TEIBF :: Volume #8

#739: Harvest, vibration

Important effect? 至关重要的作用? Lu Xuan thinks, if the stone does not move has not lied, at the beginning of the universe say/way, has certainly anything, regarding the Saint clan bloodlines is very important. 陆轩想了想,如果石不移没有说谎的话,那么在混元道之中,就一定有什么东西,对于圣族血脉是非常重要的。 Then this was not only was important to Liu Haotian, because Lu Xuan were the Saint clan bloodlines. 那么这就不仅仅是对刘昊天来说非常重要了,因为陆轩自己又何尝不是圣族血脉。 Lu Xuan far surpass Liu Haotian of Innate Dao Body development, but he has Secret Technique to cover up his aura, therefore no one discovered. 陆轩先天道体开发的远超刘昊天,只是他有秘法可以遮掩住自身的气息,所以才没人发现。 If there is significant role to the innate sacred body, naturally also has the use to Lu Xuan very much. 如果是对先天圣体有重要作用的话,对陆轩来说自然也是很有用处的。 Let alone Lu Xuan regarding the thing that the Saint ancestor keeps, is very interested. 何况陆轩对于圣祖留下来的东西,也很有兴趣。 After all the Saint ancestor is also his Old Ancestor! 毕竟圣祖也是他的老祖宗 Although he does not believe Liu, but the bloodlines in bone come from the Saint ancestor. 他虽然不信刘,但是骨子里的血脉还是来自于圣祖的。 You successfully convinced me, I am interested in having a look very much, that thing that you said that is actually anything, is interested in listening to you to argue, so-called does not facilitate the reason of saying, is actually anything!” “你成功说服了我,我很有兴趣去看看,你说的那个东西,究竟是什么,也有兴趣听你们辩解一下,所谓的不方便说的理由,究竟是什么!” Lu Xuan says immediately. 陆轩随即开口说道。 The stone does not move has not thought that Lu Xuan is so simple to comply, as if a little stems from his unexpected, he thinks, by Lu Xuan to the gap that their beginnings of the universe said that must convince Lu Xuan, perhaps was not easy. 石不移没想到陆轩只是这么简单就答应下来,似乎有点出乎他的意料之外,他本以为,以陆轩对他们混元道的间隙,要说服陆轩,恐怕并不容易。 You are never so expected that refreshed, but you did not fear that what trap we do set up?” “没想到兄台这么爽快,不过兄台不怕我们设下什么陷阱么?” The stone does not put aside the oral account to say. 石不移开口说道。 Did not fear, if present, you will regret!” Lu Xuan light saying. “不怕,如果有,你们会后悔!”陆轩淡淡的说道。 The stone did not move to the corners of the mouth to pull pulling, without thinking of this Lu Xuan also was really enough bold, what card in a hand in his don’t know Lu Xuan hand also had, but he was assured, fearing that Lu Xuan said real, that facial expression could not deceive people. 石不移嘴角扯了扯,没想到这陆轩还真的是够大胆的,他不知道陆轩手中到底还有什么样的底牌,但是他敢笃定,陆轩说的怕就是真的,那种神情是骗不了人的。 In fact, Lu Xuan really has the card in a hand, can make the entire beginning of the universe say regretted, but does not arrive that step, Lu Xuan is not willing to use. 事实上,陆轩确实有底牌,可以让整个混元道都后悔,只是不到那一步,陆轩也不愿意动用。 Many methods, repercussion was really big. 很多手段,后遗症都实在是太大了。 You invited, this matter was sooner rather than later!” “那兄台请吧,此事宜早不宜迟!” This matter, the stone does not put aside the oral account to say. 此事,石不移开口说道。 No, I have the matter to manage, you and others my!” “不,我还有事情要办,你等我一下!” Lu Xuan said directly, immediately he waves, the chaos town/subdues day bell glass to Liu Haotian head, oneself flew into the ancestor of Jiang directly. 陆轩直接说道,随即他一挥手,混沌镇天钟罩到了刘昊天的头上,自己才直接飞入了蒋家的祖地之中。 The stone does not move to see this, is not how clear, Lu Xuan this has not felt relieved him, therefore guarded against one to him. 