WTNRAS :: Volume #9

#825: Why you fight

Samurai crusade against the malicious ghost, completely was actually killed. 武士们讨伐恶鬼,却全部被杀死。 This was till a moment ago matter that had. 这是到刚才为止发生的事。 Seiji is silent. 晴司默然。 „After telling I......” stared at an opposite party meeting, monarch protect to ask, among them did some people live?” “告诉我……”凝视对方一会后,君护问道,“他们当中有人活下来吗?” No.” Seiji replied. “没有。”晴司答道。 „Do some people flinch?” “有人退缩吗?” Does not have.” “也没有。” „Do some people beg for mercy?” “有人求饶吗?” Does not have.” “都没有。” All fights heroically, heroic death. 全都英勇战斗,壮烈牺牲。 very happy.” Monarch protect the corners of the mouth flood light arc, has the applause and proud meaning. 很好。”君护嘴角泛起一丝淡淡的弧度,有着赞许和骄傲意味。 Sees this smiling face, Seiji felt that is not quite good, but by own standpoint, did not say anything. 见到这个笑容,晴司感觉不太好,但以自身的立场,不好说什么。 Obviously the present Monarch protects initial Samurai that” was he says. 眼前的君护显然就是他自己所说的“最初的武士”。 Who then she is? 那么“她”又是谁呢? The village, villagers, ghost and strength, she and Monarch protects...... All is the riddle. 村子、村民、鬼、力量、“她”和君护……全都是谜团。 I can know that she does name?” Seiji asked. “我可以知道‘她’叫什么名字吗?”晴司问道。 You do not need to know.” Monarch protect the restraining happy expression. “你不需要知道。”君护收敛笑意。 „...... I to save a person come here, the condition that he should not realize now, I think him possibly in this shrine...... You know him, right?” Seiji then asked. “……我是为了救一个人来到这里的,他现在应该是没有意识的状态,我认为他可能就在这神社里……你知道他,是吗?”晴司接着问道。 Monarch protect do not reply, but draws a sword slowly. 君护不做回答,而是缓缓拔刀。 Signal that this does not want to say again. 这是不想再说下去的信号。 Remaining only then fights...... 剩下只有战斗…… I want to ask the last question.” The Seiji watches opposite party, why you fights, do monarch protect the mister?” “我想问最后一个问题。”晴司看着对方,“你为什么而战,君护先生?” Before these Samurai to guard town fought, they should not know, even if has killed malicious ghost, this cities were also doomed to destroy. 之前那些武士们为守卫镇子而战,他们应该不知道即使杀了“恶鬼”,这城镇也注定要毁灭。 But this initial Samurai different, Seiji thought that he should know the truth. 而这位“最初的武士”不同,晴司觉得他应该是知道真相的。 No, he definitely knows the truth. 不,他肯定知道真相。 Regardless of fights or not, here will welcome the end! 无论战斗与否,这里都将迎来末日! „The answer of this issue, uses the blade in your hand to comprehend, Harano-san.” Monarch protect to show the fight stance. “这个问题的答案,就用你手中的刀来领会吧,原野先生。”君护摆出战斗架势。 The Seiji innermost feelings sighed, held up blade, put on the stance. 晴司内心叹息,也举起刀,摆好架势。 Formerly stopped snow to fall gently at this time once again. 先前停了一阵的雪此时再度飘落。 Snowflakes fall leisurely, contacts between two of confrontation, integrates own similar. 一片雪花悠悠落下,在对峙的两人之间接触到地,融入自己的同类当中。 The form that monarch protect from disappears suddenly same place! 君护的身影骤然从原地消失! Seiji brandishes a sword keeps off the opposite party punctures suddenly, resists its violent double hit one after another! 晴司挥刀挡下对方的突刺,接连抵挡其猛烈连击! The clang however sound of blade's edge collision bursts out continuously, intensely to having meaning of Flame, even can listen to a rhythm. 刀锋碰撞的锵然声音连续迸发,激烈到有火焰的意味,甚至能听出一种节奏感。 Really is very strong...... Under presses hard on violently, the Seiji backing up footsteps that Monarch protects, bear the impulsion of uncomfortable feeling and cough again and again resist reluctantly. 果然很强……在君护的猛烈紧逼下,晴司连连倒退脚步,忍住难受感和咳嗽的冲动勉强招架。 But slides in his under foot carelessly, a little loses the unbalanced instance, monarch protect to draw a sword to aim at his neck neck, puts forth swift and violent incomparable stab suddenly! 而在他不慎脚下一滑,有点失去失衡的瞬间,君护抽刀瞄准他的颈脖,骤然使出一记迅猛无比的刺击 However this is intentionally. 然而这是故意的。 Strengthening Spell Galewind! 强身术疾风”! The blade cuts Shadow Cut!! 