TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#546: Royal City

Until now, the trace of eyeball design, the edge is not clear, just like painting that has not completed. 一直以来,眼球图案的纹路,边缘都是不清楚的,犹如未完成的画作。 Now, the edge of eyeball design, has reappeared thoroughly, the pattern also presents a strange luster, is sending out the mysterious brilliance. 现在,眼球图案的边缘,已经彻底浮现,花纹也呈现一种奇异的色泽,散发着神秘的光彩。 This is change externally, Lin Chuan only thinks the contact with eyeball design, even more close, but the intention moves, the sensation strength spreads, from an overlooking angle, gets a panoramic view the surrounding all. 这是外观上的变化,林川只觉与眼球图案的联系,越发的紧密,只是心念一动,感知力就扩散开来,以一种俯视的角度,将周围的一切尽收眼底。 Meanwhile, eyeball design, with clock pendulum designs, had a relation. 同时,眼球图案,与钟摆图案之间,也产生了一种联系。 The center of forehead and chest, is the neck neck place, the round light balls appear, that is a perfect circular. 额头与胸口的中央,也是颈脖处,有一颗圆圆的光球浮现,那是一种完美的圆形。 Stone ball......” “石球……” Lin Chuan deeply inspires, the state of mind is excited, he knows that this was stone ball ability further breaks through. 林川深吸口气,心绪激动,他知道这是石球的能力进一步突破了。 Was at this time —— 正在这时—— The form shoots like the electricity to together, from the Lin Chuan body swept back, from an incomparably cunning angle, selected one finger/refers. 一道身影如电般射至,从林川身后掠来,以一个无比刁钻的角度,点出了一指。 The people have a big shock, begun is not others, impressively is Man Hua. 众人大惊失色,动手的不是别人,赫然是蛮华 Un......” “嗯……” Lin Chuan vibrates, in in the wink of an eye, the mind had several countermeasures unexpectedly. 林川不禁震动,在瞬息之间,脑海中竟是产生了数种对策。 Copes with an surprise attack of ninth boundary unparalleled expert, will have several countermeasures, this somewhat is really inconceivable...... 对付一名九境盖世强者的突袭,会有数种对策,这着实有些不可思议…… However, these countermeasures are the so clear appearances, presents in his mind, and judged that Man Hua all sorts of subsequent hands attack the method. 但是,这些对策就是如此清晰的出现,呈现在他脑海中,并判断出蛮华的种种后手攻击手段。 The breakthrough of this time, the Lin Chuan strength no doubt is increased greatly, might be considered as the nature to leap, but, fights with ninth boundary unparalleled expert, actually does not have a odds of success. 这一次的突破,林川的实力固然提升巨大,堪称是质得飞跃,但是,与九境盖世强者交手,其实是没有一丝胜算的。 Body Seventh Equipment Twinkle radiance, in the Lin Chuan shoulder, this equipment that liquefies the metal concentrates a arm, moves forward to meet somebody directly. 身上的【第七武装】闪烁光华,在林川肩头,这件液化金属的武装凝成一只手臂,径直迎了上去。 Bang!? 砰!? The palm refers to the collision, the liquid metal arm collapses all of a sudden, changes into a metal barrier layer upon layer, reduces and solves Man Hua this finger/refers of stamina. 掌指碰撞,液态金属手臂一下子崩溃,化为一层层的金属屏障,化解蛮华这一指的后劲。 At this time, Lin Chuan responded, Cracked Scale Arm The start, forms the machinery defense guard/shield, heart origin power and Mental Energy also moves, changes into the overlapping net, covers to Man Hua. 此时,林川才反应过来,【裂鳞之臂】启动,形成机械防御护罩,心元力精神能量也随之而动,化为层层叠叠的网,笼罩向蛮华 ...... 滋滋…… In energy column, Moon Core Also starts the Electromagnetic Energy pulse, raids to the Centaur Race old man. 能量柱中,【月核】也发动电磁能量脉冲,袭向人马族老者。 Good, good......” “好,好……” Man Hua laughs, actually does not dodge does not evade, to refer to palm, cut baseless several, then reduces and solves the counter-attack of Lin Chuan. 