TEIBF :: Volume #13

#1283: Cuts the ancestors of ten thousand monster continually, the lord of Five Elements

A Emperor noticed that Lu Xuan branched out two clone directly, moreover these two clone imposing manners did not reduce, hardly must miss compared with the Lu Xuan main body. 一众帝君看到陆轩直接分出了两个分身,而且这两个分身气势不减,几乎不比陆轩的本尊要差。 Moreover each different, obviously continued the different primitive principles. 而且每一个都不同,显然是承接了不同的原始法则。 A little probably, a gasified Taoist trinity?” “有点像是,一气化三清?” Had the ancient Emperor to remember this ancient Divine Ability, in the hearsay a gasified Taoist trinity can melt existence that three cultivation base were almost the same. 有古老的帝君想起了这个古老的神通,传闻中一气化三清是可以化出三个修为相差无几的存在。 This Divine Ability is very difficult to cultivate, is not the principle is unable to grasp, but is clone that lies in dividing only in low level has the considerable strength. 只是这一门神通很难修炼,并非是原理无法掌握,而是在于分出来的分身只在低级的时候拥有相当的战力。 Arrived Emperor level, dividing several hundred several thousand clone is the easy things, but also to the peak Immortal King level, wants to branch out clone of Emperor level is very difficult at most. 到了帝君这种层次,分几百个几千个分身都是轻而易举的事情,但是顶多也就是到了巅峰仙王的层次,想分出一个帝君层次的分身都很困难。 Therefore although this Divine Ability is very famous, but they basically are also have a look, wants to have clone of truly strong strength, must look at the second Primordial Spirit incarnation method. 所以这一门神通虽然很有名,但是他们基本上也就是看看而已,想要拥有真正强大战力的分身,还是要看第二元神化身这种手段。 The second Primordial Spirit incarnation is hard to realize and that's the end. 只是第二元神化身非常难以练成就是了。 Two that however Lu Xuan melts clone, actually also has under Heavenly Venerable to cultivation base of powerhouse. 但是陆轩所化出来的两个分身,竟然也拥有天尊之下至强者的修为 Even if clone, but in a short time, was enough. 哪怕只是分身,但是在短时间内,也足够了。 The torpedo trajectory clone clone to block Yin-Yang Heavenly Venerable and Five Elements Heavenly Venerable with the space respectively, but in front of Lu Xuan , was only left over the ancestors of ten thousand monster. 雷道分身和空间分身分别挡住了阴阳天尊五行天尊,而在陆轩面前的,也就只剩下了万妖之祖了。 Ancestor of ten thousand monster own original true body, that is a dozens-light year huge body, slightly moves, can cause the galaxy to vibrate. 万妖之祖化出了自己的本来真身,那是一条长达几十光年的庞大身躯,稍微动一下,就能造成星河震动。 In the mediocrity, is unable to imagine, how such big lifeform grows into, because of the so huge lifeform, grows the energy of needing is astronomical figures. 在凡俗之中,根本无法想象,这么大的生物到底是怎么长成的,因为如此庞大的生物,生长所需要的能量就是一个天文数字。 However on ancestors' of ten thousand monster bodies is actually very normal, this is the principle incarnation, is the Dharmakaya. 但是在万妖之祖的身上却是十分正常,这是法则所化的化身,也就是法身。 At is not life in the general sense. 根本不是一般意义上的生灵。 Law world?” Lu Xuan sneers, he used the law simultaneously the world, in an instant, grew into one dozens light year high golden color god. “法相天地么?”陆轩冷笑一声,他同时施展出了法相天地,刹那间,也长成了一个几十光年高的金色神祇。 This giant god was only huge to the pinnacle, the common person looked at his small part not entire, only then above Immortal King can see his complete picture. 这巨大的神祇庞大到了极致,寻常人连他的一小部分都看不全,只有仙王以上才能看到他的全貌。 On this golden giant has the principle of Grand Dao to reappear, forms the fearful battlefield. 这金色的巨人身上有大道的法则浮现,形成可怕的战场。 Bang!” “轰!” Two colossi collided in the universe, the terrifying space that the collision raised fluctuated toward roll up and push along to go in all directions. 