WDDE :: Volume #9

#863: cultivation rises dramatically! The energy of ultra Sub-King!

The ninth mystical place! 第九层秘境! If as expected, were Lan Ling this time final level mystical place smelting trial. 如果不出意外的话,就是兰陵这一次的最后一层秘境试炼了。 According to the time of Demon Prison mystical place, he stayed here 550 days of time, converts the reality the time , had almost 55 days. 按照魔狱秘境的时间,他已经在这里足足呆了550天时间了,换算成现实的时间,也差不多有55天了。 He before and Demon Prison superintendent has said that wants to break through Sub-King in three months, now only then 35 days, have converted into the time of Demon Prison mystical place, about one year. 他之前和魔狱管理者说过,想要在三个月突破亚王,如今只有35天了,换算成为魔狱秘境的时间,还有一年左右。 The eighth mystical place smelting trial, Lan Ling has consumed six months. 第八层秘境试炼,兰陵足足耗费了半年时间。 But ninth, if not out of the anticipation, should be difficultly most difficult. 而第九层,如果不出意料的话,应该是最难最难的一层吧。 Deeply takes a breath, Lan Ling has walked into the energy light screen, entered the ninth mystical place. 深深吸一口气,兰陵走入了能量光幕,进入了第九层秘境。 Just entered, immediately thought oneself almost could not open both eyes. 刚刚进入,顿时觉得自己几乎睁不开双眼。 Because here everywhere is the glare! 因为这里到处都是强光! Sun of space as if appears especially near, especially big, shines above the earth. 天上的太阳仿佛显得尤其的近,尤其的大,照射在大地之上。 The trim earth, does not have a thing in the world except for Crystal Stone. Able to move unhindered hundred miles, are Crystal Stone. 整片大地,除了晶石一无所有。纵横百里,都是晶石 Limitless Crystal Stone smooth like mirror, or is just the same as Jingzi(Mirror), the entire earth as if has mounted huge Jingzi(Mirror) of hundred miles length and breadth. 无边无际的晶石光滑如镜,或者说就和镜子一模一样,整个大地就仿佛镶嵌了一片百里长宽的巨大镜子 The intense sunlight shines in the Crystal Stone mirror surface, the ray of that reflection can be imagined. 强烈的太阳光照耀晶石镜面上,那反射的光芒可想而知。 This is a real world, Lan Ling even is not similarly able to imagine, actually such environment how has formed, is too magnificent, is mystical, was too strange. 这同样是一个真实的世界,兰陵甚至无法想象,这样的环境究竟是怎么形成了,太华丽,也神秘,也太诡异了。 Enough some little time, Lan Ling is unable to adapt to this fearful glare. 足足好一会儿,兰陵还是无法适应这可怕的强光。 Moreover this mystical place, besides huge Crystal Stone Jingzi(Mirror), anything does not have at the same time. 而且这一层秘境,除了一面巨大的晶石镜子之外,什么都没有。 Therefore Lan Ling starts the illusion, what energy monster beast will this pass/test present? 于是兰陵开始幻象,这一关会出现什么能量妖兽? The first thought that he has remembered many strange movies on Earth, the live person hauled in the Jingzi(Mirror) world, is unable to come out thoroughly. 第一个念头,他就想起了地球上的很多灵异电影,活人被拉进了镜子的世界之内,然后彻底无法出来。 Moreover initial Demon King Jing Zi, dragged into the souls of countless person Jingzi(Mirror), became his Spirit slave. 而且当初的镜子魔王,就是把无数人的灵魂拉入镜子之内,成为他的精神奴隶的。 However, Lan Ling has as if thought mistakenly, he has not entered in Jingzi(Mirror). 然而,兰陵仿佛想错了,他没有进入镜子之内。 He proceeds alone, proceeds, proceeds... 他孤零零地往前走,往前走,往前走… The inverted image in Jingzi(Mirror), proceeds alone. 镜子中的倒影,也孤零零地往前走。 Walked tens of thousands meters, has not seen any energy monster beast. Moreover does not have any bad natural environment, besides the solar reflected light too glaring, this mystical place almost does not have any illness. 足足走了几万米,没有见到任何能量妖兽。