WTNRAS :: Volume #9

#832: Do you want to become the god?

humanity is stupid creature. 人类是愚蠢的生物 This does not have the medicine to rescue stupidly, so long as humanity or humanity have existed, is inherent, until death sin incessantly. 这份愚蠢无药可救,只要人类还是人类就会一直存在,是与生俱来,至死不止的罪孽。 Must wipe to disappear pardoned crime of this infiltration in spirit soul, only has Purify, and evolved. 要抹消这渗透在灵魂中的原罪,只有净化,以及进化 Purify old humanity, evolved is New Human, becomes the new species, this is the only outlet! 净化人类,进化新人类,成为新的物种,这是唯一的出路! Tendō was really near very long time ago comprehended this point. 天道真临很早就领悟了这一点。 However he is also stupid humanity one, regarding own wisdom and strength low only has the sigh. 然而他自己也不过是愚蠢人类的一员,对于自己的智慧和力量的低下唯有叹息。 Exhausts the life, can many Purify or evolved, probably be the limit that can achieve. 穷尽一生,能够多少净化或者进化自身,就大概是自己所能做到的极限了吧。 Has self-knowledge is really near tries hard silently, is not living noticeably. 有着自知之明的真临默默地努力,并不引人瞩目地活着。 If under control develops, his big probability will pass with others not many big difference mediocre life, small probability in some time the accident/surprise that because the experiment causes died, the minimum probability can be some evolved that oneself want. 如果情况正常发展下去,他大概率会度过与他人无多大差异的平庸一生,小概率会在某个时刻因为实验导致的意外而死去,极小概率能达到自己想要的些许进化 But a appearance of person changed his destiny. 可是一个人的出现改变了他的命运。 „Do you want to become the god?” “你想成为神吗?” That person asked him. 那个人这么问他。 Naturally thinks. 当然想。 Tendō was really near has been weary as stupid incompetent humanity, if can be aloof every Shicheng is deity, he is willing to pay any price! 天道真临早已厌倦身为愚蠢无能的人类,如果能够超脱凡世成为神明,他愿意付出任何代价! However that is impossible. 然而那是不可能的。 Incompetent he compares to appreciate his point only, was self-knowledge. 无能的他唯一比较赞赏自己的一点,就是自知之明。 Person is impossible to become the god, because person stupidly and is unable to change inferior.” “人不可能成为神,因为人的愚蠢和低劣无法改变。” Heard him saying that front person returned by the modest laughter. 听到他这么说,面前的人回以温和的笑声。 I approve of very much. Because you have like this wisely, will therefore elect you.” “我很赞同。正因为你有着这样的明智,所以才会选上你。” You said right, Tendō really being near mister, the person is impossible to become the true god.” “你说得对,天道真临先生,人不可能成为真正的神。” „, but if god the standard lowers, may achieve.” “但若是把‘神’的标准放低一些,还是有可能做到的。” Low god and person not different, I am uninteresting about such god.” Really before snorting contemptuously. “低下的神与人无异,我对那样的神毫无兴趣。”真临嗤之以鼻。 The view of Sakurajima so-called 8 million god in his opinion extreme stupid, these disorderly mess things with demons and monsters of name of god, the true god should be existences of unique world, is humanity is unable to touch forever, even is inconceivable has the thing of concrete shape. 樱岛所谓八百万神的说法在他看来极端愚蠢,那些乱七八糟的东西不过是冠以神之名的妖魔鬼怪罢了,真正的神应该是超脱世间的存在,是人类永远无法触及的,甚至难以想象出具体形态之物。 Really not an interest? Although the low god is humanity of another shape, but also distinguishes between humanity after all, wants to come you to be sick that continued to take the person?” Front person smiles to say. “真的没有一点兴趣吗?低下的神虽然是另一种形态的人类,但也毕竟区别于人类,想来你早已厌烦继续作为人了吧?”面前的人微笑道。 His manner is temperate, the look is temperate, lets be really near to plant the completely seen through ice-cold feeling. 他的神态温和,眼神温和,却让真临有种自己被完全看穿的冰冷感觉。 