UPOH :: Volume #3

#271: Knows the consequence to be serious early, why can do?

I go to mother returns home......” “我去尼玛的落叶归根……” Wang Family Family Head almost fainted at the scene. Your returning home are such understanding? Killed completely, but delivers the head? 王家家主当场几乎晕了过去。你们的落叶归根是这么理解的嘛?将人全部都杀了,只是将脑袋送回来? Did this call to return home? 这叫落叶归根? Before Pavilion Lord the last few words, said beyond just before leaving the score understands. 阁主临走前的最后一句话,说得分外明白。 We resolutely support fairly, we firmly punish illegally. Person who if there is Handsome Zuo Company comes this to kill your Wang Family person, we same seize to kill, does not appease, just comfortable will of the people, right and wrong not in strength!” “我们坚决拥护公平,我们坚决惩治不法。若是有左帅公司的人来此杀你们王家人,我们一样擒杀,绝不姑息,公道自在人心,是非不在实力!” Family Head Wang smashed a study room directly! 王家主直接砸了一个书房! How did you feel all right to speak these words? 你们怎么好意思说这句话的? Does the Handsome Zuo Company person assassinate us? 左帅公司的人来刺杀我们? Do they dare? 他们敢吗? Do they have this strength? 他们有这个实力吗? They come not to come! 他们连来都不会来! But this being unable to speak out about one's grievances, our can Wang Family only swallow? 但这个哑巴亏,我们王家就只能这么吞下了? Too aggrieved! 太憋屈了! What is called regional departments is very discontented? Can handle my Wang Family killer depending on each region department? Isn't this cracks a joke? 什么叫做各地部门都很不满?就凭各地部门能处置得了我王家的杀手?这不是开玩笑么? What is the just comfortable will of the people, the right and wrong not in the strength? 什么叫公道自在人心,是非不在实力? We have the strength of running amuck world obviously, actually must be compelled and ordinary troll farm by you fights the bickering! 我们明明拥有横行天下的实力,却要被你们逼得和一个普通的一个喷子公司打口水仗! Does that also want the strength to do?! 那还要实力干嘛?! But all sorts of present situations told Wang Family matter 但种种现状都告诉了王家一件事 You can only deal like this. 你们只能这样应对。 Goes to assassinate, the bribe, digs the corner...... an exception, had not delivered the head/number of people all. 前去暗杀的,贿赂的,挖墙角的……没有一个例外,已经尽数将人头送了回来。 Even on the road, had been cut to kill completely, obstinately no fish slip through! 甚至连在路上的,都已经全部被斩杀,愣是没有一个漏网之鱼! This is the feeling that being frightened by the slightest sound, is deserted by friends and allies, made Wang Family up and down is uneasy. 这是一种风声鹤唳、众叛亲离的感觉,令到王家上下都是忐忑不安。 Taking this into consideration, Wang Family held the emergency meeting immediately. 有鉴于此,王家即时召开了紧急会议。 This sign is not quite good, no, is not good.” “这个兆头不太好,不,是太不好了。” Wang Family Family Head put water of cup life origin directly on hand, prepared to drink at any time. 王家家主直接放了一杯子命元之水在手边,随时准备喝。 Came back to report a moment ago time, under he seriously by the high-level attitude shocking, the vitality turned wells up, almost formed the internal injury. 刚才回来汇报的时候,他当真是被高层的态度给震惊到了,气血翻涌之下,几乎形成了内伤。 „The Throne attitude, after should be previous time comes Ancestral Dragon High Martial, discovered anything, he only aims at that four, non- does not have the discovery again, but allowed the leeway, but you, must attempt a luck.” 御座的态度,应该就是上次来祖龙高武之后,发现了什么,他只针对那四家,非是再无发现,而是留了余地,但是你们,偏偏要希图个侥幸。” The Family Head Wang Han brow tight wrinkle, the eye looks to another of sitting is the silver-haired old man: „The third child family/home, I have said with you, how many quotas do not seek after Ancestral Dragon High Martial that but how do you do? Now how? How could it not be do all sources start from that?!” 家主王汉眉头紧皱,眼睛看向在坐的另一个已经是白发苍苍的老头:“老三家的,我是不是早就和你们说过,不要贪图祖龙高武的那几个名额,可你是怎么做的?现在又怎么样?一切的源头岂非都是从那开始的?!” The old man lowers the head does not speak. 