TEIBF :: Volume #7

#695: The counterattack instead kills

Kills livingly! 活生生打死! This thought that Zhou Sulong is not immediately good on the whole person, in the past was he kills livingly, now unexpectedly some people are hitting the similar plan, must kill him livingly! 这个念头一起,周苏泷顿时就整个人都不好了,以往都是他将人活生生打死,现在居然有人打着同样的打算,要将他活生生打死! What is more terrifying, he feels, perhaps Lu Xuan really has such strength! 更恐怖的是,他感觉到,陆轩恐怕真的有这样的实力! Perhaps if oneself strength in the peak, could not have done to Lu Xuan, he can get the winning side, actually cannot kill Lu Xuan. 如果自己实力还在巅峰,恐怕也奈何不得陆轩,他能占据上风,却也杀不死陆轩 In other words, Lu Xuan has the strength to run away obviously, even under his eye hides moves out. 也就是说,陆轩明明是有实力逃走的,甚至在他的眼皮子底下全身而退。 However Lu Xuan has not actually done, the preparation is waiting for him here, making him feel self-important, gave him ruthlessly one. 然而陆轩却没有那么做,准备在这里等着他,让他骄傲自大,给了他一下狠的。 This clearly is early deliberate, from the beginning plans to kill him! 这分明就是早有预谋,从一开始就是打算将他杀死! The next stingy is spicy, does not hesitate! 下手狠辣,绝不犹豫! Zhou Sulong knows, oneself ran into a ruthless person, such person, once decided to start, will not give up absolutely! 周苏泷知道,自己算是遇到了一个狠人了,这样的人,一旦决定下手,绝对不会善罢甘休! „Don't you want to kill me a moment ago? Now doesn't begin?” Lu Xuan light saying. “你刚才不是还想杀我么?现在不动手么?”陆轩淡淡的说道。 In an instant, Lu Xuan aura erupted, direct Primordial Spirit Golden Dragon, that terrifying pressure direct steamroll to Zhou Sulong the body. 刹那间,陆轩身上的气息爆发了出来,直接化出了元神金龙,那恐怖的压力直接碾压到了周苏泷的身上。 Zhou Sulong felt a terrifying pressure eruption immediately on own body, like having a Divine Mountain pressed on his body is ordinary. 周苏泷顿时感受到了一种恐怖的压力爆发在了自己的身上,如同有一座神山压在他的身上一般。 !” “噗!” Zhou Sulong a flash blood spurted again, almost by all of a sudden oppression knelt, he felt, around oneself each air was pressed to explode, he even absorbs spirit qi unable to achieve from the air. 周苏泷一瞬间一口鲜血再度喷了出来,差点被一下子压迫的跪了下来,他感觉,自己周围的每一次空气都被压爆了,他甚至连从空气之中吸收灵气都做不到。 The pressure of that terrifying locked in his all, lets him such as in the falling mire, every seconds, wants to move every minute is very difficult. 那恐怖的威压锁住了他的一切,让他如坠泥沼之中,每一分每一秒,想要移动都很困难。 Zhou Sulong at present one black, has almost not fainted, after falling the god boundary six heavy peaks, he knows, present Lu Xuan can have terrifying how. 周苏泷眼前一黑,差点没晕过去,落到了化神境六重巅峰之后,他才知道,眼前的陆轩能够有多么的恐怖。 Like is facing unprecedented, crawls the monster that from the great antiquity time. 如同在面对一头前所未有,从洪荒时代之中爬出来的怪物。 Even in that unsurpassed Holy Son facing sect, he still had confidence, opposite party impossible, in realm far is inferior in own situation, oneself will compel this situation. 即便是面对宗门之中的那一个无上的圣子,他也有把握,对方不可能在境界远逊色于自己的情况下,将自己逼到这个地步。 Very powerful strength!” “好强的力量!” Zhou Sulong simply depressed wants to spit blood, his Cultivation Strength, compared to god boundary six heavy, is very huge, is the difference of small brook and Yangtze River Yellow River. 周苏泷简直郁闷的想吐血,他自己的功力,相对于化神境六重来说,已经是非常庞大,是小溪流和长江黄河的差别。 However the present man told him, the Yangtze River Yellow River also has nothing greatly, because he is the broad boundless sea. 但是眼前的男人告诉了他,长江黄河也没什么了不起的,因为他是宽广无垠的大海。 