TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#531: The other side comes

The blood wind gets up, mixes up with the rainwater, is flooding air/Qi of one share strong murdering...... 鲜血飙起,与雨水混在一起,充斥着一股子浓烈的杀伐之气…… Such scene, regarding Zhong Wangsi, is not anything, as the Northern Land talent second to none, from young, often experiences such fighting. 这样的场面,对于钟王寺来说,并不算什么,身为北地首屈一指的天才,从年少时,就时常经历这样的战斗 But, oneself face such hopeless situation, actually first time...... 可是,自身面临这样的绝境,却还是第一次…… Opposite seventh boundary sword wielder, its blade intent is extremely swift and fierce, just like Killing God, compelled like this. 对面的这个七境刀手,其刀意太过凌厉,如同一尊杀神一样,就这样逼了过来。 Draws back!? 退!? In Zhong Wangsi mind, only then such a thought that he knows that with comprehends seventh boundary blade intent peerless expert like this, the disparity is obvious. 钟王寺脑海中,只有这么一个念头,他知道与这样领悟七境刀意的绝世强者,差距有多么明显。 His heart origin power no doubt arrived at seventh boundary, but, sword intent is actually false seventh boundary. 他的心元力固然到了七境,但是,剑意却是伪七境 His sword intent, is father Noble Descendant Zhong exhausts the painstaking care, will raise seventh boundary, compared with the true seventh boundary sword wielder, differs like the heaven and earth. 他的剑意,是父亲钟王孙耗尽心血,将之生生拔高到七境的,与真正的七境刀手相比,相差如同天壤。 In alley, Zhong Wangsi panic-stricken shouting: Saves me!? Blocks him, blocks him quickly......” 小巷中,钟王寺惊恐的叫嚷起来:“救我!?拦住他,快拦住他……” one by one guard Zhong Family throws, composed the human wall, was actually cut two halves by that three meters long blade one after another. 一个个钟家护卫扑过来,组成了人墙,却又被那把三米长刀一一斩成两半。 Is known as Zhong Wangsi of Northern Land middle generation first talent, on a little skill?” That form coldly said that during the spoken languages was full of the ridicule. “号称北地中生代第一天才的钟王寺,就这么一点本事么?”那身影冷冷说道,言语之间充满了讥讽。 In fact, this form, is Six Arms is very disappointed, originally also thinks that will run into the well-matched opponent, happy battle. 事实上,这身影,也即是六手很失望,本来还以为会遇到旗鼓相当的对手,痛快的交战一场。 Indeed, the conduct of Six Arms is ruthless, stops at nothing, but, the opponent who if can meet the same step, such fighting is worth waiting for very much. 诚然,六手的行事狠辣,无所不用其极,但是,如果能遇到同阶的对手,这样的战斗还是很值得期待的。 After all, his body is special, so long as a non-hit strategic point, were very difficult dead. 毕竟嘛,他的身体特殊,只要不命中身上的一处要害,就很难死去。 Bang...... 轰…… blade light flashes, heavy over ten thousand, cuts the ground is hundred meters, width one meter gully. 刀光一闪,重逾万均,将地面斩出一条长百米,宽一米的沟壑。 The blade light place visited, Zhong Family these experts were rumbled the hashed meat, Zhong Wangsi rapidness according to the circumstances, tumbles on the ground, evaded this blade. 刀光所过之处,钟家的这些高手都被轰成碎肉,钟王寺见机的快,在地上连滚带爬,才躲过了这一刀。 Finished......” Six Arms wielding the long blade, takes a step to go toward Zhong Wangsi. “结束了……”六手挥动长刀,朝着钟王寺迈步而去。 Suddenly, in the darkness a depressed sound of gunfire resounds, the spear/gun fireworks and firecrackers open together, a diameter half meter light beam rumbled. 突然,黑暗中一声沉闷的枪声响起,一道枪花爆开,直径半米的光柱轰了过来。 The Six Arms figure flashes continually, like the feather, evaded this lithely just like the energy light beam of heavy artillery, turns the head to look to the darkness of distant place, there has a big form to stand and wait for a long time, on the shoulder carries a Energy Crystal artillery. 六手身形连闪,轻盈如羽,躲过了这宛如重炮的能量光束,转头看向远处的黑暗中,那里有一道高大的身影伫立,肩上扛着一门能量结晶炮。 