TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#576: imperial capital that covers desperately

Bang...... 砰…… In a flash, in Room second floor gushes out powerful aura, then vanishes without the trace. 一瞬间,二楼里涌出一股股强大的气息,而后又消失无踪。 next moment, the people in room fall down lying this way and that not by what wound, only what is injured is Howya. 下一刻,房间里的众人横七竖八倒在地上,都没有受什么伤,唯一受了点伤的是海乌亚 His five fingers wear the sharp finger cot, above wiped Paralysis Medicament, but also doped some nerve poisons, does not know that the middle-aged person used what method, this finger cot inserts on Howya oneself, its complexion was immediately black, straight gets malaria on the ground. 他五指戴着锋利的指套,上面抹了麻痹药剂,还掺杂了一些神经毒素,也不知中年人用了什么手段,这指套就插在海乌亚自己身上,其脸色立时就黑了,直挺挺的在地上打摆子。 The middle-aged people sit well on the chair, smiles to look at Howya and the others, on the face also has an appreciation. 中年人端坐在椅子上,笑看着海乌亚等人,脸上还带着一丝赞赏。 Your strengths are very good! Should be came from ancient influence......” “你们的实力很不错啊!应该是来自一个古老的势力吧……” So saying, the middle-aged person looks to Howya, its look passes slightly, the latter restored the action immediately, rumble one turns over/stands up, gives under the oneself clothing/taking fast the antidote. 这般说着,中年人看向海乌亚,其眼神微微流转,后者立时恢复了行动力,咕噜一下翻身,快速给自己服下解药。 The people on the scene is a face are alarmed and afraid, the strengths of their team, that is not general powerful. 在场众人都是一脸惊惧,他们这支队伍的实力,那可不是一般的强悍。 In Elf Mausoleum during this period, the strength of everyone had the considerable progress, particularly one group of Redbud descendants' expert, broke through the original shackles, the life span obtains big extension simultaneously, the strength also had the qualitative leap. 精灵陵墓这段期间,每个人的实力都有了长足的进步,尤其是一群紫荆后裔的强者,都突破了原有的桎梏,寿命得到大大的延续同时,战力也是产生了质的飞跃。 The strengths of their team, even if encounters besieging of Imperial Knight Regiment, can still break through a tight encirclement, leaves from Great Mysterious Star Prefecture. 他们这支队伍的战力,就算是遭遇帝国骑士团的围攻,也能杀出重围,从大星奥郡离开。 But, this mysterious middle-aged person does not know that with what method, overpowered everyone unexpectedly, this strength is really the terrifying. 可是,这神秘的中年人也不知用了什么手段,竟将所有人制服了,这份实力着实是恐怖。 We are the Redbud Regiment descendants, the Elf Race descendant, who is your excellency?” Lowden sinking sound said. “我们是紫荆军团的后裔,还有精灵族的后裔,阁下又是谁?”老艾丹沉声道。 Lowden astute very much, listening to the middle-aged person to mention that ancient influence, lifts immediately Redbud Regiment and Elf Race, regarding knowing very well the ancient influence person, these two reputations have big deterrent force. 老艾丹精明的很,听中年人提到“古老势力”,立时将紫荆军团精灵族抬出来,对于熟知古老势力的人来说,这两个名头可是有很大的威慑力的。 Really, the middle-aged person complexion moves slightly, reveals the surprised color, took a look at people on the scene. 果然,中年人面色微动,露出惊讶之色,打量了一圈在场众人。 Redbud Regiment and Elf Race......, this is the name that too long has not heard......” 紫荆军团精灵族么……,这可是太久没听到的名字……” Such seems like, you have no relations with this mutation...... „ “这么看起来,你们与这种异变没什么关系……“ The middle-aged people are narrowing the eye, leisure saying. 中年人眯着眼睛,慢条斯理的说道。 