刀斩“影切”!! When the knife point raids, tempts opposite party Seiji to start spell by the flaw according to the expectation intentionally, the danger avoids stab, and instead kills by martial skill swiftly and fiercely! 在刀尖袭来之时,故意以破绽引诱对方的晴司按预想发动术法,险险避开刺击,并以武技凌厉反杀! Saw that blade's edge must cut the opposite party, suddenly had the bright red brilliance to appear in this flash, blocks his cutting to strike! 眼看刀锋就要斩到对方,却在这一刹那突然有鲜红光辉显现,挡住了他的斩击! Moreover, that bright red brilliance also likely is the running water wraps his blade, is sluggish his movement. 不仅如此,那鲜红光辉还像是流水般把他的刀包裹起来,迟滞他的动作。 Bad......” Seiji did not feel wonderfully. “糟了……”晴司顿感不妙。 Peng!!! 彭!!! Monarch protect to kick a foot suddenly, along with the bright red flowing light, the strength is formidable, kicked to fly him, defense barrier collapsed all of a sudden! 君护陡然踢出一脚,伴随着鲜红流光,力道强大,把他踢得飞了起来,护身结界一下子崩溃! Seiji in the midair adjustment figure, falls to return, endures to cough again freely fiercely, coughs to bleed. 晴司在半空调整身形,坠回到地,再也忍受不住地剧烈咳嗽起来,咳出了血。 Hateful......” this debuff was really too uncomfortable. “可恶……”这debuff真是太难受了。 However must result in withstands, must endure. 然而必须得承受,必须忍受。 This was intruded and destroyed the price of other people world. 这是闯入并破坏了他人世界的代价。 He looks to the opposite. Monarch protect are only stand in same place, calmly watches he. 他看向对面。君护只是站在原地,静静地看着他。 Why doesn't pursue?” Seiji asked. “为什么不追击?”晴司问道。 Next time can.” Monarch protect to reply. “下次会的。”君护答道。 This only has a tolerance. 这是仅有一次的宽容。 Do not play the small trick again, puts out the real skill! Delicate and pretty Samurai transmits this meaning by the look. 不要再耍小花样,拿出真本事吧!俊美武士以眼神传达这一意思。 Seiji received. 晴司接收到了。 He wants to retain the strength as far as possible, because possibly later must cope with her. However evidently, words, do not cross including this diligently at present. 他本想尽可能保留力量,因为可能待会还要对付“她”。不过看样子,不努力一下的话,连眼前这一位都过不了。 Operation spiritual energy, displays spell 运作灵能,施展术法 fixed incantation Resisting Demon Bell!! 定咒镇魔钟”!! Along with the sound, huge golden bonshō appears loudly baseless, covers Samurai, evaporates the surrounding snow completely! 随着轰然声响,庞大金色梵钟凭空显现,将武士罩住,把周围积雪全部蒸发! Next flickers, the bright red flowing light breaks out from bonshō, monarch protect the form to appear, sends without the wound. 下一瞬,鲜红流光从梵钟中破出,君护身影从中出现,毫发无伤。 He wields long blade, the flowing light gathers like surging tides, along with blade's edge, takes away as many things as possible! 他挥动长刀,流光如潮水般汇聚起来,随着刀锋所向,席卷而去! God blade wave cuts! 神刃“浪斩”! Seiji avoids full power, but the opposite party style attack range is very big, has to by some barrier hard anti- offensive. 晴司全力躲避,但对方招式攻击范围很大,不得不以结界硬抗部分攻势。 shortly afterward he discovered fiercely the opposite party form disappears. 紧接着他猛地发现对方身影不见了。 Extremely dangerous aura transmits from the side. 极度危险的气息从侧后方传来。 guard incantation Tortoiseshell! Seiji realized that cannot hide, only after can transfer the direction, defends full power. 防咒龟甲”!晴司意识到躲不掉,只能调转方向后全力防御。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Raided a moment ago compared with a more formidable offensive, the bright red flowing light by below toward on, rumbles to soar high him, just like soars to the heavens the spray that on the tide flutters, defends barrier nearly to collapse! 比刚才更强大的攻势袭来,鲜红流光由下朝上,将他轰得高高飞起,犹如冲天浪潮上翻飞的浪花,防御结界近乎崩溃! But Monarch banket steps on the flowing light, the surfing beautiful posture crosses him to fly to the upper air, then lifts the blade gathering flowing light screw, the condense extremely formidable strength 而君护脚踩流光,以冲浪般的优美姿势越过了他飞向更高空,然后举刀汇聚流光螺旋,凝聚极为强大的力量 God blade thunder cuts!! 