seventh boundary Heavy Gunner?!” The Six Arms tone is dignified. 七境重炮手?!”六手的语气凝重起来。 At this time, in the darkness the light plunders together, a sharp long sword punctured, from the extremely cunning angle, pricks Six Arms within the body. 此时,黑暗中又一道光掠起,一把锋利的长剑刺了过来,从极其刁钻的角度,刺入六手的体内。 True seventh boundary swordsman!?” Six Arms is very surprised. “真正的七境剑手!?”六手很是吃惊。 Has such expert to go into hiding surprised in the one side, is surprised, one's own side does not have to think unexpectedly...... 既是吃惊有这样的高手隐匿在一旁,也是惊讶于,己方这边竟是毫无所觉…… Naturally, one's own side had possibly detected, is only, because of the specialness of his body, has not informed. 当然,也可能己方这边有所察觉,只是,因为他身体的特殊,并没有告知。 Well......, dies the strategic point!?” “咦……,没命中要害!?” In darkness, resounds together the surprised sound, discovered impressively, pricks the sword of Six Arms within the body, was gripped by anything, cannot pull out unexpectedly. 黑暗中,也响起一道惊疑之声,赫然发现,刺入六手体内的剑,被什么东西夹住了,竟是拔不出来。 Bang! 砰! A long blade show/unfolds, cuts toward the darkness, that seventh boundary swordsman drinks fiercely greatly: Explodes!” 长刀一展,朝着黑暗中斩去,那七境剑手猛地大喝:“爆!” The long sword explodes, inside has a high capacity bomb unexpectedly, blows off directly Six Arms. 长剑爆裂开来,里面竟是有一颗高爆炸弹,直接将六手炸飞出去。 Bang kills him......” “轰杀他……” That seventh boundary swordsman called out strangely, greeting companion, that seventh boundary Heavy Gunner open fire. 七境剑手怪叫道,招呼同伴,那名七境重炮手开炮。 However, not far away, a similarly tall and strong form appears, wields the double fist, the fist potential such as racing thunder, kills directly to seventh boundary Heavy Gunner. 然而,不远处,一个同样魁梧的身影出现,挥动双拳,拳势如奔雷,直接杀向七境重炮手 Another peerless expert?!” “又一个绝世强者?!” That seventh boundary Heavy Gunner one startled, the avoidance, gets up with this tall and strong male dogfight hastily, one fights, actually retrocedes again and again, in the heart was aggrieved. 七境重炮手一惊,连忙躲避,与这魁梧男子缠斗起来,一番交手,却是连连后退,心中憋屈极了。 The tall and strong man of making a move, the strength is the sixth boundary peak, on heart origin power cultivation base, and is inferior to seventh boundary Heavy Gunner. 出手的这魁梧男子,实力是六境巅峰,在心元力修为上,并不如七境重炮手 But, Heavy Gunner has a fatal shortcoming, was close combat too was difficult, the weight of that Energy Crystal artillery, compared favorably with large-scale Floating Vehicle. 可是,重炮手有一个致命的缺点,就是近身战实在太难了,那能量晶体炮的重量,比得上一辆大型悬浮车 Carries such a heavy artillery, oneself speed will fall short greatly, once by person near body, even if the strength plans inferior, will fall into the position that is in a dilemma. 扛着这样一门重炮,自身速度就会大打折扣,一旦被人近身,哪怕是实力逊色一筹的,也会陷入进退维谷的境地。 Let alone, this tall and strong male Tyrant of Lie fist potential, just like the volcanic eruption, is flooding wild, unprecedented fist intent. 何况,这魁梧男子的拳势之霸烈,如同火山喷发一样,充斥着一种狂暴,一往无前的拳意。 This will soon perceive through meditation the indication of seventh boundary fist intent, quasi seventh boundary?! 这是即将参悟七境拳意的征兆,一位准七境?! Facing such opponent, the seventh boundary Heavy Gunner incomparable headache, loudly exclaimed: Helps me quickly!” 面对这样的对手,七境重炮手无比头疼,大吼道:“快来助我!” Witnesses such scene, the Zhong Wangsi corner of the eye combination, clenches teeth in secret, fled toward the inlet of sewer of not far away, wants to run away from here. 目睹这样的情景,钟王寺眼角连跳,暗中一咬牙,朝着不远处的下水道入口窜了过去,想从这里逃走。 