TPIOSBHTC :: Volume #13

#1283: The miracle, stretches across the Eastern Territory Murdering Immortal sword river

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Sword light, all my landscape. 剑光所过,皆我江山。 Zheng Tuo indeed projects now, is unable to use Divine Ability, is unable to use magical treasure, only has the mouth to escape. 郑拓如今的确是投影,无法使用神通,无法使用法宝,仅有嘴遁而已。 But his Murdering Immortal flying sword can the long-distance fixed attack, but some slightly delays. 但他的弑仙飞剑是可以远程锁定攻击的,只不过稍稍有些延迟而已。 Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Flying sword everywhere, sweeps across, kills to south Territory Alliance great array. 飞剑漫天,席卷而下,杀向南域联盟大阵所在。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The Murdering Immortal flying sword lethality is astonishing, the fusion has various powerful spirit mark, at this moment under erupts, shakes southern territory eight step formation. 弑仙飞剑杀伤力惊人,融合有各种强大灵纹,此刻爆发之下,撼动南域八阶阵法 Is impossible!” “不可能!” The eagle sovereign is astonished! 鹰皇惊愕! This is solemn eight step formation, although is based on formation plate formation that establishes, but is not the extent that simply is shaken. 这可是堂堂八阶阵法,虽然是以阵盘为基础建立的阵法,但也不至于如此简单就被撼动。 Here is cultivation world, nothing is impossible!” “这里是修仙界,没有什么是不可能的!” The Zheng Tuo face belt/bring cries to smile the mask, shoulders both hands, the whole body is sending out the black ray. 郑拓脸带哭笑面具,背负双手,周身散发着黑色的光芒。 He such as the king who goes out of the darkness, is sending out the invisible pressure, covers at the scene. 他如从黑暗之中走出的君王般,散发着无形威压,笼罩当场。 The legend does not have the surface, this name besides legendary, but also is representative ruthlessly spicy brutal. 传奇无面,这个名字除了传奇性外,还代表着狠辣无情。 No matter what who knows that his method fearful, are many cruelly, is brutal. 任谁都知道他的手段有多可怕,多出残忍,多无情。 Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… The Murdering Immortal flying sword belt is wiping the dense/woods coldly with renouncing, kills across the sky just like the intercontinental ballistic missile, shells accurate above front eight step formation. 弑仙飞剑带着一抹森寒与决绝,宛若洲际导弹般横空杀来,准确无误轰击在面前八阶阵法之上。 And attacking of this Murdering Immortal flying sword kills very tasteful. 且这弑仙飞剑的攻杀非常讲究。 They can lock these Array Arranger positions. 他们能够锁定那些布阵者的位置。 Jiang Jia qun king, Qin Jia qun king, is the monster sovereign palace group monster. 无论是姜家群王,秦家群王,还是妖皇殿群妖。 Their aura and strengths had once been caught by Zheng Tuo. 他们所有人的气息与力量都曾被郑拓捕捉过。 Therefore. 所以。 Now the Murdering Immortal flying sword basis so information kills, attacks accurate in the group king is , the hit group king shivers, nearly is hard to resist. 如今弑仙飞剑根据如此信息杀来,准确无误攻击在群王所在,打的群王颤抖,近乎难以招架。 The might of obviously this Murdering Immortal flying sword wins a yet higher goal, compared with previous use more powerful several times. 明显这弑仙飞剑的威力更胜一层楼,比上次使用更加强大数倍。 Bastard, is you!” “混蛋,原来是你!” The ginger large sound cursed, the whole person nearly violent walked. 姜斗大声咒骂,整个人近乎暴走。 He recognized this Murdering Immortal flying sword. 他认出了这弑仙飞剑。 In the past. 当年。 His unfathomable mystery is not known where from kills the flying sword attack that. 莫名其妙被不知道从什么地方杀来的飞剑攻击。 These years, that flying sword will also act to him occasionally, making him be miserable beyond description, the nerve time maintains ties tight. 这些年,那飞剑偶尔还会对他出手,让他苦不堪言,神经时刻保持紧绷。 Today saw that this flying sword kills, immediately makes him understand, originally all these do not have the ghost who surface fellow does. 今日看到这飞剑杀来,顿时让他明白,原来这一切都是无面这家伙搞的鬼。 Said regarding Jiang fight, Zheng Tuo has not paid attention. 对于姜斗所言,郑拓没有理会。 Now his existence of this rank, already does not need to pay attention to the ginger to fight this goods, because of this to him, is not meaningful. 如今他这种级别的存在,已经不需要理会姜斗这种货色,因为这对他来说,没有任何意义。 Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… The Murdering Immortal flying sword with does not ask for money to kill same. 弑仙飞剑跟不要钱一样杀来。 Looks from afar, forms a Murdering Immortal sword river above the Eastern Territory sky unexpectedly. 远远看去,竟在东域的天空之上形成一条弑仙剑河。 The Murdering Immortal sword river is colorful, mysterious, especially during this night, stretches across entire Eastern Territory, making innumerable cultivator raise the head, astonished is looking at so one. 弑仙剑河五彩斑斓,玄妙非常,特别是在这夜晚之中,横跨整个东域,让无数修仙者抬头,惊愕的望着如此一幕。 Whose Great Divine Ability this is, stretches across entire Eastern Territory unexpectedly, this is extremely also extraordinary!” “这是谁的大神通,竟然横跨整个东域,这也太过非凡!” Is the legend does not have the surface aura, this legend does not make an appearance for a long time, but acts is so the great writer......” “是传奇无面的气息,这位传奇许久不露面,但出手便是如此大手笔……” What is this? Did I see the miracle?” “这是什么?我看到了神迹吗?” Big Eastern Territory. 诺大东域 In wooded mountains, by river, in sect, wilderness...... 山林间,大河旁,宗门中,旷野处…… Innumerable cultivator raise the head, looks at that to cross the entire Eastern Territory Murdering Immortal sword river, felt the miracle to appear in front of oneself. 无数修仙者抬头,望着那越过整个东域弑仙剑河,感受到了神迹出现在自己面前。 This life can see so the miracle, the foot, is enough. 今生能见如此神迹,足矣,足以。 Snort!” “哼!” Eagle sovereign cold snort/hum makes noise. 鹰皇冷哼出声。 I do not know that you are showing off anything, does such big ostentation, does not really think that can only one's effort block the footsteps of my south territory alliance.” “我不知道你在炫耀着什么,搞出这么大排场,不会真以为能单凭一己之力拦住我南域联盟的脚步吧。” The eagle sovereign acts directly, makes several gray lights, tries to stop the Murdering Immortal flying sword to kill. 鹰皇直接出手,打出数道灰光,试图阻拦弑仙飞剑杀来。 Doing. 奈何。 This Murdering Immortal flying sword are getting more and more, are getting more and more, with does not ask for money, blots out the sky, continuous, howls to kill. 弑仙飞剑越来越多,越来越多,跟不要钱一样,铺天盖地,连绵不绝,呼啸着杀来。 Zheng Tuo acts, must whole-heartedly, let alone saves the oneself wife. 郑拓出手,必全力以赴,何况是救自己媳妇。 The Murdering Immortal sword river across the sky, the domineering kills, shells above eight step formation. 弑仙剑河横空,强势杀来,轰击在八阶阵法之上。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Facing so attacks. 面对如此冲击。 Even if the eagle sovereign can resist part of Murdering Immortal flying swords to attack to kill, but is still not able to prevent completely. 鹰皇纵然能够抵挡一部分弑仙飞剑攻杀,但仍旧无法全部阻挡。 Silver fox, works!” “银狐,做点事!” The eagle sovereign is helpless, shouts the silver fox, calling him to act. 鹰皇无奈,呼喊银狐,叫其出手。 The silver fox sees this, can only stimulate to movement eight step formation to protect oneself immediately. 银狐见此,只能立刻催动八阶阵法自我保护。 Buzz! 嗡! Eight levels of formation after all are eight step formation, at this moment stimulated to movement, immediately had the tyrannical defense to appear, blocks attacking of Murdering Immortal flying sword to kill. 八级阵法毕竟是八阶阵法,此刻被催动,当即有强横防御出现,挡住了弑仙飞剑的攻杀。 Does not have the surface, your hard strength is eventually limited, wanting only one's effort to eradicate eight step formation, you are unqualified.” “无面,你的硬实力终究有限,想要单凭一己之力破除八阶阵法,你还不够资格。” The silver fox coldly looks to Zheng Tuo, in the spoken language has the contempt. 银狐冷冷的看向郑拓,言语中多有轻视。 Eight levels of formation correspond legend level expert in cultivation world. 八级阵法对应修仙界中的传说级强者 To hit to explode eight step formation, only if the strength of opposite party is the legend level level. 想要打爆八阶阵法,除非对方的力量达到传说级层次。 Obviously. 很显然。 As true legend level expert, he can feel that this does not have attacking of surface to kill very strongly, but is far from the situation of reaching the legend level. 作为真正的传说级强者,他能够感觉到这无面的攻杀很强,但远远没有达到传说级的地步。 „Am I unqualified? Right?” “我不够资格?是吗?” Zheng Tuo is unhurried, was still saying leisurely. 郑拓丝毫不慌,仍旧慢条斯理的说着。 In fact. 实际上。 His anything at this moment did not do. 此刻的他什么也做不了。 