WDDE :: Volume #9

#801: Princess Naxue sees Lan Ling!

As soon as this manifesto ended, the audience dies the general silencing, all people are hard to conceal the astonishment in eye. 这个宣言一结束,全场死一般的静寂,所有人都难以掩饰眼中的诧愕。 Can the people also shameless to this situation? 人还可以无耻到这个地步? Because has used the wrong map? 因为使用了错误的地图? Excuse me, ten three Chong Luo in the north side, approach Tian Sha Clan, but Fire Demon Mountain in the south, approaches the monster clan territory, distance at least over more than 10,000 miles of these two places. 拜托,十三重楼在北边,靠近天剎族,而火魔山在最南边,靠近妖族领地,这两地的距离起码超过10000多里了啊。 Even if the wrong map, the error surpassed a thousand li (500 km) to be great. You not only the error surpasses 14,000 thousand li (500 km), but also the north-south direction made a mistake. 就算是错误地图,误差超过一千里了不起了。你不但误差超过14000千里,而且南北方向都错了。 Talked nonsense must be slightly more reasonable, do not close one's eyes to talk nonsense, bullied us not to study? 胡说八道也要稍稍靠谱一些,别闭着眼睛瞎说啊,欺负我们没有读过书吗? Before saw that Fire Demon Mountain cancelled from the world, Venerable Huo Mo has not spat blood. But these time hears the Flame Demon Empire release conference, mouth gushed out the bloody foam. 之前看到火魔山从世界上抹去了,火魔尊者没有吐血。而这一次听到炎魔帝国的发布会,嘴里阵的涌出了血沫子。 Because, he broke by biting the gum. Goes too far, goes too far. 因为,他把牙龈咬破了。欺人太甚,欺人太甚啊。 The countless words can only turn into a few words, Lan Ling, **** your mother, **** your entire family. 千言万语真的只能化成一句话,兰陵,****你妈,****你全家。 You said that must extinguish ten three Chong Luo, finally destroys completely my Fire Demon Mountain, uses such incredible reason unexpectedly, but also compensates my ten ten thousand gold coins? 你说要灭十三重楼的,结果灭掉我火魔山,竟然还用这么荒诞的理由,还赔偿我十万金币 I...... I **** mother. 我……我****母亲。 Crossed some little time, below had not responded. 足足过了好一会儿,下面都没有反应。 Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: Below inquires the link, altogether three issues, moreover I have the right not to reply.” 小罗刹王唐人道:“下面是提问环节,总共有三个问题,而且我也有权不回答。” What acrobatics does this have is? 这有是什么把戏? All people are looking at Tang Ren amazed. 所有人惊诧地望着唐人 The Tian Sha Clan Princess Di Ning brain Pegasus starry sky, study does not meet raises the hand saying: „, Do you also extinguish ten three Chong Luo? When extinguishes, can look on?” 天剎族帝凝公主脑子天马星空,不学自会地举起手道:“请问,那你们还灭十三重楼吗?什么时候灭,可以旁观吗?” These words asked the aspirations of many observer. 这句话问出了很多旁观者的心声了。 From the Fire Demon Mountain ruins, then destruction was obviously magnificent, shocked, simply is the eternity marvelous sight. If comes one time again, that is really feasting one's eyes on. 火魔山的遗址来看,可见当时的毁灭非常壮观,非常震撼,简直是千古奇观啊。如果再来一次的话,那真是的一饱眼福啊。 Only the Venerable Chong Lou vision was similar to must kill people looks generally to Princess Di Ning, Di Ning I **** did mother, your Tian Sha Clan watch the fun does not dislike the matter greatly? 只有重楼尊者目光如同要杀人一般望向了帝凝公主,帝凝我****娘,你天剎族看热闹不嫌事大是吗? Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: Also destroys completely ten three Chong Luo about us? According to Emperor Flame Demon Empire Lan Ling your majesty decree, our Doomsday Device might extremely in hugeness, in the future no matter Fire Demon Mountain, is ten three Chong Luo, is my Flame Demon Empire territory, destroyed extremely in being a pity. Out of Demonic Path principle, moreover considered that we have served the frightening purpose of punishing one as a warning to others, we will suspend destroying the plans of ten three Chong Luo. Naturally, if Venerable Chong Lou has the demand in this aspect, regards as another matter.” 小罗刹王唐人道:“关于我们是否还灭掉十三重楼?根据炎魔帝国皇帝兰陵陛下的旨意,我们的末日杀器威力太过于巨大,未来不管是火魔山,还是十三重楼,都将是我炎魔帝国的领地,摧毁了太过于可惜。出于魔道主义,而且考虑到我们已经达到杀鸡儆猴的震慑目的,我们将暂停毁灭十三重楼的计划。当然,如果重楼尊者有这方面的需求的话,又另当别论。” Venerable Chong Lou cannot bear again, said: Tang Ren, **** your father!” 重楼尊者再也忍不住,道:“唐人,****你爹!” You have destroyed request, your whole family has the destroyed request. 你才有被毁灭的要求,你们全家都有被毁灭的要求。 This saying, the nearby Rakshasa King complexion becomes is ugly immediately. Even if between he and Tang Ren has been unable to co-exist completely, but cannot change the fathers and sons bloodlines relations. 这话一出,顿时边上的罗刹王脸色变得非常难看起来。哪怕他和唐人之间已经完全势不两立了,但还是改变不了父子血脉关系。 At this time, Di Ming asked: „Before Lan Ling, establishes Heavenly Demon Blood Oath, if in five day does not cancel from the world ten three Chong Luo, will kneel in front of Princess Naxue becomes her slave, does not know that he can plan to fulfill the pledge?” 此时,帝瞑问道:“兰陵之前立下天魔血誓,如果五日之内不将十三重楼从世界上抹去,将跪在娜血公主面前成为她的奴隶,不知道他可打算履行誓言?” Tang Ren said: Lan Ling your majesty does what has said that but considered that we have destroyed completely Fire Demon Mountain, has completed half gambling to make. Therefore, your majesty is also willing to fulfill 50% Heavenly Demon Blood Oath, he is willing to lick Princess Naxue foot plate.” 唐人道:“兰陵陛下言出必行,但是考虑到我们已经灭掉火魔山,已经完成了一半赌约。所以,陛下也愿意履行一半的天魔血誓,他愿意舔娜血公主脚底板。” This saying said, Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren wishes one could the ground to have a crack then to worm one's way into. 这话说完,小罗刹王唐人恨不得地面出现一道裂缝然后钻进去。 After today, his image has all destroyed, by Lan Ling ruining. 今日之后,他的形象算是全毁了,被兰陵给毁掉了。 Really, after Tang Ren said that the audience inconceivable is looking at him again. 果然,唐人说完之后,全场再一次不可思议地望着他。 This shameless simply...... Did not have the bottom line. 这个无耻简直……毫无底线了啊。 Heavenly Demon Blood Oath, must be fumbled and broken up the show. 天魔血誓,真的要被玩坏了啊。 All people cannot help but look toward Rakshasa King, tramples Heavenly Demon Blood Oath to open from him, now Lan Ling devastates Heavenly Demon Blood Oath with a brand-new way. 所有人不由得朝罗刹王望去,践踏天魔血誓就是从他开启的,现在兰陵又用一种全新的方式蹂躏天魔血誓了。 Moreover licks Princess Naxue foot plate? We also think that this where is punishes, is rewards obviously? 而且舔娜血公主脚底板?我们也想啊,这哪里是惩罚,明明是奖赏好吗? Rakshasa King tramples Heavenly Demon Blood Oath no doubt not to be concerned about face, but Lan Ling is not concerned about face similarly. However in all person hearts, but is not concerned about face with is not concerned about face, seems is different. 