TEIBF :: Volume #13

#1291: Grasps Heavenly Venerable such as to pull up weeds

After full mobilization, Heavenly Court showed own terrifying strength, fanned out in several groups, simultaneously invaded several illustrious prestige the infinite universe. 全面动员之后,天庭就展现出了自己的恐怖实力,兵分数路,同时入侵数个赫赫威名的大千世界。 Hit to be caught off guard these infinite universe all of a sudden, because they had not obtained the news, their Heavenly Venerable had been cut to kill. 一下子就将这些大千世界打了个措手不及,因为他们根本还没有得到消息,他们的天尊已经被人斩杀。 Also no one will inform them! 也没有人会去通知他们! In this case, the defense lines of these infinite universe fall into enemy hands again and again, is almost no protection fell to the enemy. 在这种情况下,这些大千世界的防线连连失守,几乎是毫无防备的就沦陷了。 How they dare, how to dare, doesn't fear to become the All Heavens and Myriad Realms public enemy?” “他们怎么敢,怎么敢,难道不怕成为诸天万界的公敌么?” „Were they insane?” “他们难道是疯了么?” Heaven certainly was insane, was certainly insane!” “天界一定是疯了,一定是疯了!” However when these world want to rise spiritedly to counter-attack, in their world, presented huge phantom, almost no one can resist this phantom. 然而就在那些世界想要奋起反击的时候,在他们的世界,出现了一尊巨大的虚影,几乎没有任何人能够抵挡得住这个虚影 Even if the Emperor, under facing this huge phantom, still knelt directly. 哪怕是帝君,在面对这一尊巨大的虚影之下,依然直接跪了。 Does not dare to revolt! 根本不敢反抗! Heavenly Venerable, was land Heavenly Venerable acts!” 天尊,是陆天尊出手了!” Has Emperor shocking saying of different. 有异界的帝君震惊的说道。 Very for a long time has for a long time not such situation, that is the Emperor acts unexpectedly personally, meddles the All Heavens and Myriad Realms matter, because does that almost broke the tacit understanding between Heavenly Venerable. 已经有很久很久没有过这样的情况了,那就是帝君竟然亲自出手,插手诸天万界的事情,因为这么做,几乎是打破了天尊之间的默契。 Matter that originally should unable to tolerate absolutely. 本来应该是绝对无法容忍的事情。 However at this time, Lu Xuan acted, but these ancient Heavenly Venerable, each pretends ignorance, unexpectedly no one comes out. 但是偏偏此时,陆轩都出手了,而那些古老的天尊们,每一个都装聋作哑,竟然没有人出来。 Poison, the Monsters World and other world in the innumerable lives are wailing. 毒界,妖界等世界之中的无数生灵都在哀嚎。 Heavenly Venerable Old Ancestor, you open the eye to have a look at this situation, the Heaven person clan broke this rule!” 天尊老祖啊,你们睁开眼睛看看这个情况吧,天界人族是破坏了这个规矩啊!” Asked Old Ancestor to help us!” “请老祖帮助我们!” Heaven, land, your not long eyes!” “苍天啊,大地啊,你不长眼睛啊!” The innumerable lives are wailing, but a point cannot prevent the Lu Xuan footsteps, these world tremble in front of this great existence, can resist Heavenly Venerable also only has Heavenly Venerable. 无数生灵在哀嚎,但是一点都阻挡不住陆轩的脚步,这几个世界在这伟大的存在面前瑟瑟发抖,能够对抗天尊的也只有天尊 What many people are not clear, why so many Heavenly Venerable, unexpectedly no Heavenly Venerable station prevents Lu Xuan, prevents the action of Heaven. 只是许多人不明白的是,为什么那么多天尊,竟然没有一个天尊站出来阻止陆轩,阻止天界的行动。 Submits, or death!” “臣服,或者死亡!” phantom that then presents in each world, said. 那在各个世界之中出现的虚影,说道。 Meaning that the projection of that Lu Xuan will, he has not been ruthless, as Heavenly Venerable, he has oneself heart bearing. 那正是陆轩意志的投影,他并没有赶尽杀绝的意思,身为天尊,他有自己的心胸气度。 