TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#528: Starting

Next day, in the morning. 翌日,清晨。 Lin Chuan returned to Shihai Mountain City. 林川回到了施海山城 How to come back as for him, naturally is not the rescue of Shi Family, but is a team that Mechanic organization sends, received the Lin Chuan distress signal, Experiment Base in the remote mountain, found Lin Chuan, and will rescue. 至于他如何回来的,自然不是施家的救援,而是机械师组织派来的一支队伍,收到了林川的求救信号,在深山中一处实验基地,找到了林川,并将之救了出来。 In this period process, had the team coordination of Daggo to perform, naturally hit bustling, that Experiment Base was exploded upside down, Lin Chuan can be out of danger. 期间的过程,有达角的队伍配合演出,自然打得热火朝天,那座实验基地被炸了个底朝天,林川才得以脱险。 The action of this rescue, can seriously on the entire Northern Land headline...... 这营救的行动,当真是能上整个北地的头条…… However, regarding like this fierce exchange of fire, Shihai Mountain City is stirless, involves such battle, the official high level pressed vigorously. 不过,对于这样的激烈交火,施海山城则是毫无动静,牵涉到这样的争斗,官方高层都是极力压了下来。 On the way, Lin Chuan and Shi Di passed words, reported a safe and secure, agrees date that went again, then hung up the communication. 在途中,林川施迪通了个话,报了个平安,约定了再次前去的日期,便挂断了通讯。 Meanwhile, but also with Shihai Mountain City Guard Section guard member, recorded the oral confession on the vehicle, arrived in north area Smelting Plant laboratory, after is two hours . 同时,还与施海山城警备处警备员,在车上录完了口供,抵达北区・熔炼工厂的实验室,已是两小时后。 Mister Chuan. Many thanks your coordination.” 川先生。多谢你的配合。” That guard member gets out, salutes again and again, somewhat feels extremely flattered. 警备员下车,连连行礼,有些受宠若惊。 His originally thought, making Guard Section receive pressure in every way, the Mister Lin Chuan that must search, such big shot is very surely difficult to be intimate with. 本以为,让警备处接到多方的压力,一定要搜查的这位林川先生,这样的大人物必定很难亲近。 Has not actually thought, Lin Chuan except for somewhat desolate, regarding the one by one issue, reply is very exhaustive, without the least bit is perfunctory. 却没想到,林川除了有些冷淡,对于一个个问题,回答的都很详尽,没有半点敷衍。 Works, I have also worked as guard member, good work.” “都是工作,我也当过警备员,辛苦了。” Lin Chuan nods slightly, the vehicle door closes, Floating Vehicle sailed to Smelting Plant. 林川微微颔首,车门关上,悬浮车驶进了熔炼工厂 Nearby Fowler is some surprise, his first hearing, Lin Chuan had once worked as guard member, why such will Mechanic Talent have worked as guard member? 一旁的福勒则是有些诧异,他还是第一次听到,林川曾当过警备员,这样的机械天才为何会当过警备员 Fowler knits the brows the thinking, cannot think through dispute, therefore then exit|to speak inquiry. 福勒皱眉思索,怎么也想不通其中的纠葛,于是便出口询问。 Lin Chuan takes a look at Fowler, has not said anything, this fellow possibly does not think, when oneself the guard member place is White Arrow Port. 林川瞅了瞅福勒,并没有说什么,这家伙可能不会想到,自己警备员的地方是白箭港 White Arrow Port......, that place is really actually good......” 白箭港……,那地方其实真不错……” The Lin Chuan train of thought somewhat is for a while absent-minded, he does not talk clearly, oneself fondly remembers White Arrow Port, fondly remembered once the person who stopped over there. 林川思绪一时有些恍惚,他也说不清,自己是怀念白箭港,还是怀念曾在那里逗留的人。 The complexion moves slightly, Lin Chuan is tranquil, walked from Floating Vehicle, looks at to shutting tightly the laboratory, the brow did not wrinkle the wrinkle voluntarily. 面色微动,林川平静下来,从悬浮车里走了出来,看向紧闭的实验室,眉头不自觉的皱了皱。 