蛮华大笑起来,却是不闪不避,以指化掌,凭空切了几下,便将林川的反击化解。 Young Mister Chuan......” 川小先生……” The Centaur Race old man opens the mouth, does not think suddenly right, changed a statement: Mister Chuan. Congratulations!” 人马族老者开口,忽又觉不对,改口道:“川先生。恭喜啊!” Lin Chuan was startled being startled, at once responds, salutes the expression of gratitude. 林川怔了怔,旋即反应过来,行礼道谢。 Facing the surprise attack of ninth boundary expert, only if same boundary, otherwise, such near distance is unable to respond, but, Seventh Equipment Actually can deal promptly. 面对九境强者的突袭,除非同一境界,否则,这么近的距离根本无法反应,但是,【第七武装】却能及时应对。 Indeed, the Lin Chuan present strength, differed with ninth boundary far , has much with the method that ninth boundary expert socialized. 诚然,林川现在的实力,与九境相差很远,却也拥有与九境强者周旋的手段了。 Seventh Equipment Has such wondrous use......” the Lin Chuan whisper to say unexpectedly. “【第七武装】竟有这样的妙用……”林川嘀咕道。 You think why Cromwell must improve it, has no interest in that Divine Stone Body, that body again is not the flesh and blood, after exchanging, is difficult the possibility of improvement......” “你以为克伦威尔为何要完善它,对那神石之躯都没兴趣,那躯体再强也非血肉之躯,换上之后,再难有提升的可能……” The Man Hua opens the mouth, regarding the past Cromwell matter, is very clear, the manufacture of that Divine Stone Body the Centaur Race old man knew, was actually a bait, in view of the Sea Beast Regiment bait. 蛮华开口,对于当年克伦威尔的事情,人马族老者知道的很清楚,那神石之躯的制造,其实就是一个诱饵,针对海兽军团的诱饵。 Initially in Foca Tower, by the astuteness of Cromwell, how not to detect that scheme of Sea Beast Regiment, he then thwarted, the backhand planned Sea Beast Regiment. 当初在佛卡高塔,以克伦威尔的精明,如何没有察觉到海兽军团的图谋,他便将计就计,反手算计了海兽军团 Continent Madman has not thought, his student, the efficient subordinate is so unexpectedly dedicated to Divine Stone Body, does not hesitate to succeed in obtaining fine. 只是,大陆狂人没有想到,他的学生,得力部下竟对神石之躯那么执着,不惜一切都要得到手。 Matches with the user completely Seventh Equipment, May not only be Nine Stars Level equipment, its wondrous use must surpass by far...... 与使用者完全匹配的【第七武装】,可不仅是一件九星级武装,其妙用远远要超过…… I have not thought, you in this age, in this boundary, fused Seventh Equipment......” Man Hua sighed. “我是没想到,你在这个年纪,在这个境界,就融合了【第七武装】……”蛮华叹道。 Lin Chuan silent , indicating that this is individual spell of good or bad fortune, he has not thought to be able so. 林川沉默了一下,表示这是个人际遇,他也没想到会如此。 Nearby, Daggo and the others go forward hastily, congratulates to Lin Chuan, the people treat this young Mechanic attitude, in the short time, had the subtle change. 一旁,达角等人连忙上前,向林川祝贺,众人对待这位年轻机械师的态度,在短短时间内,都有了微妙的变化。 Man Hua waves, hints the people to various Gem Country places, here valuable thing, should move moves, should transport/fortune transports/fortunes, do not fall...... 蛮华挥了挥手,示意众人到宝石之国各处,将这里有价值的东西,该搬得搬,该运得运,不要落下…… In this building, is only left over Lin Chuan, Man Hua, Tai Gu. 这座建筑中,只剩下林川,蛮华,还有苔骨 Senior Man Hua, did you have the words to me say?” 蛮华前辈,你是有话要对我说么?” Lin Chuan looks to the Centaur Race old man, the eyeball design further change, letting him indistinctly the mood of other sensation people. 林川看向人马族老者,眼球图案进一步的变化,让他隐约能感知其他人的情绪。 This is the further promotion of eyeball design detection danger. 这是眼球图案侦测危险的进一步提升。 