Lowden and the others, as soon as listens, is in the heart moves, the implied meaning of middle-aged person, clearly to outside mutation, has the considerable understanding. 老艾丹等人一听,都是心中一动,中年人的言下之意,分明对外面的异变,有着相当的了解。 Who your excellency is......, knows anything, believes that we can exchange some secrets......” “阁下是谁……,又知道些什么,相信我们可以交换一些秘密……” At this time, Howya poison also solved, immediately the connection says. 此时,海乌亚身上的毒也解了,立刻接口道。 You......” “你们……” The middle-aged people swept, has not said anything. 中年人扫了一圈,没有说些什么。 However, by Lowden and the others the astuteness, can detect, this person resembles thinks otherwise very much, when as if they are the child who anything does not know are the same. 但是,以老艾丹等人的精明,自是能察觉出来,这人对此似是很不以为然,仿佛当他们是什么都不知道的小孩子一样。 This attitude, making some people teeth itchy, their strengths may be the tyrannical temporary experts, how could to have been treated like this. 这一态度,使得众人都有些牙痒痒,他们的实力可都是强横一时的高手,何曾被这样对待过。 I want to know that your secrets, need to inquire to you......” “我想要知道你们的秘密,需要向你们询问嘛……” The middle-aged people open the mouth suddenly, his sound is enormous and powerful, reverberates near the people ear, lets one line of dizziness vertigos. 中年人忽然开口,他的声音浩荡起来,回荡在众人耳边,让一行人头晕眼花。 Bad......” “糟了……” Fowler calls out in alarm, does not realize wonderfully, this is extremely fearful Mental Attack, this middle-aged person regarding the control of Mental Energy, above him. 福勒一声惊呼,意识到不妙,这是一种极其可怕的精神冲击,这中年人对于精神能量的操控,远在他之上。 When people field of vision flood white, will soon lose the consciousness, in the head had anything to be touched, bang, the one after another transparent guard/shield opened, isolated the voice of middle-aged person unexpectedly. 就在众人视野泛白,即将失去意识时,脑袋里似是有什么东西被触动了,砰得一声,一道道透明的护罩撑开,竟是将中年人的声音隔绝了。 Bang...... 砰…… Around the middle-aged people, the air exudes ripples, had one share invisible vortex unexpectedly. 中年人四周,空气泛起一圈圈涟漪,竟是产生了一股子无形的漩涡。 This is......, Mental Energy above ninth boundary......, not to......” “这是……,九境之上的精神能量……,不对……” Since appearing, the tranquil middle-aged person has set out suddenly, inconceivable is staring at the people on the scene. 从出现以来,一直平静的中年人霍然起身,不可思议的盯着在场众人。 Fowler and the others are one rejoiced, they naturally yes what's the matter, this is Mister Chuan on them, implanted Mental Brand Mark, the original goal is the localization, so as to avoid has the confusion, is hard to know the position of companion. 福勒等人则是一阵庆幸,他们当然明白是怎么回事,这是川先生在他们身上,植入的一道精神烙印,原本的目的是定位,免得发生混乱,难以知晓同伴的位置。 Actually is unexpectedly, this Mental Brand Mark also has such use, direct immunity the fearful method of middle-aged person. 却是不料,这道精神烙印还有这样的用处,直接免疫了中年人的可怕手段。 In the invisible energetic barrier, Lowden and the others restored the action, sets out in abundance, actually not dare to act rashly. 在无形精神屏障之中,老艾丹等人恢复了行动力,纷纷起身,却是并不敢轻举妄动。 This middle-aged person fearful place , is not only Mental Energy, its strength is also immeasurably deep, the incomparably vigorous force field isolated the room together directly, even to escape cannot escape. 这中年人可怕的地方,不仅是精神能量,其实力也是深不可测,一道无比浑厚的力场直接隔绝了房间,就算是想逃也逃不掉。 Took a fast look around Lowden and the others, the middle-aged person is smiling, sat, nodded the head said: Good method! For these years, can keep off my, but also really few. Who this is in the method on you arranging, your Leader?” 