TEIBF :: Volume #7

#688: The mystical place, traces the bloodstained clothing young master

Only strikes, almost Lu Xuan top of the head the flower on vitality collapse leisurely/scatter who hits! 只一击,就差点将陆轩头顶上的气血之花打的崩散! The flower of vitality, is condensation of whole body vitality! 要知道,气血之花,乃是全身气血的凝聚! If can easily be scattered, that did not need to condense! 如果可以轻易被打散的话,那也就不用凝聚了! Terrifying aura plundered from the distant place rapidly. 紧接着,一股恐怖的气息从远处急速掠了过来。 Everyone instantaneous back one cool, fine hair one tight, as if terrifying existences at an exceptional pace close to. 所有人都瞬间后背一凉,汗毛一紧,仿佛有一个恐怖的存在正在以惊人的速度靠近之中。 You hurry to lead to leave, does not want great power Sea City, first finds a place to hide, I felt that this matter is not simple!” “你们赶紧带队离开,不要回天海城,先找一个地方躲一躲吧,我感觉这个事情不简单!” Lu Xuan takes the bull by the horns, almost not hesitant, pinched seal art, a Thunder Dragon appeared before the team of Xu people, blocked Cloud Dragon Stronghold elites chasing down of to Xu people. 陆轩当机立断,几乎是没有犹豫,捏了一个印诀,一条雷龙出现在了徐家众人的队伍前,阻断了云龙寨的精英们对徐家众人的追杀。 slow Hongyi received passes message of Lu Xuan to be startled immediately, immediately immediately reacted, leading slow Tianying and the others to tread the escaping light to run away to go hastily. 徐弘毅接到了陆轩的传音顿时一怔,随即马上就做出了反应,带着徐天颖等人踏着遁光连忙逃遁而去。 Has Thunder Dragon's impediment that Lu Xuan leaves behind, the people in these Cloud Dragon Strongholds may be unable to follow. 陆轩留下的一条雷龙的阻挡,那些云龙寨的人可就跟不上了。 Immediately Lu Xuan the help/gang mixed a king Tathagata in numerous Old Ancestor to break through, helping a prince expert isolate chasing down of Cloud Dragon Stronghold army, making king Rulai hurry to leave. 随即陆轩又帮混在一众老祖之中的王如来解了围,帮王家一众高手隔离了云龙寨军队的追杀,让王如来赶紧离开。 As for others, Lu Xuan did not know, cannot control that many. 至于其他人,陆轩也不认识,也管不了那么许多。 Immediately changes to together the escaping light directly, vanished in the day of sea mystical place. 当即直接化作一道遁光,消失在了天海秘境之中。 Almost is only the time about the same time, the form is treading the blood light together, appeared in the front of people. 几乎只是前后脚的功夫,一道身影踏着血光,出现在了众人的面前。 The middle-aged appearance, the square face man, a black clothes, is roughly slender, sending must all a blood-color piece, seems like vicious tendencies to soar to the heavens. 约莫着中年模样,国字脸的男子,一袭黑衣,身材修长,发须皆血色一片,看起来一身戾气冲天。 Audience Old Ancestor and expert on the scene, when sees the flash of this man, immediately mind one tight. 在场的一众老祖和高手当看到这个男子的一瞬间,顿时心神一紧。 Died?” This black clothes man swept one already by the thoughtful draw that the hammer dies, is only the dislike say/way: Is only a waste!” “死了?”这个黑衣男子扫了一眼已经被生生锤死的周道平,只是厌恶的的道:“到底只是一个废物!” This black clothes man swept a battlefield immediately, the direct hand raised high high, in an instant, huge blood-color Great Formation appeared in the above of people. 这个黑衣男子随即扫了一眼战场,直接一只手高高抬了起来,刹那间,一个巨大的血色大阵出现在了众人的上方。 Audience Old Ancestor and various experts felt immediately a terrifying suction explodes in the body, in their bodies, a terrifying strength is tearing them. 一众老祖和各家高手顿时感觉到一股恐怖的吸力在身体之中爆炸,紧接着他们身体之中,一股恐怖的力量在撕扯着他们。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The people realized immediately is not wonderful, transports the merit to resist this terrifying suction in abundance. 众人顿时意识到了不妙,纷纷运功来抵抗这一股恐怖的吸力。 