而且也没有任何恶劣的自然环境,除了太阳反射光太晃眼之外,这一层秘境几乎没有任何之不适。 But at this time... 而就在这个时候… Whiz...” “嗖…” In the air, one group of light shadow start to condense, condense... 空气中,一团光影开始凝聚,凝聚… Finally, condenses became one group of thick shadows. 最后,凝聚成为了一团浓浓的黑影。 Bang...” “轰…” This shadow lightning has flown generally, passes through from the body of Lan Ling directly. 这个黑影闪电一般飞过,直接从兰陵的身体穿过。 ...” Lan Ling body ice-cold, fierce was struck fiercely. “噗…”兰陵身体猛地一阵冰冷,受到了凶猛一击。 Demon Saint energy attack of Nine Star level! 九星级的魔圣能量攻击! After the body of Lan Ling, this group of shadows from the sky condensed again, have formed a human form of distortion. Without eye, without mouth, only then approximate human form outline. 穿过兰陵的身体后,这团黑影再一次在空中凝聚,形成了一个扭曲的人形。没有眼睛,没有嘴巴,就只有大致的人形轮廓。 Shadow Demon ?! 影魔?! Lan Ling gave a name to this brand-new energy monster beast. 兰陵给这个全新的能量妖兽取了一个名字。 This Shadow Demon float in airborne, seems grinning fiendishly to Lan Ling! 这个影魔漂浮在空中,仿佛在对着兰陵狞笑! Bang...” Lan Ling explodes projects together the energy attack, Netherworld Sword ! “轰…”兰陵爆射出一道能量攻击,幽冥剑 Instantaneous, this Shadow Demon was crushed, meets a cruel death! 瞬间,这个影魔被击碎,粉身碎骨! However the next second it starts to condense, but is not one, but is two Shadow Demon . Before Shadow Demon time is Nine Star level Demon Saint, now splits into two, unexpectedly is also Nine Star level Demon Saint! 但是下一秒钟它又开始凝聚,但不是一个,而是两个影魔。之前一个影魔的时候是九星魔圣,现在分裂成为两个,竟然还都是九星魔圣 Whiz whiz whiz whiz...” “嗖嗖嗖嗖…” These two Shadow Demon are similar to lightning generally has flown. 这两个影魔又如同闪电一般飞过。 The speed drew near pinnacle, was over dozens times of Lan Ling traveling speed to continue, definitely is unable to move aside. 速度快到了极致,超过了兰陵移动速度的几十倍不止,完全无法躲闪。 Lan Ling was penetrated again, but these time was penetrated by two Shadow Demon . 兰陵再一次被穿透,只不过这一次被两个影魔穿透。 The entire body is thoroughly icy cold, cannot bear again, a blood spouts. 整个身体彻底冰凉,再也忍不住,一口鲜血喷出。 Strange appeared... 紧接着,诡异的一幕出现了… The blood that he spits wriggles in the Crystal Stone ground, after short moment, was decomposed into the innumerable black energies by the glare, then these black energies condense again, became brand-new Shadow Demon . 他吐出来的血在晶石地面上蠕动,短短片刻后被强光分解成为无数的黑色能量,然后这些黑色能量再一次凝聚,成为了一个全新的影魔 Three Shadow Demon , moreover completely is Nine Star level Demon Saint. 三个影魔了,而且全部都是九星魔圣 Lan Ling releases Puppet Technique , tries to control three Shadow Demon to kill one another. 兰陵释放傀儡术,试图控制三只影魔自相残杀。 However... 然而… Three Shadow Demon have not killed one another, instead split again, turned into six Shadow Demon , moreover completely was Nine Star Demon Saint, was just the same as Lan Ling cultivation. 三只影魔没有自相残杀,反而再一次分裂,变成了六只影魔,而且全部都是九星魔圣,和兰陵修为一模一样。 Netherworld Sword is useless, Puppet Technique is also useless. 幽冥剑没有用,傀儡术也没有用。 Lan Ling released Hell Lightning , naturally by small Hell Lightning that own cultivation erupted, was not the strength of summon world. 兰陵释放出了地狱闪电,当然是靠自身修为爆发出的小型地狱闪电,不是召唤天地之力。 According to the beforehand common sense, Hell Lightning almost can penetrate all energy defenses. 按照之前的常理,地狱闪电几乎能够穿透一切能量防御。 However, the tragedy happened again. 然而,悲剧再一次发生了。 Hell Lightning strokes on six Shadow Demon , splits instantaneously became 12, moreover completely is Nine Star level Demon Saint. 