扫视着老艾丹等人,中年人笑了笑,坐了下来,颔首道:“好手段!这么多年来,能够挡下我这一手,还真没有几个。这是谁在你们身上布置的手段,你们的首领么?” Fowler is narrowing the eye, said: Is one of our Leader......” 福勒眯着眼睛,道:“是我们的首领之一……” Un?” “嗯?” The middle-aged people heard the brow to jump jumping, whispered in secret, one of the Leader? Real false, so many years have not appeared in continent, present had expert arrived at this level? Also thinks that will be weaker than before...... 中年人听得眉头跳了跳,暗中嘀咕,首领之一?真的假的,这么多年没出现在大陆,如今的强者已经到了这一层次了么?还以为会比以前弱很多呢…… So pondering over, the middle-aged person is lifting the hand, hints the people to sit, each other can discuss. 这般思忖着,中年人抬手,示意众人都坐,彼此可以谈一谈。 Before discussing, whether your excellency disclosed the origin......” Lowden sinking sound said. “在谈之前,阁下是否透露一下来历……”老艾丹沉声道。 The middle-aged people observe the situation, suddenly sees in the people, the short lance that a person has, said: My family is Western Continent hidden world family, this time comes to Great Mysterious Star Prefecture, complies with the ancestor to teach, to prevent the great change in Imperial Palace.” 中年人环视一圈,突然瞅见众人中,一人持有的短矛,道:“我的家族西大陆的隐世家族,此次到大星奥郡来,就遵从祖训,为了阻止皇宫中的巨变。” hearing this, Lowden and the others looked at each other one, listens to the middle-aged person to say somewhat groundless, but, disclosed an essential information Imperial Palace great change! 闻言,老艾丹等人对视一眼,都听出中年人所言有些不实,不过,却透露一个关键的信息皇宫巨变! Our goals, should almost......” Lowden sinking sound said. “我们的目的,应该差不多……”老艾丹沉声道。 You know from where, Great Mysterious Star Prefecture Imperial Palace has...... middle-aged person who exists strangely to ask. “你们是从何处知道,大星奥郡皇宫有诡异存在的……”中年人问道。 ...... …… The people and middle-aged person one asked questions and other answered, quick each other understood that some information, according to the view of middle-aged person, his family have a mission, is to eliminate strange existence in Imperial Palace, this is his family elder, with the agreement of past Mysterious Star Empire Emperor. 众人与中年人一问一答,很快彼此都了解到一些信息,按照中年人的说法,他的家族有一项使命,就是要消除皇宫中的诡异存在,这是其家族长辈,与昔日星奥帝国皇帝的约定。 Regarding such excuse, Lowden and the others are most only letter/believes one less than half, regarding the origin of middle-aged person, is a character does not believe. 对于这样的说辞,老艾丹等人最多只信一小半,对于中年人的来历,则是一个字都不信。 Without the means that middle-aged person's excuse about own origin, the impromptu composition that is not obviously distracted. 没办法,中年人关于自身来历的说辞,明显都是不走心的现编。 Because, accent of this middle-aged person, radically is pure Mysterious Star Empire accent, where has the tone of least bit Western Continent person. 因为,这中年人的口音,根本就是纯正的星奥帝国口音,哪里有半点西大陆人的口吻。 Naturally, relied on middle-aged person incomparably strong strength, even if knows that it is the impromptu composition, the people cannot say anything. 当然,凭中年人无比强大的实力,哪怕是知道其是现编的,众人也不能说什么。 You from Northern Land Royal City, legendary Regiment Commander Man Hua there, known these news......” “你们是从北地王城,传奇军团长蛮华那里,知道的这些消息……” The middle-aged people are also very surprised, Man Hua......, Centaur Race that is Regiment Commander...... also living?!” 