罗刹王践踏天魔血誓固然是不要脸,而兰陵同样是不要脸。不过在所有人心中,但是不要脸和不要脸之间,仿佛也是不一样的。 Rakshasa King is not concerned about face is disgusting, shameless, incompetent under product. 罗刹王的不要脸是恶心的,无耻的,无能之下的产物。 Lan Ling is not concerned about face is shameless, deceitful product. 兰陵的不要脸是无耻的,狡诈的产物。 In all person minds, Fire Demon Mountain is more formidable than ten three Chong Luo, Fire Demon Mountain the deterrent effect that cancels from the world, surpassed has destroyed completely ten three Chong Luo. 在所有人心目中,火魔山比十三重楼更加强大,将火魔山从世界上抹去的震慑力,也超过了灭掉十三重楼 Enough after some little time, suddenly the completely strange people raise hand, ask: Then please ask that later Flame Demon Empire, what strategy will execute? Is partial to Demon Empire United Battlefront, is Demon Clan Alliance?” 足足好一会儿后,忽然有一个完全陌生的人举手,问道:“那么请问以后的炎魔帝国,将施行什么策略?是偏向魔族帝国统一战线,还是魔族联盟?” Tang Ren said: „Should Demon Clan Alliance that you said refers to Vampire Demon Clan Alliance ?” 唐人道:“你说的魔族联盟应该是指吸血魔族联盟吧?” That stranger nodded. 那个陌生人点了点头 Tang Ren said: My Flame Demon Empire will persevere the nonalignment policy, we will place independent and above all energy the socialism, raises the living standard of Empire Subjects fully, does not form an alliance, does not resist! Naturally, if there is any influence regards as the threat my Flame Demon Empire, we are also fearless, we are determined, is capable of resisting any invasion.” 唐人道:“我炎魔帝国家将坚守不结盟政策,我们会把所有精力放在独立自主和发展生产力之上,全力提高帝国子民的生活水平,不结盟,不对抗!当然,如果有任何势力将我炎魔帝国视为威胁,那我们也无所畏惧,我们有决心,也有能力抵御任何入侵。” Was good, three issues replied completely, today's release conference formally ended, great family meet again/ goodbye!” “好了,三个问题已经全部回答完毕,今日的发布会正式结束,大家再见!” ...... …… Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren returns to Flame Demon Empire to be smooth, although Rakshasa King city powerhouses like clouds, but actually nobody prevents him. 小罗刹王唐人返回炎魔帝国非常顺利,尽管罗刹王城强者如云,但是却没有人阻挡他。 After all, Lan Ling had just handled a craziest matter, cancels from the world Fire Demon Mountain directly, if detained Tang Ren that is to Lan Ling, to the huge provocation of Flame Demon Empire. 毕竟,兰陵刚刚做了一件最最疯狂的事情,直接把火魔山从世界上抹去,如果扣押了唐人那就是对兰陵,对炎魔帝国的巨大挑衅。 Then Lan Ling will certainly not mind that makes a crazier matter. 那么兰陵一定不会介意做出更加疯狂的事情。 Why he must destroy Fire Demon Mountain, faces up to his Flame Demon Empire for entire Demon Clan Territory. Even if the domain is small, the strength is small, is a true state system, needs to treat it with the Demon Clan Territory custom. 他为何要摧毁火魔山,就是为了整个魔族领域正视他的炎魔帝国吗。哪怕地盘再小,实力再小,也是一个真正的国体,需要用魔族领域的规矩对待它。 Since the conclusion of release conference, Lan Ling was shameless, the deceitful countenance has also spread over entire Demon Clan Territory. 随着发布会的结束,兰陵无耻,狡诈的嘴脸也传遍了整个魔族领域 However, all people have to officially existence of this Flame Demon Empire this name. 但是,所有人也不得不正式这个炎魔帝国这个名字的存在。 Similar to in modern Earth, some people must establish a country and ensure all people will treat as the laughingstock, will not face up. However this country got rid / country extinguishing Han suddenly, then whether leave alone acknowledged this country, at least must face up to him. 