地狱闪电击打在六只影魔上,瞬间分裂成为了12只,而且全部都是九星魔圣 Hell Solidifying Body Technique! 地狱凝身术 Lan Ling has displayed High Level Spirit Technique, tries to decide the body all Shadow Demon . 兰陵施展了高级精神术,试图将所有的影魔定身。 However tragedy... 然而又悲剧了… 12 Shadow Demon split again, turned into 24. 12只影魔再一次分裂,变成了24只。 Lan Ling was really insane... 兰陵真的要疯了… Then, he has exhausted all attack style, the ordinary energy attack, the Sword Light attack, the Fist Light attack, the flame attack, the cold ice attack, with Spiritual Manipulation Crying Crow Sword , the release attacks! 接下来,他用尽了所有的攻击方式,普通的能量攻击,剑芒攻击,拳芒攻击,火焰攻击,寒冰攻击,用精神控制乌啼剑,释放攻击! However... 然而… Is absolutely useless, makes the inadequate any injury to these Shadow Demon . 完全没有用,对这些影魔造不成任何伤害。 Because these Shadow Demon do not have the eye, does not have the heart, does not have the veins, even does not have the brain territory. It is one group of shadows, the shadow of creeping motion, fearless any attack. 因为这些影魔没有眼睛,没有心脏,没有筋脉,甚至没有脑域。它就是一团黑影,蠕动的黑影,无惧任何攻击。 After the Lan Ling first even/including flees the crazy attack, the Shadow Demon quantity time and time again splits, at this time already enough 256 Shadow Demon . 经过兰陵一连窜疯狂的攻击后,影魔数量一次又一次分裂,此时已经足足256名影魔了。 Each Shadow Demon , as before is Nine Star level Demon Saint. 每一个影魔,依旧是九星魔圣 256 Shadow Demon , surround Lan Ling all round. As if all Shadow Demon are grinning fiendishly, although cannot send out any form, but they twist the shadow that shivers, seems grinning fiendishly. 256个影魔,将兰陵团团包围。仿佛所有影魔都在狞笑,尽管发不出任何身影,但是它们扭曲颤抖的黑影,仿佛在狞笑。 The attack of Shadow Demon must start! 影魔的攻击要开始了! Its attack style only then one, is the entire shadow across the body of Lan Ling. 它的攻击方式只有一个,就是整个黑影穿过兰陵的身体。 Such simple attack, the Lan Ling not any law of resisting. Moreover Starry Sky Armor , definitely is unable to resist their shadow penetrations. 就这么简单的攻击,兰陵没有任何抵挡之法。而且星空铠甲,完全无法抵挡它们的黑影穿透。 This strange Shadow Demon , completely is really invincible! 这诡异的影魔,真的完全是无敌的! Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz...” “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖…” Shadow Demon , the lightning charges into Lan Ling generally, again penetrates his body. 一个又一个影魔,闪电一般冲向兰陵,再一次穿透他的躯体。 „.........” “啊…啊…啊…” Lan Ling is brandishing Crying Crow Sword , chops to chop crazily. 兰陵挥舞着乌啼剑,疯狂地劈砍。 The ease can crush Shadow Demon , however crushing Shadow Demon or Shadow Demon , they penetrate the body of Lan Ling in the same old way. 轻而易举就可以将一个影魔击碎,但是击碎的影魔还是影魔,它们照样穿透兰陵的身体。 Moreover after each time was crushed, starts the fission, turns into two, two turn into four. 而且每一次被击碎之后,又开始裂变,一个变成两个,两个变成四个。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz...” “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖…” Several hundred Shadow Demon attack Lan Ling crazily! 几百个影魔疯狂地攻击兰陵 Lan Ling wields Crying Crow Sword , chops to chop crazily. 兰陵挥动乌啼剑,疯狂地劈砍。 Several, dozens, over a hundred Shadow Demon penetrate the body of Lan Ling. 十几个,几十个,上百个影魔穿透兰陵的身体。 Lan Ling spits blood, body ice-cold, passes out. 兰陵吐血,身体冰冷,失去知觉。 139 th Shadow Demon penetrates Lan Ling time, finally makes him meet a cruel death... 第139个影魔穿透兰陵的时候,终于让他粉身碎骨… Bang!” The body of Lan Ling disrupts thoroughly, vanishes in a puff of smoke, only leaves behind the soul light shadow. “轰!”