TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#545: Surprise and remarkable transformation

Whistling...... 呼呼…… The Ice Snake King emitting cold air, its scale is unceasingly vertical, gushes out a piece by piece blue ice piece from the scale, sweeps across to all around, freezes a thick ice wall the ground and wall. 冰蛇之王不断喷吐寒气,它身上的鳞片都竖直起来,从鳞片下方涌出一片片蓝色冰块,席卷向四周,将地面、墙壁都冻上一层厚厚的冰壁。 These blue ice pieces, are Ice Snake King trump card, usually congeals little, at crucial moments, with the sure-kill method to killing the enemy. 这些蓝色冰块,是冰蛇之王的杀手锏,平时一点点凝结起来,在关键时刻,用以杀敌的绝杀手段。 Now, to flatter the master, the master of master, Ice Snake King spares no effort, displays the move of whole body. 现在,为了讨好主人,还有主人的主人,冰蛇之王不遗余力,将全身的招数都施展出来。 In a minute, this huge construction and frozen, covers entirely the strange pattern under the ice wall, emerald green radiance shines through, has a strange magnificence. 片刻,这个巨大建筑就并冰封,布满奇异花纹的冰壁下,翠绿的光华透射出来,有着一种奇异的瑰丽。 The people stand in the entrance, looks at the surrounding scene, has the color of exclamation. 众人站在通道入口,看着周围的情景,都是有着惊叹之色。 At this time, the wall under ice wall appears designs, records process that Gem Country is establishing, previously said no difference from Man Hua. 此时,冰壁下的墙壁浮现一幅幅图案,记载着宝石之国建立的过程,与蛮华此前所说没什么出入。 The writing in these designs are very ancient, has the similarity with the present continent commonly used language, has very big difference. 这些图案上的文字很古老,与如今的大陆通用语有着相似之处,却又有着很大的不同。 In the staggered brilliance, Lin Chuan sees the design of construction peak, that is the Gem Country map, but this building is a hub. 交错的光辉中,林川看到建筑顶端的一副图案,那是宝石之国的地图,而这座建筑是枢纽。 This energy column, is the Gem Country control hub......” “这个能量圆柱,是宝石之国的控制枢纽……” Lin Chuan looks at that design, is understands, if Gem Furnace Is the key of Gem Country manufacture peak weapon, that this energy column controls the total hub in Gem Country aspects. 林川看那副图案,才是明白过来,如果说【宝石熔炉】是宝石之国制造顶端武器的关键,那这个能量圆柱则是控制宝石之国方方面面的总枢纽。 All sorts of convenience of Gem Country, for example automatic Floating Vehicle, the revolution of each public measure, monitors the instrument wait/etc, is controlled by this energy column. 宝石之国的种种便利,比如自动的悬浮车,各个公共措施的运转,监控仪器等等,都是由这个能量圆柱控制的。 Gem Furnace By destroying, was represented Gem Country to lose the possibility of development...... 宝石熔炉】被毁,代表着宝石之国失去了发展的可能…… But this energy column was destroyed, represents the entire Gem Country thorough paralysis...... 而这个能量圆柱被毁,则代表整个宝石之国彻底的瘫痪…… Also therefore, was causing demise of Gem Country, the elites of these survivals will depart in abundance. 也正因此,才导致了宝石之国的灭亡,那些幸存的精英们才会纷纷离去。 ...... 滋滋…… Near the Lin Chuan ear, hears an electric current sound, Moon Core Informs it to fuse this energy column, and repairs itself by this rapidly. 林川耳边,传来一阵电流声,【月核】告知它能融合这能量圆柱,并以此迅速修复自身。 Machine Lord, fused this thing, I at least can restore half......” 机主,融合了这个东西,我至少能修复一半……” Database has repaired 10, I should be Gem Furnace Core component......” “资料库已经修复十,我应该是【宝石熔炉】的核心部分……” ...... …… Moon Core Ice-cold as always, Lin Chuan can actually feel that its urgency, slightly pondered over, he then goes forward, before arriving was destroyed half of energy columns, took out the embed Moon Core Hanging falls. 月核】一如既往的冰冷,林川却能感到它的急切,略一思忖,他便上前,走到被毁去一半的能量圆柱前,取出了镶嵌【月核】的吊坠。 