TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#577: Opens the center

Thump...... 咚…… From the intersection of Imperial Palace not far away, under middle-aged person's leadership, Lowden and the others ambushed here, waits for an opportunity to enter Imperial Palace. 距离皇宫不远处的一个街口,在中年人的带领下,老艾丹等人潜伏在这里,伺机进入皇宫 Suddenly, all around space dark, the group only think that at present a flower, the middle-aged person as if disappears suddenly, could not find the trail again. 突然,四周的空间暗了下来,一行人只觉眼前一花,那中年人似乎突然消失了,再也找不到踪迹。 Then, one group of invisible storms surge, revolved before the people body, without a trace that also vanishes, the form of middle-aged person appears again. 而后,一团无形风暴涌动,在众人身前旋转了一下,又消失的无影无踪,中年人的身影又再次出现。 What's the matter......” “怎么回事……” Lowden, Fowler and the others are somewhat in a daze, present Great Mysterious Star Prefecture has been crisis-ridden, they think that the middle-aged person encountered anything to plot. 老艾丹福勒等人有些发呆,如今的大星奥郡早已是危机四伏,他们以为中年人遭到了什么暗算。 Rips...... 撕拉…… The sleeves disruption of middle-aged person left arm, appears a bloodstain, then vanishes rapidly. 中年人左臂的衣袖碎裂,浮现一道血痕,而后又迅速消失。 Such healing ability , is to make Lowden and the others the heart startled, only such ability, explained the middle-aged person, once falls into the protracted war, unlucky often is the enemy. 这样的愈合能力,也是让老艾丹等人心惊不已,单是这样的能力,说明中年人一旦陷入持久战,倒霉的往往是敌人。 I was injured unexpectedly......” “我竟受伤了……” The middle-aged person surface maintains composure, the innermost feelings were to actually shock, was only this long-distance range Mental Energy collides, made him be injured. 中年人表面不动声色,内心却是震撼极了,仅是这样的远距离精神能量碰撞,就让他受了点伤。 He sent greetings by the thought a moment ago, the opposite party has taken back 70-80% strengths, only remains 2-3 tenths Mental Energy complementary waves. 要知道,他刚才以意念传音,对方已经收回了七八成的力量,仅剩2-3成的精神能量余波。 Only such controlling force, makes the middle-aged person somewhat praise to the heavens, has not actually thought that in this Mental Energy contains one type fearfully punctures the attribute suddenly, stabbed his arm all of a sudden. 单是这样的控制力,就让中年人有些叹为观止,却没想到,这种精神能量中蕴含着一种可怕的突刺属性,将他的手臂一下子刺伤了。 Such Mental Energy expert, can only describe with the terrifying seriously, before after making the middle-aged person have , the wave pushes , the feeling of wave...... 如此的精神能量强者,当真只能用恐怖来形容,让中年人生出后浪推前浪的感慨…… At this time, the middle-aged person actually has no time to take into consideration, the thought of Lin Chuan transmits, asked about here situation. 此时,中年人却无暇顾及许多,林川的意念传递过来,询问这边的情况。 Who is your excellency?” Lin Chuan asked. “阁下是谁?”林川问道。 I am come Great Mysterious Star Prefecture......” “我是来大星奥郡……” Facing such expert, the middle-aged person also restrains the consistent haughtiness, the status of before arranging, said rapidly. 面对这样的强者,中年人也收敛起一贯的狂傲,将之前编的身份,迅速说了一遍。 Another side, Lin Chuan is also very speechless, he is astute, listens, in words that this middle-aged person spoke, more than 50% are false. 另一边,林川也很无语,他何等精明,自是听出来,这中年人说的话里,有一半以上是虚假的。 Naturally, now the situation is critical, is not getting to the bottom time...... 当然,现在情况危急,也不是寻根问底的时候…… This is first batch of Polluted Tree Spirit, how should cope?” Lin Chuan asked directly. “这是第一批的污染树灵,该如何对付?”林川径直问道。 Now the strength of this fellow, is very difficult to guess, but, the method, you to Imperial Palace this position, depending on your Mental Energy, should be able to open there......” middle-aged person to be about to report a position. “现在这家伙的实力,很难揣测,不过,有一个方法,你到皇宫这个位置去,凭你的精神能量,应该能够打开那里……”中年人快速报了一个位置。 