老头低着头不说话。 Had no way to say. 没法说。 Because he, although is seemingly old, but in fact, is actually the Family Head numerous grandson rank. 因为他虽然看起来年纪大,但是实际上,却是家主的重重孙子辈分。 Capital City has two Wang Family. 京城有两个王家 But besides the age glorious capital accurate high level, extremely few people knows that this two Wang Family is actually one. 但除了年龄悠久的上京准高层之外,极少人知道这两个王家其实乃是一家。 The embodiment is 300 years ago the two brothers compete for Family Head, failure indignant and leave home, founded a strength to be large outside in addition, endured Wang Family that controlled the forces of nature fully. 内蕴不过是三百年前兄弟两人争夺家主,失败的一个愤而离家出走,在外另创建了一个实力颇大,足堪呼风唤雨的王家 That that but also leaves home angrily, first requests to re-enter clan at the point of death, making two secretly superpositions be. 但也是愤怒离家的那位,临死前要求重回家族,让两家暗地里重合为一家。 This is the advantage of strength, so long as your strength is enough, the rule will naturally compromise for you! 这就是实力的好处,只要你实力足够,规则自然会为你妥协! Naturally on the surface, actually was still two Wang Family ; This conforms to all eggs not to place a basket aristocratic family law. 当然在表面上,却仍旧是两个王家;这样更符合所有鸡蛋都不放在一个篮子里的世家定律。 But does the wind to do the rain to do the quota in Ancestral Dragon High Martial Wang Family, is by the juniors leadership of another Wang Family. 而在祖龙高武搞风搞雨搞名额的王家,便是由另外一个王家的子弟主导。 However this is not the key point, here related in detail unclear. 然而这已经不是重点,这里就不详细说了。 Perhaps others do not know real hobbling between two Wang Family, but Sir Throne possibly does not know. Previous time Sir Throne arrives at Ancestral Dragon, investigates thoroughly the Qin Fangyang matter, handled four clan in the thunder method one after another, it seems like that the law is stern, the heavy hand is brutal, but who the discerning person does not know that line has a strong beginning but a weak ending radically, rushes through matters.” “别人或许不知道两个王家之间的真实牵绊,但是御座大人可能不知道么。上次御座大人来到祖龙,亲身彻查秦方阳的事情,以雷霆手段接连处置了四个家族,看来法度森严,辣手无情,可明眼人谁不知道,那一行根本是虎头蛇尾,草草了事。” Family Head Wang Wang Han said: „After on that day, I have said that Sir Throne definitely discovered you, determined is Wang Family also has the participation, but to keep an face to the past ancestor, restrained oneself, temporarily receives the hand.” 王家主王汉道:“那一日之后我就说过,御座大人肯定是发现了你们,确定了是王家也有参与,但为了给当年的老祖宗留点脸面,克制自己,才临时收手。” But since Sir Throne that moment of Ancestral Dragon walking, the standpoint in this matter, to him, will no longer have any incline. In other words , Sir Throne no doubt gave Wang Family to allow the leeway, but simultaneously, we also therefore lost this biggest backer, lost permanently!” “但是自从御座大人从祖龙走的那一刻开始,就这件事上的立场,对于他老人家来说,已经不再会有任何的倾斜。换言之,御座大人固然给王家留了余地,但是同时,我们也因此是失去了这座最大的靠山,永久的失去了!” Wang Family Family Head Wang Han deeply sighs, said: Those words that spoke from Sir Throne, can very obvious looks: Believes that your Wang Family is innocent, believes your Wang Family also to be able from proving the innocent person of oneself!” 王家家主王汉深深地叹了一口气,道:“从御座大人所说的那句话,可以很明显的看出来:相信你们王家是无辜的,相信你们王家也能自证自己的无辜!” What is this? The meaning is he will not pay attention to Wang Family again is dies lives, the Wang Family following all sorts, must depend on oneself, moreover is, is pure from the card following the normal mode method, all dishonest ways, outside all plates the move, is forbid entirely, used is draws on to backlash, uses to dig one's own grave.” “这是什么意思?意思就是他老人家不会再理会王家是死是活,王家后续种种,都要靠自己,而且还得是,循正常方式方法自证清白,一切歪门邪道,一切的盘外招,统统禁用,用了就是招来反噬,用了就是自掘坟墓。” Sighing of he expects too much: Takes a look at the matter that you do, un? How can the consequence, see now?” 