WG :: Volume #2 Ancient Greece's Gourmet (斯巴达的角斗士)

#490: The spring of youth

I do not believe next pricelessly as before!” Alamo clenches jaws to say. “我不相信下一件依旧价值连城!”阿拉莫咬牙切齿道。 That Main Priest also nods, turns on the third box. 那位主祭司也点点头,打开第三个箱子。 divine rays soars to the heavens. 神光又又冲天。 This is curved white olive wood successively, under the white olive wood external skin, the one after another golden color blood vessel just like the living creature, can clearly see that the golden blood is flowing. 这是一根弯弯节节的白色橄榄木,白色橄榄木表皮下,一条条金色血管宛如活物,可以清晰地看到金色的血液在流动。 What is most terrifying is the above burl. 最恐怖的是上面的树瘤。 Entire ten burls! 整整十个树瘤! Ten olive wood. 十节橄榄木 Two Priest are dumb as a wooden chicken, this is Divine-Level olive wood! 两个祭司呆若木鸡,这是一根神级橄榄木 ordinary olive wood called magic transformation olive wood, but this, was divinization olive wood. 普通橄榄木魔化橄榄木,但这个,是神化橄榄木 Moreover obviously conducted the preliminary manufacture, obtained nourishing of divine power. 而且明显进行了初步制作,得到了神力的滋养。 Reward to Suye, are not only many, is not only expensive/noble, but also is very accurate. 苏业的奖励,不仅多,不仅贵,还无比精准。 divinization olive wood on Suye matter, if were known by outside world, does not know many Legendary Grandmaster will crash in Suye Family to be unruly the swaying back and forth brazen-faced and shameless hope to purchase. 神化橄榄木苏业手上的事要是被外界得知,不知道多少传奇大师会冲进苏业家撒泼打滚死皮赖脸希望购买。 Suye a little worried. 苏业有点犯愁了。 This divinization olive wood is the half-finished product, the light fog that therefore the altar arrives at shortly are not many. 神化橄榄木是半成品,所以祭坛之眼看到的光雾不多。 The real value of this thing, to oneself this magician, absolutely is hundred million levels. 这东西的实际价值,对自己这个魔法师来说,绝对是亿级的。 The entire world has not presented divinization ten olive wood. 全世界就没出现过神化的十节橄榄木 This is historical first. 这是历史上的第一件。 This ten olive wood do not know that must grow many for ten thousand years. 这种十节橄榄木不知道要成长多少万年。 The key is, olive wood strengthens magician, before even discovered, still by Gods, when the ordinary thing misses or destroys. 关键是,橄榄木是增强魔法师的,以前就算发现,也会被众神普通东西错过或毁灭。 However, Goddess of Wisdom Temple presents one unexpectedly. 但是,智慧女神殿竟然出现一根。 Although is the half-finished product, is unable directly to use, but value of this thing to magician was too high. 虽然是半成品,无法直接使用,可这东西对魔法师来说价值太高了。 Two Priest look at each other, finally yes, this treasure house not only connects regional treasure houses, goes nonstop to the God Realm treasure house! 两个祭司相视一眼,终于明白,这宝库不仅连通各地的宝库,也直通神界宝库! This obviously is Athena Goddess personally shifts from the God Realm treasure house! 这明显是雅典娜女神亲自神界宝库转移过来的! Two Priest surface like dying embers. 两个祭司面如死灰。 The people must throw! 人比人得扔! How this does later make oneself continue to hold the post of Priest? 这以后让自己怎么继续担任祭司 A ordinary person results in Main God so to spoil, oneself this Priest? 一个普通人得主神如此溺爱,自己这个祭司呢? Even the dog was inferior! 连狗都不如! Also made Priest live? 还让不让祭司活了? I did not have the strength, you helped me open the box together.” That Main Priest slowly turns on boxes. “我没力气了,你帮我一起开箱子吧。”那位主祭司慢慢打开一个又一个箱子。 Helpless Alamo helps. 阿拉莫无奈帮忙。 Finally, all boxes open completely. 最终,所有的箱子全部打开。 First three divine rays soar to the heavens, following also rays of light ripples. 前三个神光冲天,后面的也是都光芒荡漾。 Many treasures in following box make Legendary snatch sufficiently insanely, but two Priest are listless, both eyes are gloomy. 后面箱子里的许多宝物足以让传奇疯抢,可两个祭司却无精打采,双目暗淡。 equipment that three divine rays soar to the heavens subverted the three views of two people thoroughly, the following thing was unable to create any stimulation to them. 