Lin Chuan nods slightly, writes down. 林川微微颔首,记了下来。 Immediately, he is getting Hua Fengxue and the others, goes toward that position. 随即,他领着华风雪等人,朝着那个位置而去。 ...... …… Bang...... 嘭…… Another side, the Imperial Palace entrance, the middle-aged person whole body twinkle blue color electric light, both hands wield, one cuts toward the front, cuts a gap the defense of Imperial Palace, having Lowden one line to rush in Imperial Palace. 另一边,皇宫入口处,中年人浑身闪烁蓝色电光,双手挥动,朝着前方一斩,生生将皇宫的防御斩开一个缺口,带着老艾丹一行闯进了皇宫 Your excellency strength, is really astonishing......” “阁下的实力,真是惊人啊……” Lowden and the others acclaimed heartfeltly, although the origin of middle-aged person was mystical, but, after the confirmation was the friend non- enemy, the people rejoiced very much, had such expert in side, really had the big safeguard safely. 老艾丹等人由衷赞叹,虽然中年人的来历神秘,但是,在确认是友非敌后,众人都很庆幸,有这样的高手在旁,安全确实有大大的保障。 The middle-aged people are actually calm, remains unmoved regarding such acclaiming, or should be hears, be used. 中年人却是一脸平静,对于这样的赞叹不为所动,或者说,应该是听得多了,习惯了。 Right, your Sichuan Leader, felt that young......” middle-aged person remembered anything suddenly, asked. “对了,你们的那个川首领,感觉年纪不大吧……”中年人忽然想起了什么,问道。 Yes. Mister Chuan this year is only 20 years old over......” Fowler says after a sigh. “是的。川先生今年才二十岁出头……”福勒感叹道。 The middle-aged person footsteps slide, almost flashed the waist, he looked at others, got the definite answer, was not over 200 years old, but was 20 years old over. 中年人脚步一滑,差点闪到了腰,他看了看其他人,得到确切的答案,并不是两百多岁,而是二十岁出头。 This world was crazy...... 这世界疯狂了么…… The middle-aged people almost could not stretch, 20-year-old ninth boundary Mental Energy expert, this put the millenniums ago, that can end existence of Hundred Years' War simply, will appear in such relative peace age unexpectedly. 中年人差点绷不住了,20多岁的九境精神能量强者,这放到千年之前,那简直是能够终结百年战争的存在,竟会出现在这样相对和平的年代。 Or because in Imperial Palace that Polluted Tree Spirit reason, has such character to appear...... 或者说,因为皇宫中那个污染树灵的缘故,才有这样的人物横空出世么…… Deeply inspires, the middle-aged person regardless these trains of thought that leads one group, goes toward Imperial Palace Inner City. 深吸口气,中年人抛开这些思绪,带着一行人,朝着皇宫内城而去。 Suddenly, a loud sound spreads, the rockery of distant place blasts open, the one after another person's shadow fled, flushed toward the middle-aged person, his goal actually not they, but is the fissure channel that behind opens. 突然,一阵巨响传出,远处的一座假山炸裂开来,一道道人影窜了出来,朝着中年人这边冲了过来,其目标倒不是他们,而是后面打开的裂痕通道。 They...... middle-aged person beckon with the hand leave alone, so said. “别管他们……”中年人摆手,这般说道。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… These person's shadows and Fowler and the others brushed past, the former actually wants to seize the chance to act, deals with Fowler and the others, but, actually the form of discovery this team blurs, even if close, feeling that also one type is unable to touch. 这些人影与福勒等人擦肩而过,前者其实想趁机出手,对付福勒等人,但是,却发现这支队伍的身影模糊起来,哪怕近在咫尺,也有一种无法触及的感觉。 This situation, making the sudden these people not dare to act, picks up the speed, goes toward that fissure channel, brushes......, sneaks into the channel, vanishes does not see. 这一情况,让突然出现的这些人不敢出手,加快速度,朝着那裂痕通道而去,刷刷刷……,窜入通道中,消失不见。 