两个庞然大物在宇宙之中碰撞到了一起,碰撞掀起的恐怖空间波动朝着四面八方卷动而去。 In a flash, destroyed don’t know many stars. 一瞬间,摧毁了不知道多少星球。 Lu Xuan wears the innate Five Elements chart the sovereign robe, like one huge golden god, backhands a sword to divide to fall. 陆轩身穿先天五行图所化的皇袍,如同一尊巨大的金色神祇,反手一剑劈落下去。 This sword cut to break to pieces the vault of heaven, crushed all, was the destruction in principle significance, surpassed the level of physical destruction. 这一剑斩碎了苍穹,粉碎了一切,是法则意义上的毁灭,超出了物理毁灭的层次。 A sword flies high to cut to fly ancestors' of a ten thousand monster arm! 一剑就将万妖之祖的一条手臂凌空斩飞! Ancestor of complexions ten thousand monster are pale, but does not have any expression, he is only a Grand Dao mark, simply does not have the normal thought. 万妖之祖脸色铁青,但是没有任何表情,他只是一个大道的印记,根本没有正常的思维。 The Lu Xuan facial expression is solemn, the time principle appears in his surroundings, the people can see the time to change into up the rain, affects in the entire universe, space within the cockpit area, the time was divided one after another, becomes the place of extreme danger. 陆轩神情冷峻,时间法则在他的周围浮现出来,众人可以看到时间化为光雨,影响整个宇宙之中,战场范围之内的宇宙空间,时间被划分成一块一块的,成为了极度危险之地。 Only was the level of Emperor rank, can resist this irregular time. 只有达到了帝君级别的层次,才能够抵挡这种不规则的时间。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The ancestors of ten thousand monster launched the attack again, in an instant, the endless monster beast roared, the world changed into ten thousand monster states. 万妖之祖再度发动了攻击,刹那间,无尽的妖兽咆哮,天地化为了一片万妖国度。 His principle fell the body of Lu Xuan, launched the influence on Lu Xuan directly, under the condition of golden Dharmakaya, the body of Lu Xuan must grow the scale unexpectedly, changed into the monster. 他的法则落到了陆轩的身上,直接对陆轩展开了影响,在金色法身的状态之下,陆轩的身上竟然要长出鳞片,化为妖。 The common Emperor, is unable to resist such transformation, is irresistible. 寻常帝君,根本无法抵挡住这样的转化,无可抵挡。 However regarding Lu Xuan, but is sloppy ordinary, a time principle transformation, directly the process reversal of monster. 不过对于陆轩来说,不过是稀松平常而已,时间法则一转化,直接将妖化的过程逆转。 Unexpectedly, the ancestors of ten thousand monster only thought that the pupil contracts slightly, had arrived at his front in that Lu Xuan suddenly. 蓦地,万妖之祖只觉得瞳孔微微收缩,就在那一刹那间陆轩就已经来到了他的面前。 Time principle!” “时间法则!” The ancestors of ten thousand monster understand instantaneously Lu Xuan attack method, might be considered as is terrifying. 万妖之祖瞬间明白了陆轩的攻击手段,堪称是恐怖。 pū chī!” 噗嗤!” The ancestors of ten thousand monster is a giant arm cut off, all, happen was too quick, cultivation base of common Emperor cannot follow. 万妖之祖又是一条巨大的手臂被生生斩断下来,一切的一切,都发生的太快了,寻常帝君的修为根本就跟不上。 The ancestors of ten thousand monster melted surely arm only in an instant, pounded to fall toward Lu Xuan, the principle of endless monster changed into rents the terrifying offensive. 万妖之祖刹那间又化出了千万只的手臂,朝着陆轩砸落了下去,无尽的妖之法则化为租恐怖的攻势。 Lu Xuan is unemotional, melts sword Dao Law obviously, in an instant, sword Dao Law falls in torrents, like the terrifying gust of wind sudden downpour, is covering the trim universe. 陆轩面无表情,显化出剑道法则,刹那间,剑道法则倾泻而出,如同恐怖的疾风骤雨,笼罩着整片宇宙。 The war broke out, changed into three big battlefields, covered the place of entire day tribulation. 大战爆发,化为了三大战场,笼罩了整个天劫之地。 How long also don’t know passed, regarding many emperors, every minute every seconds is a suffering, quick, they discovered terrifying, that is Lu Xuan presses the ancestors of ten thousand monster to hit unexpectedly. 