WTNRAS :: Volume #9

#822: Do not hand over the life and death by other people decided

Only can endure patiently and withstand, or leaves.” “只能忍耐和承受,或者离开。” hears word, the Seiji brow wrinkles. 闻言,晴司眉头皱紧。 Arrives here with great difficulty, before had not found the goal, I cannot leave.” He said that also how much time?” “好不容易才抵达这里,没找到目标前,我不能离开。”他说道,“还有多少时间?” Concubine body did not say certainly...... If collapses the speed to maintain at present this, thou can support here to collapse probably thoroughly, but if collapses the speed to speed up, how long thou possibly could not support.” “妾身说不准……如果崩坏速度维持目前这样的话,汝大概能撑到这里彻底崩溃,但要是崩坏速度加快,汝可能撑不了多久。” „The words of here total collapse, meet how is it? “这里彻底崩溃的话,会怎么样? Will turn should proper appearance.” “会变成本该应有的模样。” Should the proper appearance be what kind of?” “本该应有的模样是怎样?” Concubine body does not know.” “妾身也不知道。” How this place forms, you do not know, yes?” “这个地方是怎么形成的,你也不知道,是吧?” Is.” “是的哦。” Really useless Imperial Soul! Seiji wants such ridicule, but also thinks. 真是没用的御魂晴司想要这么吐槽,但也只是想想。 Was reasonable, Yomi (Yellow Springs) was very fierce, if did not have her, he was possibly basic to here. 讲道理,黄泉已经很厉害了,要是没有她,他可能根本到不了这里。 Now was equal to adding a countdown, dull was here longer his more to be affected by debuff, collapsed or he till until this place cannot support. Must complete the task, must catch up before the countdown ended found the goal. 现在等于是加了一个倒计时,呆在这里越久他就越受debuff影响,直至这地方崩溃或者他撑不下去为止。要完成任务,就得赶在倒计时结束前找到目标。 Can probably look? 可到底要怎么找? Seiji has thought a meeting, cannot find out the means. 晴司想了一会,想不出好办法。 Only can have a look in the subdues first everywhere. 只能先在镇上到处看看。 Actually so long as has enough patience, he can place load look at completely this cities, is the so-called rug search. 其实只要有足够的耐心,他是可以一次次地读档把这个城镇全部看遍的,也就是所谓地毯式搜寻。 After spell hides itself, Seiji goes out of the alley, forwards along the street, in all directions observation. 运用术法隐蔽自己后,晴司走出小巷,沿着街道一路向前,四处观察。 ...... …… Mitsutaro is selling the coal to hear the fearful hearsay on the way. 光太郎在卖炭途中听到可怕的传闻。 Carpenter Shibata, died. 木匠柴田一家,死了。 The Sir and child all died, was eaten by the ghost! 大人和孩子全都死了,被鬼吃掉了! Besides them, several households of peasant families outside subdues was eaten by the ghost...... Died at least dozens individuals!! 除了他们,还有住在镇外的好几户农家被鬼吃掉……已经死了至少几十个人!! Hears this news, Mitsutaro is scared, thinks own family member, is worried. 听到这种消息,光太郎感到害怕,想到自己家里人,更是担心起来。 It is said that will not appear in the daytime ghost, but he somewhat is terrified, the fear went home to see not the good scene. 据说在白天鬼不会出现,可他还是有些惶恐,害怕回到家会看到不好的景象。 The coal sells very happy, shortly after has sold out, expectation is much earlier, Mitsutaro the footsteps is catching up toward the family/home in a hurry. 炭卖得很好,没多久就卖光了,比预想的要早得多,光太郎迈着匆匆脚步往家赶。 He more walks is rapid, afterward was runs simply in the family/home. 他越走越是急促,后来简直是一路小跑回去家里。 Mother, younger sister, younger brother...... Family member's face spins in the mind, Mitsutaro breathes heavily to pass through the mountain road that the mist fills, finally saw oneself house. 母亲、妹妹弟弟……亲人的面孔在脑海里打转,光太郎喘着粗气穿越雾气弥漫的山道,最终见到了自家房屋。 The gate is opening unexpectedly! 门居然是开着的! In this weather, as long as normal others will not open the main house gate greatly. 在这种天气里,但凡正常的人家都不会大开家门。 Sees this selling coal person, immediately in the heart the restless emotion increases. 见到这一幕的卖炭人,顿时心中不安情绪攀升到。 Approaches the front door, smells the difference smell. 靠近屋门,闻到异样的气味。 Mother......” voice has not fallen, he because of seeing indoor scene tarries. “妈妈……”话音未落,他就因为见到室内的景象而呆住。 