神刃“雷斩”!! blade's edge chops to fall, having the red thunder that thunders to drop from the clouds, likely is the red great eagle of dive, must tear into shreds the tiny prey thoroughly!!! 刀锋劈落,带起轰鸣的红色雷霆从天而降,又像是俯冲的红色巨鹰,要将渺小的猎物彻底撕碎!!! Cannot keep off! Seiji makes the judgment instantaneously. 挡不下来!晴司瞬间做出判断。 Cannot shunt. 也躲不开。 Only has to start retains until now important skill...... 唯有发动保留至今的重要技能…… Thundering the red thunder embezzled him! 呼隆红色雷霆把他吞没了! Fortunately Seiji starts skill promptly, displays the powerful style to counter-balance the thunder major part might, the remaining small parts clench teeth to withstand. 所幸晴司及时发动技能,施展强力招式抵消掉雷霆绝大部分威力,剩下一小部分咬牙承受。 Next flickers, monarch protect to see the match, although appears distressed, but still survived, therefore high-speed attacks to go to it in the midair, the blade's edge gathering flowing light punctures!! 下一瞬,君护看到对手虽然显得狼狈但仍然存活,于是在半空高速向其突击而去,刀锋汇聚流光刺出!! Comes well! The Seiji item flashes severe glow. 来得好!晴司目闪厉芒。 By powerful style that important skill starts, only then less than one minute of duration. 以重要技能发动的强力招式只有不到一分钟的持续时间。 However the opposite party delivers on own initiative, that is impolite! 然而对方主动送上门,那就不客气了! This move of coordination retains until now another skill, can use his initial unique skill 这一招配合保留至今的另一个技能,能够使出他最初的绝招 Bullet Time starts! 子弹时间”发动! Light of Desperation starts!! 绝境之光”发动!! By may eradicate world all unusual strength that Chiaki card first skill ultimate performance displays the extraordinary right hands, makes you personally experience 千秋卡第一技能“终极表演”施展的可破除世间一切超凡之力的非凡右手,就让你亲身体验一下吧 Lightspeed Strike the fist of broken demon launches in salvos infinitely!!! 光闪击”破魔之拳无限连发!!! Will pierce Samurai of match to see the light suddenly, saw that innumerable brilliance come. 正要刺穿对手的武士突然看到了光,见到无数光芒汹涌而来。 These brilliance essences are the extremely quick fists! 这些光芒的本质是极快的拳头! Bumps 碰碰碰碰碰碰 Extremely intensive stroking sound gets up, monarch protect discovered brilliance that strength that startled oneself are used in protecting oneself suddenly emerged eradicates, the fists of innumerable light project on the body, directly injures the main body! 极为密集的击打声响起,君护愕然发现自己用于护身的力量被骤然涌现的光芒破除,无数光之拳头打到身上,直接伤害到本体! ora ora ora ora ora 欧拉欧拉欧拉欧拉欧拉 Seiji crazy boxing output, disregards the near at hand knife point, projects on the distortion the Samurai movement! Projects on the distortion his body!! Finally anchors the fist, another wields long blade, punctures ruthlessly!!! 晴司疯狂拳击输出,无视近在咫尺的刀尖,将武士的动作打到变形!将其身体打到扭曲!!最后停住拳头,另一手挥动长刀,狠狠刺出!!! The knife point pricks his chest, penetrates body, carries over the blood. 刀尖刺入其胸膛,穿透身体,带出鲜血。 Monarch protect to fly upside down, Seiji goes to the whereabouts. 君护倒飞起来,晴司向下落去。 The latter falls the ground steadily, the former body draws the parabola to pound to do obeisance the palace roof, pounded to put on the roof to fall. 后者稳稳落到地上,前者身体划过抛物线砸到拜殿屋顶,砸穿屋顶掉了进去。 In the room, monarch protect want to stand up reluctantly, actually could not accomplish, has spouted a big blood, knelt on the floor. 屋内,君护勉强想要站起,却办不到,喷出了一大口血,跪在地板上。 Has not thought...... This defeated. 没想到……这样就败了。 watches punctures long blade on chest, his look is gradually gloomy. 看着刺在胸上的长刀,他的眼神渐渐暗淡。 In the mind flashes through all sorts that experiences since birth, finally frames in picture that in Chinese dress beauty turns head to smile. 脑海中闪过有生以来经历的种种,最终定格在华服美人回头微笑的画面上。 Sorry, Master......” Monarch protects to kneel to sit in the place, bows forward, was sorry. “对不起,主人……”君护跪坐在地,向前鞠躬,表示歉意。 „Since until now all...... Thank......” “至今以来的一切……感谢……” Incompetent servant...... In light of this...... Don't......” “无能仆人……就此……别过……”
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