中年人也很吃惊,“蛮华……,人马族的那位军团长……还活着?!” If your excellency does not believe that we can the present relate Senior Man Hua, you understand that we said not empty.” Fowler said with a smile. “若是阁下不信,我们可以现在联系蛮华前辈,你就明白我们所言非虚。”福勒笑着说道。 The middle-aged people beckon with the hand, believed obviously. 中年人摆了摆手,显是相信了。 That walks......, goes to Imperial Palace......” “那走吧……,前往皇宫……” The middle-aged people set out, hint the people to act, actually discovered that one group have not moved. 中年人起身,示意众人行动,却发现一行人并未动弹。 Leader they told, we aid here, therefore......” Lowden said. 首领他们吩咐,我们在这里接应,所以……”老艾丹说道。 Hehe......” “呵呵……” The middle-aged people smiled two, „, if you do not act now, waiting a while to enter Imperial Palace to be difficult, once this mutation starts, the fearful degree will be above your imagination......” 中年人笑了两声,“如果你们现在不行动,等一会儿想进皇宫都难了,这场异变一旦开始,可怕的程度会超乎你们的想象……” Moreover, is not only your Leader in Imperial Palace, your present situations are very not wonderful, treats with me in the same place, is the safe approach.” “况且,既是你们的首领皇宫里,你们如今的处境也很不妙,与我待在一起,才是安全的做法。” Lowden hearing this, does not hesitate, immediately contacts with Lin Chuan. 老艾丹闻言,也不犹豫,立刻与林川联系。 ...... 滋滋…… In communicator, spreads the sound that electricity flees in all directions, the signal is unable to transmit unexpectedly. 通讯器中,传出一阵电流窜动的声音,信号竟是无法传送出去。 Sees that Lowden and the others the complexion changes, does not realize wonderfully, their communicator signals, the sky outside Great Mysterious Star Prefecture city, mausoleum citadel of concealment whereabouts conduct the transmission. 见状,老艾丹等人脸色一变,意识到不妙,他们的通讯器信号,是在大星奥郡城外的上空,隐匿行迹的陵墓城塞进行传输的。 Now, suddenly broke the relation, explained the situation, there is a change...... 现在,突然断了联系,说明外界的情况,又有了变化…… Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In the meantime, outside hears a sharp cry...... 就在此时,外面传来一阵尖锐的叫声…… Sees only on the street, in the pedestrian of communication, the bodies of many people explode suddenly, the form of one after another covered with blood crawled. 只见街道上,来往的行人中,忽有许多人的身体爆裂开来,一道道血肉模糊的身影从中爬了出来。 These forms are not person, even can say, and does not seem like the life, but is the monster that one after another lives eight segmental appendages, around has two mouths, project the long whip same tongue, pierces all around pedestrian body one by one. 这些身影并不是人,甚至可以说,并不像是生灵,而是一只只生有八个节肢的怪物,有着前后两个嘴,从中射出长鞭一样的舌头,将四周的行人身体一个个洞穿。 Flash, on street in great confusion, in the crowd of communication actually many expert, come across this accident, immediately had the action, fights with these monsters in one. 一刹那,街道上乱成一团,来往的人群中其实不乏强者,遇到这一变故,立时有了行动,与这些怪物战在一处。 The strengths of these monsters are not strong, just appeared, only then fourth boundary level, but, even if the body cut off, still has the fighting strength, some expert no doubt cut to kill several heads, still some people were killed, became food of monster. 这些怪物的战力并不算强,刚一出现只有四境的层次,但是,即便身体被斩断,依然有战斗力,一些强者固然斩杀了几头,也有人被袭杀,成了怪物的食物。 In a minute, swallowed the monster of surrounding crowd, inflated, batters in the crowd. 片刻,吞噬了周围人群的怪物,生生膨胀了一圈,在人群中横冲直撞。 Sky over Great Mysterious Star Prefecture, the grating alarm sound resounds, the entire city entered the martial status, various city gates are closed urgently. 