However, next moment, in the channel transmits the pitiful yell, the one after another blood wind leaves, several people turn back, actually lacks arm few legs, the whole body is the blood. 然而,下一刻,通道中传来惨叫,一道道鲜血飙出,几个人又折返回来,却是缺胳膊少腿,满身是血。 You......, plot against us......” “你们……,暗算我们……” These people angry roar, hatred is gazing at fixedly middle-aged person one line. 这几个人怒吼,怨毒的瞪视着中年人一行。 Without my force field protects and sustains, wants through such channel, you to think that who oneself is?” The middle-aged people responded lightly. “没有我的力场护持,想通过这样的通道,你们以为自己是谁?”中年人平淡回应。 These people are roaring, to/clashes rapidly, actually on the way of rushing to line, the one by one body splits, the dead shape is extremely miserable. 这几个人咆哮着,飞速冲来,却在奔行途中,一个个身体裂开,死状极惨。 this scene, looking at Lowden and the others were fearful and apprehensive, this understands why the middle-aged person said that must follow up him. 这一幕,瞧得老艾丹等人心惊肉跳,这才明白中年人为何说,一定要跟进他。 All around, powerful aura are far away rapidly, this is hides in all directions, experts that waits for an opportunity to act, saw that the middle-aged person is extremely fearful, the choice retreats in abundance. 四周,一股股强大的气息迅速远离,这是躲在四处,伺机出手的强者们,见到中年人太过可怕,纷纷选择退走。 Listens to Imperial Palace everywhere, the monster that often transmits to roar, the intense fighting sound, Lowden and the others are the heart startled, the situation in Imperial Palace is more chaotic than the outside world, this place was almost a forbidden area. 听着皇宫四处,不时传来的怪兽咆哮,激烈的战斗声,老艾丹等人都是心惊不已,皇宫中的情况比外界还要混乱,这地方几乎就是一个禁区了。 Walks, must settle that thing, otherwise drags, let alone entire Great Mysterious Star Prefecture, Mysterious Star Empire, and even Eastern Continent troubled......” middle-aged person deeply to inspire, went in a direction. “走吧,必须要了结那个东西,否则拖下去,别说整个大星奥郡,星奥帝国,乃至东大陆都麻烦了……”中年人深吸口气,朝着一个方向而去。 ...... …… Imperial Palace Inner City, northeast side. 皇宫内城,西北侧。 Here palace is very obsolete, exhibits the ruined trend, according to the Lin Chuan words, here is equivalent to the Imperial Palace cold palace. 这里的宫殿都很老旧,呈现破败的趋势,按照林川的话来说,这里相当于皇宫的冷宫。 In woods, the curving stoneway end, the ground presents the one after another crack trace, in the faintly visible fissure, has a leaf of gateway, the silk threads fog wells up. 一片树林中,弯弯曲曲的石子路尽头,地面呈现一道道龟裂的痕迹,隐约可见裂痕中,有着一扇门户,丝丝缕缕的灰雾从中涌出来。 Lin Chuan leads one group , arrived here, stopped, he turned the head to look at the person of accompanying, somewhat worried knitting the brows. 林川带着一行人,来到了这里,停了下来,他转头看了看随行的人,有些苦恼的皱眉。 Among the group, except Jing Kejing, the subordinates strength of Hua Fengxue accompanying is also insufficient, if enters the gateway, comes across what accident/surprise, really cannot assure the security. 一行人当中,除开景克境,华风雪随行的下属们实力也不够,如果进入门户,遇到什么意外,真不能保证安全。 They with, now Imperial Palace in are also the bad risk numerous, follows side us, instead is safe a point......” Hua Fengxue to say. “他们都跟进去吧,现在皇宫里也是凶险重重,跟在我们身边,反而安全一点……”华风雪说道。 Yes! The eldest child, does not follow side you, I feel not secure......” Jing Kejing also like this field of endeavor. “是啊!老大,不跟在你身边,我觉得不踏实……”景克境也是如此道。 This line, Jing Kejing was scared, entire Imperial Palace is in great confusion, everywhere by the corpse that the monster kills. 这一路行来,景克境是被吓坏了,整个皇宫已经乱成一团,到处都是被怪兽袭杀的尸体。 Especially listened to Lin Chuan saying that the situation outside Imperial Palace, compared with here very many, let in the Jing Kejing heart cool a section, he also understands that this was the catastrophe. 