Flees to the drainage, smells that share strange stink, Zhong Wangsi is almost smoked to faint, he has the cleanliness/mysophobia, especially most cannot bear to this smell. 窜到下水道口,闻到那股子怪臭味,钟王寺差点被熏得晕过去,他是有洁癖的,尤其对这种气味最是受不了。 However, at this kind of time, maintained life importantly, other was unimportant, Zhong Wangsi without hesitation, lifted the sewer well shutter, the preparation jumps. 不过,在这种时候,保命要紧,其他的都不重要,钟王寺毫不犹豫,掀开下水道井盖,准备跳下去。 Bang! 砰! In the air, resounds one to howl suddenly crazily, in the distant place, resembled to have strong winds to blow. 空气中,忽然响起一阵狂啸,在远处,似是有一股狂风刮了过来。 Has not waited for Zhong Wangsi to respond, he felt an invisible wind wall ground, rumbled to fly him. 尚未等钟王寺反应过来,他就感觉一堵无形的风墙碾了过来,将他轰得飞了出去。 In the midair, he resembles felt, has anything to fly to flee, throws toward him on. 半空中,他似是感到,有什么东西飞窜过来,朝着他身上扑来。 next moment, a thing jumped on him, felt like a volume very small life, but, actually could not see, an intense startled palpitation feeling well uped. 下一刻,一个东西就跳在了他身上,感觉上似乎是一个体积很小的生灵,但是,却是看不到,一股强烈的惊悸感涌上心头。 Zhong Wangsi without hesitation, pressed a button, the body covers entirely the fissure Heart-Origin Equipment, as well as outside clothing, explodes all of a sudden, reveals Inner Armor. 钟王寺不假思索,按动了身上的一个按钮,身上布满裂痕的心元武装,以及外面的衣物,一下子爆裂开来,露出一件内甲 This is incomparably exquisite Heart Origin Protective Suit, just like the underwear, the post wears on the body, this is the thing that Zhong Wangsi maintains life. 这是一具无比精巧的心元防护服,如同内衣一样,贴身穿在身上,这是钟王寺保命的东西。 This Inner Armor starts, bringing Zhong Wangsi to accelerate to fly upside down, finally got rid fled to that thing. 这件内甲启动,带着钟王寺加速倒飞出去,终于摆脱了窜到身上的那个东西。 The split vision of corner of the eye, Zhong Wangsi sees, Six Stars Level Heart Origin Protective Suit that disrupts, was ripped the fragment by the invisible thing. 眼角的余光,钟王寺看到,碎裂开来的六星级心元防护服,被无形的东西撕成了碎片。 this scene, is startled Zhong Wangsi scalp tingles, regarding such enemy, filled deep fear. 这一幕,惊得钟王寺头皮发麻,对于这样的敌人,充满了深深的畏惧。 Ended...... 完了…… A desperate thought that multiplies from the Zhong Wangsi heart, his whole body ice-cold, one's own side had sudden rescue two big seventh boundary expert, originally thought this time can save skin. 一个绝望的念头,从钟王寺心中滋生,他浑身冰冷,己方这边有突然救援的两大七境强者,本以为这次能安然逃脱了。 Actually cannot think, Shi Family such ruthless, sends out so many peerless expert, must drive him to commit suicide. 却是想不到,施家如此之狠,派出这么多绝世强者,要置他于死地。 Shi Hulie, went too far!” 施湖烈,太过分了!” The low and deep sound resounds together, just like the mountain general pressure sweeps across, but , the terrifying pressure is suffocating, both sides that cause the battle retrocedes in abundance. 一道低沉的声音响起,宛如山岳一般的压力席卷而至,恐怖的威压令人窒息,使得交战的双方纷纷后退。 eighth boundary expert?! 八境强者?! Is Noble Descendant Zhong...... 难道是钟王孙…… Was rumbled to fly a moment ago, lay down in the corner, resembling was experiences personally severely wounded Six Arms, the body wriggled slightly, was startled. 刚才被轰飞出去,躺在墙角,似是身受重伤的六手,身体稍稍蠕动了一下,被惊到了。 Six Arms has not actually been injured, he falls to the ground like this, is the preparation has the situation, oneself can play the role of surprise-attack forces, has not actually thought, the situation came mysterious eighth boundary expert unexpectedly. 六手其实没有受伤,他这样倒地,是准备有突发情况,自身能起到奇兵的作用,却是没想到,突发情况竟是来了一名神秘的八境强者 This aura is extremely powerful, lets experts on the scene like by the prey that the fierce tiger stares, all does not dare to act rashly. 