TEIBF :: Volume #7

#690: Melts the god boundary tertiary

The blood phoenix fruit acquires fame because of its shape, looks like a blood-color flying phoenix. 血凰果正是因其形而得名,看起来如同一只血色的飞凰。 On this blood phoenix fruit sends out the astonishing medicine to be fragrant, refreshing, but attracts a medicine to feel fragrant the whole body the pore must open automatically, whole body Cultivation Strength has a promotion. 这血凰果上散发着惊人的药香,沁人心脾,只是吸一口药香就感觉浑身的毛孔都要自动打开,浑身的功力都有一丝提升。 Although is only one, but also was astonishing enough , Lu Xuan present cultivation base is vigorous, even if grows one, is the serious matter. 虽然只是一丝,但是却也足够惊人了,要知道,陆轩现在的修为浑厚无比,哪怕增长一丝,都是不得了的事情。 Also luckily in this medicine garden, otherwise only feared that has attracted the innumerable ominous beasts!” “也幸亏是在这药圃之中,否则只怕早就吸引来了无数凶兽了!” Lu Xuan ponders secretly, this strange spends strange fruit, ominous beast that heavenly materials earthly treasures, is easiest to attract these running amuck wooded mountains. 陆轩暗忖,这种奇花异果,天材地宝,是最容易吸引来那些横行山林的凶兽的。 Compared with the powerhouse of human, the ominous beast sensations in these wooded mountains are keener, the most important thing is, for a long time what the human powerhouse moves is in Zaicheng Town, even if will enter in the mountain forest not to stop over occasionally for a long time, that will be the private plots of many monster beasts. 比人类的强者来说,这些山林之中的凶兽感知更加敏锐,最重要的是,人类强者长期活动的是在城镇之中,即便偶尔进入山林之中也不会长久逗留,那是诸多妖兽的自留地。 Can be with the human powerhouse is incompatible. 和人类强者算得上是格格不入。 Also because of this, the human powerhouse often cannot snatch these heavenly materials earthly treasures, basically by these monster beasts carving up, only then minority luck good times, can just meet. 也正因为如此,人类强者往往都抢不到这些天材地宝,基本都被那些妖兽给瓜分了,只有少数运气好的时候,能刚好遇到。 If this blood phoenix in the open country, it is estimated that will be swallowed by ominous beast even/including Genba, many ominous beast strengths are tyrannical, but the head is not clear, almost relies on the instinct to handle affairs, because of this, therefore often handles affairs to have no scruples, will wipe out blood phoenix fruit even/including root directly. 这血凰果如果是在野外的话,估计会被凶兽连根拔了吞了,很多凶兽实力强横,但是脑袋却不清楚,几乎都是凭借着本能在行事,也正因为如此,所以往往行事没什么顾忌,直接就会将血凰果连根拔除。 Few ominous beasts possibly opened spiritual wisdom, has the consciousness in this aspect. 只有极少数的凶兽可能开了灵智,有这方面的意识。 However said no matter how, now these blood phoenix fruits become the Lu Xuan spoils of war. 不过不管怎么说,现在这些血凰果就都成了陆轩的战利品了。 Makes the best use of the time!” “抓紧时间!” Lu Xuan puts out a hand, on the blood phoenix grass one of the that three blood phoenix fruits flew in the hand of Lu Xuan directly, Lu Xuan also had no hesitant, after direct arrangement Barrier, started to swallow the blood phoenix fruit. 陆轩一伸手,血凰草上那三枚血凰果之一就直接飞到了陆轩的手上,陆轩也没有任何犹豫,直接布置下了结界之后,开始吞下了血凰果。 Meanwhile he also own Divine Sense, release biggest, covers the entire medicine garden, if that bloodstained clothing young master, or that age gold/metal variant beast catches up, he can the earliest possible time know. 同时他也将自身的神念,释放到最大,笼罩住整个药圃,要是那个血衣公子,或者那庚金异兽赶过来,他都可以第一时间得知。 In the blood phoenix fruit, boundless medicinal power swamped into the body of Lu Xuan directly, in an instant, Lu Xuan felt a boundless strength in integrating his Cultivation Strength, is inspiring his Cultivation Strength to rush. 