TEIBF :: Volume #7

#694: Kills livingly

Rapidness that enough it is fortunate that he responded, first shaking to fly the Big Dipper poisonous centipede, otherwise, must die in the hand of Lu Xuan at the scene! 得亏他反应的够快,第一时间将七星毒蜈蚣给震飞了出去,否则的话,岂不是当场要死在陆轩的手上! He saw appearance that a Lu Xuan face is a pity, is so angry, oneself general idea! 他看到陆轩一脸可惜的样子,更是气得半死,自己大意了! This thought that the Lu Xuan strength is far less than him, no matter what thing, in the face of the absolute strength, is not meaningful! 这觉得陆轩实力远不如他,不管什么样的东西,在绝对的实力面前,都没有任何意义! However he actually forgot, he is still far from to Lu Xuan has the steamroll of absolute strength, otherwise the first move should kill the Lu Xuan bang at the scene. 但是他却忘了,他对陆轩根本也谈不上有绝对实力的碾压,否则第一招就该将陆轩当场轰杀了。 However at this time regretted, he had felt without enough time the toxin is flowing the whole body at an astonishing speed with the blood. 不过此时后悔也已经来不及了,他感觉到毒素正在以一个惊人的速度随着血液流遍全身。 He sealed up the meridians on right hand arm hastily, avoided many toxin flowing, the right hand had abandoned thoroughly, but despite that the remaining that flowed the toxin in blood, is fermenting rapidly. 他连忙封闭住了右手手臂上的经脉,避免更多的毒素流淌过来,右手已经彻底废了,但是即便如此,剩下那流淌进血液中的毒素,也在迅速发酵。 Corners of the mouth often flows the blood! 嘴角不时的流淌出鲜血! Damn, damn, damn!” “该死,该死,该死!” In Zhou Sulong the innermost feelings is roaring, oneself were given by local indigenous unexpectedly Yin, simply is the great shame! 周苏泷内心之中在咆哮,自己居然被一个本地的土著给阴了,简直是奇耻大辱! Thinks of here, Zhou Sulong the complexion was paler. 想到这里,周苏泷的脸色更加铁青了。 „It is not good, this place cannot remain!” “不行,此地不能就留!” Zhou Sulong has the idea in an instant, cannot continue to stay here, otherwise, is not careful will die here, in the sewers capsizes. 周苏泷刹那间就已经有了主意,不能继续留在这里,否则的话,一个不小心就会死在这里,阴沟里翻船。 Where at present this person don’t know is sacred, but obviously is not the common character. 眼前这个人不知道到底是何方神圣,但是显然不是一般的人物。 I went out, you died!” “等我出去,你就死定了!” Zhou Sulong sent out these characters from the throat, only wishes one could to tear into shreds Lu Xuan at the scene. 周苏泷从喉咙之中发出了这几个字,只恨不得将陆轩当场撕碎。 However he also knows, continues the war to get down, perhaps death is he, more is the fierce fight, the vitality flows is quicker, the vitality flows one quickly, these toxin flow the whole body at a more astonishing speed, by that time, was really the deity is also difficult to rescue. 但是他也知道,继续大战下去,恐怕死的就是他,越是激烈的战斗,气血流动就越快,气血流动一快,这些毒素就以一个更加惊人的速度流遍全身,到那个时候,就真的是神仙也难救了。 However while Zhou Sulong wants to break through, unexpectedly, he felt present Lu Xuan all of a sudden changed, only in that station, has the potential of mighty force unexpectedly. 不过正当周苏泷想要突围的时候,蓦地,他感觉到眼前的陆轩一下子变了,只在那站着,居然有千军万马之势。 Wire rope Heng Jiang! 铁索横江! Only one person, the place that all he can escape from, guarded solid. 只一个人,就将所有他能够逃脱的地方,镇守的严严实实。 Obviously, opposite Lu Xuan had also guessed correctly his plan, suddenly, he suddenly cannot uncover the loophole that can escape from. 显然,对面的陆轩也已经猜出了他的打算,一时间,他竟然找不出能够逃脱的漏洞。 