就如同在现代地球,有人要建立一个国家,保证所有人都会当作笑柄,不会正视。但是这个国家忽然出手将韩/国给灭了,那么别管是否承认这个国家,起码要正视他了。 Naturally, at this time wish makes entire Demon Clan Territory accept Flame Demon Empire, Demon Empire United Battlefront, the Vampire Demon Clan Alliance three countries stands like a tripod this fact somewhat to be difficult, after all Flame Demon Empire was too small. 当然,此时想要让整个魔族领域接受炎魔帝国,魔族帝国统一战线,吸血魔族联盟三国鼎立这个事实还有些困难,毕竟炎魔帝国实在太小了。 Even wish makes Demon Clan Territory acknowledge Flame Demon Empire, now is also unlikely. When Lan Ling repels the Vampire Demon Clan Alliance first large-scale invasion war, that was similar. 甚至想要让魔族领域承认炎魔帝国,现在也不大可能。等到兰陵击退吸血魔族联盟的第一次大规模入侵战争,那就差不多了。 Was similar to the mid-19 th century German federation, from the beginning great family did not recognize, but has fought several wars, punched after the enemy fell face down, the entire Europe and even the entire world acknowledge. 就如同十九世纪中叶的德意志联邦,一开始大家也不认,但是打过几仗,把敌人揍趴下之后,整个欧洲乃至全世界都承认了。 ...... …… Di Ming has to leave Southern Wild, went to pay a visit Princess Naxue, something have surpassed his grasp the range. 帝瞑不得不离开南部蛮荒,前去拜见娜血公主了,有些事情已经超过他的掌握范围了。 The Princess Naxue army scale was too huge, particularly her airborne palace, was great is really giant. Therefore, speed that the entire army moves is full, day of a distance of march has not surpassed the thousand li (500 km), at this time also has more than 10,000 miles from Southern Wild. 娜血公主的大军规模太庞大了,尤其是她的那个空中宫殿,实在是太太巨大了。所以,整个大军移动的速度非常满,一天行进的距离还不超过千里,此时距离南部蛮荒还有10000多里。 Lan Ling has destroyed Fire Demon Mountain, entire Fire Demon Mountain, as well as periphery more than 20,000 square kilometers all cancels thoroughly.” Di Ming said. 兰陵摧毁了火魔山,将整个火魔山,以及周围20000多平方公里的一切彻底抹去。”帝瞑道。 Princess Naxue silent long time, then said: You thought how he does achieve?” 娜血公主沉默了良久,然后道:“你觉得他是如何做到的?” Detonates the magma under Fire Demon Mountain.” Di Ming said. “引爆火魔山下的岩浆。”帝瞑道。 Princess Naxue said: That also needs very formidable energy, what energy he grasped, can detonate the volcano under Fire Demon Mountain?” 娜血公主道:“那也需要非常非常强大的能量,他掌握了什么能量,可以引爆火魔山下的火山?” Di Ming said: Does not know, but also is investigating, believes that quick will have the result. However, Lan Ling names as Doomsday Device it.” 帝瞑道:“不知,还在调查,相信很快就会有结果。不过,兰陵将它命名为末日杀器。” Princess Naxue said: „If as expected, should be Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite, only then this thing has such fearful energy.” 娜血公主道:“如果不出意外的话,应该是星空魔力陨石,只有这东西有这么可怕的能量。” Di Ming said: I also make this guess!” 帝瞑道:“我也做此猜测!” Princess Naxue said: Drafts an agreement, entire Demon Clan Territory can not use the Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite weapon, because this Dark Energy will destroy thoroughly the entire mainland. Once anybody violates, will receive Mo Tuo Empire, Demon Empire United Battlefront, the joint strike of Demon Clan Alliance, this agreement must to sign.” 娜血公主道:“起草一份协定,整个魔族领域不得使用星空魔力陨石武器,因为这种黑暗能量会彻底摧毁整个大陆。