Under the people gaze, shouted one puzzled, the one after another electromagnetism light wave from hanging to fall to spray, permeated in the energy column crazily. 在众人不解的注视下,呼得一声,一道道电磁光波从吊坠中喷射而出,疯狂渗入能量圆柱之中。 Even if there is a impediment of ice wall, is unable to block these electromagnetism light waves, Moon Core During this period, the energy of storage releases completely, quick covers in which the entire energy column. 即便有冰壁的阻隔,也无法拦住这些电磁光波,【月核】将这段期间,存储的能量全部释放出来,很快就将整个能量圆柱笼罩其中。 Machine Lord, my inference really right, I truly am Gem Furnace Core component......” Moon Core Said. 机主,我的推断果然没错,我确实是【宝石熔炉】的核心部分……”【月核】说道。 Lin Chuan curls the lip, deeply thinks Moon Core Is far-fetched, before this fellow, is the speculations? Actually does its database have what material? 林川不禁撇嘴,深觉【月核】的不靠谱,这家伙之前都是推测的么?它的资料库究竟有什么资料? Bang...... 砰…… Suddenly, in the energy column that mechanical eyeball appears again, is glittering crazily, resounds the alarm sound again...... 突然,能量柱中那颗机械眼球再次出现,疯狂的闪烁着,再次响起警报声…… Warning! Control node and Gem Furnace The core forbids to fuse, this offends the jurisdiction!” “警告!控制中枢与【宝石熔炉】核心禁止融合,这是触犯权限!” A grating electronic sound gets up, Lin Chuan one hear, then not hesitant, Mechanical Arm starts, Electromagnetic Energy Wave runs out, the bang on the energy column, extinguished to the bang this electronic sound all of a sudden. 一阵刺耳的电子音响起,林川一听,则是没有犹豫,机械臂启动,一股电磁能量波冲出,轰在能量柱上,一下子将这电子音给轰灭了。 next moment, Moon Core The energy howls, flees in the energy column that partly destroys, is conducting the fusion rapidly. 下一刻,【月核】的能量呼啸而出,在半毁的能量柱中窜动,迅速进行着融合。 Lin Chuan forehead, the eyeball design appears, the unceasing revolving twinkle, looks at the situation in energy column clearly. 林川额头,眼球图案浮现,不断旋转闪烁,将能量柱中的情形“看”得清清楚楚。 This is a strange energy fusion, is the millenniums ago, high civilization core Smartbrain of Gem Country creation, has the similarity with Mechanical Throne Smartbrain extremely. 这是一种奇异的能量融合,是千年前,极高文明的宝石之国创造的核心智脑,与机械王座智脑有着相似之处。 Regarding the fusion of this energy, Lin Chuan can only understand part, surplus is hard to guess. 对于这种能量的融合,林川只能理解一部分,剩余的则是难以揣测。 However, the eyeball design actually glitters unceasingly, the process of this fusion, one after another recorded. 不过,眼球图案却是不断闪烁,将这一融合的过程,一一记录了下来。 Thump...... 咚…… The mechanical eye of energy column is dim, then vanishes thoroughly, the brilliance of entire energy column also vanished. 能量柱的机械眼黯淡下来,而后彻底消失,整个能量柱的光辉也消失了。 this scene, looks at the people to stare dumbfounded, Man Hua looks to Lin Chuan, the Centaur Race old man discovered that oneself underestimated this young Mechanic. 这一幕,瞧得众人瞠目结舌,蛮华则是看向林川,人马族老者发现自己还是小看了这个年轻机械师 Lin Chuan does not have the time to care about other, near the ear transmits unceasingly Moon Core The sound, this core Smartbrain is repairing rapidly. 林川则没时间顾及其他,耳边不断传来【月核】的声音,这核心智脑正在迅速修复。 Meanwhile, a powerful energy, along with a stream of consciousness, floods into Lin Chuan within the body crazily, making him feel the entire body, the entire mind was supported to explode quickly. 同时,一股强大的能量,伴随着一股意识流,疯狂涌入林川的体内,让他感到整个身体,整个脑海都快被撑爆了。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Lin Chuan within the body spreads a fulmination, heart origin power and Mental Energy crazy revolution, quenchings his body unceasingly, withstands flooding into of this huge energy. 