那三件神光冲天的装备彻底颠覆了两个人的三观,后面的东西已经无法对他们造成任何的刺激。 Suye is a little also ignorant, how in some boxes compared with good that oneself saw. 苏业也有点懵,怎么有些箱子里的比自己原本看到的还好。 Light fog these light/only fog, but the real value is higher. 光雾还是那些光雾,但实际价值更高。 Why can be this?” Suye asked in a low voice. “为什么会是这样?”苏业低声问。 Two Priest both eyes slightly red, wishes one could to choke to death Suye with the look. 两个祭司双目微红,恨不得用眼神掐死苏业 But later, two Priest looked mutually. 但随后,两个祭司相互看了看。 Alamo light cough, said: „The today matter, is too important, we will swear in front of Goddess, can not leak out. Otherwise, will initiate the infinite future trouble.” 阿拉莫轻一声,道:“今天的事,太重要,我们会在女神面前立誓,不得泄漏出去。不然的话,会引发无穷的后患。” „Was the present the secret?” Suye asked. “现在是秘密了?”苏业问。 Alamo is clenching teeth, in the gap between teeth slowly squeezes out an irritable intonation. 阿拉莫咬着牙,牙缝里慢慢挤出一个别扭的声调。 Yes!” “是!” Suye said: I felt, you were serious the matter. In fact, my these treasures add, compared does not upload to say the Titan god body.” 苏业道:“我觉得,你们把事情想严重了。实际上,我这些宝物加起来,也比不上传说中的泰坦神体。” Two Priest are also disinclined to restrain again, rolls the eyes to Suye together. 两个祭司再也懒得克制,一起对苏业翻白眼。 Hercules is the Zeus biological son, and has innate skill that extremely, becomes the god inevitably, in the future the position of be likely Impact Main God, your mortal to compare with him? 海格力斯宙斯的亲儿子,而且是极有天赋的那种,必然成神,将来有望冲击主神之位,你一个凡人能跟他比? Two people are suddenly silent. 两个人突然沉默。 Probably has compared one time, and won. 好像已经比过一次,而且赢了。 Ok, opened a box, took away.” “好了,开箱完毕,都拿走吧。” many thanks two Priest.” 多谢两位祭司。” Suye said, takes in Ring of Space all treasures. 苏业说完,把所有的宝物收进空间之戒 We walk.” Suye looks to Alamo. “我们走吧。”苏业看向阿拉莫。 Who?” “谁?” You.” “你。” I do not match.” “我不配。” I do not match!” “我也不配!” Two Priest in deadly earnest look at Suye. 两个祭司一本正经看着苏业 Suye does not know whether to laugh or cry. 苏业哭笑不得。 „Can you clinkering point? Matter has happened, do not intertwine at the matter, should track down the reason, the summary rule and ponder essence, does not have the significance not to have the value in view of me.” “你们俩能不能成熟点?事情已经发生,就别纠结于事情本身,应该追寻原因、总结规律、思考本质,针对我没有意义没有价值啊。” We know, but we do not think!” Did not say. “我们知道,但我们不想!”阿拉莫道。 Suye nods, said: Also may be is stimulated excessively, became silly.” 苏业点点头,道:“也有可能是被刺激过度,变傻了。” Alamo ill-humoredly white Suye. 阿拉莫没好气地白了苏业一眼。 Walks.” Helpless Alamo said. “走吧。”阿拉莫无奈道。 Afterward, two Priest in having God's Temple of Athena statue distribute the pledge, does not divulge the today matter, then Alamo accompanies Suye to leave. 随后,两个祭司在有雅典娜雕像的神殿发下誓言,不泄漏今天的事情,然后阿拉莫才陪着苏业离开。 Two troops car(riage)s lead the way shortly, behind broadcasts that Main Priest sound suddenly, later the carriage stops. 两人马车前行没多久,后面突然传来那位主祭司的声音,随后马车停下。 Suye and Alamo go down the carriage, the doubts look at that Main Priest. 苏业和阿拉莫走下马车,疑惑地看着那位主祭司 He puts out divine power item, covers three people, the look solemn and respectful say/way: Suye, great Goddess of Wisdom Athena got down oracle a moment ago.” 他拿出一件神力物品,笼罩三人,神色肃穆道:“苏业,刚才伟大的智慧女神雅典娜下了一道神谕。” Alamo straightens up the body immediately, lowers the head, the look is humble. 阿拉莫立刻挺直身体,同时低下头,神色谦卑。 Suye obediently and honestly is also studying lowering the head. 苏业老老实实学着低头。 So should not be serious, is not official oracle, without written texts. Goddess said, the Persia army will attack Greece in the near future, if you win the first in merit medal in the next campaign, God's Temple will grant you one drop ‚the spring of youth.” “别这么严肃,不是正式神谕,不立文字。