尤其是听林川说,皇宫外的情况,比这里好不了多少,就让景克境心中凉了一截,他也明白这是大灾难。 Such terrifying great change, follows side Lin Chuan such expert, is safest. 这样的恐怖巨变,跟在林川这样的强者身边,才是最为安全的。 Walks, I obtained the news a moment ago, in this gateway, there are to cope with that Polluted Tree Spirit method......” Lin Chuan to say. “走吧,我刚才得到消息,这门户里,有对付那个污染树灵的方法……”林川说道。 Actually, the original words of middle-aged person are not this, he is prepares oneself to enter here, because opens this gateway, needs huge Mental Energy, after meeting Lin Chuan, the middle-aged person thought the latter is more appropriate. 其实,中年人的原话不是这样的,他是准备自己进入这里,因为打开这个门户,需要庞大的精神能量,遇到林川后,中年人则是觉得后者更合适。 Here is......” the Hua Fengxue complexion changes. “这里是……”华风雪脸色微变。 Department Head Hua, where do you know behind this gateway are?” Lin Chuan looks. 华部长,你知道这门户后面是什么地方?”林川看过来。 Hua Fengxue nods, she deploys for many years in Great Mysterious Star Prefecture, the most places of nature in regarding Imperial Palace, the relative clarity that understands. 华风雪点头,她在大星奥郡部署多年,自然对于皇宫中大部分地方,都了解的相当清楚。 Behind this gateway, it is said is the millenniums ago, that Mysterious Star Emperor constructs personally, controls the Imperial Palace defense system is. 这个门户后面,据说是千年前,那位星奥皇帝亲自建造的,是操控皇宫防御系统的所在。 This place, only has Mysterious Star Emperor to enter...... 这个地方,唯有星奥皇帝才能够进入…… Lin Chuan nods in secret, it seems like that the middle-aged person has not lied, does not immediately hesitate, takes the lead to crash in the fissure, before arriving at that gate . 林川暗中点头,看来中年人没有说谎,随即也不犹豫,率先冲进裂痕,来到那座门前。 Puts out a hand to the gate, induced distantly, Lin Chuan induced to wisp of strange aura. 伸手对着门,遥遥感应了一下,林川感应到一缕诡异的气息。 This aura......, with these monsters somewhat different......” “这气息……,与那些怪物的有些不同……” Aura that in the gateway lends, seems like the Polluted Tree Spirit aura, but is actually not outside, on these monsters that...... 门户中散发出来的气息,似乎是污染树灵的气息,但却并不是外面,那些怪物身上的那种…… Has the essential difference, making Lin Chuan suspect, the Northern Land Royal City situation will recur, in this Imperial Palace incessantly Polluted Tree Spirit. 这其中有着本质的区别,使得林川不禁怀疑,难道北地王城的情况会重演,这皇宫中不止一个污染树灵 Well......” “咦……” The Pure Tree Spirit sound resounds, from the sudden change to the present, it has been very peaceful, without divulging any aura, so as to avoid paid attention, exposed Lin Chuan position. 纯净树灵的声音响起,从突变到现在,它一直很安静,没有泄露任何气息,免得被注意到,暴露了林川等的位置。 Now, Pure Tree Spirit somewhat could not bear, it also detects the unusuality in gate. 现在,纯净树灵也是有些忍不住了,它也察觉到门上的异常。 around the body, Tai Gu and the others already with, the security all around, Lin Chuan also revolution Mental Energy, according to the method that the middle-aged person said that poured into to the gate, relied on some rule, revolved. 身周,苔骨等人已经跟了过来,警戒四周,林川也运转精神能量,依照中年人所说的方法,注入到门内,依循某种规律,运转了一圈。 Creak...... 咯吱咯吱…… The gateway opens slowly, reveals a dim cold and gloomy channel. 门户缓缓开启,露出一条昏暗森冷的通道。 Hua Fengxue is somewhat surprised, Lin Chuan opens the way of gateway, seems like this door opens the way correctly. 华风雪则是有些惊讶,林川开启门户的方式,似乎是这扇门的正确打开方式。 Lin Chuan also notices this point, suspects the origin of middle-aged person, the opening the door method that only then Mysterious Star Emperor knows, why the middle-aged person can know. 林川也注意到这一点,不禁怀疑中年人的来历,既是只有星奥皇帝才知晓的开门方法,那中年人为何能够知晓。 People slightly one hesitant, then enters the channel after gate one after another, this channel is not long, walks less than a while, arrived at the end. 