林川的体内传出一阵爆鸣,心元力精神能量疯狂运转,不断淬炼他的身体,来承受这股庞大能量的涌入。 The chest place, the clock pendulum design appears, the indicator is revolving fast, causes process over a hundred times of acceleration that this body strengthens, the bonus is so, Lin Chuan can still feel, the muscle and blood vessel, the skeleton, the internal organs in the crazy creeping motion, like sponges, are absorbing this energy crazily. 胸膛处,钟摆图案浮现,指针飞快的旋转着,使得这种身体强化的过程成百倍的加速,饶是如此,林川依然能感到,肌肉、血管,骨骼,脏器在疯狂的蠕动,如同一块块海绵,疯狂吸收着这股能量。 Meanwhile —— 与此同时—— That magnanimous stream of consciousness floods into, pictures appear in the Lin Chuan mind, that is the aspects about Gem Country, establishment of this strange Kingdom, and even development, Gem Furnace Creation, manufacture of one after another Steel Giant Soldier, huge flying fortress construction...... 那股海量的意识流涌入,一幅幅画面在林川脑海中浮现,那是关于宝石之国的方方面面,这个奇异王国的建立,乃至发展,【宝石熔炉】的创造,一具具钢铁巨兵的制造,庞大的空中堡垒建造…… Also, in some night, an ancient times Dragon Race descendant brings the great dragon regiment, enters Gem Country, ruined this energy column. 还有,在某个深夜,一头远古龙族的后裔带着巨龙军团,杀入宝石之国,毁掉了这根能量柱。 Picture twinkles, Lin Chuan only thinks that the entire head must blast out, has the function of eyeball design fortunately, subsides this stream of consciousness. 一幅幅的画面闪烁,林川只觉整个脑袋都要炸开了,幸而有眼球图案的作用,将这股意识流平息下来。 Final of these pictures, Lin Chuan sees a form, the whole body is covering the bark same mail-armor and helmet, breaks in Gem Country, Gem Furnace The wreckage holds carrying off. 这些画面的最后,林川看到一个身影,浑身覆盖着树皮一样的甲胄,冲入宝石之国,将【宝石熔炉】的残骸托着带走。 When leaving Sealed Territory, that form actually met Cromwell, both sides erupted the fierce combat, latter connection Gem Furnace The wreckage same place, routed completely. 在离开封域时,那个身影却遇到了克伦威尔,双方爆发了激战,后者将之连通【宝石熔炉】的残骸一起,全部击溃了。 ...... …… Originally......, Moon Core The origin is such......” “原来……,【月核】的来历是这样的……” In the Lin Chuan mind, flashes through this thought that at once casting behind, will then withstand the head full power, the dual suffering of body. 林川脑海中,闪过这个念头,旋即便将之抛诸脑后,全力承受脑袋,身体的双重煎熬。 Nearby, the people were shocked, wants to go forward to rescue, was actually flushed by a powerful energy flux flies, even Daggo such eighth boundary expert, were still shaken the both arms to shiver. 一旁,众人则是惊呆了,想要上前救助,却被一股强大的能量流冲飞,即便是达角这样的八境强者,也被震得双臂颤抖。 Withdraws......” “都退后……” Man Hua wields the sleeve, boundless heart origin power surges, covers in which Lin Chuan and energy column, isolates with the outside world. 蛮华挥袖,一股磅礴的心元力涌动,将林川、能量柱笼罩其中,与外界隔绝起来。 The Centaur Race old man is staring at this young Mechanic, the eye twinkle is uncertain, has the deep shock, from Lin Chuan, he feels one type not well-known, actually incomparably remarkable change. 人马族老者盯着这年轻机械师,眼睛闪烁不定,有着深深的震惊,从林川身上,他感受到一种不知名,却又无比惊人的变化。 With the Man Hua experience, cannot distinguish clearly unexpectedly, this change what's the matter...... 蛮华的见识,竟是分不清,这种变化到底是怎么回事…… This was Cromwell had experienced, with Seventh Equipment That process of fusion......” Tai Gu goes forward, said in a low voice. “这是克伦威尔曾经经历过的,与【第七武装】融合的那种过程……”苔骨上前,低声说道。 Man Hua shook, looked at Tai Gu, he knows that this Mister Gu status was mystical, perhaps had for a long time very long body, has not thought that actually knew such secret matter. 