From Kitty Lan there, he has understood the process, Daggo sends people to abduct Kilfy, the latter easily cut to kill three big Black Dwarf expert. 蓝小喵那里,他已经了解到经过,达角派人过来掳走琪露菲,后者轻易就斩杀了三大黑矮人强者 The Sword Way strength of this student, is not general wise, had comprehended seventh boundary sword intent. 这个学生的剑道实力,可不是一般的高明,已是领悟了七境剑意 Now, by the Lin Chuan induction force, can detect that Kilfy in laboratory, actually cannot feel the strength of this young girl to fluctuate. 现在,以林川的感应力,能够察觉到琪露菲就在实验室里,却感受不到这少女的力量波动。 This student......” Lin Chuan muttered. “这个学生……”林川喃喃自语。 In earphone, Tai Gu smiled, has different kind meaning, „did Chuan Boy, feel worriedly? This accepts worry after the gifted pupil, such student is more outstanding, when sometimes teacher also more has a headache, this type felt that I understand......” 耳麦中,苔骨笑了起来,有着别样的意味,“川小子,感到苦恼了吧?这就是收下天才学生后的烦恼,这样的学生越出色,有时候当老师的也越头疼,这种感觉我懂……” Initially in Redbud Regiment, the student who Tai Gu taught, but incessantly. 当初在紫荆军团,苔骨教导的学生,可不止一个。 Regiment Commander as Redbud Regiment, the student who he taught not 1000, there are 800. 身为紫荆军团军团长,他教导的学生没有一千,也有八百。 As the teacher, accepts the student of talent, no doubt is a happy matter, but, a talent of student, often also the delegates'conference brings all kinds of troubles. 身为老师,收下天才的学生,固然是一件高兴的事情,但是,一个学生的天才,往往也代表会带来各种各样的麻烦。 Tai Gu at that time, was several times, trouble that to solve the student made, made in a terrible fix. 苔骨当时,可是有好几次,为了解决学生惹下的麻烦,弄得焦头烂额。 These actually good, some studentships are special, is in itself representative troublesome, this most has a headache. 这些其实都还好,有的学生身份特殊,本身就代表着麻烦,这才是最头疼的。 However, such student, Tai Gu also only received two, that two studentships are no doubt special, actually also troubles not. 不过,这样的学生,苔骨也只收了两个,那两个学生身份固然特殊,却也麻烦不到哪里去。 „The studentship of if accepting is most troublesome, perhaps is Continent Madman Cromwell......” Moon Core Suddenly opens the mouth to say. “如果说收下的学生身份最麻烦的,恐怕是大陆狂人克伦威尔吧……”【月核】忽然开口道。 Lin Chuan and Tai Gu stare, have startled, Moon Core How to mention Cromwell suddenly. 林川苔骨都是一愣,有着愕然,【月核】怎么突然提到克伦威尔 ...... 滋滋…… The familiar electric current sound transmits again, Moon Core The sound blurred one , indicating the information defect, needs to restore to obtain a more further material. 熟悉的电流声再次传来,【月核】的声音模糊了一阵,表示信息缺失,需要修复才能获得更进一步的资料。 Lin Chuan shakes the head, no longer manages this disabled person Moon Core, Entered the laboratory. 林川摇了摇头,不再管这个残废的【月核】,走进了实验室。 In the laboratory, Kilfy before the work table, is assembling Heart-Origin Equipment, before her attitude one such as, is equally earnest. 实验室中,琪露菲在工作台前,组装着心元武装,她的态度一如之前一样认真。 The young girls wear the Mechanic long gown, the spacious gown blocks from the beautiful figure, her dedicated facial expression has a intellectuality beauty. 少女穿着机械师长袍,宽大的袍子遮住婀娜的身段,她专注的神情有着一种知性的美丽。 Younger School Sister Kilfy, was really more and more beautiful......” Fowler according to near the gate, said after a sigh. 琪露菲学妹,真是越来越美丽了……”福勒依在门边,感叹道。 Lin Chuan was choked in secret, stares Fowler, before arriving at the work table, inspects above Heart-Origin Equipment. 林川暗中被噎了一下,瞪了眼福勒,走到工作台前,检查上面的心元武装 Compares one day ago, the Kilfy level also had striving, this young girl reality is a talent, rare Mechanic Talent. 