这股气息太过强大,让在场的强者们如同被猛虎盯上的猎物,皆是不敢妄动。 Only has eighth boundary expert, has such terrifying imposing manner...... 唯有八境强者,才有这样恐怖的气势…… In the darkness, the form appears together, is the same just like the ghosts and demons, partly visible, does not look clearly. 黑暗中,一道身影浮现,却宛如鬼魅一样,若隐若现,看不真切。 Sees this form, the Zhong Wangsi complexion continually changes, resembled remembered anything, revealing unexpectedly was pleasantly surprised, complexion that also somewhat dreaded. 看到这身影,钟王寺脸色连变,似是想起了什么,露出竟是惊喜,又有些忌惮的脸色。 Whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖…… The seventh boundary swordsman and seventh boundary Heavy Gunner illness/quick draws back, arrives in front of this eighth boundary expert, simultaneously salutes. 七境剑手、七境重炮手疾退,来到这名八境强者面前,齐齐行礼。 Then, seventh boundary Heavy Gunner builds the heavy artillery, aimed at the tall and strong form of not far away, was entangled a moment ago is really aggrieved, now, he wants the life of this fellow. 而后,七境重炮手架起重炮,对准了不远处的魁梧身影,刚才被缠得实是憋屈,现在,他要这家伙的命。 ...... 呼…… The breath surges all at once, making this seventh boundary Heavy Gunner body tremble, the attack that the preparation launches, does not dare to act all of a sudden. 一股气息涌动,让这名七境重炮手身体一颤,准备发动的攻击,一下子不敢出手了。 Another eighth boundary expert?! 又一名八境强者?! The Zhong Wangsi eyelid jumps crazily, he may be too familiar to this aura, this is the Shi Hulie unique aura, entire Shi Family only had Shi Hulie to build this peerless cultivation method. 钟王寺眼皮狂跳,他对这股气息可太熟悉了,这是施湖烈特有的气息,整个施家唯有施湖烈修成了这门绝世功法 everyone rides roughshod in Shihai Mountain City, this bullies our no one? Therefore, naturally must make you experience, Shihai Mountain City is not the place that you so run amuck recklessly......” 诸位施海山城这么横行无忌,这是欺我们无人么?既是如此,自然要让你们见识一下,施海山城并不是你们这般肆意横行的地方……” Front, the vague aura appears together, actually cannot catch the entity, the gentle sound resounds, falls on Zhong Wangsi and the others near the ear, actually filled murderous aura. 前方,一道若有若无的气息浮现,却是捕捉不到实体,柔和的声音响起,落在钟王寺等人耳边,却充满了肃杀之气 Even if this person has not indicated the status, by understanding of Zhong Wangsi Shi Hulie, has believed firmly that this is Old Dog Shi. 即便这人并未表明身份,以钟王寺施湖烈的了解,已经确信这就是施老狗 Is staring in the darkness stubbornly, the direction that sound conveys, Zhong Wangsi clenches jaws in secret, he wants to invite the eighth boundary expert of rescue, acts full power, puts to death Shi Hulie. 死死盯着黑暗中,那道声音传来的方向,钟王寺暗中咬牙切齿,他很想请来救援的这位八境强者,全力出手,将施湖烈诛杀。 However, this is only an idea, an expectation, Zhong Wangsi will not say. 不过,这只是一个想法,一个奢望,钟王寺是不会这么说的。 First, these three big expert that lends a hand to rescue, is not the Zhong Family person, is not the Zhong Family ally, relations between both sides, quite complex. 一是,出手救援的这三大强者,并不是钟家的人,也不是钟家的盟友,双方之间的关系,相当的复杂。 Secondly, by Zhong Wangsi, the understanding these three big expert, these three people for oneself, will not go all out with Shi Hulie. 二来,以钟王寺,对这三大强者的了解,这三人可不会为了自己,与施湖烈拼命。 Hehe......, then, truly was us somewhat offends.” “呵呵……,这么说来,也确实是我们这边有些冒犯了。” That mysterious eighth boundary expert tone changes, without beforehand keeping aloof, said again in a soft voice: I for Zhong Wangsi, apologized to Mister Shi, he has not done what excessive matter. In facing the street, the wind does a while car(riage), might as well consider as finished like this?” 那神秘的八境强者语气一变,再没有之前的高高在上,轻声道:“那我代钟王寺,向施先生道歉,他也并没有做什么过分的事。