TFO :: Volume #9

#873: Passing unimpeded

With sound that P5092 and the others met, Ren Xiaosu calm reads the newspaper, the one side adjutant heart said that you also too originally ripe, this military secret you also listen casually, won't avoid? 伴随着p5092等人开会的声音,任小粟淡定的看起报纸来,一旁副官心说你也太自来熟了吧,这军事机密你也随便听的吗,难道不会自己回避一下? However he remembered P5092 saying that wanted the incite defection matter, shut up has not spoken. 然而他想起p5092说要策反的事情,也就闭嘴没有说话。 Ren Xiaosu reads the newspaper, before the Hope Media newspaper was 16 editions, finally the present content has expanded 24 editions temporarily, including 8 editions were to tell the matter of war, for reported this war comprehensively. 任小粟看着报纸,以前希望传媒的报纸是16版,结果现在的内容已经临时扩充到了24版,其中有八版都是讲述战争之事,为的就是全面报道这场战争。 Those who make Ren Xiaosu somewhat accidental/surprised is, in the newspaper actually said that 178 fort also send the army to arrive at Central Plains, it is expected that 7 days later arrives, and 178 Commander fort Zhang Jinglin had held the teleconference with Wang Shengzhi, both sides made the common combat plan. 任小粟有些意外的是,报纸上竟然说178要塞也派部队来到中原,预计七天之后抵达,并且178要塞司令张景林已经与王圣知开了电话会议,双方制定了共同的作战计划。 In this news, Ren Xiaosu saw the brigade commander Zhang Xiaoman name startled, he whispered secretly, this Zhang Xiaoman promotion was also very quick, did this turn into the brigade commander? 在这条新闻上,任小粟愕然看到了旅长张小满的名字,他心里暗自嘀咕,这张小满升官也忒快了吧,这就变成旅长了? However the barbarian may not have is so good to cope, does not know that this northwest army does have the good countermeasure? To be honest, Ren Xiaosu a little wants to leave Pyro to go to and 178 fort convergence. 不过蛮子可没那么好对付啊,也不知道这支西北的部队有没有好的对策?说实话,任小粟都有点想离开火种去和178要塞汇合了。 Battles with Pyro together, where has with the happiness that the northwest brothers battle together. 火种一起作战,哪有跟西北的兄弟们一起作战来的痛快。 Ren Xiaosu sets out to leave, he greets with meeting P5092: Walked.” 任小粟起身离开,他跟正在开会的p5092打了个招呼:“走了啊。” Saying that P5092 smiles: often/common to come sits.” p5092笑眯眯的说道:“常来坐啊。” This optional greeting, has an old friend in the noodle restaurant that often goes, with stance that Boss said goodbye to...... 这一声随意的招呼,颇有种老友在常去的面馆里,与老板告别的姿态…… When leaves after Ren Xiaosu, the adjutant cannot bear say: Senior official, why you regard as important this boy.” 待到任小粟离开之后,副官忍不住说道:“长官,您为啥这么看重这小子啊。” Continues to meet,” P5092 said calm: Now incite defection his plan in my opinion is very necessary, the third division lacks the high-end individual combat capability, we cannot always depend upon these special forces, I have applied for the headquarters to send t5 to come to me, but the issue is the principal force has so many, everyone is applying.” “继续开会,”p5092淡定说道:“现在策反他的计划在我看来是非常有必要的,第三师缺乏高端的个体战斗能力,咱们总不能老依靠那些特种部队吧,我已经申请总部给我派t5过来了,但问题是主力部队有那么多,大家都在申请。” Now this time changed, P5092 as a Officer advanced who has the war wisdom, naturally knows the high-end strength in group battles can also play the enormous role, therefore so urgent wants incite defection Ren Xiaosu. 如今这个时代变了,p5092作为一个有战争智慧的高级军官,自然知道高端战力在集团式作战里也可以发挥极大的作用,所以才会如此迫切的想要策反任小粟 But he is in front of Ren Xiaosu to meet, is thinking, even if the present does not have incite defection to succeed, if really hit Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin goes to the go it alone, still knows that at least the Pyro preparation did do. 