He must monopolize, is scheduled one All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but does not represent him to open killing for warning greatly, must kill off the lives of these world is. 他只是要一统天下,将诸天万界定于一,但是并不代表着他要大开杀戒,非要将这些世界的生灵杀光才算可以。 Under the Lu Xuan power and influence, without other Heavenly Venerable jumps to oppose with Lu Xuan, these world surrendered quickly. 陆轩的威势之下,也没有其他天尊跳出来与陆轩反对,这些世界很快就都纷纷投降了。 Sees only a Lu Xuan big hand to grasp, actually caught Heaven these world, fuses together with Heaven. 只见陆轩一只大手抓出,竟然生生将这些世界抓到了天界,与天界融为一体。 The lives in these world situated in an inexplicable panic, they have not come across such matter. 这些世界之中的生灵处于一种莫名的恐慌之中,他们从来没有遇到过这样的事情。 However after Lu Xuan fuses together many world, they also accepted this reality, starting today, they from the hostile side of Heaven, become one of the Heaven. 不过当陆轩将诸多世界融为一体之后,他们也就接受了这个现实,从今日起,他们就从天界的敌对一方,成为了天界的一员。 Is the whole world, integrated in Heaven together with the attached world. 是整个世界,连同附属的世界都融入了天界之中。 In these world integrated in Heaven, Lu Xuan feels, the whole person as if obtained the sublimation, compared with before, on strong. 在这些世界融入了天界之中,陆轩感觉到,整个人仿佛得到了升华,比起之前,又强上了许多。 He has bound with the destiny of Heaven together, Heaven is powerful, then feeds back to Lu Xuan strength is also powerful. 他与天界的气运已经绑定一起,天界越是强大,那么反馈到陆轩身上的力量也就越是强大。 This is the Lu Xuan road, he must take the road of being aloof, this is a road which must be taken. 这就是陆轩的路,他要走出超脱之路,这是必经之路。 Under glare of the public eye, many infinite universe integrated in Heaven, strength even white of Heaven promoted big difference/great length. 在众目睽睽之下,诸多大千世界被融入天界之中,天界的实力平白提升了一大截 But the powerhouses in remaining innumerable infinite universe with amazement, even in heart incomparable fear, they have never thought that in Heavenly Venerable, actually such existence, wants to unify All Heavens and Myriad Realms ambitiously. 而剩下无数大千世界之中的强者们都在骇然,甚至心中无比的害怕,他们从未想过,天尊之中,竟然还有这样的存在,野心勃勃想要统一诸天万界 However simply does not have the leeway that they oppose, can resist Heavenly Venerable also only has Heavenly Venerable. 然而根本没有他们反对的余地,能够对抗天尊的也只有天尊 After subduing these infinite universe, the chariot of Heaven has not stopped , to continue to go toward other infinite universe, the Heaven flag place visited, acts as lookout to fall, even if dragon boundary/world such originally and Lu Xuan have had the world of bitter hatred, still thorough surrender under the Lu Xuan powerful power and influence. 收服了这几个大千世界之后,天界的战车并没有停止,继续朝着其他的大千世界而去,天界旗帜所过之处,望风而降,即便是龙界这样原本和陆轩有过深仇大恨的世界,也在陆轩的强大威势之下彻彻底底的投降了。 Only can the little darling choose to join in Heaven, without leeway that they butt , after not having dragon Zu's blessing, the domineering of dragon contact surface to Lu Xuan, the method of simply not having resisted. 只能乖乖选择加入天界之中,没有他们置喙的余地,没有了龙祖的庇佑之后,龙界面对陆轩的强势,根本没有对抗的手段。 Many world saw that Lu Xuan after subduing each different had not slaughtered wantonly, treatment that but treats impartially them. 况且许多世界见到陆轩在收服了各个异界之后并没有大肆屠戮,只是将他们一视同仁的对待。 Since revolted unable to revolt, surrender also not too big fault, therefore Heaven army place visited, in abundance surrender. 既然反抗也反抗不了,投降也并没有太大的坏处,因此天界大军所过之处,纷纷投降。 