女神说,波斯大军在不久的将来会进攻希腊,如果你在下一场战役中获得首功者勋章,神殿会赐予你一滴‘青春之泉’。” Alamo turns the head to look at Suye, is surprised and envies. 阿拉莫转头看着苏业,又惊讶又羡慕。 He thinks, today is impossible to have anything again shocking oneself, didn't expect, appeared. 他本以为,今天不可能有任何事再震惊自己,没想到,出现了。 Suye said: As far as I know, spring of the drop of youth can maintain hundred years of youth appearance , to continue to be equivalent to low-rank divine artifact, right?” 苏业却道:“据我所知,一滴青春之泉能让人保持百年青春容颜,继续相当于一件下位神器,对吧?” Right.” Two Priest said with one voice. “对。”两个祭司齐声道。 However a golden apple, can prolong life for hundred years, the value is also equivalent to low-rank divine artifact. spring of and is a golden apple value why drop of youth equal? Shouldn't be the value of golden apple is higher?” Suye asked. “而一个黄金苹果,能让人延寿百年,价值也相当于一件下位神器。那为什么一滴青春之泉和一个黄金苹果价值相等?不应该是黄金苹果的价值更高吗?”苏业问。 Two people actually cannot reply suddenly. 两个人一时间竟然回答不上来。 After a while, Alamo smiles saying: Suye, have you heard the legend of daybreak Goddess and cicada?” 过了一会儿,阿拉莫微笑道:“苏业,你听说过黎明女神与蝉的传说吗?” Suye gawked, has become aware faintly, ponder while said: This legend is very famous. The legend daybreak Goddess fell in love with a person named Titor Nourse, this person has the beautiful singing sound, two people live together happily. May look that Titor Nourse grade increases unceasingly, daybreak Goddess he will for fear that pass away, therefore requested Godking Zeus, for Titor Nourse conferred the title of God, Godking Zeus rejection. Afterward, daybreak Goddess backed off, hopes that Godking Zeus granted Titor Nourse forever undying, was the eternal life. Zeus these complied time.” 苏业愣了一下,隐隐有所悟,一边思考一边说:“这个传说很出名。传说黎明女神爱上了一个叫提托诺斯的人,这个人有着优美的歌声,两个人愉快地生活在一起。可看着提托诺斯年级不断变大,黎明女神生怕他会老死,于是请求神王宙斯,为提托诺斯封神,神王宙斯拒绝了。后来,黎明女神退而求其次,希望神王宙斯赐予提托诺斯永远不死,也就是永生。宙斯这一次答应了。” But, is after very long, the issue emerged, Titor Nourse obtained the eternal life, but actually unceasingly senile, the body more shrinks is smaller, is getting more and more weak, finally turns into a thumb size feeble old man, but cannot die as before. Senile Dino Tos did not have the beautiful beautiful singing sound, speaks hoarse coarse, finally, daybreak Goddess could not bear to suffer, left Titor Nourse. But Titor Nourse thinks that daybreak Goddess cannot hear the own sound, therefore neighed unceasingly, yelled unceasingly, and sought unceasingly, finally, turned into the cicada, all day kept calling.” “但是,很久之后,问题出现了,提托诺斯是获得了永生,但却不断衰老,身体越缩越小,也越来越弱,最后变成一个拇指大小的衰弱老人,但依旧死不了。衰老的提诺托斯没了优美动听的歌声,说起话来嘶哑难听,最终,黎明女神受不了折磨,离开了提托诺斯。而提托诺斯以为黎明女神听不到自己的声音,所以不断嘶鸣,不断叫喊,并不断寻找,最终,变成了蝉,整天叫个不停。” Suye said, has become aware. 苏业说完,已经有所悟。 Said that this legend, you should be able to understand why the youth can be equal to the eternal life?” Alamo asked. “说完这个传说,你应该能明白青春为何能与永生等价了吧?”阿拉莫问。 Suye nods, said: „, I was indeed young, neglected the function of youth. Looking at it like this, spring of and a golden apple drop of youth, is indeed equal. However, this legend real?” 苏业点点头,道:“的确,我还年轻,忽视了青春的作用。这样看来,一滴青春之泉和一颗黄金苹果,的确是等价的。不过,这个传说是真的吗?” Alamo shrugs, said: Matter is very unreasonable, inevitably not all real. But since has this legend, that explained that has the reason. Naturally, possibly was Homer or Hesiod made up a story casually, who knew. In brief, you then must try hard. The spring of youth, even if you do not use, can open Great Sacrificial Offering or trades the treasure.” 阿拉莫耸耸肩,道:“事情很不合理,必然不全是真的。但既然有这个传说,那就说明有原因。当然,也可能是荷马赫西俄德随便编了个故事,谁知道呢。总之,你接下来要努力了。