Spelled!” “拼了!” Zhou Sulong is clenching teeth, stands erect the body, he knows, this way, even if Lu Xuan does not act, can depending on die his town/subdues taking advantage of a pressure. 周苏泷咬着牙,直立起了身子,他知道,继续这样子下去,哪怕陆轩不出手,都可以光凭借着一身威压将他生生镇死。 He does not have other choice, only has wrestles at risk of life! 他没有别的选择,唯有拼死一搏! Bang!” “轰!” Erupted a terrifying from Zhou Sulong the body, destroyed day of the great power of extinguishing the place, broke the Lu Xuan steamroll instantaneously in great power. 从周苏泷的身体之中爆发出了一阵恐怖的,毁天灭地的强大力量,瞬间冲开了陆轩碾压在身上的强大力量。 Also evolved in his Primordial Spirit behind directly, that is a blood-color form, the blood god. 在他的身后他的元神也直接演化了出来,那是一尊血色的身影,血神。 Is unsurpassed Primordial Spirit that cultivation technique cultivation of their lineage/vein come out, although has the detail to be different respectively, but generally speaking, is actually same reveres the blood god, in the hearsay, at the beginning of epoch-making, in the world had a bloodshed, in the bloodshed bred a blood god, was once overwhelming, in world, left behind many legends in the later generation vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Primordial Spirit that many cultivation technique, the view wants to come out, was such a blood god. 是他们这一脉的功法修行出来的无上元神,虽然各有细节不同,但是总的来说,却是同一尊血神,传闻中,在开天辟地之初,天地间有一处血海,血海之中孕育了一尊血神,曾经翻江倒海,纵横于世,在后世留下了诸多的传说,许多的功法,观想出来的元神,就是这样一尊血神。 On the blood god is sending out the endless vitality, is contending with Lu Xuan back Golden Dragon. 血神身上散发着无尽的气血,在与陆轩背后的金龙相抗衡。 Loose soul blood claw!” “散魂血爪!” Zhou Sulong exploded to roar a giant roaring sound from the throat, a claw grasped to fall toward Lu Xuan, the air was torn every inchs, that fearful Cultivation Strength, was almost in an instant, above the vault of heaven, formed the giant blood to say. 周苏泷从喉咙之中爆吼出了一声巨大的咆哮声,一爪朝着陆轩抓落了下来,空气每一寸都被撕裂,那可怕的功力,几乎是刹那间,在天穹之上,形成了巨大的血云。 Zhou Sulong has put together completely full strength, must suppress the toxic further invasion, while must with the Lu Xuan war, simply be the ultra level display, to this situation, exhausts full strength! 周苏泷已经拼尽全力了,一边要压制着毒性的进一步入侵,一边还要与陆轩大战,简直是超水平发挥,到了这个地步,已经是竭尽全力了! Lu Xuan looked that did not look, his both hands toward grasp void fiercely, flies high to tear into shreds all of a sudden the loose soul blood claw that this racket falls. 陆轩看也不看,他的双手朝着虚空猛地一抓,生生将这拍落下来的散魂血爪凌空一下子撕碎开来。 His both hands brave the golden light, the golden light changed into dragon claw the appearance, can tear into shreds all. 他的双手冒着金光,金光化为了龙爪的模样,可以撕碎开一切。 Death!” “死!” At this time, when don’t know Zhou Sulong unexpectedly already killed Lu Xuan , the beforehand loose soul blood claw merely was only a pretence, this was his true killing incurs. 就在这个时候,不知道什么时候周苏泷竟然已经扑杀到了陆轩的跟前,之前的散魂血爪仅仅只是幌子而已,这才是他真正的杀招。 That blood claw seal, just like a ribbon attached to an official seal to grasp toward the throat of Lu Xuan, must tear into shreds at the scene his throat. 那一只血爪印,犹如一个印绶朝着陆轩的喉咙抓了过去,要将他的喉咙当场撕碎开来。 Roar!” “吼!” The shock-wave that a Lu Xuan long and loud cry, in an instant, the surrounding air changes into the terrifying toward scatters in all directions to go in all directions, in the air full is braves the golden light the light wave, just like has a good swim in Golden Dragon in the world to be ordinary. 