Different surrenders! 异界纷纷投降! However in this process, naturally also some world would rather die, since, does not understand that fearfulness of Heaven, what existence with Heavenly Venerable is. 不过在这个过程中,自然也有一些世界宁死不从,根本不明白天界的可怕,和天尊是一个什么样的存在。 Regarding such existence, Lu Xuan is only a palm makes the fragment it, stressed its Heavenly Dao, integrated in the Heavenly Dao of Heaven. 对于这样的存在,陆轩只是一掌就将其拍成碎片,将其天道抓了出来,融入到了天界的天道之中。 Every time surrenders a world, the Lu Xuan strength is on the powerful several points, this makes these ten divert attention to be startled in observation Heavenly Venerable in secret. 每降服一个世界,陆轩的实力就越是强大上几分,这让那些在暗中观察的天尊们十分心惊。 „It is not good, cannot, otherwise, under really probably be reunified this way on this day by him!” “不行,不能继续这样子下去了,否则的话,这天下真的要被他重新统一了!” Good, must before he unifies, stops restrain him!” “不错,必须在他统一之前,将他遏制住!” Quick, some Heavenly Venerable had come to a consensus, cannot make the Lu Xuan path of unification continue, otherwise the entire universe will degenerate into the Lu Xuan hunting ground. 很快,一些天尊就已经达成了默契,不能让陆轩的统一之路继续下去了,否则整个宇宙都会沦为陆轩的猎场。 Even before Lu Xuan, showed the extremely terrifying strength, but this cannot stop the determination that they stood. 即便陆轩之前展现出了极为恐怖的实力,但是这也不能阻挡他们站出来的决心。 On road that finally in the Heaven chariot starts. 终于在天界战车发动的路上。 Several forms blocked Lu Xuan. 几道身影将陆轩拦了下来。 Was the old acquaintances!” “都是老熟人了!” Lu Xuan smiles lightly, these people, each was his old acquaintance, even had also had fight before, Allah, God, Satan, the drawing god, these four big Heavenly Venerable blocked Lu Xuan. 陆轩淡淡一笑,这几个人,每一个都是他的老熟人了,甚至之前还有过交手,真主,上帝,撒旦,拉神,这四大天尊陆轩拦住。 Lu Xuan, you cannot continue to go forward, otherwise, you will become the Heavenly Venerable public enemy!” 陆轩,你不能继续前进了,否则的话,你将会成为天尊们的公敌!” drawing god calm saying. 拉神沉稳的说道。 He dreaded regarding Lu Xuan, but impossible ignores Lu Xuan to destroy his world. 他对于陆轩又是忌惮,但是又不可能放任陆轩摧毁他的世界。 Public enemy? What's the big deal?” Lu Xuan looked at one these four people, the direct big hand grasped. “公敌?那又如何?”陆轩看了一眼这四人,直接一只大手抓了出去。 This big hand blocks the sky, the entire universe seemed grasped by this big hand in a flash in the hand, contains the mystery of inexhaustible space and time. 这一只大手遮天蔽日,一瞬间整个宇宙仿佛都被这一只大手抓在手中,蕴含着无穷无尽的时空的奥秘。 Four big Heavenly Venerable are almost supreme existences, however at this point, was grasped by this big hand unexpectedly. 四大天尊几乎是至高无上的存在,但是在此时,竟然被这一只大手生生抓了出来。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” God opens the eye, does not dare to believe that his cultivation base in Heavenly Venerable is also top, actually does not have the strength to hit back. 上帝睁大眼睛,不敢置信,他的修为天尊之中也是顶尖,竟然毫无还手之力。 During this short time, Lu Xuan grown stronger many. 就在这短短的时间之中,陆轩到底变强了多少。 Grasps him of primitive time principle to conduct the endless transformation. 掌握着原始时间法则的他在进行无尽的蜕变。 It seems like that the time is not long, regarding Lu Xuan, had passed by actually the innumerable years, the strength becomes deep and unmeasurable. 看似时间不长,实则对于陆轩来说,已经过去了无数年,实力变得深不可测
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