兰陵的身体彻底碎裂,灰飞烟灭,只留下灵魂光影。 No, no, no, not...” Lan Ling rave! “不,不,不,不…”兰陵狂吼! In the past in nearly two years of smelting trial, Lan Ling has grasped a bottom line, absolutely from exploding, did not meet a cruel death absolutely. 过去近两年的试炼中,兰陵一直秉持一条底线,绝对不自爆,绝对不粉身碎骨。 But this time, he met a cruel death. 而这一次,他粉身碎骨了。 This means, his cultivation has drawn back First Level . 这就意味着,他修为退了一级 Fell Eight Star level Demon Saint from Nine Star level Demon Saint. 九星魔圣跌回了八星魔圣 No, no, not...” Lan Ling explodes the roar. “不,不,不…”兰陵爆吼。 But at this time, the Shadow Demon quantity rose 500. 而此时,影魔的数量已经上升了500个。 When Lan Ling meets a cruel death, only remaining energy light shadow time, all Shadow Demon stopped, surrounds Lan Ling, does not attack. 兰陵粉身碎骨,只剩下能量光影的时候,所有的影魔就停止了,就只是包围兰陵,不进行攻击。 But the Lan Ling soul light shadow is unable to launch any attack, cannot leave, because was surrounded watertight by 500 Shadow Demon . 兰陵的灵魂光影无法发动任何攻击,也不能离开,因为被500个影魔包围得水泄不通。 After meeting a cruel death, the Lan Ling Golden Bloodline automatic release energy, reorganizes the body of Lan Ling. 粉身碎骨之后,兰陵黄金血脉自动释放能量,重组兰陵的躯体。 Enough after several days several nights, Lan Ling fully recovers, but cultivation degenerated into Eight Star level Demon Saint. 足足几天几夜后,兰陵的身体完全恢复,但是修为已经沦为八星魔圣了。 In instance that his recovers, attack that all Shadow Demon launch again. 在他身体恢复的瞬间,所有的影魔再一次发动的攻击。 But Lan Ling counter-attacks again, again crazily fights. 兰陵再一次反击,再一次疯狂战斗。 However, he has tried all attacks, does not help matters completely. 然而,他尝试过了所有的攻击,完全无济于事。 Lan Ling meets a cruel death again, cultivation drops to Seven Star level Demon Saint. But the Shadow Demon quantity, increased to 700. 兰陵再一次粉身碎骨,修为下降到七星魔圣。而影魔的数量,增加到了700个。 On this nearly desperate fight! 就这样近乎绝望的战斗者! Enough 200 days passed by... 足足200天过去了… Lan Ling meets a cruel death time and time again, will restore to convalesce time and time again, was crushed by innumerable Shadow Demon again. 兰陵一次又一次地粉身碎骨,一次又一次会恢复痊愈,然后再一次被无数影魔击碎。 His cultivation drops unceasingly, drops, drops... 他的修为不断地下降,下降,下降… Nine Star level Demon Saint, Eight Star level Demon Saint, Seven Star level Demon Saint... 九星魔圣,八星魔圣,七星魔圣 Finally, broke Demon Saint directly! 最后,直接跌破了魔圣 Right, breaks Demon Saint directly, returned Peak Level Demon Venerable! 没错,直接跌破魔圣,重新回到了巅峰级魔尊 These 200 days of fights, Lan Ling any harvest, cultivation has not fallen Demon Venerable, just entered the Demon Prison mystical place cultivation time is smaller and weaker. 这200天的战斗,兰陵没有任何收获,修为跌回了魔尊,比刚刚进入魔狱秘境修炼的时候还要弱小。 But the Shadow Demon quantity, has achieved 5000. 影魔的数量,已经达到了5000个。 Right, astonishing 5000. 没错,惊人的5000个。 5000 Shadow Demon , dense and numerous, Lan Ling surrounding in central, carries on extremely tragic surrounding to him. 5000个影魔,密密麻麻,将兰陵包围在中央,对他进行惨绝人寰的围观。 Really is the final level smelting trial! 果然是最后一层试炼! Simply desperate, making people crazy! 简直让人绝望,让人疯狂! The attack not only cannot eliminate the enemy, instead makes the enemy increase unceasingly. 攻击非但不能消灭敌人,反而让敌人不断地增加。 It can be said that if Lan Ling is not a lunatic, he already collapsed. 可以说,如果兰陵不是一个疯子,他早就崩溃了。 