众人略一犹豫,便相继进入门后的通道,这条通道并不长,行走不到一会儿,就到了尽头。 Front scene, making one line of human eye pupils slightly tight shrinks...... 面前的情景,使得一行人眼眸微微紧・缩…… This is a control center, is exhibiting various types of mechanism, is the millennium ago models, is the Hundred Years' War period, precisest a number of mechanism. 这是一个控制中心,陈列着各种机械装置,皆是千年前的型号,乃是百年战争时期,最为精密的一批机械装置。 In the center, sets up a circular cylinder, the one after another electromagnetic wave is interweaving, covers in which the circular cylinder. 在中央,立着一个圆柱体,一道道电磁波交织着,将圆柱体笼罩其中。 Surroundings, is filling a corrupt aura, everywhere is the skeleton of bizarre, piled up thick one on the ground, on the Seven Stars Level alloy wall, everywhere is the claw marks...... 周围,弥漫着一种腐败的气息,到处是奇形怪状的骸骨,在地上堆积了厚厚一层,七星级合金墙壁上,到处是爪痕…… Obviously, here had erupted the fierce combat, and aspect is frigid...... 显然,这里曾经爆发过激战,且局面非常惨烈…… Here has erupted fighting incessantly, at least five times, the time of great distance surpass for hundred years......” “这里不止爆发过一次战斗,至少有五次,相隔的时间超过百年……” Lin Chuan scanned with Mental Energy, even no Moon Core The analysis, he can also infer probably. 林川精神能量扫描了一圈,即便没有【月核】的分析,他也能大概推断出来。 Then, he looks to Hua Fengxue and Jing Kejing, these two in the secret regarding Imperial Palace are very clear, should know some clues. 而后,他看向华风雪景克境,这两者对于皇宫里的秘事很清楚,应该知晓一些线索。 However, Hua Fengxue actually shakes the head, since Hundred Years' War, Northern King leads the army, almost projects on Great Mysterious Star Prefecture that time, in Imperial Palace had not had large-scale fighting again. 然而,华风雪却是摇头,自从百年战争后,北方王率领大军,差点打到大星奥郡那一次,皇宫内再没有发生过大规模的战斗 After all, Mysterious Star Empire Imperial Palace, but Eastern Continent alerts the most stern place, first did not say Consecrate that these peerless expert hold the post, security adviser. 毕竟,星奥帝国皇宫,可是东大陆戒备最森严的地方,先不说那些绝世强者担任的供奉,安全顾问。 Then is the defense system in Imperial Palace, after millenniums improvements, goes far beyond other places...... 便是皇宫中的防御系统,在经过千年的改进,也远远超过其他地方…… Said, is that Polluted Tree Spirit, fighting that initiates quietly......” Lin Chuan pondered over. “这么说起来,是那个污染树灵,悄悄发起的战斗么……”林川思忖。 Whiz...... 嗖…… Suddenly, a slight sound, was caught by Lin Chuan Mental Energy, in the meantime, in his sensation also sees several shadows, raids from the incomparably cunning angle. 突然,一丝轻微的响动,被林川精神能量捕捉到,同时,他的感知中还看到数道影子,从无比刁钻的角度袭来。 Buzz!? 嗡!? Does not wait for Lin Chuan to have an action to perform, Tai Gu and Hua Fengxue have acted, two different sword cries, several shadows had cut in two at the waist, drop in the place, changes into the one after another strange form skeleton. 不等林川有所动作,苔骨华风雪已经出手了,两声不同的剑鸣,数道影子已经被腰斩,跌落在地,化为一具具奇形骸骨。 These sneak attacker strengths, seventh boundary have not even achieved, depending on Tai Gu and Hua Fengxue fearful strength, does not have including in the possibility close to three meters, was killed by the instantaneous second. 这些偷袭者的实力,连七境都没有达到,凭苔骨华风雪的可怕实力,连接近三米之内的可能性都没有,就被瞬间秒杀了。 Moves toward these strange form skeletons, Lin Chuan forehead Pupil of Wisdom has started, the silk threads invisible net spreads, is catching the thought of escape. 走向这些奇形骸骨,林川额头智之瞳已经启动,丝丝缕缕的无形之网扩散开来,捕捉着逸散的意念。 However, making Lin Chuan feel that what is disappointed, on these skeletons the residual thought was too weak, has not nosed with enough time, then has been defeated and dispersed. 