石不移看到这一幕,如何还不明白,陆轩这到底还是没有放心他,所以还是对他防了一手。 However he is also indifferent, because he had not planned that makes anything to Liu Haotian, even a little any wishful thinking, he still knows, oneself cannot offend Lu Xuan. 不过他也无所谓,因为他本身也没有打算对刘昊天做点什么,即便有点什么小心思,他也知道,自己得罪不起陆轩 Really was Lu Xuan that move created world thunder lotus to be extremely terrifying a moment ago. 实在是陆轩刚才那一招创世雷莲太过恐怖了。 His whole life has not seen has had such terrifying Divine Ability! 他这辈子都没有见过有这么恐怖的雷法神通 But displays such rank Divine Ability, the Lu Xuan being without turning a hair heart does not jump unexpectedly, the probably normal breath same simplicity, this deeply shocked the stone not to move. 而施展完这样级别的雷法神通,陆轩居然面不改色心不跳,就好像是正常的呼吸一样的简单,这深深震慑住了石不移。 Lu Xuan flew into the ancestor of Jiang, at this time passes through the time that Lu Xuan delayed a moment ago, Jiang Jia ancestor/grandfather, already no one's existence. 陆轩飞入了蒋家的祖地之中,此时经过了刚才陆轩耽搁的时间,蒋家祖地之中,已经没有一个人的存在。 Stubborn member, after seeing the Lu Xuan terrifying strength, does not dare to remain. 再死硬的份子,在看到了陆轩的恐怖实力之后,都不敢留下来。 Keeps the mountain, did not fear that does not have truth that the firewood burns, as we all know! 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧的道理,所有人都知道! Everyone does not want dead! 所有人都不想死! Quick, under Lu Xuan sweeping of Divine Sense, hid in Jiang Jia ancestor/grandfather in treasure house also shows in Lu Xuan at present. 很快,在陆轩神念的扫荡之下,隐藏在蒋家祖地之中宝库也都展现在了陆轩的眼前。 The person of Jiang has not carried off with enough time, does not dare to carry off, hopes probably these things can constrain the Lu Xuan footsteps. 蒋家的人没来得及带走,也不敢带走,大概还是希望这些东西能够拖住陆轩的脚步吧。 Lu Xuan is truly constrained the footsteps now, but he has not exterminated the plan of Jiang thoroughly, because does not need. 陆轩现在确实被拖住了脚步,不过他也没有彻底剿灭蒋家的打算,因为根本也没有必要。 Although he murders decisively, slaughtering is never lenient, but will not make the innocent killing evil, because does not need! 他虽然杀伐果断,杀戮从不手软,但是也不会造无辜的杀孽,因为没有必要! Slaughtering is only the demand, he has not evolved to become a slaughtering crazy demon. 杀戮只是需求而已,他还没有进化成为一个杀戮的狂魔。 Treasure house construction of Jiang in underground, the protection is appropriate, but there can prevent Lu Xuan. 蒋家的宝库建设在地下,防护得当,不过那里阻挡得住陆轩 A Lu Xuan fist drives out the front door of Jiang Treasure house, opened the spirit qi big hand again most directly, in these wealth Jiang Treasure house flew high to absorb entirely. 陆轩一拳就轰开蒋家宝库的大门,再最直接张开了灵气大手,将蒋家宝库之中那些财富统统凌空摄取了过来。 The innumerable spirit stones changed to a spirit qi river to flood into the day of sea mystical place. 无数的中品灵石化作一条灵气长河涌入了天海秘境之中。 Many raw materials for medicine, heavenly materials earthly treasures, wait/etc., in the moments, was plundered by Lu Xuan. 更有诸多的药材,天材地宝,等等,统统都在片刻之间,就被陆轩掠走。 Jiang naturally does not have the means and blood god places on a par, but wanted to be richer compared with the initial Red Eyebrows immortal. 蒋家当然没有办法和血神教相提并论,不过比起当初的赤眉大仙还是要富有许多的。 Finally falls into the Lu Xuan hand, is only only spirit stones has over in 2 million spirit stones, other wealth this also over in 1 million spirit stones. 最后落入陆轩手中的,光就只是中品灵石就有超过两百万中品灵石,其他各种财富这也超过百万中品灵石。 