蛮华不禁一震,看了看苔骨,他知道这位骨先生的身份神秘,恐怕是存在了很久很久的机体,没想到竟然知晓这么隐秘的事情。 Cromwell and Seventh Equipment Fusion, but after leaving Northern Land, at that time he is ninth boundary expert......, this youngster has not arrived at sixth boundary......” 克伦威尔与【第七武装】的融合,可是在离开北地之后,那时他已经是九境强者了……,这个年轻人尚未到六境……” The Centaur Race old man smiles bitterly to shake the head, somewhat worried, is somewhat sigh with emotion. 人马族老者苦笑摇头,有些担忧,又有些感慨。 About such change, martial artist is not quite clear, exactly said that since millenniums, only then a Cromwell talent knows. 关于这样的变化,武者是不太清楚的,确切的说,千年以来,只有克伦威尔一人才知道。 But this young Mechanic, such young, achieves this step words, future achievement...... 而这个年轻机械师,如此的年轻,就达到这一步的话,将来的成就…… Bang...... 轰隆…… The intermittent loud sound spreads, Lin Chuan Mechanic long gown was broken open, pale purple liquid metal covers a layer upon layer in its body surface, this is three days, again sufficient energy Seventh Equipment. 阵阵巨响传出,林川身上的机械师长袍被撑破,一层层淡紫的液态金属覆盖在其身体表面,这是三天来,重新充能的【第七武装】。 These three days, with the Man Hua exchange, Lin Chuan to this Seventh Equipment Carried on the improvement. 这三天来,与蛮华交流中,林川对这件【第七武装】进行了完善。 However, this is only the preliminary improvement, wants to achieve in the legend, Cromwell equipment Seventh Equipment The complete body, a very long section of road must walk. 不过,这只是初步的完善,想要达到传说中,克伦威尔配备的【第七武装】完全体,还有很长的一段路要走。 At this moment, fusion with this huge energy, energy quilt of overflow Seventh Equipment The absorption, making this powerful equipment start to change once again. 此刻,与这股庞大能量的融合,溢出的能量被【第七武装】吸收,使得这件强大的武装又一次开始变化。 At this time, Lin Chuan huge Heart Origin Wheel appeared behind, unceasingly circling, under surging in within the body all sorts of strengths, this Heart Origin Wheel is sparkling, was burns to be the same unexpectedly, jumped projects the eye-catching brilliance. 这个时候,林川身后一道巨大的心元轮出现,不断盘旋着,在体内种种力量的涌动下,这道心元轮闪耀着,竟是燃烧起来一样,迸射出夺目的光辉。 This Heart Origin Wheel?!” “这心元轮?!” Bayen and the others call out in alarm, so astonishing Heart Origin Wheel, their first sight. 巴尤恩等人一阵惊呼,如此惊人的心元轮,他们还是第一次见到。 Exactly said that even if in the hearsay, has not heard such Heart Origin Wheel...... 确切的说,哪怕是传闻中,也没有听说过这样的心元轮…… Hehe......, is really a small monster!” “呵呵……,真是一个小怪物啊!” Man Hua rubbed rubbing the hands, deeply inspires, talent that his entire life sees, it may be said that is countless. 蛮华揉了揉手,深吸口气,他生平所见的天才,可谓是不计其数。 Millenniums ago, is time that the talent pours forth, he stands erect in the continent peak talent, fights side-by-side with Continent Madman Cromwell such character. 千年前,是天才辈出的时代,他本身更是屹立在大陆巅峰的天才,与大陆狂人克伦威尔这样的人物并肩作战。 In the eyes of Centaur Race old man, can let him for the talent that it exclaims in surprise, were too few. 人马族老者的眼中,能让他为之惊叹的天才,实在太少了。 Now, at present has such a, made the one indescribable little fellow...... 现在,眼前就出了这么一个,还是这么令人无法形容的小家伙…… Perhaps, this little fellow can help me......” the Man Hua look beat, looking pensive. “或许,这个小家伙能够助我……”蛮华眼神跳动,若有所思。 This moment —— 此刻—— The change of Lin Chuan within the body, is more astonishing than the change of body surface, heart origin power and Mental Energy, reached balanced with that huge energy, has not actually fused completely together. 林川体内的变化,则是比体表的变化更加惊人,心元力精神能量,与那股庞大能量达成了一个平衡,却没有完全融合在一起。 