I was truly sick, but why do I believe you?” “我确实厌烦了,但我凭什么相信你?” Depends on me is the opportunity of existence your only opportunity...... becomes itself to want only to become.” “就凭我是你唯一的机会……唯一成为自己想要成为的存在的机会。” Simply this words probably straight transmission to is really near at heart. 这句话语简直像是直接传达到真临的心里。 Only opportunity. 唯一的机会。 Missed did not have again, faced is the surplus life, as the established destiny of stupid incompetent person! 错过了就再也没有,面临的将是剩余一生的,作为愚蠢无能之人的既定命运! Really near can see such future clearly. 真临能够清晰地看到那样的未来。 Oneself exhaustedly in the body of humanity, sighing with sadness, hating, helpless, was dying like others finally...... 自己困顿于人类之身,悲叹着,怨恨着,无奈着,最终像其他所有人一样死去…… Shoulders the pardoned crime, the body like the dust particle, does not have the value in this world and universe, does not have the significance! 背负原罪,身如微尘,于这世间与宇宙毫无价值,毫无意义! Such being the case, but also needs to choose? 既然如此,还需要选择吗? What do you actually want to make?” Really before asking. “你到底想做什么?”真临问道。 On the face of that person of handsome shows the smiling face again, said two noun-- 那人英俊的面孔上再一次露出笑容,说出了两个名词—— Eight chi (0.33 m) fine jade cancels jade.” “八尺琼勾玉。” „An element cry reveres.” “素盏鸣尊。” ...... …… „Does an element cry revere the plan?” “素盏鸣尊计划?” Un, Tendō Family cancels Yu's top-secret plan about eight chi (0.33 m) fine jade, the specific content is unclear, but can speculate that should be man-made deity.” Some Spirit Court room, Sorin bright world to Yui explained. “嗯,天道家内部关于八尺琼勾玉的绝密计划,具体内容不明,但能够推测应该是‘人造神明’。”灵庭某房间,宗轮明世对唯梦说明道 Man-made deity is not the new concept, had it since old times, even it can be said that from initial spreads until now Spirit Energy World collective to hold to read, Onmyouji's Shikigami is the most obvious model. 人造神明不是什么新鲜概念,是自古有之,甚至可以说是自初始流传至今的灵能界的集体执念,其中阴阳师的式神”就是最明显的范例。 Makes deity by the strength of person, controls the god, controlling the god...... this is almost Spiritualist does not divide the ultimate pursue of faction and influence together inheritance, or one. 以人之力造出神明,控制神,支配神……这几乎就是灵能力者们不分派系和势力共同传承的终极追求,或者之一。 As Seven Great Families, Tendō Family has such plan not accidentally/surprisingly, but cancelled jade to intend not to have the suspect to eight chi (0.33 m) fine jade for this reason the taboo, is what made them be willing to take the so big risk? 作为七大家,天道家有这样的计划一点都不让人意外,但为此对八尺琼勾玉出手就无疑犯了禁忌,到底是什么使得他们甘愿冒如此巨大的风险? „The security level of plan in the Tendō Family interior is highest, even if Tendō is well-read does not know many, he can confess is this plan ten years ago that event starts to start, since continues in secret, has been controlled the execution by current family lord Tendō sect Wu personally, is never false others the hand.” “计划的保密级别在天道家内部是最高,即使天道宏览也不知道多少,他所能交代出的就是这计划是从十年前那个事件开始启动,暗中持续至今,一直是由现任家主天道宗悟亲自掌控执行,从未假他人之手。” In other words, only then Tendō Family does family lord know this plan the complete picture?” “也就是说,只有天道家家主知道这计划的全貌?” Yes, must make clear the truth, besides starts to Tendō sect Wu, has no other alternative.” “是的,要搞清楚真相,除了对天道宗悟下手之外,别无他法。” Seizes Tendō Family family lord, without doubt was equal to that makes war with Tendō Family! 抓捕天道家家主,无疑等于跟天道家开战! Although to this step, making war was not, but the time was very bad, because of Realm of Cherry Blossoms...... 虽说到了这一步,开战也不是不可以,但是时机很差,因为樱花之境…… Also, Tendō Family had the connection with Realm of Cherry Blossoms, if really made war, what they can make using Realm of Cherry Blossoms? 