血凰果内,一股磅礴的药力直接涌入了陆轩的身体之中,刹那间,陆轩感受到了一股磅礴的力量在融入他的功力之中,在引动他的功力澎湃。 Lu Xuan hastily revolution Extreme Void Source Art, unceasing refining up this boundless medicinal power! 陆轩连忙运转太虚本源功,不断的炼化这一股磅礴的药力 Lu Xuan regarding the sensibility of realm, naturally is reaches the pinnacle, restricts his realm promotion, naturally also is never these anything realm senses. 陆轩对于境界的感悟,自然是登峰造极的,制约他境界提升的,自然也从来不是那些什么境界感悟。 But the blood phoenix fruit regarding Lu Xuan, was was just certainly good! 而血凰果对于陆轩来说,当然是刚刚好的! The experience of Lu Xuan is very rich, a moment later, starts rapidly refining up medicinal power of blood phoenix fruit. 陆轩的经验无比丰富,片刻之后,就开始飞速的炼化血凰果的药力 Bang!” “轰!” Lu Xuan Cultivation Strength erupted the single layer fiercely all of a sudden, on the foundation of original peak, enters plans. 陆轩身上的功力猛地一下子爆发了一重,在原来巅峰的基础之上,更进一筹。 This may be serious, Lu Xuan started to attack the god boundary directly tertiary! 这可不得了,陆轩直接开始冲击起了化神境三重! But this melts the god boundary tertiary regarding Lu Xuan, is only extremely easy to obtain, Cultivation Strength also in unceasing sharp increase. 而这化神境三重对于陆轩来说,也只是唾手可得,身上的功力也在不断的暴增。 Cultivation Strength one after another cannot control, releases from the pore, forms the terrifying tornado in the whole body. 一圈一圈的功力控制不住,从毛孔之中释放出去,在周身形成恐怖的龙卷风。 However was good because of Lu Xuan has arranged to isolate all Barrier in the surroundings, during avoiding breaking through the time sound is too big, alarms was fighting both sides. 不过好在陆轩在周围早就布置下了隔绝一切的结界,避免突破时候动静太大,惊动了正在战斗之中的双方。 In the Lu Xuan sensation, both sides in the crazy showdown, that age gold/metal variant beast are powerful, the body are cast by the age gold/metal particularly, hard incomparable, although that bloodstained clothing young master’s strength is powerful, but the attack falls on the body of that age gold/metal variant beast does not have the means to defeat the defense of that age gold/metal variant beast. 陆轩的感知之中,双方正在疯狂对决之中,那庚金异兽实力强大,尤其是身体是由庚金铸成,坚硬无比,那血衣公子的实力虽然强大,但是攻击落在那一头庚金异兽的身上却没有办法击破那一头庚金异兽的防御。 But that age gold/metal variant beast air/Qi of murdering is extremely heavy, relies on this air/Qi of murdering to drive back the bloodstained clothing young master merely sufficiently. 而那庚金异兽身上的杀伐之气更是极重,仅仅只是凭借着这杀伐之气就足以将血衣公子逼退。 Facing such a attack and defense body, almost no puppet of flaw, this bloodstained clothing young master simply does not have the means. 面对这么一个攻防一体,几乎没有什么破绽的傀儡,这血衣公子根本没有办法。 Even at this time Lu Xuan can think perhaps is shouting'mother-fucker' to this bloodstained clothing young master, Western age gold/metal originally few, even if increases enters in own magic weapon little, can add several points of might, increases points, the might multiplies. 陆轩此时都能够想的到这个血衣公子恐怕在骂娘,西方庚金本来就很少,哪怕只是添加一点点进自己的法宝之中,都能够平添几分威力,多添加一点,威力倍增。 However he has not thought, unexpectedly some people as luxurious refine to become the puppet as by West age gold/metal, an attack and defense body, simply does not have any flaw. 但是他也没有想到,居然有人奢侈到以西方庚金炼制成为傀儡,攻防一体,简直没有任何破绽。 Must defeat this age gold/metal variant beast words, only then means that were the spirits in his essence can use up, had the possibility. 要击败这一头庚金异兽的话,只有一种办法,就是等他内核之中的灵能用光了,才有可能。 However this puppet age gold/metal variant beast within the body has special absorption world spirit qi formation, can absorb spirit qi between world to change into own kinetic energy continuously. 