大星奥郡上空,刺耳的警报声响起,全城都进入了戒严状态,各处城门紧急关闭。 These monsters......” “这些怪物……” Fowler sees on the street, many beautiful women were killed, was immediately angry, wants to pass to rescue, was actually waved to block by the middle-aged person. 福勒看到街道上,许多美女被杀,顿时就愤怒了,想过去救援,却被中年人挥手拦下。 Now quickly goes to Imperial Palace, ceases this great change the source, otherwise, entire Great Mysterious Star Prefecture must fall to the enemy...... middle-aged person to shout quickly. “现在赶快去皇宫,杜绝这场巨变的源头,否则,整个大星奥郡很快就要沦陷了……”中年人喊道。 The group do not hesitate, plunders, goes toward Imperial Palace. 一行人再不犹豫,纷纷掠起,朝着皇宫而去。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Imperial Palace Inner City, Lin Chuan wait/etc. just came out, hears the rapid alarm sound that the distant place heard. 皇宫内城,林川等刚出来,就听到了远处传来的急促警报声。 next moment, around entire Imperial Palace, the one after another light beam to/clashes, the interconnection, interweaves mutually, just like huge light beam cage, covers entire Imperial Palace. 下一刻,整个皇宫四周,一道道光柱冲起,相互连接,相互交织,宛如一座巨大的光柱牢笼,将整个皇宫覆盖进去。 Big Mysterious Star Imperial Palace strongest defense system?!” The Hua Fengxue complexion changes. “大星奥皇宫最强防御系统?!”华风雪脸色一变。 The group prepared, before the banquet has not started, first finds a place, the secret prepares, has not actually thought that came across such accident. 一行人本来准备,在宴会还没开始前,先找一个地方,秘密筹划一下,却没想到遇到了这样的变故。 „It seems like, matter changes, expects compared with us also wants quickly......” “看起来,事情变化的,比我们预料的还要快……” Lin Chuan turns the head, looks to the Imperial Palace Inner City west side, the black fog of that place was even more strong, jet black such as in mist of black ink, the faintly two giant scarlet eye pupils, are gazing at outside by the mist, seems overlooking entire Great Mysterious Star Prefecture. 林川转头,看向皇宫内城的西侧,那个地方的黑雾越发浓烈了,漆黑如墨的雾气中,隐隐有两只巨大猩红的眼眸,透过雾气注视着外面,仿佛是在俯瞰整个大星奥郡 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Rapid footsteps sound, the one after another Imperial Palace guard dashes, but, salutes to Hua Fengxue, invited it to the Imperial Palace safe house. 急促的脚步声响起,一支支皇宫卫队飞奔而至,向华风雪行礼,请其到皇宫的安全屋去。 You......” Hua Fengxue knit the brows, look at this group of guard Imperial Palace, felt like that some are not right. “你们……”华风雪皱眉,看着这群皇宫护卫,隐约觉得有些不对。 Bang! 轰! At this time, Lin Chuan and Tai Gu have acted, shell to these guards Imperial Palace, two powerful strengths such as the vortex rumbles, curled all guards Imperial Palace. 此时,林川苔骨已经出手,轰击向这些皇宫护卫,两股强大的力量如漩涡轰出,将所有皇宫护卫都卷了进去。 However, can rumble to kill the seventh boundary expert fearful strength, does not have a pitiful yell sound to get up, instead has one after another to be jet black, covers entirely the arm of scale to rumble from the vortex force field wait/etc. initiated toward Lin Chuan fiercely attacked. 然而,能够轰杀七境强者的可怕力量,却是没有一丝惨叫声响起,反而有一只只漆黑的,布满鳞片的手臂从漩涡力场中轰出,朝着林川等发起猛攻。 Roar roar roar...... 吼吼吼…… one after another covers entirely the monster of scales to appear, on these monsters has the grows the horn, just like the blade, lowers the head to attack crazily. 一头头布满鳞甲的怪物出现,这些怪物头上有长角,如同刀刃一样,低头疯狂冲击过来。