TEIBF :: Volume #13

#1286: The lord of destruction Five Elements

Courts death!” “找死!” The lord of Five Elements got angry, Lu Xuan is challenging his bottom line simply, at this time has also only made one. 五行之主怒了,陆轩简直是在挑战他的底线,此时也唯有做过一场了。 The lord of Five Elements acts, that is fearful existence, the strength of endless Five Elements sweeps across, assimilated his say/way the whole world. 五行之主出手,那是何等可怕的存在,无尽的五行之力席卷而出,将整个世界都同化成了他的道。 Big god Lu Xuan happy does not fear, but one step steps forward, the Five Elements world that in an instant, the lord of Five Elements builds crashed all of a sudden, his say/way, in collapse inch by inch. 大神陆轩怡然不惧,只是一步跨出,刹那间,五行之主所营造的五行世界一下子崩塌了,他的道,在一寸一寸的崩溃。 How possibly, did you just become enlightened how long?” The lord of Five Elements was shocked immediately, because of his say/way, collapses at the first blow in the Lu Xuan front radically. “怎么可能,你才刚刚成道多久?”五行之主顿时震惊了,因为他的道,在陆轩的面前根本不堪一击。 Ha, the lord of Five Elements, you are so how stupid, among Heavenly Venerable strength powerful or not, looks at the cultivation time?” “哈哈哈哈哈,五行之主,你怎么这么愚蠢,天尊之间实力的强大与否,是看修行时间的么?” Lu Xuan laughed. 陆轩哈哈大笑了起来。 Heavenly Venerable is existence of concept rank, this existing strong and weak, how can be the time weighs. 天尊都是一个个概念级别的存在,这种存在的强弱,怎么会是时间来衡量的。 Especially regarding grasping Lu Xuan of primitive time principle, the time is the extremely easy to obtain thing, the speed of flow of his whole body is innumerable times. 尤其是对于掌握了原始时间法则的陆轩来说,时间不过是唾手可得之物,他周身的流速是外界的无数倍。 One second, he in already cultivation 1 million years. 外界的一秒钟,他在里面就已经修行了一百万年了。 Such long time passes by, Lu Xuan aura even more inconceivable, even Lu Xuan is stiffening almost every minute every seconds. 这么长的时间过去,陆轩的气息愈发的不可思议,甚至陆轩几乎每一分每一秒都在变强。 True terrifying unparalleled. 真正的恐怖无双。 The lord of Five Elements thinks his cultivation time, in addition is short, wants to suppress him, that is at all not the matter that is possible to achieve. 五行之主以为他修行的时间尚且还短,就想要压制他,那是根本不可能做到的事情。 His Five Elements Grand Dao, has reached the limit, but regarding Lu Xuan, but just started, what is the essence of this world? 他的五行大道,已经达到了极限,但是对于陆轩来说,不过只是刚刚开始,这个世界的本质是什么? The essence is the entire universe, but what is the essence of universe? 本质就是整个宇宙,而宇宙的本质是什么? Is the time and space! 就是时间和空间! These two principles are ten Great Law heads, throughout the ages, obtains continually Heavenly Venerable of primitive principle does not have, but actually gathered the body of Lu Xuan at this time. 这两个法则位列十大法则之首,古往今来,连获得其中一个原始法则的天尊都没有,但是此时却都聚集到了陆轩的身上。 Therefore once after Lu Xuan becoming enlightened, the original time to him, lost the significance, defines his strong and weak at the cultivation time of his surface, that was really wrong. 所以陆轩一旦成道之后,原本的时间对他来说,就失去了意义,以他表面的修行时间来定义他的强弱,那真的是再错误不过了。 You are also stiffening!” Lord of dumbfounded saying of Five Elements, throughout the ages, whom also without hearing is such growth. “你还在变强!”五行之主目瞪口呆的说道,古往今来,也没有听说有谁是这样子成长的啊。 Is aloof the level that he can understand radically! 根本超脱了他所能够理解的层次! A Lu Xuan palm lays out, turns into a dreadful big hand directly, was responsible for toward Five Elements. 