任何人一旦违反,将受到魔陀帝国,魔族帝国统一战线,魔族联盟的联合攻击,这份协定要让所有人签字。” Yes!” Di Ming said. “是!”帝瞑道。 Deeply takes a breath, Princess Naxue said: Prepares slightly, I must go to meet with Lan Ling face to face.” 深深吸一口气,娜血公主道:“稍稍准备一下,我要去和兰陵当面相见。” Di Ming said surprised: Princess cannot, go against our criteria like this, will make Lan Ling continue to inflate.” 帝瞑愕道:“公主殿下不可,这样违背我们的准则,会让兰陵继续膨胀。” Princess Naxue said: Some people cannot carry on probe, because his will is firm, definitely is unable to change, does not have the leeway that any discussed. Lan Ling is such person, I am also such person, that might as well have a frank and sincere talk directly discussed, is the final negotiations, final diplomatic note.” 娜血公主道:“有些人不能进行试探的,因为他的意志非常坚决,完全无法改变,也没有任何商量的余地。兰陵是这样的人,我也是这样的人,那不如就开诚布公直接谈,算是最后的谈判,最后的通牒。” Di Ming said: „If there is no meeting of minds?” 帝瞑道:“如果谈不拢呢?” Princess Naxue said: Has no meeting of minds, lifts extremely powerfully extinguishes it Lan Ling, domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression!” 娜血公主道:“谈不拢,就举万钧之力将兰陵灭之,攘外必先安内!” Here outside, naturally is Demon Empire United Battlefront that Tian Sha King leads. But Lan Ling Flame Demon Empire in intimate of Rakshasa domain, naturally is. 这里的外,当然就是天刹王率领的魔族帝国统一战线。而兰陵炎魔帝国就在罗刹领域的腹心之内,当然算是内。 Also there is a few words, how the bed side allows other people to sleep soundly. 又有一句话,卧榻之旁岂容他人酣睡。 Then, Princess Naxue enters in the palace, starts to change the clothing. 然后,娜血公主走进殿内,开始换衣衫。 But Di Ming is looking around crystal coffin, inside suspends the corpse that Prince You Ming is split up, his heart middle course: Netherworld(Wuming), your destiny must look at the Lan Ling stupid degree, if Lan Ling is really similar to the legend that stupid strong, your this spare tire can the high-rank.” 帝瞑望着旁边的水晶棺材,里面摆着幽冥王子四分五裂的尸体,他心中道:“幽冥,你的命运就要看兰陵的愚蠢程度了,如果兰陵真的如同传说中的那么愚蠢强硬,那你这个备胎就能上位了。” Speaking of the spare tire, Crown Prince Yun E of tragedy, completely was the spare tire of spare tire, his even every day in this airborne main hall, was similar to the lackey is similar to the Pekinese dog generally kneels to lick Naxue, finally...... 说到备胎,还有一个更加悲剧的云厄太子,完全是备胎的备胎,他甚至每天就在这空中大殿内,如同奴才如同哈巴狗一般跪舔娜血,结果…… Even if Lan Ling has rejected Naxue, is the Netherworld(Wuming) high-rank, is not one's turn his Crown Prince Yun E, is really the greatest tragedy. 就算兰陵拒绝了娜血,也是幽冥上位,还是轮不到他云厄太子,真是莫大的悲剧啊。 About after half double-hour, has exchanged Princess Naxue of blood long skirt, rides continuously Soul Phoenix, flies toward Flame Demon City. 大约半个时辰后,换上了一身鲜血长裙的娜血公主,骑上一直亡灵凤凰,朝着炎魔城飞去。 She and Lan Ling are similar to two hedgehogs, probes unceasingly. Finally more pries, more grips a blood. 她和兰陵就如同两只刺猬,不断地试探。结果越是刺探,就越是扎得一身血。 Therefore, has a frank and sincere talk directly, face-to-face conducts the final negotiations. 所以,直接开诚布公,面对面进行最后的谈判。 ...... …… Flame Demon City! 炎魔城 Uncle, how do you think?” Lan Ling asked. 叔父,你怎么想的?”兰陵问道。 Some people gave Suo Mo, said that Suo Mo sleeps with her was irresponsible. 有人把索魔给告了,说索魔睡了她却不负责任。 