TEIBF :: Volume #7

#689: Turtle Yongshou merit

Lu Xuan tracks down, all the way, the wreckage of various puppets find at everywhere, thick calculates, over over a hundred guard puppets were hit to collapse on the ground, was only left over wreckage everywhere. 陆轩一路追寻,一路上,各种傀儡的残骸随处可见,粗粗一算,就有超过上百护卫傀儡被打崩在地上,只剩下了满地的残骸。 Also grazed one forward, unexpectedly, intermittent fresh breeze heads on, rolling up and pushing along air fierce rocking, seeming like the difficult situation seems to be ordinary. 又向前飞掠了一段,蓦地,一阵阵劲风扑面而来,卷动空气剧烈的晃动,看起来仿佛是惊涛骇浪一般。 This is the complementary waves of fight! 这是战斗的余波! Lu Xuan opened Eye of True Sight, immediately saw, a front dozens li (0.5 km) place had the fight. 陆轩睁开了破妄之眼,顿时就看到了,前方数十里的地方发生了战斗。 And a side of fight is not others, is that bloodstained clothing young master. 其中战斗的一方不是别人,正是那血衣公子。 Lu Xuan was seeing that bloodstained clothing young master rumbles a blood claw seal, grasped broke to pieces a core of puppet. 陆轩正看到,那血衣公子轰出一个血爪印,抓碎了一个傀儡的核心。 In his under foot, everywhere is the fragments of puppet. 在他的脚下,到处都是傀儡的碎片。 But in his front, huge incomparable variant beast, that variant beast all over the body comprised of not the well-known metal, very firm, even is not the ordinary metal, is sending out air/Qi of the astonishing murdering from top to bottom. 而在他的面前,还有一头巨大无比的异兽,那一头异兽通体由不知名的金属组成,十分的坚固,甚至都不是普通的金属,浑身上下散发着一种惊人的杀伐之气。 Is the Western age gold/metal!” “是西方庚金!” Western age donor murders, many cultivation experts like taking the raw material of oneself weapon by the Western age gold/metal, can cut the air/Qi of astonishing murdering easily. 西方庚金主杀伐,许多修行高手都喜欢以西方庚金作为自己兵器的原材料,可以轻而易举的斩出惊人的杀伐之气。 It looks like this variant beast, has the hill general size, firm incomparable, the bloodstained clothing young master acts unceasingly, is actually hard to shake such variant beast. 就像是这一头异兽,有小山一般的大小,坚固无比,血衣公子不断出手,却也难以撼动这样一头异兽 But that variant beast each killing, has the astonishing Martial Dao will, chops into pieces the expansive sky like a sharp sword. 而那一头异兽每一次的扑杀,都带有惊人的武道意志,如同一口利剑劈碎长空。 However that bloodstained clothing young master is not any ordinary person, cultivation base is quite profound, can say, before far surpass, by thoughtful draw that the Lu Xuan bang kills. 但是那血衣公子也并非是什么等闲之辈,一身修为极为高深,可以说,远超过之前被陆轩轰杀的周道平。 At least has to melt god boundary sevenfold cultivation base, is not above the same rank! 起码有化神境七重的修为,根本不在同一个级别之上! Such cultivation base, in the god boundary, belonged few certainly for the expert. 这样的修为,在化神境之中,都属于极少数的绝代高手了。 Even present Lu Xuan, the firepower full is not the bloodstained clothing young master’s opponent, after all he also melts god boundary double cultivation base, missed five small realm, without is so easy to span. 即便是现在的陆轩,火力全开也不是血衣公子的对手,毕竟他也只是化神境二重的修为,差了五个小境界,没有那么容易跨越。 Lu Xuan are most also had confidence that escapes from injury of this bloodstained clothing young master. 陆轩最多也就是有把握从这个血衣公子的受伤逃生而已。 This puppet is actually interesting!” “这个傀儡倒是有意思!” Lu Xuan looks at this puppet, obviously this Immortal Cave master should have very astonishing attainments regarding the puppet together, unexpectedly can make such puppet, the ordinary puppet did not say that the light is this age gold/metal variant beast, really hits, the strength actually does not lose to that bloodstained clothing young master. 陆轩看着这个傀儡,显然这个洞府的主人对于傀儡一道应该有着十分惊人的造诣,居然能够造出这样的傀儡,普通傀儡就不说了,光是这一头庚金异兽,真打起来,战力却也不输给那个血衣公子。 