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Several Guard Department elite avoid without enough time, the body was cut two halves directly, even called out pitifully sends out without enough time, died not entire corpse. 几名警备部精锐来不及躲避,身体直接被切割成两半,连惨叫都来不及发出,就死无全尸了。 Lin Chuan is the pupil light moves, the mental power field opens, is covering people, next moment, their figure vanish in same place, appears again, is beyond several hundred meters. 林川则是眸光一动,精神力场撑开,笼罩着身边的众人,下一刻,他们的身形消失在原地,再出现时,已经是数百米之外。 Only had Tai Gu one person to remain, alone facing that crowd of monsters. 唯有苔骨一人留了下来,独自面对那群怪物。 Buzz...... 嗡…… a sword light assumes ring-like to swing, cuts in half this crowd of monsters directly, cuts off completely around the middle. 一道剑光呈环形荡开,直接将这群怪物切成两半,全部拦腰斩断。 However, the vitalities of these monsters are above the imagination, even if cut in two at the waist, not only upper part active , to continue to attack, the lower part still batters everywhere...... 然而,这些怪物的生命力超乎想像,即便被腰斩,不仅上半身能动,继续攻击,下半身也是到处横冲直撞…… Whiz......, the Tai Gu figure flashes, has arrived at Lin Chuan side wait/etc., shouted walking, the group then left the tight encirclement. 嗖……,苔骨身形一闪,已经来到林川等身边,喊了一声“走”,一行人便脱出了重围。 These fellows have the Polluted Tree Spirit aura, the similarly parasited fellow, cannot kill, but also is easy to expose our whereabouts.” Tai Gu said. “这些家伙都有污染树灵的气息,是类似被寄生的家伙,杀不死的,还容易暴露我们的行踪。”苔骨说道。 Lin Chuan nods, regarding Polluted Tree Spirit all sorts, they understood very much, this monster is not only the Tree Spirit puppet, even if kills more than ten million uselessly still. 林川颔首,对于污染树灵的种种,他们都很了解,这种怪物既是树灵的傀儡,就算杀上千万也无用。 This fearful fellow starts suddenly, aims at us?” “这可怕的家伙突然发动,难道是针对我们么?” In the group, Jing Kejing frightened the face to be white, he knows that the tour of this Imperial Palace, must certainly have the risk, but, was not too actually worried before. 一行人中,景克境则是吓得脸都白了,他知道此次皇宫之行,一定少不了风险,但是,之前却是不太担心的。 After all, has Lin Chuan and other expert in the side, Jing Kejing has the security sense very much, let alone, this is in Imperial Palace, so many expert, Consecrate, which is not the extremely temporary expert. 毕竟,有林川强者在侧,景克境很有安全感,何况,这还是皇宫中,那么多强者,供奉,哪一个不是强极一时的高手。 But, this time great change, has gone beyond his expectation, even surpassed his cognition...... 可是,此时的巨变,已经超出了他的预料,甚至超出了他的认知…… In view of us......, should not say that is long-premeditated......” Lin Chuan so to judge. “不会是针对我们……,应该说是蓄谋已久么……”林川这般判断。 This with the Northern Land Royal City turmoil, is the same?” Hua Fengxue asked. “这和北地王城的动乱,是一样的么?”华风雪问道。 Lin Chuan shakes the head, this may compared with the Northern Land Royal City turmoil, want bad risk hundred times. 林川摇了摇头,这可比北地王城的动乱,要凶险百倍。 Northern Land Royal City Polluted Tree Spirit, creation is the tree puppet soldier, these were not tree puppet, radically was the one by one monster. 北地王城污染树灵,创造的都是树傀战士,刚才的那些可不是树傀,根本是一个个怪物。 And, the this time great change, the planned time, the planned intention, must be wanted long many by Northern Land that several Polluted Tree Spirit without doubt, is much bigger...... 并且,这一次的巨变,谋划的时间,谋划的意图,无疑也要被北地的那几个污染树灵要长的多,也大得多…… Right, Lowden and Fowler they......” “对了,老艾丹福勒他们……” In the Lin Chuan heart moves, although communicator cannot relate, he can pass Mental Brand Mark. 