In his eyes, Lu Xuan is only simple toward that station, but actually astonishing power and influence, like wire rope Heng Jiang, lock in all outlets. 在他的眼中,陆轩只是简简单单的往那一站,但是却有一种惊人的威势,如同铁索横江,锁住所有的出路。 „To walk?” Lu Xuan sneers is looking at Zhou Sulong, he planned was so long, finally let the words that Zhou Sulong escaped from, to fall short? “想走?”陆轩冷笑着看着周苏泷,他算计了那么久,结果却让周苏泷逃脱的话,岂不是功亏一篑? Was nipped by the Big Dipper poisonous centipede, at this time best way, is the only means that is looks for place full strength to compel the poison, possibility that somewhat survives. 被七星毒蜈蚣咬中,此时最好的办法,也是唯一的办法,就是找一个地方全力逼毒,那才有几分存活下来的可能性。 More intensity of fight, dying is also quicker! 战斗的越激烈,死的也就越快! Today remains!” “今天就留下来吧!” Lu Xuan light saying. 陆轩淡淡的说道。 Zhou Sulong restrained the expression on face, in the double pupil exploded the vision that split to slaughter callously, he knows, cannot be friendly this matter to the present, opposite that person will not easily put him to run away absolutely. 周苏泷收敛起了脸上的表情,双眸之中爆绽出了冷酷杀戮的目光,他知道,此事到了现在已经不可善了,对面那个人绝对不会轻易放他逃走。 Without the means leaves safely, that first killed you to walk again!” “既然没有办法安然离开,那就先打死你再走好了!” Zhou Sulong facial expression even more callous, was compelled in this share by Lu Xuan, he has only been able to spell, this way, he was not killed by Lu Xuan must be killed by poison. 周苏泷神情愈发的冷酷,被陆轩逼到了这个份上,他已经只能拼了,继续这样下去,他不被陆轩打死也要被毒死。 His eyes open fiercely all of a sudden, in an instant, the imposing manner rises suddenly, on him that bloodstained clothing against the wind flap flap. 他的双眼猛地一下子睁开,刹那间,气势暴涨,他身上那一身血衣迎风猎猎。 Blood-color True Yuan one after another toward proliferated in all directions, seems the typhoon is ordinary, formed the fearful domain around own body. 身上血色的真元一圈一圈的朝着四面八方扩散了出来,仿佛是台风一般,在自己的身体四周形成了可怕的领域。 Loose soul blood claw!” “散魂血爪!” Zhou Sulong drinks greatly, a claw grasped toward Lu Xuan, the loose soul blood claw tore into shreds the vault of heaven. 周苏泷一声大喝,一爪朝着陆轩抓了过去,散魂血爪撕碎了苍穹。 Universe within Sleeve!” 袖里乾坤!” Lu Xuan wields the sleeve directly, unexpectedly will disperse the soul blood claw to fly high to scatter, does not have the difficulty. 陆轩直接一挥袖,居然就将散魂血爪凌空打散,毫无难度。 With the loose soul blood claw contrast, was really on weak plans incessantly. 和刚才的散魂血爪对比来说,实在是弱上不止一筹了。 How possibly! This is any Divine Ability, unexpectedly can keep off my attack!” “怎么可能!这是什么神通,居然能挡下我的攻击!” Zhou Sulong the whole person is not immediately good. 周苏泷顿时整个人都不好了。 Lu Xuan this wielded the sleeve to block oneself all attacks unexpectedly directly, although he knows, to suppress the toxin, his Cultivation Strength the Conghua god boundary sevenfold has dropped the god boundary heavily six. 陆轩这一挥袖居然直接挡住了自己所有的攻击,虽然他知道,为了镇压毒素,他的功力已经从化神境七重跌落到了化神境六重。 Even so , during should be melts the god boundary six are heavy extremely, is the first talent is right. 即便如此,也应该是化神境六重之中的绝顶,是第一人才对。 Finally was actually lived by Lu Xuan easy impediment all of a sudden. 结果却被陆轩一下子轻而易举的阻挡住了。 Also nothing extraordinary!” “也没什么了不起的!” Lu Xuan finishes speaking, the figure has killed Zhou Sulong the front, fist Golden Dragon Stretching Out Claw rumbles, direct the golden dragon arm, went toward Zhou Sulong the head bang. 