阻碍。 The berserk king said: „It is not suffering! I give up training six arm snake demons, gives up all my fondness, special training mind shadow demon, for what? For the common fate group that establishes Su God, making everyone spend place of World Creation millennium together, making our main body benefit! It is not suffering! You said that bloody beast god?” 狂暴君王却道:“不委屈!我放弃培养六臂蛇魔,放弃一切我的喜好,专门培养心灵影魔,为的是什么?为的就是建立苏神的命运共同体,让大家一起度过创世之地的千年时间,让我们的本体得到好处!不委屈!你说是不是,血腥兽神?” The bloody beast god puts on a long face, the nod said: I understood. I will coordinate Su God to develop, part of Beastman make the heavy physical strength to live specially, part of Beastman act as near body warrior to protect magician, last part of Beastman full-time Shaman, study increase class Witchcraft and treatment class Witchcraft.” 血腥兽神哭丧着脸,点头道:“我明白了。我会配合苏神发展,一部分兽人专门做重体力活,一部分兽人充当近身战士保护魔法师,最后一部分兽人专职萨满,研究增幅类巫术和治疗类巫术。” Very good.” Suye said. “很好。”苏业道。 The Shintoism of oak tree: My country, can train the most outstanding archer. Although Druid is good casting, but the battle strength is far away compared with magician, might as well transform as agricultural Druid completely, is mainly responsible for increasing production the crops and domestic animal. Naturally, the War old tree as the best defensive strength, must assign each region.” 橡树之神道:“我的国度,可以培养最优秀的弓箭手。德鲁伊虽然是不错的施法者,但战斗力比起魔法师相距甚远,不如全部转化为农业德鲁伊,主要负责增产农作物和牲畜。当然,战争古树身为最佳的防守力量,也应当分配到各地。” Gods nods gently, payout of god of oak tree is big, Druid is not the ordinary ethnic group, high rank Druid is not weak in Giant Dragon. 众神轻轻点头,橡树之神的付出不小,德鲁伊可不是普通的族群,高阶德鲁伊一点不弱于巨龙 Suye said: Thank shares the heavy physical strength to live, the pressure of farm work, archer and close combat, our human seemed like that only needed to train magician to be good, but in fact, our human needed to study year after year, can deliver the final achievement. The letter/believes people of four ethnic groups, feared the patience without learned/studied.” 苏业道:“感谢诸位分担了重体力活、农活、弓箭手和近战的压力,我们人类看似只需要培养魔法师就好,但实际上,我们人类需要长年累月地学习,才能产出最终的成果。诸位四个族群的信民,怕是没学习的耐心。” Helpless other God nod, is not the oneself ethnic group does not understand the learn/study, is the human learning capability is too fearful. 其余神灵无奈点头,不是自己族群不懂学习,是人类的学习能力太可怕。 Our Beastman rather mines spits blood tired, is not willing to sit there daily studies.” Helpless the bloody beast god said. “我们兽人宁可挖矿累吐血,也不愿意天天坐在那里读书。”血腥兽神无奈道。 Four God, simultaneously looks to the dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein. 四个神灵,齐齐望向苍红山脉。 The old Red Dragon gawked, does not know whether to laugh or cry, indeed four gods perform specially to oneself look. 老红龙愣了一下,哭笑不得,敢情四个神专门表演给自己看。 What do you want me to make?” Dark green Red Mountain stringer. “你们想要我做什么?”苍红山脉道。 This must invite Su Shenlai.” The god of oak tree instigated. “这个得请苏神来。”橡树之神怂了。 The berserk king and bloody beast god shrank the neck, oneself do not dare to take the advantage of high-rank god. 狂暴君王与血腥兽神缩了缩脖子,自己可不敢占上位神的便宜。 The Suye smile said: „The respect dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein, as far as I know, your main body may promote Main God.” 苏业微笑道:“尊敬的苍红山脉,据我所知,你的本体有可能晋升主神。” Dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein one hear, grumbles saying: You may not to mention! Our dragon Pantheon is very complex, is various Pantheon everything in disorder dragon gods spells to punch completely. The Red Dragon belonged to Persia's Ms. Long god Tiamat, but I was born in Egypt, Tiamat does not trust me, but Egypt dragon Godking Dragon of Ruin Apophis cannot take a liking to me. The Giant Dragon country Bai Jinlong Godking Bahamut did not feel relieved that I am the evil Red Dragon, Nordic Countries that several dragon gods am just about to raise Pantheon Dusk, even if wins over me, I cannot follow to bring death. I do not want to invest Hell or the abyss, finally, so many years, are willing to support my Godking, does not have. Without the Godking support, where on me looks for the promotion resources? I, was too bitter, is not easy......” 红山脉一听,大吐苦水道:“你可别提了!我们龙神系特别复杂,完全就是各神系乱七八糟的龙神拼揍起来的。红龙本来归属波斯的龙母神提亚玛特,但我在埃及出生,提亚玛特不信任我,而埃及的龙神王毁灭之龙阿波菲斯瞧不上我。巨龙国度的白金龙神王巴哈姆特不放心我是邪恶的红龙,北欧的那几条龙神正要掀起神系黄昏,就算拉拢我,我也不能跟着送死啊。我又不想投入地狱或深渊,结果,这么多年了,愿意支持我的神王,一个都没有。没有神王支持,我上哪儿找晋升资源?我啊,太苦了,太不容易了……”
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