That valiant woman naturally is Close Human Clan female Amo, now Flame Demon City one of the several highest court ladies, are responsible for the entire weaving bureau, she is also the Lan Ling earliest follower, pursued Suo Mo already three years. 那个彪悍的女人当然是近人族女子阿沫,如今炎魔城的几位最高女官之一,负责整个织布局,她也是兰陵最早的追随者,追求索魔已经三年了。 Naturally, in fact was she climbed up the Suo Mo bed, but anything has not occurred, but she gave Suo Mo, then arrived in front of Lan Ling to compel the marriage. 当然,事实上是她自己爬上了索魔的床,但还是什么都没有发生,但她还是把索魔给告了,然后来到兰陵面前进行逼婚。 In the two years, she more than once wants to climb up the Suo Mo bed. 这两年多来,她不止一次想要爬上索魔的床。 You, if thought that Amo is not good-looking, that has not related, you marry her for the wife, then remarries several concubines. Finds a wife in the virtue, takes a concubine in color/look.” Lan Ling said: I ask dozens outstandingly beautiful beautiful women to make you choose.” “您要是觉得阿沫长得不好看,那没有关系,你娶她为正妻,然后再娶几个小妾。娶妻在贤,纳妾在色。”兰陵道:“我找来几十个绝色美人让您挑选。” The Suo Mo facial color is dry, said: „If no other any matters, I worked.” 索魔面色燥红,道:“若没有什么其他事情,我就去工作了。” Lan Ling said: Uncle, I need you to bloom a loose leaf.” 兰陵道:“叔父,我真的需要您开枝散叶的。” Suo Mo stopped, shakes the head saying: Little Ling, I possibly again do not marry.” 索魔停了下来,摇头道:“小陵,不我可能再结婚的。” Lan Ling said: Why, is uses the sentiment to be too deep to the wife? Isn't able to dismiss from mind to the present? Thought that the remarrying woman is to her betrayal, even if she did die for dozens years?” 兰陵道:“为何,是对妻子用情太深?以至于到现在都无法忘怀?觉得再娶女人是对她的背叛,哪怕她已经死了几十年了?” Suo Mo shakes the head saying: I do not have unreasoning passion that even if there is an unreasoning passion that is also not stodgy. In my heart has held a hope, aid that I must incomparably long for ascending the sky devotionally, this hope meets to become true, but the life of ascetic person is the most important part. If I find a wife again, gives birth again, that heaven looked that I am not pitiful, will make this hope be disillusioned.” 索魔摇头道:“我没有那么痴情,就算有那么痴情,也没有那么迂腐。只是我心中一直抱有一个希望,我必须无比虔诚地渴望上天的护佑,这个希望才会成真,而苦行僧的生活就是最重要的一部分。而如果我再娶妻,再生子,那上天看我没有那么可怜,就会让这个希望破灭了。” Suo Mo was really too reverent, therefore he has not even said that hope. 索魔实在是太虔诚了,所以他甚至没有把那个希望说出来。 However the Lan Ling second understood, because he has not seen daughter's corpse, therefore has held an incomparably uncertain hope in the heart, oneself daughter has not died. 但是兰陵秒懂了,因为他没有见到女儿的尸体,所以一直在心中抱有一个无比渺茫的希望,自己的女儿没有死。 Therefore, he thought that oneself cannot be happy absolutely, only then cross bitterly, is more reverent, the heaven may take pity on him, makes his daughter live. 所以,他觉得自己绝对不能幸福,只有自己过得越苦,就越虔诚,上天或许会垂怜他,真的让他女儿活着。 If he finds a wife to give birth, is irreverent, ascended the sky does not take pity on him, therefore, this whole life cannot be happy. 而如果他娶妻生子,那么就不虔诚了,上天就不垂怜他了,所以,他这辈子都不能幸福。 This thought is without a doubt stodgy, but makes Lan Ling shock, unusual understanding. 这种念头毫无疑问是迂腐的,但是却让兰陵非常震撼,也非常的理解。 