The bloody color, clothing of tearing, pours in the form of ground...... 血腥的颜色,撕裂的衣物,倒在地上的身影…… „...... Ahhhhh Ahhh the painful slogan resounds through the ravine. “啊……啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊”痛苦的呐喊声响彻山间。 Mother and younger brother...... Died. 母亲和弟弟……死了。 Mitsutaro is not willing to accept this fact, however the brutal scene at present, he incomparably painfully is yelling and sobs, is unable to change, is irretrievable. 光太郎不愿接受这个事实,然而残酷的景象就在眼前,他无比痛苦地喊叫、哭泣,也无法改变,不可挽回。 Only then younger sister is also living. 只有妹妹还活着。 She flowed many blood, is weak, was dying. 她流了很多血,非常虚弱,也快死了。 As brother, Mitsutaro, although was unable totally to accept the reality, but body moved, hurries to give the younger sister wrap wound, then carries her to run toward the mountain under! 身为兄长,光太郎虽然还没能完全接受现实,但身体自己动了起来,赶忙给妹妹包扎伤口,然后背起她往山下跑! Asks the pharmacist to seek the treatment, must save the younger sister life. 去找药师寻求治疗,一定要保住妹妹的生命。 Do not die, winter beautiful, do not die......” “不要死,冬美,不要死……” Mitsutaro was shouting unceasingly younger sister name, has tears streaming down the face. 光太郎不断喊着妹妹的名字,泪流满面。 Runs on floating the mountain road of snow and thick fog at the back of a person rapidly, the foot slips accidentally/surprisingly, layer on layer/heavily throws down. 背着一个人在飘雪和浓雾的山道上急速奔跑,脚不出意外地打滑,重重地摔倒。 Continually winter beautiful......” Mitsutaro shrieks with pain ample does not have, to crawl to set out to examine the younger sister condition. “冬美……”光太郎连喊痛的余裕都没有,爬起身就要查看妹妹的状况。 Actually saw the latter to raise the head, has opened eyes, the inside scarlet piece! 却见到后者抬起头来,睁开了眼睛,里面猩红一片! „!!” “嗷!!” young girl does not send out like the howling of person, the mouth canine is prominent, becomes is long and sharp, as if wild beast! 少女发出不像人的吼叫声,嘴里犬牙突出,变得长而尖锐,仿佛野兽 Winter...... beautiful?” Mitsutaro is startled tarries. “冬……美?”光太郎惊得呆住。 He noticed that the younger sister four limbs support, the palm increases, the nail lengthens, becomes is the claw is likely ordinary, then threw fiercely!! 他看到妹妹四肢撑地,手掌变大,指甲变长,变得像是爪子一般,然后猛地扑了过来!! Ah!” “啊呀!” Mitsutaro instinct frightened, the body reacts to avoid automatically, but was thrown by winter beautiful ruthlessly, crushes in the place. 光太郎本能地恐惧,身子自动做出反应想要避开,但被冬美狠狠扑中,压倒在地。 Saw with own eyes that the tine of opposite party approaches itself, sold the coal person to have a premonition the death. 眼见对方的尖齿逼近自己,卖炭人预感到了死亡。 Does not want...... Winter beautiful...... Does not want......” him to go all out to resist, all the year round worked the strength of fostering to play the role, shoved open young girl actually. “不要……冬美……不要……”他拼命抗拒,长年干活养成的力气发挥了作用,将少女硬是推开。 áo áo winter beautiful was howling, the sharp claws penetrated the brother clothes, jabbed into his body. 嗷嗷嗷”冬美吼叫着,利爪穿透兄长的衣服,刺进其身体。 Ahhh winter beautiful the Mitsutaro pain is incomparable, both hands exhaust shove open younger sister full power, then full power a foot kicks out of the way it! 啊啊啊冬美”光太郎痛苦无比,双手用尽全力将妹妹推开,然后再全力一脚将其踢开! However winter beautiful threw immediately. 然而冬美马上又扑了过来。 Sold the coal person not to have the strength quickly, the watches own younger sister malicious ghost common face, is unable to ponder, only then painful, sorrowful and despairs. 卖炭人快没力气了,看着妹妹恶鬼一般的面庞,无法思考,只有痛苦、悲哀与绝望。 In his mind flashes through sees the younger sister time at first, that day that she was just born was also a such snow day, the young baby girl was hugged by mother in the bosom, the father in side said temperately you start today are elder brother, must look after good younger sister...... 