不知道过去了多久,对于诸多帝君来说,每一分每一秒都是一种煎熬,很快,他们发现了恐怖的一幕,那就是陆轩竟然压着万妖之祖打。 The ancestors of ten thousand monster unceasingly by rumbling broken mortal body, if the main body were also cut to kill here, but he is only the Grand Dao mark, every by the rumbling broken mortal body, made the Heavenly Dao mark lighter one time. 万妖之祖不断被轰碎肉身,若是本尊在这里也被斩杀了,但是他只是大道的印记,每一次被轰碎肉身,都只是让天道印记淡薄了一些。 This war, was held for three days and three nights, when Lu Xuan a too yellow sword sword will cut ancestors' of ten thousand monster heads again, all finished. 这一场大战,足足进行了三天三夜,当陆轩再度将太黄一剑一剑斩去了万妖之祖的头颅之时,一切都结束了。 Even if better than the ancestors of ten thousand monster, does not have the means to come back to life. 即便强如万妖之祖,也没有办法重新复生过来。 After cutting killed the ancestors of ten thousand monster, Lu Xuan directly is treading the day tribulation, killed to the lord of Five Elements. 斩杀了万妖之祖后,陆轩直接踏着天劫,杀向了五行之主。 It may be said that is hatred/enemy Jiajiu hates newly, previous life Lu Xuan will fall from the sky, besieges in his several Heavenly Venerable, has the lord of Five Elements, but during this, the lord of Five Elements ambush his one time, nearly made him fall from the sky. 可谓是新仇加旧恨,前世陆轩会陨落,围攻他的几尊天尊之中,就有五行之主,而这一世当中,五行之主又伏杀了他一次,险些让他陨落。 Now the Heavenly Dao also summons Five Elements directly the main mark. 现在天道还直接召唤出了五行之主的印记。 It may be said that is in the enmity adds the enmity! 可谓是仇上加仇! A Lu Xuan sword cuts to fall, the sword of time, cut the endless seven color rays, like a river, is exactly the same as that river that presented a moment ago, but the scale must be smaller. 陆轩一剑斩落,时光之剑,斩出了无尽的七彩光芒,如同一条长河,和刚才出现的那一条长河如出一辙,只是规模要小多了。 The sword of time is unavoidable, the years like the blade, the blade blade urge the person to be old! 时间之剑无可逃避,岁月如刀,刀刀催人老! This sword falls, the lord of surrounding world five spirits of Five Elements changed into the nihility unexpectedly, direct flash goes. 这一剑落下,五行之主周围的天地五灵竟然生生化为了虚无,直接一瞬间化道而去。 A sword cut two halves the lord of Five Elements, Lu Xuan fuses own space clone, the primitive space principle, the primitive time principle in the body, the strength rose suddenly. 一剑就将五行之主斩成两半,陆轩融合了自身的空间分身,原始空间法则,原始时间法则在身,实力暴涨。 Before being far from, cuts the time of killing the ancestors of ten thousand monster like that difficult. 远远没有之前斩杀万妖之祖的时候那般困难。 Five Elements the main mortal body must restore, however the Lu Xuan flash divided to cut sword of the time, this sword fell to Five Elements the main body, the people only sees the lord of Five Elements in the short time, as if experienced thousands of years general, when unexpectedly the cavitation said. 五行之主的肉身还要恢复,然而陆轩一瞬间又劈斩出了一道时间之剑,这一剑落到五行之主的身上,众人只见到五行之主在短短时间,仿佛经历了千万年一般,竟然当空化道了。 The innumerable emperors see this, holds breath a cold air/Qi, this merely is only Five Elements the main Heavenly Dao mark, naturally can have one day of dissipation, but the common people cannot wait. 无数帝君看到这一幕,都倒吸一口冷气,这仅仅只是五行之主的天道印记而已,自然会有消散的一天,只是寻常人都等不到而已。 But among the Lu Xuan use time, accelerated his time speed of flow, one ten thousand years. 陆轩利用时光之间,加速了他自身的时间流速,一眼万年。 In a flash, the lord of Five Elements then under glare of the public eye, melted directly says. 一瞬间,五行之主便直接在众目睽睽之下,化道了。
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