相比一天前,琪露菲的水准又有了精进,这少女实是一个天才,不可多得的机械天才 Such student, is worth training......” “这样的学生,还是值得培养的……” Lin Chuan nods secretly, regarding the Kilfy origin, is disinclined to ask, is the mechanical engineering teachers and students, does not need to involve other. 林川暗自点头,对于琪露菲的来历,也懒得多问,彼此之间就是机械专业的师生,不用涉及其他。 At this time, Kilfy assembled Heart Origin Induction Goggles, turned the head to look to Lin Chuan, showed the pleasantly surprised smile: Teacher Chuan. You came back safely, good, I also mobilized the family strength, seeks your whereabouts.” 这时,琪露菲组装完一件心元感应护目镜,转头看向林川,露出惊喜的笑容:“川老师。你安全回来了,太好了,我还发动家族的力量,去寻找你的下落呢。” This matter, involved you, without matter.” “这件事,把你牵涉进来了,没有事吧。” Lin Chuan nods slightly, inspects these Heart-Origin Equipment, while spoke thoughtlessly to ask, „after this matter, Smelting Plant here should be very safe, you did not need to be worried.” 林川微微颔首,一边检查这些心元武装,一边随口问道,“这件事之后,熔炼工厂这边应该很安全,你不用担心了。” Kilfy nods with a smile, looks at the Lin Chuan pupil light, flashed slightly, the red lip moved slightly, resembles wants to say anything. 琪露菲笑着点头,看着林川的眸光,微微闪动了一下,红唇微动,似是想说什么。 Has not waited for her to open the mouth, Lin Chuan is then pointing at each article Heart-Origin Equipment, starts the review good and bad points, and conducts the corresponding direction. 尚未等她开口,林川便指着一件件心元武装,开始点评优缺点,并进行相应的指点。 Among this pair of teachers and students, again without other topics, started in the Fowler hear, incomparably arid Mechanical Domain content. 这一对师生之间,再没有其他话题,又开始了在福勒听来,无比枯燥的机械领域内容。 Oh......” “唉……” Fowler sighed, if he had Mister Chuan such mechanical level, that should good, coordinated his unique charm again, certainly can obtain the Kilfy heart. 福勒叹了口气,如果他有川先生这样的机械水准,那该有多好,再配合他独特的魅力,一定能获得琪露菲的芳心。 Mister Chuan really does not understand! Younger School Sister Kilfy, such woman is world top-grade, missed, is the lifetime regret......” 川先生真的不懂啊!琪露菲学妹,这样的女人是世间极品,错过了,就是一生的遗憾啊……” So sighing, Fowler was walking, closed the door of laboratory gently. 这般感叹着,福勒走了出去,轻轻关上了实验室的门。 In the laboratory corner, Kitty Lan lies there again, was busy at work for night, regarding little fellow, even if the body has the energy of being able to use up, spiritually is very weary. 实验室角落里,蓝小喵再次趴在那里,忙活了一夜,对于小家伙来说,哪怕身体有用不完的精力,精神上还是很疲倦的嘛。 As one meow, must make the best use of the time to catch up on the dormancy, rested one day and one night...... 身为一只喵,一定要抓紧时间补眠,睡个一天一夜…… Squeak squeak squeak......” “吱吱吱……” In Kitty Lan ear, earphone, inside often hears the Big Mouse cry. 蓝小喵耳朵里,也有一个耳麦,里面不时传来鼠大的叫声。 The latter present outside the city, it in broad daylight has not facilitated to enter a city, must slide again secretly to the evening. 后者现在还在城外,大白天的它不方便进城,要到晚上再偷偷溜进来。 From the birth to the present, comes out from Illusory Flame Mine for the first time, outside all things regarding Big Mouse, that fresh, it when previous generation will not feel greasy. 从出生到现在,第一次从幻焰矿山中出来,外面的一切事物对于鼠大来说,都是那么的新鲜,它待上一辈子也不会觉得腻。 However, the only regret, has no way to eat the meat of smell sharp aroma, these animals in Shihai Mountain are live, that flavor was too ordinary, the meat must roast is being delicious. 不过,唯一的遗憾,是没法吃到香气扑鼻的肉食,施海山中的那些动物都是生的,那味道太一般了,肉还是要烤着才好吃。 