Although seems like not many, but Jiang is only the little family, here is only the treasure house of Jiang, has these, is the limit. 虽然看起来不算很多,不过蒋家不过只是小家族而已,这里只是蒋家的宝库,有这些,就已经是极限了。 Naturally, the person who Jiang runs away will definitely take away many wealth, but Lu Xuan also has no free time 11 stops. 当然,蒋家逃走的人身上肯定会带走不少财富,不过陆轩也没空去一一阻拦。 Had these things, the Lu Xuan energy and card in a hand on many many. 有了这些东西,陆轩的底气和底牌就多的多了。 Quick, Lu Xuan returns. 很快,陆轩就返回。 The stone does not move to see the Lu Xuan appearance, guessed correctly probably Lu Xuan did do. 石不移见陆轩的样子,大概也猜到了陆轩去干什么去了。 Obviously went to plunder the wealth of Jiang, but this was also the Lu Xuan spoils of war, naturally no one dares to say anything. 显然是去将蒋家的财富搜刮一空了,不过这本来也是陆轩的战利品,自然没人敢说什么。 Walks!” “走吧!” Lu Xuan said, immediately waves, oneself and Liu Haotian bloodstain swept clear a cleanness, restored that fair and clear handsome youngster appearance. 陆轩道,随即一挥手,将自己和刘昊天身上的血迹清扫了个干干净净,又恢复到了那个白净俊朗的少年模样。 Then must not move to go to the beginning of the universe to say with the stone. 这才要跟石不移前往混元道。 , Leads for a while is matter for a lifetime! 正所谓强不强只是一时的,帅不帅是一辈子的事情! After the Lu Xuan three people leave, the result that this fights was also spreading over the Saint Yang mainland at an astonishing speed. 而在陆轩三人离开之后,这一战的结果也在以一个惊人的速度传遍了圣阳大陆。 Many people of person's who at that time left guest including the clansman and Jiang of Jiang, reported the news immediately. 当时离开的人包括蒋家的族人和蒋家的宾客在内的许多人,都在第一时间将消息发了出去。 Jiang remaining elder groups, even included Jiang one to achieve god boundary nine heavy Old Ancestor, in addition guest of Jiang, one after another in addition the experts of over a hundred god boundaries, it can be said that well-know figure in nearby influence. 蒋家剩下的长老团,甚至其中包括了蒋家一个已经达到了化神境九重的老祖,再加上蒋家的宾客,陆陆续续加起来上百位化神境的高手,都可以说是附近的势力中的佼佼者 The expert who melts the god boundary where is extremely a expert, is the backbone, the casualties of over a hundred experts, such scale, said and collision between blood god such colossi with the beginning of the universe probably, had possibility casualty so many people. 化神境的高手在哪儿都是绝顶高手,是顶梁柱,上百高手的死伤,这样的规模,大概和混元道以及血神教这样的庞然大物之间的碰撞,才有可能死伤这么多人吧。 It is said that stood at that time with the person who he fights, has not run away, by a terrifying Divine Ability annihilation!” “据说,当时站出来和他一战的人,一个都没跑掉,被一个恐怖的雷法神通湮灭了!” Some people mentioned that Divine Ability, cannot help but fought a shiver, they are unable to imagine, what move can move of experts who annihilate over a hundred god boundaries. 有人提到那一个雷法神通,都不由得打了一个寒战,他们根本无法想象,什么样的招数能一招湮灭掉上百化神境的高手。 This has gone beyond the category that they can imagine. 这已经超出了他们所能够想象的范畴了。 What is most terrifying, all stations oppose Lu Xuan, with a Lu Xuan war, does not have one to escape finally unexpectedly, this terrifying slaughtering efficiency, is astonishing. 最恐怖的是,所有站出来反对陆轩,与陆轩一战的,最后居然没有一个能逃掉,这种恐怖的杀戮效率,是何等惊人的。 Some people found panic-strickenly, as if appears from Lu Xuan starts, the score on his hand is the group extinguishes, can escape had not had! 更有人惊骇的发现,似乎从陆轩出现开始,他手上的战绩都是团灭,一个能逃生的都还没有过! Cruel and merciless! 心狠手辣! In everyone instantaneous mind emitted this word! 所有人瞬间脑海之中都冒出了这个词! Apex 顶点
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