Among three strengths, formed a channel, can transform mutually. 三种力量之间,形成了一个通道,能够相互的转化。 But Seventh Equipment, Then with the strength of Lin Chuan within the body, had a strange relation, this is a strange feeling, as if this equipment is a part of Lin Chuan body. 而身上的【第七武装】,则是与林川体内的力量,产生了一种奇异的联系,这是一种奇异的感觉,仿佛这件武装就是林川身体的一部分。 In body, Wind Wheel Mist Suppressing Art Also is having the transformation, beforehand several days, under the direction of Man Hua, Lin Chuan this cultivation method sixth layer deep meaning, have deduced basically. 身体内,【风轮镇岚功】也在发生蜕变,之前的几天,在蛮华的指点下,林川已经将这门功法第六层的奥义,基本推演出来。 Now after this series of changes, Wind Wheel Mist Suppressing Art sixth layer is the radical transformation, Lin Chuan reads slightly, cultivation method operates. 现在经过这一连串的变化,【风轮镇岚功第六层则是彻底蜕变,林川稍一念动,功法就运行起来。 Moon Core The sound resounds at this time, Machine Lord, I have completed with the fusion of control node, the database restores 60%, you have any need, can consult.” 月核】的声音此时响起,“机主,我与控制中枢的融合已经完成,资料库修复60%,你有任何需要,都可以咨询。” Lin Chuan has not spoken, he has no time to take into consideration now Moon Core, The rotation center adjusts own condition. 林川没有说话,他现在无暇顾及【月核】,正转心调整自身的状态。 However, Moon Core Has not actually stopped, this Gem Furnace Core after restore most, perhaps wants to express thanks, immediately transmits an information flow. 不过,【月核】却没有停下来,这【宝石熔炉】的核心在修复大半后,或许是想表达感谢,立刻又传输过来一段信息流。 Regarding this, Lin Chuan criticizes, is not good to open the mouth, can only receive silently. 对此,林川暗骂不已,却也不好开口,只能默默的接收了。 When the mind, appears this energy column constructs the scene, Elf and dwarf artisan, Mechanics of various clans gather together, is discussing all sorts of this control node. 脑海中,浮现这能量柱建造时的情景,精灵矮人工匠,各族的机械师们聚在一起,讨论着这控制中枢的种种。 Gem Country chief Engineer proposed, control node and Gem Furnace The core, can conduct the fusion, but, this actually does not allow to happen absolutely. 宝石之国的首席工程师则提出,控制中枢与【宝石熔炉】的核心,是可以进行融合的,但是,这却是绝对不允许发生的。 These two core Smartbrain, have excellently nature, if fuses, might have the unpredictable change, this is not the aspect that Gem Country people are willing to see. 这两个核心智脑,有着极好的相性,如果融合的话,很可能会出现难以预料的变化,这不是宝石之国的人们愿意看到的局面。 These two's core fusion, may the wisdom of birth life, this very dangerous......” “这两者的核心融合,或许会诞生生灵的智慧,这非常危险……” Cannot make Mechanical Throne experiment the disaster of body to happen again......” “不能让机械王座实验体的灾难再次发生……” Must cease this situation......” “要杜绝这一情况……” An intermittent words sound transmits, Lin Chuan only thinks that some head painfully swollens, in the eyeball design released cool aura at this time, the picture in mind, the sound vanish. 一阵阵的话语声传来,林川只觉脑袋有些胀痛,这时眼球图案中释放出一股清凉的气息,脑海中的画面,声音都消失了。 Bang...... 砰…… Lin Chuan change, gradually starts to subside, the brilliance of energy column thorough is also dim...... 林川身上的变化,逐渐开始平息,能量柱的光辉也彻底黯淡下来…… The afterward half of the day, people's static waiting here, is observing the change of Lin Chuan. 随后的半天,众人静静的等待在这里,观察着林川的变化。 In this half of the day, the astonishment of group has not stopped, looks at Lin Chuan heart origin power like this, increases sixth boundary from fifth boundary, as if no boundary wall to bond to be the same, stopped to sixth boundary Sixth Stage. 这半天里,一行人的惊愕就没停下过,就这样看着林川心元力,从五境攀升到六境,仿佛没有境界壁障一样,一直到六境六段才停了下来。 