At least for a short time, both sides fought to be loath to part from each other! 起码一时半会儿,双方斗了个难舍难分! That age gold/metal variant beast puppet defends before canyon Grand Dao, blocked that bloodstained clothing young master, the complementary waves that both sides fight proliferated Lu Xuan, making Lu Xuan detect fight that the front was in progress. 那个庚金异兽傀儡守在一处峡谷大道之前,挡住了那个血衣公子,双方战斗的余波扩散到了陆轩这边,让陆轩察觉到了前方在进行的战斗。 Lu Xuan looks that this bloodstained clothing young master and this age gold/metal variant beast are fighting, immediately the intention moves, happen to makes the bloodstained clothing young master block this age gold/metal variant beast, making both sides divert mutually. 陆轩看着这个血衣公子和这个庚金异兽正在大战,顿时心念一动,正好让血衣公子拦住这个庚金异兽,让双方互相牵制。 But Lu Xuan happen to can circle while this opportunity, he knows, the blood phoenix fruit in does not calculate in the far medicine garden. 陆轩正好可以趁着这个机会绕过去,他知道,血凰果就在不算远的药圃之中。 But that Lu Xuan this coming real goal is also. 而那也正是陆轩这一次前来的真正目标所在。 Although in this basin mainland seems like that the expert are not many, but was disclosing everywhere a strange condition, particularly that Cloud Dragon Stronghold, is only thoughtful even cultivation base on the no small matter. 这一处盆地大陆上虽然看似高手不多,但是却处处透露着一种诡异的状态,尤其是那个云龙寨,光是周道平的修为就非同小可。 Even so, actually also can only be the second in command, then obviously, in Cloud Dragon Stronghold, ratio thoughtful draw stronger many experts. 即便如此,却也只能是二当家,那么显然,在云龙寨之中,还有比周道平更强的多的高手。 In addition this bloodstained clothing young master, a moment ago to that person who oneself acted, all are disclosing a strangeness. 再加上这个血衣公子,还有刚才冲着自己出手的那个人,一切的一切都透露着一种诡异。 As if under this light semblance, is hiding the terrifying evil behind-the-scenes manipulator secretly, is controlling this region. 仿佛是在这种平淡的外表之下,暗地里隐藏着恐怖的黑手,操控着这一片地域。 Before that making a move person, strength deep and unmeasurable, was away from almost a palm to pat the broken Lu Xuan top of the head flower on vitality. 之前那个出手的人,实力深不可测,隔着那么远就差点一掌拍碎陆轩头顶上的气血之花。 Gives his feeling, hardly next in initially that deep sea Python in deep sea. 给他的感觉,几乎不下于当初在深海之中遇到的那一条深海怪蛇。 Only arranges cultivation base not to melt the god boundary nine heavily, differs is not far! 只安排修为不是化神境九重,也是相差不远了! Definitely does not isolate a person, the back could not say that the colossus makes the support. 肯定不是孤立一个人,背后说不得有一个庞然大物做支撑。 But Lu Xuan just came Saint Yang Dalu not long, was involved in such matter, he must strengthen oneself strength as soon as possible! 陆轩刚刚前来圣阳大陆没有多久,就卷入了这样的事情之中,他必须要尽快增强自己的实力! But this blood phoenix fruit is also the thing of his win! 而这血凰果也是他志在必得之物! Lu Xuan displayed sect cultivation technique immediately, this sect cultivation technique named turtle Yongshou merit, this is extremely outstanding cultivation technique, in the hearsay, the innumerable years ago, the Heavenly Dao crashes, the universe explodes, has the outstanding powerhouse, seeks the turtle in the universe deep place, cuts off the four limbs to do to hold up a day of column. 陆轩当即施展了一门功法,这一门功法名为神龟永寿功,这是一门极为了得功法,传闻中,在无数年前,天道崩塌,宇宙爆炸,有盖代强者,在宇宙深处寻得神龟,斩断四肢做擎天之柱。 This holds up a day of column, crosses the innumerable space potential surfaces, is supporting the entire world. 这擎天之柱,横贯无数空间位面,支撑着整个天下。 But was one can observe all these creation unsurpassed cultivation technique with the turtle Yongshou merit in the past greatly, was one set of cultivation technique. 