Facing this desperate war, fell the Demon Venerable level facing cultivation. Changes into other people, already collapsed, already committed suicide. 面对这种绝望的战局,面对修为跌回了魔尊级。换成其他人,真的早就崩溃,早就自杀了。 But Lan Ling instead calms down! 兰陵反而冷静下来! After breaking Demon Venerable, he does not have anything to lose again. 跌破了魔尊之后,他再也没有什么可以失去的了。 But this time, Crying Crow Sword has not played any role, its mystery as if thoroughly vanished. 而这一次,乌啼剑没有发挥任何作用,它的神奇仿佛彻底消失了。 After breaking Demon Venerable, has not restored his body while Golden Bloodline, Lan Ling has handled a matter. 跌破魔尊之后,趁着黄金血脉还没有恢复他的躯体,兰陵做了一件事情。 Its soul light shadow, has drilled into Crying Crow Sword fiercely! 它的灵魂光影,猛地钻入了乌啼剑内! After once because he meets a cruel death, Golden Bloodline will certainly make his body condensation restore, this is unable to prevent. 因为一旦他粉身碎骨之后,黄金血脉一定会让他身体凝聚恢复,这是无法阻止的。 If continues, Lan Ling will meet a cruel death unceasingly, finally cultivation vanishes thoroughly, turns into an average person, with Lan Ling exactly the same small and weak of Earth, died finally thoroughly. 如果继续下去的话,兰陵会不断粉身碎骨,最后修为彻底消失,变成一个普通人,和地球兰陵一模一样的弱小,最后彻底死去。 Therefore, he prevented this fearful aspect, the soul to drill into Crying Crow Sword . 所以,他阻止了这种可怕的局面,灵魂钻入了乌啼剑内。 He merely is only the attempt, he does not know that Crying Crow Sword can put own soul light shadow. Actually showed that Ok! 他仅仅只是尝试,他根本不知道乌啼剑能不能盛放自己的灵魂光影。实际证明,可以! ... The Lan Ling soul hides in Crying Crow Sword , started contemplation! 兰陵的灵魂躲进乌啼剑内,开始了冥想! The ninth mystical place smelting trial, cannot come absolutely forcefully, can only take by strategy! 第九层秘境试炼,绝对不可以强行来,只能智取! What thing is Shadow Demon ? 影魔是什么东西? Is only the shadow, moreover very possible is Lan Ling own shadow. 就只是影子而已,而且很可能是兰陵自己的影子。 The shadow is impossible to be killed, it does not dread any attack. In the ninth mystical place special energy environment, the shadow had the life, became the fearful non-solution energy lifeform. Once were attacked, automatically splits the duplication. 影子是不可能被杀死的,它不畏惧任何攻击。在第九层秘境这个特殊的能量环境内,影子拥有了生命,成为了可怕无解的能量生物。而且一旦受到攻击,就自动分裂复制。 How then should eliminate the shadow? 那么该如何消灭影子? The attack is impossible, any attack is impossible to injure the shadow. 攻击是不可能的,任何攻击都不可能伤害影子。 Recalled how in the reality to eliminate the shadow? 回想现实中如何消灭影子? Very simple, overlaps with another shadow, covers with another shadow. Then the beforehand shadow will vanish, will be swallowed. 很简单,用另外一个影子去重叠,用另外一个影子去遮挡。那么之前的影子就会消失了,就会被吞噬了。 Only can with the shadow fight Shadow Demon ! 只能用影子去战斗影魔 Then, the war perhaps became simple. 如此一来,战局或许就变得简单了。 When the Lan Ling body condenses again restores, under the illumination of glare, will certainly have a shadow. Before Shadow Demon launches the attack, he invests in oneself soul oneself shadow. Then controls own shadow to fight, swallows these Shadow Demon . 兰陵的身躯再一次凝聚恢复的时候,在强光的照射下,一定会有一个影子。在影魔发动攻击之前,他把自己的灵魂投入自己的影子里面。然后控制着自己的影子去战斗,去吞噬这些影魔 In Real World, Lan Ling is impossible to project in own shadow the soul. However in the ninth mystical place, because here has the extremely mysterious strange energy environment. 现实世界中,兰陵是不可能把灵魂投射进自己的影子之内的。但是在第九层秘境中就可以,因为这里拥有极度神秘诡异的能量环境。 Right, this! 对,就这样做! ... After having decided the tactic! 