而他当着任小粟的面开会,也是想着就算现在没有策反成功,万一真打起来了任小粟杨小槿去单独行动,也起码知道火种准备干什么。 This war a little good does not need to be worried about the spy, at least the barbarian did not have the time evolution spy. 这场战争有一点好的就是不用担心间谍,起码蛮子没时间发展间谍了。 Ren Xiaosu walks on returning to the road in field hospital, he whispered low voice with Yang Xiaojin: „Do you look at this P5092 to my attitude is a little strange?” 任小粟走在回野战医院的路上,他小声跟杨小槿嘀咕道:“你看这个p5092对我的态度是不是有点奇怪?” Looked,” Yang Xiaojin saying calmly: Officer even/including formulates the conference of combat plan to make you audit, this must say that not strange is impossible.” “看出来了,”杨小槿若无其事的说道:“连军官制定作战计划的会议都能让你旁听,这要说不奇怪是不可能的。” Moreover he also proved to give me the military officer of p5 rank, permitted me the free difference in the military compound,” Ren Xiaosu continued to whisper. “而且他还把p5级别的军官证给我了,允许我在军营里自由出入,”任小粟继续嘀咕。 What do you actually want to say?” Yang Xiaojin raised an eyebrow. “你到底想说啥?”杨小槿挑挑眉毛 Ren Xiaosu ponder moment: „Can he likes me? This is not good, finds the opportunity I to tell him, person who I have liking.” 任小粟沉思片刻:“他会不会是喜欢我?这可不行,找机会我得告诉他,我有喜欢的人了。” Yang Xiaojin: „...... Do you think?” 杨小槿:“……你是这么想的?” „, Cracks a joke,” Ren Xiaosu said: I meant, this goods can guess correctly we have helped him in Mt. Dashi and advanced base?” “咳咳,开个玩笑,”任小粟说道:“我是说,这货会不会已经猜到咱俩在大石山和前进基地里帮过他了?” Has this possibility,” Yang Xiaojin said: After all Mt. Dashi that time, we have the advanced base to pick the medicine the matter to have the suspicion.” “有这个可能,”杨小槿说道:“毕竟大石山那次,咱俩出前进基地采药的事情是有嫌疑的。” Therefore, he guessed correctly that we are that two snipers,” Ren Xiaosu nods: Perhaps then he with Wang Yun same guessed correctly that we do come from the northwest?” “所以,他猜到咱俩就是那两个狙击手,”任小粟点点头:“然后他说不定和王蕴一样猜到咱俩来自西北?” Yang Xiaojin knits the brows, cannot rule out this possibility. 杨小槿皱眉,也不能排除这个可能啊。 Ren Xiaosu continues saying: Therefore, he offers the good intentions to us now, permits our free turnover, then also makes us audit the military conference, he possibly thinks...... great prosperity in the northwest?” 任小粟继续说道:“所以,他现在对我们释放善意,允许我们自由进出,然后还让我们旁听军事会议,他可能是想……大兴西北?” It looks like in Ren Xiaosu, if the opposite party guessed correctly their status, then shows the so well-meaning attitude, this looked like saying: incite defection I, quick incite defection I! 任小粟看来,对方如果猜到了他们的身份,然后又表现出如此善意的态度,这就像是在说:策反我,快策反我! Suddenly, in the Ren Xiaosu mind, P5092 has just like turned into one to go to the great prosperity in the northwest good comrade on own initiative. He has not thought completely, the opposite party actually wants in turn incite defection he...... 一时间,在任小粟脑海里,p5092俨然已经变成了一位想要主动去大兴西北的好同志了。他也完全没想过,对方其实是想反过来策反他…… Ren Xiaosu has not thought toward this aspect from the start! 任小粟压根就没往这方面想啊! What he does not know, although P5092 the direction talent is excellent, but truly does not have the Wang Yun that strong memory ability, from a different angle, P5092 is the tactical talent in macroscopic aspect, but the Wang Yun ability is to stress the traces in detail, entirely different. 他不知道的是,p5092虽然指挥天赋过人,但确实没有王蕴那么强的记忆能力,从不同的角度来看,p5092就是宏观方面的战术天才,而王蕴的能力则是侧重细节里的蛛丝马迹,截然不同。 Therefore, P5092 does not know that Ren Xiaosu ownership in northwest, he thinks incite defection Ren Xiaosu purely. 