His only projection, is unable to attack merely, is unable to defend, is unable to use the projections of various methods. 他仅仅只是投影,无法攻击,无法防御,无法使用各种手段的投影而已。 However at this moment, because of his attack, making these eight step formation south territory great array start to defend, thus had the opportunity of panting for breath to demon small seven Mo Jiu and the others. 但是此刻,因为他的攻击,让这八阶阵法南域大阵开始防御,从而给魔小七魔九等人得到了喘息的机会。 Sonorous...... 铿锵…… Sonorous...... 铿锵…… Sonorous...... 铿锵…… Demon small seven with Mo Jiu, but the two have not been idling. 魔小七与魔九,二者可是没有闲着。 Their two grasps the sickle of god demon, grasps the demon blade, all changes into the true demon shape, the firepower full, attacks to turn over to give two's coordinates unreliably. 他们二者一个手持神魔之镰,一个手持魔刀,皆化为真魔形态,火力全开,攻打归玄给予二者的坐标。 That coordinates is to lead to the entrance of demon territory. 那坐标就是通往魔域的入口。 Opens the entrance, they then can return to the demon territory. 打开入口,他们便是能够回归魔域。 In the demon territory, by crouches/submits Modao second shape Demon Sovereign true body enforcement all Demon Race, legend level expert does not dare to visit to the demon territory even. 在魔域之中,以伏魔岛第二形态魔皇真身加持所有魔族,就算是传说级强者也不敢踏足魔域之中。 Why this is also south territory alliance must the entrance seal, must cut the reason that kills in Eastern Territory their six Demon King. 这也是为何南域联盟要将入口封印,要在东域将他们六魔王斩杀的原因。 crouches/submits Modao only has the Demon Sovereign bloodlines to stimulate to movement, and needs incessantly a Demon Sovereign bloodlines participation. 那伏魔岛只有魔皇血脉能够催动,且需要不止一位魔皇血脉参与。 Gets rid of six Demon King at this moment, that Demon Sovereign true body will not be being been activating inevitably. 干掉此刻的六尊魔王,那魔皇真身必然不会在被激活。 Clang clang clang...... 铛铛铛…… Clang clang clang...... 铛铛铛…… Clang clang clang...... 铛铛铛…… The demon small seven really played the life with Mo Jiu, the firepower full, does not have any retains, uses the full power, the potential must break the seal, opens the entrance to demon territory. 魔小七与魔九真是玩了性命,火力全开,没有任何保留,倾尽全力,势要打破封印,打开通往魔域的入口。 Really is the hard to deal with fellows!” “真是难缠的家伙们啊!” The silver fox sees this, in the heart many are somewhat helpless. 银狐见此,心中多少有些无奈。 south Territory Alliance so plans, threatens to kill, is so long has not taken Demon Race, this it decided on the major problem critical. 南域联盟如此计划,气势汹汹杀来,却这么久也没有拿下魔族,这其中肯定出了大问题。 The silver fox vision is profound, is looking at so one. 银狐目光深邃,望着如此一幕。 The issue should present body of body. 问题应该就出现道身的身上 The the disparity of body and main body is huge. 道身与本体的差距非常巨大。 Especially Jiang king Jidao the body, because of the beforehand fight, Jiang king level say/way body loses quite seriously. 特别是姜家的王级道身,因为之前的战斗,姜家王级的道身损失相当严重。 Now although being correct body comes to enter the war, but overall strength already is well below to be from the beginning powerful. 如今虽有道身前来参战,但整体实力已经远远不如一开始般强大。 Otherwise does not have surface Murdering Immortal sword river facing this, how his eight step formation were possibly so easily suppressed. 不然面对这无面的弑仙剑河,他的八阶阵法怎么可能如此轻易被压制。 But...... 但…… Does not have the surface, you want so easily then to help Demon Race pass this tribulation, you also looked down on the method of my south territory alliance. 无面,你想如此轻易便帮魔族度过这一劫,那你也太小瞧我南域联盟的手段了。这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎最新章节地址: : 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎全文阅读地址: 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎txt下载地址: 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎手机阅读: ( Chapter 1283 miracle, stretches across the Eastern Territory Murdering Immortal sword river) 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1283章神迹,横跨东域弑仙剑河)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!( 喜欢《这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!(
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