Is listening to earphone, Big Mouse chatty, Kitty Lan when listens to the lullaby, falling asleep that remains unmoved slightly. 听着耳麦中,鼠大一个劲的叽叽歪歪,蓝小喵就当听催眠曲,丝毫不为所动的睡着了。 One after hour, —— 一小时后—— Lin Chuan stopped, directed some mechanical engineering knowledge nodes, then before the table, opens Light Screen, is busy at work the oneself matter. 林川停了下来,指点了一些机械专业的知识点,便到桌前,打开光屏,忙活自己的事情。 Teacher Chuan......” 川老师……” Kilfy shouted, actually, about my origin, I have not said the complete truth......” 琪露菲喊了一声,“其实,关于我的来历,我并没有说出全部实情……” hearing this, Lin Chuan raised the head, the complexion is tranquil, said: Kilfy, your is family Pangun Family?” 闻言,林川抬起头,面色平静,说道:“琪露菲,你的家族庞恩家族么?” Kilfy stares, nodding, she truly is Pangun Family member, two years must take over next Family Head, are only Pangun Family, are not commercial family are so simple. 琪露菲一愣,点了点头,她确实是庞恩家族的一员,过两年就要接任下任家主,只是庞恩家族,并不是商业家族那么简单。 Saw this young girl also to say anything, Lin Chuan beckons with the hand, said: Before what since you said is the truth, that was OK. You said a teacher, accepts a student, needs to understand her family aspects? This does not receive the successor.” 见这少女还要说什么,林川摆了摆手,道:“既然你之前说的是实情,那就可以了。你说一个老师,收下一个学生,需要了解她的家族的方方面面么?这又不是收传人。” Your future principal work, eventually is not Mechanical Domain, therefore, between you and me, is only the common teachers and students, does not need to think so many.” “你将来的主业,终究不是机械领域,所以,你我之间,只是一般的师生,不需要想那么多。” Furthermore, this matter, instead was I curls you, you do not need to explain so many, yes?” “再者,这件事情,反而是我将你卷了进来,你不需要解释那么多,明白么?” Kilfy gawked staring, such as the jade common face has the fluctuation, then shows the happy smile, deeply salutes, shouted one: Yes! Teacher Chuan.” 琪露菲愣了愣,如玉一般的面庞有着波动,而后露出开心的笑容,深深行礼,喊了一声:“是!川老师。” Lin Chuan has not said anything again, some of his also many things must be done, since the hand had one completely Earth King Equipment, He must study the clear complete structure detail as soon as possible ; first, improves Seventh Equipment, Secondly, is prepares to open that Sealed Territory. 林川没有再说什么,他还有许多事情要做,既然手中有了一具完整的【地王武装】,他要尽快研究清楚全部的构造细节,一是来完善【第七武装】,二来,则是准备开启那处封域 That side Daggo, conducted how does not know, should meet...... Lin Chuan to ponder over to say with Lymira. 达角那边,进行的不知如何,应该和莱弥拉相见了吧……”林川思忖道。 ...... …… Northern Land Shihai Hall. 北地施海馆 In the secret room, a beard and hair half white man, is hugging Lymira, wails there. 密室中,一个须发半白的男子,搂着莱弥拉,在那里嚎啕大哭。 This man is not others, is really Daggo. 这男子不是别人,真是达角 His injury has restored, as for rapidness that such why restores, naturally was Lin Chuan used secret medicine who obtained from Fire Gnome Village Head there, let Daggo in the shortest time, cured the flesh wound. 他身上的伤势已经全部恢复,至于为何恢复的这么快,自然是林川用了从火地精村长那里获得的秘药,让达角在最短的时间内,将外伤治好了。 As for the internal injury, was considered as finished ruthlessly by the Lin Chuan pit, received Big Mouse that heavy beating mercilessly, wants to restore such as beginning, even if there is secret medicine still to need the fortnight. 至于内伤嘛,被林川狠狠坑算了一记,又受了鼠大那么重的毒打,想要恢复如初,就算有秘药也需要十天半月。 Great uncle, great uncle......” “叔公,二叔公……” Lymira is also weeping bitterly, from Village Head Leeman there, knew that her direct line members of the same family died, now sees Daggo suddenly, and after confirming the status, how the young girl can bear. 