他恨铁不成钢的叹了一口气:“瞧瞧你们做的这件事,嗯?后果如何,现在都看得到了吧?” „The honor and inherited from predicessors of ancestor, make you use Ancestral Dragon High Martial group of dragons seize the vein quota grade of minor matter, spends freely cleanly.” “先祖的荣光和余荫,就让你们用祖龙高武群龙夺脉名额这等小事,挥霍得一干二净。” Presents all Wang Family people, glowers to this old man. 在座所有王家人,都对这老头怒目而视。 The old man cannot calm down again, this hat was too big, cannot withstand. 那老头再也沉不住气,这帽子太大了,承受不住。 Hurried say/way: Also not necessarily because of group of dragons seize the vein quota matter, Throne said with certainty, Qin Fangyang is his good friend......” 急忙道:“也未必是因为群龙夺脉名额这件事,御座言之凿凿,秦方阳乃是他之好友……” In the Wang Han eye projects the cold light: Qin Fangyang behind trace, don't you have the participation to erase?” 王汉眼中射出寒光:“难道秦方阳的身后痕迹,你们没有参与抹除?” old man Wang Ping said: What Throne sees is the will of the people, the mental perception institute, what does to come hide? But Qin Fangyang is actually not we kills seriously, perhaps Sir Throne understood clearly this matter, leaves to depart, the matter of group of dragons seize the vein, long-standing, has been the unwritten custom, meanwhile proposed, but by the head, Qin Fangyang is the key point!” 那老头王平道:“御座所见的乃是人心,慧眼所及,何来遁形?但秦方阳却当真不是我们杀的,也许御座大人是了然了这件事情,才抽身离去的,群龙夺脉之事,由来已久,早已经是不成文的规矩,此际提出,不过是由头,秦方阳才是重点!” Simply put, Qin Fangyang is your Wang Family kills, is not our Wang Family kills. 言下之意,秦方阳是你们王家杀的,可不是我们王家杀的。 Has saying that this Wang Ping implied meaning also is really good, if Qin Fangyang has not died, smooth obtains the quota, even has one, these matter, will not happen entirely. 不得不说,这王平言下之意还真是不错,若是秦方阳没死,顺利的得到名额,就算只得一个,这些事情,就统统不会发生。 The matter of related group of dragons seize the vein, can still continue, can still be the unwritten custom, Qin Fangyang, is really the key point! 相关群龙夺脉之事,仍旧可以延续,仍旧可以是不成文的规矩,秦方阳,果然才是重点! ! 啪! Wang Han pounds on the table, both eyes stares: Dissolute!” 王汉一拍桌子,两眼一瞪:“放肆!” Immediately, the atmosphere in conference room transfers the public sentiment to be roused to action. 顿时,会议室里的氛围转为群情激奋。 If not for you in the rash action of Ancestral Dragon High Martial, Throne will detect?” “若不是你们在祖龙高武的妄动,难道御座会察觉?” Right, can Throne also arrive at Wang Family alone investigation?” “对啊,御座还能单独到王家来查案子?” In the final analysis also isn't the attention of Throne you annoy?” “归根到底还不是你们惹起来的御座的注意?” „......” “……” Under a wanton bombing, the Wang Ping big mouth is panting for breath, did not say a word. 一番狂轰滥炸之下,王平大口喘息着,却是一言不发了。 Said the proper business! Now investigates again the beginning to end reason is meaningful?” “说正事!现在再追究始末原由还有意义吗?” Wang Han knocks the table, everyone stopped. 王汉敲敲桌子,大家才停了下来。 Now, Sir Throne has clarified the attitude, believes that Sir Thearch will not have two words, having a look at Left and Right Heavenly Kings to take a stand one after another, four directions Great Commander what did four sides declare support for...... this to explain?” “现在,御座大人已经摆明了态度,相信帝君大人也不会有二话,看看左右天王相继表态,四方大帅的四面声援……这说明了什么?” The Wang Han vision cold glow four shoot, said: This explained that above has recognized, reached the agreement, this matter is we do. But concerned about the ancestor honor, cannot move our clan. Therefore...... presses us at the same time, on the one hand lifts the opposite party, formed the current rival show.” 王汉目光寒芒四射,道:“这说明了,上面已经认定了,达成了共识,这件事就是我们做的。但碍于祖先荣光,不能动我们家族。所以……才一方面压我们,一方面抬对方,形成了当前的这个对台戏。” In other words, our Wang Family, has stood now all high-level opposite! This is the present can determine!” “换句话说,我们王家,现在已经站到了所有高层的对面!