所以,p5092并不知道任小粟归属于西北,他只是单纯想策反任小粟而已。 In the evening returns to the field hospital, finally Ren Xiaosu saw that one group of students gather at the entrance of field hospital, was blocked by a subsidiary operation teams and groups in inside. 晚上回到野战医院,结果任小粟看到一群学生聚集在野战医院的门口,被一支作战班组拦在了里面。 Now these students are assigned the field hospital, while all -out war has not broken out time has some simple medical training, then waited for the war to hit, they were the medical personnel of most foundation, was more responsible simple wound cleaning up and wrap. 如今这些学生都被分配到了野战医院,趁着全面战争还没有爆发的时候接受一些简单的医疗培训,然后等战争打起来了,他们都是最基础的医护人员,负责一些简单的伤口清理和包扎。 Although trained them appears somewhat hasty, but the issue is the present also on this condition, did not have other good way, always being insufficient made them continue to sing and dance in the north frontline. 虽然培训他们显得有些仓促了,可问题是现在也就这条件,没别的好办法,总不至于让他们在北方前线继续载歌载舞吧。 At this time, a Pyro soldier explained loudly: Field hospital has implemented the martial law, everyone cannot leave the field hospital after the 7 : 00 pm, outside is our military compound, the matter military secret, cannot stretch the rules.” 此时,一名火种士兵高声解释道:“野战医院已经实行戒严,各位在晚上7点以后是不能出野战医院的,外面就是我方军营,事涉军事机密,不能通融。” A student shouts: Why to close us in inside, we want to go to the Great Wall to visit.” 一名学生喊道:“凭什么把我们关在里面,我们只是想去长城上参观一下而已啊。” Sorry, is not good,” the Pyro soldier said. “抱歉,不行,”火种士兵说道。 Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin anything had not said that directly entered the field hospital, directly soars their temporary dormitories, some students noticed that they then asked the Pyro soldier: They did not go out, why can their two, we not be good?” 任小粟杨小槿啥也没说就直接进入了野战医院,直奔他们两人的临时宿舍,有学生看到他们便问火种士兵:“他俩不就出去了吗,为什么他们两个可以,我们就不行?” Finally the Pyro soldier said: They are the friends of my third division senior official, but also grasps the black document, if you have the black document, you can also come and go out freely.” 结果火种士兵说道:“他们是我第三师长官的朋友,还手持黑色证件,如果你们也有黑色证件,你们也可以自由出入。” The students are dumbfounded, north that everyone comes to together, how did the youngster become the friend of third division Teacher? Also, that black document is what ghost thing, everyone listens not to hear. 学生们哑口无言,大家都是一起来的北方,那少年怎么就成第三师师长的朋友了?还有,那个黑色证件是什么鬼东西,大家听都没有听说过。 Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin have not paid attention to these, when they return to the tent entrance time, Yang Xiaojin went inside own tent directly, Ren Xiaosu also planned to follow to worm one's way into. 任小粟杨小槿并没有理会这些,等他俩回到帐篷门口的时候,杨小槿直接钻进了自己的帐篷,任小粟也打算跟着钻进去。 Finally saying of Yang Xiaojin turning around faint smile: You enter my tent to do, your tent in side, cannot enter my tent.” 结果杨小槿转身似笑非笑的说道:“你进我帐篷干嘛,你帐篷在旁边呢,不许进我的帐篷。” Ren Xiaosu thinks saying: I have the small black card, they said that this document can pass in and out any place of military compound freely......” 任小粟想了想说道:“我有小黑证啊,他们说有这个证件可以自由进出军营的任何地方……” Yang Xiaojin smiles to stare at him who did not speak, Ren Xiaosu recognized finally instigated, returned to own tent...... 杨小槿笑而不语的盯着他,任小粟最终自己认怂,回了自己的帐篷…… ...... …… Today only has two chapters, the brother-in-law family/home children were born 今天只有两章,大舅子家孩子出生了
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