陆轩一声长啸,刹那间,周围的空气化为恐怖的冲击波朝着四面八方四散而去,空气之中满是冒着金光的光波,犹如是畅游在天地间的一条条金龙一般。 Extinguishes world Golden Dragon to howl!” “灭世金龙啸!” This long and loud cry, when Zhou Sulong has killed nearby Lu Xuan, erupted directly, Zhou Sulong called out pitifully directly, is unable to approach Lu Xuan, this unsurpassed Divine Ability shook to fly him directly, what attack did not have the means close to Lu Xuan, what attack in this extinguished world Golden Dragon to howl is rumbled broken. 这一声长啸,就在周苏泷已经扑杀到了陆轩跟前的时候,直接爆发了,周苏泷直接惨叫一声,根本无法靠近陆轩,这一门无上的神通直接将他震飞了出去,什么样的攻击都没有办法靠近陆轩,什么样的攻击统统都在这灭世金龙啸中被轰碎。 Zhou Sulong the body as if broke kite flying upside down of line in the midair, the Lu Xuan form disappeared in same place, caught up with Zhou Sulong all of a sudden. 周苏泷的身体仿佛是断了线的风筝倒飞在半空之中,紧接着陆轩身影就消失在了原地,一下子追上了周苏泷。 The Lu Xuan speed was too fast, true Shrink the Ground to an Inch, his foot, trampled toward Zhou Sulong the chest. 陆轩的速度太快了,真正的缩地成寸,紧接着他一只脚,朝着周苏泷的胸口践踏了下去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Zhou Sulong simply does not have the means to contend, was treadonned directly, the body seemed the meteor to fall in the ground generally ruthlessly, the pounded ground is shivering slightly, raised several feet dust wave. 周苏泷根本没有办法抗衡,被直接一脚踏中,身躯好似流星一般狠狠落到了地面上,砸的地面在微微颤抖,掀起了十几丈的尘浪。 !” “噗!” Zhou Sulong only thought that the whole body bone must be trod, this can the smashing that a mountain peak treads, tramples a Divine Dragon between world like the legend, destroys the day to extinguish. 周苏泷只觉得浑身的骨头都要被踏碎了,这一脚能将一座山峰踏的粉碎,如同传说中践踏天地间的一条神龙,毁天灭地。 The instant time, Zhou Sulong black spread all of a sudden, in that flash, where experiences personally severely wounded Zhou Su rapids also suppression the toxin of living within the body, the toxin erupts at an astonishing speed, even is still spreading at a more astonishing speed. 只是刹那间的功夫,周苏泷身上的黑色一下子蔓延了很多,在那一瞬间,身受重伤的周苏泷哪里还镇压的住体内的毒素,毒素以一个惊人的速度爆发,甚至还在以一个更加惊人的速度蔓延开来。 Has only flowed the whole body in an instant, he only thought that whole body fierce ache, the sensation are getting fewer and fewer, whole body all organs were attacked and occupied by the poisonous blood, deteriorated at an astonishing speed directly, vitality in rapid flowing. 只刹那间就已经流淌遍了全身,他只觉得浑身都在剧烈的疼痛,感知越来越少,浑身所有的器官都被毒血攻占,直接以一个惊人的速度衰败了下去,生命力在飞速的流淌。 I am unwilling!” “我不甘心啊!” Zhou Sulong observed closely Lu Xuan stubbornly, he is unwilling, coming out that he can feel, the absolute strength he gets the winning side completely, if fights steadily, even if cannot do to Lu Xuan, will not end up such fate absolutely. 周苏泷死死的盯住了陆轩,他不甘心啊,他能够感受的出来,绝对的实力他还是完全占据上风的,如果稳扎稳打,即便奈何不得陆轩,也绝对不会落得这样的下场。 He pulled rank, simply has not thought highly of Lu Xuan, by Lu Xuan by the Big Dipper poisonous centipede surprise attack, was killed by poison finally. 他还是太托大了,根本没有看得起陆轩,才被陆轩以七星毒蜈蚣突袭,最后生生被毒死。 After shouting one, Zhou Sulong died, a moment later, the corpse becomes jet black one piece, seems a hard coke. 大喊一声之后,周苏泷就断了气,片刻之后,尸体就变得漆黑一片,仿佛是一节焦炭。
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