This is only the change in heart origin power aspect, Lin Chuan Mental Energy, the changes in other aspects, is frightening...... 这只是心元力方面的变化,林川精神能量,还有其他方面的变化,也是让人心惊…… I feel......, after Mister Chuan regains consciousness, I good to want not to be victorious he......” the Bayen whisper to say. “我感觉……,川先生苏醒后,我好想打不过他了……”巴尤恩嘀咕道。 Majestic Centaur/troops this saying, brings in Fowler and Tai Gu, Six Arms, as well as despising of his ancestor Man Hua, even before, really said that unshackles to fight, Bayen will not be the Lin Chuan opponent. 雄壮人马这话,引来福勒苔骨,六手,以及其老祖宗蛮华的鄙视,就算之前,真说放开手脚争锋,巴尤恩也不会是林川的对手。 Daggo is also whispering, felt that really must fight, Lin Chuan does not use Mechanical Arm even, Mechanical Bee these methods, still not necessarily is his opponent. 达角也在嘀咕,感觉真要交手,林川就算不动用机械臂,机械蜂那些手段,也未必是其对手。 Man Hua is narrowing the eye, he nods with a smile, this boy was about to awake.” 蛮华则是眯着眼睛,他笑着点头,“这小子快醒了。” Saying, the Centaur Race old man remove the Heart Origin barrier, Lin Chuan moved, revived. 说着,人马族老者撤掉了心元屏障,林川动弹了一下,苏醒过来。 This is......” “这是……” Lin Chuan turns the head, the footsteps moved, actually lives suddenly, he feels body each aspect, had many marvelous changes. 林川转头,脚步动弹了一下,却是忽然顿住,他感受到身体各个方面,都产生了许许多多奇妙的变化。 The short half of the day, to him, as if experienced very long time, the magnanimous information that all sorts of strengths of his within the body, in the mind are many, regarding the thing brand-new feeling, has to plant just like the feeling of another era...... 短短的半天,对他来说,仿佛是经历了很久的时间,他体内的种种力量,脑海中多出的海量信息,还有对于外界事物全新的感受,有种宛如隔世之感…… ...... 呼…… Deeply inspires, the three strengths in within the body are revolving compatibly, in the slender body, contains the explosion physical body strength. 深吸口气,体内的三股力量并行不悖的运转着,修长的身体里,蕴含着爆炸般的肉体力量。 Also Seventh Equipment, Similar to part of body, Lin Chuan felt that can play this equipment complete might. 还有【第七武装】,就如同身体的一部分,林川感觉能够发挥这件武装的全部威力。 This feeling, compared with it initially, first acquisition Seventh Equipment But when also is more intense time. 这种感觉,比之当初,第一次获得【第七武装】时,还要强烈许多倍。 That type, all perform in the unique feeling of grasping...... 那种,一切尽在掌握的超脱感…… Immediately, the Lin Chuan brow slightly wrinkle, he feels the change of state of mind, the temper of since always having restrained, returns to normal rapidly this change. 随即,林川眉头微皱,他感受到心境的变化,一贯以来克制的性子,将这种变化迅速平复下来。 Sorry. everyone, making you wait for a long time......” Lin Chuan to nod the head said. “抱歉。诸位,让你们久等了……”林川颔首说道。 passes passes...... 噗通噗通…… Ice Snake King and Flame Mouse actually fall down, body trembling, resembled saw the incomparably frightened thing. 冰蛇之王焰鼠却瘫倒在地,身体一个劲的瑟瑟发抖,似是见到了无比恐惧的东西。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan cries out in the one side, rubbed the head with the claw, hints Lin Chuan, his forehead eyeball design was too fearful, it has been used to it, a little cannot endure, do not say Ice Snake King, Flame Mouse such beasts. 蓝小喵在一旁叫唤一声,用爪子揉了揉脑袋,示意林川,他额头的眼球图案太可怕了,它都已经习惯了,还是有点吃不消,就更不要说冰蛇之王,焰鼠这样的兽类。 Lin Chuan is startled, did the heart say the forehead eyeball design? 林川一怔,心道额头的眼球图案怎么了? next moment, in his mind appeared the forehead eyeball design, unexpectedly before had the enormous change...... 下一刻,他脑海中浮现了额头的眼球图案,竟是与之前发生了极大的变化……
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