林川心中一动,通讯器虽然不能联系,他可以通过精神烙印 The forehead eyeball design appears, immediately induced Lowden and the others the positions, was makes in the Lin Chuan heart sink, even if there is Mental Brand Mark, still had the feeling of planting possibly separates to relate momentarily. 额头眼球图案浮现,立时感应到了老艾丹等人的位置,却是让林川心中一沉,即便有精神烙印,也有种随时可能断开联系的感觉。 This situation wants than expected bad......” “这情况比预想的要糟糕……” Lin Chuan is pondering over, suddenly the surrounding scenery changed, companions disappeared, only has Lowden and the others the directions, the inductions of these Mental Brand Mark are strengthened. 林川正思忖着,突然周围的景色变了,身边的同伴们都消失了,唯有老艾丹等人的方向,那些精神烙印的感应正在增强。 Such situation, obviously is that side, essence excels at the Mental Energy big expert, is guiding. 这样的情况,显是那边,有一个精擅精神能量的大高手,在进行导引。 Fowler? No, is not right, this fellow has this talent, has not actually mastered this skill......” Lin Chuan to remove Fowler at once. 福勒么?不,不对,这家伙有这个天赋,却没有掌握这种技巧……”林川旋即排除了福勒 After obtaining the body of High Elf, talent of Fowler in Mental Energy aspect, it may be said that also had the promotion. 获得高等精灵的身体后,福勒精神能量方面的天赋,可谓是又有了提升。 However, this fellow regarding such skill, is actually the interest lacks...... 但是,这家伙对于这样的技巧,却是兴趣缺缺…… At this time, Lowden and the others the directions, the light shadow is together partly visible, then a sound resounds. 此时,老艾丹等人的方向,一道光影若隐若现,而后一个声音响起。 You......, yes Redbud Organization Leader of these people......” sounds of some vicissitudes resound. “你……,就是【紫荆组织】那些人的首领……”一个有些沧桑的声音响起。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Lin Chuan one startled, first thinks that is Lowden they have the accident/surprise, may be very kidnapped by this Mental Energy big expert. 林川不禁一惊,首先想到的,则是老艾丹他们有意外,很可能是被这个精神能量的大高手劫持了。 Immediately, Pupil of Wisdom ability starts, in the jet black space, Mental Energy is the same like the tide, gathers crazily in together, then concentrates a great dragon shape, circles is taking away as many things as possible toward that light shadow. 当即,智之瞳能力发动,漆黑的空间中,精神能量如同潮汐一样,疯狂汇聚在一起,而后凝成一条巨龙形状,盘旋着朝着那个光影席卷而去。 Since this has been grasps Pupil of Wisdom, the Lin Chuan first time, uses Mental Energy full power. 这是掌握智之瞳以来,林川第一次,全力动用精神能量 You......” “你……” The sound of that vicissitudes just prepared to continue to talk, the induction to terrifying Mental Energy tide, fearful and apprehensive, opens the mouth to say immediately fast: Stop! We are not the enemies, I and your subordinate cooperation, must enter Imperial Palace to support you......” 那个沧桑的声音刚准备继续交谈,就感应到一股恐怖的精神能量潮汐,顿时一阵心惊肉跳,飞快开口道:“住手!我们不是敌人,我和你的下属合作,要进皇宫支援你们……” Also, in Imperial Palace that exists strangely, I know how to deal with......” “还有,皇宫中那个诡异存在,我知道怎么应付……” So shouting, the master of this vicissitudes sound, that middle-aged person, curses fuck in secret, such huge Mental Energy, how this cultivates, this he present continent, should be quite peaceful, why will present such fearful fellow, feels the young appearance...... 这般喊着,这个沧桑声音的主人,也正是那个中年人,暗中大骂卧槽,这么庞大的精神能量,这到底是怎么修炼出来的,这他么的如今的大陆,应该算是比较和平的,为何会出现这么可怕的家伙,感觉年龄还不大的样子……
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