Because to a certain extent, him is also such obsessed, but he was no longer reverent. He thought that the heaven has deceived him, therefore he must become a heaven, must operate own destiny. 因为某种程度上,他也是这样执念的,只不过他已经不再虔诚了。他觉得上天愚弄了他,所以他自己要成为上天,要操纵自己的命运。 Lan Ling sighed a sound said: I understood, hopes that heaven looks in your reverent share, can care for the hope of your innermost feelings.” 兰陵叹息一声道:“我懂了,希望上天看在您虔诚的份上,能够眷顾您内心的希望。” Suo Mo bends the waist to do obeisance the evil ways: Old minister asks to be excused!” 索魔弯腰拜下道:“老臣告退!” After he retreats, Lan Ling said: Froth aunt comes out.” 他退走之后,兰陵道:“沫姨出来吧。” A graceful beautiful Close Human Clan female walked, three years ago she was more plentiful, was more beautiful, moreover changed to Suo Mo own name. 一个雍容美丽的近人族女子走了出来,比起三年前她已经丰满了许多,也美丽了许多,而且把自己的名字也改成了索沫 You also heard, is not I do not help.” Lan Ling said. “你也听到了,不是我不帮忙。”兰陵道。 The Suo Mo nod said with a smile toward Lan Ling: This is a good news not, this is having the feeling on behalf of him to me, because obsessed in heart. However I will not give up, he is so stodgy, I am also more tenacious, this whole life I consumed with him.” 索沫点头朝兰陵一笑道:“这是一个好消息不是吗,这代表着他对我不是没有感觉,而是因为心中的执念。不过我不会放弃的,他那么迂腐,我也更加固执,这辈子我跟他耗到底了。” Lan Ling smiles, hopes that feeling emotion person finally becomes a family member. 兰陵一笑,希望有情人终成眷属。 But in this time, in the brain of Lan Ling fiercely thunders. 而就在此时,兰陵的大脑内猛地一阵轰鸣。 Not is only Lan Ling, the entire Flame Demon City subjects as if were hit by a formidable energy general, brain thunders, the eye becomes dark a while ago. 不仅仅是兰陵,整个炎魔城的子民都仿佛被一股强大的能量击中一般,大脑一阵轰鸣,眼前一阵发黑。 Present Suo Mo, falls down directly. 眼前的索沫,更是直接摔倒在地。 The Flame Demon City entire several hundred thousand people, simultaneously were framed, feels to be in deep sorrow. 炎魔城整整几十万人,同时被定格,感到痛不欲生。 Demon King Jing Zi said: Master, the unprecedented formidable energies, have hit my Spiritual Energy cover, enabling Flame Demon City Spiritual Force to have the huge shake.” 镜子魔王道:“主人,有一股前所未有强大的能量,撞击了我的精神能量罩,使得炎魔城精神力发生巨大的震荡。” So that's how it is, is the shake that Demon King Jing Zi Spiritual Energy covers, caused Flame Demon City to recognize the shake in brain territory. 原来如此,是镜子魔王精神能量罩的震荡,引起了炎魔城所有认脑域内的震荡。 Demon King Jing Zi emphasized again: This person, before, before, unprecedented great strength!” 镜子魔王再一次强调道:“此人,前,前,前所未有的强大!” Not is only Lan Ling, Small Rakshasa King, Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao, Blood Wolf King these three Demon Saint rank powerhouses, felt that in the brain territory shakes to thunder, at present dim. 不仅仅是兰陵,小罗刹王,厄运神女水红勺,血狼王这三个魔圣级别强者,都感觉到脑域内震荡轰鸣,眼前一片昏暗。 A charming sound, spreads to the ear of Lan Ling. 紧接着,一股迷人的声音,传入兰陵的耳朵之内。 Mo Tuo Empire Naxue, seeks an interview Lan Ling your excellency, heard that you do want to lick my foot plate?” 魔陀帝国娜血,求见兰陵阁下,听说你要舔我的脚底板?” Originally is she? 原来是她? She came unexpectedly, comes Flame Demon City and Lan Ling meeting personally. 她竟然来了,亲自前来炎魔城兰陵会面。 ...... …… Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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