但是这一头傀儡庚金异兽体内有专门吸收天地灵气阵法,可以源源不断的吸收天地间的灵气化为自身的动能。 Otherwise so many years, should unable to act, in fact, on these puppets has similar formation, is almost a structure of perpetual motion machine. 否则这么多年,早就应该已经无法行动了,事实上,这些傀儡身上都有类似的阵法,几乎就是一个永动机的构架。 Therefore wants to consume this age gold/metal variant beast, is almost impossible, the possibility that in turn, that bloodstained clothing young master was consumed directly is bigger. 所以想要生生耗死这一头庚金异兽,几乎是不可能的,反过来,那个血衣公子被直接耗死的可能性还更大一些。 both sides are almost who cannot do to the opposite party, but this regarding Lu Xuan, happen, can while these days, enhance own strength. 双方几乎是谁都奈何不了对方,而这对于陆轩来说,正好,可以趁着这段时间,提升自己的实力。 However even so, he does not dare to have tiny bit relaxation, because he knows, once this both sides decided the victory and defeat, no matter who, to him, only feared that has the total destruction. 不过即便如此,他也不敢有一丝一毫的放松,因为他知道一旦这双方决出了胜负,不管是谁,对他来说,只怕都有灭顶之灾。 Naturally, Lu Xuan can withdraw to go, he had confidence can move out, but these things may have no relations with him. 当然,陆轩可以脱身而去,他还是有把握能够全身而退的,但是这些东西可就和他没有什么关系了。 But if can before fight of both sides decides the victory and defeat, completes the breakthrough, by that time, this fight, he can also meddle 12, even comes when the snipe and clam grapple , the fisherman profits! 但是如果能够在双方的战斗分出胜负之前,完成突破,到那个时候,这一个战斗,他也能插手一二,甚至来个鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利! The time, is money! 时间,就是金钱! The time, is the life! 时间,就是生命! Lu Xuan races against time, crazy revolution Extreme Void Source Art conducts to refine, if there is bystander to be able at this time the sensation to Lu Xuan cultivation, perhaps will be scared to death. 陆轩争分夺秒,疯狂运转太虚本源功进行炼化,如果此时有外人能够感知到陆轩修行,恐怕会被生生吓死。 Because Lu Xuan refining up the speed of blood phoenix fruit to be extremely quick, if quickly the lightning, is ten times of common person continues at least, even possibly is 20 times, 30 times. 因为陆轩炼化血凰果的速度极快,快若闪电,起码是寻常人的十倍不止,甚至可能是二十倍,三十倍。 Saw that Lu Xuan Cultivation Strength constantly grows, quick achieved itself to melt the limit that the god boundary double can hold. 眼看着陆轩功力不断增长,很快就达到了自身化神境二重所能够容纳的极限。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The Lu Xuan whole body erupted a startling thunderclap sound, in an instant, terrifying Cultivation Strength released from his body. 陆轩的周身爆发出了一阵惊雷声,刹那间,一股恐怖的功力从他的身体之中释放了出来。 In an instant, Lu Xuan broke through, broke the original limit. 刹那间,陆轩就突破了,突破了原有的限制。 Melts the god boundary tertiary! 化神境三重! Lu Xuan broke through the god boundary unexpectedly in a flash tertiary, made a great effort. 陆轩竟然一瞬间突破进了化神境三重,一口作气。 The common person must break through to below a realm, usually needs to sprint several times, even more than ten times, are very normal things dozens times. 寻常人要突破到下一个境界,往往需要冲刺几次,甚至十几次,几十次都是很正常的事情。 After all they do not have the experience, all can only muddling through bit by bit. 毕竟他们都没有经验,一切都只能自己一点一点的摸索前进。 Until after accumulation enough enough experience, can complete the breakthrough. 直到积累够了足够的经验之后,才能够完成突破。 However Lu Xuan is different, he not most deficient experiences, under in addition of blood phoenix fruit holds, he is almost only the flash, broke through the god boundary tertiary! 但是陆轩则不同,他最不缺乏的就是经验,在血凰果的加持之下,他几乎只是一瞬间,就突破到了化神境三重! cultivation base rises dramatically! 修为暴增!
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