决定了战术之后! The Lan Ling soul departs from Crying Crow Sword immediately, Golden Bloodline condenses for him immediately restores the body. 兰陵的灵魂立刻从乌啼剑飞出,黄金血脉立刻为他凝聚恢复身躯。 After ten days ten nights, the Lan Ling body restored again! 十天十夜后,兰陵的身躯再一次恢复了! Really, under the illumination of glare, his shadow projects in the ground. 果然,在强光的照射下,他的影子投射在地面上。 Before Shadow Demon launches the attack, Lan Ling soul leave the body, pours into itself immediately in the shadow of ground! 影魔发动攻击之前,兰陵立刻灵魂出窍,注入自己在地面的影子之内! ...” “呼…” He succeeded! 他成功了! The Lan Ling soul entered own shadow, then his body is motionless, can actually control the shadow to move. 兰陵的灵魂进入了自己的影子,然后他的身体不动,却可以控制着影子移动。 Since his shadow flies from the ground, turned into brand-new Shadow Demon . 他的影子从地面上飞起,变成了一个全新的影魔 The Lan Ling shadow starts to the innumerable Shadow Demon fights. 兰陵的影子开始对着无数的影魔战斗。 Innumerable Shadow Demon attack it crazily... 无数的影魔疯狂攻击它… Their attack style, as before so pure, is the direct penetration tactic. 它们的攻击方式,依旧是如此的单纯,还是直接穿透战术。 However, these Shadow Demon penetrate the Lan Ling shadow time vanished directly, superposed with the Lan Ling shadow directly. 但是,这些影魔穿透兰陵影子的时候直接消失了,直接和兰陵的影子重合了。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz...” “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖…” Lan Ling is controlling own shadow, penetrates these Shadow Demon with the quickest speed, swallows these Shadow Demon . 兰陵控制着自己的影子,用最快的速度去穿透这些影魔,去吞噬这些影魔 Similar to the gluttonous snake is ordinary, the Lan Ling shadow swallows these Shadow Demon crazily. 就如同贪吃蛇一般,兰陵的影子疯狂地吞噬这些影魔 Shadow Demon in mystical place, fast reduces. 秘境之内的影魔,飞快地减少。 Swallows 100, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000... 吞噬100个,300个,500个,1000个,3000个,5000个… After half double-hour! 半个时辰后! 5000 Shadow Demon vanished, remaining! 5000个影魔消失了,就剩下一个! Incomparably incomparably huge Shadow Demon , previous kilometer huge Shadow Demon . 一个无比无比巨大的影魔,上千米巨大的影魔 This Shadow Demon , is the shadow of Lan Ling soul control, is he. 这个影魔,就是兰陵灵魂控制的影子,就是他自己。 Shadow Demon of this Lan Ling, has swallowed the energies of 5000 Nine Star Demon Saint, incomparable astonishment! 这个兰陵影魔,足足吞噬了5000个九星魔圣之能量,无比之惊人! Finally, must turn over to the body! 最后,就要归体了! Whiz...” “嗖…” Lan Ling controls this incomparably huge Shadow Demon , UU is reading www.uukanshu.net to drill into Lan Ling within the body fiercely. 兰陵控制着这个无比巨大的影魔,UU看书www.uukanshu.net猛地钻入兰陵的体内。 Whiz...” “嗖…” Lan Ling felt that the body as if unceasingly inflates. 兰陵感觉到身体仿佛不断地膨胀。 His cultivation, almost rises suddenly crazily. 他的修为,几乎是疯狂地暴涨。 Before broke Demon Venerable, but at this time fast returned to Demon Saint, One Star level Demon Saint, Two Star level Demon Saint... 之前跌破了魔尊,而此时飞快地回到了魔圣,一星魔圣,二星魔圣 Nine Star level Demon Saint... Peak Level Demon Saint... 九星魔圣巅峰级魔圣 Broke through peak Demon Saint, but also has many energies! 已经突破巅峰魔圣了,但还有许多的能量! Demon Star said: Master, the energy of your within the body far ultra Sub-King Level, has needed merely only an energy factor to detonate instantaneously, rises dramatically Sub-King!” 妖星道:“主人,您体内的能量已经远超亚王级,仅仅只需要一个能量因子就能瞬间引爆,飚升到亚王!” ... Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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