然而,让林川感到失望的是,这些骸骨身上残留的意念太微弱了,尚未来得及查探,便已经溃散了。 These skeletons, more than 60 years ago died......” Lin Chuan to say a frightened fact. “这些骸骨,六十多年前就死了……”林川说出一个惊悚的事实。 Tai Gu lifts the hand, a request, a force field surges slightly upward, people float, goes toward central. 苔骨抬手,微微往上一托,一股力场涌动,众人都悬浮起来,朝着中央而去。 Regarding the Tai Gu so astonishing method, group already without enough time surprised, inspects the central circular cylinder. 对于苔骨如此惊人的手段,一行人已经来不及惊讶,检查起中央的圆柱体。 This is not the control node......, seems like the switch of some place......” Lin Chuan through the induction, sees clearly the circular cylinder the situation. “这不是控制中枢……,似乎是某种地方的开关……”林川通过感应,洞察到圆柱体的情况。 Then, he took a fast look around, discovered control node that Imperial Palace defense system, in a corner, seemed like moved afterward to there. 而后,他扫视了一圈,发现皇宫防御系统的控制中枢,在一个角落里,似乎是后来被挪向那里的。 Accident that here has, it seems like also many......” “这里发生的变故,看来还不少啊……” Lin Chuan is whispering, walks toward the mechanism of corner, so long as grasped the control node, the blockade of Imperial Palace can open. 林川嘀咕着,朝着角落的机械装置走去,只要掌握了控制中枢,皇宫的封锁就能打开了。 Bang...... 砰…… At this moment, the mechanism in corner blasts out, the huge form flushed together. 就在这时,角落里的机械装置炸开,一道庞大的身影冲了出来。 The surrounding people, the build of this form no doubt is in great surprise huge, but, the speed was actually too quick, hit all of a sudden in front of Lin Chuan. 周围众人大惊,这道身影的体型固然庞大,但是,速度却是太快了,一下子撞在林川面前。 However, in the Lin Chuan body first half meter/rice place, this form is difficult to go forward. 然而,在林川身前半米处,这个身影却是再难前进。 Cracked Scale Arm Finds out, launches a thick Electromagnetic Energy wall, this form isolation outside. 裂鳞之臂】探出,发射一道厚厚的电磁能量墙,将这身影隔绝在外。 At this time, Lin Chuan also sees clearly the true colors of this form, this is a monster of lion's head person, besides his lion head, in its chest place, but also has a face of man. 此时,林川也看清这身影的真面目,这是一个狮头人身的怪物,除了其狮子脑袋之外,在其胸膛处,还有着一张男子的面孔。 Lion's head both eyes are scarlet, cannot see the pupil, the face of his chest opens the mouth, spouts together the gray light beam, punctures on the Electromagnetic Energy wall, will want piercing. 狮头双目猩红,看不到瞳孔,其胸膛的人脸则是张大嘴巴,从中喷出一道灰色光柱,刺在电磁能量墙上,想要将之洞穿。 This is......, was you......” Hua Fengxue is the pupil light concentrates, recognized the origin of this monster. “这是……,是你……”华风雪则是眸光一凝,认出了这个怪物的来历。 Exactly said, she recognized the face of that man, the status of it originally representative. 确切的说,她是认出了那个男子的面孔,其原本代表的身份。 Black Net Organization Leader?! 黑网组织首领?! Also is a continent family Gong Family talent! 也是大陆家族弓家的一名天才! It with Hua Fengxue, each other gratitude and grudges were many, Hua Fengxue during holding an office in Special Guard Squad, clashes many times with Black Net Organization. 其与华风雪之间,彼此的恩怨就很多了,华风雪在任职特种警备队期间,多次与黑网组织发生冲突。 Arrived afterward, her advanced into the Guard Department high level, in encountered sneak attack, at least less than half, is Black Net Organization initiates. 到了后来,她跻身警备部高层,遭遇的偷袭事件中,至少有一小半,是黑网组织发起的。 Foca Tower event, in view of the Hua Fengxue secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, there is a form of this fellow. 佛卡高塔的事件,针对华风雪的幕后黑手,也有这家伙的身影。 Six months ago, Hua Fengxue returned to Great Mysterious Star Prefecture, she obtained Flame Sword pattern, wants to ask this fellow to do accounts. 半年前,华风雪回到大星奥郡,她获得炎剑图纹,本是想找这家伙算账。 