莱弥拉也在痛哭,从力门村长那里,得知她直系亲族都死完了,现在骤然见到达角,并确认身份后,少女如何能忍得住。 Lymira, you grew up well, your looks and big brother really look like very much......” 莱弥拉,你长大了就好,你长得和大哥真的很像……” Daggo also sheds bitter tears, for these years vowed to take revenge, has not managed the news in family/home again, all extinguished until the big brother Lindon members of the same family, crazy he all of a sudden sober, hurried back to Northern Land Royal City rapidly, actually only saw stretch of ruins. 达角也是痛哭流涕,这么多年来矢志复仇,再也没有管过家中的消息,直到大哥灵盾的亲族全灭,疯狂的他才一下子清醒,飞速赶回北地王城,却只见到一片废墟。 After that his condition was crazier...... 那之后,他的状况才更加疯狂了…… Now, sees Lymira again, many years have not had again the tender feeling, well ups again, Daggo recollection these years actions, feel regret extremely. 如今,再次见到莱弥拉,多少年再没有过的温情,再次涌上心头,达角回忆这么多年来的所作所为,感到万分的懊悔。 Revenges no doubt must report, but, has not actually cared about the big brother Lindon members of the same family, this is his big error! 报仇固然是要报的,但是,却没有顾及到大哥灵盾的亲族,这是他的大过失! Scratched the Lymira crying flower small face, Daggo guaranteed saying: Lymira, you could rest assured that so long as the great uncle I, you later in this world, no one can bully you.” 擦了擦莱弥拉哭花的小脸,达角保证道:“莱弥拉,你放心,只要二叔公我在,你以后在这世上,就再也没人能欺负到你。” Nearby, Bayen, Lowden and the others the body shakes, is reveals the color of shock, the aura that the Daggo body exposes, is really extremely fearful, even if resembles is somewhat impractical, but, makes sixth boundary expert on the scene feel the greatest constriction. 一旁,巴尤恩老艾丹等人身躯一抖,皆是露出震撼之色,达角身上展露的气息,着实是太过可怕,哪怕似是有些虚浮,但是,也让在场的六境强者感到莫大的压迫感。 Lymira the great uncle, seems like eighth boundary expert...... 莱弥拉的这位二叔公,似乎是八境强者…… The people on the scene exchange the look, has shocking, the origin about this Daggo, Lin Chuan said, helps one another because of it, can escape smoothly, then has not disclosed other news. 在场众人交换眼神,都是有着震惊,关于这位达角的来历,林川只是说,是因其相助,才能顺利逃出,便没有透露其他消息。 Actually cannot think, this Mister Daggo strength, unexpectedly so fearful...... 却是想不到,这位达角先生的实力,竟是如此的可怕…… Uncle Daggo, I am Centaur Race Bayen.” Bayen sets out to salute, sinking sound said. 达角大叔,我是人马族巴尤恩。”巴尤恩起身行礼,沉声道。 Daggo patted the head of Lymira, feels attached to it very much, looks up to Bayen, is the vision sinks to congeal, does not get angry, but prestige. 达角拍了拍莱弥拉的脑袋,对其很是爱怜,一抬头看向巴尤恩,则是目光沉凝,不怒而威。 Sees that one group on the scene have a scare, Lowden and Howya are the become shrewd with age old fogies, naturally looks, Daggo is eighth boundary expert is not so only simple, such impressive and dignified manner for a long time grasps the life and death power high-rank, is accumulating over a long period of time to train. 见状,在场一行人都吓了一跳,老艾丹海乌亚都是年老成精的老家伙,自然是看出来,达角不仅是八境强者那么简单,这样的威仪可是久握生死大权的上位者,在日积月累中才能培养出来的。 Bayen, I know you, Mister Chuan this time to Northern Land, because of your matter......” 巴尤恩,我知道你,川先生此次到北地,就是因为你的事情……” The Daggo slight nod, the organization expression, the preparation the past matter, one after another will say listens in secret to this Centaur Race unlucky head of the clan second son...... 达角微微点头,暗中组织措辞,准备将当年的事情,一一说给这人马族倒霉的族长二儿子听……
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