青春之泉,哪怕你不用,也可以开启大献祭或换宝物。” Suye the face was saying immediately painstakingly: I do not want...... cough cough, I not to go all out with Persian again.” 苏业顿时苦着脸道:“我不想再……,我不想跟波斯人拼命。” You can use spring of Huan a golden apple this drop of youth.” Alamo blinks. “你可以用这滴青春之泉换一个黄金苹果。”阿拉莫眨了眨眼睛。 Kills off Persian!” Suye both eyes none twinkle. “杀光波斯人!”苏业双目精光闪烁。 This was right! Walks, our day has not eaten meal.” Did not say. “这就对了!走吧,我们俩一天没吃饭了。”阿拉莫道。 Two people said good-bye Goddess of Wisdom Temple Main Priest, sat again boards the carriage. 两个人辞别智慧女神殿主祭司,再次坐上马车。 All the way, Alamo is either silent does not say, either kept sighing. 一路上,阿拉莫要么沉默不言,要么长吁短叹。 Regardless of Suye said anything, when Alamo has not heard. 苏业无论说什么,阿拉莫就当没听到。 The carriage stops, Suye said: I must walk, after our meets next time probably needs to be very long, don't you say what?” 马车停下,苏业道:“我要走了,我们下一次相见可能需要很久之后,你不说点什么?” Alamo shakes the head, thin thread of meat that the light golden short hair rocks probably, both eyes just like the mire. 阿拉莫摇了摇头,浅金色的短发像是晃动的肉松,双目犹如泥潭。 I really walked.” Suye said that sets out. “那我真的走了。”苏业说完起身。 Opposite Alamo directly Suye according to chair. 对面的阿拉莫直接把苏业按在椅子上。 He double is hand-held the shoulder of Suye, is staring at the eyes of Suye. 他双手扶着苏业的肩膀,盯着苏业的双眼。 I currently have a life big question.” “我现在有一个人生大疑问。” What question?” “什么疑问?” „Do I have the necessity to go on living?” “我还有必要活下去吗?” Has.” “有。” Why?” “为什么?” Has existence of Aristotle, haven't you been used to it?” “有亚里士多德的存在,你不已经习惯了吗?” Has not waited for Alamo to respond, Suye turns around to run down the carriage. 没等阿拉莫反应过来,苏业转身跑下马车。 Suye, you die!” Alamo's roaring sound has fluttered seven blocks. 苏业,你去死吧!”阿拉莫的咆哮声足足飘过七个街区。 Delayed in God's Temple was too long, at this time is at night, Suye returned to the oneself room speedily. 神殿耽误了太久,这时候已经是黑夜,苏业一溜烟回到自己屋里。 Then, must make one of the life most joyful things. 接下来,要做人生最快乐的事情之一。 Guards the door well!” “好好看门!” Suye said to Wang Dachui and Di Aotian, enters Ruins Space. 苏业王大锤地傲天说完,进入废墟空间 Looks at plentiful harvest everywhere, Suye has an intense not third dimension. 看着满地的丰硕收获,苏业有种强烈的不真实感。 Like dream. 像梦中。 But truly real. 可确实是真的。 Had been remembered by Main God in any case, how loves how the place, first strength...... 反正已经被主神记住了,爱咋咋地,先增强实力…… The Suye sudden look changes. 苏业突然神色微变。 Is it possible that Athena is so good to oneself , because discovered that oneself does place the dangerous situation? Is helping the oneself strength? 莫非,雅典娜之所以对自己这么好,是因为发现自己身处险境?在帮自己增强实力? Silent for a long time, the Suye vision moves toward the altar firmly. 沉默许久,苏业目光坚定地走向祭坛。 Before the altar, opens Magic Book, combs recent innate skill, and one by one filling. 在祭坛前,打开魔法书,梳理最近的天赋,并一一填写。 Including horse racing king three divine bestowal innate skill, respectively is light attribute innate skill that Apollo grants: Dazzling, Earth Attribute innate skill of Athena words and expressions: quicksand, as well as herd god Pan Ciyu natural innate skill: Naturally breath. 包括赛马王的三个神赐天赋,分别是阿波罗赐予的光系天赋:刺目,雅典娜词语的地系天赋:流沙,以及牧神潘词语的自然天赋:自然呼吸。 Finally, obtains divine bestowal 26 times, there are 25 innate skill or bloodlines, one glass of Divine-Level wines. 最终,得到26次神赐,有25个天赋或血脉,一杯神级葡萄酒。 If counted André 4, these days time, obtained 29 extra innate skill or the bloodlines fully. 如果算上安德列的四个,这几天的时间,整整得到29个额外天赋或血脉。 Even if past Hercules, could not achieve. 哪怕当年的海格力斯,也达不到。 Suye suspected, oneself is historically first obtains so many divine bestowal innate skill person in such a short time. 苏业怀疑,自己是历史上第一个在如此短的时间内得到如此多神赐天赋的人。
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