However simply does not have the means that almost in an instant, these cultivation base weak experts have exploded the body to perish in abundance, the whole body flesh changes to the essence and blood, flooded into that Great Formation directly. 不过根本没有办法,几乎只是刹那间,那些修为较弱的高手就已经纷纷爆体而亡,浑身的血肉化作精血,直接涌入了那个大阵之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Giant bellows, everywhere flesh changed to the essence and blood to flood into Great Formation. 一声声巨大的轰鸣声,漫天的血肉化作精血涌入了大阵之中。 The experts who these melt the god boundary gradually could not contend with the Great Formation suction, the scrap turned into everywhere flesh essence and blood to flood into Great Formation in abundance. 紧接着,就连那些化神境的高手都逐渐抗衡不了大阵的吸力,纷纷炸碎化成了漫天的血肉精血涌入了大阵之中。 This Great Formation rises against the wind, gets bigger and bigger, among the moments, neighbor the surrounding area in dozens li (0.5 km) will give to cover completely. 这个大阵迎风而涨,越长越大,片刻之间,就将附近方圆数十里内全部都给笼罩了进去。 That black clothes man vision looks out into the distance, above the endless land, similar blood-color Great Formation is ascending in the midair. 那黑衣男子目光远眺,在无尽的大地上方,一个又一个类似的血色大阵正在升腾在半空之中。 In Great Formation below life by the suck dry the essence and blood, was flooded into Great Formation above cloud layer in abundance, changed into blood reds the entire cloud layer. 大阵下方的生灵被纷纷吸干了精血,涌入了云层之上的大阵之中,将整个云层都化为了一片血红色。 The land the trembling cry, the innumerable lives are wailing! 大地在颤鸣,无数的生灵在哀嚎! Lopsided slaughtering! 一面倒的杀戮! Raised for several hundred years, finally to time of harvesting!” “养了数百年,终于到了收割的时刻!” This black-clothed person coldly said, facing wailing of endless life, on his face does not have slight changing countenance. 这个黑衣人冷冷的说道,面对无尽生灵的哀嚎,他的脸上没有丝毫的动容。 So long as plans to conduct smoothly, my blood god, will certainly for the king, Saint Yang Dalu also turn into our back gardens!” “只要计划能顺利进行,我血神教,必将为王,圣阳大陆也将变成我们的后花园!” Thinks of here, on this black clothes face showed several points of brutal smiling face, the influence in entire basin during their controls. 想到这里,这黑衣人脸上露出了几分残酷的笑容,整个盆地之中的势力都在他们的掌控之中。 Meanwhile, in day sea mystical place, Lu Xuan rapid flight in this mystical place. 与此同时,天海秘境内,陆轩飞速的飞行在这个秘境之内。 Mystical place compared with the Lu Xuan imagination also wants on a big way many, not only by far Immortal Cave is so simple, but is a small potential surface mystical place. 秘境比陆轩想象的还要大上很多,远远不只是一个洞府这么简单,而是一个小型的位面秘境。 However these Lu Xuan have also had long known, the day sea mystical place will open once in a while one time, always, nearby god boundary Old Ancestor has not given up to here exploration. 不过这些陆轩也早就知道,天海秘境每隔一段时间就会开启一次,一直以来,附近的化神境老祖也从来没有放弃过对这里的探索。 However he information obtained from Xu, all previous expert regarding the exploration of day Sea City mystical place is only the fur/superficial knowledge. 不过他从徐家那边得到的情报来看,历代高手对于天海城秘境的探索都不过只是皮毛而已。 Because in the day Sea City mystical place, everywhere is many powerful puppets! 因为在天海城秘境之中,到处都是许多实力强大的傀儡! These puppets seem like the guard in this mystical place, is still still moving after many years. 这些傀儡似乎是这个秘境的守卫,历经多年依然还在活动。 These puppets have to be equivalent to cultivation base of god boundary, regarding various Old Ancestor, being no different is a huge threat. 这些傀儡都有相当于化神境的修为,对于各家老祖来说,无异于是一个巨大的威胁。 