However, Black Net Organization Leader actually disappeared, could not find a trail...... 但是,黑网组织首领却是不见踪影,找不到一点踪迹…… Originally thinks, Black Net Organization suffers setbacks continually, in addition knows Hua Fengxue strength great accomplishment, this fellow chose going into hiding. 本来以为,黑网组织连番受挫,再加上知晓华风雪实力大成,这家伙选择了销声匿迹。 Has not actually thought, here, will meet Black Net Organization Leader that turns into the monster...... 却没想到,会在这里,遇到了变成怪物的黑网组织首领…… This fellow turns into this appearance unexpectedly......” “这家伙竟然变成这个模样……” Lin Chuan muttered the whisper, actually relieved the Electromagnetic Energy wall, ignores it attacked. 林川喃喃嘀咕,却是解除了电磁能量墙,放任其攻过来。 Roar...... 吼…… The monster of lion's head person angrily roars, has thrown to strike, opens mouth the tear and bite at the same time, pair of claws attacks the upward two groups, but thick such as the right leg of stone column, is lifts a knee to hit, takes the Lin Chuan below road. 狮头人身的怪物怒吼一声,已经扑击过来,张嘴撕咬的同时,双爪攻向上中两路,而粗大如石柱的右腿,则是抬起一记膝撞,直取林川的下路。 This a series of movements, will draw near the extreme, its fierce qi energy was the seventh boundary level. 这一连串的动作,着实是快到了极点,其凶猛的气劲达到了七境的层次。 Such strength, has surpassed the Black Net Organization Leader previous strength...... 这样的战力,已经超出了黑网组织首领此前的力量…… Thump!? 咚!? Lin Chuan lifts an arm, welcomed directly to pair of claws, in the meantime, the clothes robe skirt-width raised, the Kitty Lan form jumped out, is wielding the furry small claw, welcomed hit to the knee of lion's head person monster. 林川抬起一臂,径直迎向双爪,同时,衣袍下摆掀起,蓝小喵的身影窜出,挥着毛茸茸的小爪,迎向了狮头人身怪物的膝撞。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Two forms collide ruthlessly in together, discussed by, Lin Chuan seemed like too small and weak, only to the waist border of lion's head person monster, but, was actually this monster flew upside down. 两道身影狠狠碰撞在一起,以个头而论,林川看起来太弱小了,只到狮头人身怪物的腰际,但是,却是这个怪物倒飞了出去。 With a grating skeleton disruption, the both arms and right knee of this monster disrupt completely, the blood unceasing wind flies...... 伴随着一阵刺耳的骨骼碎裂,这怪物的双臂、右膝全部碎裂,鲜血不断飙飞…… A collision, has been divided the victory and defeat, Lin Chuan by Cracked Scale Arm Meets head-on, in addition the Kitty Lan fearful claw, where is a seventh boundary monster mortal body can contend. 一记碰撞,已经分了胜负,林川是以【裂鳞之臂】迎战,再加上蓝小喵可怕的爪子,哪里是一头七境怪物的肉身能够抗衡的。 Not far away, Tai Gu looks again and again shakes the head, Lin Chuan of strength, has been able to contend with ninth boundary obviously, actually such fighting. 不远处,苔骨看得连连摇头,林川的实力之强,明明已经可以抗衡九境,却还是这样战斗 Naturally, by Lin Chuan usually words, he did not have, when oneself was martial artist, his official duty was Mechanic, wanted what martial artist spirit. 当然,以林川平素的话来说,他从没当自己是一名武者,他的本职是机械师,要什么武者的精神。 Buzz! 嗡! Lin Chuan lifts the hand, projects together mental thorn, penetrates forehead of that face, immediately transmits the pitiful yell of this monster. 林川抬手,射出一道精神刺,贯入那张人脸的额头,立时传来这怪物的一声惨叫。 next moment, the eye of that face opened, resembles restored some intelligence, when saw clearly Lin Chuan and the others the appearances, in that eye seeped out the blood. 下一刻,那张人脸的眼睛睁开,似是恢复了一些神智,看清林川等人的模样时,那双眼睛里渗出鲜血。 Walks quickly, this fellow had transformed 1 million lives, makes 1 million monster armies......, leaves Great Mysterious Star Prefecture quickly, otherwise, you will also be corroded......” “快走,这家伙已经改造了百万的生灵,制造出百万怪物大军……,快离开大星奥郡,否则,你们也会被侵蚀……” That face shouts, is actually the sound stops suddenly, from his seven orifices spouts the flame, at once spreads to the whole body, the entire body burns, illuminated this place. 