陆轩话音刚落,身形就已经扑杀到了周苏泷的面前了,紧接着一拳金龙探爪轰出,直接化出了金色的龙臂,朝着周苏泷的脑袋轰去。 Zhou Sulong the response is also astonishing, regarding the Lu Xuan super speed, had it can be said that prepared, claw disperses the soul blood claw, goes to the bang with Lu Xuan. 周苏泷的反应同样惊人,对于陆轩的超级速度,也可以说是早就有所准备了,一爪化出散魂血爪,与陆轩对轰而去。 Bang!” “轰!” A terrifying collision, the blood-color and golden energy combination to one, toward proliferated in all directions. 一场恐怖的碰撞,血色和金色的能量混杂到了一起,朝着四面八方扩散了出去。 !” “噗!” The victory and defeat also divided in the flash, Zhou Sulong an essence and blood spurted, the entire body was similar to the kite of line to fly upside down generally. 胜负也在一瞬间分了出来,周苏泷一口精血喷了出来,整个身体如同断了线的风筝一般倒飞了出去。 Zhou Sulong reversed don’t know many circles in the midair, stood firm the figure reluctantly, observed closely Lu Xuan stubbornly. 周苏泷在半空之中倒转了不知道多少圈,才勉强稳住了身形,死死的盯住了陆轩 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Zhou Sulong only thought that a moment ago and that left hand of Lu Xuan to fist was about to lull, his first discovery, the attack of Lu Xuan was so unexpectedly terrifying. 周苏泷只觉得刚才和陆轩对拳的那一只左手都快麻痹了,他第一次发现,陆轩的攻击居然这么恐怖。 Before depended realm by far tall passed/lived Lu Xuan, simply has not paid attention to regarding the attack of Lu Xuan. 之前仗着境界远远高过了陆轩,对于陆轩的攻击也根本没有放在眼里。 Now suddenly discovers, in god boundary six heavy middle, the Lu Xuan strength is so unexpectedly terrifying, if trades to do is the common god boundary six heavy experts, perhaps will be hit at the scene remnantly, made into the severe wound, is as for fights with the fists to explode is not impossible. 现在才突然发现,在化神境六重当中,陆轩的实力居然有这么恐怖,如果换做是寻常的化神境六重的高手,恐怕当场就会被打残,被打成重伤,乃至于一拳打爆也不是不可能的。 same realm is invincible! 同境界无敌! He also felt after own rank drops the god boundary six were heavy, the strength should also melts the god boundary six heavy peaks, same realm is invincible. 他原本还觉得自己级别跌落到了化神境六重之后,实力应该也是化神境六重巅峰,同境界无敌。 However now he knows, in same realm, Lu Xuan can tyrannicalally to any situation! 但是现在他才知道,在同境界之中,陆轩能够强横到什么地步! No, is not right, he thinks suddenly, if real realm, Lu Xuan perhaps also only then god boundary four heavy, if is really same realm, perhaps oneself will be run over and die by an opposite party finger. 不,不对,他陡然想起来,如果算是真实的境界的话,陆轩恐怕还只有化神境四重而已,如果真是同样的境界,自己恐怕会被对方一根手指头碾死。 How in this world to have this terrifying monster, is simply desperate! 这个世界上怎么会有这种恐怖的怪物,简直让人绝望! How he cultivates! 他到底是怎么修炼的! Is any physique! 到底是什么体质! Is anything inherits! 到底是什么传承! Suddenly, in his mind emitted the innumerable thoughts, thought of a fearful possibility. 一时间,他的脑海之中冒出了无数的念头,同时也想到了一个可怕的可能。 He also thinks, Lu Xuan closed off his all the routes of breaking through, for towed while still alive him, after the poison of his body sent, died naturally. 原本他还以为,陆轩封锁住了他所有突围的路线,是为了将他活活拖死,等到他身体之中毒发了之后,自然而然就死了。 However now he looks at the Lu Xuan appearance again, where some wants to tow his plan tiny bit, this clearly plans to kill him livingly! 但是现在他再看陆轩的样子,哪里有一丝一毫想拖死他的打算,这分明就是打算将他活生生打死啊!
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