It seems like your sensation, in certain degrees, there are ninth boundary some special characteristics......” Man Hua astonishedly looked at Lin Chuan. “看来你的感知,在某些程度上,也有九境的一些特质了……”蛮华惊异的看了看林川 The Centaur Race old man brow wrinkles, then sighed, this matter, does not want to ask you to help, but, you fused Seventh Equipment, In addition Mister Gu......” 人马族老者眉头皱起,而后叹了口气,“这件事,本来是没想找你帮忙的,但是,你融合了【第七武装】,再加上骨先生……” Looked at Tai Gu, in the Man Hua somewhat muddy eye, has the profound wisdom, resembled understood clearly Tai Gu some true origins. 看了看苔骨,蛮华有些浑浊的眼睛里,有着深邃的智慧,似是洞悉了苔骨的一些真正来历。 This matter no small matter, I am prepared oneself to meet head-on alone, but, has Mister Chuan, Mister Gu, fused the core of this energy column......, had the qualifications to help the member......” “这件事非同小可,我本来是准备自己独自去迎战,但是,有川先生,骨先生,还有融合了这能量柱的核心……,就有资格帮一把手了……” Listened to Man Hua to say like this, the Lin Chuan first response was the rejection, can make ninth boundary expert so prudent, that matter was not the common difficult office. 听着蛮华这样说,林川第一反应是拒绝,能让九境强者如此慎重,那事情可不是一般的难办。 The Lin Chuan opens the mouth, just prepared to reject tactfully, Man Hua beckons with the hand with a smile. 林川张口,刚准备委婉拒绝,蛮华则是笑着摆手。 Be not flustering the decline, Mister Chuan, I can give enough reward, is reward that you are unable to reject absolutely, including Mister Gu......” “别慌着回绝,川先生,我可以给出足够的报酬,是你绝对无法拒绝的报酬,包括骨先生……” Man Hua is saying, simply, first said a few words very much. 蛮华说着,很是干脆,先说出了一句话。 Dark Age, Redbud Regiment the place of body of burying Leader, I know how to go in! And, but also knows the law of recovery......” 黑暗时代,紫荆军团首领之躯埋藏之地,我知道如何进去!并且,还知道复苏之法……” Centaur Race old man these words, made Tai Gu jump, did not wait for Lin Chuan to say anything, on complying of being too busy. 人马族老者这一句话,就让苔骨跳了起来,不等林川说什么,就忙不迭的答应。 Lin Chuan is showing the whites of the eyes in the one side, can't Tai Gu this fellow the slow point comply? This discussed the transaction, must bargain back and forth one. 林川在一旁翻着白眼,苔骨这家伙就不能慢一点答应么?这谈交易,总要讨价还价一番吧。 Man Hua turns the head, said two words, one is the Kitty Lan origin clue, another a few words told only half, the Lin Chuan complexion vibrates, nods, without hesitant complied. 蛮华转头,又说了两句话,其中一个是蓝小喵的来历线索,另一句话说到一半,林川面色震动,点了点头,没有犹豫就答应了。 Really the ginger is much older......” “果然姜还是老得辣……” Lin Chuan sighed in secret, reward that the Centaur Race old man proposed, only actually the matter of Tai Gu, he was irrecusable. 林川暗中叹息,人马族老者提出的报酬,其实单是苔骨之事,他就不能拒绝。 Let alone, other such astonishing reward...... 何况,还有其他那样惊人的报酬…… Man Hua this old fogy do not look is Centaur Race, but the thoughts are deep, living enough is also long, the thing that in the hand grasps are also many, regarding the transaction, is very difficult to reject. 蛮华这老家伙别看是人马族,心思可是深得很,活得又够久,手上掌握的东西又多,与人谈起交易,真的很难拒绝。 Then......, Senior Man Hua, the matter that needs us to help, what is also?” Lin Chuan asked. “那么……,蛮华前辈,需要我们帮忙的事情,又是什么?”林川问道。 Man Hua approaches, said with Lin Chuan and Tai Gu in a low voice, latter both look the color of vibration, looks at the Centaur Race old man startled. 蛮华凑近,与林川苔骨低声说了一番,后两者面露震动之色,愕然看着人马族老者。 Good! This matter, I help one another at the appointed time inevitably.” Tai Gu said decisively. “好!