而和神龟永寿功就是当年某一个大能观这一切而创造的无上功法,是一整套的功法 Afterward by Lu Xuan obtained, had a method in this turtle Yongshou merit, can shield oneself all aura, restrained all life conditions, in this state, even if the next flash will soon die, can extend the life hundred years depending on this sect cultivation technique, naturally this extended the life also be at the condition that one type died to live does not know, cut off all sensations, condition locking firmly in this moment. 后来被陆轩所得,在这神龟永寿功中有一个法门,可以屏蔽自身一切气息,收敛一切的生命状态,在这种状态下,哪怕下一瞬间即将死去,光凭这一门功法也可以延命百年,当然这延命也是处于一种死生不知的状态,断绝了外界一切的感知,将状态牢牢的锁定在这一刻。 Initially Lu Xuan evaded the pursuit of deep sea Python with this method, must use this sect cultivation technique again. 当初陆轩就是用这一门法门躲过了深海怪蛇的追击,现在又要再用这一门功法 The Lu Xuan previous generation has displayed the multiple turtle Yongshou merit, naturally has a familiar task and handles it with ease, concealed the aura directly, hidden whereabouts, goes round the battlefield, goes in the direction of rear medicine garden. 陆轩前世施展过多次神龟永寿功,自然是驾轻就熟,直接匿了气息,隐了行踪,绕开战场,朝着后方的药圃的方向而去。 Had the bloodstained clothing young master in the front attraction attention, Lu Xuan avoided sensation of both sides easily. 有血衣公子在前方吸引注意,陆轩轻而易举的避开了双方的感知。 But life and death that both sides are hitting, hits to live to kill, simply has not paid attention, has form together to enter in the rear medicine garden quietly. 而双方正打的你死我活,打生打死的,根本没有关注到,已经有一道身影悄然进入了后方的药圃之中。 Lu Xuan speculated, this bloodstained clothing young master, is very likely also for this medicine garden. 陆轩推测,这血衣公子,极有可能也是为了这药圃而来。 Entered in the medicine garden, Lu Xuan feels spirit qi to mix with the medicine to greet the nostrils fragrant. 进入了药圃之中,陆轩感受到一股灵气夹杂着药香扑鼻而来。 Various rich medicines greet the nostrils fragrant. 各种浓郁的药香扑鼻而来。 Lu Xuan swept an eye medicine garden, discovered that in the front of medicine garden, above some medicine hillocks Barrier had been defeated . Moreover the year is not short. 陆轩扫了一眼药圃,发现在药圃的前方,已经有一些药垅上方的结界被击破,而且年头已经不短了。 Should be during the beforehand these Old Ancestor these years finds the way to break through one after another again. 应该是之前那些老祖陆陆续续再这些年之中想办法攻破的。 However they do not have the ability deeply to be used as medicine in the garden, according to strength that age gold/metal variant beast shows, these Old Ancestor should hit a time difference, each time while the time that age gold/metal variant beast and one group of puppets have not caught up with, breaks some Barrier, then while plunders some raw materials for medicine randomly. 不过他们都没能力深入药圃之中,按照那一头庚金异兽表现出来的实力来看,这些老祖应该都是打了一个时间差,每次都趁着那一头庚金异兽以及一堆傀儡没有赶过来的时间,打破一些结界,然后趁乱掠走一些药材。 But is one of them, the blood phoenix fruit is one of them, should be knows that they do not have the ability to plant the blood circulation phoenix fruit, therefore has not linked the root to pull out. 而在其中,血凰果就是其中之一,应该是知道他们没能力种活血凰果,所以没有连根拔走。 Once in a while, the day sea mystical place opens time, comes to here to select blood phoenix fruit a time. 只是每隔一段时间,天海秘境开启的时候,就来这里摘取一次血凰果。 These Old Ancestor but actually were also somewhat self-knowledge! 这些老祖倒也是有几分自知之明! Lu Xuan swept, immediately saw the blood phoenix fruit, that is crimson medicinal herbs, the color like the blood, will soon flutter like one blood-color phoenix that unexpectedly soars. 陆轩扫了一圈,当即就看到了血凰果,那是一株赤红色的药草,颜色如血,竟然如同一只即将振翅高飞的血色凤凰。
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