这是现在就可以确定的!” Even if this opinion warfare, we can win, but in Sir Throne position, was still doomed unable to recall.” “就算是这一场舆论战,我们能赢了,但在御座大人心里的地位,也注定是无法挽回了。” „The person who sends, without exception, was all cut to kill...... this attitude, was obvious.” “所派出去的人,无一例外,全被斩杀……这个态度,再明显不过了。” Nine Heavens Pavilion powerful is not false, but if does not have top permitting, absolutely not under such cruel methods!” 九重天阁位高权重不假,但若是没有顶层的允准,断断不会下这样子的狠手!” Wang Han long sigh: This was the present situation, how following of this matter should do, everyone discussed that when pooled brains and brawn, spends together difficult.” 王汉长长叹息:“这就是现在的情况了,这件事的后续应该怎么做,大家讨论一下,群策群力,共渡时艰。” Everyone keeps silent. 所有人都默不作声。 Nine Heavens Pavilion Sir Pavilion Lord personally acts to send the head/number of people, had explained many issues. 九重天阁阁主大人亲自出面送来人头,早已经说明了很多很多的问题。 Wang Ping raised the head, the gray hair is mapping the incandescent light, obviously was whiter, his sinking sound said: Family Head, this matter arrives now this one step, following how, we can foresee.” 王平抬起头,花白的头发映射着白炽的灯光,显的更白了,他沉声道:“家主,这件事走到现在这个一步,后续如何,我们都是可以预见的。” Kills Qin Fangyang, I believe that has the reason, since there is the reason and a goal, killed also killed, was not all that serious, does did not matter to regret. But why can dig the He Yuanyue tomb?” “杀秦方阳,我相信定有原因,既然有原因和目的,杀了也就杀了,没什么大不了,做了就无所谓后悔。但为什么要刨何圆月的坟墓?” I really want to understand, after this matter did, but also kept that clear evidence, even without the high-level involvement, will still inspire the great unrest, in this regard, believes has the brain was clear, Sir Family Head you are definitely clearer than us, after all sizes up the situation, Family Head is a helmsman, then, why must do that such choice?” “我是真的想明白,这件事做了之后,还留下了那么明确的证据,就算没有高层的介入,仍旧会引动轩然大波,关于这一点,相信有脑子的都清楚,家主大人您肯定比我们更清楚,毕竟审时度势,家主才是掌舵人,那么,为什么还要这么做,这么选择呢?” Wang Han complexion slowly gloomy, dense say/way: First I must tell you, Qin Fangyang, is not we kills!” 王汉脸色缓缓地阴沉了下来,森然道:“第一个我要告诉你的,秦方阳,不是我们杀的!” The Wang Ping corners of the mouth bring back, reveal wipe to sneer: „!” 王平嘴角勾起,露出一抹冷笑:“呵!” Second, He Yuanyue tomb, is not we digs.” A Wang Han character character said: Got it? This is my answer, needing me is redundant a time?” “还有第二个,何圆月的坟墓,也不是我们掘的。”王汉一字字道:“明白了吗?这就是我的答复,需要我再重复一次吗?” Understood! These deals are not our family/home do.” Wang Ping nods: But I do not mean this, I am want to ask why can do? Since has been able to know the consequence, why can also do?” “明白!这些勾当都不是我们家干的。”王平点点头:“但我不是说这个,我是想要问,为什么要做?既然早就能知道后果,为什么还要做?” The Wang Han almost air/Qi faints. 王汉几乎气晕过去。 How many said? 说几遍了? This goods...... 这货…… However, Wang Han suddenly discovered, actually is not only Wang Ping, in clan, unexpectedly several people looked curiously. 但是,王汉突然发现,其实不仅是王平,家族之中,居然还有好几个人好奇地看了过来。 Obviously is interested in the answer of this issue very much. 显然对这个问题的答复很感兴趣。 Another asked simply: Right Family Head, since clear(ly) knows that the consequence will be very possibly serious, why can do?” 又一个干脆问了出来:“对啊家主,既然明知道后果可能会很严重,为何要做?” Especially! 特么的! This topic could not have circled. 这个话题还绕不过去了。 Reason is very simple, I think reason that must do that. Does that responsibility to our Wang Family throughout the ages.” “原因很简单,我认为有必须这么做的理由。这么做,将会干系到我们王家千秋万世。” Wang Han said lightly: Since you have doubts, then Family Head explained one time, only explained this time.” 王汉淡淡道:“既然你们都疑惑,那么本家主就解释一次,只解释这一次。”
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