陆轩一掌拍出,直接化成一只滔天大手,朝着五行之主抓了过去。 The lord of Five Elements erupts the terrifying again and again the strength of Five Elements, but has no use, his attack, fell the body of Lu Xuan, could not do to his slightest. 五行之主连连爆发出恐怖的五行之力,但是根本没有任何用处,他的攻击,落到了陆轩的身上,根本奈何不了他分毫。 Even the space of Lu Xuan whole body does not have the means to break through, even if some can fall to the body of Lu Xuan, can still make it vanish by the time recollection. 陆轩周身的空间都没有办法突破,即便有一些能够落到陆轩的身上,也可以以时间回溯让其消失。 Arrived this situation, Lu Xuan is existence that the true ten thousand laws do not moisten. 到了这个地步,陆轩可谓是真正的万法不沾的存在。 Bang!” “轰!” The lord of Five Elements by a Lu Xuan palm racket, called out pitifully at the scene directly, flew upside down. 五行之主被陆轩一掌拍中,当场直接惨叫一声,倒飞了出去。 How possibly, will lord of that old fogy Five Elements how possibly die?” Many Heavenly Venerable inconceivable saying , the lord of Five Elements, in Heavenly Venerable in this piece of mainland is not a weak one. “怎么可能,五行之主那个老家伙怎么可能会死?”许多天尊不可思议的说道,要知道,五行之主,在这一片大陆上的天尊之中也不是弱者。 Naturally among Heavenly Venerable rarely has the life and death to fight, evaluates the strength very much difficultly specifically, however general strong and weak, can look. 当然天尊之间很少有生死斗,很难具体评估出战力,但是大概的强弱,还是可以看得出来的。 Now the lord of Five Elements is unexpectedly complete is not an opponent. 现在五行之主竟然完完全全不是对手。 That was Five Elements the main say/way is suppressed!” “那是五行之主的道被压制了!” Many people responded. 许多人反应了过来。 Success or failure that among Heavenly Venerable disputes, often is the success or failure of say/way. 天尊之间较量的成败,往往就是道的成败。 However the next flash, the people noticed that the lord of Five Elements was caught by Lu Xuan directly in the hand. 但是下一瞬间,众人就看到五行之主被陆轩直接抓在了手上。 When matter?” Some Heavenly Venerable inconceivable saying, they had not noticed how the lord of Five Elements falls into the hand of Lu Xuan. “什么时候的事情?”有天尊不可思议的说道,他们都没有看到五行之主到底是如何落入陆轩的手中的。 Because of space concept!” “因为空间这个概念啊!” Only has Lu Xuan clearly, he now is the incarnation of space term, he is the space, the space is he. 只有陆轩自己最为清楚,他现在是空间这个名词的化身,他就是空间,空间就是他。 But the lord of Five Elements is very strong, does not have the unique space, the skill of unique time. 五行之主虽然很强,却也没有超脱空间,超脱时间的本事。 Therefore from the beginning, the lord of Five Elements during his control, this is steamroll in a concept, the lord of Five Elements also wants by the way and Lu Xuan that oneself most excel at to the war. 因此从一开始,五行之主就在他的掌控之中,这是一种概念上的碾压,五行之主还想要以自己最擅长的方式与陆轩对战。 However regarding Lu Xuan, how regardless of he struggles, is does not have any significance, besides the space, Lu Xuan also grasps the time the concept. 不过对于陆轩来说,无论他怎么挣扎,都是根本没有任何意义的,除了空间,陆轩还掌握有时间的概念。 In the face of the time and space, any concept must by the steamroll. 在时间和空间面前,任何概念都要被碾压。 Attractiveness between Heavenly Venerable, such simple and crude! 天尊之间的漂亮,就是这么的简单粗暴! A Lu Xuan hand grasped into Five Elements directly the main chest, in the main body stressed five primitive principles from Five Elements. 陆轩一只手直接抓入了五行之主的胸口,生生从五行之主的身体之中抓出了五条原始法则。 These five primitive principles, are the primitive principle of gold/metal wood water fire clay Five Elements. 