那张人脸喊道,却是声音戛然而止,从其七窍中喷出火焰,旋即蔓延至全身,整个身躯都燃烧起来,照亮了这个地方。 Lin Chuan and the others stood in the distant place, looks that this body gradually changes into a burned black skeleton, looks all around the surroundings again, this skeletons and other skeletons are not different. 林川等人站在远处,看着这具躯体逐渐化为一具焦黑的骸骨,再环顾周围,这具骸骨与其他的骸骨没什么两样。 Lifts hand one move, Lin Chuan catches a thought fragment, in the mind flashes through fragmentary pictures, a picture, Black Net Organization Leader in the imperial family mausoleum, was transformed such monster...... 抬手一招,林川捕捉到一丝意念碎片,脑海中闪过一段段零碎的画面,其中一个画面,黑网组织首领在皇室陵墓中,被改造成这样的怪物…… Later, it sneaks this place, tries to open the circular cylinder, was actually wounded by all around Electromagnetic Energy, hides heals from a wound in the corner, after waiting recovery, conducts another attempt...... 之后,它潜入这个地方,试图打开圆柱体,却被四周的电磁能量击伤,躲在角落里养伤,等待伤愈之后,进行又一次的尝试…… „It seems like......, that Polluted Tree Spirit wants this thing very much......” “看起来……,那污染树灵很想要这东西……” Looks to this circular cylinder, Lin Chuan is probably clear, how these skeletons die, to open the circular cylinder surrounding electromagnetism barrier completely. 看向这圆柱体,林川大概明白,这些骸骨是怎么死的,全部是为了打开圆柱体周围的电磁屏障。 Must open the circular cylinder the barrier......” Tai Gu to ask. “要打开圆柱体的这个屏障么……”苔骨问道。 Lin Chuan shakes the head, nods, arrives at the corner, the Mechanical Arm switch over pattern, starts to assemble the control device. 林川摇了摇头,又点了点头,走到角落,机械臂切换模式,开始拼装控制装置。 Quick, a brand-new control device has taken shape, Lin Chuan inspected, then turned on several buttons...... 很快,一台全新的控制装置已经成型,林川检查了一下,便开启了其中的几个按钮…… ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Bang! 砰! The Imperial Palace Inner City entrance, the sky presents a darkness, just like the curtain of night to arrive ahead of time, the thick cloud lamination, the one after another diameter surpassed hundred meters hurricane to circle, attracted all around person completely. 皇宫内城入口,天空呈现一片黑暗,犹如夜幕提前降临了,厚厚云层压了下来,一道道直径超过百米的飓风盘旋着,将四周的人全部吸了进去。 In the hurricane, has the form to clash unceasingly, is the one after another monster, the person who these were attracted, appears in such shape. 飓风中,不断有身影冲出来,是一头头怪物,那些被吸进去的人,以这样的形态出现。 This transformation method, had been in this degree......” “这种改造手段,已经到了这种程度了么……” Not far away, the middle-aged person saw this scene, the complexion sank suddenly, passing one share is dignified. 不远处,中年人看到这一情景,脸色骤然沉了下来,透着一股子凝重。 Your excellency, this what's the matter?” “阁下,这到底是怎么回事?” This is the Polluted Tree Spirit method......” “这是污染树灵的手段么……” Lowden, Fowler and the others witnessed this scene, some one by one complexion blanches, they and Polluted Tree Spirit conflicted more than once, felt that one share trembled. 老艾丹福勒等人目睹这一情景,一个个脸色都有些发白,他们与污染树灵冲突不止一次了,却还是感到一股子战栗。 If this were curled goes, they estimated that is also hard to escape by luck, will turn into such monster...... 这要是被卷进去,他们估计也难以幸免,都会变成这样的怪物…… This naturally is not Polluted Tree Spirit ability, but, cannot say that......” middle-aged person calm face, said. “这当然不是污染树灵能力,不过,也不能这么说……”中年人沉着脸,如此说道。 He had not explained, instead is asking Lowden, about Sacred Temple Hall, Heart Origin Priest Temple some news...... 他并未解释,反而是问起老艾丹,关于神圣殿堂,心元祭司神殿的一些消息……
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