只是在当街,飙了一会儿车而已,不如就这样算了吧?” In darkness, Shi Hulie silent, then cold sound said: Hope......, Zhong Family Young Lord comes Shihai Mountain City, but to car race......” 黑暗中,“施湖烈”沉默了一下,而后冷声道:“希望……,钟家少主施海山城,只是为了飙车吧……” In a minute, experts in alley draws back cleanly, the rain wash tread, all around is the Zhong Wangsi guard corpse. 片刻,小巷中的强者们退得干干净净,雨水冲刷着地面,四周都是钟王寺的护卫尸体。 Young Mister Zhong Wansi, leaves together, among us might discuss well......” 钟王寺小先生,一起离开吧,咱们之间或许要好好谈一谈……” That mysterious eighth boundary expert walked, offered the invitation with a smile. 那神秘的八境强者走了过来,笑着提出邀请。 The Zhong Wangsi complexion twitches, finally has not said anything, left together, vanishes in the dim rainy night. 钟王寺面色抽搐,最终没有说什么,一起离开了,消失在朦胧的雨夜中。 Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… The one after another form flees, is sweeping clear here rapidly, is only a while time, the cleanness that the battlefield cleans, no trace stays behind. 一道道身影窜动,迅速清扫着这里,只是一会儿工夫,就将战场打扫的干干净净,没有一点痕迹留下。 ...... …… From the alley of fighting accident, is separated by the warehouse in four blocks, Lin Chuan and Daggo, Six Arms, Bayen and the others gather. 距离战斗事发的小巷,相隔四个街区的一个仓库里,林川达角,六手,巴尤恩等人重新聚集在一起。 In the warehouse, Lin Chuan opens a small box, this is Zhong Wangsi carries personal, overruns by Kitty Lan, will snatch. 仓库里,林川打开一个小盒子,这是钟王寺贴身携带的,由蓝小喵冲过去时,将之抢了过来。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan cried out in a soft voice, flexure the furry chin, some taking undeserved credit is raising the head. 蓝小喵轻声叫唤了一声,挠了挠毛茸茸的下巴,有些邀功的昂着脑袋。 Nearby Daggo took a look at one, he is knows that this Little Blue Cat is fierce, this little thing is that seventh boundary Flame Mouse master, does not know that the true strength is fearful. 一旁的达角瞅了一眼,他是知道这小蓝猫厉害的,这小东西是那头七境焰鼠的主人,也不知真正的实力到底有多么可怕。 This attack, is it can be said that perfect, camouflages Shi Family expert, intensifies Zhong Family and Shi Family contradiction, and obtained the thing of wish. 这一场袭击,可以说是非常完美,伪装成施家强者,加剧钟家施家的矛盾,并且也获得了想要的东西。 Naturally, can such perfect implementation plan, except for Daggo, Bayen and Six Arms strength, depends upon Lin Chuan Materialized Mental Energy Camouflages. 当然,能够这么完美的执行计划,除了达角巴尤恩六手本身的实力,也依靠林川的【物化精神能量】进行伪装。 By Materialized Mental Energy Carried on camouflage, opposite party eighth boundary expert, cannot see the clue even. 由【物化精神能量】进行的伪装,对方即便是八境强者,也看不出端倪来。 „Is this safe cabinet key of continent Gnome bank?” “这是大陆地精银行的保险柜钥匙?” Is rifling through the thing in box, what Lin Chuan first sees is a key, the key of continent Gnome bank VIP safe cabinet. 翻着盒子里的东西,林川首先看到的是一枚钥匙,大陆地精银行VIP保险柜的钥匙。 Compares that taking care cabinet that Cromwell leaves behind, the specification of this key naturally missed two, but, belongs is extremely difficult to obtain the qualifications the VIP safe cabinet. 相比克伦威尔留下的那个保管柜,这钥匙的规格自然差了两个档子,但是,也属于极难获得资格的VIP保险柜。 Good thing......, Mister Chuan......” “好东西啊……,川先生……” Six Arms sees this key, blows the whistling all of a sudden, this key falls to other person of hands, perhaps no use. 六手看到这枚钥匙,一下子吹起口哨,这钥匙落到其他人手中,或许没什么用处。 After all, the protective measures of continent Gnome bank, oneself do not arrive to take the thing, wanted to take is too difficult. 毕竟,大陆地精银行的保护措施,本人不到场取东西,想要取走可是太难了。 