这五条原始法则,正是金木水火土这五行的原始法则。 Grasps after it came out, Lu Xuan swallowed these five primitive principles, under the function of primitive time principle, the next second, Lu Xuan has built up to melt these five primitive principles. 将其抓了出来之后,陆轩一口就吞了这五条原始法则,在原始时间法则的作用之下,下一秒钟,陆轩就已经炼化了这五条原始法则。 This is any Heavenly Venerable cannot achieve, is impossible to speak the say/way of others to change into oneself to use easily. 这是任何天尊都做不到的,不可能讲其他人的道这么轻而易举的化为己用。 However Lu Xuan actually, because grasps time concept, he can one second 10 million years, even 100 million years. 但是陆轩却可以,因为掌握有时间这个概念,他可以一秒钟就过了一千万年,甚至一亿年。 The time his here, is nothing significance. 时间在他这里,是没有任何意义的。 After swallowing the five primitive principles of lord of Five Elements, Lu Xuan aura promoted big difference/great length, obviously became more terrifying. 吞了五行之主的五条原始法则之后,陆轩身上的气息又提升上了一大截,明显变得更加恐怖了。 „.... How you can...” The lord of Five Elements felt that five primitive principles went to oneself, was stripped, his realm cultivation fell suddenly instantaneously Half-step Heavenly Venerable realm. “啊。。。。你怎么能。。。”五行之主感觉到了五条原始法则离自己而去,被生生剥离出去之后,他的境界道行瞬间暴跌到了半步天尊境界 Only then he himself clearest awareness, a moment ago seemed like that was only the flash, he was suffered 1 million years in that second of Zhizhong by Lu Xuan actually, Lu Xuan spent 1 million years to strip from his body his say/way. 只有他自己最清楚的知道,刚才看似只是一瞬间而已,实则他在那一秒钟志忠被陆轩折磨了一百万年,陆轩花费了一百万年才将他的道从他的身体之中剥离出去。 The outside world sees, can only be that flash! 只是外界看到的,只会是那一瞬间罢了! Normal, he is this say/way, this say/way is he, is impossible to be stripped, said how again Heavenly Venerable does not have the strength to hit back possibly, whatever others eliminate oneself say/way. 正常来说,他就是这个道,这个道就是他,是不可能被剥离的,再说天尊也不是毫无还手之力怎么可能任凭别人剥夺自己的道。 However now Lu Xuan achieves, after stripping the primitive Five Elements principle directly, he no longer is existence of concept rank, he started to have actual existence. 但是现在陆轩就是做到了,直接剥离了原始五行法则之后,他就不再是概念级别的存在,他开始有了实际的存在。 From the beginning jumps out of three outside, is not in Five Elements, re-entered in the system of Heavenly Dao. 从一开始的跳出三界外,不在五行中,重新进入了天道的体系之内。 All these happen in the flash. 这一切就发生在一瞬间。 Lu Xuan looks at the lord of Five Elements, thinks how previous life they were peeling bit by bit oneself principle, erased own say/way. 陆轩看着五行之主,想到了前世他们是如何一点一点的剥离了自己的法则,将自己的道抹除掉的。 In his look flashes through several points of cold ray! 他的眼神之中闪过几分冷冽的光芒! With the Lu Xuan intention, the lord of Five Elements becomes incomparable old instantaneously, in that flash, the lord of Five Elements passed through at least for billions years. 紧接着随着陆轩的心意,五行之主瞬间变得无比的苍老,在那一瞬间,五行之主起码经过了几十亿年的时间。 The Heavenly Venerable life span is inexhaustible, however the life span of Emperor has the limit, but the average person cannot see the end of Emperor life span. 天尊的寿命是无穷无尽的,但是帝君的寿命是有极限的,只是一般人看不到帝君寿命的终结而已。 Now the lord of Five Elements instantaneously becomes silver-haired, the next second passed away in the hand of Lu Xuan. 现在五行之主瞬间变得白发苍苍,下一秒钟就老死在了陆轩的手上。 From beginning to end, storm has not raised! 从头到尾,一点风浪都没有掀起!
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