此事,我到时必然鼎力相助。”苔骨断然道。 Lin Chuan nods silently, has not said anything, looked that to energy column that partly destroys, in which ray is completely gloomy, Moon Core The fusion has been completed. 林川默默点头,却是没有说什么,看向半毁的能量柱,其中的光芒完全暗淡下去,【月核】的融合已经完成了。 Machine Lord, the database restore achieves 90%, can consult at any time!” 机主,资料库修复达到90%,可以随时咨询!” If Machine Lord wants to make Gem Furnace, Control energy center, so long as there is an enough material, I can complete.” “如果机主想重新制造【宝石熔炉】,控制能量中枢,只要有足够材料,我就能够完成。” „The plan of Man Hua, I can also assist, the success ratio can promote over 20%......” 蛮华的计划,我也能协助,成功率能提升两成以上……” ...... …… Moon Core The sound resounds again, reports its change to Lin Chuan, compared with the beforehand ice-cold electronic sound, Lin Chuan feels keenly, after the transformation, Moon Core Had some strange changes. 月核】的声音再次响起,向林川汇报它的变化,与之前冰冷的电子音相比,林川敏锐感觉到,蜕变后的【月核】有了一些奇异的变化。 The group treated for day in Gem Country, under guiding of Ice Snake, discovered many fragments of energy crystal gathering, although is incomplete, but, this may be highest level Energy Crystal, its value is unquantifiable. 一行人在宝石之国又待了一天,在冰蛇们的带路下,发现了许多能量晶萃的碎片,虽然都不完整,但是,这可都是最顶级的能量结晶,其价值难以估量。 Finally, because the time is too tight, the people have not stopped over are too long, left here two days later. 最后,因为时间太紧张,众人没有逗留太久,于两天后离开了这里。 Just before leaving, Lin Chuan exhorts Ice Snake King, the Sealed Territory entrance frozen, when their matter gets through, comes back to mine here treasure again slowly. 临走时,林川嘱咐冰蛇之王,将封域的入口冰封,等他们事情办完,再回来慢慢开采这里的宝物。 So many years, do not know that Royal City now was what appearance......” “这么多年了,不知王城现在是什么模样了……” Goes out from Sealed Territory, looks at a Extreme Northern Land frozen scene, Man Hua mutters, reveals the color of recalling. 封域中走出,看着极北之地一片冰封的情景,蛮华喃喃自语,露出缅怀之色。 Nearby, Bayen gets hold of the double fist, he also wants to know, so many years later, Royal City is what appearance, in the past these murder cases should also have one to settle. 一旁,巴尤恩握紧双拳,他也很想知道,这么多年后,王城是什么模样,当年那些血案也该有一个了结了。 ...... …… Northern Land Royal City, is situated in the North northeastern part. 北地王城,坐落在北境的东北部。 This region, is not the Northern Land bountiful region, on the contrary here long ago, was the place of Northern Land most barren bitter cold. 这一地域,并不是北地富饶的地带,相反这里在很久以前,是北地最为贫瘠的苦寒之地。 However, since the millenniums, Northern Land Royal City has stood and waited for a long time here, with Royal City to 300 li (0.5 km) place, is the Centaur Race territory. 但是,千年以来,北地王城就一直伫立在这里,与王城相距三百里的地方,就是人马族的领地。 Northern Land Royal City, the Centaur Race territory faces each other across a great distance, assumes the potential of horn, becomes the North most important area. 北地王城,人马族领地遥遥相对,呈犄角之势,成为北境最为险要的地区。 Once, Northern Royal Clan, Centaur Regiment occupied in two places, echoed mutually, resisted ten times in the army of one's own side, that fought also the achievement two big influence prestige. 曾经,北方王族,人马军团盘踞在两地,相互呼应,抵挡了十倍于己方的大军,那一战也成就了两大势力的威名。 Now, before this Royal City compares, is very prosperous lively, this place has become the Northern Land center. 如今,这座王城相比以前,则是非常繁荣热闹,此地已然成为北地的中心。 