他脑海里闪过最初见到妹妹的时刻,她刚出生的那天也是这样的一个雪天,小小的女婴被母亲抱在怀里,父亲在旁温和说你今天开始就是哥哥了,要照顾好妹妹…… Father...... Sorry...... 爸爸……对不起…… Mitsutaro has closed eyes. 光太郎闭上了眼睛 Next flickers, a sound that bumps, waited for him of death to feel one suddenly light. 下一瞬,碰的一声响,等着死亡的他突然感觉身上一轻。 Opens eyes, sees a Sir Samurai! 睁开眼睛,见到一位武士大人! Wears the white feather to weave, the black skirt-pants, grasp long blade, a long hair grips ponytail, the face is very delicate and pretty, to has been hard to distinguish clearly the gender degree. 身穿白色羽织,黑色裙裤,手持长刀,一头长发扎成马尾,脸庞十分俊美,到了难以分清性别的程度。 This is Mitsutaro second time sees such handsome character since birth. 这是光太郎有生以来第二次见到这么俊的人物 This delicate and pretty Samurai is drawing a sword slowly the sheath, the cold vision approaches it place, pours about several meters young girl. 这位俊美武士正在缓缓拔刀出鞘,冷冽目光所向之处,是倒在几米开外的少女 „!!!” Winter beautiful supports to bellow, crawls to set out to throw to strike fierce. “嗷!!!”冬美撑地大吼,爬起身凶猛扑击而来。 The delicate and pretty Samurai figure flashes, the high-speed steps spin body circles to the young girl side behind, long blade simultaneously comes out of the sheath to strike to stab his back, sews her to ground ruthlessly! 俊美武士身形一闪,高速踏步旋身绕到少女侧后方,长刀同时出鞘一击刺中其后背,把她狠狠钉到地上! Winter beautiful exudes the painful cry, wields crazily pair of claws. 冬美发出痛苦叫声,疯狂挥动双爪。 The delicate and pretty Samurai look is faint, both hands must move long blade, executes her. 俊美武士眼神淡漠,双手就要移动长刀,将她处决。 „...... Wait!!!” Saw with own eyes that this Mitsutaro yells makes noise. “等……等等!!!”眼见这一幕的光太郎喊叫出声。 Does not want...... Sir...... Asked you do not kill her...... She is my younger sister......” sells the coal person to kneel on the ground, bursts into tears the plea saying that family member who I live only...... Only then she...... Mom...... younger brother...... Died...... Asked you not to want......” “不要……大人……求您不要杀了她……她是我妹妹……”卖炭人跪在地上,流泪恳求道,“我唯一活下来的家人……只有她了……妈妈……弟弟……都死了……求您不要……” He speaks incoherently, but is going all out to plead, hopes that Sir Samurai makes younger sister maintain a livelihood. 他语无伦次,只是在拼命地恳求,希望武士大人让妹妹活命。 Delicate and pretty Samurai turned head to look at his one eyes. 俊美武士扭头看了他一眼。 She became the ghost, was incurable.” “她已经变成鬼,没救了。” No...... No...... Can be saved...... Certainly could be saved...... I will not make her eat person...... I will watch her, does not make her eat the person, then discovers to rescue her means......” Mitsutaro to move not very clever argument to say strongly. “不……不……有救的……一定会有救的……我不会让她吃人的……我会看住她,不让她吃人,然后找出救她的办法……”光太郎竭力活动并不很灵巧的口舌说道。 Has the means, can achieve, how must watch to turn into monster younger sister, he has not gone to think, simply had not pondered...... At this moment his clear, only then did not convince this Sir Samurai, younger sister was dying! 是不是真有办法,能不能做到,又要怎么看住变成怪物妹妹,他都没有去想,根本没有思考……此刻他明白的只有一点不说服这位武士大人,妹妹就要死了! Does not want to make winter beautiful die, even if she became the ghost. 不想让冬美死,即使她已经变成了鬼。 Asked you...... Asked you......” base and low selling coal person bursting into tears over the face, to noble formidable Sir Samurai, kissed the ground the entreaty. “求您……求求您……”卑微的卖炭人流泪满面,向高贵强大的武士大人,伏地哀求。 Was sewn in ground ghost young girl was still struggling. 被钉在地上的鬼少女仍在挣扎。 The delicate and pretty Samurai vision puts aside from the ghost female place, looks to its brother. 俊美武士的目光从鬼女处移开,看向其兄长 Do not hand over the life and death by other people decided.” He said low and deep, „, to prevent me to kill her, began to kill me.” “不要把生死交由他人决定。”他低沉说道,“要想阻止我杀了她,就动手杀了我吧。” .
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