再说,天道家樱花之境有关联,要是真开战了,他们会不会利用樱花之境做些什么? Once the situation loses control, the entire city likely destroys!! 局势一旦失控,整座城市很可能毁灭!! What means do you have?” Yui knits the brows to ask. “你有什么办法?”唯梦皱眉问道。 Surprise attack.” Sorin bright world indifferent say/way. “突袭。”宗轮明世淡然道。 This word made Yui understand the meaning instantaneously. 这个词就瞬间让唯梦明白了意思。 „If failed......” “要是失败的话……” „The words of failure, prepare for withstanding heavy loss.” “失败的话,就做好承受巨大损失的准备吧。” This not good......” “这样不行……” This is the only means. Even if we can convince other influence assistance or holding troops, is impossible to convince Tendō Family to hand over family lord, moreover did not have the time.” In the Sorin bright world eye glitters quiet cold brilliance. “这是唯一的办法。就算我们可以说服其他势力协助或者按兵不动,也绝不可能说服天道家家主交出来,况且没有时间了。”宗轮明世眼中闪烁一丝幽冷光芒 The ignores situation develops, likely is the consequence that is unbearable! 放任情况发展下去,很可能是难以承受的后果! Therefore must take action, and is quick. 所以必须采取行动,而且要快。 Even if the risk is huge, once is defeated may cause the heavy loss is the city is even destroyed, must go into action! 即使风险巨大,一旦失败就可能导致巨大损失甚至是城市被毁灭,也必须行动起来! In the Yui reason understands, but is unacceptable for a while. 唯梦理智上明白,但一时难以接受。 She after all is young girl, is not callous like this man at present. 她毕竟是个少女,并不像眼前这男人那么冷酷。 This cannot do well is a beginning of war, but those who mainly sacrificed is thousand whatever happens|10 million ten thousand general public!! 这搞不好是一场战争的开端,而主要牺牲的是千千万万的普通民众!! Also a little time, if tries to find other solutions......” “还有一点时间,要想想其他办法……” If you can want to come out, I am very grateful.” “如果你能想出来,我很感激。” The Sorin bright world left this saying to leave the room. 宗轮明世留下这话就离开了房间。 Remaining Yui sit to the chair on, the brow tight wrinkle, is silent for a long time. 剩下唯梦坐到椅子上,眉头紧皱,许久沉默。 Afterward wore martial clothes Tauren to walk, in the hand takes a cylinder that inscribes black incantation mark. 随后身穿武服牛头人走了进来,手里拿着一个铭刻着黑色咒纹的圆筒。 This is spirit body that pulls out......” Kaminarishin gives Yui the cylinder, „...... said thanks for me to that boy for the time being.” “这是抽出来的灵体……”雷真把圆筒交给唯梦,顿了顿,“……姑且代我跟那小子说一声谢谢。” „Was Tendō Shigure all right?” After Yui received the cylinder, asked. 天道时雨没事了吗?”唯梦接过圆筒后问道。 Has the matter, was short of a hand, the mind aspect seems like also probably a little not too right...... him is dull silly idiot, should be able to get back.” “有事,少了一只手,精神方面看起来也好像有点不太对劲……不过他本来就是呆呆傻傻的一个笨蛋,应该可以恢复过来。” I will help you transmit the gratitude, do not forget the reward.” “我会帮你传达谢意,可不要忘了报酬。” Kaminarishin: ............ 雷真:“…………” Situation how is it? he changes the topic. “情况怎么样?”他转换话题。 „Very bad. Only then Tendō Family family lord knows the truth.” Yui said. “很糟。只有天道家家主知道真相。”唯梦说道。 Hears this saying, unified the expression of opposite party with that Sorin attitude, Kaminarishin understood instantaneously the situation had multi- severe. 听到这话,结合对方的表情与那个宗轮的作风,雷真瞬间就理解了情况有多严重 „The fellow is not will think......” “那家伙不会是想……” Is such that you think.” “就是你想的那样。” He insane......” “他疯了……” I also want to say that but he not insane.” Yui sighed. “我也想这么说,但他没有疯。”唯梦叹道。 If cannot find out other ideas in the rest of the time......” “如果在剩下的时间里想不出其他主意……” We must prepare the war.” “我们就要准备战争了。”
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