Perhaps two are also not enough to pose the fatal threat, when these puppets move in groups, sufficiently to these cultivation base also only then various Old Ancestor of god boundary single layer pose the huge threat. 一个两个或许还不足以构成致命威胁,但是当这些傀儡成群结队的活动之时,就足以对那些修为也只有化神境一重的各家老祖造成巨大的威胁。 When Lu Xuan entered the day of sea mystical place, sees is actually a puppet fragment of place. 但是当陆轩进入了天海秘境之时,所看到的却是一地的傀儡碎片。 Strikes to kill! 一击必杀! From these puppet everywhere, Lu Xuan can see, strikes the trace that must kill everywhere, can definitely look from the fight trace, these puppets do not even have the opportunity of making a move, a move defeated the core of puppet, discarded these puppets directly. 从这些满地的傀儡身上,陆轩可以看到,到处都是一击必杀的痕迹,从战斗痕迹就完全可以看得出来,这些傀儡甚至连出手的机会都没有,一招就击破了傀儡的核心,直接报废了这些傀儡。 Obviously, these even constitute the puppet of huge threat to god boundary Old Ancestor sufficiently, collapses at the first blow in the front of person radically. 很显然,这些甚至都足以对化神境老祖构成巨大威胁的傀儡,在来人的面前根本不堪一击。 That bloodstained clothing young master? 那个血衣公子? In the Lu Xuan mind emitted that bloodstained clothing young master’s image instantaneously. 陆轩脑海之中瞬间就冒出了那个血衣公子的形象。 Obviously, in this day sea mystical place, there is such a strength, can achieve, has, and only then that bloodstained clothing young master. 显然,在这天海秘境之中,有这样的实力,能够做到的,有且只有那个血衣公子。 These puppets try to prevent that bloodstained clothing young master, however collapses at the first blow radically, is completely not an opponent, cannot prevent, was struck defeated the puppet core, turned into a waste. 这些傀儡试图阻挡那个血衣公子,然而根本不堪一击,完全不是对手,根本阻挡不住,被一击就击破了傀儡核心,变成了个废物。 In the mystical place the place is very big, but Lu Xuan along the wreckage of these routed puppet, pursues that bloodstained clothing young master’s direction to go. 秘境之中地方很大,不过陆轩沿着那些被击溃的傀儡的残骸,一路追着那个血衣公子的方向而去。 This mystical place is obviously similar to the information that Xu Jia gives, truly is one can greatly the place of cultivation. 这个秘境显然和徐家给的情报差不多,确实就是某一个大能的修行之地。 All the way, Lu Xuan saw Hidden Scripture Pavilion, the pill refining room wait/etc., many functional extremely strong rooms. 一路上,陆轩看到了藏经阁,炼丹房等等,许多功能性极强的房间。 According to material that Xu Jia gives, this goes, finally goal extremely possibly that medicine garden in mystical place, that bloodstained clothing young master regarding these Hidden Scripture Pavilion and so on place has no interest obviously. 按照徐家给的资料,这一路而去,最终目的极可能就是在秘境之中的那一个药圃,那个血衣公子对于那些藏经阁之类的地方显然没什么兴趣。 Original Hidden Scripture Pavilion is also all previous day sea mystical place opens the time, key point that various Old Ancestor compete, everyone wants to find to let own cultivation base more further secret Dian. 要知道,原本的藏经阁也是历次天海秘境开启的时候,各家老祖争夺的重点,所有人都想从中找到能够让自己修为更进一步的秘典。 But that bloodstained clothing young master also has oneself inheritance obviously, in classics regarding these Hidden Scripture Pavilion, cultivation technique and so on interest is not big. 而那个血衣公子显然也是有着自己的传承,对于这些藏经阁之中的经典,功法之类的兴趣不大。 But Lu Xuan is also so, his cultivation base inheritance is uncommon, is not big regarding these interests, pursues directly in the direction that the bloodstained clothing young master goes forward. 陆轩也是如此,他的修为传承更是不凡,对于这些兴趣本身就不大,径直就一路朝着血衣公子前进的方向追去。
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