Millennium ago Northern King, once wielded royal sword, announced the world, its in it place, was the North center, this place was in any event barren, a lot of years later, incomparably will prosper. 千年前的北方王,曾经挥动王剑,宣告天下,其所在之地,才是北境中心,此地不论如何贫瘠,千百年之后,也将无比繁荣。 Now, fireworks bloom sky over huge Royal City, as if verified the millenniums ago, the manifesto of that great King. 现在,一朵朵烟花在庞大的王城上空绽放,似乎印证了千年前,那位伟大王者的宣言。 On this day, in the morning. 这一天,上午。 In a Royal City palace, this Northern King wears a light clothes robe, stands in the roof, is looking into a distant putting fireworks...... 王城的一座宫殿中,这一任的北方王穿着一件薄薄的衣袍,站在楼顶,眺望着远方朵朵盛放的焰火…… During the daytime is so high-profile, cannot take......” “白天就这么张扬,不可取……” Northern King shakes the head, touched some flood white beards, said to behind Royal Palace chief Law Clerk. 北方王摇了摇头,摸了摸有些泛白的胡子,对身后的王宫首席书记官说道。 Royal Palace chief Law Clerk bows, said: King, this does not make widely known, your this time birthday feast no small matter, if your quiet conducting, outside person also thinks that Royal City has an accident......” 王宫首席书记官鞠躬,道:“王,这不是张扬,您这一次的寿宴非同小可,如果你悄无声息的举办,外面的人还以为王城出了什么事呢……” Northern King smiles, said: No matter manages lively, manages peacefully, doesn't Royal City have an accident? For these years, having the matter are also few?” 北方王笑了笑,道:“不管是办得热闹,还是办得安静,王城难道就不出事么?这么多年来,出得事情还少么?” In the chief Law Clerk heart jumps, this Northern King temper, but was unhappy all along says these to turn outside wipes the corner/horn the words, today this saying to be different, distinct intent has referred. 首席书记官心中一跳,这位北方王的性子,可是一贯不喜说那些拐外抹角的话,今天这话却不一样,分明意有所指。 Has the king to assume North, even has many matters, Northern Land still meets stand tall without falling.” Chief Law Clerk bows, said hastily. “有王坐镇北境,就算出再多的事,北地也会屹立不倒。”首席书记官躬身,连忙道。 Yes......” “是么……” Northern King smiled two, the upright dignified face, reveals cold solemn, waves, hints chief Law Clerk to draw back, when evening banquet, informs him again. 北方王笑了两声,方正威严的面庞,露出一丝冷肃,挥了挥手,示意首席书记官退下吧,等到晚宴之时,再来通知他。 Before taking a step to arrive at the window, looks at beside Royal City, the vast plain, the Northern King facial features reveal dreary. 迈步来到窗前,看着王城之外,一望无边的平原,北方王的面容露出一丝萧索 Many years......, cannot think that I in this position, have sat were so long, now also sit well, do not know that many people look forward to me dead......” “多少年了……,想不到我在这个位置上,已经坐了这么久了,如今还坐得好好的,也不知多少人巴不得我死吧……” I, if sits in this position again has 20 year after year, that old fogy in Great Mysterious Star Prefecture imperial palace, may be unable to endure me, first step died, the old fogy should be about unable to bear......” “我要是再坐在这个位置有二十年年,大星奥郡皇宫的那个老家伙,或许会熬不过我,先一步就死翘翘了,那老家伙应该快忍不住了吧……” Is thinking Northern Land these enemy, Northern King sneers, shook the hand of sword hilt to tighten. 想着北地的那些明里暗里的敌人,北方王冷笑起来,握着剑柄的手紧了紧。 At this time, had the aide to report, Royal Daughter paid a visit. 这时,有侍从汇报,王女来拜见。 „......, She gave up finally, making her come in......” “哦……,她终于舍得回来了,让她进来……” Hears the Royal Daughter name, the Northern King cold solemn facial features, are all of a sudden gentle, lifts the hand to tell. 听到王女的名字,北方王冷肃的面容,一下子柔和起来,抬手吩咐道。
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