May arrive in the Lin Chuan hand, that was two matters, this Mechanic Talent not only essence excelled at the Mental Energy secret technique, was skilled in Mechanical Domain, had does not know that many methods can go, and took the thing, left safely. 可到了林川手中,那就是两回事了,这机械天才不仅精擅精神能量的秘术,又精通机械领域,有不知多少种方法能够进去,并取了东西,安然离开。 Receives this key, Lin Chuan reads other things in box, impressively is some secret letter/believes, as well as one pack of top-secret materials. 将这枚钥匙收起来,林川翻看盒子里的其他东西,赫然是一些秘信,以及一叠绝密资料。 Flips at will, Lin Chuan put, said with a smile: This everyone was laborious, can compel other side influence to come, this action is successful.” 随意翻了翻,林川放了下来,笑道:“这一趟诸位辛苦了,能逼得另一方势力现身,这次行动非常成功。” Mysterious Star Empire imperial family!?” 星奥帝国皇室!?” The Bayen double fist grasps creak makes noise, afterward rescued Zhong Wangsi three big expert, perhaps thinks the status keeps secret very much, actually without thinking, is close to the alley time in them, was ambushed in all around Mechanical Bee discovers. 巴尤恩双拳握得咯吱作响,后来救援钟王寺的三大强者,或许自以为身份很保密,却没想到,早在他们接近小巷时候,就被潜伏在四周的机械蜂发现了。 From the monitoring picture, Lin Chuan finds out that eighth boundary expert origin, the Mysterious Star Empire imperial family, the previous imperial palace leader, it is said that has closed up many years, possibly has elapsed, but the imperial family had not announced the death news. 从监控画面中,林川查出那八境强者的来历,星奥帝国皇室,上一任的皇宫头领,据说已经闭关很多年,可能已经逝去,只是皇室一直没有宣布死讯而已。 Has not actually thought, this closes up is only a pretence, previous Mysterious Star Imperial Palace Leader, ambushes unexpectedly in Northern Land. 却是没想到,这闭关只是一个幌子,上一任星奥皇宫头领,竟潜伏在北地 Really, attacked the big brother in the past, has so many disturbances, is Zhong Family, the Mysterious Star Empire imperial family, in Royal City that group of bastards......” “果然,当年袭击大哥,又闹出那么多风波的,就是钟家,星奥帝国皇室,还有王城中那伙混蛋……” Daggo is saying sternly, both eyes are exuding a redness, recalls the past events, the Illusory Flame Ore poison of his within the body also has the trend of outbreak. 达角厉声说着,双目又泛着一丝赤红,回忆起往事,他体内的幻焰矿毒又有发作的趋势。 Must deal with these people, needs to come step by step, after the matter becomes, how you want to cope with them, first calm......” Lin Chuan took a look at one, warned, started in secret slightly Blood Spirit World Lock. “要对付这些人,需要一步步来,等到事成之后,你想怎么对付他们都可以,先冷静一下……”林川瞅了一眼,告诫道,暗中稍稍发动了【血灵世界锁】。 The Daggo figure shakes, is tranquil. 达角身形一抖,平静下来。 These confidential letters, give Die'er to break the code.” Bayen said. “那些密信,交给蝶儿破译吧。”巴尤恩说道。 Lin Chuan nods, takes out the thing in box, the rubbing, destroyed these confidential letters rapidly, the material. 林川点了点头,将盒子里的东西取出,拓印了一遍,迅速销毁那些密信,资料。 Walks......” “走……” Lin Chuan set out, looked at the time, „the branch of recent continent Gnome bank, in Senghamn City, we now on the past, having a look at Zhong Family the Young Lord to keep any good thing.” 林川起身,看了看时间,“最近的大陆地精银行的分行,在圣赫姆城,我们现在就过去,看看钟家的这位少主到底留了什么好东西。” By the Zhong Family family property, the Zhong Wangsi net worth certainly was very rich......” Daggo also to smile, preoccupied the Zhong Wangsi thing, was an interest. “以钟家的家底,钟王寺的身家一定很丰厚……”达角也笑了起来,先取了钟王寺的东西,算是一点利息吧。 kacha! 咔嚓 The ground in warehouse, reveals a channel, this is Madame Die information organization constructs, is secret. 仓库的地面,露出一条通道,这是蝶夫人的情报组织构筑的,非常隐秘。 The group sneak into, the channel closure, resembling is never some people came to be excessively same. 一行人窜入其中,通道关闭,似是从未有人来过一样。
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